#the 3 seasons they are minimum mid 30s but i usually think early 40s
way-too-cool-raybot · 5 months
Had an discussion with my friend about this so;
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gilly-bj · 3 years
Rivamika: age issues
“It’s pedophilia!”
“She’s 15 and he’s 40!”
“He could be her father!”
How many times did we hear that? Well, too many. Indeed, that’s haters’ second favorite negative argument which they like to use against our ship, after “It’s incest!!”. Some of them probably don’t even know what they’re talking about, they just follow what the others say thinking that it’s sensible. Well, it isn’t. Here I want to dispel this myth with you.
I bet that since you ship Rivamika, you already know that it’s a totally fine couple, but some people, who are also part of RM fandom, are a bit confused about Levi’s age, so we’ll talk about it too. Now, let’s start.
In this post you can find:
• Their exact ages and the age gap
• Why Rivamika isn’t pedophilia
• It’s age gap a problem in couples?
The subheadings are written in their own special colour, so if you’re not interested in one of them, it will be easier to find the other.
• Their exact ages and the age gap
Levi’s age is a mystery; many doesn’t know it, many think he’s 40, many that he’s 35, and others doesn’t care at all. Actually, his exact age is unknown, but our dear Isayama gave us some informations who give us the idea of how old Levi is.
Back to 2016 [from chapter 19 to 21 (japanese language)], the Japanese voice actors of Mikasa, Eren and Armin made an appearance at the Universal Studio Japan’s SNK THE REAL exhibition with Hajime Isayama. During an interview, a fan asked to Isayama Levi’s real age (He said that it isn’t important for the story, but he is more older than what it seems), and he answered he’s in his late-thirties. Then, Isayama corrected his mistake and said that Levi is in his early-thirties.
I did some researches and with the term “early- thirties”, you indicate someone between 30 and 33 years old, with “mid-thirties” instead between 34-36 and “late-thirties” between 37-39. So, if Levi was 30 during season 1, 2, 3, now he’s 34, if he was 31, now he’s 35, if he was 32 now he’s 36 and if he was 33 now he’s 37.
Mikasa was confirmed to be 15-16 before the timeskip so now she is 19-20. Knowing this, we can calculate their age gap:
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(Sorry If it’s a but messed up)
I consider Levi 34, so their age gap is of 14-15 years.
• Why Rivamika isn’t pedophilia
I think it’s not that difficult to understand that it isn’t, but since haters are a bit crazy, we’ll talk about it. So, for the law, Mikasa is not a minor anymore because she’s 19-20, so a relationship between her and Levi would be considered legal, end of the discussion. But I won’t stop here.
What’s pedophilia?
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Actually, 15yso Mikasa with Levi wouldn’t have been pedophilia, SCIENTIFICALLY, but obviously for us a relationship between a minor and an adult it’s disgusting. It all depends on the historical period we are living in; ever since we were kids, our parents teached us that grown people who are interested in children are dangerous and that we have to stay away from them. But the law was different centeuries ago, and I know that it’s difficult to imagine a society where it’s legal to have a romance between teens and adults, but remember that the world we are living in it’s way different from the past one.
But when is AOT set? Well, I think that there’s not an actual year who matches perfectly with ours. We can say that it’s after the discovery of America in 1492 because they eat potatoes, which were imported by American colonies. They have also dirigibles, who was invented in the 19s, but they still move on carts and car were invented in 1886. Another thing, they communicate with letters, so no phones yet, and phone was invented in 1876. Like I already said, for me that’s not an year who corrisponds perfectly to our calendar, so the range of my analysis it’s quite huge.
According to my researches, many girls, even younger than Mikasa, got married with older men in the nineteenth century; in America, many believed that marriage could transform a child into a wife who was legally and socially an adult because of marriage. Her marital status trumped her chronological age. In Great Britain, the minimum age at which marriage was permitted (with parental consent) was 12 for a girl and 14 for a boy. Since usually women didn’t have many options for their future (the works which were permitted for them weren’t many, and they weren’t well payed), it was convenient to get married with a man they didn’t even know; men’s salaries were higher so they could support them economically. Actually, Mikasa could have been considered old according to the usual age of marriage.
And another thing, do you think that in AOT’s world, with titans who eat people, they care about age? no. Falling in love is probably considered a gift from heaven, something special who can make people smile in a such difficult period, and they don’t pay that much attention to age. I know that for us a relationship between an adult and a teen is creepy, but remember that for them it’s a miracle to be alive at the end of the day.
• Is age gap a problem in couples?
I think it’s a completely subjective thing. Google can’t give you the right answer this time; we’re all different in the world, so for some people it would be a problem, and for some no. It depends. Anyway, I want to list some famous couples with age gaps:
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I hope you liked this post guys!! I wanted to post it two weeks ago but I don’t know why I didn’t 😂
I’m working on another post right know and it’s taking very much time, I hope I’ll post in before the end of the month.
Tell me what do you think about this!!!! 💜💜💜
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andyuris · 3 years
So , your character works in retail .
I don’t know how many people go into detail when talking about what their character does for a living but I got this random idea to make a bit of a tips list when it comes to working retail especially if you’ve never worked retail before . This is coming from my own experience working retail for the last , I don’t know , 3+ years or so . If you find this helpful at all , give this post a like or a reblog .
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The idea that someone is going to be fresh out of high school , come onto the scene at retail , and become manager is rare . The youngest I’ve seen a manager ( which the word can mean a lot of things : merchandising manager , key holder , etc ) is 22 . So just , you know , be realistic .
Age ranges vary . When I worked at Five Below , I worked with my GM ( general manager ) who was in his 40′s , the managers who came and went varied by age generally between young 20′s to mid 30′s , and the rest of us ? I would say most of us were in late teens / early 20′s . However , there were also a few teens that worked there and by teens , I mean minors . And no offense to minors , but working with minors is annoying as hell ESPECIALLY when it comes to scheduling . Minors can only work certain times and when it’s busy season ( holiday season ) , they get to peace the fuck out while you’re left breaking your back until one in the morning . You can use this for comments your character has about their job considering playing minors is weird so don’t do that .
Full time probably isn’t gonna be a thing , maybe . It depends on your job description , the place of employment , etc  ( note : you might be able to get away with this more when it comes to convenience stores and grocery stores . A lot of them look for full time associates / produce associates ). MOST retail workers  are part time  meaning they get less than 40 hours a week and again , depending on the factors above , you’re probably looking at 20 or less hours a week give or take . Hours increase during the busy season ( generally around the holidays ) . But again , full time and part time depends . You can also be a part time manager where you’re getting probably 35 hours . You also get double your pay if you’re working a holiday ( Thanksgiving , Christmas Eve , etc ) . Some of your stock & produce associates are most likely going to be full time and I’m saying some .
THE PAY GENERALLY SUCKS . Granted , I’ve been lucky and some characters can be lucky too . Each job I’ve had in retail has paid above the minimum wage and I believe that varies from state to state . Five Below sucked the most until I became a manager . The non-profit I worked for was a little better. At my current position , I’m making the same amount i made as a manager at Five Below although less hours . You’re doing a  lot  of work for basically dust which is where a lot of retail worker frustration comes in .
We LOVE some customers but hate others . I have a few frequent costumers that I adore when they come in . These are the people I generally have conversations with . Others ? I don’t like them . None of us like them . We talk shit about them when they leave because they’re generally big assholes . I put on my costumer service voice for them and I get them through my line as quickly as possible .
Some managers are great , others aren’t . I do feel like when it comes to rp it’s a lot easier to say your character hates their boss and that probably brings more to conversation but not all of them are bad ! I’ve enjoyed most of my managers , or at least my General Managers . 
Okay so , I don’t know if this is against customer policy , but sometimes , you get to take shit home from work . WHAT DO I MEAN BY THIS ? At a job I worked at , as a manager , we would do damages . Damages is basically shit that got broken in the store and we have to adjust that shit out . You know what sucks ? Having an item that has some minor ass flaw and having to throw it in the garbage . So yeah , we would sometimes take that stuff home although it was usually make up .Some of it was candy and shit . I remember a case got stepped on and my manager was like ‘ take it out and take it home if you want to ‘ . So yeah. Make your character’s make up collection work related ! They got that shit for free .
Holiday season is crazy . It’s long hours , a lot of people , and a lot less time being at home chilling . Your character might hate their lives during this part of the year . I know I did . 
We talk a lot of shit . I think this can happen really with any job . Retail workers vent . We vent to each other . We vent to other retail workers who don’t even work at the same store as us because we all generally understand what we go through when it comes to our jobs . Is there another character in the rp working in retail ? TALK SOME SHIT .
Last but not least , as sad as it is to say , in retail , you are , without a doubt , replaceable . A lot of people working in retail think because they do so much that somehow the store is going to burn to the ground without them or that they will never get fired because who can stock the way that they do??? Let me tell you : A LOT OF PEOPLE . They’ll be interviewing someone for your position before you even make it out the door . So , yeah , want to spice things up for your character ? Are they the kind of people that think they’re entitled ? Then this may be a route to take at some point .
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axiomsofice · 3 years
Leafs: New Additions
Welcome back to another year in Leaf Land, as always at a most critical nexus. There’s a lot of negativity, and as usual some of its well earned, and some of its too far. Within all that, it’s important to acknowledge the progress that this group has made, free from the fervid luster of hope offered early in the Matthews era.
The novelty of the Canadian Division, and the 4 separate leagues that took part in the 2021 season did cap the amount this team could change our minds, but having a strong and consistent regular season and finishing top 10 in goals against, was a huge development, and continuing those results to a full 82 game schedule is still an important step. In general, this fan base took the first sign of positivity and grew championship expectations, to the point where the past 2 or 3 seasons many have been saying “there’s nothing to prove until the playoffs”, and even to this point that simply isn’t true. 
After spending a large part of the past 2 seasons desperately searching for depth and stability in the sport’s most important position, acquiring Mrazek is certainly the most important move of the offseason. He’s probably in a cluster of mid tier starters, sometimes called a tandem starter or 1B, similar to Frederick Andersen, the fact that he’s younger and cheaper than Andersen is also a plus. He’s coming off some strong seasons behind a very good Carolina team, meaning he’s been a focal point for a successful team already, although he was not the starter in each of the Hurricanes’ past 2 postseason runs. He’s started 40 games in a season twice, meaning he’ll get at most 120 games in over the course of his 3 year deal. He’s had up and down seasons, but has shown flashes of strong play. He has a flare for the dramatic, some style to his play, and entering his age 29 season should be able to deliver a strong segment of his career. The best case scenario, or perhaps a reasonable comp would be similar to what Halak has been able to bring in his 30’s, which is starter level of play over 35-45 games a season, which does fit well with the expectations on Jack Campbell to play in 40-50 games. Ultimately the hope is that Jack can really run with the starter role, but Mrazek will be keeping the level of play in net high.
Menell takes the mantle as this year’s KHL import on the blueline, a staple that’s seen Zaitsev, Ozighanov, and Lethonen pass through to varying degrees of success in recent years. Menell, unlike the others, offers a stronger resume on the smaller ice surface, putting in several strong AHL seasons with the Iowa Wild before his most recent all-star season in Russia. Similar to Lethonen, he is a strong offensive player and could figure into a role on the power play. At this point he’s done everything he can besides earn some playing time at the top level, and provides an interesting depth option to the blueline.
It can be difficult for low-scoring defensive players to stand out, and that might be the case for Dahlstrom. The 26 year old Swede has 2 years experience in the SHL, followed by 4 increasingly strong stints in the AHL, with a 35+ game run on the porous 18-19 Chicago team and 10+ games with the Jets the following year. He did eventually earn an Assistant Captain role on Chicago’s AHL affiliate. Despite all that, he’s only played 35 games or so the last 2 years, as he probably got squeezed as a fringe player throughout the first covid season. He certainly is qualified to fill in a depth role, although surely in a different style than Menell. Together they represent good reinforcements with potential upside should injuries occur. He’s big, skates well enough for his size, has some passing abilities.
Another player who hasn’t played all that much recently, Kase has fought a lot of tough injuries over the recent years. Kase is still only 25, but it was all the way back in 17-18 that he scored 29 goals as a member of the Ducks. He has posted really strong possession and shot metrics throughout his career, and plays a very rambunctious and tenacious style. Hopefully he can stay healthy and at least have a chance to continue his strong play, but with concussions we can only know so much. A one year deal means there isn’t any long term risk, and best case Kase provides some of the “all terrain” capabilities that Barclay Goodrow brought to the Lighting the past couple seasons.
Ritchie is a big power forward, who can manage to shovel in 10-20 goals a year. Although his career high comes from his time in Anaheim, it’s reasonable to expect he could have a career season over the 2 years of his contract. He does bring certain qualities lacking from the forward group at this point and could fit well somewhere in the top 6. Even with Hyman in the lineup, when Simmonds missed time last year there was a noticeable lack of net front presence, which Ritchie should help satisfy. Personally, I’ve spent a lot of time being thankful the Leafs took Nylander instead of Ritchie in their draft year, but Ritchie is still young at 25 and is a quality add to the forward group. He might take an excessive amount of penalties, but that could also “even out” and earn the Leafs a few more calls as well.
As we get to our 6th addition, a pattern is clear, young free agents (mid to late 20s) who should have more in the tank than the older additions of last season, and perhaps with their best seasons in front of them. That is certainly the case with Kampf, who has already proven to be an effective bottom 6 defensive centre in the NHL. He is in crazy good shape and is good at faceoffs. In his introductory presser Dubas mentioned he’s been on the Leafs’ radar for a while, and that they saw more offensive upside to his game. He certainly has a similar style of play to Danault, helping break cycles in the defensive zone and supporting transition well up ice, and could really help unlock stronger play from the 3rd or 4th line. In particular I think he would pair really well with a strong defensive winger who can carry the puck through the neutral zone, Ilya Mikheyev, and/or David Kase.
Bunting “came out of nowhere” to score 10 goals in 20 games for the Coyotes last season, and we should not be expecting 40 goals next year. That being said, signing him to 2 years at only $950,000 is a great deal. For the brief time Jared McCaan was a Leafs I was excited about adding a complimentary top 6 player who could shoot well to pair with Marner and Matthews. Bunting definitely has the chance to live up to that. It’s obviously not at Matthews’ level, but Bunting can score from the high to mid slot. He’s speedy enough to pressure through the neutral zone and off the rush, and has some skill in making moves to beat defenders and goaltenders. He isn’t afraid to get to the dirty areas and had a few goals tipping in shots from the point. He is also feisty, gets under opponents’ skin and hustles like his job depends on it. He said in his introductory interview that he had spent long enough in the minors that when he finally got called up last season he played with nothing to lose, and compared his style of play to Marchand. Although that is a lot of lofty rhetoric, it’s easy to see how this could be a huge win for the franchise. If he proves to be 4th line contributor it’s a good deal, but there’s good reason to be excited beyond that. It might be a bit off topic to say I think that it’s important that Matthews and Marner’s liberate has a good enough shot to capitalize on the opportunity they will have as well as the tenacity Hyman brought so effectively, and Bunting has the tools to do it.
Gabriel is a fighter with social media presence, and especially for a pro hockey player, tries to be inclusive. I could see him being called up and deployed circumstantially. Although Simmonds and Ritchie have both thrown their share of fists, having a DH of sorts might be useful? Regardless, as a cultural focal point of both hockey and Canada the Leafs have the opportunity and responsibility to do their part in changing our culture for the better, and considering the league minimum cap hit this signing represents checks of few different boxes in terms of “intangibles”.
Semyonov has played parts of 5 seasons in the KHL, including a couple deep postseason runs as a middle 6 forward and eventually became an Assistant Captain. At 26, there doesn’t seem like a great chance he’ll be a factor at the NHL level, although he should get a fair shake at training camp. It is more likely he fits in as a veteran presence on a Marlies team that will feature a lot of Russian players, from Amirov, SDA, Gogolev and Abramov. The Marlies will look to be a lot stronger this year and those 5 forwards will look to be a big part of that. He gets to the net and most of his goals will be from rebounds and scrambles in front. He has some good puck skills, which will be shown off with some fancy passes. He’s big and fast enough to have some effect on the forecheck.
Way Too Early Lines
Bunting Matthews Marner Kerfoot Tavares Nylander Mikheyev Kampf Kase Ritchie Spezza Simmonds Engvall Brooks
Reilly Brodie Muzzin Holl Sandin Dermott Liljegren
Campbell Mrazek Hutchinson
Notes on fringe players
Mikheyev has been taking some heat recently. He clearly had trouble converting chances into goals and his wrist injury could have been a huge factor in losing confidence. He is good defensively, and is a strong enough skater that he’s able to transition through the neutral zone really well. Despite being a powerful skater he does seem to look a bit like an old man at times. It’s easy to see how he could be similar to former Leaf Michael Grabner, in that whether he is converting on breakaways or not could fluctuate his goal totals enough to drastically change opinions year to year (both are strong on the pk as well).
Engvall shows flashes of brilliance in a lot of ways. Speed and size to defend well, soft hands and really good passes, scoring touch, but somehow looks like he has trouble putting it all together. Dubas and Keefe have had him for a long time, and with one year left on his deal it might be his best chance at becoming an NHL regular.
Brooks will have to replicate his strong play from last year. He looked really strong alongside Spezza, where he was able to use his hockey sense and passing skills to his advantage. It is not a given that he’ll be able to, but he’s continued to show signs of growth so maybe he can continue to surpass expectations with more opportunities.
Liljegren has all the physical tools to be a good NHL defender, skates and passes well enough to beat forechecks, physical enough to play the body, but he’s looked a bit lost at times. I think with strength and experience we’ll see him settle into a regular role, and it’s not an indictment that he hasn’t got there yet, even if he spends most of his time in the AHL again this year. It might be a bit much to rely on a Sandin-Liljegren pairing when everyone is available, but I would love to see him get a chance alongside Muzzin at some point.
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