#that'll show them to stop calling makoto 'best girl' when reporting about a freaking figure
sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
i think another thing with the whole "decline" of P5 in the public eye is the whole issue of being unable to talk about any other game, especially a jrpg, without annoying fans blathering about P5 yet again. I'm pretty sure there's been enough examples by now *coughtwewycough* to understand what i mean
Oh I'm aware of that. Tho....I'd be remiss to say I didn't actually make a list of games (Megaten included but it involved more than that) to play to get hyped for P5 (One criteria was other thief like games, the other was games that took place in Tokyo so you could immerse yourself and get used to the area for when you played P5)...... But for the life of me I can't find it on my blog. :/ Maybe I didn't publish it but....I'm sure I did. *sigh* Partially did that to hype people, partially did that for the above mentioned (get into thief like games or to familiarize yourself with Tokyo/visualize what we'll probs see when P5 came out), and partially to bring about knowledge on titles people might not have known/titles I wanted people to play (like the first TWEWY).
Heck, Silent Hill Downpour came out not long after P4 and my little P4 brain went "Ooo foggy rain game" go brrrr (I didn't get to get SH:D tho ;w;). Heck, I bought Destiny Tik Tok Traveler's because the brown in the UI reminded me of the shade P4's brown.
I'm well aware of what it's like for your mind to always link stuff back to and revolving around Persona, I'm very annoying about it (I've had years of practice reigning in my hyper fixations in a way), but it can still leak out.
So I get the fans that are just.......really excited about something reminded them of P5, they want more. They're hungry. I literally did the same thing after I finished P4 (launched myself into P3Fes and other Megaten Games....P1/2 were not an option at the time ;w;)
But........my understanding does not go out to game journalists. If I see. One more. Fucking. Title. Stating. "Neo: TWEWY is P5 but not as polished" or SOME BULLSHIT. I'm gonna end up on the 9 o'clock news. No idea what I'm going to do to end up there, but I doubt any party involved is going to like it.
I'm sure there's some enthusiastic fans, but I feel like it's the gaming websites that are stoking this fire too much. Tho I def get if you're a fan of, say, TWEWY and people are relating it back to P5.....but they are somehow doing it in a way that insults TWEWY....yeah that can be really annoying.
I REALLY hate gaming journalists with P5. Half the time they praise a feature in P5 (beyond graphics that is) and I'm like "P5 didn't invent that....P3 or P4 did.....or even P1/2." "Oh well P5 added onto it!" "Not really P4 did the heavy revamp from P3, P5 just took one step after that." This isn't including features that are in other (non Atlus) games too. "P5 is the GTAV of Persona/Atlus" Like I'm going to smack someone I swear.
Like maybe my theory that none of these reviewers/journalists made it past Kamo's dungeon is true. I find it hard to believe people with inane posts like these can make it past the book puzzle in Kamo's dungeon. Or maybe it's because these takes are so inane they were able to blow past through seeing all of P5's very worrying faults. I guess it's a toss up. orz
I have half a mind to become a "gaming journalist/reviewer" but I just make BS half baked Persona posts. I might as well get paid for the crap I spew flkdsjafkl (I'm not gonna do it, tho I'd def troll other journalists "Persona 5 is actually the P6 of Persona's mainline games" and then I just leave it there to watch the world burn)
Oh uh... TLDR; Screw reviewers and gaming journalists. People can get annoying about things they like....just ignore them. Unless they are somehow insulting the thing you like, then I guess be like "hey! not cool" or whatever. Also while you can get over excited about the thing you like, don't insult other things that...well just period. Just don't go into circles that like a thing just to insult it (ex: I don't go into Makoto/P5 circles that like those things and then trash talk them...I do it on my own blog 8U nice, safe, secluded)
I don't know. It's 230 am. I'm tired.
Weird thought, do you think it was just a handful of fans, and then people started making fun of those fans to the point it was mostly "haters" that were making those "oh this is like P5" into a meme (to the point actual fans don't say it anymore) and then it caught wind to the journalists who use it ad nauseum for their titles? I wouldn't be surprised. Stranger things have happened. I mean it's valid if people don't like P5 cause of this.....but....I just..... I have bigger issues with P5 than fans getting overexcited tbh.
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