#the 2nd dream rly weirded me tf out n scared me
sapphirewolf100 · 5 years
Time to write down some dreams I had before I forget heehoo (these are weird so...yeah)
1st dream was just...plain weird. It was like I was dating someone again (why...just why) and it was like we were in school?? Weird shit was happening. At one point it was just me n a bunch of people stuck in a basement. And I was pointing out that the foundation was terrible and there were holes in the walls. You could see the pipes in there and everything. There was like a downstairs bathroom and all that. It didn’t look too good. At one point the place trembled and pieces of drywall fell off and crumbled. Not cool. (I think my uncle randomly appeared too wtf)
After that mess I vaguely remember traversing the sidewalk where I apparently lived. Dude I was supposedly dating kept tryna get me to follow him and I reluctantly did. Don’t remember much else. Feel like I was on a bus too? Or maybe in a cafeteria? Idk. Felt like I spoke to school staff at one point too. Not sure.
Second main dream. I went over to visit someone I know. His property was massive, big lawn, big house. He had those fold up lawn chairs out and I asked if he needed help and I’d put em away. He said “yeah just store em in the garage” so I did. There were special compartments for the chairs depending on what size they were. Got that done. Started talking to him. Realized he was an A-10 pilot. Shocked the shit outta me bc that’s like my fav aircraft of all time! Overheard radio comms to him and he knew he had to suit up. We both left and he was just standing there in the middle of the road (his face randomly shifted into The Rock’s for a sec which rly fuckin confused me) and he was standing there all tall n proud with flight gear on.
We departed. About 10 minutes into walking back home, I overheard radio comms again. It was a missile threat. And it was heading his way. I fucking screamed in my own little handheld walkie talkie yelling at him to get the fuck outta there. I ran mad like hell. I saw a white missile drop from the sky and landed right near his house. I jumped as it exploded. I went tumbling down a hill and smacked into trees. The explosion was so extensive that a huge wall of fire crept up behind me and nearly caught up to me.
Then I woke up? But I didn’t wake up from the dream. It was like I was inside of a house with the pilot’s kids, helping take care of them. I ran outside looking for the wreckage. There was none. It confused the fuck out of me. One of the kids asked me “what is it? What’re you looking for?” I shook my head and paused “...nothing. Let’s go back inside.” And we did. The kids were watching TV, playing w/ toys or taking a nap. I watched over them as I kept thinking about the disaster.
Then I finally woke up for real. After nearly 12 hours of passing out OTL (I haven’t been getting much sleep lately so I guess I rly needed it)
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