#the app will push your video to random ass people who at best will ignore it and at worst will mercilessly mock you
8-bit-space · 2 years
Tiktok is legitimately the worst app to grow up in your teens on im so sorry to everyone who is doing this.
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youdidwelljonghyun · 4 years
I haven’t been using this app much since I joined stan twit but I need to speak on this bc it’s important:
NCT, Exo, Taemin and SM Entertainment on a whole are a fucking disappointment. BLM has been the number one topic on social media across the world for about a week now. I’ve seen countless Korean artistes speak up in support. I’ve seen artistes post their donations. I’ve seen BM go on insta live and discuss his experiences with cops and how black people have to live in fear despite being innocent. I’ve seen Crush talk about how Korean pop music is built on black culture & there would be no Kpop, kr&b or khiphop without black culture. Ive seen Got7’s mark donate $7000 to the cause. I’ve seen a 2 month old rookie group’s member get all her socials deleted because she had the balls and the decency to support BLM on her platform. I’ve seen KBS in America covering the riots. I’ve seen Korean civilans speak up about BLM, supporting and explaining the situation in both Korean and English, I’ve seen Yeri post in support on her Instagram.
AND YET. NCTzens had to BEG, and when I say B E G. We were flooding 127’s twitter mentions, lysn and Instagram BEGGiNG them to post in support of BLM, just so they could use their platform to influence followers to support. For DAYS. We had to beg these men who: 3 of them lived in the US for extended periods, one is FROM CHICAGO where much of the rioting is taking place. They are ALWAYS talking about how they’re a global group. 127 has toured across the US multiple times. They regularly interact with international fans. Their intl fanbase has likely made them more revenue than their Korean fanbase. In fact, I’d argue that 127’s current level of popularity is mostly due to their American fans, & I’m not even American. Just last week we rallied together for DAYS to defend Jaehyun from those disgusting Kfans. Yet they only responded after over 24 hours of begging them, and when they did, ONE member posted something without even including a donation link or saying anything truly substantial... the member that is literally American. His post was basically a “fine, here it is since you won’t stop bugging me about this!”. I saw many fans begging them to “open their purses” and show how much they donated, which I don’t think is necessary— but at LEAST POST A GODDAMN DONATION LINK. Do you know how many fans would mirror your actions? Even with the lame post Johnny made, countless fans were asking where they can donate. Do you SEE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO USE YOUR PLATFORM?? Then Ten posted that random black square. No caption, no nothing. Anyone who doesn’t know about BLM won’t know what the fuck it’s for. I saw comments asking what it was about and making jokes. I am so fucking disappointed in these men for doing the bare minimum when they have a massive platform, they have received support from thousands of black fans and they make a huge chunk of their money off of American tours, NOT TO MENTION black music is the blueprint for Kpop. They always talk about what black artiste’s music they love, but they are damn near fucking silent about the innocent black people being murdered worldwide.
Exo is a fucking joke. Kai, Chanyeol Baekhyun and Sehun regularly post on their socials— kai did a live a few days ago, Chanyeol has posted several NNG videos, Baek has been doing lives/menpas and yet neither of them can be assed to say oh, btw black lives matter and here’s a donation link so u can help support too. Lay has also been promoting constantly, he’s had a comeback and dropped an MV a few days ago, and yet???
They may have very well donated in private— I acknowledge that. But they could do SO MUCH for the black community by simply making a post in support with a donation link, that would cost them literally nothing. So why haven’t they done so?? They must not care enough to— because trust me, fans have been asking. Exo and NCT’s lysn board have been spammed with fans begging for support, giving them donation links to share and explaining the situation. I feel a little entitled, demanding anything from someone I don’t personally know, but then I realize that it would take almost no effort on their part, and that they would be giving back to the very community that allowed kpop’s very existence, not to mention supporting their millions of black fans around the world. I see many people saying that this is an “American issue” and “no one asks celebrities to donate when other people are suffering”. If you think that is an excuse then you are a part of the problem. 1. Black people exist all over the world, they are discriminated against and brutalized worldwide. 2. I have seen Americans lobbying and pushing for global causes countless times on social media. Just the other day American Kpop fans helped trend the Nth room case, translating articles and spreading awareness. I was one of those fans.
As for SM Entertainment, the company that likely employs more black producers than any other in Korea, they have 100% ignored the BLM movement on ALL platforms; they have done NOTHING. Monsta X, Ateez and BTS have all officially posted on their group accounts that they stand with BLM and they support the cause, yet SM cannot be assed to do a goddamn thing except exploit black culture and use Americans as ATM machines. I heard they were sending TEXTS to American fans about a COMEBACK (or something??) in the midst of all the rioting. The funny thing is, it’s a pattern— SM never gives a flying fuck about American fans. All they do is coddle kfans and indulge in their delusional fantasies, making Jaehyun write a fucking apology letter for eating some food because kfans threw a tantrum and placating kfans when they got salty about Superhuman promotions. WHERE EVEN IS SUPER M??? THE GROUP THAT LITERALLT DEBUTED IN THE US LMFAOOOOO. LITERAL SILENCE.
I just made this post to say that I, as a black fan, can’t continue to go out on a limb for, to stan, to defend and trend hashtags for, to leave encouraging lysn messages for, artistes who don’t give enough of a fuck that my people are dying to make a genuinely supportive post with a donation link. That is THE BARE MINIMUM. We aren’t asking them to go out on the streets and protest. I cannot do it anymore. As a black fan, there have always been things we have to speak out about more than any other fan group, there have always been things we’ve had to overlook. But I’m fucking done with this shit. I’m done streaming and voting and watching their videos. They don’t deserve my support one bit. I see their pictures on my timeline and I just feel empty— I mean, they really don’t give a fuck about us at all. Lots of times we’ve reconciled with the fact that Korea as a whole is pretty racist towards black people, but we think the best of our favs and assume that because they have so many black fans they must feel differently and have more of an open mind— HA. And I was never the fan who expected that idols love us as much as we love them, but for you to sit there and profit from our culture and our support, but be unable to open your mouths or make a single Instagram post when we’re being killed...
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enchantingexile · 5 years
Bubble Wrap Me - c.b/j.w
Request: can you do one where colby and jake cheer you up on a bad day and its super cute and fluffy? i'm having a bad day 🥺
Pairing: Platonic!Colby x Platonic!Jake x Reader
NOTE: This is just plain, hanging out. Also didn’t proof read this. 
You had been sitting on your couch dodging calls from people all day, in hopes that maybe they would just leave you alone and stop calling. So far no one was getting the hint that you didn't want to be around people today.
You sat alone on your couch wrapped in a blanket with the tv on in the background as you were on your phone staring at your phone in front of you not really paying attention more so just wallowing in your sadness. 
You didn't really have a particular reason why you were sad today it just hit you when you were making breakfast. Straight away making you slump onto the floor and sit there for a bit just nose diving into your sadness. 
As you stare at the screen in your hand you hear the knocking on your door and before you could even get up to open it Colby and Jake were walking through it and into your apartment.
“Did you get amnesia and forget how to answer a phone or are you just ignoring us” Colby says as he walks to you and flops down beside you, Jake trailing along behind him. 
“I forgot how to use a phone” You shrug at them and you can see them staring at the phone in your hand, currently unlocked and on instagram. Ironically it was a post by Jake. 
“Seems like it, you haven’t even liked my photo” He reaches over and takes the phone from your hand and likes the photo for you, going on to his instagram page and making sure to go through and like all of his photos. 
“Well we need your help, hopefully you remember how to hold a camera and record.” Jake replies, your phone still in his hand. 
“I do, but I don’t really want to do anything right now, I’m not really feeling the best right now” You tell them and wrap the blanket around yourself tighter. “What are you guys going to do anyways?”
“I wanna get wrapped in bubble wrap and pushed down the stairs” Jake tells you, his face is serious and Colby just shrugs when you look over to him. “Colby is in charge of safety and you’re in charge of the camera.”
“You would rather trust Colby with safety, rather than me?” 
“Not gonna lie, you’re better at filming than Colby is.” Colby looks a little hurt but gets over it in a few seconds. 
“Fine, but I want to push you down and we are not doing it in my building. I already have enough complaints because of you two.”
“Yeah, fine. But are you gonna get ready or are you good?”
“I’m gonna get ready, but I’m not going to pretend to be happy about this.” You get up and go straight to your room, putting on minimal make on because you will be on camera for a little bit and you don’t really feel like getting ripped to shreds in the comments.
Once you are finished getting ready you take your phone from Jake’s hand and walk out the door with your keys in hand, Colby and Jake followed behind you. 
When youse get into Jake apartment there are 5 huge rolls of bubble wrap sitting on his kitchen counter. Jake pulls out his camera and hands it to you and youse begin to record the intro to his video, telling everyone about his idea of getting wrapped up. You continue to film as Colby wraps him up and they get prepared to go to the stairs, the sight of Jake waddling while in the bubble wrap makes you laugh.
“Are you not going to protect your head some how?” You hear them cuss a little knowing they had forgotten. “You have a helmet don’t you? Literally, use that.”
Jake waddles back into the apartment and Colby grabs the helmet putting it on Jakes head slapping it a little too hard, but it didn't seem to affect Jake’s mood at all.
“Okay, take two.” You say from behind the camera. 
Youse get to the staircase and hand Colby the camera so that he can film you and Jake. “I just want to say, for the record, I don’t condone this and I know this is a bad idea.” Just as you finish your sentence, you turn to Jake and he nods at you signally for you to push him and you do. 
He falls and then rolls down the stairs so Colby gives you the camera again and you follow Jake down, kicking him down the next flight of stairs. When he reaches the bottom he rolls around to try and get up but cant so Colby rushes to give him an arm so that he can get up. Jake talks to the camera to finish his video, he’ll probably add some random skit at the start of it. 
You turn the camera off and begin to walk back up with the boys following close behind you. “Can youse not stare at my ass, just once?” You turn around and they are still staring, you roll your eyes at them and wait for them to walk past you. 
“You know we like your ass, we tell you basically every time we see you.”
“So I’m just a piece of ass to you?” You joke back, finally feeling a little bit better. 
“NO! You have great boobs too.” Jake replies with a coy smile as he stands at the top of the staircase, his hands on his hips looking a little tired out. When you reach him, you shove him jokingly and walk past to his apartment. “Am I staying for a bit or are you driving me home now?” You ask Colby as he comes to stand beside you waiting for Jake to come and unlock his door. 
“I can do what ever you want, you should stay if you aren’t feeling that well. We can look after you.” His smile is radiant and even though you really wanted to be alone right now, you were already here and you knew they would buy you food if you asked nicely and I mean that you could persuade you to do practically anything.
“I’ll stay if youse don’t mind.” 
“Yeah, come on in. We can watch tv or youtube or whatever you want.” Jake puts his arm around your shoulder and leads you to his couch and flops down with you still attached to him making you fall on top of him. Your energy was so low at this point that you thought about not even getting off him but when he started using your back as an arm rest you had to get off him and move to his side. 
Colby sat down beside you and threw a blanket on top of your head as Jake turned the tv on and pulled the blanket off your head and spread it out between youse. 
“Can we get food, but like” You pause for a second, “I don’t pay for any of it.” You could see Colby already opening up the postmates app, he would always pay for you. 
“I was joking but like, if you want to pay. Im not going to stop you.” He shrugs at you and you turn to Jake who also shrugs, he never seems to know whats going on.
“Well what am I getting?” 
“Surprise me? or just get whatever is cheapest.”
“Yeah, what she said” Jake says as his attention is paid to whatever was on the tv and yours was to Colby and what he was ordering, your head was on his shoulder as he continued ordering. 
The door bell rung and Colby got up to get the food, you heard him thank the postmates person and then brought it straight back to youse and spread it out between youse and youse all sit there watching tv and sharing food. 
“So how are you feeling now?” Jake asks as he steals some chips from your meal, you smack his hand but let him take them anyways. 
“I’m feeling much better now, thanks” You smile at him and bump your shoulder into his as he takes a drink making it spill down the front of his shirt. “Whoops” 
“Wow, I try and make you feel better and you destroy my shirt.” He laughs at you.
“Go put it in the wash, it’ll come out.” He gets up and takes his shirt off and your eyes follow him as he walks away. 
“Im not a piece of ass y/n!” 
“I know, you have a nice body too.” You smile at him and he continues to walk out of the lounge room and into his. 
The day went by so quickly and soon enough it was dark and Colby was offering to drive you home and you took up his offer, I mean it was either that or ubering home and you didn’t really feel like paying to get driven just down the road. You said goodbye to Jake and then youse left and Colby drove you home, you got out of the car and said goodbye to him. 
When you got into your apartment you made dinner and sat down on the couch, this is where you had started your shitty day so its only fair that you finish the day on the couch. Before going to sleep you send Jake and Colby a text in your mini group chat. 
Thanks for the day, I had a great time :) 
also thanks for paying for my food xx 
Would be appreciated if youse would leave a comment or some criticism :)  
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