#the adventures of pat garrett and billy the kid deceased
amalthea9 · 2 years
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Because in the BBC audio play “The Adventures of Pat Garrett And Billy the Kid (Deceased) Pat mentions a wife. 
Nancy: Where’s your wife now?
Pat: Home...waiting for me.
Nancy: You hold her in some affection?
Pat: You have no idea...
So here’s my self insert wife for Pat Garrett! Sarah Jane Marsden(Marsden a nod to one of my favorite game series: Red Dead Redemption’s John Marsden)
I gave her the straight and red hair of Sean Gilder’s real life wife, the beautiful Robin Weaver! <3 <3 <3
Helped creating her by my dearest @ariel-seagull-wings
The outfit in the first panel was given to me by the dear @professorlehnsherr-almashy based on his period clothing books! Sarah Jane’s working clothes and her Sunday best!
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@superkingofpriderock @ailendolin​ @captain-dad​
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amalthea9 · 2 years
Screen recorded a snippet of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (Deceased) to share with you guys. It's one of my favorite parts tbh and I won't give context because I'd love for you guys to listen to it for yourself!
Also this is just me fangirling over Sean Gilder again and absolutely adoring his southern accent.😳🥵😍🤣(I'm hopeless for this man, I'm aware)
Here's a link to the audio drama and if it doesn't work, you can also find it by searching Sean Gilder's name at archive.org
<iframe src="https://archive.org/embed/the-continuing-adventures-of-pat-garrett-and-billy-the-kid-deceased" width="500" height="140" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Thank you to whoever gives this clip a listen!💖
@ailendolin @superkingofpriderock @angelixgutz @gone-grl-gone @aragarna
HUGE thank you again to my dear @ariel-seagull-wings for finding this gem for me!
I've listened to it so much I have a lot of it memorized 🤣
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amalthea9 · 2 years
Found by my dearest @ariel-seagull-wings
“It’s 1904. New Mexico. Legendary lawman Pat Garrett has grown weary and old. An altercation with President Roosevelt has left his future looking bleak, his present is awash with whisky, blood and bullets, and all the while he’s haunted by a ghost from his past. This is the story of how the myth of the Wild West was created and how outlaws were forged into great American heroes.”
Sean Gilder stars as Pat Garrett 
(showing off his southern accent which drives me crazy *swoons*)
it’s about over an hour and very well voiced by Sean and the fellow actors, especially Madeline Appiah as Nancy <3
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