#the analyses of these party banter are courtesy of lesetoilesfous and potatowitch on the Fenders Discord Server
justcallmecappy · 1 year
A closer examination of Fenris and Anders' party banter
There's two particular Anders-Fenris party banter that gets pointed out a lot as them being antagonistic to each other, but upon second readings, they both can seem like genuine attempts at connection:
Fenris: Is there something you want, Anders? Anders: You really don't have the temperament for a slave. Fenris: Is that a compliment or an insult? Anders: I'm just wondering how your master didn't kill you. Fenris: How have the templars not killed you? Anders: I'm charming.
Here, it almost seems like Anders is saying, "You rebelled against your oppressors too, huh? I had to survive by being charming. I just wonder how you did it." It was a moment of acknowledgement and recognition, that Fenris, too, rebelled against the ones who had power over him and survived, just like Anders did.
Fenris: You should have lived in Tevinter. You'd be happier there. Anders: You're probably right. Fenris: There, your magic would be a mark of honor. Apprenticed to the right Magister, you would do well. Anders: Is there a down side? Fenris: Only if you're bothered by owning a few slaves and performing the occasional blood ritual. Anders: So they all do those things? Fenris: Just the ones who don't complain about how powerless and persecuted they are.
And in this banter, it's almost as if Fenris is saying, "No, you aren't like the mages and magisters I met in Tevinter. You're different." All the 'normal' practices of Tevinter like blood rituals and owning slaves ... Fenris knows that Anders would never do that. I'm tempted to even say it was almost a compliment -- Fenris acknowledges Anders' talents as a mage, but also recognizes that Anders has no desire to social-climb, and that is what differentiates Anders from the power-hungry magisters of Tevinter.
Their banter looks like vicious sniping on the surface, but on closer inspection, they really were just a hair's breadth away from making a connection.
This banter from the 'Legacy' DLC drives me insane because it was literally right there. We were so close to a breakthrough.
Anders: When I left the Wardens, I swore I'd never spend another minute in the Deep Roads. Fenris: "Left" sounds like it was a mutual arrangement. Anders: Fine. I ran away. What's it to you? Fenris: Ran away from the Circle, ran away from the Wardens... it sounds like a habit.
(If Hawke is in a romance with Fenris)
Anders: Running away from your family, straight to Danarius. Running away from Danarius, straight to Hawke. Maybe we're more alike than you think.
Anders: And you ran away from Danarius. Maybe we're more alike than you think.
(if Varric is in the party)
Varric: I've always said so.
If only BioWare's writing had allowed them to explore that common ground and be allies, even friends. They understand each other on a level the other companions couldn't. They recognize themselves in each other, they could have supported one another because both of them know exactly what it means to be constantly on the run, looking for escape, looking for a place to belong to. Not to mention it would have been such a compelling development to their relationship!
But no, for the sake of forced grey morality, where both sides needed to be portrayed as equally good and bad, BioWare needed to use Anders and Fenris as mouthpieces for opposing sides so they couldn't allow the relationship to ever evolve past arguing with each other, despite seven years of companionship and proximity.
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