#that would be my second cosplay after Johnny Joestar
ikemarth-moved · 6 years
is it me or some ships you're into are involving a bi boy and a gay transboy according to your hcs? it's quite funny and sweet!
Yeah! I’m surprised someone noticed it! 
Well yes, most of my synpaths I HC them to be gay transboys. And yes, the S/O I ship with them is occasionnally a bisexual guy for me.
It’s basically because those pairings reminds me my relationship so I’m having fun with it! The P5 ones for exemple, me and my bf relates A LOT Yusuke and Protagonist so it’s basically from it (and some bunch of stuff I have noticed in-game though)
But I do exceptions though! But yeah, I think Protagonist x Yusuke is the most relatable and notable as far I remember.
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