#if you need to vent a) don’t tag b) don’t make it personal and c) don’t insult innocent fans wtf?
sebnameyourcar · 2 years
sometimes i fear i have curated my online experience too much. i never have any idea what is happening
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alphabetbill · 2 years
Axel Cluney Alphabet- Your relationship with Axel (Zeitgeist, deadpool2)
Here’s a list of headcannons from A-Z about what your relationship with Axel Cluney (Zeitgeist) would be like/include.
(Pretend Axel is still alive, and still in X-Force) (Movie version not Comic Version)
(Designed to be X reader)
Requested/suggested/inspired by @peakyrogers​ 
Note - if flagged with an *asterisk* that means it’s suggestive/NSFW
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A - Affection
Axel is affectionate, and a very silly guy. He’s not too good at being subtle and you think it’s funny.
The way he is affectionate is more casual and not necessarily intended to be affectionate, rather he just does it as an unconscious movement. Eg. sitting with one arm around you, kissing you, hugs, things like that. 
He usually kisses you on the cheek before leaving to do anything at all, even getting up to get something or do something requiring only a few seconds of his time away from you.
Axel is definitely the cuddly drunk type. When he’s tired or drunk his affection rate skyrockets and he becomes basically inseparable from you.
He has a personality that is very much like a puppy, loyal and kind, but goofy. He can be protective, and also quite attention demanding. 
Due to his ability to spit acid, he is very careful about anything he does around you and it makes him all the more sweet,
If you’re lying down on the couch, he will definitely sit on you until you move over. 
B - Buying Gifts
If Axel were to buy you a gift off the top of his head without you asking or telling him what you want, he’d know instantly what to get you. Axel pays close attention to things you look at and things you like, and makes mental notes to remember to check it out later, even after you’ve forgotten.
He’s very sweet, definitely would consider buying a slab of beer as a gift.
C - Comfort
Axel is a quiet comforter. Big hugs. He would sit down beside you and let you vent to him for hours if it made you feel better because when you’re sad it makes him a little depressed. He especially is saddened when you don’t tell him what’s wrong because he doesn’t want you to suffer in silence but at the same time doesn’t want to pressure you into telling him.
Sometimes he lays down with you on the bed and lets you fall asleep, because sometimes sleep is the best medicine for stress.
He tries to cheer you up, cracking jokes until eventually he coaxes out that smile he loves so much. As soon as he sees that smile, he knows he has a chance at making you happy. 
When Axel is tired or stressed, you like to make things easier for him by doing things he usually would around the house, and just holding him and letting him vent out his stress if he needs it.
D - Date
You and Axel aren’t particularly the type to go out on dates, but the ideal date for you and Axel to treat yourselves to would be to go out for dinner and then to see a movie, or to a bar for some drinks. Sometimes you go to arcades and compete against each other, or you go to amusement parks.
Sometimes you tag along on Axel’s missions with the X-force (even when he discourages it) particularly when he’s going to be gone for a long time.
You know how to handle your own and kick ass, but that doesn’t stop Axel from worrying about you constantly. Wade keeps nagging you to join the force and wants to recruit you, and you want to join, but Axel strongly disagrees. Maybe you’ll start your own? Who knows.
E - Encouragement 
You and Axel are both encouraging of each other and what you do, but you often worry about Axel when he’s out on missions and you aren’t there. Axel isn’t a very serious guy and it wouldn’t take much for something to go wrong with him. 
Axel adores you. Fricking adores you. His heart would stop if yours did kind of adore. He is very encouraging of your dreams and ambitions but is always worried, always keeping an eye out for you and ironically keeping you out of trouble when he’s the one in it. His position puts you at risk of harm from any enemies he may have.
Axel is usually fearless and quite reckless at the best of times, but always careful with you and wants you to be happy, but most importantly safe.
F - Fight
You don’t fight very often but when you do, it’s usually petty and because you’re both tired. You snap at each other until it gets on your nerves and you end up shouting. The funny part is that most of your arguments are completely dumb and so easily resolved but you are both too stubborn or lazy to just fix it. 
When you’re mad at him, you make him sleep on the couch. Your apartment is cold, so that is usually the best way to lure Axel back and force him to apologize to you because after one night, he already misses you.
G - Gestures
Axel usually makes you breakfast, or breakfast in bed (particularly if you’re on your period). You sleep in at every chance you get and he’s always there to hold you and usually keep you there, trapped in his arms or underneath his weight, only letting you go after you threaten to pee on him if he doesn’t let you go to use the bathroom.
You hold hands when walking, or even just when lying down or sitting next to each other, as a reminder that you’re always close.
When he’s away and you aren’t there, you talk on the phone for hours when he’s available until you fall asleep on him. 
H - How you sleep
Axel is a bed hog.
He moves around in the night and when he’s not half crushing you, he’s taking up the entire mattress until you are forced to use him as a pillow. He takes the duvet and you call him out on it, sometimes you wake him up just to let him know he’s being a hog and you want the blankets too.
When he’s not taking up the bed, yeah, he’s half crushing you. It starts out with the two of you going to bed, hugging with you against his chest and then yeah.
 Axel definitely snores. He denies it 100% even if you give him proof.
I - Impression (first impression/how you met)
You met because Wade had asked you to help organize the X-force team, despite his best efforts to get you to actually join it having failed. 
When you were sitting with Wade and Weasel conducting the interviews for the X-Force team, after deciding you had a bit of an interest for the guy, you suggested recruiting him and from there your banter turned into undisguised flirting and then yeah.
Axel thought you were hot stuff. He thought you were cute and he wasn’t going to stop until he had you under his arm. You at first had thought he was a bit obnoxious but he grew on you eventually.
J - Jokes
You guys have a few inside jokes, and always keep each other on your toes with quick remarks and comebacks. The banter is relentless but always good-natured. 
K - Kids
At some point, yeah, Axel would love to have kids with you. You dream of getting a place together and raising your children. Maybe three kids, who he can share his love with evenly.  
L - Love
Physically, Axel loves your smile. It lets him know you’re happy and content with him, and it’s always nice to know that he can be the cause of your happiness. Otherwise, he’s deathly in love with your stubbornness and your witty charm and round-the-clock ability to come up with a comeback for him at all times. 
M - Memory/moment
Axel’s favourite moment with you had to be the first time he ever slept at your house, in your bed, just holding each other. It had been a long time since he had been so intimate with someone he cared about, and he was so glad it was with someone who knew who and what he was, and accepted it.
*N - Nudes*
Yeah. Especially when Axel is away on a mission, and is needy. That only encourages him and gives him a reason to get home safe so he can *ahem* see you.
O - Optimist level
Axel is a full time optimist even if he doesn’t seem like it. He’s optimistic but in his own way. 
The jokes and the banter are a tell-tale sign that you guys are both pretty optimistic all the time.
Between the two of you though, you’re probably the most optimistic because Axel has the habit of overprotecting you from things he even remotely thinks might hurt you.
P- Period
When you’re on your period, Axel usually cuddles up with you all day, force-feeds you pain reliver medication if you won’t take it, and makes sure you’re at maximum comfort. He rubs your tummy and sometimes plants little kisses there.
He’s kind of bewildered at the fact you have to do this every month and you don’t die????
Axel calls himself a ladies man but he doesn’t understand women at all.
Q - Quality time
Quality time is usually spent in bed, doing nothing. Doing nothing except for being there in the moment. Quality time is also spend having sex, or more precisely, *making love* to prove your bond
R - Romantic
Axel is a hopeless romantic and has no idea what the hell he’s doing but he does it anyway. Everything he does is romantic because it’s the thought that counts.
*S - Sex*
Often. Usually every night but maybe you give it a miss every now and then. It’s usually passionate and fiery and needy, but then other times it can be slow and gentle, it really all comes down to what you’re both in the mood for.
T - Trust
You trust each other blindly, but of course sometimes there are moments of jealousy or bitterness towards others who might threaten your relationship. Being away so much of the time creates room for doubt, but at the end of the day he always comes home to you and you know that everything is okay.
Axel trusts you, maybe not with your own safety, but he trusts you deep down beneath all that protective instinct.
U - Understand
There are some things in life better left misunderstood, and the things and thoughts that run through Axel’s brain might just be one of them. You understand each other’s humour the most, and since the both of you have a similar profession, you understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and work extremely well together.
W - Wedding
Your wedding would likely be small but severely awesome. The X-force would be there, Wade might shed a few tears or a few appallingly called for jokes, a LOT of alcohol and by the end of it you’ll be lucky if you can even remember. It might be minimalistic but certainly memorable, and it will definitely be nothing short of amazing.
*X - X Rated
Does Axel have any kinks? 
I think he’d be down for a bit of domination stuff, but it would all depend on what you guys are in the mood for. He’s definitely primarily dominant in the bedroom but is perfectly happy for you to take over.
Y - Young and beautiful - how long will you last?
Oh, Axel can’t find anywhere in his list of plans where it mentions anything about letting you go. As far as he’s concerned you two a glued to the hip and anyone would have to go through hell before taking you from him. You’re the ultimate power couple and the X-force are perhaps even way more supportive of your relationship than what the two of you are.
Z - zing!
How’s the excitement level?
Fighting crime or going on other thrilling escapades together? Always on the run or always doing things that risk your lives? When does that ever NOT get hectic?
You lead a very exciting life together and it’s all very fast paced and action packed, so you had better be prepared for one hell of a ride?
Thank you for reading! 
Sorry this took so long to actually configure considering the request was put in a heap of time ago XD sorry! I forgot and I got side-tracked and y’know how it goes as an irresponsible writer. I’m hoping to re-start this list thing because I think they’re pretty fun and time-killing so keep up some requests if you may.
Want to request a Bill Skarsgard A-Z list? With your own prompt, and your desired character?
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
It's hard NOT to speak up when something you used to love and had so much potential gradually turns to shit. I know some former fans just dropped the show and discourse (mostly as a result of V6 and V8) but there are those of us who have to step up and point out WHY this happens!
Not gonna lie, it's hard for me because I hyperfixate, and it's really hard to stop talking and thinking about things that I hyperfixate on. Before I made this blog partially as a way to vent, I felt like I was annoying and driving away my sisters because I kept talking about RWBY - even though that wasn't the case, since both of them also had major problems with RWBY and we've all always enjoyed dissecting and bashing media. Still, that's how I felt, and when I'd make myself not talk about it, I'd just sit there thinking through everything I would say over and over again in my brain.
I don't think RWBY simps really understand how hard it is for some people to just drop things. Ever since I was a kid, I've latched onto things and made them part of my personality and have felt unable to detach myself from them, and have struggled to not talk about it frequently. My siblings would pick fun at me for having randomly latched onto and become 'obsessed' with C-3PO. I became so wrapped up in the Superhero world my siblings and friends and I invented at the age of eight or nine that the characters I invented for it still live rent free in my head now in my mid twenties. I was so obsessed with the book The Thief Lord that I checked it out of the library so much over the course of two years that the copy was basically mine and barely touched the library shelves. I got so invested in Harry Potter and specifically the character of Snape (I can't control who I latch onto, don't @ me) that I read through almost every non-romance driven Snape-centered fic that had existed on fanfiction.net during my fifteen year old days. Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spider-Man, Loki, the fricking Office... Seriously my siblings once invented a song about the things I wouldn't stfu about when we were all very young that included McDonalds and Linus from the Peanuts. (This was all in good humor, don't worry.)
Once I started hyperfixating on RWBY, it became really hard for me to just not talk about it, not think about it, not pay attention to what's going on with it. On top of that, I'm a stubborn bastard, and the single fastest way to get me to dig my heels in on something is to give me an order or tell me I can't do something (of course, unless that thing is literally immoral.) So yeah, I was never going to stop doing something that helps me vent about the hyperfixations I can't just stop myself from having (believe me, I've tried) just because some people don't want to filter tags.
Even more than that, I fully believe that there's no such thing as perfect media or media that's above criticism and bashing. Even my absolute favorite movies and TV shows and video games that I love and adore get dragged, because it's fun. But, of course it's harder to watch something you love become something terrible, even if it was always deeply flawed. It's frustrating and it's tiring and it's a little confusing. And on top of that, if a series has harmful messages or racist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, or sexist jokes, narratives, or choices, of course no one should have to stop talking about that! Whether or not it was intentional by the writers or not, no one should feel obligated to not talk about the ways that a piece of media hurt or angered them with their portrayals or messages, and the members of the groups affected should be listened to with sympathy and understanding.
The idea that if someone has a problem with this piece of media that the writers are trying to sell to us, that they just need to A. never watch the show again, and B. shut up and never talk about it just in case someone gets the show 'ruined' for them by seeing criticism or bashing... That's just... So highkey ridiculous.
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mooglesorts · 3 years
hmmm... does it sound like a bird secondary/bird model thing to be, for lack of a better word, territorial?
not necessarily in the sense of, like, getting defensive and driving people off (although if someone gets into My Territory who makes the space unpleasant for me in some way i’ll be distressed and irritated). more like... establishing a home base, i guess? and slowly expanding my comfort zone from there. people, communities, my living space, there will usually be a few that i come back to when i’m too tired or overwhelmed to keep track of everything else. 
when i’m in a discord server that i want to participate in more than in passing, i’ll usually start by camping out in one channel for a while and ignoring all the others. from there, once i’ve gotten to know people who frequent that channel, feel like they’ve gotten to know me, and feel like i’m Established there, i’ll start expanding out into other channels one or two at a time until i’m familiar with the whole server. it deadass took me half a year to branch out from the vent/mature topics channels in my current main server, and then it took months more for me to catch up to the whole server. if i don’t do it this way i’ll be overwhelmed, eventually get bored, and trip off my feeling-left-out-of-a-community sore spots. 
(which is a Thing about using snake secondary to reach out and do new things. sometimes it’s a lot of fun to just go where i feel like and explore! but if a) there’s nothing i can really do without spending money i don’t have, b) i get the side-eye for being Poor and Socially Awkward and Doing Things Weird, c) i don’t happen to be into some anime fandom i don’t care about that everyone else does, and have had zero opportunity to get at least a little invested in it in order to connect with people, d) i get ignored because no one knows me or is invested in the things i contribute; or e) i just plain go past my limits because i didn’t realize going in how much energy i’d be expending on the thing... i get bored, fast. what’s the point? might as well just turn around and go home; at least it’s comfy.)
(badger secondary model?)
i’m prone to homesickness. i’ve gotten a little better about it over the years, and after moving so many times in such short succession, but it’s really hard to let go of My Territory the more memories and familiarity i’ve built there. it’s super rough on me emotionally from anywhere to a few days to a couple weeks, and any time i think about it, but otherwise i adjust pretty fast to my new surroundings. 
(the exception here is when i, well... avoid going out and exploring snake-style, because i don’t want to get attached and then deal with the grief of leaving it behind later on. housing instability trauma sucks, and i’m still struggling to figure out how to deal with that.)
part of that might be having stayed in one place for most of my growing up, but it’s like... pretty easy for me to designate a new place as a home base even if i still miss the old one? idk. even when i have nothing left there, i still think of everywhere i’ve intentionally planted my flag as One of My Places.
it often takes me a long time to get comfortable with interacting with someone on a regular, friendly basis the closer the space i get to know them in. a lot of people who are now good friends of mine i had to build up my comfort levels with for years. there’s usually a moment of like... ‘oh okay this is our Friendship Unlocked Moment. the dam is broken,’ and even if we go long periods of time without talking a lot in private i don’t feel anxious and suffocated when we do. sometimes the Friendship Unlocked moment is one thing that happens all at once, and sometimes it’s several things over a long period of time until the scale tips for good. this is one reason i get cagey about initiating those friendship moments too directly sometimes, just because i know i might need to pull back and have space for a while again for the friendship to develop, and i don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.
weirdly enough, though, this process tends to be circumvented a lot the more distance there is between me and another person while i’m getting to know them? if i had gotten into the shc community by joining a server i would be way more shy, anxious, and wary, but when most of my potential-friendship-moments interactions with people take place on tumblr where it’s easier to get some space if i need to, it makes it way less uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing to point and go ‘friend! :D’ i’d probably be fine with exchanging discords with most of the people i’ve met on here at this point. 
it’s like the difference between meeting people and making friends at a hobby group where you meet once a week, and making friends by having to invite them over to your house every day. 
i’m very much the kind of person who will stick close with the friend who invited me to a party, lmao, or if i’m tagging along on a trip but don’t want to be there (or don’t want to deal with the hassle of finding them again if i wander off). sometimes i’ll jump right into a new situation and start making friends, but i get anxiety pretty easily about making people feel snubbed or left out if i don’t have the time or energy to engage with everything, so often i’ll just fall back on one or two options i’m most familiar with and let everything else pass me by. i used to be the kind of kid/teenager who’d stick so close behind people on public outings that i’d constantly be bumping into them by accident. (once again, if i didn’t want to be there, wasn’t allowed to go do my own thing, or was--in hindsight--dissociating.)
just... hm. thoughts? to me this sounds like either snakey, badgery rapidfire bird, or birdy, badgery snake who uses the other two to cover for social awkwardness/feelings of alienation/lack of time or energy/depression from my burned snake. or shit, maybe it’s badger all along, who knows.
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smp-live · 3 years
Was scrolling through c!Wilbur crit blogs again and it got me thinking about why exactly I argue in favour of him so much so here’s a random ramble (that got long) about it:
Most c!Wilbur critics (at least, in the tag, not directly post-lore stream. The ones that do actual analysis on him) are like... really reasonable about it, actually, lmao. Like it’s mostly just calling him a bad person because of power hunger/manipulation/being a bad dad/whatever else. (Not talking about antis. I mean people who are really critical of him, but recognize that he’s a well-crafted character with nuance.)
Which I agree with! I consider myself an apologist, my writing and analysis leans really sympathetic, and I still agree that he’s a shitty rat bastard that I would run far away from irl. Even at the beginning of the story, he’s very morally grey, sometimes using underhanded persuasion tactics, doing ehh things like stealing, and it only gets worse from there.
But on the other hand, he’s... not that bad. Like I saw one person say about c!Dream, “My reaction to most critique of him is... so what?” and that’s how I feel about c!Wilbur, I suppose. Yeah, he tried to rig an election - but it was a last-ditch effort at not going full dictator, he didn’t follow through, and later on he - in part - decided to blow it up because they couldn’t get it back while being democratic. And yeah, he manipulated people - all in all, it wasn’t really really bad things, mostly to paint himself in a better light because of his insecurities, and people sometimes fall into manipulative language without even outwardly realizing that it’s a shitty thing to do. Of course, that shows a bigger underlying problem in their mindset and the way they interpret relationships and possession, but then that’s a different discussion - and definitely one that applies to c!Wilbur.
(Not saying he doesn’t ever intentionally manipulate people. I think that a. sometimes it might be accidental, (”If you wanna be President you’re gonna have to get on my good side,” mans was Not thinking straight,) and b. other times he falls into old habits/coping mechanisms that happen to be manipulation, (Tommy at Las Nevadas.) Other than the election and maybe some times in the early founding of L’Manberg, I can’t think of any moments where I’m like, “Yeah, he is Purposefully Manipulating here.” And even then, it just doesn’t strike me as a terrible thing. People manipulate, it’s a thing they do. That’s it. A morally grey action.)
And I think the majority of the reason I make more posts painting him in a positive light and don’t really discuss my critique of him is because it feels like the fandom has an overwhelming bias of hatred/crit, even if a lot of that isn’t, y’know, proper analysis of his character. I instinctively want to balance it out for this character I love/relate to, because a lot of what I see straight-up ignores the lighter side of his moral-greyness.
Like, a while back, I posted a couple clips from late-election arc, of Wilbur talking about how he feels about Fundy siding with Quackity and against him. And the way I initially saw it while watching was, “Okay. He feels betrayed by his son who disagrees with his politics - and thus, him as a person, because your politics are a reflection of your identity, especially in Wilbur’s mind - and it’s perfectly understandable that he’d want to vent about that in private to a close friend. On the other hand, he should be able to recognize that Fundy’s allowed to be his own person and shouldn’t be babied. Fundy is in the right, here, but Wilbur’s feelings shouldn’t be dismissed.”
But then 90% of the tags were just straight-up hate for c!Wilbur, going as far as to say that he should die again. (And this was after we found out how bad the afterlife was for him.) That fucking floored me. I just couldn’t understand how they took this nuanced character aching for ‘the son he knew’ back (hm. very similar to c!Phil, actually) and turned it into ‘wow. This suicidal man sucks and should maybe die.’ I was so close to making a post defending him before realizing - I was letting fandom bias against a character push me further onto the sympathetic side.
And that’s such a fuckin’ weird thing to have happen, because you’d think that exposure to negativity about a character would make you feel more negative about them? But without fail, every time I scroll through the crit tag, or read a critical post about c!Wilbur/L’Manberg, I maybe lean a bit more towards that side for a few hours before swinging back hard onto the apologist side. Because a lot of the critique, to me, is really just, “so what?” after I let it stew a bit.
Then there’s the whole mental health issue. Obviously it doesn’t excuse the shit he did - I know people who have been in the middle of breakdowns and the stuff they say still fucking hurts, even if they didn’t truly mean it. But recognizing that he needs help? That for pretty much all his time on-screen, he was depressed and paranoid, which obviously affects the way he acts? That’s obvious. And were he in the position to get professional help - which he deserves - everything would be much better off. That’s the root of my apologism, I think: He deserves to get better. He’s not inherently evil, or bad, just a fucked up little man who’s ruined his own life and needs help. I want to see him, specifically him, get better.
Narratively, his punishment has been extreme and disproportionate. Every mistake, every choice - good or bad - has led to suffering, on his part. Start a fun little rebellion, maybe to gain some power? War and betrayal. Declare an election to consolidate said power? Lose, and get exiled. Blow up a nation? Die, and even in the afterlife, he can't catch a break. Purely as a sympathetic human, it feels like he deserves to rest. Deserves to heal.
But even medicated and less anxious, or going to therapy for his neuroticism and depression, or whatever, he still would be quite morally grey. A lot of his manipulation, his power hunger, comes from this neuroticism; from needing to feel safe and needed, (just like Quackity.) Not all of it, though. He’d still have his unhealthy ideals about relationships and possession, for example. Less prominent, sure, but still there. Some people, I feel, discount how tied up with his mental illness it is, while others don’t really recognize that it’s also a personality problem. Like, changing those beliefs is changing part of who he fundamentally is, as a person.
Actually, I think the c!Wilbur apologist community, in general, tends to scapegoat his mental illness a little too much? Not in that we explain his actions with it or ask people not to villainize it, (although sometimes I feel that what we call villainizing mental illness is a bit excessive, but it’s not my place to talk about that as someone who doesn’t really relate to Pogtopia!Wilbur,) but in that we use it in discussions a lot. Which is fair, because it permeates every single aspect of his character, but even without it he’d have toxic traits? Like his possessiveness is not purely a byproduct of his mental illness, imo. Nor is his treatment of Fundy. It’s amplified by it, surely, but that little seed of it is there in the first place. Just as c!Dream’s abuse needs to be addressed as a central part of his character, c!Wilbur’s possessiveness does too - and also outside of the context of their mental health, because they’re both brought on by an internal personality flaw, some fucked-up belief, if that makes sense.
As I said before: c!Wilbur is a mess of a human being that I would hate if I actually met. (irl I would’ve been a SWAG supporter, based on policies, but since this is fiction, I was POG.) But because he’s a character, that flies out the window, and I can love him - not even just as a character, in the sense that I appreciate he’s well-crafted, but in terms of personality and all that shit, while recognizing he’s a kinda crappy guy. Because he’s a character. That’s the fun of it.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
fluffly alphabet: tai
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
first impressions have a big impact on tai. he’s mostly attracted to your eyes, where he believes sincerity and connection reside. a smile that reaches them will definitely win his attention.
beautiful eyes and smile is what catches his eye, but fun and spontaneity is what makes him stay. someone that isn’t afraid to scream laugh or how they look like when they do.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
he wants a big family, at least three kids. of course he understands the responsibility of becoming a parent and that is part of why he wants to give his parents a lot of grandchildren.
he can picture himself throwing a ball with them on a lazy saturday or sunday afternoon, after a late lunch. participating on their lives by helping them with homework and making sure they’re learning the good values he was once taught.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
he’s the big spoon in bear hug. full embrace with those massive arms, and it’s amazing to imagine he’ll pick you up from where you are “for a just minute” of cuddling, whether on the couch or bed.
you can find shelter on his chest while he rests his chin on the top of your head, caressing your arms and holding you close to his body.
of course, from time to time he feels safe in your arms, even if you look like a backpack while spooning him. he loves feeling your warmth and won’t let go of that privilege.
there’s always a smile after a deep breath and i think that’s my favorite part about his cuddling.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
tai knows how to be romantic and amorous once the occasion calls for it, but his forte is definitely focusing on the fun part of a date. expect water parks, paintball, laser tag. anything that gets physical and you both laughing, chuckling and having the time of your life.
if a date is supposed to be quality time, then having innocent fun with his partner is definitely what moves him.
if you surprise him with such plans, you can actually make his face hurt from smiling.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“you’re my best shot.”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
there’s a moment a person realizes they’re in love and keep it to themselves, but for tai, he couldn’t hold it in any longer than a day. it happened the moment he realized you were just like him. all he needed to find was someone that understood size doesn’t matter, fun has to be a part of your relationshp and caring about your friends are one of the most important things.
when he realized he was in love, he almost bursted with the words. and even though he can be impulsive at times, he knew how this particular moment was important, so he planned and rehearsed it a little bit.
just enough to not stutter while telling you how he feels. but he couldn’t wait any longer, and wanted to see how happy you would be knowing there’s someone in love with you.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
very! due to his size he can’t risk being too rough. he’s used to having a light touch ever since he found out how dangerous he can be if he’s not careful. you’ll notice it when he plays around by putting makeup on you.
he loves spending some light time doing that, and he’s the kind of gigantic guy that you catch yourself wondering how can someone be so big and so delicate, at the same time?
a very gentle touch when he grazes his thumb on the side of your face while kissing you, or when he’s stroking your arm during a cuddle.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
fingers twined, always. tai thinks that gesture truly represents how entangled you are with each other, and it represents intimacy to him.
he also loves caressing your knuckles with his thumb, and sometimes brush his lips on the back of your hand.
he might even make a comment about how small yours is compared to his, and put his palm against yours, to measure.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
when he saw you walking in that tent, he already knew the damage was done way before. like he said once, your voice had a huge impact on him, and your personality and way of handling yourself were positive first, adorable second, sexy third.
he knew he had to take a shot and it paid off. “my instincts are never wrong. i knew it had to be you.”
and to himself, he thought “damn it, they’re even more beautiful, live. alright, be cool, tai. don’t goof around right away.”
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
mildly jealous. not trusting of others around you, especially when they make advances that would make you feel uncomfortable. but if a boy hits on you and your response is negative, he’s proud of the person he has next to him.
tai has eyes and he can see how energetic and vibrant you are. it’s natural for people to feel attracted to someone so interesting. he wouldn’t be with you if that wasn’t true.
other than that he has no reason to be jealous. the bond you have is the most stable thing he has and he wouldn’t doubt it. in fact he loves walking around with you, holding hands, so people around know you’re together. he’s proud of you.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
he has a way of kissing you that makes the world fade into the background. it’s not only his lips or his tongue. it’s his arms snaking their way to your back, his hands gliding on your neck, hair and face. the heat that emanates from him whenever he suppresses a grunt. it’s in his touch when he’s deep in.
it was mutually started but on his end, he was stunned. he didn’t expect to see so many sparks fly, despite of being entirely enchanted by you. 
and when you pulled away from that first kiss, tai simply couldn’t manage how gobsmacked he was. he already felt a strong connection with you in that date, the conversation going so well.
but he was afraid to crush so hard on you if your kiss was that amazing. and it was. and he did.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
he does.
tai is not afraid of letting you know how he feels, at all times. he has so much appreciation for you, he can’t hold back at all, and letting you know was one of the most nervous moments he’d ever had.
he’s the type to dive in without thinking too much, even if it means he might get hurt because of the impulsiveness.
he has no regards for preserving himself when it comes to love. taking a risk has always been part of his agenda, and you were worth it.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
in the villa, sharing a bed together for the first time.
the waterfall was rushed and spontaneous, and you both had a lot of fun, but the feeling of having you protected by him, in such an intimate scenario is what he cherishes the most.
outside of the villa, the first real date you had, where he could show you what a good time actually means while with him. he loves remembering your laughter followed by your playfulness. nothing stays with him more than you having fun together, and it’s his favorite memory.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
tai is not the type to buy everything and spoil.
there’s not a lot of thought behind store presents, according to him. he’s the kind of boyrfriend to give thought out presents, something that can represent an inside joke or a moment of importance between you. he will though bring you some items he makes at pottery class.
i believe one of the first things tai would ask you, on the outside, is about your favorite animal, so he can make one out of ceramic and give it to you, sort of as a lucky charm so you can remember him every time you look at it.
he just knows how much work goes into making one, and he would like to show his love and appreciation through that gesture.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half)
he would probably say orange or yellow. a shade or tone that he says it represents happiness and cheerful energy. that’s how he sees you and if he could attribute a color to you, they would have to have the same meaning.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
‘babe’ is a given, being the most commonly used.
but “beautiful” sums up everything he loves about you, beyond your looks. to him, you’re beautiful on the inside as well, so he likes to remind you of it.
he’ll call you that at all times, and it becomes a habit that he loves. he might even save your number under this pet name.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
vintage rugby cards.
there’s something about cards that throws him back to when he was a child, aspiring to play rugby as a professional career, but it was impossible to actually see himself in that scenario.
the cards remind him anything is possible, and he shouldn’t ever let go of his dreams, as absurd as they might see, to other people.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
takeout. couch. movie.
it’s just the killing combo tai loves so much. snuggling closer under a blanket, while comfortable on the couch, food in hand and remote on the other. i even think tai has some “rainy days” favorites to watch, that he reserves just for those moments.
also, i have a feeling tai likes baking cookies, specifically, so your place smells like fresh baked goods while the rain dashes outside.
spa afternoon.
goofing around in the bathroom while putting face masks on, and taking ridiculous pictures, might be part of his schedule for a rainy afternoon as well.
like i mentioned before, tai has a delicate hand and it’s not farfetched to imagine he likes painting your nails, or toe nails, or both. he takes extra care to not smudge it, and admires his work from afar when it’s done. he focuses very hard, trying to deliver the best work he can.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
tai definitely believes in the power of laughter and clownery. but also, if he can have you talking to him about what happened, he would love to help. being a good listener is one of his many talents, and he’ll insist you vent about what made you saud.
tickling you until you give him information is very possible as well.
he might take your hand and lead you for a walk, while you tell him everything, and when back home, tai might cook. he knows comfort food is one of the best medicine to cheer someone up.
drawing a bath so you can relax is definitely part of his agenda too.
as for him, he goes for a run, alone. he prefers to exercise by himself when he needs a pick me up. however, if you want to make him smile when he comes back, try to make something out of ceramic. if it looks good he’ll be impressed, and if it looks bad, he will lie, saying it’s amazing.
having someone that cares so much, to the point of trying pottery is the reason why he feels better.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
everything! he loves hearing what you have to say about several subjects, no matter what they are.
he likes learning new things and having your input on matters that a couple wouldn’t talk about, usually. at times, he might sound weird by asking you something completely random, but he wants your insight on whatever it is, because he finds you so interesting.
you’re also the first person he tells good news, and the one he avoids when they’re bad.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
from you? getting his shoulders and back massaged. if you’re a gifted singer, he also likes hearing your humming while your hands rub down the tension on his muscles.
by himself: pottery. there’s a reason it became more than a hobby. he does it to stay sane, and would love to share that particular interest with you if you want. but whenever he sits down, ready to turn the pottery wheel on, he already feels much better.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
tai is no stranger to show off his muscles. he definitely does it playfully, and often goofs around about it, but he’s proud of his achievements, body wise. it’s hard work and he won’t shy away from displaying them and be proud.
he also likes showing off what he has accomplished in pottery. there’s no denial someone so big would be a disaster in this scenario. usually, anyway.
he likes being the exception, and the praises people give him. it’s not vain, it’s just a reason to be proud of himself.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
his proposal is not as elaborate as his speech to ask you is. his ideal location would be an empty field, after hours. he would probably slip someone some bribe so you could “jump the fence” and enter the place, having you thinking you’re invading.
i imagine he would warm up to the subject, and when he’s getting to the moment he so desperately wants, the lights will go on, illuminating the whole lawn.
while you’re busy, being shocked and looking around you, he’ll quickly kneel and whip a small box from his pocket. his words might make you chuckle among tears, but that’s how he wants to propose.
as for the wedding, a simple ceremony somewhere sandy and sunny. close friends and family, and food that the guests will remember forever as being the best they’ve ever had.
he won’t settle for less but won’t ask for more.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
there’s a colorful song that reminds me of him, "groove is in the heart” by dee-lite. the energy that goes into that tune has tai written all over. upbeat, fun and always the heart of the party.
and he grew up in the 90′s, so i like picturing his parents dancing in the living room to this type of music, pulling tai by his hand, goofing around together while the colorful videos were on.
but a couple of songs i love to picture him listening to, chilling with someone he loves, carelessly, is “over the rainbow” by israel kamakawiwoʻole. it’s such a chill and hopeful song, but has a light tone to it, and iz’s voice is just so suiting.
or tai being his adorable self, dancing by the sound of “finesse” by bruno mars ft. cardi b.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
yes. he definitely will pull out some stops to make the proposal happen. he can’t wait to make it official and start a life with you.
he’s a romantic at the core of his heart and can’t wait to call you his spouse.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
dog! dog! multiple dogs! 
one at a time, but the bigger the better!
tai is very charitable and would like to rescue a dog. one to start. he can already picture your weekends and afternoons during quarantine.
frisbees, sticks, balls, you name it. he went to the pet shop and bought a bunch of them, to train your new companion.
that’s why i also picture him in a house, not a flat. eventually he would want a backyard where he can play with the dog, and in the future, your kids.
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headtothecoast · 4 years
jaskier as a standup comedian. hear me out
i considered having geralt be an audience member who he gets to laugh, front row, yen made him go with her, doesn’t laugh at the whole set until jaskier picks yen for the audience part, says something and geralt just looses it. so of course jaskier seeks him out after the set by going to the bar and just plain hoping and they do go home together and it’s fantastic
but also consider, geralt is some professional something or other, maybe an actor who only does scary/professional roles and sometimes gets a bad rap because he doesn’t always get on well with other actors (he doesn’t agree with business practices of treating crew members poorly, offers to help crew set stuff up, helps out when animals are on set that kind of thing but also like, if his coworker or producer or director is sexist he will e n d y o u so some actors don’t like him because he protects women cast mates and just generally isn’t a prick) and also doesn’t interview well. he’s gruff and doesn’t actually like the limelight but his agent (and exwife) yen talked him into it and it’s a good paycheck for their daughter and sometimes he does like the movies he works on (after all, he did some work with these guys eskel lambert and vesemir and they ended up being like brothers and a father who taught him stuff about the business) anyway i digress. geralt is a stonefaced actor who is always cast as an assassin or something or a hunter or a butcher and he doesn’t always appreciate that
so jaskier is a comedian and geralt doesn’t care if jaskier tells jokes about him (and yes some of his comedy is musical/he writes songs on the side) but similar to john mulaney, none of jaskiers jokes about geralt are mean. like, none of them are even a little bit like toeing the line. geralt makes a point not to watch jaskiers comedy because he really doesn’t want to know what his boyfriend/fiancé says about him onstage even if it’s an act so geralt doesn’t realize that audience think he is the sweetest and kindest person ever while jaskier is just a f e r a l c h a o t i c d u m b a s s and geralt must be a saint for putting up with him. and sometimes jaskier cries on stage while talking about geralt adopting roach after a shoot and how sweet he is but like the point of the story was that he accidentally set the barn on fire so audiences are astounded that the man is even alive by the end of the shows.
but so geralt is doing press for a movie and it’s no secret that he and jaskier are dating, tho it might not be public knowledge they’re engaged and a late night host brings up jaskiers stand-up and geralt says something about how he too would make fun of himself on stage, idk something self deprecating about what he thinks jaskier would complain about (stoic, scary looking, disruptive in bars sticking up for people, easily recognized everywhere because of the hair, temper) and the host shows him a clip of jaskiers recent tour where he’s standing on stage saying stuff like “yes i’m aware they cast him as a murderer” or something “but once you see him braid ciri (also actress but out of the business because of legal battle with producer who tried something when she was a child actress and has a restraining order against not geralt but yen)‘s hair while humming the golden girls intro you just don’t see it anymore. like it’s impossible for him to scare me because i know his secret, he eats cereal out of the box just like the rest of us and sometimes he lets me have the toy except for the one time i-“ and sure geralt has maybe noticed some people like hosts and coworkers being nicer to him and fans approached him a little more now but he hadn’t realized jaskier didn’t make him the butt of the joke. so he says as much, gruffly but endearing to the audience that he only saw stuff from before they were together because he wouldn’t begrudge him needing an audience to vent to, or something. and so the interviewer keeps asking him about jaskier and geralt just goes all soft on tv.
and of course jaskier watches all of his interviews and when he sees that one he tears up because he didn’t realize geralt thought he made fun of him on stage. he heard his voice sometimes on the tv or geralts phone but he hadn’t put together it was only his older comedy and jaskier breaks a little when he talks to geralt about it. jaskier asks why he would agree to a partner who he thought made fun of him in front of thousands of people and geralt says he never did it to his face, or seemed unhappy so what’s the problem?
and to fix that jaskier writes a new set that is scathing about hollywood. he makes jokes about actors and actresses who were mean to geralt or producers and directors who asked him to do things he didn’t want to or take advantage of actresses. netflix approaches him to film the special and he writes an intro song about geralt that leads into it and jaskier rants about men in bars that geralt stand up to even if the women he helps don’t appreciate it because they’re drunk and scared of him. or when they get called f*gs in target grocery shopping and other awful things and jaskier is just feral and angry on stage and it’s absolutely ruthless comedy. he kills it.
so when it comes time to do press for the show, he fires his agent and gets geralt to do press with him. and almost immediately people like geralt. seeing someone so bestotted and amused where he had only ever been cast as cold and angry gave him an overnight following. jaskier made him approachable, or at least showed others he had always been safe to approach. and so with chaotic feral jaskier snapping witty remarks back and forth with talk show hosts geralt would sit with a slight smile, a bark of laughter and occasionally a sardonic or sarcastic line that would earn him a blinding smile from jaskier and audiences went wild for it. and geralt just sits there and appreciates this man who singlehandedly turned his career around and went after hollywood for him.
so maybe geralt gets cast in kinder roles and maybe jaskier posts little things on his instagram of geralt crying while watching the movie spirit or drunkenly telling roach he loves her. and when they get engaged or people accidentally find out they’re engaged jaskier couldn’t be happier because the whole damn world knows geralt is his and it doesn’t matter if he tanks a comedy career because he would burn hollywood to ash for this man.
anyway thank you for coming to my TEDtalk if someone wants to write this tag me!
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king-ofthe-ruckus · 3 years
I was wondering:
Do you think Jeremiah and Jerome would use tumblr? And how would there blogs be called and what would they look like (what posts, popular, self-created posts or just reblog, with comments, etc.)?
Idk, this question is random, but somehow i can't get it out of my head.
[ 2/2 : It's me again, that person who asked what the twins tumblr blogs would look like lmao: I thought:- jeremiah would probably post/reblog murder cases or science things- but i don't know what jerome would do ]
Okay, I love this idea so much, because, Jerome is without a doubt in my mind, on the weirdest side of tumblr, he’s one of those people that have the strangest made up stories, and odd quotes, he’s probably used in a lot of incorrect quotes. And just, he’s one of those oddly presence people despite no one knowing literally anything true about him. It’s just know that he probably has a friend named Jonathan, and a consistent, but probably made up friend named Jervis [ because he always ends up in fakest sounding stories ]
So now that I got that out of the way, I think the people Jerome would follow would be a lot of miscellaneous blogs, like ones that post tiktoks and other that are just strange [ think @thatsbelievable ] and probably a lot of meme blogs. he probably follows a few trauma recovery-centric blogs, because, as much as he hates to admit it, the random quotes telling him he’s worth something just makes him smile, and sometimes he really needs that his tumblr would probably have the generic background and a selfie of him and jonathan. He reblogs/post in spams between the hours of 3am-7am before going silent for a few days then usually comes back with a wild story of “”“finding his long lost twin”“” His tags are all over the place. No version of coherency on this blog, but he has several side blogs [ one for anarchy posts [politics], one for venting because he doesn’t like putting non-funny things on main, and then one for his art, because i really like the idea of Jerome having some artistic talent [ i really like him being a make up artist and making these really fun designs ] that side blog also has some photos of Jonathan’s hair that he braid and added sparkles to. ] Jerome just gives of a lot of chaotic energy, but if you ever see him interacting with his mutuals [ which he defines as people who he follows and follows him back and they continuously have good interactions on each other posts and you can see he puts a lot of energy and work into and actually cares about his online presence. And since i personally think of him as having ADHD, i think he definitely hyperfixates on his tumblr, which is why i almost debated him having a background image, but i really think he just likes he default red brick cartoonish background. ]
Jeremiah actually has a really large following as well because he got tumblr hold himself accountable for his studying when he was younger, and it also gave him good inspiration, so he’s heavily involved in studyblr, probably follows a lot of recovery-centric blogs, and this is just a personal headcanon of mine, but i believe that he has a bad relationship with food, and so he follow disordered eating blogs as well. His notes are extremely minimalistic, and he post blurbs for himself of what he read, enjoyed eating, and studied that day. He’s always extremely careful of what he puts in there so no one could figure out any personal information, and he is very good about tagging. A very good easy to understand system in place. He doesn’t follow that many people [ between 30 - 50, he consistently go through who he follows to unfollow them if they a.) change their content b.) are in active or c.) finds himself no longer enjoying their content ]. His blog is actually surprisingly aesthetically pleasing. His profile picture is a light photo, maybe of a piece of notes and pencils/pens he’s using and square that lines up with the blueprints he has a background. His bio is bare but concise [ “engineering studyblr. studying for undergrad/grad/whatever applies. tags.“ [ and the tags connects to a master list post of his organized tags: his own notes [#mine.], reblogged notes [#study me. and by the #[subject like STEM, arts, etc,.]], studying tips [#tictacs], quotes [#words], photos [#a thousand words], and then on for non-study related thing, like the true crime [ #tw murder ], and science, i see him really enjoying space and psychology, so he follows studyblr of those, but random facts are tagged under [ #scifi ]. I personally don’t imagine him having any side blogs, just because i don’t imagine him really enjoying social media beyond it being a way to focus his energy on something that he has a hard time focusing on, and serving as a distraction whenever he needs it, but he prefers mazes as distractions, or creating dream buildings and combining his favorite architectural types [ i saw this one like eco-brutalism i think it was called, i don’t know it was like a forest over took a city, but a safe and controlled way, i can’t think of the correct name, and i probably saw it on pinterest ] and i pretend like his idiotic idea of living in the forest with he idiotically sized bunker [ @alexanderwesker was talking about it in Discord [ they may have posted it to, if so i’ll link it, but it’s late and i’m tired ] and honestly, the bunker, it’s- it’s so bad, so now i’m pretending like it’s an intentional choice, to some extent XD ]
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hostilesuggestion · 4 years
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YTmusic playlist (last updated: 11/17/2023)
*last edited: 01/21/2024 by mod rot*
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twilightknight17 · 3 years
A collection of Persona anons, tossed together so that I don’t clog anyone’s dash. God, I remember a time when I got like one anon a year. XDDDD
Fic Rec Anon, you are at the top, so if anyone else is looking for some fic recs, you can just read the first ask and not bother with the others.
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Let’s see, off the top of my head...
To recommend some of mine:
Featherfans Unite! is technically post-vanilla, but it’s post-game established relationship, and they’re supportive of each other.
Safe Harbor is technically pre-relationship, but it’s post-game Goro taking care of Akira after a nightmare.
And not mine:
Burning Heart by Erina is post-canon established relationship, but mind the tags b/c it’s also whump. Not directed at each other, though. Them vs. outside problem. Totally worth it for the last move Akira pulls off.
And the Livin’ is Easy... by SeventhTense is just nice and fluffy.
the sun sets even in paradise by Jitters is... longer than I remember, but a very good look at how they could be post-canon.
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That was sort of the impression that the ending gave me, that Goro is the one who has to reach out now. When you visit the jazz club, Akira still has the glove, and acknowledges that they’re not done with each other yet. He’s going to wait, because Goro challenged him to the duel, so Goro has to show up and collect. XD
And it just feels more meaningful overall, for Goro to be able to come back to Akira on his own terms. When he comes back, it’ll be because he wants to, not because there’s some sort of obligation or manipulation involved.
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I don’t care what other people think. I care that he is literally onscreen, alive, in the ending. That’s confirmation. It’s not my fault that other people are ignoring the game.
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I’ll agree with you about Maruki. Akira going to jail when Maruki gets to just move on with his life without even apologizing for anything he did is bullshit.
We don’t get to see Akira’s reactions to everything explored as much as they could be because Atlus is really invested in their whole self-insert silent protagonist thing. Our reactions are supposed to be Akira’s, for the most part, even though Akira has a lot more personality than some of the other protags. Once again, Tatsuya is the superior protag, because he’s the only one who gets to vent his trauma. XDDDD But I don’t think his relationship with Goro made Akira miserable. He had to make hard choices, and went through a lot, but in the ending, he’s still got Goro’s glove. He’s still optimistic.
(He wouldn’t have had to end Royal by himself if Atlus hadn’t needed to shoehorn Maruki into the final scene. Jesus. We could have talked to him on the walkaround and then gone in the bus with our friends during the ending. Blech.)
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I take that scene as canon, too. ^_^
Like, they spend all that time together in the third semester, with none of Goro’s fake TV personality, and Akira still wants him around. Once Goro can acknowledge that someone likes all of his different sides, not just the prince, I think they’d be just fine.
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GOD. YES. THANK YOU. I like him as a character too, but I swear to god I spent most of Maruki’s confidant after rank...3? either squinting suspiciously at him, being really uncomfortable, or wondering where the rude dialogue options were. It was even worse in NG+, because in hindsight everything he said was bait. And there are people who honestly think he did nothing wrong?
Like, he shows up at Akira’s home? Twice?? One of which was when he knows Akira’s not there??? I was 100% on Sojiro’s side, trying to throw him out.
He asks a question that leads to dialogue options implying that Akira would feel betrayed if someone lied to him to make things seem better than they were. And then Maruki proceeds to do exactly that on a grand scale.
He tells Akira at rank 10 that he’s known about the Thieves the whole time, and used that to gain information? I’m sitting there wailing trying to figure out why there’s no “fuck you” option. All of their targets, adults using and exploiting people, and Akira has nothing angry to say to this one?
And yeah. Waiting until the last possible moment to imply that Goro was Akira’s wish, that he won’t survive if the illusion breaks, was nothing but emotional manipulation. I think he really did want Akira to be happy, for sure, but I also think he would have done anything to convince him to accept his reality.
“For his own good.” Yuck.
(I don’t know that he was lying about Goro. He’s not omniscient. He might have actually not known specifically what happened to Goro after the ship, and just assumed.)
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
Really long ask - Part 1: Hi, sorry for this long rant, but I just wanted to vent since I saw this latest story posted on AO3 and I am restraining myself on commenting on their story so I'm just letting my anger out here about it and other issues regarding fan-depiction of Hawks. It's vaguely related to your post on how DabiHawks or Dabi+Hawks stories make it all about Dabi and always made Hawks out to be the one who starts the problems in their relationship or is the one trying to get Dabi's
Content warning: passing mention of r*pe in a fanfiction.
LOOOONG post under the cut.
Dabi's attentions when it's canon that it's the complete opposite. This latest story that came up in my feed was about Hawks "harassing" Dabi (who apparently has a backstory of r*pe) and Twice helps Dabi works out his feelings. Among the hoards of tags condemning Hawks, they decided to use "Hawks is very uncool in this fic heads up" so that's another one to add to my filters. I think I also have to block the "Dabi Needs a Hug" tags too bc he's always woobified like heck. 
I really want to read stories where Hawks interacts with Twice since they have a bond/drama with each other, but people have been adding Dabi and either making it seem like Hawks has been gaslighting Dabi in their "relationship" or with Twice. I can acknowledge stories where Hawks feels guilty for what he had to do or Twice being anger/betrayed over Hawks' actions since that is actually what happened; but I will not stand for Dabi claiming Hawks took advantage of Twice or Twice and Dabi having feelings for each other with Hawks in the way bc Dabi is a) the one who let Hawks in b) knew Twice is gullible and c) used Twice as bait. Even in the stories that are cute/causal+funny, Hawks is always the one who gets threatened with fire, harsh insults, or guilted into compliance but the seriousness of the first 2 are always brushed off and the third kinda makes me want it that Hawks doesn't have friends bc most people write him as a bad friend who only cares about his own problems (especially the ones that write Hawks like a celebrity/night club person). 
On writing Dabi, his issues always take priority over everything else, his family loves him, and the lov is always chill with him. He's usually written as the fun asshole/caretaker (bc of his big brother status or ablity to cook). Those factors aren't bad by itself, but it's extremely irritating when the writers/artists can give that level of care to Dabi, but just reduce Hawks to a meme who is a workaholic for the government/scared of punishment & not bc he really cares about the people he saves/helps. It's not like I hate the DabiHawks pairing, but the majority of the content (esp the recent ones), are frustrating to read & Hawks' character is usually written in bad out of character extremes. I am really mystified that I'm praying for canon content rather than fanmade most of the time.
Phew! After the back and forth it looks like we got to the end of that! (Or did we?! *Dun dun DUUUUN*) If not, though, feel free to keep the asks rolling. Lol Foxy and I are usually pretty happy to receive as many asks as people want to send even if it takes us a while, individually, to get to it. Now to finally address what you sent.
I find myself in a weird place when it comes to OOC fanfic because on the one hand people can write whatever they want, and I don’t really have a place to criticize them; but also when they blatantly and willingly misinterpret a character so they have grounds to bash on them it also leaves me acutely uncomfortable. I don’t think I’d call it “problematic” as much as a squick? Like, if they’re willing to blow past all the obvious proof to the contrary about their claims of a fictional character just because they hate them, then are they willing to do the same thing to a real person? Usually, those kinds of thoughts are pointlessly extreme, but we know those who unironically and/or unapologeticly call fans of the heroes “bootlickers” so... It’s like, ooc vent fics are also fine; and if you want to rewrite a character to fit the narrative scheme you’ve set up that’s cool as long as its tagged (“ooc [character]” or something) and/or just mention in the a/n that they knowingly and willingly mischaracterized them for the sake of the fic. Just. Don’t. Claim. It’s. Canon.
And speaking of canon, as much as I’m sure Horikoshi knew Hawks and Dabi were going to end up shipped I think it’s obvious that he never was going to canonically write them ending up together, yet here comes the “canon must validate my headcanon” crowd calling him a bad writer because the author had some bigger narrative goal in mind than having two pretty anime boys kissing.
And the worst part to me is, I feel there’s a distinct slice of the DabiHawks crowd missing out on some of the possibilities of this ship by intentionally mischaracterizing them. Like, the aesthetic equal/opposite draw of the ship is phenomenal as it is and I don’t even ship them, but I can see a wide range of possible fics based solely on the principle that they are canonically incompatible!
At the end of the day, Dabi is a dime-a-dozen edgelord - that pain in the butt OC that so many newbie D&D players make that they think is so deep and dark and mature, but is about as cookie-cutter as they come. It’s not that this kind of character is unsalvageable or a hopeless Gary Stu character, just that they don’t often come across as compelling in and of themselves or that they need more than just selfish hatred to carry them through a series. Two kinds of edgelords that can be done well are the “Out of the Ashes” edgelord and “I’ll Pull You Into Hell With Me” edgelord. The first kind recognizes there’s more to life than their sad backstory and getting even and thus choose to aspire to more noble causes - think Joel from The Last of Us. The second recognizes they’re actively doing wrong and come to embrace it - being more concerned with getting what they want than taking the moral high ground - think Frank Castle, aka the Punisher - and even these darker, “unsaveable” kinds of edgelord antiheroes can have redeeming qualities such as meeting and helping a young hopeful and telling them, “I know I’m on the road to hell, so if you want to save yourself you’d better not follow me.”
Dabi actually has what he needs to become the second type right now (assuming he’s Touya) and could even evolve into the first not unlike Kratos from God of War, but that potential can’t be fully recognized until you admit that he’s fundamentally self-centered and a bad person as-is. He may have the tragic backstory complete with justifiable hate at his genuinely abusive father, but rather than using that as fuel to see that never happen to anyone else like it did him - he just wants to get even. He burns people alive, knowing well he’s participating in the same destruction that his father committed to make him what he is now. He doesn’t recognize any of the merits of hero society and is only concerned with burning it to ash. He could use what happened to his family to incite compassion in his heart and take others under his wing, but instead he uses people as a mean to his own ends. He isn’t even proper grimdark - he’s just your run of the mill egotistical megalomaniac with a punk aesthetic.
And that’s still a good character in the grand scheme of things, maybe just not alone! Moreso, it’s a good villain and EVEN BETTER when you put him next to Hawks who is at his core:
Fundamentally Hopepunk!
Hopepunk is about being good and kind as an act of rebellion against a cruel and unfair world no matter how bleak it gets or how badly you’re beaten down. Despite his own cruel past, Hawks still has a heart to help others for no other reason than to help them, he constantly changes the odds to save as many people as he can when he’d be given a pass for letting the cards fall where they will, and not only is his aim to “help others” but to make sure that there’ll never be need for heroes again. He’s an active rebel against the system fighting with kindness and goodness, fervently looking and listening for the next opportunity to do good.
In agreement with you, Hawks and Twice are interesting to explore because while Twice is an optimist looking to make the world a better place, he’s still a step or two removed from Hawks’ worldview because Twice refuses to let go of the “family” he found for himself while Hawks is willing to sacrifice himself for others. That dynamic is so interesting, and it’s what made them so initially compatible and subsequently heartbreaking in canon.
And it’s such a disappointment to see this unwaveringly earnest character reduced to “shitty fratboy” so often. For a lot of people newer to his character I can understand the confusion, but there really isn’t an excuse if you’ve been reading the series, and the possibilities for fics with this canon personality are just so much more interesting to explore, especially with Dabi as his sort-of opposite.
For DabiHawks to work well, you have to recognize that something has to give in either of them. Some of the juiciest, most angsty content is when you have two characters grow close together over commonalities only to be reminded that despite everything else they share, that One Thing will always keep them from truly being able to see eye-to-eye. Either Dabi has to grow past his hatred and relearn compassion and empathy, or Hawks has to lose grip of that hopeful vision he has and fall into despair. Both options are good to explore, but both require the acknowledgement that Dabi’s view of the world is fundamentally bleak and selfish, especially compared to Hawks’. For a supposed revolutionary out to change the world for the better whose a diamond in the rough with a heart of gold, that’s not exactly on-brand; and at the end of the day the issue is that some are unwilling to admit that what they wanted Dabi to be is likely not going to happen and they love that fake version Dabi more than they love what Hawks actually stands for which is why Hawks always gets the shaft in the end.
I still personally hold a bit of a grudge against the DaiHawks ship as a whole purely because, as you said, Dabi always seems to take priority over Hawks instead of letting the two build a dynamic together. Hawks is always the one who has to give, and the torture porn some have made him go through to “make the ship work” is downright disturbing to me. Even at its height DabiHawks content completely flooded the Hawks character tags on Tumblr with some of the same problems that have persisted to this day such as emphasizing their aesthetic as opposed to their dynamic and rampant mischaracterization.
Anyway, that’s my long-winded response. What do you think, @autumn-foxfire?
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zombiegurlmode · 4 years
Camren is a dead ship. Get over it bish.
I thought about whether i truly wanted to write this or not. Then again, i thought to myself, this is my vent area i will write whatever the hell i want. You no likey you getaway from me. Simple fact of life right?
So a little background story before we dice the meat and butcher it into pieces. Sony is one of those companies that i hate to love and love to hate. It all started with their almighty creation the PlayStation. Such a phenomal brand that it paved the way for the revolutionizing the gaming industry we know of today. And then lo and behold sony is also famed for killing off its own brands by their lousy marketing efforts or failed attempts. Exhibits A to C: sony vaio, sony erickson, PS Vita (probably one of their greatest massacre of all time). So when i learned that 5H were actually part of the Sony umbrella corporation, (ooo this is a reference. Hint: refer to my handle) all i could think about is who’s the next victim. Well we got our casualty right?
Anyway, next stop on our background story is i’ve heard of 5H way before i’ve learned of camren. I mean i couldn’t even be bothered whoever the hell are the members of 5H were. All i know is that i really liked their song work from home and then I listened to their other songs and appreciated some of their other songs while others not so much. Personally, i just thought of 5H before as another run of the mill generic knock off version of Spice Girls. Funnily enough, they did their own version of Spice Girls. Then i came across never be the same and instanly liked it. I never even knew that she was a former 5H member. Honestly, i still couldn’t be bothered at that time.
Fast track a few months or a year, i had a major setback with my sexuality. I encountered a colleague of mine whom i have developed strong affections for. This totally knocked me off my orbit and bothered me since A) she’s married and B) i’m in denial. I mean at the back of my head i already knew since i was young. I was just suppressing it. No need to go into details since most of us are on the same boat on this. You know the usual ploy of disasterrific coming out agenda and the whole enchalada. So to eleviate some of my concerns, i even ended up consulting professional help from a friend of mine who is practicing professionally. I learned from her that there are even conversion camps to somehow “change us back to normal”. Creepy if you ask and i’m even downplaying it. Anyway, i saw in a facebook post one of my friends attending a pride march here in the Philippines. So i gathered my courage and spoke to her and ended up coming out to her.
Fast track again, she introduced me to camren and the rest is history. I was hooked, lined, and sunk with this dead ship. And i haven’t been the same ever since. I read Bashuda’s post here (hope i got your name right). An open letter to lauren jauregui. And all she’ve said, i’m willling to bet most camren shippers underwent too. We are all looking for that special kind of love that knocks us out of our orbit, takes our breath away, and drives us crazy up the wall. The all consuming type of love that you know is worth every damn fight you’ll have to go through. And somehow, we shippers see that in camren and gives us the hope and courage that the love we all seek do truly exists in this otherwise selfish, relentless, and brutal world we all live in.
So now unto to the main agenda, Lauren’s live or podcast or whatever we call it now with becky g. All i got is that she doesn’t like being called daddy. I concede defeat you shippers arguing in wattpad can now be laid to rest. It’s now finally settled straight from the horse’s mouth. We now can definitely without a doubt say who tops. Hahahaha. Ok, just kidding. I just couldn’t resist. I mean she had it coming. I’m just feeding my crazy self. Although, you know she did say daddy’s get your sh*t *wink wonk*. You know I wouldn’t mind being called a daddy hahahaha. Again couldn’t resist. At this point, i’m just twisting her words and being playful.
Since i can’t control myself from taking shots at her words, let’s continue on with my tomfoolery. Lauren again gave us another proof. This time she proved herself again that she is in fact a living breathing meme. And this meme came into my mind:
Literally no one: ....
Lauren: you know camren is not real blah blah blah
Cs: who even ask about camren? It’s a dead ship. You said it yourself it’s not real. Get over it bish. (Honestly lauren. Joke’s on you bud)
Ok, ok, all kidding and lousy jokes aside. What i truly can take away from all her passionate speech is this LJ1 IS COMING!!!!!!
I mean denying camren again? Real shocker. News flash to me. Really i swear i almost had a gay panic in the office no less. Honestly lauren it’s 2020 and covid is out here doing it’s thing and your back reliving a dead ship no less and retelling yet again the same things you’ve said before. Oh don’t get me wrong tho. I am not downplaying in any way what you have to go through. I mean come on for crying out loud my front is still in the closet quaking like a damn moron. Look what i truly do not appreciate is why is it about the cs again huh? Come on, it’s not like we tag you in all your accounts to chant our undying faithfulness to our ship that has been turned officially into submarine. Where our beloved captain may or may not be in hiding in plain sight or maybe our delusional minds are conjuring these thoughts. Neither do we publicly declare our posts or force anyone to believe in our conspiracy theory. We have a very dedicated community much like a dedicated server where we gather like cults and study our fine specimens... sorry i meant closely observe and adore our ship. We have a special place where we can commune and comment and make fun of our created fanfics out of the very fine figments of the numerous authors’ machinations. And yet here we are people trespassing on our free space and demanding to cease and desist this atrocious camren lunacy wherein you couldn’t just possibly stumble upon camren accidentally unless you were intending to. Because as i’ve mentioned before i’ve heard of 5H and camila cabello way before i encountered the anomaly of camren. I even searched about 5H because of camila cabello’s involvement in the group. And not in one of those searches did it yield to camren. Not until i was introduced to it by a friend. And now i am clearly a camren fiend.
Anywho, quite obvious to me that the marketing for LJ1 has begun and we are now all entering the hook phase by drawing in attention by creating new drama or reliving or reenvisioning past established conflicts to fit into the narrative. Well i’m excited for its official release and that’s all i have left to say now. Have a pleasant day everyone. The madness had finally ended here.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
(Sorta response to the anon ask about potential) I think it's important to remember that we, the audience, have liberties that RT doesn't when it comes to our fics/rewrites. RT doesn't have the luxury of years of retrospection on the show, or all the time they could want, to write. RT are also writing from scratch, not just adding to another's work. It's like the difference between following a recipe and cooking from scratch.
Not saying it excuses their blatant missteps, but as someone who has written on a deadline like that for something I'm getting paid for before, let me tell you it can be really easy to let cracks form moment to moment.
Hey, @just-rwby Idk why I just haven't been seeing your asks until recently, but this is a very fair point to make. It's easy to spot mistakes from the outside, it's much harder to see them in your own work. I have a consistent writing partner for fan fics who often will scroll over sentences on our google docs that I wrote and then write 'What?' So I know I'm just not communicating what I want right, and not writing so well. Writing is hard, and I'm by no means a professional.
As for re-writes, it is important to note that we are looking at RWBY from the outside and have all of the time in the world to figure out how we’d ‘do it right,’ we have all the pieces we need, we know where the characters might be headed from the start, we can see where the writers may have tripped up, we can watch RWBY fifty times to make sure we have the full picture. If someone were to re-write Harry Potter, they might get rid of the unnecessary floo network and use portkeys from the start because while JK Rowling might not have invented them when she wrote book two, we know - after years and years of being able to critically look at the complete series - that portkeys are going to exist and will be crucial for the fourth book. But that doesn’t mean that we’re better or worse at writing than JK Rowling.
The first time I was making a ‘re-write’ it was to alter the character reactions to Lost Fable in volume six that had really frustrated me. During the course of that fic, me and the person that I was writing the fic with turned it into a big overarching story where we A. Forgot that Raven had suggested Ozpin was her headmaster and had him be the former classmate of Qrow. B. Missed the quick flash of Pietro we see in volume three when Penny is killed and instead wrote an OC father for her. C. Forgot that communications were down and had that OC father contact them via their scrolls sometimes. And so on and so forth. Even with the option to watch through the first five seasons over and over, we were still making lots of mistakes. Of course, we were writing the fic for ourselves, never published it, and never sold it or claimed to be professionals.
Making AUs is great! It’s always fun to re-write things in the way that we want or to fix the mistakes we can see since we’re not under any time limit and can really think things through. For instance, I’ve been slowly trying to work on a RWBY re-write and one of the things I’d do is keep Ironwood a hero and go with Yang x Weiss and Blake x Sun as romantic ships. It would be ridiculous for me to say that RWBY should’ve gone with those ships and that arc for Ironwood just because I want it. But it is perfectly valid for me to say that I don’t think the way they did Ironwood’s arc was good and that I don’t think Blake x Yang as a ship has been done well. And it may have been rushed, but CRWBY are meant to be professionals trying to sell a product, unlike me.
Criticizing RWBY is valid, even venting and bashing and nitpicking is valid (posting it using the proper tags in a website so the creators will never see and that fans of the show can filter out.) RWBY the official product has to be held to a higher standard than any fanwork, because it is official, it’s meant to be professional, and it’s a product that RT is trying to sell people on. As creative and good and full of potential RWBY can be at times, their big mistakes are more serious and impact the overall story or even have hurtful narratives that impact the real world.
But RWBY fanworks are inherently built off of RWBY. People who make RWBY  re-writes can alter the world magic, they can change up character ages and backgrounds, they can throw in ‘fixes’ and leave out some of the bigger mistakes and some of the harmful narratives in RWBY... But in the end, they aren’t making their own product, they’re just altering the foundation of someone else’s work and doing so with none of the limitations they have. Whether or not people who make these re-writes are better writers than the CRWBY writers is something that can’t be gauged through those re-writes, it has to be gauged through the products they’ve actually made on their own.
I’ve never managed to make anything of my own. I have tons of ideas, but I struggle to get them to become anything solid. The fact that the RWBY writers consistently put out a product is an accomplishment I’ve only dreamed about. But there are still these big, blatant mistakes and it is perfectly to valid to wonder at how they were missed and to criticize RWBY for them, because it impacts their story in the long run.
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thenixkat · 4 years
Crosseyes headcanons (with special guests)
Moving forward after the whole Hole-kun shit
- Once the rest of the team gets revived there is a serious meeting:
--- Natsuki gets voted in as a full elite
--- Dokuga gets demoted from vice boss for withholding critical need to know information and getting his allies killed
--- Tetsujo gets a demerit for withholding critical need to know info from the team. Only a demerit tho b/c a higher up told him to keep his mouth shut.
--- The only fair way to pick a new leader is via battle royal. Last one standing is the new boss. The new boss chooses their vice boss.
--- Even if the old boss didn’t believe in the organization’s mission doesn’t mean they have to give up on it.
--- Start actually vetting people before letting them join. Just seems like a good idea.
- Natsuki wins the battle royal and picks Ton as her vice boss
- First order of business is making money to support both them and their organization. Time to use those drug dealing and murder skills. Turns out a week long murder spree is the perfect advertisement for selling your skills as a hitman.
- They may not have more black powder (yet) but there’s plenty of drugs out there that can sell. The boys put their gardening skills to use for weed and opium.
- Natsuki can sell her smoke. Defense magic is good for protecting construction workers in the rebuilding the sorcerer world after the fucking rain based apocalypse thing
- The Crosseyes set up their base of operations just outside of Hole city, they use stolen gold to buy a farm. 
- Natsuki can make doors to the magic world, it’s very useful
- The En family is still a problem given ya know En don’t like them. But with Natsuki’s magic the Crosseyes can be just a little bit less scared of Shin and Noi
- Honestly Natsuki becomes the MVP and its what she deserves
- Other Crosseye business ventures include self defense classes for the magicless, knife making, crosseye merchandise, exterminators, repairmen, straight up theft
- Literally everyone and their momma knows that black powder is made out of people and no one cares. The elites just don’t know how its made b/c the ex-boss never told anyone and Kaiman refuses to talk about it. 
- Having human Crosseyes is useful because they can weaponize Hole-kun statues. Which makes everyone just a little bit less scared of ... Noi at least. The things don’t work properly on Shin.
Dr. Kasukabe
- Kinda reminds them of the ex-boss but waaaaaay more cheerful and talkative
- Make a deal with him, if he becomes their in-house mad scientist and helps them make black powder and understand their bodies better (maybe even cheap surgeries to help people open up their smoke ducts) they will provide him with all the sorcerer bodies he could ask for for his research
- Has a door to the magic world which is useful and canned door smoke which is also useful
- The elites help keep his house clean and run errands for him in exchange for access to his house and equipment
- Neither Dr. Kasukabe nor Johnson can figure out how his mansion got turned into a halfway home for orphans (both human and magical) in less than a year but so long as no one messes with his work he guesses it’s fine.
- Haru visits one day like, “Who the fuck are all these people living in your house?!” --- Kasukabe:  While you were away I rejoined a gang
- Is declared an honorary Crosseye as the ex-boss’s partner and for being nice to Natsuki, Risu, Dokuga, Tetsujo, and Kaiman
- “Train us Nikaido-senpai!” Natsuki decides that the gang should learn some fighting skills form Nikaido b/c Nikaido is very very good at fighting.
- There is an unspoken understanding that in the Crosseye hierarchy that Nikaido ranks higher than Dokuga and Tetsujo. Not only did she beat them in a fight they also work at her restaurant.
- Nikaido is a-ok with taking drug money as payment and gifts
- Sometimes the Crosseyes rotate young adults by the Hungry Bug like, “X needs a job, they work cheap and they won’t rob you.”
- Nikaido disagrees with the Crosseyes on economics. She’s a capitalist and they’re out and out communists.
- Finds out that Dr. Kasukabe is working with the Crosseyes and just kinda screams for awhile
- There was a serious debate on if Kaiman counted as a Crosseye. Kai was (Kai was officially demoted for killing comrades without good reason and also cannibalizing a comrade without consent) and Kaiman is kinda Kai, But Kaiman’s also kinda Aikawa who definately was not a Crosseye even if he was partners with Risu. Also debates as to if Hole-kun was their real boss and Kai/Kaiman/Aikawa was just his ride?
- Kaiman personally does not identify as a Crosseye. That does not stop him from somehow getting dragged into Crosseye bullshit.
- Gets roped into a weeks worth of knife fights b/c the Crosseyes wanted revenge for the bullshit Kai did to them/put them through. (a lot of people get in on this action, not just Crosseyes. Tetsujo invites Fujita who does stab the shit out of Kaiman for his late homie Matsumura. Tanba and Kirion tag team and WWE Kaiman’s ass.) It’s not a good time but also not a bad time, people are working out their issues.
- Joins in on the fuck up Kaiman week of knife fights. For fun. Also a little bit for vengeance. 
- Tries a rematch with Dokuga. Gets his ass whupped. Like... no contest.
- Honestly the Crosseyes are rooting for him as a devil candidate. Someone who was one of them making it as a devil? That’d be sweet.
- He likes Kawajiri but the ex-devil’s rich people vibes get rancid and he vents about rich people bullshit to the other Crosseyes.
- Starts actually making friends with the rest of the Crosseyes. He’s not trying to but like he desperately needs more friends.
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televisionboy · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
How the gang reacts when their s/o is stressed/crying
<< Immediately pulls you in a bear hug
<< omg imagine being hugged by Darry 😭💕🙌🥰
<< hugs you for a long time
<< he doesn’t ask you to tell him anything but you know you can
<< and if you do, he will listen to you talk for hours
<< either way he’ll take you out to cheer you up
<< if he sees the person that caused you to cry it takes everything in him not to beat that person up
Two Bit
<< Kinda just stands there
<< He’s a little scared when he sees you cry because he’s not sure what to do
<< but once you collapse in his arms crying he holds you for hours
<< kissing you and telling you funny but stupid things Ponyboy did earlier that day
<< “Doll you shoulda seen it! He ran across that old grouch Ms. Barns’s lawn and she threw her gardening tools at him!”
<< when he sees a smile that’s when he starts getting all mushy
<< “There’s my beautiful girls smile! I love ya baby I don’t know what I’d do without ya”
<< “Probably die Two-Bit”
<< “Probably, baby”
<< wants to beat a person up
<< but he also wants to comfort you
<< he’ll just let you lay on him
<< it’s in one of those moments where he doesn’t say a single word
<< he’s always on your side no matter what
<< “I know babe! That customer was so bitchy, you should tell your manager. Oh shoot he’s not really that nice either. You deserve a better job doll”
<< let’s you play with his hair
<< he knows that you calm down by tracing his tattoo so he’ll wear shirts that display it that day
<< hereads to you
<< his voice is soothing
<< doesn’t say anything really
<< other than “I know honey it’s so terrible” and “I love you
<< he just draws shapes on your back and over time you’ve found that soothing
<< takes walks with you at night, v nice
<< whispers sweet nothings in your ear at night
<< tries his best to make food for you
<< v quiet lil babey
<< he lets you lay on him
<< and vent
<< he will give you pretty good advice tho
<< if you’re stressed with a school related deadline or something like that
<< he sits you down and studies with you even if he knows 0 of it
<< he buys you chocolates
<< and takes you out a lot once you’re done
<< freezes up when you’re crying
<< refuses to hug you
<< but once he sees you there laying in bed with his shirt on and silently crying, his heart B R E A K S
<< that’s when he puts an arm around you and with his other arm, reaches across your lap to hold your hand while you lean into him
<< it’s silent except when he’s whispering about how he’ll help you get through whatever
<< and very silently “i love ya doll”
<< the neck kisses he gives you while you vent to him
<< if you’re crying because of someONE, he makes it his business to beat them up no a matter how many times you tell him not too
<< but if it’s someTHING he sighs and helps you through it
<< buys you beer and chocolate and kisses you before he says it’s “nothin’’ and “he wants to see your smile”
<< immediately asks what’s wrong
<< he won’t beat someone up, he’ll get Steve to while he kisses you to calm you down
<< ^ that actually works lol
<< he smiles that charming boy smile once you smile
<< makes you your favorite food if your upset
<< tells you funny stories that happened at work that day
<< asks you if your alright/need anything ever 5 minutes
<< “Soda I’m okay babe”
<< “Okay! You’re just sad and I love you. You better not make me cry doll”
Tag list:
@scamanderhoney @jedi-mabari @dallys-illegal-doings @ponyboyandaridehome @g-a-y-b-a-c-o-n
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mizutoyama · 4 years
Angst Alphabet
Thanks @unfortunate-arrow for the tag! 
I tag @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery @mira-shard @samshogwarts @that-ravenpuff-witch & whoever wants to do it and hasn’t been tagged yet.
A- Accident (Would they blame themselves if their s/o died or got into an accident?)
Depends on the situation. If it was related to the vault, both Alice and Charlie would blame themselves if their s/o died or got into an accident, though for different reasons.
Alice would blame herself because she dragged Charlie into that mess. Charlie would blame himself because he didn’t prevent Alice from doing whatever dangerous thing she did because he trusted her.
If it wasn’t related to the Vaults but to something linked to them, they would blame themselves. If it wasn’t related to something they are involved in, it depends. If Alice died doing her job as Curse-Breaker, Charlie would maybe blame himself a little, thinking that if he had pushed her a little toward taking the healer trainee position at the dragon reserve, she would still be fine. But if she got into an accident just doing her daily activities (shopping, walking around town, etc.), he’d be crushed, but wouldn’t blame himself. In Alice’s case, if it was either because of his job as a dragonologist or just while doing normal things, she wouldn’t blame herself, but she’d be devastated.
B- Bad Habits (What are some things that make their s/o mad, or irritated?)
One thing that annoys Alice, but she manages to hide it, is when Charlie suggests dragons as a solution to something where clearly dragons are NOT the answer, like when he suggested the use of dragons regarding the final vault that is probably in the lake.
For Charlie, what irritates him a little is Alice’s tendency to basically go looking for trouble. (Says the guy who goes in the forest looking for dragons…) He trusts her ability to defend herself, but he wished she would at least tell him what she’s planning. He doesn’t need her protection, he wants to stand by her side.
C- Crying (What would make them cry?)
Alice basically cries when she has an overflow of certain emotions. Too stressed? Cries. Too sad? Cries. Too angry/frustrated? Cries. (This means that any events creating those overflows will make her cry.) (Also certain songs and movie scenes can make her cry…)
For Charlie, if anything horrible happened to his family, Alice, and his friends.
D- Death (How do they react to their s/o's death?)
So many variables possible…
If they witnessed the other one’s death, I think they would cradle their loved one’s body, refusing to let go, refusing to accept the other is dead. I think that scene would haunt them for the rest of their lives.
If they were told of the other one’s death, Charlie would probably need to sit down and just remain in a state of shock for sometime, hoping someone will tell him it’s a joke or that Alice will walk through the door. Alice would faint, and spend the next days in bed, either sleeping or crying.
In either cases, they would go after whoever is responsible for the death (unless it was an accident). Charlie would probably cremate the murderer using a dragon. Alice would use all the curses (except the unforgivables) she knows on the murderer. After that, they would throw themselves in their work.
E- Emotion (what emotion do they tend to push away the most?)
For Alice, she pushes nearly all away (stiff upper lip…), the ones she pushes away the most are sadness and discouragement.
For Charlie… That’s harder. He doesn’t seem like someone who hides that many emotions. His feelings for Alice at the beginning… Maybe he tempers his excitement when it comes to dragons because he knows most don’t share his enthusiasm for them?
F- Fear (What is their biggest fear?)
Alice’s biggest fear is that everyone she cares about will suddenly disappear or turn their back on her. (Thanks, Jacob…)
For Charlie, I think while most people would expect his biggest fear to be dragon-related, I believe his biggest fear is most likely related to his family, something along the lines of them being dead or gone. (Remember when Fred & George went missing?)
G- Guilt (What's the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
For Charlie, breaking up with Alice so she would take the MACUSA offer instead of the one from the Dragon Reserve in Romania. When Andre told him she was going to take the MACUSA offer anyway and ask him to have a long-distance relationship, he wanted to hit himself and find a time-turner to go back in time.
For Alice, in regards to her relationship with Charlie, maybe the fact that she discussed MACUSA’s offer and what she was planning to do with Andre before discussing it with Charlie? (Dragon Boy overheard part of that conversation, hence the breakup… though other things led to the breakup.) Something else she feels guilty about is dating another one of her friends after her breakup with Charlie, because she knows she won’t ever love him like he loves her. (They didn’t start dating straight away and he went after her.)
H- Heartbreak (What would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break up?)
The thing that causes pain in their relationship is the fact they keep worrying about the other’s safety. Charlie can’t help but feel worried when Alice goes after a new vault, and Alice worries when Charlie follows her, as she would never forgive herself if anything happened. (It gets better in adulthood, their time apart allowing them to grow.)
Neither of them dealt really well with the breakup. Charlie regretted it as soon as he did it, Andre’s revelation exacerbating his guilt. As for Alice, she managed to maintain her cool in front of Charlie, but broke down the minute she was in her dorm. She cried during the train ride, to the point of falling asleep. Once home, she basically locked herself in her room. At some point, she decided to go clubbing to just forget about everything, but all it achieved is her friends worrying about her and her not feeling any different. That’s when one of her friends tell her how he feels about her, and they start seeing each other casually.
I- Injured (How do they handle themselves/each other when injured?)
They would take care of the other. (Finally! A short answer!)
J- Jittery (What part of their past makes them flinch or even worked up?)
For Alice, the Vaults and her brother’s disappearance.
For Charlie, what happened in the portrait vault and, later on, his break up with Alice.
K- Kill (Would they kill for revenge?)
Depends on the revenge, but if it’s to avenge someone’s death, definitely. Neither would use an unforgivable curse. Charlie would choose cremation by dragon, while Alice would probably use all the curse she knows to make her target suffer.
L- Lie (What's their tell for lying? How do they feel about lying to their s/o?)
Alice looks away when she lies, while Charlie fidgets with his hands.
As for lying to each other, neither feels great about it. Alice probably does it more often than Charlie, as she doesn’t always want him to follow her in her vault adventures to protect him.
M- Mistakes (How much do they want to fix the mistakes of their past?)
Well, if you read all the previous letters, you probably have figured out that Charlie would like to fix his mistake of breaking up with Alice. Except for that, I think he’s rather okay with learning from the mistakes in his past.
As for Alice, while she’s also more the kind to learn from her mistakes, the one thing she wish she could fix from the past is Rowan’s death.
N- Nightmare (How often do they have nightmares? What are they about? How do they deal with it?)
Charlie doesn’t often have nightmares, perhaps a bit more after the portrait vault’s event.
Alice, on the other hand, has had nightmares nearly every nights, thanks to her brother’s disappearance and the vaults. After finding her brother in the portrait vault, her nightmares don’t happen as often. The presence of some people also seem to calm her enough that she doesn’t have nightmares.
O- Outrage (What makes them angry?)
For Alice, bullies and injustice.
For Charlie, feeling powerless and probably also injustice? (Hello cliché!)
P- Pressure (What stresses them out to their breaking point?)
For Alice the responsibility of the vaults.
For Charlie, worrying about his little brothers (mostly Fred & George)
Q- Questions (Do they question their romantic ability)
All the time.
R- Rejection (How would they handle rejection?)
Romantic rejection, I think it would sting, but they would get over it since you can’t force someone to love you.
Rejection in other areas would probably hurt for a longer time, especially if it involved a lot of work prior to the rejection.
S- Scars (Battle or Self-inflicted)
One is a curse-breaker since basically the age of 11 and the other works with dragons. Of course they have scars, but none are self-inflicted.
T- Time (How would they react when finding out their s/o had limited time left to live?)
They would spend all that time with them, and try to create as many memories as possible.
U- Urge (How badly do they get the urge to see s/o after separating?)
Here I’m going to assume is when they are apart and not actually broken up. I’d say they don’t always need to be next to each other. The urge would appear if they saw their s/o talking to someone they see as potential competition.
V- Vent (How do they get rid of feelings they find unnecessary?)
Alice finds a place where she can be alone and lets it all out.
I imagine Charlie just grabbing a broom (or a dragon when he’s an adult) and flying around.
W- Wildcard (Random Headcanon)
After Charlie tells Alice why he really broke up with her, Alice will quickly realize that she still loves him, but won’t break up with the person she’s seeing at the time as she cares about that person and doesn’t want to hurt him.
X- X-ray (How readable are they? Can they see their s/o's emotions easily?)
Alice has basically no poker face, especially for people close to her. So Charlie can easily read her emotions, except when he suggested dragons to help with the final vault. He was too excited by his own idea to notice Alice’s face which clearly read as “are you for real?!”.
Alice isn’t as good as reading Charlie’s emotion, but not because he has a poker face, though I imagine he’s less readable than Alice. I think she can be so into her own head to figure out how to solve the current problem, she won’t notice the small emotional cues in Charlie’s face.
Y- Yearn (What do they want but can't have?)
Charlie: Get back with Alice after their break up.
Alice: Get back with Charlie after he tells her why he broke up with her.
Z- Zero (How do they spend their last moments with their s/o?)
In each other’s arms. (Let’s embrace the cliché.)
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