#that was me and my mom but instead its my story on quotev
pomegranateboba · 2 months
ArTw Incorrect quotes (24)
POV: Summoner is sick
Arcturus: Summoner! I heard you were sick, did you drink lots of water?
Summoner, turning around and revealing multiple stacks of paper and some pens: Arcky look, I wrote 5 chapters of my Spica x Alpheratz slow burn fanfic :D
Arcturus: ...so did you drink lots of water?
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blacknight1230 · 5 years
Second Star to the Right - Chapter 1
Peter Pan Imagine
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This was originally posted on my Quotev account, BlackNight1230. 
Brianna’s POV:
It was late at night and I couldn’t fall asleep. Ever since my parents separated, with my sister and I staying with my mother and moving to London with her, I haven’t been able to stay asleep for very long. My sister, on the other hand, never seemed to leave her room after mom and dad finalized the divorce. I didn’t want to bug my mother with such a petty problem, especially as I was fifteen, so I walked in my pajamas over to Wendy’s room. Wendy Darling was the owner of the house we were currently in, renting it to my mother. She still lives with us, as it was her childhood home, and probably because she was lonely and needed help being taken care of, so it wasn’t really a problem. I enjoyed her living with us, as she was like a grandmother of a sort, always telling me stories about her childhood and even ones she used to tell to her younger brothers. 
I walked up to the door to Wendy’s room, knocking gently on the wooden door. “Who is it?” I heard her croan from inside. “It’s me, Brianna.” I replied. “Come in, my little darling.” I opened the door and strode in, to see Wendy in her bed. Her long white hair falling below her back, wrinkled hands clasping a weathered leather bound book. “Brianna, what are you still doing up?” she asked me. “I couldn’t fall asleep. I was wondering if you could tell me a story in order to help me?” I told her. She smiled and tried to get out of bed. I helped her and fixed her lace nightgown. “Wendy, why do you still wear those nightgowns?” I asked her. “Oh, this. I guess its a force of habit, having worn them as a little girl,” she told me. “Isn’t it annoying, though. I mean doesn’t it get bunched up when you sleep and make you feel cold.” Wendy just chuckled, but ended up coughing. I helped her regain her breath, before we entered my room. I climbed into bed and pulled my sheets up as Wendy sat in a chair next to my bed. “Okay, what story do you want to hear?” Wendy asked when she got comfortable. I thought for a while then said, “Can you tell me about Cinderella and Captain Hook?” She smiled and the story began. 
Wendy began the story, I intensely listening, hanging onto every word. “Cinderella flew through the air, far from all things ugly and ordinary. When she landed at the ball, she found herself most imperatively surrounded by pirates,” she began. “There was Alf Mason, so ugly his mother sold him for a bottle of muscat. Bill Jykes, every inch of him tattooed.” She acted out the story with her hands, fully immersing herself in her story telling. “And cruelest of the all ... Hook!” You jumped a bit as she shouted out the dreaded pirate captain’s name, curving a finger of her right hand to represent the man’s namesake. “Eyes blue as forget-me-nots, save for when he clawed your belly with the iron hook he has, instead for his right hand, at which time ... his eyes turn red,” saying the last part slowly. 
As Wendy continued on with her story, despite greatly enjoying the fantastic tale, my body started to relax, I slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the covers. When Wendy finally finished the story, I was almost asleep, stuck in between sleep and consciousness. Wendy bent down and kissed my forehead, wishing me a goodnight. I quickly fell asleep, but not before seeing a shadow by the window.
Peter's POV:
Yet again, I was outside the Darling house nursery. Well, where the nursery used to be. Now it seemed to belong to a teenage girl I never saw before. Since my adventures in Neverland with Wendy, I seemed to have aged a little from traveling to and from Neverland to the Darling house over the years. Each time, I brought a new Darling girl to Neverland with me, but eventually had to return them home. 
I currently was listening to Wendy tell stories to the new girl. Wendy, now an old lady, was telling the new girl a story about Cinderella fighting Captain Hook. I studied Wendy as the story continued, a frown on my face as I saw how old she had gotten. I could barely recognize her as the brown haired, blue-eyed girl I first brought to Neverland, all those years ago. But the way she enthusiastically told the story and acted it out, was all the prove I needed to see that she was once my Wendy. 
As I listened to the story by the window, Tinkerbell sat on my shoulder and spoke into my ear. “You better not fall for this one, too,” said Tink, voice tinkling like a little bell. I shushed my fairy companion, not wanting to attract attention to us. “Come on, Peter. This one will just break your heart, just like Wendy, Jane, and Moira!” Tink huffed, crossing her tiny arms across her chest. I ignored her, not understanding why she was being this way, when I noticed that Wendy was done with her story. The mysterious girl was falling asleep in her bed yet I still stood outside the window and out of sight, until I was sure she was not awake. 
I cautiously opened the closed window, trying not to make a sound, and flew into the room once it was high enough. Curious by the weird looking possessions, I walked around the room, studying the photos, posters, and other items. After fiddling with several technological gadgets, I made my way over to the side of the girl’s bed. She was sleeping on her back snuggling a teddy bear. 
Looks like she has completely grown up yet, I thought. Maybe it’s possible that she could go to Neverland with me? I studied the young girl's features, entranced by her long lashes that rested on her full cheeks and the way her hair seemed to naturally lay elegantly onto her pillow. I looked a little bit closer and hovered my finger over her lip. In the right hand corner of her mouth, was a hidden kiss. 
The girl suddenly started to stir, causing me to pull my finger back. Before I could step away from the side of the bed, she opened her eyes. Her eyes were chocolate brown, seeming to give her an innocent look, and I couldn’t help but be caught in them. Those chocolate brown eyes widened when she saw me above her. I heard her gasp and I flew to a wall for safety. She quickly sat up in her bed, mouth open in shock.
Before I could do anything, I heard a growl and looked to the door. Standing in the doorway was a huge, black wolfish-looking dog. It had its sharp, white teeth bared. It lunged for me and barked with a deep loud bark. Trying to escape the situation, I flew to the window and almost made my escape, but was pulled back by something. The dog caught my shadow! And it was preventing me from flying away! 
The dog pulled me back and all I could do was put my hands and feet on the window frame, the only thing preventing me from going back into the room and away from the dogs snapping teeth. Suddenly, the window fell shut, cutting my shadow from me. I was sent flying back into the air, like I was stone shot by a slingshot, and I quickly flew up to the roof before anyone could see me. As I tried to regain my breath and stop my heart from beating out of my chest, I heard some yelling and the dog barking. It suddenly stopped shortly after. When I looked back down at the, the girl was in the backyard below, looking around with a flameless light, a flashlight I think it's called. 
The brown haired girl pointed the flashlight up to where I was. I ducked back into the the shadows, cowering for a bit, before shooting off like a comet toward Neverland, Tink faithfully by my side. “Now what are we going to do?” Tink questioned as we flew over the water of Neverland and towards the island. “We’re going to get my shadow back. Tomorrow night.”
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catboyfeli · 5 years
Please tell me those smiley faces mean you are joking about that. Hard to read tone on the net, but I think, and hope, you are kidding to troll the new troll. If not, my worry meter is a little past 50 already but trying to remain calm in case you are kidding. Plz don't do it if you are not in fact kidding. I won't give you the old song and dance + confidence phrases, but I will say they just ain't worth it. Instead imagine them being flamed in the butt by Spyro or ate by a giant Pacman.
hey. sorry for freaking down
my ex friend of six years decided he hates me now because i have the wrong opinions, like yknow shipping incest and all that, and some other drama happened, but honestly just fuck him, thats not what really set me off, it just made it worse. on top of that, at that very moment i got his message, my account on quotev had been disabled and ip banned for no reason
turns out someone found my private rant account and reported me lmao. i said rping rape in private is ok and everyone was pissed. even tho it Literally Is okay and many csa victims use that to cope
they then proceeded to make fun of my stories on ao3 and just. people really love makin fun of depressed autistics that are actively suicidal just bc they have ~weird~ interests. i tag my incest ships for anyone whos uncomfortable with it so it’s hurting literally Nobody. i grew up in a conservative christian as hell family so god forbid i explore my sexuality via harmless fiction. also couldve been an incest victim as a child for all i know since i remember having a dream abt that when i was a kid lol
anyway! i was suicidal as hell, nearly self harmed, was planning on killing myself tonight, contemplated calling someone, but eventually decided to talk to my mom and she talked to me long enough for the mental breakdown to subside.
today has been hell. my bpd has reached its limits for today. i cannot grow any more numb. i need a nap and someone to cry on. thanks for caring btw.
when i feel better im totally writing something more fucked up out of spite. fiction is fiction and y’all are literal dictators getting people’s innocent accounts DELETED for having opinions u don’t like. antis are literally evil confirmed tho.
no hate comments on ao3 so far though. clearly im just too damn good for them to insult B) maybe i write weird shit but im damn good at it. y’all are just jealous i’m not in your fandoms.
yeah that last part is just an act. im dead inside. but im still writing ~bad~ stuff when i feel better out of pure spite.
also hey. lmk if you have any other social media. we should talk more. i might take a break from tumblr bc its Toxic so yeah
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