#the amount of protection theyre using is solidly zero
ghouljams · 11 months
Gonna take a wild guess that the “something more permanent” is that giant bite that was in one of your earlier posts
That is one part of it, but he wants something on him too >:3c
König's tongue slides over your teeth as he presses you down against the bed. You feel nice and small under him, still half sitting in his lap as his big hand gropes your chest. He always tips your head, holds your jaw, like he's scared you might try to pull away from his kiss. You haven't yet. You don't think you ever will. Not when his mouth makes your head spin.
He pulls back, one thumb rubbing your cheek, the other your sternum. You open your mouth for him when he presses two fingers against it. You always like this part, slicking up his fingers with your tongue like you aren't soaked for him. He likes your mouth, and the feeling is very much mutual. You're skin is pleasantly warm and you rock your hips against his as he slides his fingers against your tongue.
“Bite,” He tells you. You close your lips around them, letting your teeth press against the delicate skin and bone. König’s eyes are watchful, you slip your tongue along the length of each finger, tasting the salt of his skin. He pulls hard at something in your chest, not a tether, you’re not used to the way his hand slides between your ribs or the feeling it conjures. “Bite.” He commands, and affection-aggression --something dark and primal-- floods your veins as you bite hard on his fingers. König lets out a shuddering breath, eyes so hot and heavy on you, like he could eat you alive. Blood fills your mouth as you break skin and scrape bone, you gag as he releases the hold on your chest.
You open your mouth quick as can be to let his fingers go, and turn to spit out the blood. König’s hand clamps over your lips, his thumb pressing against your nose. You can’t breathe, can’t open your mouth, can’t push him off. He makes you swallow it like a dog that won’t take a pill. Then he holds you a moment longer until you’re starting to really burn for a breath. 
He lets you go, smearing blood across your cheek as you finally roll to cough against the bed, sucking in air like you’re drowning. You gag again, your stomach rolling in disgust at the unwelcome intrusion. König settles back on his knees to watch you, licking the blood from his fingers as you shake. His purr reaches for you as you run your tongue along your teeth and spit the taste onto the comforter. It doesn’t pacify you like it usually does, only tells you how pleased König is to have his own permanent addition from you.
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