#zariman crew
brighan · 5 months
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Hey kiddo -
Cover art is finished!
And for the potential new eyes: this is the cover of my upcoming (short, unless) Warframe comic that I scripted back in Dec 2022! I've been working it when I could for the past (almost) a year, so if you want OC shenanigans, stay tunned for updates!
And if you want to get that sweet early access, you can become a supporter via Ko-Fi or Patreon :)
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bigmeandragonlady · 8 months
"I had the Albrect Entrati dream again"
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pavooko · 7 months
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Volta is a 17 year old Tenno Drifter who’s still on his way of recovering and refreshing all the stuff before the awakening.
He has been fond of spaceships and cosmic stuff since the early childhood when there had been star-shaped lamps hanging over his bed. That’s why his parents, being the researchers for some void projects in the Empire, couldn’t refuse the offer to become the part of the Zariman 10-0 crew. A flight into the unknown, yet something hopeful and of so many perspectives…
Stepping on the board of an enormous spaceship Volta shared a dream with his parents:
— Mom, Dad! When we finally arrive in Tau… Could it be possible for me to become a spacecraft engineer?
— Guess in Tau there are no impossible things, kid.
There indeed were no impossible things in Tau. The impossible things were in the “inbetween”.
There were just a few days left before his 17th birthday when The Void Jump incident happened. He was scared, shocked, confused. Terrified by the animal-like screams and howls of the familiar voices, he was sitting in the corner of the classroom, trying to convince himself this was all a nightmare, and when he would finally wake up… Well, it didn’t actually work. The nightmare was as real as all the shocked kids around him, as the screeching noise of metal bars outside the classroom, as the warm, dark-red trickles of blood running down his cheek as a belated birthday gift from a feral creature he used to call “Dad”.
When his fragile sleep was interrupted again and another real-life nightmare began he, however, noticed a new “variable” in it. A silhouette sitting in the opposite corner of the room. A silhouette no one had paid attention to. A copy of him. This “thing” offered him a deal. An eagerly-awaited salvation from this horrendous dream. An offer from a creature looking like him, talking his voice, but watching him with eyes more frightening than all the nightmares he had faced… But what if even this creature with its glowing eyes and abnormally-wide smile would appear to be less scary than the nightmare he would have to endure in future…? Volta wasn’t sure if those thoughts were of his own, but when a loud thud in the blocked door made some of his companions cry and sink into the cold feeling of panic and fear, he realized the time’s up. He’ll save the survivors at least for now. What comes next… Well, together, they would figure it out.
In fact, they did figure everything out. In a way much different from what he had expected, but, after all, they were finally safe.
And then the Orokin came. The more time he was spending on Lua, in some special “research-cells” or at the test-sites, the less he believed there would be a chance for him to fulfill his dream. Even if it wouldn’t be Tau, he could still do great out here… right? Wrong. A broken, yet slowly recovering and vivid mind, willing to build and invent, in the Golden Lords’ opinion was nothing in comparison with a small, trembling body, filled with devilish void-power, bringing death and destruction into their ideally-shining life principles.
Dreaming of becoming a creator, he ended up as a destroyer — The Old War was the reason of it.
He was not fond of brutality and sheer force, turning any Warframe connection into a disastrous fail. He did accept their pain, their piercing emotions and memories, but he couldn’t accept their offer to destroy, to kill, to bring pain and make the enemy suffer. Who knows, where he’d end up after another two or three rejections (or if he’d end up at all), if one day he wouldn’t be presented to a Prime, looking even more ridiculously-fashionable than all the other warriors of shining gold and luxurious whiteness…
— What is their name again..?
— It’s Limbo, Tenno.
— “Limbo”? Like an “inbetween” space?
— Like an “inbetween” space.
Although Limbo was made to fight The Sentients as much as all the other Primes, he seemed somewhat less hostile, more… unusual? mysterious? familiar?
This whole creature was about traveling through the space and time, wrenching all the existent and non-existent laws of physics. Limbo Prime was a riddle, a complicated equation, a tricky math problem Volta was eager to solve. If only he had more time… more time before…
— Child! Get into the Reservoir, quick! It’s the only way you’ll be safe!
And when he managed to open his(?) eyes again it appeared there was no math problem. The equation erased from his memory after a long-time sleep. He found himself in a body of a Warframe which appeared to be Volt. He hadn’t figured it that he was an independent being, separated from this exact frame, but still it felt a bit off being able to run so fast, to strike with lightings and… destroy… again. As time went on, he was looking for some other Warframes to craft and try on. He was looking through some data records, analyzing the information he could find but everything… all of them, Gara, Excalibur, Mag, Chroma and the others… they felt off. He just read and didn’t find anything that could catch his attention in “that” very way.
It had been like that until his fellow ship Cephalon Ordis didn’t send him a theorem. An equation. Messed up, corrupted and yet interesting to solve. That was it. Limbo. Not a Prime though, but that was definitely much better than anything else.
Not so much time after gaining access to Limbo, Volta started following Lotus’ orders for the protection of a mysterious “Reservoir”. Only after a chain of some well-known events and not-so-warm encounters with The Shadow Stalker and The Sentients it would appear that he was, in fact, neither Limbo, nor Volt. A Tenno. A fragile, disoriented child, waken up from his second dream. There’s still a long way to go, but still, Volta hopes that this time nothing can stop him from proving that there’s no devilry in him and his “so-called-devilish” brothers and sisters.
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Cyndorea - Tenno Philosopher & Scholar
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A photo of Cyndorea in front of her former Transference Pod on Lua
Cyndorea is a Tenno Operator, and one of the oldest children aboard the Zariman 10-0, being 17 during the Void Jump Incident. Prior to the Void Jump Incident, Cyn spent several years living aboard the Zariman 10-0, becoming very familiar with the crew, and starting her transition. During this time, she developed a very complicated relationship with her parents. While they were accepting of her transgender identity, they refused to allow her to choose her own name, giving her the name Cyndorea, which they shortened to Dorea. Cyn despised this nickname, and frequently refused to respond to it, but often gave up resistance due to her parent's insistence. Cyn hoped to become an Archimedian, learning under Archimedian Yonta once they arrived in the Tau system, studying the metals of the new system, as well as Void mechanics. However, this would never come to pass.
As a result of her age, in the immediate aftermath of the Jump, many of the other children looked to her for comfort and guidance. A typically reserved, shy individual, Cyn struggled with dealing with children, finding their levels of energy exhausting. As a result, she quickly found herself burnt out from taking care of the younger children, resulting in her making a deal with the Man In The Wall out of desperation.
Following the Zariman 10-0's return to Realspace, Cyn latched on to Margulis as a mother figure, desperate for someone to take responsibility for the others away from her. In an effort to learn to control her new abilities, Cyn studied philosophy, attempting to use to Orokin Seven Principles to guide her, but found them ultimately unfulfilling. Instead, she and several others volunteered to be test subjects for the new Transference technology, which proved successful in ending the outbursts of Void energy.
With her powers now under control, Cyn spent a lot of time sleeping, dreaming of a future where she was a successful scholar, allowed to roam the Entrati halls, and with her own research facility. When the Old War with the Sentients began, however, she was drafted alongside the other Tenno, and became a soldier for the Orokin.
During this time, Cyn slowly forgot her identity prior to her use of a Warframe, truly believing herself to be a Wisp model Warframe. She would, alongside several other Tenno, develop the forging techniques that went into creating Tenno weapons, becoming an accomplished bladesmith, as well as a philosophical scholar for the Tenno, helping form their code of honour, prioritising the defence of the vulnerable, and the pursuit of knowledge and self improvement.
When the Old War ended, Cyn took part in the massacring of the Orokin, before falling into a slumber with many other Tenno, on the now hidden Lua. For centuries, she would sleep, before being woken up by the Lotus on Mars, shortly after Vor was defeated. From then on, Cyn followed the story of Warframe, awakening to her true self in the Second Dream, learning to control her Void powers during the War Within, and recovering all her memories by the time of The Sacrifice.
In the current day, Cyn aligns herself with the Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda syndicates, appreciating their emphasis on scholarship and philosophy. She dislikes Perrin Sequence and New Loka for their political philosophies, and avoids the Red Veil due to being uncomfortable with their extremism, although she does enjoy studying their mysticism and esoterocism. She has a Kavat named Euleria, after one of her favourite scholars, as well as a trusty Helios Prime sentinel. She prefers Wisp, Mag and Harrow warframes, tending towards offering support and crowd control to her allies, but is still willing to fight on her own if needed.
Cyn has a strong fear of enclosed spaces as a result of her centuries in cryosleep, which is exacerbated by nightmares caused by exposure to the Man In The Wall, which take the form of her slowly being enclosed in stone.
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Okay so I recently stumbled across a fan theory for Warframe that honestly makes a lot of sense. That being that Kaleen became Ember Prime.
I know this has probably been talked about a lot, but the thought won't leave me alone so here we are.
so, the three things I'm going to be talking about in relation to this theory are:
< The disappearance of the Zariman Ten Zero
< Origin/Nature of the warframes
< Kaleen
The first two points are both pretty lengthy so I'll only be talking about the parts that are relevant to the theory. Also, it goes without saying, but spoiler warning for the overall story of Warframe.
The disappearance of the Zariman Ten Zero
Admittedly, the disappearance of the Zariman Ten Zero itself doesn't have much to do with the theory. I'm only really bringing it up because of how the incident was treated.
To put it briefly, the Zariman Ten Zero was a colony ship that was sent on a Void Jump to the Tau System with the intention of, well, colonizing it. Something went wrong, and the ship disappeared without a trace. It was assumed that the crew had perished.
Some time later the ship re-emerged, seemingly untouched. The only survivors being the children that would eventually become the Tenno.
Publicly, the incident was covered up, and the Zariman was reported to be a military ship and that there were no children on board.
How does this link to the theory? I'm getting to that.
Origin/Nature of the warframes
Again, I'm not going to go too in-depth here.
To put it simply, warframes were - are? - created by injecting the Helminth strain of infestation into host bodies. Initial attempts proved to failures, at least, until the development of Transference technology which would allow another person (notably, the Tenno) to project their consciousness into the host bodies.
Some people volunteered for the project (Gara Prime), while others were forced (Excalibur Umbra). But one thing that seems consistent is that the warframes themselves lose their free will entirely, or at the very least it was significantly reduced.
Kaleen was the principal investigator of the Zariman Ten Zero's disappearance. Initially she assumed the disappearance was the result of a mechanical failure, informed the families affected, and closed the case.
When the Zariman re-emerged Kaleen reopened the investigation, during which she was burned and blinded by one of the children after breaking procedure.
Kaleen was burned by uncontrolled void powers, not a warframe since - at this point in time - warframes as we know them hadn't been created yet, not to a point where they would be in active use since the program wouldn't be successful until some time after this incident had occured.
So, what does all of this mean?
From what I can see, Kaleen is only mentioned in Ember Prime's codex. The codex makes no mention of Ember Prime, which seems kind of strange. The only other codex I can think of that does this is Rhino Prime's but his at least references him (or, at the very least, what can be assumed to be an earlier attempt at creating him) though not by name.
I can't see why else Kaleen would have been mentioned in Ember Prime's codex if there was no connection.
So this begs the question, why turn Kaleen into a warframe?
Simple, Kaleen was in charge of the initial investigation into the Zariman, she was the one who reopened the investigation, the one who found the children who would later become the Tenno.
The Orokin wanted to keep as much information as they could about the Zariman (and the Tenno by extension) a secret. Kaleen was someone who already knew too much. And, as I mentioned earlier, warframes effectively have no - or limited - free will. An extreme method of keeping someone silent it may be, but if you look into the origin of Excalibur Umbra, it's not too much of a stretch to assume the Orokin would do something similar here.
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funky-solaris-time · 2 years
Since you all want to see hear about my Tenno/Drifter, I’ll talk about him! (I’ll add a picture of him when I’m at home lol.)
His name is Gabriel Arnman! His parents were both super controlling and manipulative, only fostering Gabes autistic Intellectual behaviors if it meant he could one day become and Archimedean, something they both failed to do. Gabes two older brothers were both suffering the same treatment and they responded by becoming rebellious and engaging in criminal behavior. Eventually his brother messed with the wrong guy and they were both given to the Jade Light, something that broke their family.
Gabes family began shielding him from the world, causing him to miss out on formative experiences. When they we’re offered a place on the Zariman with their son, they viewed it as a chance for a fresh start. But as we all know that isn’t what’s happened.
As a Tenno Gabe was placed on a Railjack called The Quintus. Gabe was a prodigy engineer, and his support held the crew up. He grew to consider his Railjack crew as family, except for one of their gunners, a girl named Clover. Gabe and Clover got particularly close. One day they we’re sent on was supposed to be a simple scouting mission, but we’re met with a full Sentient fighting force. They struggled and eventually a major hill breach appeared, one Gabe couldn’t get to in time. The ship erupted, and their pilot and captain sacrificed his life to save the unconscious crew of The Quintus. When Gabe awoke he was told his crew had all perished but him, and so he repressed their memory, ESPECIALLY the memory of Clover.
In the modern day Gabe has a new found family of miscreant and delinquent Tenno, a medical minded brother, a battle worn sister, and that sister stealthy twin along with many more. Gabe doesn’t remember his crew, but his affinity for Railjack and seemingly spontaneous engineering prowess means that those memories aren’t dead.
I could go into further detail but Gabe and his story have been around for years, I’ll save it for later posts lol.
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cassius-is-confined · 2 years
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And here is where I lost my shit, absolutely went unhinged, lost every marble I owned. Starting doing what I wanted and went way off script, started making my own lore and saying screw the canon. Loki Epheal Eris. Eris isn’t a Tenno, He’s Orokin all be it without the body of the ascended. From the golden days of the Orokin Empire. Eris was an Archimedean to the Orokin; his field was bio-technology. He always had a fascination with the void after Albrecht’s discoveries. Here’s the idea I had written down when I made these pieces, it needs to be updated and refined as these are just ideas. Spare me the paragraph below was just raw thoughts hastily written down, so expect writing errors or redundancies.  - //SPOILERS// //Expect All My Posts To Have Them// Eris prior to the void oopies was an Archimedean who specialized in Bio-technology but always had a fascination with the void. He was never a Tenno or even part of that ordeal but often gets mistaken for one due to the same patron of ability. Before the Zariman colony ship even happened there was a smaller experimental expedition ship, Eris was the lead Archimedean of this project/crew, their task was to void jump, get to the void and pretty much learn as much as possible. Everyone on board new the risks, similarly to the Zariman the jump indeed failed stranding them in the void with no way to contact their home in the Origin system, basically similar story everyone on board went crazed by the void slowly turning into void angels and that themselves slaughtering one another. A few strong minded folks fought the voids melody for a while but eventually they too fell to its maddening chatter, except Eris, something with him was different. An entity reached out to him, seemingly a doppelganger with an intense presence and personality, it offered a deal, it could save Eris but he had to want it. Maddened after an unknown amount of time in the void fending for his life he wanted to live no matter the cost. (Either that or a twisted version of "I can save them all of theeem" instead more dark "I can Kill them all of theeem") Eris would accept this deal without hesitation, he didn't have time to even think of why in the hell this thing looked like him or what it even was, Eris's whole drive after all is experimentation and new discoveries so even if he knew he'd take the deal anyways. - Oh yeah this is when I finally settled on a suit design for him too!    
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Alright, time for How Alden And Kodiak Actually Sort Their Shit Out. Get ready, it’s gonna get long
It’s a railjack mission, somewhere around Pluto. Kohlrabi and Alden invading ships where needed, Kodiak doing work on the railjack Peregrinus itself along with the human crew (gunners Die and Ched and engineer Maxi), and ofc Cy himself
It’s overall a good day of plundering and blowing shit up and setting various new Contraptions of Kodiak’s design on the corpus occupying the sector. Cy seems satisfied with their results so far. Die pilots and proceeds to argue about it with Ched non-fuckin-stop. Shanty the ship kavat patrols along the corridors like her job includes being a beast of battle instead of one of blanket piles
Alden and Kohlrabi are investigating an orokin derelict floating in orbit, already swarming with corpus, when there’s a cut off SOS signal and Kohlrabi reappears on the Peregrinus, not far from where Kodiak is working on stuff. Stumbling, wide eyed, clearly shaken
It turns out they and Alden wandered into a trap. An ambush. Y’know those grineer bullshit orbs on the Zariman that force you out of your frame? Yeah well the corpus have figured out the opposite it seems. They had scrambled the transference signal enough that Kohlrabi’s brain cut it off on instinct and now they’re back here on the Peregrinus with absolutely no connection to Alden, who was left behind
There had been so many corpus and proxies, so many, hundreds of them swarming in the halls of that derelict, and they had said something about stripping a warframe for parts, and-
Basically Kohlrabi is terrified out of their mind but determined to go back and both of those transfer to Kodiak as well. He wouldn’t let Kohlrabi back on to that derelict alone Anyway but. Alden. These fuckers went after Alden and he’s alone down there and they’re taking Alden away from him, again, out on a mission he will not return from bc he will no doubt find a way to deal with this that’s stupid and heroic and not something he can survive-
They need to go. They need to go Now
This is the part where maybe someone else would say hee hoo Kohlrabi transfers into Kodiak and they work together and I am v specifically and spitefully pointing out that I am Not Doing That bc I hate the trope of “character development but it’s just the character becoming more willing to let their boundaries get walked over.” Not doing that. Kodiak is not doing transference shit ever again and it’d put him in great distress if he did and They Can Do This Without That
They go in one of the landing shuttles that railjacks Have. Idc that they don’t in game, there Has to be a way for 1) ppl who aren’t warframes to get on and off, and 2) anyone to get on and off anywhere that isn’t the total of uhh. Three? I think? Dry docks you have access to in the game
So they go to get Alden back. From the fuckin derelict. From the fuckin corpus
The shuttle is remote controlled by Cy with a manual override for emergencies, so on the short ride over Kodiak gets to get a bit more detail out of Kohlrabi regarding what they’re walking into. They’re both angry and determined and scared, and everyone on board knew it’d be pointless to try and stop them. Is it a stupid mission with bad odds? Yes. Are they still the most likely to succeed? Also yes
Kohlrabi is fidgeting with the knife they got from North. Kodiak is bringing his chakkhurr that Alden had gotten for him, gifted with the undertone of “I hope you will never have to use this. I hope it’ll keep you safe, when you do.” It’s way bigger than what he’d prefer but also definitely insane enough to be right up his alley. He’s never aimed it at a living target before but suddenly he doesn’t find the thought so alien anymore
They dock at one of the corpus airlocks jammed into the side of the derelict to allow safe entry. The inside is a smaller corridor, thankfully deserted. When Kodiak tells Kohlrabi to go immaterial as long as they can and hide, it’s not bc he doesn’t believe in them. It’s bc this is two of them against possible hundreds. They can’t win this by force
Alden is...alone, against hundreds, and fuckin terrified. No shit. He’s outrunning the worst of it for now, but he knows it’s only a matter of time before he runs out of space in the bowels of the derelict. He’s bleeding and limping and lost and there’s corpus fuckin Everywhere
The bullets stuck under his skin giving their repeating magnetic pulses scramble his HUD, make him dizzy and disoriented and tired. He feels like he’s running in circles
He feels like he’s been here before, millennia ago, except that was a ship, not- not this place, and oh anyway, he has to find the reactor- there is no reactor, but there is, no, there-
In his delirium he is constantly swinging between past trauma and present danger. Struggling to survive either. Whatever he’s got left in him is draining fast. He just wants to go home more than anything, and with every step, every corner he feels more certain that that’s simply not an option anymore
And then the building around him hums, sings, and he knows immediately even through everything that he must be imagining it, because the tune is something Kodiak used to whistle when he tinkered in his workshop. But Kodiak is not here, Kodiak is- dead, probably, right? Maybe not. Probably yes. He’s not sure, he’s not sure about anything anymore except that it all Hurts
And then then derelict comes alive
Doors open and close of their own accord. Sentry drones float from their sockets to take aim at- at anything that isn’t Alden, apparently. Igniting chaos. Decorative contraptions animate not to dazzle but to tear apart anything that gets near them. The Neural Sentry stretches its horrible phantom limbs and makes every single soldier aboard it fight to retain their own selves
And as Alden keeps running, keeps searching for a way out or a way to end, the chaos parts around him. Overhead lights beckon and lead him, dimming back down to their ominous lacking once he passes. Doors open way ahead and then lock behind his back, layer after layer separating him from the fighting, until he can’t tell how much of it he’s imagining anymore
And then- then, there’s a corridor, with an airlock at the end
Kohlrabi is the first by his side, tackling him in a hug, a real hug despite the flesh-steel and the weak static electricity that’s the best Alden can really produce right now. He hugs them back the moment he realises what’s happening. If they’re here, if they made it this long alright, if they can afford the time to do this, then things must be okay. They must be. They must be. But he holds them tight just in case they aren’t
Kodiak lets them have a moment but can only hold out for so long when he’s also terrified and relieved and trying to take stock of Alden’s injuries from far away. So he comes over, gently lays a hand on Alden’s arm, watches as he sways closer. Promises him that they’re getting him home now, getting him fixed up. Alden hasn’t said a word and Kodiak is worried about a million things and that’s one of them, but he does at least nod. Kohlrabi looks up at Kodiak and things would probably turn into a group hug of their doing if Cy didn’t choose that exact moment to tell them to come the fuck back on board so they can all go home and get Alden some medical (Helminth) attention
It takes a bit, for the Helminth to fix everything. Kodiak and Kohlrabi spend that time sitting together. Kohlrabi is the most tired out of all of them, between having a human body and the shock of being thrown from transference on top of an already long day, so they end up settling down against Kodiak’s side and under his arm despite him not being Soft. Kodiak tells them stories of harmless, stupid things Alden would get up to when they were both young
When Alden emerges again, it’s more hugs and softness and making sure he’s doing okay. Kohlrabi keeps yawning. They only put up token resistance about Getting Some Rest but Alden jokingly threatens to call Hako anyway, and their response is “I already have two dads telling me to go to sleep, pls don’t sic my brother on me too D:”
This is a very normal thing for both Alden and Kohlrabi (and holy fuck did it take long for both of those found family relationships to get accepted as they are named now but Hey We Got There) meanwhile Kodiak is just standing there trying to have a coherent thought bc dad?? dad??? am dad???
So Kohlrabi ends up going to bed proper (tho they also end up sleeping like shit, but at least for the moment things are looking okay in that department). And Alden kinda just starts towing Kodiak along to his own room bc he Also wants to rest but also he Really Does Not Wanna Be Alone rn. Neither does Kodiak. Or maybe they just specifically don’t wanna be away from each other. They know things turned out okay but that residual fear is Still There. The Helminth heals faster than a once-human mind can keep up with
But Kodiak stops walking the moment they’re in Alden’s room bc. Okay. They need to talk. Bc he almost lost Alden Again and they both relived Horrible Fuckin Things and Kodiak doesn’t even know most of what Alden had just gone through bc they haven’t Talked about it yet. But he needs to tell him what he’s gonna now even if it goes wrong bc he’s been quiet for millennia but the chance of never getting to say it at all bc Alden will just be Gone again is too great to bear at this point
So he says, “I need to tell you this. I love you.”
And Alden is confused and amused and fond bc This Is Not New. They’re best friends! This is not new! “I love you too.”
“No, you idiot, you- I’m in love with you!”
And Alden is still amused until the next second it Clicks and he kinda. Short circuits. Also mind you they’re still holding hands and Kodiak tries to pull his hand away and Alden won’t let him. But otherwise he’s stunned silent so Kodiak is Expecting The Worst. He’s forcing himself to stay quiet but he Knows that he’s practically radiating anxiety
Eventually Alden asks, “How long?”
Which. What the fuck. Unexpected enough that Kodiak just...answers. “Since we were 25, I think?”
“Oh you motherfucker”
“????” (even more anxiety)
But Alden is laughing. Jittery and adjusting his hold on Kodiak’s hand and Laughing. “You beat me by a year! I- I think we were 26 anyway, remember when Teerak-”
“You can’t be serious.”
But he is. He’s so giddy and his free hand keeps flitting about and this is a grown man but he’s acting like a teenage boy in love and Kodiak loves him So Fuckin Much but he’s also maybe gonna kill him bc what the fuck. What the fuck
“So you’re saying. All this time-”
“Every fuckin day back then I was thinking about wanting to kiss your stupid face, and then I died and all this shit happened and I realised I’d never get to, and then- then we found you again, and I just went back to the same, I guess.”
Yeah Kodiak is gonna kill him. “Why didn’t you just Say Something”
“I was waiting for You to say something!”
“For me to- Bunny, I was so obvious! Everyone knew!”
“Everyone but me, apparently!”
They...argue about this pointlessly for a while. It’s fine. They’re just very giddy about it
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robomythos · 1 year
(@riftwalker-limbro here hi!!) mandatory 13 for your Alden Thale (a respected guy getting 'framed? 👀) and 7 for Rees? :D
7. What is your favorite thing about this character?
Despite everything she's been through, she does her best to be kind. All she wants is to be helpful, to protect others because she knows what it's like to be vulnerable and exploited. Rees is tenacious, she's a survivor. She has fears, but she'll stand up in the face of those fears and fight them head on.
She also has terrible one-liners when facing bosses, she's a little silly and thinks she sounds so cool doing it.
13. What were the circumstances for your character getting Framed?
Alden was devastated when the Zariman vanished, the Fayne family were close friends of his -he practically helped raise Rees. He felt responsible for their disappearance and never gave up looking for them. When he got the news that the ship had been found and that there were allegedly no survivors, he refused to believe it. They never told him what caused the accident, what killed the crew, so Alden decided to find out.
He broke into Pavlov, Lua's highly secured information storage tower. Logged in this tower was a manifest of Zariman survivors, Rees's name being listed among them. Before he could leave, he was captured.
His punishment was two-fold: being infected with the Helminth and given to Rees in a state of Infested madness, and having his name and face erased from all records.
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Original concepts of the Zariman crew
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theclaravita · 1 year
Warframe OC Lore - Orbis Vitae
I realize that I haven't actually canonized any of my OCs in Warframe. They've all lived in my mind for the last ten years. Time for them to be made... IMMORTAL. VIA THE WRITTEN WORD! >:D
Pictures will come later. If I remember. lol
ROSTER --------
NOTE: Callsign colors indicate fireteam affiliations. Red = Fireteam Vitalia Green = Fireteam Lucid Yellow = Fireteam Radiant Purple = Solo Nix Blue = Solo Indigo Operators would often act alone, but tended to work together with their assigned fireteammate when necessary.
Name: Claros Age: 13 @ jump Gender: Cis/Male School: Naramon Role: Scout | Assassin Loadout: Nezha | Vectis Callsign: Scarlet
Name: Shay Age: 13 @ jump Gender: Cis/Female School: Madurai Role: Striker Loadout: Valkyr Callsign: Fury
Name: Ador Age: 16 @ jump Gender: Cis/Male School: Vazarin Role: Defender Loadout: Oberon | Magistar Callsign: Paladin
Name: Anna Age: 14 @ jump Gender: Cis/Female School: Vazarin Role: Healer Loadout: Trinity | Tigris Callsign: Angel
Name: Adri Age: 17 @ jump Gender: Trans/Female School: Zenurik Role: Stealth | Assassin Loadout: Ivara | Daikyu Callsign: Nix
Name: B'hen Age: 15 @ jump Gender: Cis/Male School: Unairu Role: Tank Loadout: Chroma | Galatine Callsign: Brutal
Name: Lizzy Age: 16 @ jump Gender: Cis/Female School: Madurai | Vazarin Role: Support | Control Loadout: Equinox | Soma/Kronen Callsign: Duplex
Name: Nero Age: 12 @ jump Gender: Nonbinary School: Zenurik Role: Control Loadout: Limbo Callsign: Indigo
Claros is a mischievous one, with a penchant for trickery and deception. During his time before the Jump, he spent most of his time climbing through the understructure of the Zariman. Deep within the engineering sector, he founded a secret base where he and his closest friends hung out and stashed ill-gotten goods from around the ship.
Constantly at odds with authority figures, Claros made a name for himself by constantly being an unmitigated menace to the crew. On one notable occasion, he caused a large chemical fire in one of the many concourse areas, severely damaging a lot of the surrounding structures and greenery. After this incident, Claros was effectively locked away by the crew, kept under lock and key for everyone's safety.
After the Jump, Claros's friends came to his rescue, tucking away deep into the understructures of the ship, hiding from the crazed adults as they morphed and changed into horrific monsters. Their old hideout quickly became a safehouse for a very large number of children. It was in the safety of their hideaway that Claros first encountered the Man In The Wall.
Over the length of time that the children remained stranded in the Void, Claros and his friends grew exceedingly resentful of the Orokin and their former keepers. If they hadn't been so careless, this wouldn't have happened! So when the ship was recovered and the Orokin began retrieving the children, Claros urged everyone to stay hidden, so let the Orokin discard the ship so they could escape. Eventually, almost everyone left the hideout, leaving only Claros and his seven closest friends.
They never emerged. They instead bided their time and escaped into the greater system the first chance they got. They commandeered a small ship, hacked its pilot Cephalon, and fled to beyond the Outer Terminus in search of an old Relay that had gone dark before the Zariman was lost. They found it, and began work on setting up a secret base outside the purview of the Orokin. They remained far away from any other living souls so that their Void powers could do no harm. Soon after they arrived, they found a means to bind their Void energy safely, though at great cost to their physiological function. They deemed this a fair price to pay and began their work.
Claros and his friends, now calling themselves Orbis Vitae, hacked into communications and kept watch on the system, planning on saving the other Zariman children from the Orokin. Through this espionage they learned of Margulis, and eventually her death and the advent of Transference and Warframes. They discovered the state of things in the system, that the Orokin were at war against an ancient threat from Tau, and that their old friends, now named Tenno, were being used as weapons of war against it.
Orbis Vitae rallied together, stealing Somatic Links and Warframes, then teaching themselves how to use them. Eventually they were able to master their newfound abilities and launched targeted strikes against Orokin supply depots to steal weapons and materials. The lost Relay that they'd made into their home grew vibrant and functional as a mobile base of operations. Using the Void as cover, they moved across the system, hunting for their old friends to save them...
But they were lost in their Warframes. Their minds had been locked away. They were mindless slaves to Orokin will, unable to be reasoned with. Orbis Vitae quickly realized that it was a lost cause. That their friends were beyond help...
When the Old War reached its fever pitch, Orbis Vitae spent their time defending small outposts that the Orokin abandoned, fighting off hordes of Sentients with impressive success rates.
But then Hunhow began corrupting the Warframes, with his daughter Natah having infiltrated the Orokin and turning the Tenno against their former masters. Orbis Vitae were not immune to this seduction, and soon they turned their weapons on those they had once protected.
Natah eventually turned against her father and hid the Tenno away on Lua, shunting the satellite into the Void for their protection. Like all other Tenno, Orbis Vitae fell into the deep sleep of the Second Dream...
Claros was the first to awaken from the long dream. After spending many years fighting the Grineer and Corpus, staving off the Infestation, and delving into the Void Towers for lost secrets, Claros discovered the hidden truth of the Lotus. When his Excalibur Warframe encountered his true self on Lua, he retained very little memory of what had come before. He remembered his friends faces, but not their names or their clan. He gave himself to the study of Tenno Schools, eventually dedicating himself to Naramon.
Over time, flashes of memory came back to him. He remembered a black tower, shrouded among the abyssal dark as it floated free in space, and knew he had to find it. He spent all of his free time searching, putting his ship Cephalon to work whenever they had a down moment. Finally, after many long years, he found it. He entered the long-dormant dojo and instantly was inundated with memories.
He remembered their mission to protect those deemed unworthy of the Orokin's favor. He remembered their names, their heartache at their friends being turned into living weapons, he remembered losing himself to the Sentient corruption... He remembered everything.
He put out the call to Orbis Vitae. He knew where each of his friends were. He called them to their old home. And they came. One by one.
Ador, callsign Paladin. His pure white Oberon Warframe had protected every innocent under his charge, and his Magistar had crushed any foe foolish enough to get close.
Anna, callsign Angel. Her gilded Trinity Warframe had healed more wounds than she could care to count, and her Tigris shotgun had eviscerated even more enemies.
Shay, callsign Fury. Her crimson Valkyr Warframe needed no weapon to shred thousands of enemies into fine strands of meat and metal. Her body had once been white and gold... Before the killing began.
Adri, callsign Nix. Her shrouded Ivara Warframe had never been detected. Any target unfortunate enough to be caught in her Daikyu's sights never knew what hit it.
B'hen, callsign Brutal. His bestial Chroma Warframe had never known flesh that it couldn't burn, robotics it couldn't jolt, or shields it couldn't freeze. His Galatine cleaned up whatever dross was left.
Lizzy, callsign Duplex. Her duplicitous Equinox Warframe supported allies and harried enemies in equal measure. You would know what was in store based on if she was carrying her Soma or twin Kronen tonfas.
Nero, callsign Indigo. Their elegant Limbo Warframe danced the line between reality and the Void. With a flick of the wrist or a snap of the fingers, enemies were unmade and allies protected, all without the need of a weapon.
Now finally reunited and their memories beginning to be restored, Clan Orbis Vitae began their mission anew in this age of strife and conflict.
That's it for now. Maybe I'll do Clara next. She's my Drifter version of Claros and... She's a TRIP. lol
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imaginepiner · 2 years
Trove fall terraformers
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That was a pretty big deal considering afterwards, people(Alad V) didn't even know for sure if the moon ever existed, until now of course. The moon was sent to the Void by Lotus/Marguilis, not the Orokin in general. The moon is actually a perfect example of the problem. Well, it was described that sending anyone let alone children, to the void was generally against the strict guidelines of the Orokin. Subsequently, I assume that as long as you can somehow 'seal in' normal reality you're just fine. I think it was more than the Zariman failed - in the Rell comic you see a massive hole in it that's presumably letting the void in. How could they build towers in the void when sending a ship to the void drove the crew insane and gave children super powers? Even more interestingly, the lore for the Tenno, added well after the corrupted/orokin towers, implies that going to the void was dangerous in the first place, so the Orokin themselves would not "cross the fold". Again what we are doing with tens of thousands of empty Orokin towers is beyond me, but quite simply, there are no more Orokin construction projects.
In extermination(which actually used to stop spawning enemies) we are told that the tower is full of the corrupted and must be cleared out before it is any use to us. It is a relic from before the game had any story whatsoever. There was literally no way to control the infested, this is why the derelict is what it is, and basically why Tenno pilot the Warframes in the first place. The corrupted shouldn't even exist as far as lore is concerned. The Queens, the only known remnant of the original Orokin hierarchy, would be likely the most familiar with the extent of that knowledge that had ever existed. Grineer are clones, so I always felt it was more appropriate that they could respawn ad nauseum, but the whole story line with the Queens seems to indicate that Immortality is both rare and difficult to achieve. Index/Rathuum both do seem to imply that both Grineer and Corpus can replace advanced soldiers rapidly, thought it begs the question why we receive assassination missions at all if this were the case. The Tenno, Ostron, Solaris, Corpus, and Grineer are all Orokin. Hunhow has no reason to distinguish between humans now and then. Orokin is actually literally everyone besides Sentients, though it usually refers to the hierarchy of old before the war. There is some indication what occurred to him was similar to what happened to the Tenno, but they haven't expanded on it. same goes for orokin ships in the void - there's simply no way that there can be tens of thousands of corrupted (it would imply repeated strategic blunders on both sides), and it's more likely that you've been killing the same 50 dudes all over and over again with the caveat that the orokin designed the security system to stitch together and redeploy the corrupted as soon as possible and as fast as possible.Ĭanonically, you can justify killing the same dudes over and over again as many times as you please, except maybe for the grineer, who are even canonically cannon fodder anyways.Įveryone had hundreds of keys when the story was debut.
the index brokers seem to be immortal, so it stands to reason that the corpus can patch you together almost instantly no matter how many croutons you've been chopped into (for a big fee ofc), and probably have some kind of hospital/factory hybrid dedicated to that purpose. Sorry to go off-topic but vor has a void key which could be a surrogate for oro (though it only finally corrupted him after he got cut up on ceres), hunhow calls alad explicitly "Orokin named Alad V", most grineer bigwigs are heads on/brains in mechanical bodies (vay hek going the extra mile). It would have been really cool to figure out where Cetus is based on that. I'm genuinely bummed you weren't onto something there. Whilst there might have been a completely different battle, that's entirely speculative compared to the one we know about. In turn, this means that Sentient battle mentioned in the Sacrifice and the battle on the plains are likely different battles. But alas, it's missing the specifics of chalk cliffs which make up most of the coastline. And some of the geography checks out with the plains - rolling hills, flat-bottom dry valleys, even a large river mouth onto the open ocean. I actually thought we'd managed to locate Cetus based on that thought.Īnyway, the Sentient battle does have confirmed location: It's the Sentient battle of Hull, which is in England, specifically Yorkshire. * Or you know, most Bones were from previously defeated Sentients ? Like the ones fought during the War ? We also dont know where the "Sentient Battle" Isah speaks of in "The Sacrifice" was.ĭamn.
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bad-pun-king · 2 years
I've been really into Warframe recently. Had some thoughts about railjack crews that I wanted to get out there. May talk it over with my Warframe buddy that's played a lot longer than me sometime to refine the thoughts a bit.
As it currently stands you can have crewmates from up to 3 out of 8 sources. Syndicate crewmates from the Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, New Loka, the Perrin Sequence, the Red Veil, and the Steel Meridian, and nemesis crewmates which can be either kuva liches or sisters of Parvos that you've converted into allies.
Syndicate crewmates have randomly generated stats, using either 8 points if they're bought with credits, 10 for resources, or 12 if they're elite crewmates. They can also have 3 extra points added to whichever stat you want via training, and can be given rifles, shotguns, or any secondary weapons you own to use, even using your build of said weapon. If you get crewmates associated with syndicates that favor you you can even get discounts of up to 50% off to hire them, but syndicates that don't like you will add up to 100% tax so they're more expensive.
Nemesis crewmates are excellent defenders with far better combat and endurance stats then any syndicate crew can get, but unlike syndicate crew they can only be defenders, their stats cannot be altered, and they will only use whatever kuva/tenet weapon they've always used.
Which brings me to my main thoughts of adding crewmates from settlement syndicates. These settlement crewmates would probably be locked behind being minimum rank 2 in their relevant syndicates, and unlike with faction syndicate crewmates their prices would not fluctuate based on standing. But they always have a guaranteed max level in 2 stats, have a wider range of weapons they can be equipped with, including some melee weapons, and get bonuses to damage using modular weapons from their associated syndicates. The tradeoff is being more expensive to get than even crewmates from syndicates that are neutral to you.
Cetus and Fortuna crewmates are easy to justify from a lore perspective. Both are colonies of people with npcs to spare, just like the main syndicates. You can access Cetus crewmates once you're a Visitor in the Ostron and an Observer in the Quills, and they get damage multipliers for using zaws. You can access Fortuna crewmates once you're a Rapscallion in Solaris United and an Agent in Vox Solaris, and they get damage multipliers from using kitguns made with parts from Rude Zuud with higher damage for every Zuud part used.
Necralisk crewmates are harder to justify in lore since the Entrati are a single family rather than an entire colony like the Ostron and Solaris, but its not that much harder. Instead of Entrati themselves, Necralisk crewmates are people that were marooned on deimos and either survived long enough to stumble across them or got rescued by the Entrati, similar to Latrox and Garv that sometimes show up in Mother's bounties. You get access to them from being an Aquiantance in the Entrati and Clearance: Modus in the Necraloid, they get damage multipliers for using kitguns made with parts from Father, and like with their Fortuna counterparts, higher damage for each Father part used.
The only settlement syndicate I think is too difficult to do this with right now is the Holdfasts. There's only 4 of them. Maybe if there's a way to convert void angels back into holdfast-like ghosts that could be an explanation, or maybe they end up rescuing people that get stranded in the Void or Planes of Duviri. Something along those lines could allow for chrysalith crewmates. If they did find a way to justify it, you could get access to them by being a Watcher for the Holdfasts, and would get damage bonuses from incarnon weapons as opposed to modular weapons since the Holdfasts have those instead.
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alteredsilicone · 2 years
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Cavalero has thoughts on Parvos Granum, now we know that Parvos was already active and influential long before the Zariman incident.
Still, very funny when Cav calls his crew "Granum clowns". :P
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infestedslime · 2 years
Ok so I have a possible duviri theory. What if duviri is created from the hopes the people on the zariman had for tau. What we’ve seen of it is not only lush and colorful, but also bears fancy orokin architecture despite being seemingly located in the void. Additionally the dax we’ve seen appears to be made out of void corruption, and we’ve also been teased and orokin looking character that also appears to not be entirely organic, with segmented, almost doll like limbs. Angels of the zariman also sets up the concept of the void creating physical projections of ideas and concepts, and the zariman seems to be between duviri and the origin system, so maybe the void created a twisted projection of its crew’s hopes for paradise. Maybe the void is trying to lure us deeper into itself.
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toxaspot-wf · 2 years
The tenno in the durvi paradox is the drifters Rell, forced off their Zariman by what remains of its paranoid crew
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