#that’s why i was so shocked that someone quote unquote important replied to me today i’m like o.O this is not my diary?
sebnameyourcar · 2 years
sometimes i fear i have curated my online experience too much. i never have any idea what is happening
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The Project
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Summary: you, like your father (Tony Stark) are literally done with everything. When you get kidnapped, Peter is right behind you hoping to get you back before your dad finds out.
A/N: this isn’t edited and was written at 1 am :) also kinda feel like writing a series so send in requests if they’re set up (I honestly don’t know if they are)
“Why can’t anyone do anything? Why is it always me? ALWAYS? ‘Oh they’re a Stark. They’re smart. THEY CAN DO IT’ Just because I’m amazing doesn’t mean I’m okay with doing everything!” You rant as you pace into your workspace in the Avengers facility. You were assigned a group project and had the pleasure of being with the kids who don’t care. You asked your teacher if you and Peter Parker could do it and the rest of your groups be a big group, but your teacher said no. Shocker.
“Hey hey hey, what’s wrong?” Your dad asked, hearing your ranting from down the hall.
“Group project due Thursday and I’m with the dumbasses who don’t care.”
“It’s always like that isn’t it?”
“Yup. I just- I can’t believe that JUST because I have your last name, everyone thinks I’m a genius.”
“But... you are,” Tony replies slowly, “you made your own AI for your fourth grade science fair. You made a projector of the galaxy instead of a solar system model. You-“
“OKAY! I get it. Thanks.” You say, cutting him off.
“What I mean is: you are a genius but you need to learn to work with others”
“Is that why you’re Iron Man and have been reported to ‘not play well with others’?” Tony’s eyes widened. “Okay I’m sorry I’m just in shock I have to do four peoples work in two days when I have more important things to do.”
“More important things like what? Reconfiguring F.R.I.D.A.Y quote-unquote just cause?”
“No but anything’s more important than someone else’s stuff they can handle but won’t. Meh whatever I’ll just hammer out the basic bones of it now and add some big words and synonyms after dinner then work on the presentation once the script’s finalized. Yeah that’s a good plan right?”
“Uh yeah sure okay. You could just do all of it in one sitting and have a self-loathing break at 3 am. Works great for me” Tony says with a laugh.
“I think I’ll save that tactic for uni. I’ll see you later though” you say as you usher your dad out of your workspace. You open your laptop and begin typing up the notes you took on the influence of Greek civilizations and the ways we see it today. You created a list of simple ways. Food. Fashion. Architecture. Parties. Frats/Sororities. Sports. Once you had enough ideas to last a ten-minute presentation, you began expanding on the topics you had. For food you wrote about how the spices and cooking styles changed the diets of North Americans. Fashion was kind of obvious just like food was; the use of white and simple sheets were good for the climate and breezy weather. Architecture was a no-brainer: columns. Parties was where it split into two different things. Weddings and party theme. After watching “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, you were ready to write that section. Using the Greek “toga party” as a transition to fraternities and sororities, you were close to being done. Sure, most sentences were full of nonesense but they were sentenced that took up time. You finished with sports because of the olympics. Everyone knew about the Olympics and it was easy to finish with a bang.
Speaking of bang, that’s what you heard. Living with superheroes wasn’t quiet so you just put on some music to tune out the training drill. Only, it wasn’t a training drill. It was a planned attack on the Avengers. You were too busy writing the conclusion and picturing what icons and images to have where to notice the door to your workspace open and three people came in. Their footsteps were inaudible compared to the drums of your song. You only noticed them through the shine of your laptop when it was too late.
Peter was on his way over to the facility after school. You were lucky and had last spare which let you out at 1:45 compared to his 2:45. He was just as mad about the group project as you were and being grouped with Flash didn’t make it any more fun. Peter was walking in through the doors when he heard a loud bang. And another. And another. His arm hair stood up, alerting him something unplanned was happening.
He quickly put his mask over his head and web shooters on his wrists and ran towards the sound of the crash. That’s when he saw you. He saw three people in tactical gear holding your kicking body and dragging out of the building. Peter scanned the area. No one was around. How, in the Avengers facility, were no Avengers around? Peter ran into the bathroom and changed into his suit. He ran out and saw a truck driving its way out of the facility’s property. He asked Karen to track it for him but without having a tracker on the vehicle, it would be nearly impossible.
Peter swung after the truck, eventually landing in the bed and layed down to catch his breath and not be seen. He placed a tracker there too on the off chance he fell off in traffic. When the truck stopped and people began getting out, Peter got nervous. What if him being there would make you suffer more? What if he was on the wrong truck? What would they do to you if they knew he was there? Or if he wasn’t?
When his questions were swirling in his head, he barely noticed you be yanked from the truck cabin. Your hands and legs were bound but your mouth was running more than anyone had ever noticed.
“I swear to god if you don’t let me go I’ll kick your asses into the ocean!” Each word becoming louder than the previous. Your threats stopped while you were in the moving vehicle because you were outnumbered in a confined space. Now, you were outnumbered in a large, empty parking lot. You had space. You could fight back. At least, you would if your hands and legs weren’t tied. You moved your hands around, trying to undo whatever knot the person used. To your excitement, it was a simple bow. You unraveled the bow on your wrists and moved to the one on your legs. How your captors didn’t notice this, you had no idea.
“Hey! You know, tying people up is bad. Webbing them is better!” Peter yelled
So that’s how they didn’t notice you thought. You turn around and see two of the four people webbed to the truck. The other two were holding guns pointed at you and the Spider-Man. You hear the click of the gun being loaded as you think-in true gen Z fashion “thank god please kill me”
Quickly, a web-grenade is thrown and covers all four tactical members in webs. Peter rushes over to you, looking for bruises, cuts, anything that required medical attention.
“I’m okay, just mad. I’m not hurt you can stop worrying about that just worry about those four okay?” You say, trying to assure and alert Spider-Man of the fight that was to come.
“Oh yeah, right of course”
“Okay your sputtering. Here give me this-“ you say as you grab at one of his web shooters “- and watch me kick some ass”
For someone who has never used the web shooters in the field before, your aim was amazing. You knew all the different web combos and how each worked. It was almost like you helped make it or something. You webbed the four tactical team members to different walls and set web-grenades to go off at times intervals so they’d be stuck until the police showed up. The police showing up wasn’t your biggest concern. It was your dad. He didn’t know where you were and whatever happened at the facility never happened before.
“Hey you still in here?” Tony called as he checked your workspace. Everything was exactly as you left it. There were no signs of resistance. He was beginning to worry. No one has ever been able to just break and enter the Avengers facility before let alone find your workspace and just grab you. F.R.I.D.A.Y. had no video of what happened and the audio recorded gave no help showing where you were. Tony was looking at your work when an idea hit him.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. track Parker’s suit for me”
“Located in the parking lot down-“
“Why do kidnapping always rendezvous there?” Tony wonders aloud as he walks to his armoury. He grabs the gauntlets he was fixing for you because of your school load and took off towards the lot. He saw the webs from a distance away and his worries subsided for a second until he realized that webs meant a fight. Fights mean pain. Pain is bad. His kid was in pain. His kid could be laying on the ground in a pool of their own blood. And he didn’t even realize.
He landed in the parking complex and began calling out for you. “Y/N! Y/N! Please be alive. Y/N! Y/-“ he saw Peter. “Hey kid, where’s Y/N?”
“Hey Mr. Stark! Y/N’s over there. You flew right past them.” Peter replied pointing to just behind where Tony landed. Tony was shocked at how peppy the kid’s voice was. Was Y/N not in a pool of blood? He turned around and saw you laying on a web-hammock looking very relaxed.
“Y/N? You’re not dead?” He called out. You perked your head up and let out a nervous laugh.
“No, why would I be dead? I’m a Stark, remember? Plus I have that presentation so desth isn’t exactly an option right now.”
“So you just got kidnapped when the facility was down and no one was around, are deserted in a parking complex, and somehow made yourself a web hammock, and what you’re concerned about right now is that project?”
“Its a realllllyy big presentation Mr. Stark. It’s worth 30% of our grade.” Peter interjected “I’m about halfway done and it’s a lot of work.”
“See? Told you I had a reason to be mad.”
“Okay okay so why are you two still here when you have such a big project to do?”
“The police aren’t here yet.”
“They need to take those people away”
“Did either of you think of calling the police?”
“No but you can thanks Dad! Peter, let’s go back to the facility.” You say and begin shooting webs to get yourself out of the parking complex and towars your workspace with Peter quick behind you, leaving Tony to await the authories.
Around 10:30, Peter’s phone was buzzing, waking the two of you up. You wiped the sleep from your eye and looked at your finished script and visual layout. As you were looking over your work, Peter picked up his phone.
“Hello?” He said, voice groggy from being asleep for who knows how long.
“No im not dead” “yes, I’m okay” “Y/N’s okay too... you’re okay too right” he whispers the last part to you as you laugh and nod “yes Y/N’s okay. No I didn’t. Why? Because it’s Y/N Stark! I can’t just do that! No, Ned ‘Y/N I’ve been hopelessly in love with you since freshman science please go out with me now that I’m a superhero’ is a HORRIBLE pick up line!”
“Hey, um Peter?”
“I’ll call you back, Ned.” Peter ends the call and turns to you, completely oblivious to you being within earshot of his and Ned’s conversation. “What’s up?”
“Wanna go out with me?” You say, a shit-eating grin on your face
“Y-yes. Uh yea of course!”
“Great cause you’re right, ‘Y/N, I’ve been hopelessly in love with you since freshman science please go out with me now that I’m a superhero’ is a bad pick up line.” You say as you walk out of the lab.
“Aha yeah.. I guess it is. WAIT YOU HEARD?!”
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