#cartoon? i can see them being like. mid to late 20s at the earliest
way-too-cool-raybot · 8 months
Had an discussion with my friend about this so;
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
My list of Questions I would ask the Kratt Brothers if I had the opportunity to interview the both of them. (Its a dream of mine)
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My actual interview questions are beyond the read more. (Questions for Both is in Black, Questions for Martin is in Blue and Questions for Chris is in Green.)
So without further a do.....
1. What are your earliest childhood memories?
2. How does it feel to be the oldest?
3. How does it feel to be the youngest?
4. What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
5. Any major injuries or near death experiences as a kid?
6. Were you guys always close as kids or was until you guys were adults that you became close.
7. What was life like in the late 60s/70s
8. What was your guys favorite TV show, Movie and Song or Songs as a kid and what about now?
9. Any funny stories that your parents would constantly remind you of that you don't personally remember but is always good for a laugh?
10. How much did you enjoy school, were you a good student or not so much?
11. What's a talent that you have?
12. I heard that your father owned a Harmonica factory while watching a Mr. Rogers documentary that featured the factory in an episode. Have you worked at the factory? and if you have how was it?
13. Did you see the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion? And if so what was your reaction?
14. What's are your favorite sport teams?
15. How was it like growing up with sisters?
16. Would you ever have your sisters cameo in Wild Kratts if you could?
17. On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your high school experience?
18. Were you always interested in having a job that involves animals or did you have other interests?
19. What's your favorite Christmas Movie/Special
20. Can you please translate what your seinor quote thing means? (Especially the Mamm do you have a dog?)
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21. How did it feel to be the first one out of your siblings to go to college?
22. How did it feel when Martin went to college?
23. Any funny stories from when you worked at the Duke Lemur Center?
24. What was it like when you guys created your first ever video back in 1989 also any funny stories or close calls?
25. How did it feel when you got your first couple of rejection letters and what made you continue to pursue your dream?
26. How was business school?
27. How was your washing dishes job at Charlton?
28. When PBS Kids finally accepted your show Kratts Creatures,what was your reaction?
29. How was working on Kratts Creatures? Any funny stories or close calls?
30. Do you keep in contact with the person who played Allison and Ttark or any of the crew who worked on the show?
31. How was working on Zaboomafoo? Keep in contact with coworkers and crew who worked on the show?
32. How did you guys meet your wives? And what was the moment that made you know that they were the one?
33. How did you propose to your wives and how was the wedding?
34. What was the most memorable night of your lives? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) (I would probably skip this question)
35. How did you react when you first found out you would become a dad? and how did your wives tell you?
36. How did it feel to go from working on Zaboomafoo to Be the Creature how was the shift from kids show to more of an adult show?
37. How would you rate working on Be the Creature? (my personal favorite show)
38. What had to be a low point in your life?
39. What year did you thought up of Wild Kratts? And what was the creative process for that?
40. Which people inspired Aviva, Koki, Jimmy, Zach, Donita, Dabio, Gormond, Paisley and Rex?
41. Where were you during 9/11? (I'm trying to ask people I know that were alive during 9/11 because most Americans alive during 9/11 never forgets where they were at.)
42. Who's the 3rd camera man in Be The Creature?
43. Would you ever make a biography about your adventures? (Please do)
44. What are your Favorite activities to do with your family?
45. Will you ever make another adult show like Be The Creature?
46. Have you ever participated in a Zaboomafoo or Wild Kratts drinking game or would you?
47. What's your Biggest pet peeve?
48. Who's actually the most organized?
49. What are your Hobbies?
50. What is something you wish you could do but can't no matter how hard you try?
51. What's your favorite book?
52. How does it feel to have a cartoon plush of yourself? Is it weird?
53. What's your reaction to receiving art from fans of your shows?
54. What is the most memorable fan encounters you ever had?
55. What country have you not visited that you really want to go to?
56. What is your favorite country that you have visited? (They better say Peru)
57. What's your favorite video game?/ If you played Super Smash Bros (The Nintendo video game) what's your main?
58. What do you do when your not working on Wild Kratts?
59. What was your best year and your worst year and why?
60. How was it like raising your kids when they were kids compared to when they were in their teens?
61. Do or did you watch Kratts Creatures, Zaboomafoo, Be the Creature and Wild Kratts with your family?
62. Do you like being recognized in public?
63. How often are you recognized by people?
64. Have you ever been in a fist fight? if so tell me the story.
65. Have you gone through a mid life crisis?
66. Where are your Disco outfit that you wore in Kratts Creatures and Zaboomafoo?
67. What was your reaction when Jovian the Lemer died?
68. What's a funny or a close call story of your time camping in Vermont as kids?
69. What's your number 1 Karaoke song?
70. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
71. Why has Jimmy not been given a CPS and will you give him one? (That Sea otter episode was a cruel joke)
73. What's your favorite animal? (I want to know what the next episodes will be)
74. Fruit with chocolate yes or no and why?
75. Whats your most embarrassing moment that keeps you up at night?
76. What was up with your hair back in highschool?
77. Why was your hair so curly in highschool and when did it stop being curly?
78. What was your oh crap I'm getting old moment?
79. Have you seen the movie Grease from 1978 and did you like it?
80. What song represents you the best?
81. What animal represents you the most?
82. What's your favorite Theme Song?
83. How is working with Pure West? ( the guy who wrote the theme songs for BTC and Wild Kratts and maybe Zaboomafoo?)
84. Whats your Favorite sport to play?
85. What's your favorite sport to watch
86. What Fad that you lived through was the most Fun and which one did you absolutely lothe?
87. What's a little known fact about yourself?
88. Who's the bossy one?
89. Do you remember what your reaction was when your parents told you that your having a baby brother?
90. How many times did Martin pull the Because I'm older than you card?
91. What was something that you struggled with for a long time but finally over came it?
92. What is something that you are still struggling with?
93. What are your greatest strengths?
94. If you could give advice to your past self what would it be?
95. If you found a new species what would you name it?
96. What is something that you crossed off your bucket list?
97. What is something that you still want to cross off?
98. If you had a time machine what year would you go to?
99. Who do you admire/look up to?
100. What are you looking forward to most in the future/ what are your future predictions for wildlife?
If anyone knows how to send these to the Kratt Brothers that would be Great :)
I will come up with more questions in the future but this is it for now.
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