#the Zariman
flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
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brighan · 1 month
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🩸𝗩𝗢𝗜𝗗𝗧𝗢𝗨𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗗 - 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲 (Oὐλόμενος)🩸 Of death, blood, and conceptual embodiment. Will you escape Void's embrace?
Full comic ⬇️
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Script was originally written in 22nd Dec 2022, but I couldn't work on it until September due to work and life events. 2023's tennocon really got me motivated to start and it has been a very slow process to get it completed as I rely on commissions and work (I LOVE YOU CUSTOMERS)
I am extremely thankful for those of you who have been patient to see it completed! Thanks again to my patrons and commissioners who have allowed me to still work on this on my free time with less financial concerns!!!!
I have much more planned for this story, but for now I hope you liked this short episode!! I've been spinning for the last week because I've been so anxious to post this 😵‍💫
This is kind of a love letter to Digital Extremes because I've been wanting to get into a personal project based on Warframe for the longest time (even before I started doing Destiny art) and I am ecstatic that I finally got the chance to do so. ALSO SELF INDULGING CONTENT WOO 🕺
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ritasanderson · 6 months
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pavooko · 3 months
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Also I have an alternative version
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sihirbazi · 2 months
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Erst, wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen Kann man uns am Himmel seh'n Wir haben Angst und sind allein Gott weiß, ich will kein Engel sein
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upsidedownsmore · 3 months
Jade Shadows spoilers, just some lore thoughts and theorizing
I wonder if Jade was used for most high-order jade light executions and was the soul source of it, or if she was just an extension of an already existing technology. Before, I used to think the jade light was from some kind of device, but if it's been Jade this whole time at the source that has implications.
Of course, even if she was the source of jade light, it must have been harnessed in devices to allow for remote executions and portability, like on the Zariman and with the Myrmidon. So she wouldn't have had to perform all executions herself in person when even just her residual power is enough to power Parvos' jade eximus units.
But Parvos referring to Jade as an executioner might imply that she was used to perform at least some executions personally, and I imagine those would have been the executions performed in front of the Seven.
Like Margulis.
And if they needed a Tenno operator to control Jade, that would effectively have been using a Zariman kid to kill their adoptive mother using Jade, a victim of Ballas' warframe project during pregnancy.
holy fuck
Edit: Though there's also reason to believe that Jade wouldn't have been the one to execute Margulis because it may have required the use of a Tenno operator, which I can't imagine would go well. But there's still a bit of vagueness around whether Jade needed an operator, similar to how there's vagueness around whether Stalker needs one.
Edit 2 (July 2024): go behind teshin there's new jade lore go go go
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inside-black-moon · 7 months
"I lost her twice."
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rusted-pipe-of-wisdom · 8 months
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you've bled enough.
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Anyone else realize how much of a contrast there is between the Void on the Zariman and in Albrecht's labs?
Like, the Zariman itself is practically infested, inside and out, with void energy and ruin. It is a mess, and yet for all of it the actual influence of the Void is minimal, is it not? Sure, theres the Thrax and the Angels but aside from that the Void is more passive there than in Albrechts labs.
Speak of the devil (get it?), tmitw and the Void take a complete 180 in the new tileset. Not only is the whole thing a lot more neat and tidy, with orderly rooms and even drones to make sure any chaos we cause is immediately repaired. The contrast between the Void infested areas and the labs themselves is also very clear, with actual cutoff and melding points, rather than the wild growth of the Zariman's Void. Now add in the fact that the Murmur is a very active force and you can see just how opposite the two locations are.
What intrigues me the most however, are the thematics of both regions. The Zariman, for all of its sleek, futuristic design, clearly has an undertone of religion. From the Organs used in the themes, to the name of the themes themselves, to the focus on song and choir and angels, it all implies a biblical view of things.
Now contrast that with Albrecht's labs, which feature a much more...grounded view of things. From the the fact that these are literal research labs, to the constant references to the human body, bodyparts in everything from enemy design, to the name of the hub, to even the Jahu (Form) gargoyle, everything speaks of science and nature through a more...scientific lens.
Duviri too, kind of falls under this view, but instead of being science or religion, its more along the lines of culture, fiction and just overall creativity, which really makes me wonder where theyre gonna take this with 1999 and beyond...
So yea, just some thoughts I had recently that I felt like sharing.
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anabananashy · 3 months
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Lady Archimedean Yonta
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flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
Hello again, Tenno! Let's talk Easter Eggs! Specifically, Warframe DE Logo Easter Eggs! I just recently found the DE logo hidden in Duviri (quite by accident as I've done with all but the one hidden in the Zariman), and wanted to share screenshots of my findings!
But then it occurred to me, "gosh wouldn't it be cool and helpful if I compiled images to help people find all of the hidden DE logos?"
Just to warn you: this is a long post since it's essentially a step-by-step for finding all the logos in all five areas!
Welcome to Cetus! You're Landing Craft has just dropped you off onto the platform by the shore! See that cliff face off to your right? If you want to find the DE logo you need to go climb on top of that!
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Yeah, in fact you need to go this far inland (to the rock I'm standing on)!
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It's right here on the edge of this rock!
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Next area!
Welcome to Fortuna (my favorite hub ♥)! Bask in the wonderful bisexual lighting!
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When you are done basking jump on up here to this little balcony! It's the second balcony up (the third floor if you count the ground floor as the first one)!
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The DE logo is hidden on side facing inward!
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And onward we go!
Welcome to the Necralisk! It's a bit pustule-y and gooey but there is still some old Orokin architecture sticking out of the infested flesh-scape here and there! Like this pillar! Here - I'll throw my Xoris for you so you can see what I'm looking at!
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Climb on up and - TADA! There it is! A nice and simple find! That can't really be said about the next one though.
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Oh boy here we are...
The DE logo hidden in the Zariman - the one I struggled the most to find, I thought I had rubbed by face against every wall and structure, but apparently I had missed a spot. This is the only one I needed to look up to find. This is the elevator that leads out to the rest of the Zariman - where we do the Zariman missions.
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I thought I had checked this area thoroughly enough but I think that disconnected wall panel always caused my angle coming out from the elevator to just miss it. See where I'm standing? Notice how it seems a little darker there? I certainly didn't.
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There's an opening to - what would you call this - a maintenance port? Regardless, let's head in past the overgrown vines.
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It leads into an elbow passage and into a little room.
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Looks like another area one or more of the Zariman children used to hide. Of course, no area in the Zariman is complete without the ominous graffiti!
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And right on the side of the box here is the logo! Even though I couldn't find this one without help I really enjoy the concept of them being a bit more hidden.
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Like the last one!
I stumbled across this one by accident when I was in Captura gathering references of the mirror and portal frames for a Duviri-inspired piece I'm working on.
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I happened to notice what looks like a window in the Kaithe's stable and totally expected the overgrowth to be a solid object when I jumped at it.
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It wasn't. Queue shock and confusion. At first, I thought it was just a hole leading over to the plant area - a silly short cut. I walked in a little further.
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No, this is an enclosed cave. A secret! A nice little den to hide in!
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Wait that's-! WOAH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE A HIDDEN LOGO FOR THIS AREA! That's so cool and fun! I love this hiding spot for it! The perfect amount of context clues to make you suspicious and intrigued by the area if you are looking! This one was by far my favorite to find!
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That's all of the DE logos (that I'm aware of)! I'm looking forward to the interesting places they will think to hide the next ones! Hope you enjoyed my guide (and the silly retelling of how I found the one in Teshin's Cave)!
Thanks for reading!
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Why the Zariman gotta be so big!?
How many people died on it? That's freaky.
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brighan · 5 months
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Hey kiddo -
Cover art is finished!
And for the potential new eyes: this is the cover of my upcoming (short, unless) Warframe comic that I scripted back in Dec 2022! I've been working it when I could for the past (almost) a year, so if you want OC shenanigans, stay tunned for updates!
And if you want to get that sweet early access, you can become a supporter via Ko-Fi or Patreon :)
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ritasanderson · 4 months
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Darren is suffering 😔
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pavooko · 2 months
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Voidtouched sketches straight from the depths of zariman
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