#that's rat poison btw don't drink that
zeeph-containment-zone Β· 8 months
posting wip on main because i'm cooking real good with this one I fear
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real-godzekiel Β· 2 months
Weston and notes
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this is my new horror guy for Huddled Inn. why did i do so much. well it's kind of just that i felt that i had to do something before shit wore off. the reason why i don't have a lot for certain OCs even though i love them very much is that highs wear off so i'm trying to get more motivated to draw OCs by doing more for OCs i don't care for too much but are very entertaining and fun to write/draw about.
this is what Weston used to look like before btw so i'm not going to draw this form often. i will have notes and other concept artwork after a cut. (TW: CANNIBALISM AND MURDER AND TORTURE)
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backstory (copied directly off my Twitter)
weston was a bartender in huddled inn that got fired because he had an argument with his ex-gf while working.
he got so fucking mad he killed his ex in her apartment. then in a fit of adrenaline he grilled her and ate her. normal human behaviour
then he began to panic about being caught. so he decided to get a rusty cursed book and summon an eldritch god to give him special powers
the special powers were eternal life without aging (additional info: he was and still is 32) and the ability to control sounds. as in. he can shoot and kill a man entirely silently. and more .
so. lots of killing and eating people at huddled inn. he would disguise as a bartender-still-working and poison a bunch of people's drinks and then take the bodies from the hotel rooms for grilling and eating.
ok. probably not just at huddled inn but various places. but yeah. weston was very happy because he killed, grilled, and ate a lot. he was very arrogant. killing, grilling, and eating was, to him, a way he can get revenge on society for giving him consequences he didn't like
eventually he became some kind of urban legend which only fuelled his ego since he was not getting caught. he was, in fact, a very tactical and smart person at that time, too.
he kept coming to huddled inn in particular because he was very mad about being fired, btw
so, success for weston ig until other supernatural entities came to huddled inn. Phutredhaz in particular
basically. one night. weston drugged, killed, grilled, and ate a guy who he thought was just any other guy. a little eccentric and weird on the fashion, perhaps. well. either way. that guy was a member of phutredhaz's basement kinda-cult-but-not-really so She got really angry
She came and discovered weston 's weird abilities, so Her first decision was to order weston to start getting a lotta fresh rats for Her to atone for his behaviour. he, the arrogant fuck he is, however, decides to try and kill Phutredhaz instead. so She sends him to hell LMFAO
Weston thought he was invincible so shouldn't technically be able to be sent to HELL. but then it was "well you're not technically dead She's just letting you stay here to suffer for. uh. a year." so he does suffer! and it was kind of bad! and then he returns and what does he do
Weston tries to take revenge. so Phutredhaz sends him to hell again. this time it's for 10 years.
After Weston returns he tries to do the "revenge by killing, grilling, and eating" again on a fucking demon and gets sent to hell one last time for 20 years
when he returns he finally decides not to try again because he is now officially Scared. what does Phutredhaz feel about this? nothing. She doesn't gaf. She forgot about him. Her kinda-cult-maybe-not-really was dying so She had way more important things to worry about
So. After 31 years of all that hell-time (and especially hunger for sweet vengeance in the form of human flesh), Weston. Weston got dumb. Hell-time accelerated the development of the seal that was already in him when he first made the deal.
He forgot how to serve beverages. He forgot how to cook, and thereby the "grilling" part was gone. He forgot that to properly kill and get away he shouldn't yell while not using his noise-powers-thingy just so he could taunt his victims.
now that i think about this part this is actually kind of terrifying. either way. hellfire burned (parts of) his hair off. he eats raw flesh now. he does not know about the internet or (much) about michael jackson. he also forgot about places outside of huddled inn, so he kind of starves
he does have. another guy around at the bar. more on her later. anyways i find it still pretty fun to write a kind of comedic horror villain that does not really care about any living human other than himself
THAT'S IT! feel free to ask questions idk
Oh and the other guy
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she's inspired by Exit 8 particularly Mr. Deja Vu . yea
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strayguitarist Β· 4 months
Isn't this cheating? Whatever, let's go. Favorite hot drink: Persian cardamom tea with a few sugar cubes. Nostalgic and comforting.. Favorite cold drink: Mountain Dew White Out. They don't really sell it anymore, but god it's peak. Dish: Soltaani. A Persian dish, one barg kebab and one koobideh kebab served with basmati rice, a grilled tomato and sometimes salad Shirazi! We just.. make the best food. Hands down. If you ever get the opportunity to try Persian food, do not turn it down, you'd miss out on the best experience of your life. Fruit: Me, obvs. Okay but probably red pears!! Veggie: uh.. oh gods.. that's tough.. Potatoes??? Potatoes. Mmm... Holiday: Shaab-e Yalda, Halloween, and Bonfire Night are my favorites, in that order. Hard to pick just one, so there's my top 3! Game: Fuck. This is far too broad for me to pick, so I'm going to specify video games, and say Splatoon 2 and its Octo Expansion. That's the only game I got so into that I went to official sanctioned tournaments, and my god the story and setting of Octo Expansion still rings in my head as it did the day I finished it. Runners up include RockBand 3, Pokemon Silver and TF2.
Sport: Football! Er, soccer. It's very very popular back home, and it's the only physical sport that I got into growing up. I'd probably try it again if trans-friendly groups existed..
Animal: Me! Okay, rats. I adore rats so so much and I miss having them and they go "sqk sqk chitter" and give you licks n kisses and ask for attention and cuddle so good and aaaAAAA!!! in second place is the animal my sona is based on, the Asiatic Cheetah
Flower: IDK if it counts as a flower, but the pitcher plant is my favorite. God they're so cool, a carnivorous plant!! If I absolutely have to pick a flowering plant, Atropa Belladonna, also known as "Deadly Nightshade." God the flowers are beautiful, and it's poisonous!
Weather: Rain. I adore when it's raining so hard that you can't see past your face, I love hearing it pitter patter against all the surfaces around me, I love the smell that rises from the ground, I love the way life slows down for it.. Place: Home. Iran. Shiraz, specifically. Nobody is surprised. Blorbo: Ah.. What's a blorbo? Kind of favorite character from a franchise, I think? That doesn't make it much easier, though.. Probably Moxxie from Helluva Boss. Please don't hate me for this. Meow Meow: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Unless you just want me to... Mrrowr~! Nyaa~... Mrrrr.. Meowwr! Prrrh....
OTP: Not sure if I'm 100% on what this means but I think it's about ships, and my favorite ship is Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. IDK how much it counts considering how verbosely that dynamic is actually written into the show, like. Part of the plot is them exploring their romantic feelings. But y'know. If they don't count, then it's Pearl and Marina from Splatoon hehehe TV Show: Good Omens. No contest. Movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once, Scott Pilgrim VS The World and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog all share my favorite spot. Sorry, can't pick one - management told me it's not allowed. Management is my fucked up brain, btw. Book: I AM A LIBRARY EMPLOYEE I CAN'T PICK A FAVORITE BOOK! ARE YOU INSANE?! But if I had to, it'd probably be Vinland Saga, the manga. I guess that's more of a book series, but whatever. Holy shit it's absolutely amazing. Few things make me feel as hard as that has. Musical artist: I AM A BASSIST I CAN'T PICK A FAVORITE MUSICIAN! ARE YOU INSANE?! But I can give you a top 5 in no particular order? Metallica, Lemon Demon, Mindless Self Indulgence, Jonathan Coulton, The Birthday Massacre. This was so hard to pick even just 5, but those are probably my biggest favorites.
You probably thought you were so clever for picking me so many and making me ramble about myself. Little did you know I love talking about myself, because I'm the best. Hah. thank you for asking me things I appreciate it I was worried nobody would I mean, I'm so cool.
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jar-of-ectoplasm Β· 3 years
Beach Trip Headcanons: La Squadra
a/n: it's getting warmer where i live which is horrible and i hate it but it gave me some inspo here's some bullshit
Genre/Warnings: Crack, fluff, just some cute shit, polyamory (sorlato), a LOT of simping omfg
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~Risotto Nero~
-he already had his tits out on the regular so his bare chest isn't anything new but he lost that stupid hat so it wouldn't get wet and now you can stare at hat-less riz
-doesn't get in the water too often but he definitely goes underwater to grab your legs and scare you (he does it to ghiaccio and melone too; melone screams at the top of his lungs and ghiaccio fails around like he's drowning)
-spends most of his time under the parasols with illuso and prosciutto, just chatting and watching you mess around with your teammates (and maybe checking you out while he's at it)
-lowkey starts to get jealous if he thinks melone or formaggio are gettin' too friendly with you (god help any random person that flirts with you)
-Riz makes damn sure both you and him are very well saturated (?? does that sound weird) with sunscreen. there's no way in hell either of you will be suffering through that
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-you thought you were going to the beach with your boyfriend? lmfao nah you're at the beach with mom and your rowdy ass siblings now
-came in clutch with the sunscreen, aloe vera ointment, snacks, water and spending money. has a very nice set up under a parasol with illuso (and you, if you'd like to join him in his relaxation/parenting session)
-pros with his hair down, shirtless and wearing a pair of pineapple swim trunks to match with pesci? out in public? a lot more likely than you'd think
-formaggio would be a prick and dump water on his hair and now you get to see prosciutto with his hair wet fUCK (pros would be FUMING but he'd look so GOOD)
-would read to you but he doesn't want to risk getting any of his fav books wet so he'd just tell you wonderful stories of the team before you joined (most of them are embarrassing for everyone but him)
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-literally he's having the time of his LIFE right now. he's completely protected from the sun (thanks mamma pros), he's goin' fishing, he's got his s/o with him, what more could a boy ask for?
-maybe he should've asked formaggio to not throw sand at him every 10 minutes because that is happening for sure, no matter how much prosciutto yells at him to stop pesci will not be left alone
-is in the water like, 70% of the time. he'll make bets with ghiaccio to see who can swim out the farthest and ghia is surprisingly not mad when he loses
-he'll walk off the beach with just you to get ice cream and it's honestly really fucking cute (he gets strawberry, btw)
-pesci really likes picking you up and tossing you into the water. he's secretly a little bastard and will laugh at you while helping you up
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-jesus the entire day with him is just πŸ™„. he's such a little bitch about EVERYTHING
-won't go in the water at all and carries a compact mirror with him so he has an escape plan in case formaggio decides to fuck with him. salt water damages your hair and there's no possible fucking way he's risking his scalp just for a little fun
-still insisted on wearing swim trunks and going shirtless though, mostly just to have your undivided attention (as if he didn't already force you to pay attention to him enough)
-sitting under parasols with prosciutto because he's pale and has sensitive skin but he still ends up getting sunburned and won't stop complaining
-you guys did have a cute little moment when the sun was starting to set and he dragged you away from everyone so he could look for sea glass with you (totally wasn't an excuse to hold your hand while he was dragging you around)
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-spends the entire day being a little rat bastard and making almost everyone wish he was dead (he respects risotto too much and sorbet and gelato scare him so he leaves them alone)
-throwing sand at pesci and melone, pouring water on prosciutto, stealing melone's goggles, chasing illuso into the mirror world, straight up throwing ghiaccio's car keys across the beach
-and of course he's gonna drag you into this. even if you just wanted to have a nice beach day with your asshole boyfriend, he's gonna hold you captive during his shenanigans
-can and will wipe his sweat on you. he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. please throw seaweed at him in retaliation, he thinks it's nasty as fuck
-leaves the beach early so he can treat you to dinner, both as a thank you for dealing with his bullshit all day and as an apology for wiping sweat on you every 30 minutes
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-the most unrecognizable when he's as the beach with everybody. his hair isn't styled, so his curls are a lot looser and not plastered to his head, he's not wearing his glasses so they don't get lost in the water, HIS FUCKING LEGS AND BARE CHEST ARE JUST OUT
-literally just,,,SURFER GHIACCIO??? come ON dude. he knows what he's doing and will wink at you every single time he catches you staring
-loves wading out far into the water with you on his surf board so he can be all soft and cute with you without anybody hearing or seeing him
-he'll also be pretty light-hearted when he's out there too. he and pesci will see who can swim out the farthest and he'll let pesci win (let's be honest, with his legs he could swim to a different continent if he wanted too)
-ghia might look hot as hell out there, but he'll also end up burnt as hell. literally he just didn't put sunscreen on and he was out in the sun for hours. hottie got sun poisoning, please take him home early he will die
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-he brought along goggles, a snorkel and flippers so he can do some shallow reef diving
-he'll pop up occasionally and yell for you to come over and show you a tiny little crab or a cool looking fish he found (it's honestly really, really cute)
-mel will take routine breaks to reapply sunscreen, drink water, check up on you, and get his goggles stolen (which he did not plan on). he'll also take this time to use shitty beach-related pick up lines to get you to laugh
-honestly as pervy as you'd think he would be. maybe it's because he's distracted by all the fun little creatures he keeps finding in tide pools and such
-has his own little set up a few feet away from prosciutto and illuso's. he'll be there while he's taking his breaks and yes he will try to cuddle with you even though it's pushing 90 degrees at noon
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~Sorbet and Gelato~
-not to get sad in what is supposed to be a fun headcanon set but neither of them will take their shirts off or get in the water. both of them have a lot of body image issues and they'd really appreciate it if you didn't try to convince them to be half naked in public
-with that being said, both Sorbet and Gelato get loads of enjoyment out of just watching you swim around and have fun before returning to them
-Sorbet will help apply sunscreen but he really just wants an excuse to grope you and Gelato in public
-Gelato will want to have a sandcastle building contest with you (Sorbet is the judge and both of you receive the grand prize of a kiss)
-long walks on the beach together at night after everyone's gone home? of fucking course it's gonna happen
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