#the amount of shit props ive used because we didnt have budgets and we're just like 'whatever the audience can use their imaginations!'
swiftfootedachilles · 10 months
i jusr recently got into shameless and have been on the hunt for gallavich content and your blog is so perfect ive spent the whole day reading through ALL your gallavich posts you get them more than the writers do. Anyways u had a post where in the tags you talked about the possibilities of gallavich where noel fisher was actually mickeys age and the loss of buck toothed twink 17 year old mickey and I SUPPORT. Thinking about s2 mickey (in looks) with s11 ian is too much like the size diff UGH😫
hello and welcome to my dark twisted mind. gallavich spins in my head like a microwave i know them so well because theyre an intrustic part of my neurological function i have absorbed them thru osmosis and they live inside me now
seriously its easy to forget but mickey was a CHILD when he experienced the horrors in the show 🥺 even shorter, crooked teeth with a big gap, with that air of awkwardness only teens can have
a lot of s1-3 gallavich narrative moments were directly influenced by the actors' ages. i wonder how things couldve been different if they were different ages when casted? do you think the showrunners wouldve had them kiss sooner? how would their on-screen chemistry be effected if we were more of peers off-screen rather than noel fisher being a mentor for cameron monaghan? its such an interesting topic, but obviously everything happens for a reason and noel fisher at that point in his career was PERFECT for mickey
i also think some fans get too attached to on-scren portrayals of characters. like obviously mickey is a fictional character played by a much older actor, hes actually a natural strawberry blond, the markers are drawn on with literal sharpie. as audience members we are expected to suspend our disbelief and not take everything literally. mickey is mickey, not (several-times-snubbed-by-john-wells) actor noel fisher. mickey is a kid. hes a natural brunet. his tattoos are real. even though thats not reality, we are to understand that this show exists somewhere else and not here. another example is in s11 when mickey alludes to not working out despite having a body you can only get from working out 😭 idk i guess what im getting at is id love to see more portrayals that are less literal? like him with his big ass tooth gap and noodle arms. the absurd gallavich size difference. actually being able to see/read him growing up physically and mentally. same with other characters. like MY s1 ian did NOT straighten his hair so i love to imagine it much more curly and messy (i know that poor kid was not using products for his hair type). or like can you imagine fiona looking barely college-aged? how much more IMPACTFUL that is for her story of being a mother to her FIVE siblings? or putting more or less weight on characters, changing minute physical attributes because it fits the character, not the actor portraying them... like we are the creators of our own realities we can truly do whatever we want. HASHTAG MAKE MICKEY EVEN MORE BLORBO SHAPED!!!
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