#the 3 of them made my top 3 favorite friend groups in bls tbh
gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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"for real?"
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spicyvampire · 2 months
Hi, since GMM has many Thai BL series, just wondering, do you have favorites from them? If you do, do you have 10 you like most so far?
I do not have the best relationship with GeeMeeMee but over the years they have provided some tasty bls here and there, I'll try to give you a little top 10
1.Not Me (2021)
To me that's like the best GeeMeeMee show ever made, great activism story, all the storylines are compelling, it gets accidentally funny with the twins stuff and the fact that Yok the resident arsonist is tryna fuck that cop so bad, but with Yok's help Dan finished realizing that he was part of a system that was beyond fixing and it was better to get himself free of it than staying, honestly has one of the best storyline and character development ever written in a bl
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2. 3 Will Be Free (2019)
A gay mafia son, a stripper and a gogo bar manager walk into a bar, shenanigans ensue. To this day, the only GeeMeeMee show to have given me an endgame throuple and frankly one of the only cannon throuples we have in bl
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3. Moonlight Chicken (2023)
By god Wen fucked that old man in the chicken shop, but in all seriousness this bl probably has the best breakup storyline I've ever seen in any media ever, it's a truly masterpiece; also we saw the story of a deaf character who uses sign language and that's not something you see often in bl tbh, wish we had more Gaipa and Alan but you take what u can get
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4. Cherry Magic Thailand (2023)
Honestly this one took me by surprise, I'm not a fan of remakes but they did a really good job adapting those japanese characters to a Thailand setting while keeping some of the japanese background there, and go a bit further and deeper than the original did with some of the characters
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5. Wandee Goodday (2024)
This one was my obsession for the last few weeks, unfortunately I think the show lost some momentum around the middle of it, and it needed more balance on some stuff, like one of Dee's big trauma wasn't even resolved even if they showed it affecting him pretty severely at least twice, while we spend like almost the whole 2nd half of the show on Yak's, overall very silly and enjoyable and also nice asexuality representation which is not something you see often in bl
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6. The Eclipse (2022)
I'm not really a high school boy bl type of person and I usually avoid them but they got me with this one, I think Akk's storyline ressemble Dan's a lot in the sense that he had to realize he was part of a system that is bad and is using him to maintain a bad status quo and then had to free himself from it even if that's all he's ever known, Ayan is of course of a great help with his flirtiness, shenanigans and overall fuck the rules attitude
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7. Bad Buddy (2021)
Thai bl's Romeo and Juliet, what I loved the most about this one was the attention put on the dynamics of Pran and Pat and their respective families, and how even if they didn't succeed in changing their fighting parents minds, they stayed together and continued to love each other because at the end of the day, the love was between them and it had nothing to do with their parents
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8. He's coming to me (2019)
I love me a ghost story like any other guy, so this was right up my lane, I gotta admit it's been like 4 years since I've seen this so I don't remember the storyline clearly, but it left a good impression on me, so much that years later I still think of it as good
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9. Only Friends (2023)
Top 10 messiest friend group ever created, this could have been higher on the list if they didn't do Boston dirty in the very last goddamn episode of the show
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10. Dark Blue Kiss (2019)
I honest to god remember nothing about the mains but this show has the best coffee shop au in the ql universe and it's from 2019, SunMork chemistry is just firing all over the place, definitely my favorite Gawin ost too
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demiromanticmickey · 3 years
Tagged by @ralbeleren 💕
1. Your all time favorite BL & why
Until We Meet Again. I just love it idk. The soul mates trope is not one I usually go for but they made it so unique what with the reincarnation, healing from generational trauma/homophobia, the fabulous friend groups and families, focus on consent and safe sex, two bi boys (one of which actually says he's bi), and so much more I'm forgetting. Like, this show had everything. It was incredible. It helps too that they emphasized soul mates are made, not found.
UWMA was also the first Thai BL I watched (that I also stumbled onto as it was airing) and my reintroduction into BL so it forever has a special place in my heart for that.
2. That one BL that scarred you for life
I mean, there's stuff from way back in the day I'd love to forget but I don't remember the names of the series/movies or the full plots even. But like the general BYG, age gap, inc*st-y, r*pe kinda stuff that was in pretty much every BL manga/anime. :/
3. Is there any BL that made you feel single?
As an aro, I don't even know what "feeling single" means. Never had that experience in my life!
4. If you could change one thing from a BL, which would it be?
For miss Mame to not take over writing for ACTL and ruining TinCan!
5. That one BL you detest.
I don't "detest" any BL I've watched since getting back into the genre. And if I'm not enjoying my time with a BL, I'm dropping it. Rather not waste time on something I don't like.
6. Your Top 5
1. Until We Meet Again is always number one.
But the others, in no specific order: The Untamed (YES IT COUNTS), Sotus s1, I Told Sunset About You, and Color Rush. Although Not Me has had me in a chokehold since the mock trailer so I'm likely going to have to rearrange this later.
7. That trashy BL that you lowkey like
I'm gonna go with Tonhon Chonlatee. LISTEN. I know it's awful! But Khaotung and Podd really sold that shit! And ugh, RIP Mike & Toptap 🏳. We'll probably never know just wth happened between them.
8. Your favorite Korean BL
It's a toss up between Color Rush and Where Your Eyes Linger. Tbh I only didn't include WYEL on my Top 5 list because I needed to make room for ITSAY.
9. But also your top 3 for KBL
I've only watched three. So, the ones I just mentioned plus Mr. Heart. But I would not include Mr. Heart in my top 3. It was fine, just not for me.
(Would love some recs tho! As you can see from reading through this post, I'm into mostly that sad, slooooow burn type of shit w a happy ending.)
10. Season 2? Which one?
Eh, the only s2 of a BL I've watched and that I think surpassed s1 was Still2gether. But, I wouldn't say it's a favorite despite how much I liked it and how much I like Sarawat.
And I know some people hate it but I loooved Friend Zone s2, although that is not strictly a BL so... 🤷🏻‍♂️
11. A bunch of dramas will air soon, which ones are you the most excited for?
BETWEEN US, KinnPorsche
Also that new BL with Zee. Cutie Pie, that trailer did look kinda good 👀
From GMM 2022: Moonlight Chicken, Never Let Me Go, The Eclipse.
*And shout out to the GLs I wanna see too: Gap the series, The Girlfriend Planner.*
12. I tag
Look, I only follow like 60 ppl on this thing and that's how I like it. If you follow me and you watch BL consider yourself tagged.
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thesamwellbaker · 6 years
do you read any other webcomics? any recommendations?
I love reading webcomics! I’m actually always looking for new ones, so any suggestions people may have are more than welcome. 
Anyways, here are some of my personal favorites (also all of these are LGBT because I’m me):
1.) The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by E.K. Weaver 
Mature, Complete, also available in print  -  Definitely my favorite webcomic after Check, Please.  Two men running away from their problems end up driving across the country together. It’s a wonderful story about stepping out of comfort zones, confronting issues, and falling in love. The artwork is more than amazing and beautiful, essentially an homage to the American aesthetic (especially out west) and it always makes me want to jump in the car for a road trip after reading. It’s real and hilarious and complicated and emotional af and I’ve read it like 5 times.
2.)  Long Exposure by Mars/Smokeplanet
Mature, Ongoing, also on Tapastic  -  My current webcomic obsession tbh. The Nerd and The Bully get paired together for a school project and stumble upon (and into) something strange in the woods. Soon they find they have supernatural abilities, which doesn’t exactly make navigating high school, parents, or growing emotions any easier. It’s an awesome mix of real-life drama, romance, mystery, and science fiction all wrapped into some amazing characters and tied neatly together by some astonishingly fabulous artwork. I can’t recommend this comic enough, or all the extra content that comes with it (seriously the mitjo playlist alone is bomb enough to join the fandom honestly). 
~ More under the cut ~
3.) Collapse by MK Harris/Hospitalvespers
Teen, Ongoing  -  I’m more than in love with the vibe of this comic. So many unanswered questions that I can’t wait to learn more about as this beautiful comic continues. In a post-apocalyptic world, a mute man is saved by a strangely put-together young man, who offers refuge in his (very orderly) home. They learn more and more about each other as time wears on. Beautiful, full-color pages using really creative ways to tell a connection with only one speaker. The eerily calm setting amongst the carnage of the outside world creates a fabulously uneasy feeling of the eye before the storm. And boy am I loving it.
4.) Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
Teen, Ongoing, also on Tapastic  -  God this comic is just so cute. Charlie is out at school, and his life becomes intertwined with general chav-type, Nick. They become super close throughout their time together and well, it’s a slice-of-life romance comic, what else can I say? It definitely deals with some more complicated issues but overall it just plain puts a smile on my face and I’m sure it will to your’s too.
5.) With Great Abandon by EH Macmillan
Mature, Complete, also on Tapastic  -  Talk about emotions! Harry is a trans man who starts a relationship with Russel, a gay cis man. The story is about their relationship set over a year in London. Exploring what people want in a relationship, how those wants can change, and how those changes can affect personalities. Okay I made it sound kinda boring but it’s absolutely not. It’s an astonishingly realistic portrayal of relationships that everyone can relate to and the characters are so amazing and likable and you get so Invested and I wish there was even more of them tbh.
6.) Sharp Zero by Robotsharks
Teen, Ongoing, also on Tapastic  -  Let’s lighten things up with one of the funniest comics I’ve ever read in my life. It’s incredibly stylized and fun while also having a super enticing storyline with plenty of lore to dive into. A superhero action comedy with lots of time spent in the afterlife and band practice. Elliot is a flirtatious guy with one-liners to spare and is surrounded by increasingly stranger characters and creatures. Dive in and enjoy!
7.) Rock and Riot by Cheriiart 
Teen, Complete, also on Tapastic  -  Do you love the over-the-top 50′s teen gang aesthetic of Grease, The Outsiders, West Side Story, etc.? Do you wish everyone in those gangs was part of the LGBT community? Well, this is the perfect comic for you. Fun, flashy and adorable, this comic is about two rival groups (guys vs gals) and their hilarious realization about how they’re not so different after all. If this doesn’t put a smile on your face, nothing will.
8.)  Flowerpot by Leehama
Teen, Current Hiatus  -  The art is pastel and beautiful and I cannot get enough of how cute it is. A super creative world where there is an illness that makes flowers grow out of people. Following patient zero of this strange disease, this comic explores family, friends, crushes, and the medical problems that entwine everything that Ben seems to touch. Super interesting worldbuilding that is as well done as the characters. Although on current hiatus, I still think it’s more than worthy of a read.
this list got longer than I planned, but a few honorable mentions include: 
Countdown to Countdown (ART omg)
Eerie Crests (Style wow)
Autophobia (stupid cute)
The One Who Loved You From Behind (adorable, funny, slightly more BL than the rest of these)
George and Johnny (cute!)
Hades’ Holiday (not LGBT but god that art is AMAZING) 
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