#the approvals vs disapprovals are the funniest part actually
asleepinawell · 1 year
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the squad goes to the circus
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck^2 re: Chapter 7 “Distress Call From the Closet“
So, I assume the action will jump back to Vriska, Vrissy & Tavros. The call is going to be directed to Harry Anderson, though I wonder how he'd be able to help them out of the closet.
Some sleight of hand magic? A distraction outside of the school building?
Page 171
Vriska's loving the thrill. Tavros is just experiencing his first real brush with death, and apparently is mostly confused by it. :P Meanwhile Vrissy's mostly annoyed and trying not to get further into danger by having her phone ring for all to hear.
So, yeah, and Harry Anderson must now acknowledge everything Vrissy said as true - including the presence of OG Vriska, who he just heard.
Page 172
Ahahahah, yes, that's what I was thinking too - Vrissy and Vriska must sound exactly alike. It's only their manner of speech that sets them apart.
So Vriska imitating Vrissy here is comedy gold.
And yes, the odds are indeed 50/50 Rose and Kanaya would either very much Approve or Disapprove of what they were just a part of. Granted, once they see Vriska (OG) has resurfaced, they should actually realize who's the instigator of the whole mess.
Page 173
Pfffffff. From John's fridge, Gamzee's made the valiant 16 year trip through time to end up dead... in a janitor closet. Also, regarding last page - what the fuck was Gamzee even doing being a troll figurehead while in a relationship with the human tyrant. It made no sense.
Also, poor Tavros. He was just externalizing things until now. He'll have no way but to accept the reality now. Well, not that he REALLY minded Gamzee's death, I think.
Page 175
!!!!!! Finally!!!!
Troll Rebel Leaders Karkat and Meenah! Oh gosh I want to see if they're truly in a relationship. Though eesh, that looks like a bleak situation, all those bodies & ruins.
"Ordeals"? So the trolls had to withstand ANOTHER set of trials to get off-planet? Ugh.
... Pfff, yes, Karkat's PR is very good, but unfortunately for the man, he still has to actually LIVE as a rebel leader every day.
I'm really interested in how Karkat looks as an adult. The description in the epilogues was already tantilizing. ... I wonder if trolls can grow beards. Karkat would definitely rock a goatee.
Page 176
Oh my god they're comedy gold.
Meenah just plays off his asine side so well, hahah. They're even achieved Dave-level excellence at rehashing arguments, it seems.
So Karkat actually would rather be an active leader than a figurehead. Seems he's at least developping SOME idea of how he could lead, good for him! Still, his "symbology", hah, the Cancer sign is another sign of rebellion.
Hah, and they recognize Vriska, but apparently being 23 years removed from her through time has numbed them a bit to the idea of a loose Serket on the field and what she could get up to.
"MEENAH: well we woulda taken credit for it anyway so this saves us the time MEENAH: thanks jane owe u one"
I wonder if they'll send an agent after the trio. Swifer perhaps? :P
Page 177
Lol. So it appears the trolls that followed Gamzee's cult blame Jane's government for the event. Well then. Pfff, they even call her the batterwitch.
So it appears both sides are going to use this turn of events to their advantage.
But Karkat had a better plan lined up it seems, was trying to sway public opinion. Alas, maybe it was just never to be. Jane controls the media, after all.
Page 178
Oooooooh! What is Karkat's plan.
Is he trying to make John endorse the troll side of things? What an idea, that he might take Jake's place in the grand scheme, and be the one with the biggest sway.
I don't think he suddenly thought of how John used to say things like the timeline didn't matter. Not sure he even was around for those events.
Page 179
Oh wow, we're actually going to see John here :D Dear god.
So, Roxy lives by the water, and her house resembles her old one. Her car is pink, but of course.
And Harry Anderson has an ostentatious getaway car all of his own. I wonder what it looks like - something to do with his interests? Would be interesting to see! (In before pogo ride car.)
I don't suppose this scene is the one that played out near the end of the epilogues - Harry Anderson wouldn't really be up for a car ride if his friends are about to show up, right?
Page 180
.... Awwwwwww, it IS! That's beautiful. Yeah, actually, between family and friends, it's hard picking. I understand fully Harry Anderson. You go take care now.
Cool that we got an actual link BACK to an epilogue page, though! Didn't think we'd mix mediums like THAT, actually.
Awesome we finally get to see Adult John in the flesh, it's taken 180 pages.
Page 181
Ahahahahaha, Harry Anderson's texting during the drive. He's sent his mom out on an errand, so the kids will end up
Homestuck. 8)
Home alone.
"the funniest shit he's ever done", pfffff. So weird to have such a different view on John. A valid one, for sure, but such a different one.
Page 182
She changed outfits! Now Roxy REALLY looks like Mom.
... Do not mind the sneak(er)s in the bushes.
Roxy probably was okay with going out so Harry Anderson would be content on his return. She knows it'll be an emotional affair.
Page 183
... Pffff, poor, poor Tavros. Still, Vrissy actually had a very good reason not to want to meet up at his place, like ever.
... The next command oh my god.
We're definitely in Act 1 - like escapades now.
Of course, the room HAS to examine itself - there's no one in it yet! :O
Page 184
That isn't Harry Anderson's room, is it?
Unless he likes to dress up, of course!
I see a lot of movie posters, both troll & human. (Hi, Pokémon!)
Lot's of shoes & hats, some boots. The window looks like the one in Rose's old room, in fact. So, like, is it Roxy's? Or someone else's entirely?
I see.
Musical theaters, huh? Ambitious and lofty goals! And hey, at least it overlaps with both of his parents' interests a bit! Well, needling was an interest of Rose (after John gave her the needling sticks), but still, I think Roxy's good at it too.
And of course his friends do not really share his interests, just like old times.
Page 185
Sprites for Vrissy and Tavros! Awesome. His hair is really slick.
... Good thinking Tav, yes, Jane would definitely be able to track you through your phone.
Page 186
Teenage horseshittery stops for no mortal terror. :D
Filters? In my Homestuck? The odds are higher than you'd think!
PPPPpPffffff, so, I was convinced Vriska was going to steal a hat, but she's actually trying out all the scarfs. Vriska: Accessorize.
Page 187
Oooooh boy. Vrissy's getting kind of self conscious now, with Vriska around. The girl needs to figure some things out about her life on the double, or the Serket's going to tear it all apart at the seams.
(Also, of course Vriska will keep the teal scarf/bandana.)
Page 188
Awwww yeah, there he is. The young man of the bedroom. Right, he has a scarf too.
Heehee, the idea that Harry Anderson had to confess his deepest truths to keep John from finding out about the shit his friends are in. ... He probably did so because John'd know Harry Anderson would be or get involved, I guess.
It's so great to see both Tavros and Harry Anderson so supportive of Vrissy. And semi-supportive of each other Shows what a healthy troll romantic polyamorous relationship can look like!
Page 189
There he is. The man, the myth, the legend. So cool to see him like this.
So, wait, I just realized. What phone is John even receiving Karkat's buzzing on? Since Vriska took his phone. Maybe he truly has taken a page out of Jade's book and has 5 different computing devices on him at all times. Like a sensible person.
But what's even better, is that instead of Karkat chewing him out over his ignorance first, he actually directs John to watch the news. Hilarious that apparently, most of the time, Harry Anderson is the instigator of the messes Tavros and Vrissy find themselves in.
Now to see John's reaction at Gamzee's demise.
Page 190
Well, I didn't think GIDDY would describe his reaction, but here we are!
Hahahahhah, John realizes Harry Anderson knew. And he thinks the whole thing is HILARIOUS. PFfffffff
Does he think that maybe this is the pivotal moment that could launch this timeline back into relevance? :P
I think it might also be such a wild scene it genuinely serves as a release for a lot of that pent-up darkness in him, through laughter.
The most mirthful thing Gamzee has ever been responsible for, basically.
Page 191
John has RESOLVE now.
He's really going to try to take on Jane's regime together with Karkat, isn't he? :D This gonna be good.
John's gotten a second wind after patching things a bit up with Roxy and Harry Anderson. (Still, I'm sad some of the deep, personal stuff Harry Anderson had to share wasn't shown, but oh well.)
Time for him to get his act together! I like it when John goes all out. Even when just described in text, like Meat John vs Lord English, or Candy John vs Jade in Tavros' room.
Next chapter seems like it could focus on Rose and Kanaya, so things'll stay focused on the Candy path a little longer. Me like.
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