#the beatles x lgbtq!reader
lick-me-lennon22 · 3 years
Trans Man!Reader X Beatles headcanons/How they'd support a trans (FTM) partner + help them through dysphoria 💙💙💙
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(lengthy title, I know ^^' this amazing request is from @anonymous-blanket ! they originally asked for how the Beatles would help a trans [FTM] reader through dysphoria, but I sort of expanded it to add general headcanons- I hope you don't mind :) 💞)
- I myself am a cis woman and this is solely based on the experiences my trans guy friends have been so kind as to share with me, as well as some of my own research on gender dysphoria and grounding techniques
- this is NOT entirely accurate to the 60s or 70s
- I have written these with the assumption that the reader has already come out and has transitioned or is currently transitioning; with that being said, none of the lads would ever out you or disclose your identity before you are ready to do so yourself/without your permission!
- all of the boys would respect your identity and address you by your name and preferred pronouns !!!
- please feel free to (kindly) correct me if any of this post is offensive or incorrect! I have written these headcanons with nothing but love and respect for the trans community ♡
when you come out to Paul (if you were together before you began your transition), he's so proud of you for being your authentic self and so glad you're willing to share something like that with him
he immediately offers to take you out shopping and buy you a more masculine/comfortable wardrobe, as well as items such as boxers and binders if you want them
whenever you're up for it, Paul does your eyebrows and some masc contouring (if you ever want him to)- he's quite good with makeup, as he often does his own!
along with (of course) using your correct name and preferred pronouns, he showers you with gender-affirming nicknames and compliments ("my handsome man," "my prince," "dashing," "Adonis," etc.)
if you ever feel dysphoric about sitting down to pee, Paul reminds you that he also pees sitting down (hc)- "It's just more comfortable that way, no shame in it," he shrugs
he makes it a point to remind you how strong and handsome you are often
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
Paul respects your boundaries if you want to be left alone or don't want to be touched
he stays close to you and holds your hand if/as soon as you're okay with it
he tries to take your mind off of your discomfort and ground you by serenading you with your favorite songs
he listens attentively if you just want to vent, and gives you plenty of reassurance and words of comfort/validation if you need them
Paul reminds you that however you want to present is valid and that you are still, of course, a man- regardless of idiots who may tell you otherwise
"How can you not look like a man...? You are a man, love" ♡
when you come out to John (if you were together before you began your transition), he talks you through everything you're feeling and listens intently when you share your experience with him
he suggests going to therapy if you feel like it'd be beneficial (he attends therapy sessions as well- hc)
he immediately assures you that he'll beat the living daylights out of anyone who dares to deadname or misgender you
John (without an ounce of subtlety) corrects anybody who uses the wrong pronouns to refer to you
he makes sure you know and always remember that your identity is valid
if you're comfortable with it, John places pride pins on his leather and denim jackets- regardless of the comments people make
he will absolutely go off on bigoted and closed-minded interviewers/reporters who question your identity or your relationship
John accompanies you into the men's restroom if you're nervous (and if you want him to) and will tell off/uppercut anyone who even looks at you the wrong way
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
John reminds you that your body doesn't dictate your gender and that your identity is 100% valid
he offers his clothes for you to wear if that would make you more comfortable
he helps ground you and distract you from your discomfort by putting on a silly movie for you to watch (together, if you'd like)
John carries his/your cat into your bedroom and places them in your lap for cuddles and purrs
he reminds you of what a hot, sexy stud you are ;)
"A... woman?? That's the dumbest thing I've ever 'eard. You can't 'look like a woman,' you ain't one- you're a man, love"
John tells you he can't wait until the day you become his husband ♡
when you come out to George (if you were in a relationship before you began your transition), he sits patiently and listens as you share your feelings and experience with him
on his next trip out to the store, he buys doubles of all the masculine-scented hygiene products he usually purchases (body wash, deodorant, shampoo, etc.), as well as some extra boxers in your size in case you'd want them
when he arrives back home, he wordlessly places the items in your shared bathroom/dresser so you have access to all of them, but won't have to ask if you aren't comfortable enough to yet
he's very mindful about using your correct name and pronouns from the moment you come out to him
George supports you if you're on T and gives you daily reminders, or advocates for you if you aren't and want to be
he supports you equally if you don't want to start T at all!
he reminds you that your presentation doesn't invalidate your identity
he refers to you as "my boyfriend" or "my man," and tells you that you look sexy, dashing, and handsome ;)
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
George respects whatever you want to do and makes sure you're as comfy as possible if you just want to stay holed up in your bedroom for a while
he fetches you some comfy, baggy clothes in case you feel like disappearing into them for a bit, and offers you some of his clothes if you'd prefer them
he'll bring your pet into your room for some extra love and cuddle time
George will be considerate of your boundaries if you don't want to be touched, but stay by your side if you'll allow him
he's taught you how to meditate and will practice meditation with you as a grounding/relaxation strategy
"Remember, darling- your body doesn't dictate your gender. You are a man no matter what" ♡
when you come out to Ringo (if you were in a relationship before you began your transition), he is elated and relieved that you feel comfortable enough to share something like that with him
the next time you leave the house without Ringo, by the time you've arrived back home, he's set your entire dining room up like a gender reveal party: complete with an It's a Boy! banner and everything blue he could find (it's overkill, but he means well)
on the table is a care package he's bought and assembled for you
in it, he's included plenty of masc-scented soap/deoderant/shampoo, boxers, a pricey and great-quality binder (if you've expressed that you want to bind), and a very thoughtful handwritten and decorated card
from then on and if/when you're ready, Ringo makes a point of (re)introducing you to everyone (and I mean everyone) as his boyfriend- you both love the sound of it!
he'll give you the most genuine, validating compliments out of nowhere
for example: the first time you watch your favorite show together after you've come out to him, Ringo admits that he's always thought you looked/sounded a lot like one of the main characters (who happens to be male)
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
if you're still alright with being touched, Ringo smothers you in one of his famous bear hugs and tells you that everything is okay and you're no less valid for feeling this way about your body
he brings your favorite snack/treat into your room for you to eat and enjoy
he'll sit on the bed and engage in honest conversation with you if you feel like venting; if not he brings you all of the pillows, blankets, and/or stuffed animals in the house- as well as any clothes you'd like to change into
he showers you with gender-affirming nicknames and compliments: "my handsome man," "my prince/king," "heartthrob," "hunk," "stud"... some of them silly, but all of them sincere
Ringo is sure to remind you that no matter what your body looks like or how you're feeling about it in this moment (and no matter what bigoted asswipes may say to either of you), you are just as valid and masculine as any other man:
"Because that's what you are, my love- a man!" ♡
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kalypsichor · 5 years
I loved the geo x reader time travel hcs so how about a john x male reader, drive my car au
this is part of the drive my car au, which i can’t believe y’all actually liked i should stay up till two more often
fun history lesson: the abbey road photo session took place in august of 1969, just ten days after the nyc stonewall riots that kickstarted the lgbtq rights movement in the us. this would go on to inspire similar calls to action across the world! 
so, when you run over meet John, there’s a glimmer of hope in his mind. maybe people are opening up their minds. maybe he doesn’t have to hide anymore
you’re shy the whole first month of knowing him, mostly because you hit him with your car but also because he’s just… so pretty. you just wanna touch his lips and see if they’re as soft as they look
but that shyness doesn’t stop you from being straightforward about yourself – you never hide the fact that you like men. and the beatles are more than accepting
then again, sometimes it’s easier to accept others than yourself
it breaks your heart how much internalized homophobia you see in john
john… won’t deny that he’s attracted to you. like, once he saw you bend over to move an amp and that alone was enough to get his dick interested
he also won’t deny that he wants to be with you. are you technically negative years old? yeah. does his heart feel like a bass drum whenever you talk so excitedly about things from the future or even just smile at him? yeah 
then he realizes… hasn’t he written about love in its unconditionality his whole life? the word is love, all you need is love, love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you
and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make
so. it’s not that hard, is it? to love. and with you, it’s even easier for John to fall in it
just realized how angsty i made this. have some fluffy headcanons too!!
you know how effin long john’s hair is in abbey road? yeah. you convince him to cut it. 
“just because you’re bigger than jesus doesn’t mean you have to look like him”
john finds it crazy that you’re a time traveler. sometimes he pokes you to make sure you’re real. then it becomes a running joke 
whenever you zone out, john’ll stick a finger in your ribs and ask “what decade are you in now?”
john and you scramble to get home to catch the new episode every week
he’ll admit that he wasn’t the biggest fan before you came along, but now he’s fascinated by it
he starts calling you “doctor” :,)
you tell people john’s your companion and the two of you share a smile, knowing its double meaning
this is getting too long but just know that once, you and john got a little carried away on the couch waiting for the program to air… and it pavloved you guys into getting turned on whenever you hear the theme song
when george finds out he absOLUTELY LOSES HIS SHIT
now whenever you and john walk into the studio he’ll sing the “dooo weee woooooo” under his breath just to watch you turn a few shades redder 
y’know when i first started writing this i was like, no i want it to be completely fluffy and mentioning the homophobia will ruin that but you know what? who cares. it has to be talked about, or else you’re erasing history 
also… sorry this turned into a doctor who hc whoops
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lesbian-deadpool · 5 years
Pride Parade Challenge
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(Not my GIF)
Hello, it me. I guessed this would be a good time to do one of these things.
Happy pride month motherfuckers! I thought in celebration, I would make my very first writing challenge. A pride-ing challenge if you will... this is for the MCU only. Any Marvel character is allowed. I will be accepting takers from now up until the 23rd of June. Deadlines are the 1st of July (But if you post it months after the deadline, it’s okay. I do it the same thing)
Only one Prompt/AU/Song per person.
If this gets ‘popular’/people want to use the same prompt. You can use the same prompt, as long as it’s for a different character. So it doesn't get repetitive, y’know?
Sharing is caring. So please reblog this, so more people can join in.
Follow me if you want? Idk.
Send me a message anon or not with what prompt and character you want to write.
Fluff, angst, smut, etc. Whatever you want.
No paedophilia/underage, incest, non-con, or anything like these. (I can’t believe I have to say this shit)
Only mlm and wlw only.
All of the LGBTQ+ is welcome. ALL.
X Reader only.
Please tag your fics, add word count, and use ‘read more’ when necessary.
Tag me @lesbiandeadpool and use the hashtag #ppchallenge (haha pp) and #prideparadechallenge.
Also, bc Tumblr’s an ass. Please shoot me a message once you’ve posted the fic.
That’s it. Happy writing!
A/N: All but the first prompt is my creation. Any resemblance is not my fault. Crazy minds think alike. There’s a lot of prompts, but if or when I make another challenge, I will most likely be reusing them.
(These can be any AU) ((Name) can be either the reader or the character)
1. “Your love is like a giant pigeon, crapping on my heart.”
2. “I’m pregnant.” “... how?”
3. “I woke up this morning and all I wanted to do was kiss you.”
4. “Where did you get that cat from?” (@a-simple-imagine - Pepperony)
5. “How many times have you done this today?”
6. “I want to dye my hair.”
7. “You’re a complete idiot.” “Right?” (@saltybaltic - Ms Romanoff)
8. “I want a divorce.” “... but we’re not even married.” “And whose fault is that?”
9. “You do know they’re an alien, right?”
10. “Did you have to break my nose?” “Yes.”
11. “How do I look?” “Do you have time to go change?” “No.” “Then you look great!”
12. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “I swear to, God, if I turn around and you’re flipping me off, I will kill you.”
13. “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?... oh, it’s a gun.”
14. “Hey (Name), have you seen my glasses?” *Crunch* “Oops.”
15. “What was that sound?” “Maybe it was a ghost.” “... why do you have to do that?”
16. “I want a baby.”
17. “Care to take a shower with me?”
18. (Over the phone) “Heeeeeyyyyyyy. So, guess what?” “What?” “I’m in jail, again.” *Hangs up*
19. “Do you love me?”
20. “What do I remind you of?” “An idiot.”
21. “In another life, I would be president.” “In this life, I’m annoyed by you.”
22. “Hey, (Name), I’ve got a song for you.” “If you sing ‘Baby Got Back’ to me, one more time.”
23. “Wanna get married?”
24. “You make me wanna scream.” “Oh, I’m that good?” (@aikroa - Lady Loki)
25. “I asked you two hours ago if you could wash the dishes.”
26. “Wanna work out with me?” “I am never stepping foot inside of a gym, with you again.”
27. “Please don’t threaten me with a knife. I’ll get horny.” (@peachyteabuck - Buckynat)
28. “This is my David bowie knife.”
29. “Oh my, God. I’m so gay.”
30.  ”I thought you loved me.”
31. “Was everything a lie?”
32. “Hey, babe, guess what-” “I think we should break up.”
33. “You were the one who broke up with me!”
34. “You are so hot right now.”
35. “I am so in love with you.”
36. “Is this relationship going anywhere?”
37. “Are you cheating on me?”
38. “I swear, I’m gonna kill them.” “Okay. Call me if you need help hiding the body.”
39. “Let’s have sex.”
40. “Why don’t you just move in with me?”
41. “Can I paint your nails?” “... sure.”
42. “Can I cut your hair?” “What?”
43. “I love you. And you make me horny. So it’s a win-win.”
44. “I never loved you.”
45. “This was just a fling.”
46. “I want a dog.” “I’m a mad dog!”
47. “You’re lucky I love you.” “Why?” “Because, I just ate all of the olives off the pizza, before you came into the room.” (They both hate olives)
48. “I love cheese.” “Do you love anything else?” “... nope.”
49. “Happy pride! No homo.” “(Name), we’re dating.”
50. “Please do not quote Jim Carrey.” “Alllllllllll righty then!”
(Superhero/modern are a given. These are more specific)
1. Road trip
2. Mafia
3. Teachers
4. NASA (Astronauts/Space)
5. Soulmate
6. The one that got away
7. Neighbours
8. Coffee shop
9. Only one bed
10. Fake dating
11. “Just friends”
12. Enemies to lovers
13. Pride march
14. Sick
15. Medieval
16. Modern royalty
17. High school
18. Summer vacation
19. College
20. 80′s
21. Hospital/Doctors
22. Firefighters
23. One night stand (@topcaroldanvers - Natasha)
24. Actors
25. Wrong number
(Once again any AU)
1. Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
2. Jealous - Labrinth
3. Here - Alessia Cara (@ithoughtiwasflying - Natasha)
4. Serotonia - Highly Suspect
5. I Want to Break Free - Queen
6. What I Need - Hayley Kiyoko
7. Crazy=Genious - Panic! At The Disco
8. Arabella - Arctic Monkeys
9. We Are Golden - Mika
10. You Can Drive My Car - The Beatles
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