#the Hisui researchers are not allowed to have a W in this au
Cosplayers Pt. 2
Even with Ingo working tirelessly at the training grounds in order to help the citizens of Hisui improve in battle, there still weren't that many intense battles. Sure, there might be from time to time when Dawn wanted to practice, but most of the time they were very low key battles. Any experienced battlers like Adaman and Irida needed proper opponents for a good battle, and the citizens of Hisui were not quite that just yet.
And when Ingo and Dawn went back home, Zizu took over, and there were even less dramatic battles due to their absence.
But when the hole in time started opening up once a year from Hisui to Nimbasa, there were a lot more options.
What better way to show Adaman and Irida some fantastic battles, as well as help them get some new ideas for battling, than let them watch Ingo and Emmet battle together on the battle subway?
Things were going great! Adaman and Irida were observing battles with the subway bosses, and seeing pitfalls that they could avoid in battle.
But when Ingo and Emmet saw a certain party of people, their expressions lightened a bit. Adaman recognized one of them, it was the weird researcher person who questioned him randomly about Hisui yesterday.
"They are on the multi line this time. They will make it to the battle with us. I can take over conducting the battle, you stay here Ingo" said Emmet.
"No! A multi battle of that challenge requires the both of us to properly conduct, I'm not leaving you on the tracks alone" retorted Ingo.
"But what if they -"
"Why is that group so dangerous to you Ingo?" Irida cut in.
Ingo and Emmet turned to face Irida and Adaman once again.
Ingo’s expression brightened further. "These researchers are of no danger to me. Since i've come back to this time, they've been trying to get information about Hisui from me without end. They have determined that the best way to get that information is to intercept me during work, and ask questions of me when I cannot leave. However, they are extremely passionate about battling and seeing their skill increase over time is inspiring! So in order to motivate them further, I am coincidentally missing at my post whenever they would face off with me, and face Emmet instead.”
"They have been verrry relentless. I do not understand them. They could have called and tried to schedule a time and place to talk with us. They have not done that, and when I suggest the idea they merely laugh in my face."
"I recognize one of them" Adaman said, "that was the man who corned me yesterday Irida. I think he thought I was a fraud or something, but then he left me alone."
"I have an idea" Irida said. "What if I take Ingo's place during this... Multi battle you said? I am skilled in wielding multiple pokemon at once, and if I am too out of my element, you could direct me Emmet."
"Hm. That could work. But you would have to lend her one of your spare uniforms Ingo.”
"That seems like a safe track," Ingo relented, "Usually when this occurs I take a break and watch the battle over the cameras, so I would be willing to part with my uniform for the time being. Adaman, would you like to join me in getting something from the Gear Station food court?” 
“I’d love to.”
The researchers made it to the final fight. Their plan had finally worked, Ingo and Emmet were waiting for them, there could be no more switching shenanigans if both of them were present.
Was it just them, or was Ingo a little shorter than normal?
It was probably nothing.
“Now that you’ve finally stopped avoiding us Ingo, please answer at least some of our inquiries. First, what was Lady Irida of the Pearl Clan like?”
“It’s rather rude to ask someone that to their face, don’t you think?” said a very... un-Ingo like voice.
The imposter took off their hat to reveal someone who looked... remarkably like Lady Irida of the Pearl Clan... Was it another one of those recent cosplayers? Was she working with the other ones? Wait...
“Subway boss Emmet! I had no idea that you would stoop so low as to hire actors to distract us from retrieving the truth from Ingo!”
Irida couldn’t believe it. They were actually that dense.
“I must assure you that is false. Ingo is busy handling an issue that came up in another line. This is our temporary Subway Boss Irida. Let us battle.”
The battle was very good, and the researchers were defeated once again.
Credit to @lordtraco for the idea in the tags of one of these posts that the researchers just assumed that someone else in the group called to schedule an appointment or something with Ingo and was denied, and didn’t realize that they could just talk to him instead of going through the battle subway. When I saw lordtraco’s tags I was dying with laughter they were very good
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