#thats my tag for this i stood here for 10 min before remembering
sirilampo · 2 years
which of the new starters is your favorite? have you seen the leaks for the final evolutions?
Ok not all i just wish fuecoco's evo had a double chin and then he would be perfect~
The other two are... expected but still bad
The other two are... expected but still bad
it baffles me that with infernape, the animal closer to humans than any other, they managed to stay smh animalistic but now?? If they insist on making everything human-like at the very least give it an animal stance yknow?
Also I may have set myself for dissapointment with sprig's evo cause i kept imaginig a small pierrot/harlequin cat rather than that thing that I would otherwise loved had that design gone for a HUMAN instead
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
GoodGirsl AU
min yoongi x f reader
i had this thought while watching the latest episode of GoodGirls on NBC.
tagging @boymeetsweevil this isn’t part of my plan but i was feeling it and bam here it is
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The park is empty, and why wouldn't it be when it's past 10 PM on a Sunday. Still it’s nice, you think as you bask in the cool breeze that's picked up in the past half hour you’ve sat at the picnic table. You shouldn't think too much, it makes you question your actions over the last year and a half but you shouldn't. It's not that you regret them, couldn't even be tempted to because the truth is you don’t. Sure you’d endangered your best friends but they’d needed the money just as bad as you had. Jisoo with her failing marriage, Lisa with her mounting debt and you a single mother who worked way too many hours and didn't have enough time to spend with your sweet little boy. So you’d gotten mixed up with some bad guys, it hadn't been your decision to rob the grocery store, but you wouldn't let Lisa take the blame either. 
So imagine your surprise when a handsome albeit petite man shows up at your door, a single brow arched as he takes you in. He’d been quick to let himself in, on a Wednesday morning no less. He’s accompanied by another man one who easily towers over both of you they pace the length of your small but humble living room the shorter of the two stops to take in some picture frames you have on the wall. 
“can i help you?” you ask crossing your arms at your chest. 
“yes, actually i’m here because you stole money from me.” the shorter one says looking over his shoulder at you. 
“i think you have me mistaken.” 
“nah, i’m sure i have the right person. how about you RM, what do you think?” 
“seems right to me boss.” 
“see, so why don’t we take a seat and have a nice little chat ____.” he says taking a seat in the armchair across from your couch. Your eyes have widened significantly because this stranger not only knows your name but he tracked you down all the way to your house. He doesn’t say anything just waits patiently for you to take your seat gaze fixed to the stiff peaks of your nipples since you were sans bra. You do as he says slowly lowering your body onto the couch, your gaze darting down the hall just in case. RM stands in front of the door blocking your only escape should you even think about it. Instead you turn your attention to the man who had addressed you the one RM had called Boss. 
“I didn’t know.” you say and hope that the fear you feel isn't evident in your eyes. 
“It doesn’t matter now, what matters is that i want it back.” he says voice cool drifting into your ears and its oddly soothing. He speaks slowly as if he has all the time in the world, as if speaking to a child. He speaks in a way that you know he means business, the tone is non threatening but one you can easily recognize is respected. 
“i understand that, but i don’t have all of it.” you say just as your son Jaehyun comes sleepily shuffling down the hall. He whines rubbing at his eyes and easily making his way to you taking no note of the tense atmosphere he’s just walked into. 
“mama.” he says pulling himself onto the couch and snuggling into your lap, your arms wrap around him automatically a hand running through his hair as he sighs before falling back asleep.
“you have four days ____, i don’t care how you do it.” he says gaze falling to your son before he stands and leaves you alone in the apartment. 
You don’t get the full amount in time, but he takes pity on you, if thats what you could call it. Lisa spends a good time calling him sexy while you do all sorts of odd jobs for him, but it does get better, he eventually cuts you in and pays you a decent amount. You’ve gotten to spend more time with Jaehyun since working for him and you don’t mind as much as you thought you would. You learn his name in Yoongi when he finally thinks he can trust you and he’s actually really charming, underneath all the bravado he likes to cloak himself in. 
Jisoo likes to think that your new employer has a bit of a crush on you and even though you deny if, you can’t help but hope that maybe he might. He sweet with Jaehyun and most days (when your not working) he’s sweet with you too. The two of you had been tip toeing the line of something more for the past year and a half now. Which is why you hadn’t hesitated in showing up to the meeting place when he’d texted you after putting your son to bed nearly two hours ago. You’d asked Lisa to watch him, she had wiggled her brows at you as you hurriedly shimmied into a pair of jeans and a cuter top claiming this was reminiscent to when you’d been crushing on Jeahyun’s father. 
You didn’t pay her much mind, especially with what had happened between and the Y chromosome that had made up your baby. You’d promised her you’d be back soon as the door closed behind you and now here in the cold staring up at the starless sky you wondered if maybe you had been stood up. A chuckle slipped past your lips because Lisa had been right, you’d been acting like a school girl with a crush on a very dangerous man and by now you should’ve learned your lesson. Bad boys were meant to be stayed away from, not fallen in love with.
“god i’m so stupid.” you sighed watching the way your breath curled in the breeze before disappearing. 
“i wouldn’t say that.” Yoongi murmurs as he takes a seat beside you instead of the usual in front of you.
“i didn’t think you were going to come.” you say, tone falling into something more neutral, something safe.
“i got caught up.” he’s looking at you, you can feel the way his gaze takes in your side profile. Even here in the dim of the moonlight he thinks your beautiful, you’re made of the purest of diamonds, a woman fit to rule beside him. He knows he’s toed the line too long, longed to touch, to taste, to please you in the way a king would his queen. Because that’s what you’ve become to him, his queen and RM had called him crazy for taking someone so pure so unlike them under his wing. Hadn’t approved of the way he’d groomed you to play the part, hadn’t liked the way he’d softened around your son who he could see himself raising as his own. To put it simply he likes you, and the fact that you seemed to be made for this life, his life made it all the easier to fall into your soft touch. 
“we could’ve rescheduled.” you mumble resting your cheek in an open palm and finally turning your head to meet his stare. 
“we could’ve, but i couldn’t wait anymore.” he says before he leans in and kisses you. Its a hard press of his lips against yours at first, he waits a beat, until you kiss him back to really kiss you. Its tongue and teeth and soft whimpers, his hands pulls your body closer to his, till your almost sitting in his lap. Your hands have tangled in his hair his own rest on the nape of your neck and another has slipped underneath your sweater his fingers spread over the skin of your waist feeling the softness under his fingertips. You want to do more, you want him to fuck you, here in the park, in his car you don’t care as long as he does. 
You’re so lost in your thoughts you don’t realize he’s pulled away first lower lip between his teeth soothing his tongue over the swollen flesh before really pulling away with a light kiss. Your hands pull at his hair and he hisses at the feeling but you want more, no you need more, you need him. 
“___, look at me” he whispers in that tone that always gets to you, the one that you’ve imagined when you touched yourself to the thought of him. Your gaze settles the fog clearing slightly when you finally meet his stare. Its now that you realize your chest is heaving, your lungs crying out for the air they’ve been deprived of for who knows how long. He’s still holding you close breath fanning over your lips and cheeks, his nose nuzzling yours teasing you with the prospect of another kiss. “i have to go now, but i’ll let you know when we can meet again.” he says thumb running over the round of your cheek. You nod mutely your brain still playing catch up, he pulls away from you completely helping you up and walking you to your car. He’s leaning through the window, you don’t remember getting in but your seat belt is buckled and he’s speaking to you. 
“Be a good girl for me and head straight home, okay?” he asks planting another kiss to your lips this one is softer less desperate his tongue caresses yours muffling your whine when he starts to pull away a smile quirking at his lips. You gaze dreamily at him as he rises walking backwards to his own car thats shrouded in the darkness “Drive safe mama.” 
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return- Part Three
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Okay y'all so here it is!! Part 3 of the Return series!!! Ivar and reader relationship developmentttttt💕 Hope you guys like itttt :) Lemme know if you guys wanna be tagged too. And don't kill meeeee pleaseee 😂
Part 1  Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 part 8 part 9 Part 10
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @peaceisadirtyword @laketaj24 @amy8220 @cutegyrl927 @camatsuru @cindy-exo @cainismyname @affection-rabbit
Disclaimer: My sucky writing again. Bad grammar and spelling😂 Character death. And bad plot in general.
Your POV
Excitement. Thats all I could say I was feeling at the moment. To finally be back in Kattegat with my family was something I never thought would have happened again. After my father’s grand announcement of my return, the room overflowed with happiness. People were coming up to me, asking me where I had been for the past 6 years and how I had survived. Obviously, I tried to answer everyone’s questions to the best of my ability without giving too much information. For I still didn't know, the true reason as to why I had to leave or who wanted me gone.
The happiness in the hall however did not last very long. Aslaug, the woman who was questioning Bjorn earlier that night. Was actually my father’s wife. “Im sorry? She's your what now?!?!” Aslaug screams of sorrow over my existence could probably be heard all the way in Frankia. My father however, seemed to have very little interest in her reactions at all. He had cast her to the side as if she meant nothing to him. During the course of the next few hours neither my father nor Bjorn left my side. It was as if they thought something would occur to me if I was out of their side for more than a second. “Father, if it is alright with you I would like to go outside for some fresh air.” I tell him, whilst grasping his hand to truly catch his attention. Cupping my face he says “My sweet little girl, you may do anything you please. However, I would prefer that you do not stray too far from here, as I have just gotten you back. And I would not be able to handle losing you again.” With that he gives me a kiss on my forehead and sends me on my way. 
However, I can still feel the overbearing presence of my older brother. “Bjorn, you know Im not gonna run away, if thats what you're afraid of.” I tell him whilst stepping outside. “Im not afraid of you running away. Im afraid of something happening to you (y/n). Plus worrying about you is my job, always has been.” Leaning on one of the wooden beams, I cant help but to stare up at the sky and hold my cross between my fingers. Thinking to myself how different life would have been if I had not left. “ Im only a few steps away shout if anything happens. Okay?” “Okay! And Bjorn... I love you.” At that Bjorn kisses my forehead and walks back inside.
Unbeknownst to me, a certain dark haired man was lurking in the shadows. “Awwww, If I had a heart I would think that was probably the sweetest reunion Ive ever seen.” Turning to the sound of that familiar voice, I see Ivar leaning on his crutch making his way towards me. “I never thought that I would have a sister. And a Christian one at that.” The way that his eyes scan over my body makes me feel a certain way that I cannot quite describe. And the way that his features are outlined by the moonlight really gives a sense of how handsome he is. “Wait, are you implying that...” 
“Well, if all Christians are as slow as you I don't think we’ll have a problem conquering them.” A smirk is displayed on his face, while his eyes show a hint of deviance in them. “Why do you think that Bjorn and Ubbe look so much alike (y/n)?” “Or the fact that we all share similar traits like our eyes?” As Ivar continues to talk down to me as if I were a child, I start to connect the dots. Why it was that Bjorn and Ubbe look alike. The way that they all seem to share the same traits as my father. The four young men that Bjorn introduced me too, are actually my brothers. 
With wide eyes I come to the realization that...“You’re my brother.” “Took you long enough.” At that Ivar seems to crack what looks like a genuine smile. “You know, I always thought that I was the youngest, but now that I'm not...” The genuine smile I had probably imagined was now a devious one. “ Now, baby sister. Why don't you and I go and sit down by those steps down there. And you can tell big brother Ivar, what you've been up to all this time?” Without being able to answer, Ivar grabs my hands and takes me towards the steps. Why do I feel like this night is just getting started...
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Ivar POV
Needless to say all of us were in shock to learn that (y/n) was our sister. Especially Hvitserk, who had not only been enchanted by her beauty, but was  already planning how he would take her from Bjorn. I however, knew something was up the minute I saw her in the great hall. She had no scars whatsoever on her body, meaning she wasn't a shield-maiden. And absolutely no callouses on her fingers from when she took the ale, meaning she definitely wasn't a thrall. And Bjorn wouldn't cheat on Torvi, unless he wants his balls cut off. Something intrigued me about her instantly. It was if she had been sent to me by the Gods, her sharp tongue reminded me of mine. The way that she stood up for my mother not even knowing that she had caused Lagertha and Ragnar to break up amazed me. The way she handled herself with grace and dignity was exactly what I wanted. No, what I need for in a wife.
“Ivar, are you okay? You've been staring at me for the past 5 mins without saying a word.” (y/n) places her hand on my knee to draw my attention whilst looking straight into my eyes. “As a matter of fact, Im trying to piece together, how we’re the same age, and we never met before you left.” As she goes to lift her hand from my knee, something instinctively goes over me and I grab her and hold it were it was. The initial shock she and I both had at my actions soon subsided. She let her hand rest under mine. As if we had done this countless times before, our fingers intertwined and they in my eyes fit perfectly. I could see the inner turmoil inside her, on whether these small affectionate moments between us were something that was so wrong, but that felt so right. 
It was not just moments ago that I had found out she was indeed my sister. Blood of my blood. But somehow, something in me told me that we were meant to be. I felt safe and strangely loved by this person in front of me, whom I have never met before. “You know Ivar, we lived on a farm. I was 100% certain that I would be a farm girl for the rest of my life. I was content with knowing that I would spend my life tending to the animals and my family. But, this is just too much.” Looking down at where our once intertwined hands were. I see that she is now staring at the ground playing with the ends of her long braided hair. “Why? Because you feel as if you're not good enough? Look at me for Odin’s sake! Im a cripple!” At that moment our eyes connected and I saw a reflection of myself in her. A scared child who was deprived of a normal childhood. Seeking for acceptance and love from anyone. 
“(Y/n), come inside father wishes to speak to you.” Bjorn says coming out from the great hall ale in hand. Clearly drunk as well. “Sure thing, I’ll be there in a second.” As she goes to stand up (y/n) turns to me and kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you for the pep talk, big brother.” 
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I knew that I could not be the only one feeling this way. She had to have been feeling the same about me. And I will go to the ends of the world and face the God’s themselves if they think that for a second I will not make her mine. 
Your POV
What had I just done! I kissed him whether it be on the cheek or not. I kissed Ivar. My brother. Oh lord, forgive me for these sinful thoughts are consuming me. The intense feeling I got from us holding hands and from when he stared into my eyes. I had felt at home. Felt safe, felt something that I should only be feeling for the man I should marry. Not my brother! As I enter the great hall, all eyes turn on me. Remembering what I had just talked to Ivar about, I keep my head up. I shouldn't be ashamed, or feel as if I'm less than I am.
As I make my way to my father through the crowd once he spots me his eyes light up immediately. Sitting on his thrown he extends his hand and makes me sit on the throne beside his. “My beautiful daughter are you feeling alright now?” He says to me a little louder as if to make sure that people know not to mess with me. “Y..yes father Im feeling much better.” I murmur to him. At that moment my eyes trail off as if to find something that would take me out of this position right now. I have never been one to be the centre of attention. And as much as I wanna believe in myself that I can be a good princess to my people, at the moment that is not going to happen. As I scan the room my eyes land on Hvitserk. He’s eating a piece of chicken las if it were his last meal ever. I cannot help, but to laugh at him and that when he notices. He flashes a smile that could certainly melt any lady’s heart.  Without realizing I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and bit my lip. Biting my lip when Im nervous is something Ive always done.
However, what did not realize was Ivar eyeing me from behind him. At that I stop and stare at the ground. As the hours go by, finally the last person leaves the great hall. Leaving only my father and brothers with me. “Sooooo, where is (y/n) supposed to sleep, father?” Asks Ubbe. Coming from behind me Hvitserk puts his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer to his body. “She can sleep with me! I don't mind sharing my bed with her.” At this Ivar scoffs. “Of course you wouldn't, you wouldn’t mind sharing your bed with anything that has a pulse.” I tilt my head trying to figure out whatever he means by that. And all that can be heard is the snickering of my father. 
“I was thinking that perhaps I could sleep with Bjorn. You know since we used to share a room when we were little...” I say wishing that what I feel most comfortable with could be taken into account. “I don't know about that one baby sis, you'd have to ask Torvi. She defiantly doesn't like sharing thats for sure.” as Ivar says this he smirks at me while taking bite out of his apple. “Who’s Torvi?” “Wait! Bjorn didn't tell you? He's married.” 
At that moment a scream was heard throughout the town.
“Oh My God, Mira!!!!” at that moment I shot out of Hvitserk’s arms and ran as fast as I could. How could I have been so stupid that I left my friend by herself in an unknown place. Seeing the people gathered around Bjorn's cabin only made my heart more nervous. Pushing my way past the crowd I make it up the steps in one piece. But what I saw would forever haunt me. There on the floor lied my once best friend and most trusted subject Mira. And on her back was carved the death rune. All I remember is hitting the floor and watching a pair of worried and frantic electric blue eyes.
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