#thats why the inventer (gurdijeff) is always typed as an 8-9 liner... lol... zero shock
Enneagram & Movement
If you look into the OG enneagram documents, they didn't even use it as a personality theory. Gurdijeff was never typed with an "ego fixation" until after his death.
The creators of enneagram used it to map processes in nature. Read the Wikipedia page about the original enneagram, pre-Naranjo and pre-Ichazo. The OG theorists never took the movement out of the enneagram like Naranjo did when he wrote his chapters about all the different types as if they are static caricatures rather than moving beings. the original theorists were OBSESSED with movement between the numbers. They were trying to map biology to the hexad types.
In modern enneagram, we are obsessed with pinning ourselves to a static point, which I think is moronic because an enneagram that doesn't move is a dead symbol. Never forget this quote.
In order to understand the enneagram it must be thought of as in motion, as moving. A motionless enneagram is a dead symbol, the living symbol is in motion. - George Gurdijeff
Tritypes based on the head / heart / gut triad were not a thing until Oscar Ichazo made them so. Pre-Ichazo, enneagrammers were concerned with all sorts of "tritypes" beyond the 27 common ones we know. 147, 285, 369, 428, 571, etc. They were even concerned with quadtypes, quintypes and sextypes. There was far more flexibility in their thinking about how to use the enneagram map, as they did not confine themselves to these arbitrary rules that we use in modern enneagram, and they were not obsessed with their own ego fixations.
The Sufis used enneagram as a personality theory, but not in the same way we do in 2022. Again, they were not obsessed with their own egos. They did not go labelling themselves as this number and that number. They explained the points on the enneagram as vices / virtues that all humans have inside of them and all humans can relate to.
As for me, I type myself the way I do because that is the movement I observe inside of myself. I never saw my fixation as an ego fixation that I needed to "fix" or rid myself of. I saw it as an impartial pattern operating inside of me, for better or for worse. A pattern I enjoy observing, through observing my feelings and reactions and psychological state over time.
I am someone who started from observing the enneagram inside of myself as a moving symbol. Now I am expanding towards seeing it more broadly applicable to things beyond myself and the personalities of people I know. Going back to the basics where we applied it to biological patterns and nature patterns and patterns which weren't our egos. But perhaps starting from inside ourselves and our feelings and our reactions is the best way to develop a framework which lets us understand things more broadly.
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