#the backstory of my robobois!
Okay, it's like 2:30am as i'm starting to type this, but i really wanna talk about my robobro ocs okay. Like, i love these mfers.
Anyway, if you don't care you can just scroll past(if ur interested though you should be able to look up 'gasoline firefly' and/or 'lighter stars' if u don't know who they are)
TW: for canon-type violence and breif mention of sexual assault
Okay, so, of course, our story begins in The Slums where one of the upper class droid lounges is having one of their semi-anual maintanance check-ups. Afterall, these are top line droids and the lounge has a reputation to uphold, so they gotta make sure everything is pretty much perfect- think of it as a fucked up life insurance situation.
Anyways, some droids need new batteries since they're starting to lose charge- an intentional factory fault made to sell more batteries- and they get replaced with new ones. What they didn't account for, though, was two particulary stubborn souls wiggling their ways into the electricity contained by the batteries. And so two droids 'wake up' in the middle of the night freaking the hell out and nearly getting in a scruff when they run into eachother in a panicked haze.
The two don't recognize eachother- how could they, they'd been lost in the static for so long they couldn't remember nearly anything- but they have a gut feeling they know eachother, so they get back up and start exploring the lounge. They find out they're stuck inside with no one else up and about, but they make quick work of one of the rooms' windows and step out onto the fire escape. By the time the owner arrives the two are roaming the streets of the Slums, lost and disoriented- and cold as fuck because it'd been so long since they were alive they forgot everything about clothes.
They stumble over a band of Juvees and Ritalins who are mostly nice to them, giving them clothes and asking questions they didn't exactly know to answer. A guy quietly fixed them with his gaze for a while before actually walking up to them and pinning one of them- though they can't tell you which one- to the wall and begining to full-on full-out have a heated make-out session. No one seems bothered by this turning away to do their own thing except for the other droid who tries his best to pry the man off his friend though streght, it turns out, wasn't his model's strong point, so to speak.
However he did manage to free him, as the man turned around hissing in pain and shoving him off as the former's nails dug into his shoulder; re-opening an old wound, perhaps. Taking advantage of this the droid pinned to the wall kicked the man in the groin making him stumble back in pain and the two took off running again, only this time chased by angry Ritalins shouting degrading things after them. They reached a deadend when a hand pulled them in through one of the doors just below ground level ending up in what looked like a dressing room.
There were other droids there too, who offer to let them stay with them as they prepared for whatever they were about to do. The two agree reluctantly and frankly a bit suspicious given the encounter they just had, but the other droids turn out to be super nice. Their questions are certainly different from the Halls and the Ritalins', but they aren't sure they were all that better. Still, they help them out a lot, even going as far as allowing them to trade in their bland white wigs for some more colorful ones that they cut down to match their preference since the bob didn't feel right.
They decide they are brothers when a green-haired droid comments how much they look alike- and it sticks. Not all things last forever, though, and one day low-level scarecrows come flooding in firing their white blasters in waves; turns out that whatever the was going on there wasn't exactly BLi approved. For the first time the two leave the dressing area into a large dimly lit room where they duck under a bar, waiting huddled until the gunfires stopped and then some.
Then there was silence. Just perfect silence for what must've been hours on end before a pair of mutters started growing louder and louder, a head of hot pink hair shortly poping up from behind the counter. The girl didn't seem like neither the Halls nor the droids. She asks them if they are alright, they don't answer. She asks them about their name and still no answer. Eventually she gets to the one question that at least one of them had an answer to; what's their age.
17. The number rattles in the orange-haired droid's head and when he says it outloud the pink haired girl seems taken aback for a second before she disappears behind the bar again only to reappear a few moments later. She tells them to follow her and they do warily, not wanting to argue with someone who clearly could overpower them both- they had longs cut down their nails as well, but in the moment it felt so much better and they had worried less about their practicality.
The pink haired girl turns out to be no threat, though, as she welcomes them in her and her girlfriend's studio apartament and introduces herself as Laser Babe and her white-haired partner as Moonflower. They ask her if she's like them. She doesn't understand. They end up getting names as well- the orange haired droid naming himself Gasoline Firefly and his blue haired brother naming himself Lighter Stars. Everything goes well until it doesn't.
The brothers start spacing out more often than not, sitting down somewhere and waking up doing something completely different, missing snippets of conversation and so forward. It takes extensive research and looking around, but one day Laser returns home with two batteries and a solution. They had to switch the twins' old batteries for the new ones, but they had to do it quickly for reasons they didn't quite exactly understand either. It was their only option, though.
First time it went smoothly, Lighter only being out of 15 minutes before booting up and snapping back to his usual self. In Gasoline's case, however, they almost passed the one hour marker when he returned coughing and sputtering, being tackle-huged by his brother before he could even get back up. As time went by it didn't get any easier, they still wait with their hearts in their teeth everytime they have to do it. They haven't lost any of them yet and developed a way for them to shut down during the night to save power, though, so they figure they're doing pretty alright.
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