#that twitter post where someone made fanwork of a rarepair and when they were about to quit
homochihuahua · 5 months
So listen to this!
Have any of you seen the twitter post about the zombie flower rarepair!
I've been contemplating about a similar situation for jaydick. And since we already have an amazing fic of Jay writing Red Hood/Nightwing fics. I had a hard time figuring something until it hit me just now!
Dick and kori spilt up early after Dick leaves his home and base in Gotham.
Just peachy. Exactly what Dick needed after his Dad/mentor "fired" him and had a terrible fall out with him, who didn't hesitate to bring another boy home to take Dick's place and wear his mantle. Bruce carelessly giving him his family legacy.
It's good that Dick made up with Jason. The kid was good and he deserves good things to happen to him.
But Dick now is crestfallen of his break up with Kori. He so pathetically goes on the Internet searching of Nightwing x Starfire stories to read...
Dick discovers that his alias tag is not frequently shipped with Starfire, but rather filled with his other teammates and mostly with speedy... sometimes even with orgies with the whole Titans team.... thats is something for sure.
The fanfiction reading site does cheer him abit, if getting his mind of his horrible break up can count as cheering.
Dick stumbles upon the original characters x Nightwing tag, and there is one recognisable name out in the pages. Prejudice_Against_The_System88, this person has a great fanfiction collection of their original character "Red Cardinal" being romantically shipped with Nightwing. They also have some stories with Robin/Nightwing. Their stories varies but are mostly on in the R rated romantic genre. Their writing is good and promising for someone, who Dick assumes, based on the authors notes, in their high school year.
Dick actually enjoys the Red Cardinal/Nightwing fics mostly on the site. He starts leaving comments for the author. Appreciating their thoughtful writing of his character and their growing maturity of how they are dealing with Red Cardinal's feelings for Nightwing.
To say Dick becomes obsessed with CardinalWing (the ship name, as bestowed by himself upon the author) is an understatement. He becomes Prejudice_Against_The_System88's number one fan. Always commenting and engaging the author in discussion of each story they release, who in turn are so enthusiastic they sometimes slip up information of future chapters or stories they are working on.
Dick lives in a bliss of this hobby for great while. Until the author starts complaining of school tests and how their schedule won't allow them for more posting.
Their posting dwindles gradually until they fully stop for a month.... Dick gets worried that maybe the author is not feeling appreciated enough. ( he had read of that author who held their new chapters hostages In exchange for 50 comment on each chapter or something after all) luckily, his lovely Prejudice are not that kind of person. Still though, Dick miss their presence and making two other accounts to leaves comments just for them won't hurt him in anyway so he does. Maybe the additional engagement would lift them up again.
His two other accounts, does not engage well with the author who had disappeared now for two months.
Dick's real life is not fairing any better too...
He comes back to earth after a long mission in space to find that Jason has been murdered by the Joker and Bruce hadn't even bothered to tell him about that
Dick is devastated by that and his whole team are their by his side trying to comfort him, even poor kori is back by him holding him and being there for him.
Dick is so broken after that he fully immersed himself in his work and completely forgot about his teenage years hobby...
Now I don't know how to continue this?
Maybe Jason suddenly remember his account's password and log in to be blasted with tons of notifications of a time long gone with multiple people engaging all his stories that are left with no reply from him. It would warm his heart a bit but it would also make him so bitter of everything that he had been robbed of.
And would he complete his stories? I think yes!
He'd maybe update his account with a short fic of Red Cardinal coming back from the underworld as gag effect lol, he's not expecting people to interact with his work, especially after all these years. But who knows maybe there is someone out there who awaited his long sought-after return....
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