#the astel fight was my absolute favorite
nullcanary · 1 year
"Now all my other gods are dead. Hallelujah, to the apocalypse in my head!"
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#just finished my first playthrough#what a wild journey this has been#this game has given so much enrichment to my life#this game pulled me out of the deepest depression ive ever been in#and then momentarily put me back in one after the malenia fight because reptile brain was like youve been running from a tiger for 4 hours#my stress response was so on edge for a week yall#but thats a different story lets not digress#I'm making art again... i literally thought i lost that spark#im WRITING again?!?? a FEW things too?!? yall whats in this elden juice?!#i finally have an oc of my own to cherish#ive connected with talented inspiring and clever creators of various forms of fanworks#truly the game just turned a light on inside me again that said 'youre allowed to feel again'#it just happened to be the correct combination of so many nuances that mattered to me already and them dialed them up to 10#the astel fight was my absolute favorite#when i watched the trailer it was what captured my eye the most#when going through armor sets i saw the Preceptor's set and thought 'holy sh!t thats my aesthetic'#and now i have an irl version of it that i made with my own hands#ive never had the opportunity to be obsessed with a single character before and thats so weird to only realise after succumbing to varrérot#truly either reigniting interest in old joys or discovering completely new experiences#oh yeah and lastly im so flippin into IAMX now hes almost all ive listened to since the year began and thats also because of varrérot#tag rant over#elden ring#i have very normal feelings about frenzied flame#lord of frenzied flame ending ie third impact lmao#iamx stalker lyrics in header
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springsaladgaming · 2 years
Got any favorite bosses in Elden Ring so far? 👀
I really liked General Radahn! Initially it was kind of weird mechanically*, but cinematically it is a super cool boss!
I also really like Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Really nice combination of spooky and gorgeous boss design.
The Ancestor Spirit/Regal Ancestor Spirit bosses are absolutely gorgeous with some really nice sound design, and the soundtrack during those bosses is beautiful!
Mohg is pretty fun and also has a cool soundtrack during the fight, though I wouldn't say there was anything particularly special about it. It's fresh in my mind, though, cuz I did it last night.
*I play most soulsborne games with a mindset that I like to call "dodge or die," but I decided to go a heavy sword & board build for my first playthrough of Elden Ring. When I first got to Radahn, I still occasionally forgot that I could block attacks and constantly tried to dodge roll everything. Once I remembered what build I was doing, though, that fight got a lot easier for me.
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captainsleepy111 · 3 years
I have created the general outline of a character for a Harry Potter fanfic and this is the character if you want more say something
May add on to this when I think of things but Idk seems okish to me so far
Also this was written at 3am and I can’t spell to save my life so pls be nice with feedback
also tw slight abuse mentions/hinted at (very briefly) and minor swearing (idk how to do tws so tell me if I’m doing it right and if there’s anything I should add) It’s also pretty long which I find annoying sometimes
- [ ] General description- Sirius black’s son, born female and originally named astelle but eventually chose the name Caelum, when Sirius was put in Azkaban he was sent to live with the malfoys
- [ ] Looks- Short black hair, but on the longer side of short, grey eyes with flecks of green and blue if you look close enough, smallish but not tiny, nose ring after 3rd year, tattoo of a dragon (Hungarian horntail) after 4th year, 5’4 (and 1/2), hair is always messy (it’s a habit) , strong but not that strong, built like a runner (hates running), small scar on his lip (refuses to say how he actually got it), has almost microscopic freckles on his nose, is actually somewhat tan (kind of a slightly darker tan color)
- [ ] Personality- stubborn, likes to act tough but has just built that facade to protect himself over the years, is actually really caring and sweet (but will hit you if you point that out) would rather die than hurt someone innocent, smart but acts like an idiot, prankster, sarcastic is his default setting, full of spite, has personal grievances against bushes, plays with his hair to calm down/when bored/stressed/thinking/flirting, is absolutely incredible at flirting (until he has a crush, then he loses all form of coherency and intelligence), makes horrible puns at every chance, will fight absolutely anyone who insults his friends (or dogs, or any animal really), absolute certified disaster, cannot keep things organized for the life of him (ex. Room, school things, school trunk, schedule, homework, anything), will find any and all candy (nothing can stop him, he will find your candy stash), his idea of a distraction is flirting with the enemy and hoping he doesn’t die, alternatively he will also tackle/insult/confuse/be generally annoying to distract enemies, he has perfected these strategies, is now very good at dodging things because of these strategies, seems very clumsy, actually has incredible reflexes (due to aforementioned strategies), is slow to trust (but once he does he is ride or die), is pretty good at lying, aloof when you first meet him, resting bitch face, has no sleep schedule, is always hungry, horrible with emotional things, tries to help but fails (A for effort though), high places are his happy place, and by the black lake at midnight, will stay up with you for hours if you need too, midnight is his favorite time of day
- [ ] Relationship with Sirius- pretty good, they get along well, is pretty much a carbon copy of Sirius, a little rocky at first but built a good relationship
- [ ] Relationship with the malfoys- horrible, actually used to be friends with draco until they were ten, then draco sided with his father on everything, Lucius uses him as a magical punching bag, narcissa ignores him mostly but occasionally point out how much of a disappointment he is, after the battle of hogwarts draco and Caelum made up and rebuilt their relationship (veery slowly)
- [ ] School life- got put in ravenclaw, first met Harry getting robes with draco, befriend Harry and Ron on the train (gained Ron’s respect after telling draco to kiss his arse), befriended hermione when he asked what she was reading and clicked when they talked about books for atleast half an hour, befriended the twins in a shared detention after he charmed a shampoo bottle to follow snape around but stay just barely out of reach and shoot the shampoo at him every 4th time he turned his back, his favorite subject is charms (would be potions but snape is the teacher), least favorite subject is a tie between history of magic and divination, took muggle studies in third year but dropped it in favor of astronomy, is the keeper for ravenclaw (started his second year),became the quidditch captain 5th year, is generally top of the class (after Hermione), horrible about getting homework done, broke the twins record to most detentions on one year (in his first year), teams up with the twins for pranks all the time, also absolutely destroys them in prank wars (even when they team up on him), his best subject is potions despite snape trying to prevent that, punched quirrl in the face first year, flirted with Voldemort then punched him in the face and tackled him in second year, was prepared to try to fight a werewolf instead of running in third year (was stopped by hermione and Harry forcing him to keep running) , was dragon bait to help Harry get the golden egg fourth year (caused several rules to be added to the triwizard tournament)
- [ ] Sexuality- pansexual/ demiromantic
- [ ] Gender- trans ftm, mainly uses he/him pronouns but also uses it/it’s pronouns
- [ ] Romantic relationships- none, but has had a crush on Neville (huggable and cute when he get things- learned this when he tutored him a bit in third year) Fred briefly (prank buddy), fleur (went to the Yule ball with her, because he asked her to see if she would say yes but acted like an idiot and she found it endearing, so less crush and more friends but still a little bit of a crush)
- [ ] Familial relationships- Sirius (his dad, duh), the malfoys (cousins unfortunately, draco somewhat tolerable after battle of hogwarts), Harry (godbrother and brother in all but blood), Ron (brother in all but blood), hermione (sister he never had), Remus (cool uncle/step father),draco (cousin but get along with him relatively well, after battle of hogwarts)
- [ ] Nicknames- padfoot jr (James, remus, Peter) padslet (remus, James), cub ( Sirius, remus), little shit (Sirius at 3 am after being woken up), pup (Sirius, remus), mon chéri (Sirius), crescent moon (remus)
- [ ] Enemies- draco until BoH, death eaters, Voldemort, bushes, beletrix
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