#thats how i feel abt charles winning a wdc and be able to dominate for years to come like genuinely
lleclercism · 1 year
I love charles winners mentality and whenever ppl ask him abt any position he is that is not p1 (in anything) he's immediately like "yeah it's fine just not something i particularly care" or "it's good just not what im aiming for" like idk man anyone else in his position would just settle for mid because like he's already in f1 and has sponsors left and right and he is living the life but he cares so fucking much and wants nothing but to win and be at the top always and at the front every weekend and if it doesn't happen then he will make sure it will be different in the future and all he wants is to win and ferrari and a wdc and then another wdc and then another and another all whilst being in ferrari and winning in ferrari
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