#that's the doctor mordrid effect i think
westscain · 1 year
anton mordrid the babygirl that you are !
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Fav Jeff Combs character and movie/series, and why?
Anon, would you ask a mother who her favorite child is?? 😭
Okay well in all seriousness, I don’t have a number one favorite, so I guess I’ll do top 5 (in no particular order)
1. Weyoun. I just love how he’s the perfect blend of a silly goofy character, but also how much of a sly and devious little shit he can be. But at the same time, I can’t help but sympathize with him and what the Founders turned him and the other Vorta into
2. Milton Dammers from The Frighteners. Personally I think this is Jeff’s best performance. Better than Herbert West. Primarily because I think about what if they cast a different character actor from the 90’s for it, and tbh I don’t see anybody other than him pulling it off. I feel like if you got someone like Jim Carrey or Peter MacNicol, they’d probably play Milton as too eccentric and silly. Jeffrey gives the perfect blend of peculiar, threatening, pathetic, and funny to the role and I adore it
3. Doctor Mordrid. Maybe I’m just biased because I’ve fallen out of love with the MCU over the years and didn’t care all that much for the Doctor Strange movies and comics (especially if you take into account how racist some of the comics were), but I love campy fantasy films and Doctor Mordrid is no exception. Anton is very warm, sweet, brave and intelligent and I would feel very safe with him. Not even in a romantic sense, I would just love to be in a book club with him
4. Dr East from The Guyver. Ok ok so this movie isn’t very good and doesn’t do the manga it’s based off of any justice, but I can’t help enjoying it. It’s worth it for the kickass creature effects (Screamin’ Mad George is always a win) and David Gale is fun as always as the villain, and of course, Jeffrey as Dr East. He’s only in the movie for 5 minutes around the 3rd act, but he shines in those 5 minutes. He plays him as [in his own words] Herbert’s ditzy younger brother and it’s so much fun and cute. Plus he turns into a goat monster (before sadly getting killed off 😞)
5. Shran from Enterprise. Despite its many flaws, mediocre representation of diversity in the main crew, post 9/11 Americana vibes and getting canceled just before the series was getting really good, I like Enterprise a lot. Shran is one of the biggest reasons why. He’s a gruff, short tempered, cranky Andorian but underneath that blue exterior, he’s a noble man who cares about the people he loves. Jeff’s chemistry with Scott Bakula is great too and it makes me wish we could’ve gotten them in other projects together (maaaaan why didn’t they put Jeff in an episode of Quantum Leap????)
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mariocki · 7 years
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Doctor Mordrid (1992)
“A sorcerer is not a god!”
As much as I love the Puppet Master and Trancers series, I think this may be the archetypal Full Moon Entertainment film. It has all the hallmarks of their particular brand of charming nonsense; confusing and messy plot, check; Jeffrey Combs, check; stop motion animation, check; pointless nudity, check; bordering on litigious, check.
The story goes that director/producer Charles Band (part of the Band Family Band that were Full Moon, including director/producer father Albert and composer Richard) at some point held an option on Marvel’s Doctor Strange. So a script was written and preparations made, but at some point in pre-production the option expired and the Bands had no right to use the character anymore.
Never ones to refuse a challenge, the team simply tweaked the script - change a name here, move a character there, something about demons, hey presto, you have a nice new shiny film.
It’s all quite recognisable as Doctor Strange, albeit on a budget Marvel probably use for catering these days. Like almost every Full Moon film I’ve seen, though, it is immensely fun. Combs is perfectly cast (I always enjoy seeing him play a hero and not the villain for once), Yvette Nipar is great and the shoddy effects just add to the charm. Basically it was everything the 2016 Doctor Strange wasn’t.
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oosteven-universe · 6 years
Dollman Kills The Full Moon Universe #3
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Dollman Kills The Full Moon Universe #3 Full Moon Comix 2018 Surgical Maneuvers Written by Shawn Gabborin Illustrated by Daniel Pascual Coloured by Simon Robins Objects May Appear Bigger Than They Are Written by Brockton McKinney Illustrated by Abel Cicero Coloured by Yann Perrelet All Lettering by Micah Myers      It's a magic-versus-might brawl as Dollman and Doctor Mordrid band together against the apprentices of his arch-enemy! Kabal's lost minions are out for blood and they demand their dead master's amulet! It's the space cop/supreme wizard team-up of the century! Plus, the threat of the slime-spraying Creepozoids! Is this Dollman's last adventure?      Well with the success of Action Lab Danger Zone’s take on the Full Moon franchises it’s no wonder that Full Moon has decided to branch out and make their own. More so since they are using the same creators and I have to say that was the smartest move they could’ve done. Once this is over I do hope we’ll be getting a few new series to focus on because I am not sure I remember seeing Doctor Mordrid before and after this issue I want a full six issue arc featuring him, and I'm adamant about that.      Shawn’s take on Doctor Mordrid is phenomenal to me. I loved this issue and how the characterisation is done. How he was able to portray Dollman and the two together and the result of their meeting. This one was full of surprises and I will say that I wanted this to go a lot longer than it did, hence why I want a longer arc. The pacing of the story and how Dollman came into the Doctor’s life and how he left it well it really was a full tale. He made the most of the space allotted and brought a story that was full but never felt stuffed and to be able to do that is pretty damn impressive if you ask me.          The interiors here are really nice as well. I like the style of work that Abel does and how Yann finishes with the colouring. The linework is fantastic and the appearance of the characters here has a very distinct effect on people. There is a creativity to the villains we see and what they can do is beyond delightful. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows off a great eye for storytelling. I think we’re cheated by the lack of backgrounds but what are ya gonna do.      This really makes me want to see more of Doctor Mordrid. From what we learn about him through the dialogue here says there a lot about him that needs to be explored. Sensational characterisation and delightful banter between these people make a good time. Also kudos for the unexpected way they part ways.     Well Brockton takes us on a different kind of journey and for a switch we actually see Dollman’s eyes! This one is interesting for a few reasons and among them is that we see this suit he is wearing I wish we had gotten more time on this so we could see where and how that came about. Plus this Creepozoid and what lives inside it well dayum that’s something you don’t see every day and it is something we need to see more of.     With a different look and take on the character and his characterisation makes me want to kind of see more of Dollman. If he’s this gruff combination of well Dollman (DC) and the Punisher with the gadgetry of 007 then hell yeah sign me up for more. While everyone seems to give him that edgy dark personality I can’t wait to see something more light-hearted.      The interiors here have a much more decidedly horror look, tone and feel to them. I like the scratchy grittiness of the work and yes this feels like it happens in some weird inter-dimensional place because there are literally no backgrounds at all here. What the hell is that about I mean there is no way to determine up, down or sideways and it that diminishes what we experience. ​     This one felt more like a kind of first person shooter game and there are pluses and minuses in that regard but it introduces the reader to the Creepozoids. Overall this is a great addition to the series as it establishes the franchises that are in existence and what we could possibly be seeing in the future. Oh and this is just all kind of fun, raw unbridled violent fun.
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