#that's apparently my oficial tag for them now
pichitinha · 10 months
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can't believe i forgot to put this on my blog when it brings me so much joy
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balmerancrystalance · 6 years
the jock, the preppy and the nerd aka garrison matadashi hcs
matt and shiro meet for the first time when matt was getting bullied, trying to fight them in all his pre-serum steve rogers glory, when the roaring of a bike echoes loudly, following by someone yelling at the bully from behind to “pick someone of their own size”
shiro, taking off his helmet and hopping off the bike: hey, you alright?
matt, breathless by both the fight and the pretty boy now helping him stand up: yeah, you should’ve seen the other guy
this is why shiro has been a hero longer for matt than anyone else
shiro immediatelly becoming sam’s favorite after finding out what happened
they bond over comics, movies, memes and of course, s p a c e
they also become commander iverson’s headache
on his first try on the simulator shiro effortlessly beats the record
matt, whistling: would you look at that. soon you’re gonna have every girl in here drooling over you
shiro: *closeted gay silence*
shiro eventually comes out to matt as gay when watching love, simon on movie night, giving matt the confidence enough to come out as bisexual
matt starts to wear glasses and hates them because he thinks now he looks even more like a nerd
matt: it’s like i literally have a ‘break my nose’ sign tattooed on my forehead
shiro, without looking up from his paper: actually, the reason why you get beat up is because you wear heelies but go off i guess? besides, i think they look cute
matt: *blushes in bisexual*
a year later, the first day adam walks into class shiro’s brain short-circuits
caramel smooth skin, aurburn hair falling all over his face, golden eyes looking through the room, uniform fitting in just the right places and-oh shit, he’s coming this way, fuck fuck f u c k
adam, smiling: hi, excuse me, is that seat taken?
shiro, a gay mess™: *tentatively looking down at his lap* i-
matt, slamming his hands against the table: please, join us
just when shiro thought he survived his interaction of adam asking him for a pencil their teacher offers shiro to show to show the new kids around
teacher: i’m sure one of our best students here would love to walk you through the installations and help you getting settled down
shiro, internally: ♫ conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them knoooow ♫
adam, nudging his arm smirking: so, what you say golden boy?
*shiro.exe has stopped working and somehow got even gayer*
matt excusing himself of having to do something for the rest of the day, even tho he knows shiro knows he’s lying
matt, picking up his stuff as soon as the bell rings: i’d love to join you but you know how dad gets when i’m late and stuff but hey, have fun, yeah? gotta gay-go, i gotta go!
adam, hooking his glasses into his slightly open garrison jacket: seems like you’re stuck with me
shiro: *gay panic bass boosted x10000*
the three of them quickly become friends, adam becoming their new mediator whenever they bicker (”okay, but hear me out, what if shiro is actually six?” “for the last time, that’s not how it fucking works”), knowing for some reason shiro would always listen to him and that matt is slightly intimidated by him
shiro wears his garrison jacket out, adam wears it tucked in and matt is lucky if he remembers to wear it
adam beats shiro’s score on the simulator on his first try but he’s already way head over heels for him to be even bothered about it, too focused on adam’s smile as he comes out of the ship to hear the other kids mocking because ‘the new kid beat his score’
shiro, later that day: i guess some congratulations are in order
adam, releasing the breath he was holding: oh, thank god. i thought you’d be mad at me
shiro, smirking: well, maybe i am
adam: oh, really now? *getting closer to shiro* can i make it up to you?
matt, bursting into the room in nagisa 50% off’s voice: sup, sluts?
matt knows they like-like each other before even they do, maybe its a holt’s intuition, maybe its the fact they were the epitome of the mutual pining ao3 tag
shiro finally asks adam on a date??? he’s still not sure how it happened, like, one minute he was was talking about a meteor shower and the next one adam’s hand was on his thigh saying he would see him tonight
if he got lost in adam’s lips in the middle of the conversation, which had some information he could really use right now, no one needed to know
shiro, running around their living room in panic: what do i do?
matt, playing video games sitting upside down on the couch: use the bike, that did it for me
shiro, after getting his keys and slamming the door shut: right-wait, what?!
boy oh boy does adam love the bike
shiro: need a ride, star pilot?
adam, already hopping on the bike: i don’t know. i’m not supposed to get on bikes with strangers. no matter how hot they are
shiro, laughing: then thank god you’re an awful listener
adam, whispering on shiro’s ear, smiling: to the stars, golden boy
its cheesy and disgusting and if he tells matt he won’t hear the end of it but adam looks so pretty under the moonlight shiro doesn’t care, its just perfect
shiro: did you asked for a wish already?
adam: to every single one we saw so far
shiro: how many things could you possibly want
adam, getting closer to finally kiss shiro: well, right now? just one, you
shiro and adam go back to shiro’s room forgetting matt was there o o p s
adam, the next day: are we really going to pretend nothing happe-
matt and shiro, at the same time: yes
once its oficial, adam and matt switch rooms so he can be with shiro, matt agreeding immediately when he found out adam’s roomate droped out, meaning he had the whole room to himself
adam calls him “takashi” for the first time and shiro ascends to the astral plane
the three of them somehow graduate from the garrison with honors
adam and shiro decide to become teachers, commander iverson’s recommendation, and matt hangs around every now and then helping sam
everyfuckingone in the galaxy garrison knows they’re a thing™
shiro, knocking into adam’s classroom: professor, might i have a word?
students: oOOooOooooOoOoooOOOoOooOhhhh
years later they find out that not only matt, but shiro as well, could be part of the kerberos mission, adam nothing but excited and supportive of his two favorite boys
after a few requiered studies for the mission are done, shiro gets called back, returning a few hours later with papers in his trembling hands
matt, getting up from adam’s lap where he was solving his rubik's cube: oh, fucking finally. dude, what took you so long?
adam, getting up as well: i was starting to geeting worried. what they said?
shiro, looking down at the paper, whispering: i’m... dying
shiro doesn’t get to continue because suddenly adam is runing away, feeling like he’s going to be sick at any moment, matt motioning him with his head to go after him, that he’ll be fine and they’ll talk about it later
that same day matt gets home and walks into sam’s office, sam is on the phone with someone but immediately hungs up at the sight of his son, they don’t say anything, they don’t need to
sam just nods and matt rushes to cry into his arms as loud as he can maybe since the time he found out he was having a sister and thought it meant his parents wouldn’t love him anynmore
shiro constantly says he’s okay, but he’s not
shiro and adam start to fight
they both end up occasionally at matt’s bed in the middle of the night, shiro just being done with life and needing a shoulder to cry on, adam terrified of not knowing how much left he has left to live with shiro
if matt wakes up sandwiched between his best friends he doesn’t mind
adam and matt work with the garrison on a project to create a device that would estimulate shiro’s muscles, they know its not much but its enough to make him cry, so they take it as a win
shiro and adam keep fighting
one night while watching movies adam asks matt to bring him his glasses, since shiro was way too comfortable to move from his spot sprawled across his lap apparently, matt finding a box with an engagement ring by accident
tiny teeny baby keith becomes part of this dysfunctional as fuck gay family
matt, mocking: aren’t you two too young to raise a child?
adam, sipping his black coffee not looking up from the newspaper: i don’t know. i think we’ve done a pretty decent job with you
adam sees how good shiro is with keith and fuck he just wants k i d s
shiro and adam just keep on fighting
the night after showing pidge how sam and him communicate it hits him like a whiplash, running to the garrison to find adam to tell him the good news, that the three of them will be able to talk all the way from kerberos
but he eavesdrops by accident them fighting about adam being tired about shiro constantly putting himself in danger and finally breaking up, so he keeps it to himself
when adam and shiro started to date, matt, being the overprotective best friend he is, told adam to take care of shiro, the morning before leaving for kerberos, adam asks him to return the favor
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golddaggers · 7 years
Gold Digger
Reader x Elijah Mikaelson
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Imagine: You are in a long-term relationship with Elijah Mikaelson and is very happy with it. One day, when he requests you to go over to his house to meet oficially his siblings, Hayley accuses you to being with him only for his money and power, which leaves you heartbroken.
tagging: @chocolatemonkeyrainbows :)
Word Count: 3172
Back then, when you were nothing but a naive teenager, you used to dream about true love, wondering every single night, whilst watching the stars, how it would feel like once you met him. Would you recognise the one right away? Or it would take some time for you to realise it? Man, you were one hell of a weird kid.
However, your questions would only be entirely answered years later, in the exactly moment Elijah Mikaelson walked into your life.
It was a saturday late afternoon, you were walking alone through one of New Orleans’ streets, pondering if you should go home or head to the bar to sip on a glass of bourbon. At last, you chose the alcohol. The week had been a mess, with college and everything, therefore you were allowed to get a bit tipsy, just for this once. Yet, a couple of minutes before you arrived to your destination, a tall figure grasped your left arm, leading to a minor scream to leave your lips, and dragged you to a dark alley. There was no doubt he was going to kill you, for evil was carved on his bright hazel eyes.
You did not die, though. No. Elijah, who was nearby, in one of his endless attempts to take care of his younger reckless brother, heard your broken whimpers and came to your rescue. The whole thing happened so fast, you were so shocked, that you only regained your senses once he carefully got you inside the Rousseau’s. You still remembered him softly talking to your cousin Camille, assuring her that you were perfectly okay, and then whispering a gentle goodbye to you both.
No one had ever treated you so kindly like he did, which indeed mesmerised you. With a sigh, a little after his departure, you shyly asked Cami about him and she sharply warned you to stay away from the Mikaelsons. She said they were no good, not even the one who had saved you. Of course you were not able to believe her words. A person like Elijah… Definitely no. You were left intrigued, though, so you went searching, questioning everyone, digging deep, until you found enough evidence to uncover his darkest secret: his vampire nature.
Although the discovery had gotten you surprised, you had already grown too attached to him to let this break you apart. In the mean time of your survey, you developed a great friendship with him; telling him about your life, your secrets, your fears, everything! No person in this world owned more your trust than the mocha eyed Original. This was probably one of the main reasons why you fell insanely in love with him; which helped, afterwards, to built the beautiful, strong relationship you had now.
“Y/N, are you ready?” His voice echoed from downstairs. “We have to go!”
“I’m coming!” You yelled back, putting on your favourite earrings and applying a small amount of perfume. Grinning to yourself in the mirror, you finally left the room, moving straight to where your beloved boyfriend awaited. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
The man snatched your hands and kissed your knuckles, a proud smile lying on his lips. Staring at the gentle figure, while he took you to the luxurious car, you realised you would have regretted very much if you had followed your cousin’s advice to stay away. The older Mikaelson was the perfect match to you, like two puzzle pieces made to fit together.
“You seem to be distracted, darling.” Elijah pointed out, slightly worried, as you could tell by his tone. “Is there something wrong?”
“Not at all, babe.” A smooth giggle made its way out of your lips. “I’m just thinking of how much I love you.”
His traits quickly softened upon hearing that.
“I love you too.”
The next twenty minutes were rather silent while he drove you to the fanciest restaurant in town. It was your six month anniversary and, being the huge fan of great gestures that he was, the brown haired Mikaelson planned a super sweet date as reminder of how much he loved and cherished you. Those being his exact words, obviously.
“You’re going to turn me into a spoilt brat.” You muttered, his arm tight around your waist whilst you walked towards the place’s entrance. “I mean, look at this!”
“I just wanted to make this night special for you.”
“Oh, darling!” Suddenly stopping the walk, you stood in front of him. A faint light allowed you to see his handsome face, your fingers tracing his skin afterwards. “You don’t have to spend any money to make nights special. You are what makes my nights special.”
“Would it be wrong if I say I’m actually happy that sick vampire tried to murder you that day?”
You laughed, slapping his arm.
“Of course it would!”
Smirking gladly, Elijah pulled you into his embrace and placed a passionate kiss on your lips, tasting all of your flavour. In your whole life, no guy had ever made you as nearly nervous as your current boyfriend did when he kissed you. It was like a butterfly riot in your stomach.
“Let’s get inside.” The noble Mikaelson said, pecking your cheek tenderly. “Our table is waiting.”
You mumbled a yes and reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers as you entered the restaurant, having a feeling that this night would undoubtedly be a lovely one.
It was past eight in the morning when you parked your silver car outside the Mikaelson mansion. Elijah wanted to properly introduce you to his family, despite the fact you had already met them in distinct occasions; according to your boyfriend, it did not count unless he was with you, so, there you were, standing in front of his home sweet home.
You slowly made your way to the huge wooden door and gave to it two solid knocks. If you were to be honest, although you had been with them before, you were still quite nervous. Elijah cared too much about his family, therefore you sort of felt the need to be at your best in front of them so they would give you their full approval.
“Is there someone here?” Your voice was not loud, actually, it was more like a whisper. “Elijah?”
“Come inside.” A woman demanded, clearly annoyed, while opening the door. It had been swung open so suddenly, you nearly fell facing the cold floor. “They are not here yet. I guess you can wait on the living room.”
Once you were inside, your eyes wandered throughout the room, examining everything you could. Finally, they landed on the grumpy woman, who was sitting with arms crossed on an apparently comfortable chair. She was obviously beautiful. Had straight brown hair, green eyes, high evident cheekbones, the whole package. However, one other very shocking thing caught your eye: the slight grown bump. Was she pregnant? If so, why had not your boyfriend told you about her?
“Uh, I’m sorry, but who are you?” You muttered, a bit nervous. “I don’t think Elijah mentioned you to me.”
“Hayley.” She retorted. “And you must be the holy Y/N Y/L/N. He can’t shut up about you.”
A goofy smile slipped upon hearing that.
“I guess you must be proud, huh? Got yourself infinite power and money by getting involved with the Mikaelsons.” Her words were sharp and hurtful. Your eyes grew wide for you did not want to believe she really had said that. “Aren’t you ashamed? I heard he pays for your every desire and gives you these incredibly posh gifts. Treats you like a fucking queen. But I know you’re nothing more than a gold digger.”
“It’s not true.” You managed to blurt out, your hands already shaking and the tears ready to stream down. “I love him. More than anything in this world!”
“You love his money. His power.” Hayley’s laugh was cold, emotionless. “Not him.”
“Don’t you dare say that again.” This time you hissed, angry. No one had the right to question your integrity like this. “Plus, my relationship does not concern you.”
“It’s true, isn’t it?”
She never got an answer, though, because you ran and drove as far as you could from that place. Gosh, no one had ever made you feel so small and worthless. How dare she doubt your love towards Elijah? He was pretty much the only man you had truly loved in your whole life! And you could not care less about his possessions. Or the power he held. It meant nothing. All that mattered was his love towards you.
Your phone, which had been carelessly thrown in the passenger seat, kept beeping during the trip back to the tiny flat you lived in. It was probably Elijah, wanting to know why you were not there to meet his siblings. Oh, if only he knew the mean things you had heard… You swallowed thickly, struggling to sound as normal as you could be, and picked up.
“Hey, darling.”
“Y/N, where are you?” He quizzed, sounding reasonably upset. “I thought I would meet you at my house half an hour ago.”
“I’m sorry, ‘Lijah.” Your reply was merely a whisper. “Something’s come up and I had to take care. I’m really sorry.”
“That’s fine, my love. I’ll see you later, then?”
You sighed and bit your bottom lip, puzzled. After today’s events, you sort of wanted to be alone for a few days. Do some thinking. You were not entirely sure yet.
“Uh, I’m going to Mystic Falls.”
“I need to see my parents. Don’t worry.”
“Why are you acting so strange?”
“I’m not. My little sister is sick and I need to check up on her.”
“Fine.” Elijah had given up on finding out what was wrong. At least for now. “Still, I want to see you before you go.”
“No. I mean, I’m already leaving.”
“Huh?” You could practically see the wrinkle between his eyebrows while he exhaled. “Don’t do this again, please.”
“Do what, exactly?”
“Shut me out whenever there is a problem.”
“I assure you I am fine, darling. I just need to go and see my baby sister. I’ll be back soon.”
“We will talk about what happened when you get back.”
“Okay.” You swiftly agreed. “Bye.”
With one last sigh, Elijah hung up the phone. Ironically, outside your car, a thin rain was pouring; droplets sliding down the window’s glass, just like the sly tears were falling down through your cheeks. You understood it was a necessary lie, but you hated it anyway. It made you feel like you were cheating or something. Simply disgusting.
“Alright”, you thought, sucking a deep breath and trying to shake the sinking feeling in your stomach, “Put it together.”
Ultimately, you stepped out, quickly going to your building’s entrance, trying not get wet. In the way to the lift, you clumsily bumped into the caretaker, almost making both of you have an unpleasant meeting with the solid ground. A whispered “I’m sorry” left your lips. For a split second, you wondered if he was going to give you a speech about being reckless. It was not case, however. Maybe he saw your broken state and took pity on you, for Mr. Smith only patted your back, saying you shouldn’t worry. Gently nodding, you smiled, or tried to; after that, you walked away to your flat, which, by the way, never seemed so colder.
In five minutes, tops, you had packed everything you would need to spend a week away at your parents’. This was probably not your smartest idea, yet, you figured it would do good for you to keep your mind clean from all the New Orleans bullshit. Before your departure, you took in your hands a portrait that was positioned on the nightstand next your bed. It contained a photograph of you and Elijah, smiling happily to each other whilst the wind blew your hair back. Once more Hayley’s words crept into your mind, making you wince in pain and put the photo down.
“I’m sorry, Elijah.”
Wiping a insistent tear, you left behind your new found home, sure that you would be better when you return.
Much to your disappointment, the seven days had gone by in a blur. You were sitting on your old room’s floor, gathering your belongings and carefully placing them inside your bag. Regardless the fact you were glad to be heading back to your loving New Orleans, a part of you was insecure to be facing Elijah again.
Speaking of him, he had tried to call you several times during the week and texted you like his life depended on it. Nevertheless, trying to live up to your own promise, you replied just the enough amount for him to not get worried. Not shutting him out completely from your life, however, did not make you feel less petty to lash out on him your frustrations.
“Y/N?” Your mum softly called out. “Are you ready?”
The lovely lady sat on the corner of your bed, shooting you an inquisitive glance. From the minute you popped up on her doorstep until now, she had asked what had happened, why you looked so sad. Although you urgently desired to tell her the full story, you could not bring yourself to do it. No one else but you should suffer for your own selfishness.
“How come Elijah did not come alongside you?”
“Uh - Oh, he had to take care of some family business.” You replied, shoving the rest of the clothes inside and closing the bag. “Next time I’ll bring him.”
“I’m excited to meet the man who finally stole my baby’s heart.”
“It’s true, though.” She grinned. “Now, come on, I’ve waited long enough.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Tell me what is wrong with you.”
“I’ve already told you there’s nothing wrong.”
“Yeah, let’s pretend I’ve believed that lame excuse.”
“Oh my God, woman, can’t you let go?” You retorted, skeptically gazing at her and getting back on your feet. “You won’t, will you?”
“No.” She crossed her arms, quirking a brow. “Spill the tea, sweetheart.”
Realising your mother would never allow the subject to die, you finally cave in and told her exactly what had drove you to come back to Mystic Falls for a visit. How Hayley falsely accused you and how it had hurt to hear that when you deeply loved the sweet mocha eyed Original. In the very end, Y/M/N had her lips pursed, while a few tears insisted on streaming down your red cheeks.
“Oh, Y/N…” She ran her thumbs across your face, wiping it clean. “I don’t to see you sad. I honestly think you should talk to Elijah, explain what happened. You mustn’t hide your feelings for him.”
“I just don’t want to cause any trouble.” You mumbled, the sinking feeling hitting your stomach all over again. “He’s so wonderful to me, mama! Hayley didn’t lie when she said he treated me like a queen. I’m not worthy of such adorable person.”
“Now listen to me” The woman hardened her traits, obviously wanting to look serious. “Don’t ever think you’re not deserving of love, because you are, alright?”
“But mum…”
“Don’t argue with me.”
“I strongly think you should listen to your mother, my love.” A deep masculine voice asserted, rapidly gaining full attention of the two women. “Hello, Y/N. Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“That’s my cue to leave.”
As your mum left the room, the Original vampire smoothly moved towards the bed you were sitting on and quickly took a place by your side. During a brief moment, both stayed quiet; his hand reached for yours, linking them together. You cleared your throat, uncomfortable, and raised your eyesight to stare deep into his, which was soaked in a mixture of feelings.
“What are you doing here?”
“There is multiple answers to this question.”
“Stop being so mysterious!” A shy smile appeared on your lips.
“I came because I was worried. First you leave New Orleans unexpectedly, then you barely reply my calls, messages… Urgh, don’t ever do that again.”
“I’m sorry, I never meant to push you out like that. I-I just needed some time.”
“Time from what?” The familiar crinkle formed in between his eyebrows. “You don’t love me any more, is that it?”
“No! Never. Gosh, my love for you is something you should never question.”
“Then what is it?”
“That day, when you pushed me to go to your so I could meet your siblings, I met Hayley instead.”
“Oh.” He looked away, regretful. “I should have told you about her before. She is carrying Niklaus’ child.”
“It’s not the problem and I’m not finished yet.”
“Sorry, go on.”
“As I was saying, Hayley welcomed me into your home. A little time after that, she began to be extra rude to me, saying I was with to steal your money and wear your pride as a prise. It left me so disturbed… I never imagined people had such a low idea of me.”
“She did what?” The Original queried through gritted teeth, eyes narrowed. “I can’t believe Hayley went that low!”
“I know it doesn’t justify my actions, but I want you to comprehend I was hurt. That is why I came to Mystic Falls.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to apologise or feel guilty about it. I understand why you desired to be left alone.” He pulled you to his chest, caressing your back and planting a kiss on the top of your head. “I will solve things with Hayley once I get back to New Orleans.”
His intoxicating scent flooded your nostrils, giving you jitters of pleasure and happiness. It was solely one of the little things you had missed; after all, being away from your soulmate was not easy at all. Without further thought, wishing to have his lips glued to yours, you straddled him, connecting your arms around his neck.
“Someone is eager, I see.”
“Oh shut up, Barney Stinson.”
“I can’t believe you haven’t forgotten this nickname.” You giggled. “Come on!”
“Then kiss me already, dork.”
“Your wish is my command, miss Y/L/N.”
Resting his hands on your hips, Elijah briskly captured your mouth, beginning a heated make-out session that could have lead to something else if you had not come down to your senses and stopped him from unbuttoning your jeans. The brown haired Mikaelson pouted, frustrated, whilst you laughed out loud, jumping out of his lap.
“Aw, I’ll make it up to you later, honey.”
“I’ll be holding on to that promise.”
“Fine by me, now come, I want to introduce you formally to my parents. And my annoying little sister as well.”
Elijah smirked, nodding.
“I love you.”
“Me too.”
With this, you walked out of your childhood bedroom, glad to be loved by the man you used to dream about on this very place.
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