#the MOMENT you say 'no no its fine i raped this child im a mormon!' like fuck yall thats disgusting
timeisacephalopod ยท 11 months
It is absolutely wild to me that America is having a groomer panic when the supreme court basically just told Mormons they can diddle children and not report it because "religious freedom" and I'm really starting to wonder when this "religious freedom" stops if not reporting literally the worst crime you can commit is fine under the guise of God. Perhaps these people would be fine with a father murdering his daughter because she had premarital sex and that brought dishonor on the family, or are they against that only because they associate so called "honor killings" with Muslims? Because the way it's going they are ONE stop away from genuinely arguing this with the way they've allowed religion to shit all over everyone else's rights by holding the feelings of Christians above literally everything else, including CSA victims. Religious freedom is not the right to take away everyone else's rights regardless of what a Certain Brand of Christian thinks. Especially when the only religion that gets this freedom in the US (and Canada) is Christianity.
Like don't panic about groomers if you're going to make it legal for Mormons to rape children and do nothing about it, and instead of calling trans people pedos come out and saw what you mean because I'm tired of the political right couching everything they say in coded fucking language so they can hide their actual intentions. If you need to do this much subterfuge to hide your political goals you damn well KNOW your ideas are unpopular and fucked up I wish these people were even a quarter as oppressed as they think they are because then we'd actually start violently and virulently questioning literally everything about everything whenever a republican or a conservative opened their fucking face instead of only doing that to people we don't like while accepting whatever horse shit falls out of the political rights ass no matter how ridiculous or who gets hurt, children they want to "save" so bad included.
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