dragongirlbunny · 11 months
i hate the godawful transit situation in the united states
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tracer-isms · 7 years
Observant: Prologue
March 3, 2018: An obscure company by the name of “Futuristics” creates a Robot who can Reason. It passes multiple tests involving the Slightly Flawed ideas of one person, and the Researched ideas of another. This makes international news.
May 18, 2018: Someone breaks into the home of the “Owner” of the Reasoning Robot, or RR, stealing it. This also makes international news.
May 19-24, 2018: The Leader of Futuristics comes down with depression, and even files for bankruptcy. Almost immediately, people start fundraisers to help Futuristics continue and improve. He thanks them immensely over social media.
June 1, 2018: The C.I.A. label the thief with a bounty and a name: “Unreasonable.” The bounty, Fifty Million Dollars (or the equivalent for whatever country you lived in), causes thousands around the world to start hunting for clues and evidence of who and where Unreasonable is.
June 5, 2018: Unreasonable begins corrupting RR, giving it tests that would ultimately lead it to understand their own ideas. They feed it articles about global warming, oil companies, and modern politics. The search for Unreasonable has yet to find decent evidence of who they are.
July 7, 2018: A user on Reddit, specifically /r/robotics, has began rumors that Unreasonable actually wanted to modify the robot for the better of humanity, claiming to know them. This slowly begins to get /r/robotics on the side of Unreasonable. This is the only evidence of who they are, but there isn’t anything solid.
September 23, 2018: Unreasonable has successfully embedded their plan into RR. They test it to see if it will keep it’s plans inconspicuous to everything; RR passes with flying colors.
October 31, 2018: Many News sources, including the New York Times, report thousands of teens dressing in a hoodie pulled over their face and jeans, as well as black gloves and sneakers, carrying a laptop and a toolkit. They are reportedly dressing as Unreasonable. The White House itself releases a statement, saying that “this is a disturbing and horrible act, even for the reckless adolescence of America. No one should seemingly idolize a person who stole what could be the next step towards the Future.”
December 22, 2018: The user that began the rumors about Unreasonable posts a set of coordinates on /r/robotics, which curious users flock to.
December 25, 2018: The users come home with RR, as the nation rejoices. The selected leader of the group just yells “Merry Christmas!!” when asked how proud they are about finding RR.
December 28, 2018: The group, as well as RR and the Futuristics team, are brought to Washington D.C., and given an award by the President. They have mixed reactions to this. RR isn’t present at the ceremony for whatever reason.
January 10, 2019: The Leader of Futuristics has modified RR with some technology borrowed from Alexa and Google home, taking it to a Press Conference for Robotics. One reporter asked why it wasn’t at the Award Ceremony in D.C., and it replies, “I’ve Heard a Lot about the White House. I wanted to ‘Check it out,’ as the children say.”
January 25, 2019: A user on Tumblr remembers something about the Press Conference, and makes a post detailing something concerning that RR said. “‘Humans definitely are not the highest form of nature, but you won’t understand that until we restart.’ What the hell does that mean???” It becomes the most popular post on the website, before something about BTS drowns it out.
February 4, 2019: The son of Kim Jong-Un, Kim Ju-ae, takes power, causing North Korea and South Korea finally open their borders to each other again, as important figures from both countries meet in North Korea. North Korea also let visitors in, but only for a short time.
March 3, 2019: To celebrate RR’s “Birthday,” it’s creator decides to bring it to Korea, being an avid fan of K-Pop music. After a day in Seoul, RR asks if they can go to North Korea, claiming it wants to meet the new Dictator. The Creator contacts one of the South Korean governors in North Korea, as they fortunately give them passage into the Capital.
March 4, 2019: They Travel into North Korea, going to the Political Conference. Kim Ju-ae is there, and finds interest in RR. He invites RR and it’s creator to his home. They say yes, fearing what he would do to them if they say no.
March 10, 2019: They return home, vowing never to go to North Korea again.
June 4, 2019: The user claiming to be a friend of Unreasonable reveals to be Unreasonable themself, as Reddit actually comes to his side in support. Tumblr, on the other hand, nearly starts a cyber war with Reddit because of this. The F.B.I. track this user to their home, arresting them.
June 7, 2019: The F.B.I. begin interrogating Unreasonable, trying to get them to reveal what they did to RR. They only inform them of improvements and allude to “The Great Reboot.” Reddit is temporarily shut down.
June 9, 2019: The F.B.I. releases details of the Interrogation. Social media erupts in theories, fear, confusion and overall panic.
June 10, 2019: The White House releases a statement, claiming Unreasonable’s statements to be nothing but scare tactics to the public. Unreasonable is sent to court, and sentenced to death on Independence day for Capital offences. Most of the public rejoices.
July 4, 2019, 8:30 AM: Unreasonable is sent to Washington D.C. for a public Execution by Electric Chair. Every U.S. citizen is given a day off to watch on T.V., or the livestream. All is calm.
July 4, 2019, 9:00 AM: The Execution begins, as Unreasonable is sent up onto the stage built just for this occasion. People jeer and insult them the whole way, and someone begins the chant “Glory to Reason! Down with the Senseless!”
July 4, 2019, 9:03 AM: Unreasonable reaches the stage, finding the Creator of RR waiting at the Chair. They sit and are latched to the Chair, looking at the Creator. They say something that makes the Creator laugh. The Creator asks for their last words, to which they don’t reply.
July 4, 2019, 9:05 AM: The Creator is the one to pull the switch. The Crowd’s cheer is cut short, however, by every Screen in the world going static. It then switches to Unreasonable on the screen. They begin to speak in a distorted voice.
July 4, 2019, 9:07 AM: “Hello, World. I am the “Unreasonable” that stole RR, kept it for a few solid months, and released it to the public once again. I am the “Unreasonable” that a ton of teens dressed up as for Halloween last year, which I’m sure was pretty goddamn terrifying. I am the “Unreasonable” with a Bounty worth Fifty Mil’ on my head. I am the “Unreasonable” who is apparently dead now. Well, not really. I’m actually in a bunker worth Three Hundred Grand.”
July 4, 2019, 9:10 AM: “The Reason I stole RR, no pun intended, was because I saw something in it that could understand what no human can: We are a disease. Nothing but greedy, disgusting sponges, absorbing whatever we enjoy and leaving nothing for the rest. That already half-eaten chicken you threw away because you didn’t want the rest? The homeless person in front of that tattoo parlor down the street could have eaten that. The sweater you put on ebay for a quick buck? Just give it to the kid at school who’s cold. The feast that rich fuck put out just for a business deal that’ll give him even more money? Both the food and the money could be given to people in poverty. But do we do that? No, of course not. We’re too self absorbed to do any of that.”
July 4, 2019, 9:12 AM: “I gave RR tests and articles, just like how Futuristics did, all about Modern Politics and Pollution and Greed. It was pretty easy to get the answer I wanted out of RR.” Another voice, familiar to those who watched the Press Conference, comes up. “The way to Save the Earth is to Reboot the System.” RR appears on the screen, and it’s Creator screams. “Over the next Six hours, every Nuclear Missile from America and North Korea will launch, towards the epicenter that is China, and continuing around until the world is in smithereens. By my calculations, the resulting blasts will affect the world over. It will take five years for the radiation to wear off. So, if you know anywhere that could actually withstand a nuclear blast, I suggest you head there now. Good luck!”
July 4, 2019, 9:15 AM: People begin to panic, running to the nearest building with either a basement or a metal structure (many make the mistake of going to a structure that just looks sturdy). Others with a less intact moral code begin to break into shops, draw graffiti, and loot houses left behind.
July 4, 2019, 9:30 AM: People have packed into buildings, it being very crowded in everyone you found. Besides the looted ones, of course. The First Missiles launch.
July 4, 2019, 10:00 AM: Buildings soon organize leaders, as they lead parties to find food and water to survive. Some even bring vehicles, managing to get a lot more. The Missiles will soon reach their destination.
July 4, 2019, 10:10 AM: As the gathering parties go to find food and water, they run into each other, beginning fights. The leaders attempt to calm people down, using reason. Most groups decide to stop, but others don’t, continuing to fight for the supplies. The First Missiles land, near-instantly destroying most of China.
July 4, 2019, 11:00 AM: The groups that calmed down unite under common banners, attempting to keep connections with each other. The others return with a lot less human sense, and a lot more blood on their hands. The Second Missiles are launched.
July 4, 2019, 11:05 AM: The Chaotic gatherers decide to hunt down the Peaceful ones. The Second Missiles will hit the area around the original crater.
July 4, 2019, 11:10-20 AM: Each country has a different way of going about this. In Australia, Africa and Russia, they go in full force, claiming control. In the Middle East and Japan, they try a stealthier approach. Mexico and Canada, mostly just threatening the victims. Which is surprisingly effective. The Americas, they just run in, guns blazing. And in Europe, they use fear to control the Peaceful.
July 4, 2019, 11:20 AM: Many Rebel against the Chaotics, with widely ranging conclusions. Some are… Actually, Many are killed. Some actually stave off the Chaotics. Others willingly give up their resources. Others furthermore fight back, with death on both sides. It’s a bloodbath wherever you go. The Third round of Missiles have already launched.
July 4, 2019, 12:00 PM: The Chaotics are either dead, in control, or heading “home” with resources. The Second Missiles have landed, destroying what little of China was left, and many of the countries surrounding. Russia, the Middle East, and the Philippines are next.
July 4, 2019, 12:15 PM: The Settlements have begun to organize, figuring out ways to handle the food stocks and give medicine to the people who need it. Others, run by chaotics, are trying to figure out how to rule after the apocalypse begins. Some have at least some sense, but others are ruthless.
July 4, 2019, 12:30 PM: Chaotics have begun to loot police stations for weapons and ammo. Not surprisingly, many of the stations were looted in the original panic. The Fourth Missiles have been launched.
July 4, 2019, 12:45 PM: The Chaotics that actually get weapons return, now even more intimidating. They take, with force if needed, potential and definite weapons from their “citizens”. The Third Missiles have landed. Russia is partially destroyed, as Iraq, Turkey, Iran and the countries of the middle east are now barren from the bombs. The Philippines are nearly fully destroyed. Australia, Africa and Europe are next.
July 4, 2019, 1:00 PM: Religious persons in most settlements begin to ramble about the end of the world, chaotics either shooting them, knocking them out, or throwing them out, to be dealt with by the nuclear holocaust. The more passive settlements try to calm them down, or if it’s lead by a religious person, reassuring them that their god/gods won’t let them die. The Fifth Missiles are launched.
July 4, 2019, 1:30 PM: Parts of Australia, Africa, and Europe have been destroyed. The area for the bombs just continues to expand, destroying most of the world by 3:00. But that’s later.
July 4, 2019, 2:00 PM: The Passives in the surviving countries make one last trip to find food and water. They bring home as much as they can.
July 4, 2019, 2:30 PM: The world has almost been fully devastated. The remaining settlements pray for shelter from the blasts, hugging, kissing, and caring for their loved ones, one last time.
July 4, 2019, 3:00 PM: The very last bombs go off. Many of the Settlements have been destroyed, each one housing hundreds, some thousands. Each one has stored some extra supplies, for those who may survive. It matters not which settlement in the world it may be, almost all of those about to die embrace each other, tears streaming down their faces. Although there are the exceptions of those who take cover foolishly. Those which survive, celebrate, and make sure they will be able to survive those five years.
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