#that’s part of the reason they’re scented like that 💀
starlooove · 1 year
So ur telling me white ppl started buying up our hair oil just to keep it in for 2 hours, wash it out, and call it a treatment? Every time they use it?
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honoviadakai · 9 months
What the Diaboys smell like: Sakamaki brother edition
(CW for Laito’s section, mentions of sex/sexual themes and blood for all the brothers)
Top notes: clean linen, violin rosin, spruce wood
Bottom notes: blood, old books, cheap body spray
Shu always smells like clean, freshly pressed, linen sheets
Not because he does the laundry, that’s Reiji’s job
He sleeps in his bed for days or even weeks on end if he can get away with it
So he tends to smells a lot like his clean bed sheets because of how often he takes depression naps
While he’s the least active member of the Sakamaki family, he still has hobbies
His is music, specifically the violin 🎻
Now if you’re a musician then you’re familiar with the maintenance required for keeping your instruments in tip top playing shape
Violins need rosin in order to properly “grip” the strings and create the right amount of friction necessary to play music
And if you’ve never smelled rosin before, it’s usually a bit piny
It’s not really that strong of a smell, but given how old he is and that playing the violin is one of the few things he’s willing to do over an over again
The smell is now apart of him
Specifically his hands
Boy do his hands smell like a pine tree 🌲 💀
He also smells a bit like spruce wood
There’s 2 reasons for this
Reason 1 is because violins are typically made of spruce and therefore, smell as such
Now reason 2…
Shu met Edgar when he was just a child and one of the activities he did in his short time with the boy was to help him with his chores
Specifically, he helped Edgar cut fire wood
The area they lived in was very abundant in spruce trees so Shu grew to love this smell
However…after the fire…he began to hate that smell…
But he could never bring himself to purge himself of that smell
Instead, all of his violins from then on were specially crafted with the wood of spruce trees that grew in the area that Edgar and his family used to live in
He even chops the wood himself to give to the violin crafters
It’s his way of remembering his first friend…
On a far less somber note!
Let’s circle back to the fact that he’s a lazy ass!
His personal hygiene is not great
The only reason he does it at all is because Reiji will nag his ears off if he smells even a little bit funky
So he does buy perfume once every 6 months
…I say perfume because he goes to a store that sells both men and women’s fragrances…
This man is so lazy that the moment he sets foot in that store, he reaches for the first box that’s available for purchase…
He doesn’t even look at what he grabs!
He has bought women’s perfume for himself on multiple occasions and no, he’s not gonna return it!
It’s too much work for this mf!
So for the next 6 months he’s just gonna smell like Victor and Rolf Flowerbomb and we all just gotta accept it
He also just naturally smells like old books
Part of it is cuz his mom use to make him study till steam started coming out of his ears
Sometimes he’d even have to study so much that he’d actually just fall asleep at his desk, using the book he was reading as a pillow
For this reason he enjoys sleeping in libraries
They’re quiet and they smell nice
The smell also reminds him of his mother
They may not have always gotten along, but he did love her
So he sleeps in libraries so he can smell a scent that’s similar to his mother’s and have it permeate his being
It’s his way of remembering his mother
Now a smell that never leaves him is that of his victims blood
He’s been alive longer than he cares to remember, so he’s had more than his fair share of “meals”
And he’s not exactly a clean eater…
Sometimes the blood of a sacrificial bride will stain his expensive silk shirts
He doesn’t bother cleaning them right away, so the smell of their blood always lingers for weeks, even months sometimes
But unlike the triplets, he’s able to hide the smell and even has a good excuse as to why the smell is sometimes strong on him
He likes rare steak 🥩
Rare steak is a bit bloody
Literally every time he says that to a human they just laugh and tell him what a messy eater he is
If only they knew just how true that statement was…
Top notes: tea(depends on what he’s feeling that day), old books, expensive cologne
Bottom notes: detergent, mystery chemicals/poisons, blood
Reiji is pinnacle of refined gentleman should be…at least on the surface
All of his clothes are meticulously washed and pressed before the start of a new day(night?)
So he always has the light scent of whatever detergent he used on his clothes
He also buys the most expensive cologne in the human world that peeks his interest
Right now it’s Frederic Malle The Night Eau de Parfum (estimated at around $2,125.50 USD)
Honestly he doesn’t even buy it cuz it smells nice…he just likes flexing on Shu 💀
But it does smell nice and it adds to his “prim and proper gentleman” aesthetic
Something else that adds to this aesthetic is that his natural scent is that of tea and old books
Both stem from the fact that the few times he got his mother’s full, undivided attention…was when they had tea time together…and talked about the books they had read in the past month…
Yes, he was responsible for her death, but it’s something that he deeply regrets even if he won’t admit it to anyone…not even himself
Something else he won’t admit is that this is why he often reads and drinks tea at the same time
It reminds him of the few happy memories he has of his mother, so he unconsciously has his tea while reading to remember his mother and make himself happy
He also subconsciously picks out tea and books he thinks his mother would have enjoyed
The smells then linger on his body, so it’s almost as if his mother is with him as he goes about his day
Now he’s also a brilliant man
He dabbles in chemistry and specializes in creating poisons and drugs that could incapacitate even some of the mightiest of monsters he’s come across
The smell of those chemicals he works with tend to linger
It’s never to a noticeable degree…but humans who linger too close for too long tend to notice that he smells…odd…like chemicals…
It’s simple enough for him to dismiss
He’s part of the school’s chemistry team, obviously he’s gonna smell like chemicals 🙄
So humans tend to take that answer at face value and not give it a second thought
His brothers all know better though…he’s making a new neurotoxin…and they know better than to get close, least they end up his next Guinea pig…
And of course…he’s a vampire…the smell of blood sticks to him like glue…
Unlike his brothers though, the smell of blood is weak on him
He’s not a messy eater like his brothers are
And he also will clean his clothes much sooner than his brothers would
So while he will have the faintest smell of blood on him, he can hide it with a few good spritz of his expensive cologne
Top notes: blood, sauvage mens fragrance, fish(in a bad way)
Bottom notes: the perfume of whatever woman he was with last, vanilla, Cordelia’s favorite perfume
Oh boy…this one…
Buckle up…this one’s a doozy…
So let’s start with the fact that he always has a fishy smell to him…
Listen, there’s no easy way to say this but this man answers booty calls like it’s his full time job
Did you really think he wasn’t gonna smell like a man whore? Cuz he does
It’s such a prominent smell that he literally can’t lie to anyone about it
If he answered a booty call 15 minutes ago and just quietly walked into a room, everyone knows
He’s not even gonna hide it
He’s proud of himself so he’s not gonna bother coming up with a lie or using fragrances to cover up the smell
But if he does use cologne…
His favorite is Dior Sauvage Parfum
He likes how it smells and he thinks Johnny Depp is a pretty good actor for a human
Also some girls and guys like it so it also helps him score
Why would he not stock up on this fragrance?
Especially when he needs something to help cover up the sex and blood smell
Like the other triplets, the smell of blood is STRONG on him
He’s the only one that gets away with it though
He claims he likes having periods sex with women and the smell just sticks with him
He’s not even lying, that is in fact a kink of his
….but he is lying…
While it is possible he a bloody horizontal tango session with a human female earlier, it’s also possible he found time to drain a human of blood sometime before going back to class too
Hell, it might have actually been a female classmate that he banged and killed cuz he was too hungry to wait
But no one can prove it was him cuz he was smart enough to burn the body till not even her ashes remained…
And if he did get his clothes stained, he won’t even bother going back to interacting with humans
Humans shriek too much at the sight of blood and while he does find it entertaining sometimes, he doesn’t wanna deal with humans asking him a million questions over a meal he just had
So if he is clean of blood and he smells heavily of his favorite cologne….he probably just ate…
….for your safety, mind your business and do not ask him questions…
Also if he smells like Bethany’s favorite perfume, no he doesn’t
You can’t prove shit!
You didn’t hear this from me…but he does like nuzzling up to his lates plaything and smelling like them, he’ll even take a article of clothing of theirs sometimes
It’s his weird way of feeling love and giving love back to his prey
He smells like them, they smell like him, romantic right!?
He got that idea from Cordelia….
Whenever she and Laito had…playtime…together 🤢 she’d always make sure she smelled like him and he smelled like her…
“That’s what lovers do after all”
Even though she’s dead, he still sprays her favorite perfume on himself….
It’s his way of showing his father, uncle and even his brothers that even if she’s gone…her love permeates his body and only his body…
He does this less and less once he gets a lover who truly loves him
The “Smelling like Cordelia” bit I mean
Cuz now he just wants to smell like his lover! 🥰
He also kinda smells like vanilla
He really like Macaroons
Like he’ll eat 5 boxes in one sitting if left to his own devices
Eating so many leaves him smelling like sweet vanilla
It’s kinda funny tbh
He’s a big scary vampire
But he’s got a bit of a sweet tooth
And it leaves him with the faintest sweetness in his natural scent
Even his own scent is proof that beneath the twistedness he exudes, he’s a bit of a sweetheart
Top notes: sugar, blood, wax polish
Bottom notes: strawberry pound cake body spray from bath & body works, lavender scented detergent, vanilla
So remember how I said Laito was a doozy…
Kanato is on a whole different level….
So of all the Sakamaki brothers
Not even just the triplets…
He violently smells like blood…
So much so that the brothers have to lie and say Kanato has a medical condition where he gets constant nosebleeds and that’s why he often smells like he just arrived from a crime scene
To be fair…
Look at him…
Just…look at him…
He looks anemic…and he’s abnormally small for someone who’s supposed to be 17 years older
So humans will 100% believe it when given that explanation
For example!
For a guy who’s been labeled as “anemic” by his brothers…he sure does have quite a lot of energy…
He’s so energetic that he punched a classmate in the ribs for calling him a shrimp…
And said ribs broke…
And his hand is fine…and he tries to bite the already injured student….
On the neck….
…..this is why he’s the least “human passing” of his brothers…
That and he smells like a blood bank!
He’s the messiest eater of his brothers and he won’t wash his clothes!
Reiji has to play the waiting game, steal his clothes and then DEEP CLEAN all his clothes!!
You know what else he smells like? Sugar
Like, a metric fuck ton of sugar
I don’t think vampires can get diabetes, but Kanato is definitely limit testing his body
Like he smells so much like sugar it’s almost kinda gross
Especially when the bloody smell mixes with the sugar smell
It’s such a weird dichotomy of smells but that’s what Kanato smells like
Bloody sugar
And wax finish…
…did I mention taxidermy is a very bloody hobby and that he smells like blood yet…?
Cuz it’s true…
He spends hours making new “toys” and he doesn’t always clean himself, his tools or the room he was working in when he’s done…
He does like to wax his human “dolls” when he’s done and the wax smell juat kinda sticks to him but it doesn’t do much to cover up that he smells like the walking embodiment of death sometimes….
Weirdly enough, he does try to cover it up sometimes
Key word here being try…
Cuz he’s not good at it…
One of his favorite human stores is Bath & Body Works
I’m dead serious
Walk past one and you’ll immediately understand why it’s his favorite place to buy personal hygiene products from
His favorite product is their strawberry pound cake body spray
He LOVES how it smells and wants the entirety of his natural scent to just be that smell
Hasn’t worked yet but he’s trying
Reiji also washes Kanato’s clothes with Lavender scented detergent
He heard lavender has calming effects and wanted to use it on him to make him less chaotic
It hasn’t worked yet…but Kanato likes it so he allows Reiji to continue using the lavender detergent
His sweat and saliva also naturally smells like vanilla….
Do with that information what you will 💅
Top notes: blood, sweat, axe body spray
Bottom notes: takoyaki, musky oak wood, bat musk
Ah yes
The youngest triplet
Let’s get this out the way
He smells like blood
MF eats like he doesn’t know what a napkin is 🤦🏻
He at least has the decency to give Reiji his bloody clothes as soon as he can
Ofc Reiji also has to clean his face cuz…ya know…he’s covered in blood…
The triplets are something else sometimes man…
He at least tries to cover up the smell…with Axe body spray…
And if I’m being honest, I think he uses it to cover up the smell of his sweat…not the fresh blood that was on him after drinking his fill…
His priorities are a little scud…don’t mind him…
But yeah, he’s a sweaty guy after playing several games of basketball and he masks it with Axe body spray 🤦🏻
What a dweeb(affectionate)
He also faintly smells of takoyaki 🐙
What can I say, it’s his favorite food
He eats it every time he has the opportunity to do so
So the smell is just apart of him now
Hope you like takoyaki 😌
He also smells a Leta’s like musky oak wood
I’ll get to the musky part in a bit, but there’s quite a bit of oak trees near the lake his mother nearly drowned him in
He hangs out there a lot tbh
He and his brothers use to play around there a lot
In a way he’s hoping the good memories of him and his brothers will overshadow his awful memories of his mother
Hasn’t worked yet but he’s hopeful
Now onto the muskiness
So Ayato has the muskiest/sweatiest smell out of all his brothers
Reiji hypothesizes it’s because he’s the most active out of the 6 of them
And that’s partially true
But it’s also cuz he’s the brother who interacts the most with their familiars
And most of their familiars are bats! 🦇
You ever smell a bat???
They’re musky af!
He mostly hangs around them cuz they’re good listeners
Sometimes he just needs somewhere to vent, ya know?
They’re also great spies
If he takes a great liking towards a sacrificial bride, he’ll send his familiars out and have them report back where they are and what they’re doing at all times
So if he smells an awful lot of bats lately…
It’s because he’s been spying his crush prey
You didn’t hear that from me though 😌
Top notes: roses, silver, Christa’s favorite perfume
Bottom notes: blood, silver polish, sandalwood
We’ve finally made it to the youngest Sakamaki son!
He’s got a surprisingly delicate natural scent
Which is so weird given how he is
He’s also the second most active brother out of the 6 of them
So you’d expect him to smell musky/sweaty right?
Well he doesn’t
Reiji theories that it’s cuz he’s the youngest and therefore has the most amount of stamina out of all of them
So he requires triple the amount of physical activity that Ayato normally does to even start breaking a sweat
And because of that, his natural scent is delicate and sweet
Yes, he smells of blood sometimes
Buts it’s only very prominent after he’s had his fill
The the third cleanest eater of his brothers and he tried to get clean as quickly as possible so the smell of blood doesn’t send him off the rails
The main thing he smells like is roses 🌹
Is that really a surprise to anyone?
Look at how many roses are around the compound
I’d be more surprised if he didn’t smell like roses
It’s so ingrained into his being that I’m positive that even if you were to bathe him in the harshest of chemicals, the rose smell would never leave
He also smells of Christa’s favorite perfume
He has a habit of spraying the key around his neck with her perfume when he’s feeling extra sad and lonely
The smell remains him of the good memories of his childhood…when Christa was able to hold herself together long enough to give Subaru a big hug and tell her she loved him like she meant it
He sometimes brings her new bottles of her favorite perfume when he visits her
She deserves a nice gift every now and then
He also smells of silver and silver polish
He tends to hold onto the knife his mother gave him so hard when he sleeps that the smell of silver is practically burned into his skin now
He also cleans and polishes the knife daily…
His mother gave him that knife in pristine condition..so he will maintain it in good condition…
It’s also hard to deal a killing blow with a dull knife…
So he takes care of it as best he can, just like he promised his mother he would…
He surprisingly smells of sandalwood
There’s quite a lot of sandalwood trees near the manor actually
Quick fun fact about sandalwood!
They not only smell really good, they’re very easy to carve
Subaru actually picked up wood carving at some point in his childhood
He doesn’t do it often but he is quite talented at it!
He tends to mostly carve little statues of animals
His favorite animals to carve are rabbits
He will never willingly say that out loud though
So you didn’t hear it from me 👀
Sometimes he gifts some of his carvings to his mother
Sometimes he leaves carvings in his brothers rooms as surprise gifts when they do something nice for him for once
And if he REALLY likes a sacrificial bride that’s staying with them, they get a wooden rabbit that looks extra cute
If he manages to establish a romantic relationship with them he might actually give them a new carving every month or so cuz cuz he loves them so much
Hopefully they don’t mind him smelling more and more like sandalwood when that becomes his full time hobby 😉
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
So I just finished the latest chapter
I’m crying in my room at 2am instead of sleeping
The fact that it was Shepherd who helped her, wow….I guess even though he is against Price he’s still a human who has empathy unlike those two shits
And I really didn’t expect the whole 141 being mean thing, like wtf?!?!?! My poor canary has been through so much and this is how you treat her (I know they thought she betrayed them but really?!?! salty water raw food and spilled wine??? Valeria is lucky cause she accidentally did the thing that makes them find the truth)
here I thought Soap is gonna be the one Canary has the most trust with (aside from Gaz)
I'm officially announcing that he's off the visitation list when Canary woke up (if she did, which she did….right?🥺)and Gaz is now the only one who can visit her without anxious her.
And ghost being the one who find her and calm her down? I thought he’s going to kill us the second he sees us especially when the whole 141 thought she’s the traitor, I guess it’s because he saw how frightened canary is he scents something very wrong….at least he did something right this time 😤😤
even in that condition Canary still didn’t say it’s Ghost who let the info out??? God ghost you better beg for forgiveness when she wakes up, you know what, all of them need to, and Gaz is going to be the only one that gets canary’s huggys. I wonder if the drugs Graves gave her would affect her health, like the doctor said she got poisoned and tortured for months and they realized the reason canary looks so happy on stage is because that’s the only time she can relax 😢
My poor canary……fortunately it will only gets better now that the toughest part is over
Your work always left me an emotional mess, I’m sure when I wake up from sleep my eyes are going to be so puffy….I rlly rlly love your writings!
kajdhdk you’re brave going through all of that again 💀 if you have puffy eyes make sure to use a cool compress and gently massage the area around your eyes!!! and thank you so much for enjoying the series 💜
i feel like shepherd’s in this weird area where he wants to take down price, but is realizing that this may be going too far than he expected. like he’s never going to outright help canary maybe but he is gonna do little things to make her more comfortable. mostly for his own conscious and not really for her but still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
another fun fact: canaries have really good memory, so much so that they’re considered a “model species for discovering how the vertebrate brain learns, consolidates memories, and recalls coordinated motor movements”. so it’s safe to say our canary is def not going to forget how the 141 (including soap) treated her when they thought she was working with graves and she’ll remember who stuck by her side the entire time.
with my headcanons for ghost (in general, not just this au) i’d think that even if canary was a proven traitor, he’d still decide to help her the moment he saw the bruises and her breaking down. same with valeria. i think i explained it in another post but those two strike as people who would help a beaten woman no questions asked or at least get her to safety to question her themselves.
now that’s interesting, we haven’t really talked about the drugs graves was giving canary, have we? we know they were def more than just painkillers, but what exactly were they? i don’t think graves would poison her or risk killing her, but he very obviously wouldn’t mind her getting hurt or maybe having her under the influence of something to make her more cooperative and get information out of her? very interesting. 👀
yes, it’ll only get better from here!! there maybe some bumps and arguments (and a little death) but we’re gearing up for the happy ending!!!!
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honoviadakai · 9 months
What I think team Urameshi smells like
(This was literally the brainchild of what happens when you wanna give your friends and family expensive perfume but you’re broke so you make it instead! Also I’m one of those ppl that can smell rain before it rains so I’m someone who naturally has a sensitive nose (╯ ‿ ╰,))
Top notes: sweat, hair gel and some cheap body spray
Bottom notes: whatever his last meal was, detergent, Keiko’s favorite perfume
I don’t care how old Yusuke gets, he’s a lazy dingus at heart and he’d buy the cheapest body spray and hair gel he can get his hands on because “it gets the job done”
Which is fair
He’s also the active type sooo…he gets a bit sweaty
If you’ve ever been to a dojo, dance studio, or any place full of people who’re training/exorcizing in some way, you know the smell of sweat never really leaves the room, let alone the people
Thankfully he does bathe from time to time so it’s never too unbearable
Now the bottom notes are admittedly weird but hear me out
You ever eat a big meal, take a food nap, wake up and still kinda smell what you ate?
That’s Yusuke
It just kinda sticks to him sometimes
It’s never really bad but you’re always gonna subconsciously know what this guy ate for lunch and it’s a little weird
The detergent smell comes from the fact that he trains/fights a lot
I seriously doubt Keiko or Atsuko tolerate the smell of Yusuke’s sweaty ass for longer than they have to so they’re gonna wash his clothes the moment it gets bad
And you bet your ass they’re using the extra strength stuff
It low key bothers Kurama and high key bothers Hiei
Demon noses are sensitive so they always know when laundry day has passed, much to their dismay 😔
Now why would he smell like Keiko’s perfume if he’s not Keiko???
You ever hug someone so hard you still smell their perfume/cologne? Or just hung around someone so much your clothes start to smell like them a bit?
That’s why Yusuke smells a bit like Keiko
All his friends tease him about this fact. All of them.
Basically Think of Yusuke like an odor absorbing sheet, cuz he kinda just smells like the people and places around him
Now slight spoilers here
Yusuke’s part demon
Tbh it weirdly doesn’t affect his natural scent as much as you’d expect it to
He just tends smells like he lives out in the mountains by himself and chooses not to bathe often
Again, he’s a sweaty boy so for some reason his demon blood amplifies the natural musk in his sweat
I don’t advise being near him after a workout session if you have a sensitive nose
The stank is strong with this one after training 😖
Top notes: cat(in a good way), sweat, pomade
Bottom notes: cat(in a bad way), hair spray, cigarette ashes
Eikichi is his baby. Period.
He cuddles and pampers her on the daily so he’s gonna smell like they little kitty
She’s thankfully a clean cat so it’s tolerable
That being said….
If you’ve ever been around a cat owner…specially AFTER they’ve cleaned the litter box…
Yeeeeah….its not great
But that’s why it’s a bottom note
it doesn’t hit your nose hard or even at all if he’s careful but cat 💩 has a way of punching you in the face when you least expect it
Sacrifices must be made to keep princess Eikichi happy
I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them on Kazuma Kuwabara’s behalf 💅
Another sweaty boi 🙄(Affectionate)
He sweats the most out of everyone on the team so he smells just a smig worse the guys after an intense training session
Not that you could tell cuz they all smell kinda bad after training 💀
This dude is rocking a pompadour on the reg so the smell of pomade and basically all his other hair products is just permanently apart of him
You could bathe him using the most powerful shampoos and chemicals and the smell of pomade would never leave him
It’s permeated down into his bones
Hope you don’t mind that 😁
Now I believe both his sister AND father smoke around him
Cigarette smoke just has this annoying habit of seeping it’s smell into your clothes
He doesn’t mind it tbh but sometimes people assume he’s the one who smokes cuz he just smells like someone who does smoke
He weirdly enjoys it
It boosts his punk/yankee image
It’s also an excuse for him to hang around Shizuru more
Not that he’s ever needed one to be around his big sis ❤️
Top notes: roses, musk(in a good way), vanilla
Bottom notes: musk(in a bad way), old wood, damp grass
This one’s a no brainer, the dudes main weapon is called a rose whip, of course he’s gonna smell like roses!
Tbh he just generally smells like the inside of a florist shop but rose is the one that sticks out the most
On days where he’s calm and melancholy though, he weirdly smells like you’re sitting in an open field of wet, dewy grass
That smell is always naturally there
But sometimes that’s all you’ll smell
Like he’s trying to erase even his very scent…but he can never fully do it…
He also smells like Vanilla!
Why? Because his mom used to make cookies for him a lot as a kid
Cute right?
She use to make them a lot because it was one of the ONLY ways she could get him to listen to her when he was little
Then after the accident that caused Kurama to begin to love his mother with all his heart, he helps make them
The smell of vanilla just kinda seeped into his skin
While he has made them a lot in the past, he hasn’t yet perfected the recipe
He noted this when his mom got sick and he made the cookies to make himself feel better
They just did not taste like the ones his mom make…they only smelled like them…
He smells musky!
Like…really musky…
Sometimes it’s good, like it’s a very calming natural musk that, depending on who you are, is gonna be a very attractive smell!
…but here’s the thing…
He’s a fox…a fox demon sure, but still a fox
…you ever smell a fox…?
It’s not exactly the best smell in the world…
They’re often described as smelling “Musky and skunky”
So to give you an idea of what being around Kurama is like, imagine this…
Sometimes he smells like a flower shop that’s right next to a bakery 😌
Other times…he smells like someone who was hot boxing inside a hollowed out tree…and roses…
It was so bad when he was in middle school that there was a brief point that his family, classmates and teachers legitimately thought he was secretly smoking weed and maybe that was even why he was always so calm
Thankfully he was able to prove his innocence…but he still just naturally smells…odd
Demons just naturally have a strong smell (see Hiei’s section for more), but given that he’s living a a “human” in the human world, getting a sniff of him is always just jarring wether you’re human or demon
It’s like Yoko and Shuichi are in a constant war over what Kurama is supposed to smell like so he’s always striking the weird balance of smelling pleasant and smelling like he lives in a cabin full of plants and foxes
Hiei(and really all his other demon friends)is the only one that it never bothers
Everyone else is weirded out by it but honestly, you get use to it after a while
It’s an odd combination of smells for sure, but it’s calming
He truly gives the vibe of a chill man who smokes weed in the woods with animals, smell and all
Top notes: ashes/smoke, a forest after it rains, something akin to demon musk
Bottom notes: blood, sweat, brimstone
Let’s start with the nice ones
He smells like a forest before, during and after a rain storm all at once 😌
Calming but chaotic all at all once
Very pleasant ☺️
He’s also got a naturally smoky smell
Now that sounds good right?
Yeah it can be
But sometimes…that smokiness reminds you he’s not a human…
Especially when that ashy, Smokey smell mixes in with the natural brimstone bottom note smell he has
He’s a fire demon and his natural burning fire and brimstone smell is your first reminder/warning
He also smells like blood and sweat
It’s not always a strong smell…but it’s always there
The sweat is innocent enough, he trains daily. Training a lot makes you sweaty
The blood though…
He grew up with killing being a necessary skill you learned and he sometimes did it for fun
So after years of fighting and killing, the smells of blood and burning corpses is just part of his natural scent
A huge part of his natural scent though is also something humans won’t be able to fully comprehend
He’s a demon born and raised in the demon realm so he is gonna smell like the demon realm
Obviously if you’re human you’re just not gonna understand what that smell even is, but something in the back of your head knows it’s not “normal”
As stated with Kurama, demons naturally have a strong smell and Hiei’s is stronger than Kurama’s when you notice it
The closest a human could get to describing his demonic smell is this:
Imagine living with a wild animal that lives inside a volcano
Even then that sentence isn’t correct
There’s just not a proper way for a human to explain what a demon smells like
A demon though absolutely can though!
But they’re not at all helpful!!!
If you ask someone like Jin or Chu to describe Hiei’s scent this is how they respond…
“Oh, he smells like a fire demon!”
So helpful guys…
Asking Kurama isn’t any better but he at least TRIES
The way he explains it is a demon’s scent always delivers information
Species, age, sex, status, ect
It’s basically their ID card that everyone has access to at all times
And Hiei’s scent tells everyone “I’m a fire demon that WILL kill you if I deem it necessary”
And if you think about that…it makes sense!
Think about it
This little guy has access to a flaming dragon that’s composed entirely from the flames of the deepest pit of hell
MF basically smells like the inside of hell!
His scent is as aggressive and abrasive as he is
But if you get use to it, if you like it, it’s very calming
It’s a scent that’s constantly reminding you that you’re in the presence of a fire demon that could incinerate you instantly, but said demon is also a calm, quiet person that’s content with minding his own business in peace
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