#that's it that's all the maintagging i'm doing for tonight i am LOGGING OFF!! NO MORE!!
saltedsolenoid · 1 year
can't think about asu-naro too much because you think about how the line between a double-blind experiment and a cult-like adherence draws ever thinner, and you think about the ram leading his own lambs to slaughter knowing that mutton will be served at the final feast as well, and you think about how the self is god but if you are god then what do you serve, who do you vivisect yourself for, who are you for, what were you made to do and if the act of creation is god, then who partakes in destruction, and if god is science then what is art, and if god is science then what is the organization, and if the organization is god, what is she? and the self and the god are simultaneous, who are you? what have you given everything up for? who are you, what have you done?
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