#that would be a such good element for her to bond with Adriel
juodojimirtis · 1 year
Fuck... I just realized, Ava's orphanage was named St. Michael's. If she were the actual St. Michael, imagine her rage when it clicked. Her prison, where she was tormented, and killed, bore her own name. Imagine her bitterness. Damn, the angst.
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zztophat · 4 years
Discord Chat: The Ritual
SUMMARY: Zatanna, Jesse, and Dean help the angels of New York restore balance to the city with one final, heartbreaking spell. This chat takes place during our last event: Sin City. TRIGGERS: Gore, Angst, Trauma, Pain WRITTEN WITH: @ofwarriors, @babydontpreach, @ofallenangel, @ofgoldenangel, @ofdeans, @celestialsariel, @divinecreaturc
ZATANNA: She didn't want to do this at the shop. Didn't need the memories or the trauma to linger around like a restless ghost. So, she rented a warehouse by the docks and had Michael send the call. There was no going back now. She sighed as she finished drawing the rest of the sigils on the concrete floor. "That should do it. Jesse, how are we coming along with everything else?" she asked as she checked the clock. Timing and moon placement were going to be important. She had a hunter, Dean Winchester, coming in with the final ingredient. She didn't know him well, but she wanted to believe he wouldn't let her down knowing the urgency of her situation. She turned to Michael and Gabriel. "We're almost done with set up," she promised. "Have the others arrived?"
Michael: He finished drawing the sigils on the other side of the room before meeting Zatanna in the middle. He could tell a lot of complicated work went into devising just the right combination of enochian, magi, and voodoo elements into this artwork. "I sent out the call," he nodded to her. "They should be here shortly. Do you have everything that you need?" he asked as he looked at the magician and the priest.
Jesse: Was just finishing up a protection spell, it did little good to use all this magic for something else to go wrong as he looked around ensuring he truly had all the ingredients that would be needed smiling softly "Great, I just read the protection spell which should lock out anything for interrupt your reading, and I've gotten most of the ingredients we needed save for the monster heart and well...the wings" he winced a bit at the words but it needed to be done. 
Gabriel: looked around the warehouse ensuring they hadn't missed anywhere that could result in horribly. He needed something to take his mind off the fact they were all there to not only end this issue but to take Adriel's wings, He'd fought with Michael for days about being the one to do it seeing how Adriel was under his command but Mike outright refused stating he couldn't do it. In truth Mike had been correct Adriel needed someone without hesitation and he was sure Michael could do it where he couldn't. "Yes they should be arriving soon, I've asked Sariel when the deed is happening to watch over Gadreel, It seems they've form some sort of bond during our discussions. Just to ensure that Reel doesn't unintentionally blow up anything of importance"
Dean: When the magician had asked him to get her a monster heart for a spell, he figured that it would need to be more than a simple vampire or werewolf heart. Luckily he had heard of a dragon a state over and was quick to kill it and carve it's heart from his chest. He was a little nervous walking into the warehouse, but being in over his head was normal for Dean when it came to saving the world. "Well, ain't this a party." he chuckled as he walked over towards Zatanna "One monster heart, as requested. Hope a dragon heart works."
SARIEL: When she got the call, her heart jumped to her throat. She didn't want to go, didn't want to stand there and watch as Adriel-- She shook her head and prepared herself to go to the warehouse. She closed up her practice and departed, her head swimming with thoughts. She needed to be there for Adriel, for the others, and specifically for her Brother-in-Law. She knew this would be harder on him than the rest could even imagine. That's the power of love, after all. She arrives to the warehouse and wanders in, only mustering the strength to say a solemn "Hello," before staring at the sigils on the floor, still in disbelief that this was really going to happen.
Adriel: When he heard the call, he was not afraid. A little nervous, perhaps, but he had come to terms over this situation. He finished off his cocoa and closed the book he was reading. It was one of his favorites. He gently pushed it onto the shelf, trying to keep calm. He had not used much of his magic for this exact moment. He wanted to use his wings just once more. So, the angel miracled himself to the warehouse, gently taking off his coat and loosening his bowtie. "Hello, all. I hope everyone had a splendid week." He gave everyone a gentle smile, trying to give them some sort of comfort. This wasn't just hard for him.
ZATANNA: "Thank you, Jess," she smiled softly as she squeezed his hand. He's been a great help to not only the angels but to her sanity. He's jumped through hoops to help her test just about every theory under the sun for this spell. She turned to look at the archangels. She knows they've been arguing this past week about who should be the one to take Adriel's wings. Gabriel was convinced that it was his angel and his responsibility, but at the end of the day they both knew Michael had the resolve to do what needed to be done and to be swift about it. She squeezed Gabriel's hand reassuringly to let him know she's there. "Thank you for asking Sariel to look after Gadreel. I'm still on the outs with him, but I'm trying," she smiled. She turned as the door opened and in walked the hunter with the swagger of a rock star. "Dragon heart," she smiled softly. "Thank you, Dean. That should do it. You aren't hurt are you?" she asked as her eyes searched him. She turned to the angels and Jess. "This is Dean. A friend," she remarked, giving a pointed look to Michael. "Dean, this is Jesse, Gabriel, Michael, Sariel, and," she turned as Adriel appeared. A sad smile crossed her lips as she went over to hug her old friend. He looked weak and tired, but resolute. "This is Adriel," she remarked, giving her angel a tight squeeze. "Welcome my darling. It's good to see you."
Michael: It hadn't been the easiest of weeks. Gabriel had been on him about being the one to take Adriel's wings. They both knew that he couldn't do it. It would crush his younger brother to do such a thing. Heaven knows, Michael didn't want to do it either, but what choice did they have? Magic called for a blood price. He smiled softly as he watched Zatanna work her magic on his brother. She was a calming presence in the turmoil. He ventured to guess Gabriel listened to her more than he did to him anyway. "Will Gadreel be joining us?" he asked his brother. He turned as the door opened and the hunter from the shop walked in. A stormy look must've crossed his face as Zatanna had singled him out in particular when addressing the crowd of angels. "Yes, we've met," he remarked as he stared at the dragon heart and then at the hunter. He turned as he heard the flutter of angel wings behind him. "Hello, brother," he smiled as Zatanna hugged the angel. He could tell she didn't want to let go. "How are you holding up?" he asked, the concern in his voice was evident. "Have you considered what we've talked about?" he asked. He'd suggested to the angel that it would be best to send him home after the deed was done. He'd have an easier time healing in heaven than on earth. He knew Adriel was attached to this place and it's people so he'd left the final decision up to the angel himself.
Jesse: Smiled at Zatanna there wasn't a thing the women could ask him that he wouldn't try to make her feel better. This had been really trying time and he was only glad his knowledge could help them all angels and humans. "Hello Dean, We've had the pleasure of meeting outside my church" He replied moving to grab the heart and prepared the table to make the spell go easier. 
Gabriel: had spent a good amount of time fighting with Michael for the past week, everything about this felt wrong but now that they were in the moment he felt weaker then he ever did without powers. Thoughs of the war plagued him all night, he was only lucky that Michael had been looking after Zatanna instead of him leaving him to his nightmares. "They care for one another and she would probably be on of the only angels that could hold him back if need be. " He replied nodding his head at her giving her a soft smile that didn't reach his eyes at all. When Adriel walked in he felt everything turn cold, they'd run out of time his nightmare was being reality. He found himself unable to look the angel's way as he stared into the green eye's of Dean Winchester, why had the male been watching him. "yes I've also meet him.."He cleared his throat hiding his weakness once again."hello Harlot" He replied before turning towards his brother wondering what Adriel would say. 
Gadreel: Sighed knowing that if he didn't get there in time he'd miss it and he'd promised Adriel that he'd honor his choice even if he hated it. Using his magic he appeared at the warehouse next to his angel grabbing his hand. "It was a horrid week and you know it angel" He replied moving to place a soft kiss on Adriel's head "Archangels, Zatara, Preacher, Hello Sister dear"
Dean nodded in greeting to the two unfamiliar faces, glad that he had the angel blade tucked in his jacket. He wasn't expecting to use it, but better safe than sorry. "Padre." he gave the preacher a grin as he handed over the heart before moving off to the side "I have to say, i hope this goes better than any other time i've been around two archangels." his green eyes moved over to Gabriel "If you keep calling me that you're gonna have to pay me for my services handsome."
SARIEL: she watches Adriel walk in and winced at his cheery demeanor. Why did he always have to be so positive? Especially right now? "I guess my week went as well as it could, all things considered. Though," she glances around the room, "I hate that we are even here at the moment, doing this." She gives Gadreel a small smile when he greets her. "Hello, brother-in-law." She glances around the room. Everything felt heavy and she knew it was from the impending deed that was going to happen. She shook her head. Perhaps God really is cruel. she looked around. "I wish I didn't have to ask this but what happens now?"
Adriel: He held on tight to Zatanna, trying not to dwell on what was about to happen. "Always a pleasure to see you, dear." he touched her cheek for just a moment. "I'm going to be gone for a while and..." he took her hand, looking around for just a moment. "I need you to watch over Gadreel. Now I know you two have your differences. Goodness knows he's not going to take this whole thing very well. Ever so stubborn, my wily serpent. I know you see him as a Demon, but just know he's much more than that. Trust my judgement." he gave her hand a squeeze, patting it twice before looking at Michael. "Brother. I've decided to take your advice. I'm not sure how welcomed I will be at home, but...Perhaps it will give me a fresh perspective when I return." He turned when Gadreel was beside him, and he smiled, falling into his form as easily as falling into bed. He nuzzled against his neck for just a spare moment, feeling his lips against his cheek. "It was." he admitted, licking at his lips. "Don't misunderstand me. I'm very afraid. But I've coped with my fear." He looked at the human that joined them, watching him hand over a...heart. "Gabriel and Michael won't be bothering you. I doubt they'll want to upset me. I'm really earning some points here, sibling wise." he looked at Sariel, giving her a smile. "Well, sister. I suppose...we need to start the ritual." he removed his bow tie fully, placing everything on a small table, neatly folded. "Keep care of those for me, if you will. They're very vintage. Oh, and someone do please check in on the shop. It'd break my heart to see my poor books covered in dust."
ZATANNA: Her face fell momentarily as Adriel mentioned that he would be going away for a while. She knew what Michael had suggested to the angel and a small part of her had hoped Adriel would turn it down and stay here with her and with Gadreel. She felt tears building in her eyes, but she'd fought them back. She needed to be brave and strong even if that was the last thing she felt right now. "I trust you, always have and always will," she smiles softly at the angel. "I'll watch over Reel and I'll make sure the shop is okay," she promises. Adriel had been here for her when she needed him. She was still so young when her father first opened the shop in New York. She would come by on her breaks and talk to the angel. And then when her father died and Zatanna took over the shop, Adriel had been there too. He allowed her to cry, to grieve her losses, to relish in the pleasant moment, and to forgive herself for lost time. She could never payback the kind of kindness the angel had shown her. She swallowed hard and blinked back tears as the angel stepped away from her to comfort his demon. She went to stand by Jesse who was preparing the heart for the ritual. It would appear a good number of the angels already knew the hunter. "Dean, if you wish to stay, you may. But if you choose to go, I understand," she nodded before turning to address the angels. "I'll need you all link hands and form a protective circle in that sigil over there," she replied as she pointed to the middle of the room. "Adriel, you will be in the middle of the circle. I need to anoint your wings with this," she replies, as she gestures to the concoction of herbs and oils next to the bowl where Jesse was preparing the heart. She took a deep, shaky breath. Keeping this all business helped her get some distance from it. "We're ready when you are."
Michael: He felt truly awful for them all, but most of all for Adriel. He was sacrificing more than just his wings. It would take time to heal and he knew that while Zatanna and Gadreel wished the angel would stay and allow them to care for him, Heaven would be the best place for Adriel. On earth, he was susceptible to falling ill. An angel without its wings can succumb to both the sins of the world and illnesses of spirit. A great sense of depression followed the physical pain of having one's wings taken. Heaven would take care of Adriel in ways Zatanna and Gadreel couldn't. "My brothers are aware of what you are doing for us." He couldn't keep this sort of thing away from Raphael and Uriel for long. Questions had arisen in Heaven about New York's current state of affairs and all Michael could do was tell them that he and Gabriel were handling it. "They have been instructed to welcome you home and care for you as they would any warrior returning from battle," he promised. "Gabriel and I will fly out to check in on you every so often," he nodded reassuringly. He watched as Zatanna took a step back and went to Jesse's side. They both looked so tired and worn. He'd wished she didn't have to be here, didn't have to see him do what he was about to do. Then there was Sariel. She knew nothing of God's abandonment, but the angel could see that she was struggling with this. Her faith was faltering. And Gabriel, gods, in this moment he'd wished he could send him home to spare him from witnessing this all over again. His brother put up a good front, but Michael could tell he was struggling with the old demons of a hard fought civil war. It hadn't escaped his notice how the angel addressed the hunter. He'd bookmark that one for a later discussion. "You are welcome to stay, Dean. As is any friend of Zatanna's," he remarked as he followed the mage's orders and made his way toward the sigil. He held out his hands to his brothers and sisters. It was time to begin.
Jesse:  Could feel the shift in energy around everyone this was a horrible moment, only to add the fact that their love one was going where they couldn't follow. Jesse could see the hurt that reflected in everyone heart as he moved to touch Zatanna's hand sending her some of his strength through a quick spell, it wasn't much but every little bit helped when it came to using this type of magic. He rolled up his sleeve ensuring that he'd placed everything in the correct order, they would to do this right if they wanted the spell to work and he didn't want to miss a thing. 
Gabriel: everything about this day haunted him, too see Michael cut another angel's wings brought back horrible memories of the war, he done what was ask of him even if cost him his sanity. He didn't member much after the war only that Mike had been frantic in searching for him only to find his brother broken and hiding.   He was pulled from his thoughts by deans comment actually making him crack a small smile shaking his head. It wasn't the time for smiles but it did help calm him down a bit in a way he hopped Michael hadn't seen. He'd stayed quiet letting Michael do most of the talking, he knew it was something of a cowards way out but he couldn't bare to speak to Adriel at the moment until it was time. "Yes Adriel, we will check on you often and bring news of your friends if you so wish...You may even use the reflective pool to watch over those you miss while up there." He replied in a soft kind voice.
Gadreel: Hated everything about this, he thought his angel would stay with him and heal but no, he had to return to Heaven. They had never been without one another in all their time together and now for the first time in awhile Reel was going to be alone. The thought broke his heart all over again. He listened to his angel hating how much this sounded like his last goodbye. "You cope to much for those humans" He replied with less venom then before. He was tired and scared, what if his angel never returned to him, up in heaven he'd seen just how stupid loving a demon could be? He didn't want to think on his insecurities at the moment as he pulled Adriel into a deep kiss hugging him close knowing that when he let go it was going to be for a long time... "Fine but you better do as they say up there no disregarding Doctors orders" He replied hushly when he pulled away letting go of his heart once again.
Dean wasn't wild about being around so many angels, but so far they didn't seem like complete dicks here. He knew that the Michael from his universe wasn't going to take part in a spell to avoid the apocalypse, he'd rather have all out war than fix things... it gave the hunter a little hope that maybe this universe wasn't so fucked up. He moved towards the others, joining the circle "I've never been one to shy away from saving the world sweetheart, don't think I'll start now."
SARIEL: she glanced around the circle before going to stand next to Gadreel. She gave his arm a reassuring pat as well as a smile. "It'll be ok. I'll check on him too for you while he's away." She whispered to him. Then she looked back at the group, doing her best to not look shaken. It was the last thing that the others needed to see. After all, none of them wanted to be here doing this. But what choice did they have?  She stood silently, trying to think of anything to say. The ritual was going to start and she couldn't stop it. This was the ultimatum that none of them could avoid. The one God had forsaken them to. She turned to Adriel, giving him a small smile and said in a quiet voice. "Thank you, Adriel."
Adriel kissed back his Demon, holding onto him dearly as he savored the feeling of him. He pulled away gently, pressing his forehead to the other's. "I love you so very much..." he murmured gently. "Know I'll be thinking of nothing but you." he touched his cheek, wishing he could take his glasses away and stare into those eyes he adored so. But they had a rule about not taking them off in public. He gave him one last small kiss. "I promise. I know the more I listen the sooner I can come home." he looked at the circle, going over and standing in the middle. He took in a breath, kneeling down and lifting his head. He looked at Michael, then at Gabriel. "it's alright." he nodded. "Pray for me." he spoke gently, his voice shaking for just a moment. He was afraid.
ZATANNA: She felt herself go numb as she watched the angels take their place around the sigil. There was no turning back now. She felt a brief surge of power as Jesse took hold of her hand and muttered a spell to give her strength. She was thankful for the preacher because she needed it now more than ever. She couldn't look at Gadreel or Gabriel as she made her way to Adriel in the middle of the circle. She felt the angel's fear radiating from every bone in his body. All she wanted to do was take it away. "You will be all right, my darling," she cooed softly as she placed a soothing kiss on his forehead. She watched as the angel freed his wings. They were magnificent; a shock of white feathers that spanned the circle almost end to end. Her breath hitched for a moment, hesitating. What choice did they have? Zatanna grabbed a cleansing sage brush and dipped it in the anointing oils. "Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio," she began a prayer to St. Michael, the archangel that stood before her, as she ran the brush gently over Adriel's right wing, purifying it for the ritual yet to come. She needed both archangels at as close to full power as possible for this to work which meant a combination of prayer backed by her own innate magic was needed. "Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur," she continued until she'd finished off the prayer. She felt drained already, but held firmly on as she moved to the left wing. "O beati Archangeli Gabrielis quaesumus," she began a prayer to Gabriel as she anointed Adriel's left wing. "tu autem in nobis intercedant pro nobis ad praesens opus divinae misericordiae solio," she finished off the anointment with a final sign of the cross over Adriel's forehead, where she'd kiss him only a moment before. The cleansing was complete. Her sad, pale eyes turned to Michael and with a small nod she stepped aside to make room for him.
Michael: He watched as the magician made her way to Adriel at the alter. She'd armored her emotions behind a wall of business and composure, but he could see the pain in her eyes. Her eyes always held the truth. Michael felt a surge of power as soon as she began evoking his name in prayer. It felt strange having the woman he admired call to him like this. As he felt his power grow, he could see her's dwindling. He wanted to reach out and stop her, but there was no stopping this now. He squeezed Gabriel's hand as Zatanna moved to anoint the other wing, evoking his brother in kind. Before Michael knew it, the cleansing was done. He felt more power surging through him now than he had in the last few weeks. As Zatanna nodded to him, Michael stepped forward. He held out his palms and manifested his sword. He'd taken the wings and lives of so many of his brothers and sisters with this blade. The weapon hadn't been used in several centuries now, but it still felt natural in the archangel's hand. No matter how much distance he'd put between himself and the war, the blood on his hands couldn't be washed clean. He stood calm at Adriel's side as the angel kneeled at the alter. He didn't want to do this, but he knew any hesitation on his part would only cause the angel further pain. "Be brave, my brother," he replied as he put a hand on the angel's shoulder. He used the strength Zatanna had given him by evoking his name to remove any traces of fear from the angel's heart. In one swift motion, Michael lifted his sword and brought it down, fast and clean, across the base of Adriel's wings, cauterizing the wound as the blade sliced through him. No hesitation, the deed was done. In that moment, Michael hated himself more than anything else in that room. He looked to the heavens and wondered if Father was happy now. Fate had set the price and an innocent life paid the cost.
Jesse: Knew his place in this ritual would be to ensure that Zatanna had enough strength to finish this thing to the end. He watched as the room took a rather darker aura too it as the rites began.  The Angel each grew in power after their rites were read as he tried to keep his strength bleeding into Zee to ensure that she didn't get too weak while controlling this much power. At the sound of wings hitting the floor Gabriel his hands tighten knowing he couldn't leave one must never break the circle and all that. It was strange but he felt almost transported to a different time and place one surround by the sounds of war and pain. 
Gabriel: Felt horrible the longer this went on, he knew what was coming and he was grateful for Michael's hand on his though he knew that strength would be gone the moment when it came to slicing off Adriel's wings to complete this ritual. He felt the power the moment the Zatanna uttered his name closing his eyes he uttered a pray for Adriel to help calm him to ensure that there wasn't any last minute doubts or fears that would taint his choice.
Gadreel: Loved Adriel with all his heart, he'd finally gotten what he wanted and now it was all about to be ripped away from him once again. God and the Archangels why did they all seems so similar when it came down it it. He melted under Adriel's touch removing his glasses for the other to see his eyes seeing how much he seemed to enjoy his snake eyes so he allowed Adriel this last wish. "You need to hurry less I burn this world to the ground and get sent back home" He replied kissing the other back once again holding him close not ready to let him go but doing so all the same. "I'll miss you Angel....always and forever" he replied in hush. Gadreel keep his glasses off the entire time watching his Angel enter the circle knowing that soon he'd be gone and out of his life for the longest time. When the wings hit the floor he felt pain and sadness for the lost that Adriel just suffered.
Dean was basically useless at this point. All he brought to the party was a heart, and he honestly should have just left upon delivery but part of him wanted to see how far people here were willing to go to set things right. It also didn't hurt that a certain blonde angel was here. The whole thing really just made him miss Cas more than he already did. It truly was a sight to see, Michael with his sword, but seeing this angel lose his wings was more difficult than he expected. The hunter wasn't much of a prayer, but he did send up a few words. He didn't even curse out God or Chuck or whatever he called himself here for not fixing the problem himself.
SARIEL: she couldn't help but wince and look away as the blade hit Adriel's wings. She could feel tears in her eyes and her hand flew to her mouth as she looked back and saw the wings on the floor. She couldn't believe it. They had actually taken Adriel's wings. They had taken his wings from him for the sake of the humans. She couldn't help but let out a gasp. God really had forsaken them. She turned away.
Adriel felt a wave of calm come over him, looking up into the ceiling and taking in a breath as the blade cut through. For a moment, he didn't feel the pain. It built up, and when he felt it to its full extent, he gasped loudly, but did not scream. It was too overwhelming to scream. He fell onto his hands, shaking before laying full on the ground, an inhuman sound finally escaping his throat. Hot and searing pain was all he could think of. He pressed his cheek to the cold concrete, his eyes shut tight.
ZATANNA: She'd made a promise to herself that she wouldn't look away. She needed to see this. She needed to be reminded that Michael was an Archangel and not just her…what was he to her these days? A part of her hoped that seeing him take another angel’s wings would scare the confusing feelings she had for him away. She watched as he manifested the sword; it was beautiful and deadly. She stepped aside as Michael made his way toward Adriel. Do not look away, she reminded herself. A sort of peace came over Adriel as Michael laid a hand on his shoulder, preparing him for what's about to happen. She whispered a soft prayer for the kneeling angel as Michael brought up his sword. All traces of hesitation disappeared from both their eyes as the sword came down. In one swift motion the wings fell to the ground. Slowly, the pain crept into Adriel's eyes as he too collapsed. The room was silent for only a moment and then the warehouse filled with a guttural, inhuman sound. Zatanna fell to her knees beside the angel, holding him before looking up at Michael. Even with the power she felt Jesse giving her, she didn't have the magic to take away this level of pain. "Send him home," she begged, her voice was shaky and her vision blurred as tears streamed down her face. "We can finish the ritual, just send him home."
Gadreel: He couldn't bare it his angel was wingless and no her stood there feeling no pain until he hit the ground every part of him wanted to rush his angel be with him, this whole ritual was beyond stupid and it broke his heart to the point where he had to turn away, he couldn't watch his lover in pain. he took a deep breath giving Adriel his favorite blanket from his bookshop that he usually slept on so he would always have something of his with him. "I love you Angel, Hurry back to me" he replied snapping his fingers to disappear he wasn't needed any longer and he couldn't bare to see the rest of this horrible ritual. 
Gabriel: felt his heart drop when Michael sliced Adriel's wings off, it was almost as if he was transported back to the war. Angels screaming as blood stained the snow white clouds, he'd taken on his far share of fallen but he could never bare to lift his sword against his brothers or sisters in the way Michael had. Everything was getting worse the moment Adriel started feeling the pain and Zatanna started crying. He felt his mouth turn to lead and his eyes start to water. He couldn't do this not now, not in front of everyone. He pushed all the raise in power he'd just received in taking away most of the pain for Adrial not caring if it weakened him once again he had to stop the tears from both Zatanna and his Angel. "S-Send him home Mickey Please..." He manged to get out through broken speech.
Michael: Adriel's screams were inhuman, guttural, and terrifying. They reminded Michael of everything he hated about himself and what he'd become under his Father's command. He couldn't look at Gabriel or Zatanna, but he could feel them crying out to him. Adriel needed to go home where he could be looked after. The archangel dropped his sword and knelt beside Adriel. "Thank you, brother. You will not be forgotten. Neither here nor in Heaven," he replied as he laid his hand on Adriel's shoulders. In the blink of an eye, Adriel was gone and the room was silent save for the muffled tears of the magician beside him. "Zee," he turned to her, afraid of what he'd see in those blue eyes now. "We have to finish this," he held out his hand to her. "Please. We have to end what we've started."
Jesse: hated that sound, it was something he couldn't even unheard, and zatanna's broke cries were too much. He used the last of his spell to push more of his power towards the magi moving behind the table to grab Zatanna's other side to help Mike get her back to her feet. "yes Zee we need to finish, my power is starting to wain, better now or never." He replied softly in her ear hoping it would pull her out of the pain.
Dean winced at the sound of the angel's screams. The hunter had heard a lot in his time and this was right up there with the screams he heard in hell. Setting his jaw, he could only feel more and more out of place in this group but he tried to keep a strong front, something the others could lean on if necessary. He looked around, meeting eyes with Gabriel and Zatanna, silently telling them that he's there for them.
SARIEL felt her tears burn down her face as she heard Adriel's scream. She looked away. She couldn't stand it. The deed was done, but at such a high cost. She watched as Gadreel disappeared and she wished she could, too. She didn't want to be here anymore, not where she had to watch such a horrendous act. Once Adriel was sent to heaven, she finally managed to find her words. "I-I will be taking my leave now. I have things to attend to." She nodded at the others before rushing out, not looking back.March 21, 2020
ZATANNA: She watched through her tears as Michael sent Adriel away. It felt otherworldly. As if she was watching the whole thing from outside of her own body. The last time she'd felt like this was when her own father had been taken from her. It felt like the world was going in slow motion. She felt Michael and Jesse's hands on her, pulling her onto her feet and out of her thoughts. "I'm sorry," she whispered a soft apology to Adriel before nodding to Michael. "Please, you need to take your place back in the circle. Link hands with Dean and Gabriel. We need to finish this," she replied as she held her hands over the wings. "Tuc meht ot ezis," she ordered. A single tear streamed down her face as she watched her magic tear and rip the wings to size so that they can be used as the final ingredient for the spell. It felt wrong. It felt like she was tearing Adriel himself in half. As the spell ceased, she felt herself getting weaker and weaker. She needed to do this and do it fast. "Ni eht lwob," she ordered. The remnants of the wings flew into the air and made their way to the bowl of mixed ingredients in front of Jesse. She brought the bowl to the alter and linked hands with Jesse. "One final push," she promised him. She closed her eyes and began chanting, "Aquilibrium per cacla tempusque reficiatur" the air in the room seemed to take on a different, electrified feeling as magic began to fill the room. "Aquilibrium per cacla tempusque reficiatur." Candles flickered in the night air as the wind picked up speed around them. "Aquilibrium per cacla tempusque reficiatur." Pain shot through her. The contents of the bowl began to glow-- "Aquilibrium per cacla tempusque reficiatur."--they caught fire. Almost as quickly as it had been lit the fire died down until all that was left in the bowl was a charcol like goop. Zatanna fell to her knees, exhausted and spent. "It's done," she breathed. "Jesse...you know the rest," she nodded to him.
Michael: He reluctantly took his spot back in the circle. It was clear Zee was in pain, the exertion of magic and the emotional stress was taking a toll on her, but all he could do was help her finish the spell to completion. He watched as she ordered the wings to be shredded. Guilt ripped through him. It should have been his wings, not Adriel's. How could things have gotten so out of control so quickly? He watched as the shredded feathers flew above his head and into the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. He wasn't sure how much longer Zatanna and Jesse could hold it together. He felt magic intensify as the pair linked hands in the circle and Zatanna began chanting. The air around the room became charged. As he felt his strength grow, he could see Zatanna's dwindle. He wanted to reach out and stop her, but she was too deep in it. She wouldn't hear him. The concoction of wings and other ingredients sparked and ignited before quickly going out. Zatanna fell to her knees. Michael couldn't take anymore, he released his brother's hand and went to the magician's side. She was cold and clammy, her heart rate erratic. Same as he'd seen her when she first summoned him. He held onto her, giving her some of his strength as he had that day as well. He didn't care if it took some magic away from the spell. He couldn't lose her in this. He helped her to her feet again, bringing her to stand between himself and Gabriel for support. "What's next, Jesse?" he asked. "How do we finish this?"
Jesse: knew this part had to be done by zatanna out of the two of them her magic was stronger and carried more weight, he also knew once the words were completed she'd be all but drained of magic and power, maybe if they had one more person with magic abilities thing would've been easier for them both but John was no where to be found after their fun in their church. He watched her fall keeping still and towards the alter when Michael and Gabe moved to hold her close feeding her the energy see needed. The last part of the ritual was fairly less complex but still wasn't for the faint of heart as he nodded his head moving to pick up the bowl "This next part isn't really for the faint of heart but, we must all drink from this bowl once the bowl is empty we utter the words "statera restituet." once completed you will feel a surge of power by no means do we break this circle, if you do everything will be for nothing." He let the urgency of his tone carry before taking a sip of the goop himself before passing it around the circle. 
Gabriel: He felt his heart break at the sound of Zatanna in pain everything about this had been one more nail in his heart, his friends and angels suffering when he could clearly have taken the hit but nothing like that ever worked out.  He was grateful Michael pulled her between them using the last of his strength to feed into the women how had taken such good care of him since landing here. He would do anything in this world and the next to ensure that she felt better after this, not to allow her heart to be turned cold due to the trouble they brought to her doorstep. He listened to the preacher nodding his head understanding the seriousness of everything going on as he took the bowl from his taking a sip of the bowl goop before moving to help Zatanna swallow a sip as well before passing it to Michael.  In that moment he knew he had to the be the strength Zee had lost as he pushed his fears aside to focus on the rest of the ritual.
Dean, still regretting his staying took the bowl as it was passed to him. His green eyes studied what could only be described as goop. He muttered a fucking hell under his breath before taking a drink from the bowl, a grimace on his face whishing that it couldn't have turned into a cheeseburger or something remotely not disgusting, then passing it to the next person.March 24, 2020
ZATANNA: She watched as everyone around her swallowed the goop and then it was her turn. Gabriel brought it up to her lips and she made a bitter face as she felt the liquid slide down her throat. Gods. It was worse knowing what had gone into this concoction. As the bowl got passed around, it finally landed in Michael's hands. She watched him take the last sip and recite the incantation. Almost immediately the air in the room flattened, the candles stopped flickering and held steady. Although she was exhausted, she felt the energy of the room shift. Things felt lighter, clearer. "Gods, I hope that worked," she breathed as she braced herself against the table. "Time to test the theory, boys," she looked at Dean and Jesse, the only other two mortals in the room as recited a small spell and broke the circle with the heel of her shoe. "Don't all volunteer at once."
Michael: He felt the change almost instantly as he took the last sip of the goop and muttered the incantation as instructed. it felt like an electric shook. It was a surge of power like he hadn't felt in weeks. He felt like himself again. He watched as Zatanna broke the circle for the first time since they started the spell. "I think it worked," he replied. He felt relief. It was over and Adriel's sacrifice hadn't been for nothing. They'd restored the balance...they'd done something right for once. "There's only one way to know for sure."
Jesse: He let lose a bit of laugh at Zatanna's words, before looking towards dean nodding his head towards the door. He felt horribly weak after the ritual had finished but he needed to push himself to test out this who spell. He slide the door open walking out waiting for any type of sins to take hold of him only to feel his normal self. "Dean what about you feel anything?" he questioned. Gabriel: Held tightly on to Zee in case she passed out or fell, he couldn't allow her to be hurt not any more. His mind was going crazy with the thoughts of everything he'd seen and how much it reminded him of the war. The idea of walking home did make him feel much better either, Michael would see Zee home leaving him alone with his terrible thoughts as he turned to look at Jesse and Dean as they moved towards the door hoping all this hadn't been for nothing.
Dean rubbed the back of his head before moving towards the door along with the preacher "Is it just me or are they looking at us like we should make out or something?" he chuckled slightly as he stepped outside "Other than wanting a beer and a cheeseburger I feel pretty normal, the constant urge to punch something isn't on overdrive anymore." He poked his head back in, his signature grin on his face "I'm no expert on magic but it seems like it worked."(edited)
ZATANNA: Relief flooded over her and she felt herself slump into a chair just outside of the circle. "Thank fuck," she laughed. She certainly wasn't going to thank god for this. The bastard had nothing to do with all the magic she'd just expanded. For the first time in a long time she felt like she could finally breathe again. "I am never doing that again," she lied. She knew, just as much as everyone else in the room did, that she'd likely do it again if called upon. "Someone owes me a drink and and like a twelve layer chocolate moose," she chuckled.
Michael: He watched, alert and in attention, as Dean and Jesse exited the warehouse only to come back several minutes later to confirm that the spell had worked. Michael's shoulders relaxed only by a tenth of an inch. His eyes floated toward Zatanna who, although elated, was still obviously in a lot of pain and exhausted from the exertion of the entire thing. A soft smile crossed his lips as she teased the room. "We'll add drinks and cake to the breakfast menu tomorrow and every day after that," he replied before turning his gaze to Gabriel. It was clear the angel was still in shock. Michael put a hand on his brother's shoulder, letting him know he was there. "Gabriel," he called to him gently. "Are you alright? Do you need me to take you home?" he asked. The loft or Heaven, he left that choice up to his brother. He would understand if after this, Gabriel would not want to stay. He couldn't blame him after everything he'd witnessed.
Jesse: Found himself chuckled "Right? You're hot but I think I'll keep my tongue to myself for the night" He replied glad that they could joke a bit and relax for this horrible situation "I could go for that beer and burger myself, but maybe a nice nap would do me better." He replied following the other back instead smiling at Zatanna moving to go over towards her. "you are quite the talented little bug, Zatanna, Next time how about I get a chance to shine and do all the hocus pocus?" He teased moving to hug her softly glad that they were okay and that it worked.
Gabriel: Was still lost in his head, he almost missed everyone confirmation that the ritual worked and Michael's words. He took a deep breath putting on his somewhat normal smile "OF course not Mikey, you need to get Zee home and in bed, I'll work on the Twelve layer chocolate moose but it may end up in a cake form" He teased moving to place a kiss on Zatanna's cheek. "Thank you for everything you've done Zatanna, We appreciate it" He replied softly before pulling away. " I can get to the loft just fine Mikey, and I'll be there when you come home...if you come home tonight....I promise" He replied in a hushed voice
Dean laughed loudly "It's like they forgot about the sins other than lust. If you ever want company for beer and burgers just give me a ring padre." He shoved his hands in his pockets, mulling over whether he should say something before opting to act instead. The hunter walked towards Zatanna and pulled his flask out of his coat, kneeling down next to her "You earned it sweetheart." he handed her the flask before standing up, his green eyes landing on Gabriel "If anyone needs a lift of the earthly variety I got room in baby.”
ZATANNA: "You don't have to ask me twice, Jess," she chuckled. The act alone made her wince. "The next magical bandaid is all yours," she promised, giving him all she could muster up for a hug right now. She turned as Gabriel leaned in to check on her. For the first time since the start of the spell she was able to get a good look at him. He was at full power now, but looked worse for wear than before. She squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. "I'll come by in the morning," she promised. "We can have all the chocolate moose we can eat. Don't let my tiny frame fool you, I can consume a lot of chocolate moose," she teased, hoping to get a smile out of him. She chuckled as Dean held out a flask to her. He reminded her so much of John, but unlike John he'd been there for her when she needed him. He was kind and loyal and saw things through. "Thank you, Dean," she smiled as she knocked back a drink. She made a bitter face, but it was exactly what she needed to help get a kick back in her step. She still needed to get home tonight. "Sorry to have dragged you through this shitshow," she replied as she held the flask back out to him. "But, I'm happy you stayed. I owe you one, so...when my mojo comes back feel free to collect a favor," she offered as she stood up. She felt lightheaded and grabbed onto Michael for support. The feeling passed after a few moments and a couple deep breaths. "Well, I think we can safely rule out teleportation for the next few weeks. Walk me home?" she asked as she looked up at Michael. "The fresh air might help make the vomit feeling go away."
Michael: His gaze shifted around the room. Everyone looked battle weary and exhausted, but none more than Zatanna. It had taken so much out of her to complete the spell and he knew he'd never be able to return the favor. Gabriel was right. He needed to see her home. "I'll be back before you know it," he promised Gabriel. He had no intention of leaving his brother alone for too long. While Zee's pain was visible, Gabriel's was something entirely different. A great trauma within him, a trauma Michael had caused and now re-triggered. "Go with Dean," he suggested. He didn't know the hunter, but the man had stayed throughout the entire ritual. That spoke volumes about his character. Besides, Michael didn't want Gabriel to be alone tonight. Not so close after the ritual, but he couldn't split himself in two. Michael grabbed ahold of Zatanna as she stood up, feeling her sway to and fro. He pulse was weak, but there. After a few moments she managed to steady herself. "If you're feeling up for it, I'll take you home," he nodded and helped her into her jacket. He watched her say her goodbyes, before he nodded to Jesse and shook the preachers hand. "I'll be by tomorrow morning to check in on things," he promised. "With coffee," he added for good measure as he patted the man on the shoulder and turned to Zatanna. He put an arm around her to support her as they walked out of the warehouse and into the night.
Jesse: "Tell me about it, I wouldn't mind taking you up on that offer sometime its been awhile since I had someone to just chill with." He replied before turning towards Zatanna and Michael which there was something most definitely happening there. But he decided to let it go seeing how now was not the time or the place "Sounds like a plan, then I can have the archangels hugging and kissing me" he teased softly with no heat behind it at all before nodding his head as he took Michael's hand shaking it. "I'd love that, just not too early I plan on sleeping in a bit tomorrow if you don't mind," He replied watching them leave before turning to Dean "would that ride be heading towards the church before Gabe's loft?" He asked hoping to bum a ride. 
Gabriel: Gabe felt Dean's eyes on him making him feel even more self conscious, it was nothing to concern himself with he just needed to make it back home before breaking down. "So just enough time to get from refill my secrets junk corner" He replied cracking a smile looking at the other before nodding his head. "Is that alright Dean? I don't want to keep you up longer then we need too you've already done so much" He replied looking at the male biting his lip nervously, being at full power he could get home by himself and his brother knew that. "I'll make a 12 layer cake just for us promise, it will be mind boggling" He replied taking a step forward when Zee almost fell when just standing up.  But he knew with Michael Zatanna would always be alright as he watched them leave
Dean grinned, looking over at the preacher "If I know how to do anything padre, it's chill. We can figure something out." it would be nice to have a friend, someone to just hang out with... especially with Sam gone now. The hunter pushed the flask back towards Zatanna as he stood "Keep it, I can get it later. It's not like I won't be stopping by." he winked at her before nodding at Gabe and Jesse "I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't alright." he chuckled at the angel before beginning to move towards the door. "My only rule is driver picks the music and passenger shuts their cake-hole."
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ahvie-voidsinger · 6 years
[RP] Same song, second verse, a little bit darker and little bit worse
The night should have been cold. It usually was cold. It is supposed to be cold this far north, this close to the mountains. Although she probably never felt it for long enough to admit it, she remembered what a midnight breeze felt like. A refreshing caress upon her face in contrast to the near-constant Inner Fire she once drew upon to channel the Light.
She shivered, and not because she was cold. She stopped feeling cold months ago. Years ago. The Light. Sunwell guide her dreams, she thought she could remember what it tasted like to draw on the purified stream of arcane life to help her friends. Only now, amid everything seeming to go wrong around her, that memory was as distant as the nostalgia for a fruity wine she'd shared with... with... her friends. Light, it was a funny thing.
The pale-skinned elf shivered in her shroud of shadows and dimly glowing blue hair, not from discomfort or unease or fear. She knew better than to let those seeds of emotion bloom for long. Lor'danel was still... too painful. The blanket of midnight deeper than a cloudy evening upon the sea had wrapped itself around her as a second nature, a companion, a stray kitten longing for purpose. She might have done more than just dabble in the shadow and the void in her time with the Highguard, but she never claimed to understand it. Iggy warned her about giving into the dark as opposed to the more knowable flame within.
A flame was elemental, primal, but studied and basic. A void, a sentient emptiness, however, was as inscrutable as the reasons why this Light-forsaken war even began. Why it continued. That same conscious quilt of flowing inky violet wreathed around her in a reassuring embrace, warming her in a way that still made her shiver. She knew she should not enjoy it, but a grain in her mind was distictly, begrudgingly aware that she did indeed enjoy her her condition. Or, at least, its silver lining.
Breathing out a sigh, she shook her head slightly, crouched atop a snowladen branch deep in the mountain slope brush, but mere meters from the lonely campfire she'd prepared between both sides. Here, in no-mans-land, only the spies and scouts dared tread. And, maybe, kindred souls who were sleepwalking in a waking dream of days long past when a bouncy, cheerful, short elf in bright crimson silks would ferry food and camaraderie between the commoners of both factions, oblivious to the war.
She had hoped that Vyndoriel would find her missive and maps, and... yet, she also hoped deep down that other souls would dare to shirk the division and distrust that had rent Azeroth asunder worse than any grumpyface dragon aspect could have. Any soul brave enough to risk stepping into the unknown to share soup and break bread under the sky -- the only thing yet untainted by this tragedy of a whirlwind engulfing them all.
Ahvie waited, and watched with unblinking, glowing cerulean eyes that Finryx might once have pointed out as becoming of a voidtouched Ebon; eyes that still caused Vyndoriel and Adriel to instinctively reach for their weapon before hearing her voice marred by the reverb of the void; shimmering azure orbs that once were green to have easily marked her place alongside Iggy, only to now produce anger and disappointment. She didn't blame them for their reactions, their judgment. It was well-founded. She had been reckless, curious, stupid and naive in her hubris, and invoked the attention of the very ethereals that had nearly stolen Alleria and her ren'dorei nutjobs from free will.
Ahvie watched with hope, curiosity and wistful nostalgia as her void-enhanced vision granted her nightsight of the approaching armored blood elf. Unfortunately, or perhaps understandably, the familiar young woman beyond the barren clearing stopped short of exiting the Horde encampment entirely, and the void elf's ears twitched several times.
"a FrIeNd or EnEmY?" the shroud around her asked as it pulsed around her tight black leather catsuit.
Ahvie shook her head, her thoughts forming in her mind's eye as a telepathic bond with the symbiotic and sentient voidcloak the old gods had gifted her with. Was it really alive, or was it her own mind conversing with itself? "Friend. Don't you remember her? That's Fey Fey, one of the first and only Highguard to not immediately see me as an enemy."
The voidcloak around her rippled, her body warmed from the inky mass as suredly as if she were beside that unoccupied campfire beyond. It wafted quietly in the breeze in response. "wOnT yOu SaY hElLo?"
Ahvie risked a smiled and snorted. "That would only put her in danger. We're on a mission tonight."
The needles of the frosted pine jingled lightly to her shadow-enhanced (or corrupted?) ears, but the feminine and childlike drawl of her voidcloak was unmistakably clear in her head. "hMmMmmm... tHe OnE wItH fIrE eYeS. yOu LiKe HiM..."
It was a statement, not a question, and Ahvie huffed, reluctant to admit it. Having a bond with this outcast of the void comforted her at times to know that she and it had something in common, but she could hide nothing from it. The voidcloak rustled again, a childlike giggle in her cognizance, blossoming as though she only just remembered. Even her memory was no longer infallible, and she often worried how much of her unique position in SI:7 was being exploited by N'Zoth.
"bOtH oUtCaSts, BOTH LIKE US," and giggling descended into a chittering that Ahvie was grateful to be masked partially by the whipping winds at this altitude.
"He has a familiar bonded to him, too, yeah. And yet we don't want this war. We're trying to keep the bloodshed to a minimum on both sides," Ahvie replied, whether to herself or to her voidcloak was unclear.
The chittering abated, and the cloak settled in around her body, framing it snugly, as though hugging her reassuredly. She got used to that months ago, as it had saved her ass many times in her dawning and growing experience as a double-agent. Or was it a triple-agent? The warmth of the empty void was... was... was it supposed to be comforting? At least it didn't get grabby with her chest or thighs.
"HoW aRe YoU sUrE tHiS iSn'T wHaT N'zzzzzzoth WaNtS?"
She'd considered that, too. And oft wondered if it would be better if she ended her own life rather than not know if she was secretly a pawn or sleeper agent to the great deep. But, she often reached the same conclusion as now -- when Fey Fey turned back to the tents with a sad look in her glowing gold eyes -- that it was better to live and keep trying to do good with the cards she was dealt. She had brokered alliances, trade deals and friendships between factions before. She could be patient, and hoped against hope that her friends had not grown as corrupted as she had during this costly and intensely personal war.
Whatever the cost, however, Vyn and M had to be informed. Ahvie oft weighed the risks of investigating whether the interim head of SI:7 operations really was Maiev, but time and again decided against it. She already was being closely watched by Alliance brass... or, at least, as closely as those clumsy kaldorei could. They trusted her enough to give her a modicum of power and freedom, and those were two gifts she dared not gamble with. Especially now, with the whispers in her head.
Ahvie suddenly grinned and chuckled to herself as Fey Fey disappeared back behind a tent flap.
"dEfInE iRoNy," came the childlike but girlish voice.
"A servant of neither the void nor the alliance nor the horde, exchanging and trading information between what likely once was former jailor and former prisoner."
"wHeN wE tOo ArE uNsUrE oF wHiCh We ArE."
Ahvie gave her cloak a tug, wrapping it around her back and neck as she relaxed... grinning goofily as she once had -- And quickly perked up as a shadowy figure not ten paces behind her roost approached the trunk of the pine tree in utter silence. She could simply *feel* him at the edge of her mind. Unwilling to give the illidari the satisfaction or belief of having 'won' this game of cat and mouse, Ahvie raised her voice only just so, the slight echo in her voice mimicking that of her visitor's warchief.
"I was wondering when you'd show up."
A gruff male voice as sharp as a glaive fresh from a wound replied, wry amusement in its edge. "I only just dropped my demon's shroud of concealment. I did not want to alarm you."
Ahvie pursed her lips and sulked, grateful he had not yet rounded the trunk to see her pouty expression. Her voidcloak rustled in her ear: "tHiNk ThAts JuSt A bOaSt?"
She grinned and nodded silently, waiting for Vyndoriel to come into view. Her partner in crime had arrived.
She risked an old saying, "For the night is dark,"
To which a dark, not-quite-sinister chuckle emerged from the demon hunter below her, "And full of terrors... like us. Ready to talk business?"
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