#george gurdijeff
Enneagram's infinite complexity comes from the fact that it is always moving. Enneagram is a moving, inter-connected symbol... it is not a static map of 9 personality types like so many morons think it is.
Every single personality type represented at one of the 9 points, bleeds into the personality types it is connected to. This makes the personalities inseparable, one in the same. A 9 is not really different to a 6. It switches in and out of being a 6. An 8 is not really different to a 5. It switches in and out of being a 5. A 1 is not really different to a 4. It switches in and out of being a 4. etc etc.
Enneagram should teach you that we all exist on a moving spectrum of emotions, motivations and ideals. We are never static. It should also teach you that these movements are not arbitrary. They follow patterns.
We are all the same despite being so different. And we are all so different despite being the same, because our movement is different. At any given moment, our energy map on the enneagram map, is never the same as anyone else's. The story of our energy map on the enneagram map over time, is never the same as anyone else's. Yet we all move around on the same map, experiencing the same human phenomena, but differently.
Enneagram isn't a study of 9 types, really, it's the study of a moving symbol with 9 points that have a distinctive meaning. Within the study of that movement and motion there is infinite possibility for infinite explanations...
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scrittoresolitario · 3 months
Non contraddire mai, taci. Se non approvi ciò che dice l'altro non sollevare polemiche o voler a tutti i costi avere ragione, rimani nel silenzio. Questo del silenzio non è un atto di sottomissione come la mente ti porta a credere, bensì un atto di regalità. Perché vuoi costringere l'altro a pensarla come te? Forse perché tu stesso non credi davvero a ciò che dici e vuoi conferme "dall'esterno?" o forse perché non tolleri di essere contraddetto? Vedi, si ignorano sempre alcune cose importanti quando non si è d'accordo con ciò che un altro dice, la prima è il fatto che non sappiamo come l'altro "veda" la realtà e ancor meno sappiamo a che livello evolutivo egli si trova; la seconda è che ignoriamo spesso che ciò per cui oggi ci battiamo domani sarà mutato e la nostra opinione con lui. Ognuno vede la propria realtà ed essa è per lui "reale" come la nostra lo è per noi, ecco il perché del silenzio, non tanto perché se stiamo zitti ammettiamo di avere torto ma perché è sciocco voler che gli altri ci diano "ragione",l'autentico sapere proviene dal cuore e il cuore non ha bisogno dell'approvazione altrui.
Georges Ivanovič Gurdijeff
lettera a sua figlia
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andypaciorek · 5 years
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Some of the illustrations for the book in progress ~ The Mirror Obsidian: Occultists - Witches - Visionaries - Cultists Illustrated by Andy Paciorek Top to bottom Ithell Colquon George Gurdijeff George King Madame Blavatsky Frater Achad Maya Deren Pamela Colman Smith William Burroughs
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1five1two · 7 years
The sole means now for the saving of the beings of the planet Earth would be to implant again into their presences a new organ … of such properties that every one of these unfortunates during the process of existence should constantly sense and be cognizant of the inevitability of his own death as well as the death of everyone upon whom his eyes or attention rests. Only such a sensation and such a cognizance can now destroy the egoism completely crystallized in them.
George Gurdijeff
All and Everything
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
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Una percentuale considerevole della gente che incontriamo per via è vuota dentro, cioè, in realtà, è già morta. E’ una fortuna per noi che non lo vediamo e non lo sappiamo. Se sapessimo quante di queste persone sono in realtà morte e quante di queste persone morte governano la nostra vita, impazziremmo dall'orrore
[Georges Ivanovitch Gurdijeff]
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eminkemalozer · 11 years
Yaşam Süreci, Kaybolan Çabalar
Yaklaşık 12 yıldır aynı tabak ve çatal bıcak takımlarını kullanıyordum.
12 kişilik takımlar zaman içinde kırılarak 8-9 kişilik takım haline gelmişti ancak gene de bize yetiyordu.
Bazısı renk değiştirmiş özellikle tabaklar bıçak çizgileri ile kendilerinden geçmişti.
Yaklaşık 8-9 yıldır bizim ile olan yardımcı hanımın  yemek odasındaki dolapta bulunan , hiç kullanılmamış,  3-4 takımı neden kullanmadığımızı sorunca verecek cevap bulamadım.
Günlük olaylardan genellikle referans alan , belki sıkıntı ve üzüntülü yaşam süreci bize bir çok şeyi olduğu gibi keyif olgusunu da unutturmuştu.
Türk örf ve adetidir.
Evlerde misafir için bir oda ayırılır ve misafir odası diye adlandırılır ve hep düzenli tutulur kimse içeri sokulmaz.
Misafir için yemek takımları vardı. Misafir için gümüş tabaklı çay takımı vardır. Misafir gelince kullanılır daha sonra tekrar yıkanır ve dolaptaki yerine kaldırılır.
Ancak o günler geride kaldı . Şimdi ailelerin ne bir misafir odası kaldı ne de kimsenin evinde misafir ağırlama imkanı.
İnsanların kendine olması gerekenden daha az değer verdiğini gösterebilmek için size ilginç bir örnek vereyim.
Hepimizin giyinme dolabında T veya Sweet Shirt ‘ lar üst üste konarak bulundurulur.
Alışkanlık olarak insanlar en üstündekini alıp sırtına geçirir daha sonra 2. ve 3. yü kullanır.
Sonra onları yıkar ve tekrar birinciden kullanmaya başlar. Bu şekilde yapmayan da vardır ancak özellikle erkekler  böyle yapar en alttakiler ise hiç kullanılmaz.
Bu nedenle  bu Cumartesi bloğonu bu konuya ayırmayı uygun gördüm.
Sadece ben ve benim ailemde değil belki de tüm insanların yaptığı
    ” Hiçbir  şeyinizi özel bir an için saklamayın.  Çünkü yaşadığınız her an özeldir.
Kristal bardaklarınızı kullanın. Kıymetli diye kıyamadığınız eşyanızı her istediğinizde kullanın.
Hayat sadece yaşamı sürdürmek demek değildir.
Geleceğe kendinizi odaklamayın , sözlüğünüzden  ” günün birinde ” ve ” bir gün”  kelimelerini kesin olarak çıkarın.
Hayatınıza  zevk ve kahkaha katacak hiçbir şeyi ertelemeyin. Her gün, her saat her dakika sizin için özeldir.
Hatalarımız kaybolan çabalar değildir.
Onlar başarıya giden yolda işaret direkleridir,
Bir şey yaptığın zaman tüm benliğinle yap.
Teker teker. Ben şimdi oturuyor ve yemek yiyorum.
“Benim için  şu anda bu yemekten, bu masadan başka bir şey yok bu dünyada. Yapmam gereken de bu her şeyde.”
  Bu “…..”  arasında yazdıklarım kolayca anlayabileceğiniz gibi benim fikirlerim değil.
Bu satırların yazarı  George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (13 Ocak 1866 – 29 Ekim 1949).
Kafkasya’da doǧmuș, çocukluǧu Kars’ta geçmiș.
İnsan hayatının amacını sorgulamıș , gerçeǧe ulașmak için Hindistan, Tibet, Orta Asya, Anadolu ve Mısır’da yirmi yıl kadar gezgin olarak dolașmıș.
Onun önerilerini  yazdım da acaba uygulayabilecekmiyim ?
Biraz zor.
Ama siz uygulayın.
Ne demişler   ” İmamın dediğini yap, gittiği yoldan gitme”
İmam dedim ama bu imam başka imam .
Tanıdıklarınızla karıştırmayın.
Sakın ha !!!
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Enneagram & Movement
If you look into the OG enneagram documents, they didn't even use it as a personality theory. Gurdijeff was never typed with an "ego fixation" until after his death.
The creators of enneagram used it to map processes in nature. Read the Wikipedia page about the original enneagram, pre-Naranjo and pre-Ichazo. The OG theorists never took the movement out of the enneagram like Naranjo did when he wrote his chapters about all the different types as if they are static caricatures rather than moving beings. the original theorists were OBSESSED with movement between the numbers. They were trying to map biology to the hexad types.
In modern enneagram, we are obsessed with pinning ourselves to a static point, which I think is moronic because an enneagram that doesn't move is a dead symbol. Never forget this quote.
In order to understand the enneagram it must be thought of as in motion, as moving. A motionless enneagram is a dead symbol, the living symbol is in motion. - George Gurdijeff
Tritypes based on the head / heart / gut triad were not a thing until Oscar Ichazo made them so. Pre-Ichazo, enneagrammers were concerned with all sorts of "tritypes" beyond the 27 common ones we know. 147, 285, 369, 428, 571, etc. They were even concerned with quadtypes, quintypes and sextypes. There was far more flexibility in their thinking about how to use the enneagram map, as they did not confine themselves to these arbitrary rules that we use in modern enneagram, and they were not obsessed with their own ego fixations.
The Sufis used enneagram as a personality theory, but not in the same way we do in 2022. Again, they were not obsessed with their own egos. They did not go labelling themselves as this number and that number. They explained the points on the enneagram as vices / virtues that all humans have inside of them and all humans can relate to.
As for me, I type myself the way I do because that is the movement I observe inside of myself. I never saw my fixation as an ego fixation that I needed to "fix" or rid myself of. I saw it as an impartial pattern operating inside of me, for better or for worse. A pattern I enjoy observing, through observing my feelings and reactions and psychological state over time.
I am someone who started from observing the enneagram inside of myself as a moving symbol. Now I am expanding towards seeing it more broadly applicable to things beyond myself and the personalities of people I know. Going back to the basics where we applied it to biological patterns and nature patterns and patterns which weren't our egos. But perhaps starting from inside ourselves and our feelings and our reactions is the best way to develop a framework which lets us understand things more broadly.
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Type 6 is the Immune System
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We all have 6 inside of us, and I say we think of Type 6 as the Immune System against Fear. 6's job is to process all of the Fear, Doubt and Anxiety that naturally occurs in any fully lived human life. The Immune System's job is to process all of the pathogens and hostile entities that naturally enter the body in any fully lived human life.
When our 6 is functioning well, it creates a perfect harmony between us and our environment (6 -> 9). Healthy, balanced 6 lets us recognize threats and take right action against these threats, without overthinking ourselves into a ditch and destroying ourselves with anxiety in the process. The Immune System follows a similar dichotomy. When it is healthy it recognizes pathogens, then takes right action against pathogens without over-reacting to the point of making its host sick, and making itself more dangerous and toxic than the pathogens it is fighting against.
We all know that 6 -- our Fear Immunity System -- can be dysfunctional as hell. It can process fear and doubt in a self-destructive way which only leads us to become more fearful and doubtful. In other words, in its attempt to cure us of the pathogen that is fear, doubt and anxiety, it only increases the load of these pathogens and causes a viral infection. We can liken self-destructive, anxiety-producing 6 to two things:
1) Auto-Immune Disease -- when the Immune System attacks itself rather than attacking the external threats it is supposed to attack. OR
2) Immune System Over-Reaction. This is when our Immune System over-reacts to pathogens... a cause of many many diseases. Did you know that most diseases are caused by an over-reaction of the Immune System to that disease, rather than the disease itself? Yeah. That's so very 6 of the Immune System.
6s cause self-fulfilling prophecies by over-reacting to the threats they perceive in their external environment. At their worst they are self-destructive. The Immune System sees something it thinks is going to make it sick, so it says "I'll overreact to it and make myself sick first".
9s and 3s can be considered to be lacking an Immune System against fear, or resisting their immune system. This comes with its own problems. Again another reason why we need to rethink how we think about Type 6 and what it actually means for a 6 to grow.
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Your Enneatype is Always Moving
"In order to understand the enneagram it must be thought of as in motion, as moving. A motionless enneagram is a dead symbol, the living symbol is in motion."
- George Gurdijeff
This is the ethos of how I type myself and others. If I cannot see the MOVEMENT of the typing, the way it moves between integration and disintegration point, then the typing is worthless and invalid.
If your typing of anything is, "you're following this stereotypical behavior of type x" "I perceive you type x because an article told me the type x is like this, and type y is like that" you do not understand enneagram. Interconnectedness of types and movement between lines is the crux of enneagram theory. It's fine to speculate on something's type based on initial vibes and superficial perceptions... but if you can't demonstrate how the type moves, then the typing is invalid.
That is why it is so essential to know somebody, plus all of their life history, before you type them. you must see the way they move psychologically.
With the mentality that type can be static, simple and surface-level, like personality disorder archetypes in therapy are, you will only be manipulated by people instead of find yourself capable of forming your own opinions about the enneagram symbol.
Type is always moving, just like you are. It is meaningless if it is not.
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