#thats right. i made your mlp black. what are you gonna do about it
obscenicon · 6 months
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my little ponies if they were epic....
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t00nyah · 1 month
What's one of your favorite songs right now?
so. so. im a big fan of BLACK DRESSES. they are my favourite band forever. and i love devi mccallion's and ada rook's own music as well!!!!!!!
SHORT ANSWER: every black dresses songs and most of devi mccallion's and ada rook's discography + the ones i mentioned riiight in the end of this post
LONG ANSWER: i CAN'T pick ONE of my favourite songs bc im INSANE about music so im just gonna drop a small list of songs that are literally playing in my head as i type this bc background music is always in my head
i do have to say quite a lot of their songs have explicit language in 'em and are usually very loud if you decide to give them a listen, like i don't doubt that it's not for everyone but just giving a heads up...i love them for making me feel like im not alone in the struggle of not fitting in with this world...plus i love the weird noises and screaming in songs lol!!!
so here's some songs from albums that are in my head rn!!!! (if you want to skip my brainrot i added non-black-dresses-or-rookor-devi music that i enjoy in the end!!!)
TRU U (I WANT TO SAY. in this song. the chorus makes me think of artificer because i have a rain world brainrot but i literally dont know how and what to do with this i just love this song)
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COWARD 2 COWARD (honestly PROBABLY one of my MOST favourite songs.....ironically enough) VANISH/DOOM
also i have already mentioned on my blog but Rook's separated from her twin, a dying android arrives on a mysterious island. has a special place in my heart too and also smh vibes rain world to me idk why.... also i have another favourite in Rookie's Bustle - 920LONDON (i love this song and it made me very curious about the comic with the same name i wish i could get it...)
- Devi McCallion . lately been relistening to Fun Fun Fun, an MLP based album she released under aliases of Cats Millionaire! i love her pony songs!!! all of them!!!!!!!!
my FAVOURITE song from this one is def Exclusive Royal Canterlot Wedding Playset bc...thats how i found out about this album and it was the fact that its a chrysalis song made it 100% more special bc its such a fun song i love the allegory
but generally all the songs in this album are rn looping in my head...
also been thinking about I'm So Sorry and the song with same title from it.....it just makes me feel and i can't describe what it makes me feel but i just feel this song
also i really live Receiver!!
anyways sorry this post is so long i just wanted to brainrot about my favourite music bc I'M NOT NORMAL!!!
in addition: if you want to give something i like a listen but dont vibe with what i listed i also listen to Descend by Toby Fox (from Homestuck) on loop (this ost consists of leitmotifs only(im pretty sure???) and im not normal about that), i remember the entirety of June by American Murder Song by heart, i've been drawing an answer for my latest moon clinic ask yesterday with Ocean Breathes Salty by Modest Mouse ON LOOP. it just had THE VIBE of what it has hehe. i also recently found out that i really enjoy electro swing???? ALSO as a bonus: my favourite rain world ost is.............Grumblebum! another one would be The Coast...love the melancholic feeling of it.
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wolf-skins · 8 years
So I sent @transpussy this post by @fabulouslittlefox and we kind of... rolled with it.
Me (croft-s, obvs): food for thought
Jaz (transpussy): oah ymagod JOEL IS A MILLENNIAL THATS RIGHT
croft-s I KNOW NOW I JUST NEED TO KNOW.... WAS HE INTO MEMES.... DID HE HAVE A BLOG.... DID HE ENGAGE IN DISCOURSE.... DID HE PLAY OUR FAVOURITE GAMES... transpussy HE PROBABLY WAS LIKE "i was born in the wrong era *sips his black coffee*"
croft-s LMAO YES he would've been an edgelord
transpussy He DEFINITELY drinks his coffee black Lowkey lmao
croft-s naturally
transpussy He probably hated technology croft-sc could you imagine him in a fedora
croft-s oh my god what if he was into MLP
transpussy Nooooooooo
croft-s + gr8 minds think alike oh my god im dying
transpussy Nah he probably just thought it looked cool Sophosticsted
croft-s he probably would have just.... been completely oblivious to internet things he would've hated Facebook
transpussy Probably! "I dont have a facebook write me a letter"
croft-s LMAO send me a carrier pigeon
transpussy Type it on your typewritter
croft-s q39uadio i think he actually would've been into horseback riding
transpussy And Ellie is like "what the fucks a typewritter?"
croft-s like not even bc apocalypse + lmaaooo
transpussy I think so too!!
croft-s do you think he'd have used cassette tapes instead of MP3s
transpussy He probs loved horses that weird country boy
croft-s cowboy
transpussy He probably had vinyls
croft-s can u imagine him screaming YEEHAW
transpussy YES
croft-s what if he was into rodeo dancing
transpussy Or "Well I'll be a sonofagun" akshsjdjs i think hes too proud for that
croft-s auiwdowia but if his momma made him do it once at a fam gathering traumatized him from all dancing
transpussy Oh my god Poor joel
croft-s but... a cowboy hat and a piece of grass in his mouth or whatever that plant thing is officially called DO YOU THINK HE'D HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THE WOMEN'S MARCH OR LIKE BEEN AN ANTIFA
transpussy Oh uh....a I forget what thats called
transpussy OH MAN ITS HARD TO SAY Oh joel would for sure punch that dude
croft-s He probably would've thrown in a kick to the grown groin* LMAO
transpussy Oh definitely you gotta kick him in the groin He coulda easily killed him tbh
croft-s Probably. The guy's obsessed with beating people to death. He probably got into bar fights in his 20s what was his fave movie tho... was he into console or computer console definitely
do u think he'd have played multiplayer and yelled into the headphones/mic I kind of see him as loner a bit
transpussy He probs said shit under his breath and then eventually hes just yellin
croft-s yes
transpussy Fave movie.....hmm Thats hard when I've seen so few movies
croft-s something he saw with sara horror games he would've loved horror games or war documentaries until sara too or he got older i could do this all day lmao
transpussy Omg he loved war documentaries i know it He probably watched the same civil war docs over and over
croft-s undoubtedly  what else hmm WHAT ABOUT CELLPHONES and like Snapchat how do u think he'd be with those I mean he can clearly use them but what about texting and stuff
transpussy he probably uses snapchat to make weird distorted faces and send them to ellie
transpussy ok THEN TO SARA
croft-s yes definitely he'd also be a total Dad(tm)  like embarrass her in front of her friends with dad jokes
transpussy most definitely and he wouldnt even know what he did wrong
croft-s iudwaoiaw Sara once gave him a makeover and he was proud
transpussy lfmdisfhxb "I look pretty dang good"
croft-s JUST LIKE THAT OHMYGOD Tommy would come by stare and then tell Sara he looks better now than before
transpussy lmfdsofdg YES
croft-s he would have painted her nails and done her hair best single dad ever
transpussy badly, might i add truly he did his BEST
croft-s yeeeees adua
we’re still goin lmao
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a-wolf-among-men · 8 years
do all of the munday league asks
//O god. I stop hanging out with my riend and come back and have to answer 50 questions. Alright. gonna have top put it under a cut
First Champion played?
//Varus. Can’t play adc for shit, but I still play him sometimes.
First Champion you mained?
//Varus. Again.
Champion you main/play currently?
//I fucking love sona. Like shes really fun. Shes easy to play, but its hard to actually be good with her support wise, because you can’t always keep using powercord Q you have to use your other power cords.
Best or Favorite role to play?
//I’m a support main, so I think that speaks for itself.
Favorite Top champion to play/have on your team?
//I can’t play top because I hate playing melee champions and im not any good with any of them. I guess Shen is good, his ult is good.
Favorite Jungle champion to play/have on your team?
//Just a jungler that isn’t totally fucking useless like most of the ones I have. Life of a person who hates to play ranked you get stuck with shit junglers and teamates.
Favorite Mid champion to play/have on your team?
//I like to play Sona and Annie mid. Annie is just stupid and Sona most people underestimate because shes a support so once you get lich bane you can take a quarter of a squishy’s health, plus her heal is nice to have.
Favorite ADC champion to play/have on your team?
//AN ADC WHO UNDERSTANDS THAT I HAVE FUCKING COOLDOWNS. In other words and adc that doesn’t try to 1v2 the draven and blitz. :^)
Favorite Support champion to play/have on your team?
//Sona, Nami, a good Thresh, pretty much any good support. Pretty much whenever I’m stuck adc I get stuck with the supports who seem like they have no idea how to play their champion and its like ???? Sona and Nami are not that hard to fucking play.
Best champion design(no skin)?
//Thresh and  Viktor it’s a tie between them two.
Best champion ability/kit?
//Sona. If people actually take time to read what her power cords do she has a shit ton of shit she can do other than spam q and w. For example if you ult with power cord E it not only stuns, but also slows the enemy. She has a lot of depth to her kit that a lot of people miss out on.
Worse champion design(no skin)?
//Ahri. Fuck Ahri. I have so many problems with ehr design that it’s just like. Why the fuck did Rito make something so fucking generic for a soul stealer??? Like I swear I’ve seen her design 50 times over just on people’s ocs.
Worse champion ability/kit?
//Blitzcrank. Fucking takes less skill than fucking Soraka with how many times I’ve seen his hook go through minions.
Favorite Female champion?
//Zyra. She cool.
Favorite Male champion?
Thresh. Hes my son how could I not chose him.
Favorite Yordle?
//Lulu. Fucking adorable little shit. Veigar is a close second tho.
Most annoying champion to play against?
Favorite champion laugh track?
//Hyena warwick. That shits fucking great.
Favorite champion Taunt track?
//Aurileon sol. Spooce dragon best.
Favorite champion Joke track?
//Volibear. Best puns.
Favorite champion dance track?
//Jhin my boy. He got good skill.
Thoughts on Surrendering?
//Double explosion. B)
Favorite game mode? (including temporary game modes)
//Normal Draft. We still have it on NA. It’s fucking great. It’s like ranked but without the toxicity. Plus if you DON’’T GET FUCKING AUTO FILLED you get one of the two roles you wanted.
Best event for the game?
//Bilge water. Fucking loved black market brawlers and the Aram map.
Demacia or Noxus?
//Noxus hands down.
Piltover or Zaun?
//I like Zaun better than Noxus and Piltover.
Winter Claw, Avarosan, or FrostGaurd?
Never paid attention to the Freiljord, so I guess winter claws. Just because I know thats Sejuani.
Shadow Isles or The Void?
Favorite champion associated with Shurima?
//I like birb. Birb is cute.
Favorite champion associated with Ionia?
//Jhin. Hands down Jhin. I used to write him all the time and I struggled with deciding to make this blog or a Jhin blog. Still ship jhin with bm thresh tho
Favorite champion associated with Bilgewater?
//Cervantes Gangplank. Hes cool and at least takes some skill unlike all of the other Bilgewater champions.
Praise the Solari or Lunari?
//Lunari because I used to watch a lot of mlp fim and Luna is still best princess.
Static Shiv or Phantom Dancer?
//Only build static shiv when I play ad Thresh. I think I only built a phantom dancer on ad Janna. So static shiv????
Favorite item in game?
//Athenes. Gives supports without a heal but a shield a way to actually heal their teamate.
Flash on D or F?
//D. Like I’ve always had it on D so why the hell would I change it???
Current game icon? Do you ever change it?
//The shadow Isles crest. Hardly ever change it.
Have/do you watch(ed) LaLaLa Demacia?
//Nope. Never heard of it.
Best skin in game?
//Bet u all ain’t gonna expect this. Prototype Viktor. I fucking love it. Bloodmoon Thresh is a close second tho
Best splash art(skins included)?
//I really like the pentakill splash. 
What ping do you play on?
//It hovers around 60 to 80, but if my moms watching netflix it goes up to 2k every so often.
Do you keep up with pro play? If so, favorite pro player(s)?
//Nope. Couldn’t care less about the LCS
Favorite ship?
//Do any of the ships I’ve had on this blog with ocs count? If so a certain flame boi and my son were rlly cute. If not Thresh x Ezreal is rlly cute, but I like bloodmoon Thresh and Jhin just as much.
Do you listen to music while playing? What kind?
//Nope. It would kill my ping.
What season did you get into league?
//I dunno. Back when Karma first came out. Dunno what season that was. I was a youngin then. Wanted nunu because he rode a yeti.
Favorite type of Poro from Blitzcrank’s Poro Round Up?
//Was the shadow isles poro in it? I mean I played it, but I can’t remember the poros. The jinx one? That was one right?
Pref playing AD or AP champions?
//Always been better with ap champs than ad.
Favorite Rioter?
//Don’t know any of em. How about the one who made it cannon that Graves vapes.
What do you play more Ranked or Normals?
//Never played a game of Ranked.
Do you prefer Red side or Blue side?
//Red, because I like red better.
If you could remove one champion from the game who would it be?
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