#the beginning of this post has the same energy as those online recipes where you need to read through someone's entire tragic backstory
roamers-to-the-road · 3 years
cql characters and lactose intolerance
ok so i tend to ignore my lactose intolerance bc i just. really love cheese. this always proves to be a bad decision but i'm stubborn and i will NOT give up cheese and there aren't so many different types of lactose free cheese so a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ANYWAY last night while stuffing my face with cheese i had this random thought like "wei wuxian would understand me. in fact he'd do the same". which gave me this cursed idea. so enjoy.
wei wuxian - would simply ignore it, eat as much cheese as he wants to/can and then suffer loudly and complain to lan wangji and possibly (probably) throw a fit about how unfair life is and honestly same
lan wangji - he would just. stop eating cheese and anything that contains lactose. man would turn to plant based stuff bc he has common sense
jiang cheng - confirmed Lactose Intolerance Denier™ would never admit he has it (everyone knows tho) but also smart enough not to eat (too much) cheese
jiang yanli - jiang yanli is an absolute angel who deserves the world and i won't let her suffer from lactose intolerance she also tries to take care of her two idiot brothers but. well. that's not easy with those two, tho they might actually listen to her
wen qing - ok so wen qing is a doctor and also let's be honest she's one of the few characters who isn't a complete Dumbass™ (affectionate) she'd probably figure out a way to like artificially produce lactase or something
wen ning - if wen ning had lactose intolerance he would never eat anything that contains lactose bc he knows perfectly well that his sister would never let him hear the end of that (also he doesn't want her to worry about him getting sick)
lan sizhui - like his adoptive dad and unlike his other adoptive dad lan sizhui also has some common sense so he would avoid lactose containing stuff and would also encourage others suffering from this shitness sickness to do the same and look out for them bc he's just the best
lan jingyi - i think he would simply just. forget that he has lactose intolerance if sizhui is not there to remind him and he'd just eat like a shitload of cheese and then while still eating would have this Realization™ like "wait... oh nO" and then would suffer very dramatically
lan xichen - big bro lan xichen doesn't have lactose intolerance but everyone assumes he does bc just like lan wangji he always eats plant based stuff but it's just bc he feels sorry for those who can't eat cheese so he decided he wouldn't either out of sympathy (he would of course tell this if asked about)
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Spellcasting Tools: What Do I Need to Get Started?
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If you are new to the practice of Magic and Witchcraft, you are probably wondering: What tools do I need to cast spells? And the truth is: you don’t really need any special tools because the Magic is not in the wand, it’s in the Witch! That’s why we’ve included DIY options or homemade alternatives to each tool in this post.
Witchcraft is all about meanings. Your tools have a meaning and an identity that is uniquely linked to you as a Witch, and that’s what gives them power. By understanding the significance of each tool and ingredient, you will be able to create successful rituals and spells of Magic, and develop a path towards a more spiritual and meaningful life. In time, your tools will become a part of you, helping you define an identity as a Pagan and playing a major role in the journey to becoming a Real Witch.
In this lesson, you will learn:
The Baby Witch’s Toolkit
Traditional Spellcasting Tools
Candles & Supplies for Casting Spells
Book of Shadows
Magic Wand
The Baby Witch’s Toolkit
You’re about to put together your first Pagan altar. Here’s the best way to avoid unnecessary spending by only buying what you will actually use:
Beginner’s Shopping List:
Candles (pack with all colours)
Cauldron (for burning incense and herbs)
Chalice (for libation and potions)
Incense pack (for focus and inspiration)
Sage bundle (for cleansing and purifying)
That’s it! You will be able to cast most spells in our library of spells with these items. Scroll down to learn more about these and other Witchcraft tools, and learn how you can make your own tools for free.
Traditional Spellcasting Tools
These are the generally accepted Formal Witchcraft Tools. They will be your assistants when you are casting spells, if you can’t find them at your local esoteric shop, check our suggestions and shop online. Avoid cluttering your altar by finding a nice place for your tools to rest. Store them in a drawer, box, or shelf when you are not using them.
Let’s see a quick list of Wiccan tools and supplies.
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Find spells and rituals on a Virtual Altar here.
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An athame is a knife or dagger for ritual purposes. It’s not used to cut anything physically. Conventionally, it has a black handle and a double edge, and it is used to direct energies during the rituals. For example, to command and summon elementals and spirits. It is a projective tool that, within the system of classical elements, represents the Air, and should be placed on the East side of your altar.
Once you have decided what your athame will be, you can customize it with a symbol that means something to you or represents you. An example would be to inscribe your name or draw a pentagram. But it could be anything you want as long as it means something special for you.
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The Witchs’s bell is a very spiritual musical instrument that is played to evoke positive energies, to summon spirits or deities, or to indicate the beginning or end of different parts of a ritual. Its sound is very sacred and therefore useful when entering a ritual mental state.  In the same way, there are those who use tibetan bowls or drums. The idea behind the use of these instruments is to create an action in your world that differs from your everyday actions.
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A ritual broom – also known as a besom – is mainly a tool of protection that is used for spiritual and Magical cleansing, and sweeping away all negativity before, during, or after a ritual act. The ritual broom should only gently sweep the floor, almost without even touching it. But it can also be used in warding or cleansing spells such as this elemental protection spell with salt.
The most important thing is to visualize clearly how negativity and distracting energies are being swept out. While sweeping, focus on removing all the astral excesses that typically arise where people live. This purifies the area, allowing you to focus on your ritual works. Since the broom is a purifier, it is associated with the Element Water. Traditionally, brooms were made of birch and willow, but any type of broom will work fine.
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A boline is a knife for practical use. Traditionally, it has a white handle and a curved blade. You will use it to harvest flowers, cut herbs, branches, thread, or to carve symbols on wood, wax or clay. Basically, to physically cut any materials before or during the casting of a spell.
Its white handle will help you distinguish it from your athame. Also, it’s usually smaller and with a single edge, which can be serrated or smooth depending on the owner. In this case, a kitchen knife can also turn out to be a great option. If you want to step up your candle-carving game, you could also get a candle carving toolkit.
For the consecration of the boline, Scott Cunningham recommends:
“Early in the morning, head to the forest (park, garden). Choose the most beautiful and vibrant plants. Touch them gently with the tip of the knife, forging a connection between the knife and the plants (and thus the Earth). Then sit on the ground. Making sure you are alone, make a pentagram on the ground with the tip of the knife. It’s ready.”
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Book of Shadows
This will be your personal spellbook. It will also often be used to record important information about Witchcraft, as well as observations and thoughts. Some like to write down their personal observations and ideas in a separate “Book of Mirrors”, leaving their Book of Shadows for Magical recipes, invocations, spells, guides, etc.
To create your own book of shadows, find a notebook and decorate it with according to your personal taste. You can draw something on it or paste some flowers, leaves, anything you want! The design of the cover is left to the imagination of the Witch. The goal is to customize it so it will be unique and in harmony with you. Then simply write down all the rituals, spells, Magic invocations and instructions that you plan to use during your practice.
Read also: Book of Mirrors, the Witches’ Magickal Journal
Copy the spells and rituals step by step with their respective illustrations and decorations. Ideally, you should know all of these by memory, but at first you will need to read them, so make sure that the pages and text are readable. The book of shadows is also known under the term “Grimoire” (from French, alteration of grammaire, “grammar”).
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The cauldron is the tool of the Witch par excellence. It is an ancient culinary container, imbued with mystery and in many Magical traditions it is the vessel in which Magical transformations take place. Wiccans see the cauldron as a symbol of the Goddess, the manifest essence of femininity and fertility. It is also a symbol of the element Water, reincarnation, immortality and inspiration.
In contemporary Witchcraft, the cauldron is still used but not to create brews and potions. Think of the Cauldron as the belly of a pregnant woman. Inside of it, a new life is getting ready to exist. In your Cauldron, you could place candles, incenses, perfumes, offerings such as fruits, liquids, and all kinds of elements to be used during a ritual.
It can be filled with water and contemplated during divination, or filled with flowers or some other items related to the spellwork you are doing. You will see that many spells require making fire and burning things, herbs, etc.
For this, it is advisable to have a heat-resistant container as your cauldron. They come in many different sizes, but usually small ones are preferred. They are traditionally made of iron, with three legs (the three legs represent the triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother and Wise Woman, and it also alludes to the three levels of being: Physical, Mental and Spiritual).
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The chalice is a cup with a long stem that will be filled with various liquids during spellcasting and rituals. Often, it simply contains water, representing this element, which could be always present on your altar, but it can also be used for pouring wine during Sabbat offerings and ritual toasts, or even blood, and other liquids depending on the spell you are casting. You could also use a chalice to mix water and salt for tracing your protective circle and also for blessings and purifications.
It can be made of silver, brass, glass, stone, or ceramic. Some groups in the tradition of Wicca usually have two types of chalices, one for clean water and one for the wine and other liquids as described. In a coven, there is a main chalice that is carried on to the altar for consecrations. This cup is shared by all the members during the ceremony, and it is filled every time so that everyone can share the beverage (with or without alcohol). Some other covens prefer that each member have their own chalice and they pour from the main one.
Wiccans typically garnish their chalices with runes or other symbols to decorate it. Some paint it or they attach semiprecious stones, so that it will also contain and provide energy to the liquid inside.
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A compass can be a beautiful decorative item in your sacred space, but it’s also a very useful tool to have near your altar. Many evocations require calling the Quarters while facing each of the four cardinal directions, and some spells involve placing various elements on specific directions, so for sailors and Witches alike, it’s vital to be able to find the North at all times.
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Magic Wand
The Wand is a prominent tool because it symbolizes the Will of the person who performs the Magic, and serves above all to direct the energy, and sometimes to cast the Circle of Protection. It is highly esteemed within most Witchcraft traditions.
The wand, like the athame, is used to direct energy. It is usually made of wood and can be decorated or inscribed with symbols. It is a projective tool that represents the Element Fire, although some consider it to be a tool ruled by Air.
Unlike Harry Potter books, the wand does not serve to banish negative influences or for defense, hence many Witches prefer to cast their circle using an athame instead of a wand.
Its function is to evoke and control certain beings to whom the athame and other tools should not summon, since it works by invitation, not by command.
For all this, it is often said that it is a more “peaceful” tool than the athame and the boline. The wand symbolizes evocation, fertility and enchantment.
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nxncydrews · 4 years
midnight in salem: a review
Your girl finally beat Midnight in Salem last night and...I have thoughts. Feelings. Concerns. But also hope? This review is like a year late but whatever. Overall, I didn’t hate the game nearly as much as I thought I would, and I was fully prepared to loathe it. Spoilers are under the cut for anyone who hasn’t played it yet! (also...it’s long lol)
The general gist of it is this: Midnight in Salem is an okay game. There are some glaring issues that I’ll talk about in more detail, but there is a foundation that I feel is strong for the future. Even with the problems I saw I don’t think MID is the weakest in the series (MED and RAN still claim those spots). Let’s break it down.
Good: the mystery. Although I guessed Teegan’s role in the fire early on, I thought the overall storyline was compelling and that they did a good job of intertwining the characters and motivations in ways that wasn’t super obvious. The one problem I did have with the story is I felt like I couldn’t follow up with characters as much as I wanted to. For example, you can go upstairs in the museum and discover pretty early on that the Parry family changed their name from Parris but you can’t ask Teegan about it until she brings it up much later in the game—and even then it’s not something you prompt, it’s something she just gives up.  I also think I found out about things in dialogue before I was supposed to as though branches of the dialogue tree were incorrectly crossed. Despite that, I think the mystery was good...just needed a little more refining to pull it all together. There were also a few threads that didn’t get tied up (do we just assume that Jason mimicked Olivia’s smoke bombs because he watched her in the square?). 
Bad: the linearity. The thing that I loved (and hated) about past games was that you could hit moments where it wasn’t always clear where you were supposed to go next. With MID, however, you were led from location to location with little reason to return to other places when you finished the single task you needed to do. You would start at the Parry’s house, go to town square, make one trip out to Hathorne House, go back to the town square and repeat the next with a random trip to Lauren’s shop instead of Hathorne. And with the lack of locations to begin with...it just felt like it was a small game without much to do. That said, some of my favorite games have had a much smaller setting (TRT, for example) and did it well. So perhaps this issue could’ve been fixed with more complexity added to the puzzles and additional side quests.
Good: the voice acting and characters. Look, I loved Lani as Nancy Drew and she will always have a special place in my heart, but the new voice of Nancy has won me over. She’s got the exact type of energy I imagine and had a more modern voice. I do think she was one of the weakest voice actors in the game (random lines seemed to feel out of place emotionally, but that could just as much be on the editing team as the voice actor), but I still liked her overall. The rest of the voice cast was also great, which helped to carry a script that I felt was weak at moments—there were times when the dialogue was just...bad. The characters as a whole felt unique and fun, and I really loved the interactions between Deirdre and the Hardy Boys. I would argue that the strongest part of the game is the characters, even if I do think they could’ve gone further with some of the friendships and relationships that were hinted throughout the game (Judge Danforth and Jason, Mei and Jason, Teegan/Olivia/Lauren, etc). I also liked that the characters felt more alive...moving around, in multiple places, etc. The positioning of characters when they followed you was...unfortunate at times. Deirdre scared me every time I turned around and navigating the tunnels at the end of the game was nearly impossible with how characters constantly blocked your view. 
Bad: the graphics. This is obviously something that has been complained about since the beginning, and it’s for good reason: the graphics were lackluster. I have a pretty good laptop so I was able to play on high settings, but even then they weren’t nearly as good as I was expecting for how long they worked on the game. The character models are one of the most glaring issues: choppy and awkward animations, a lack of texture and shadows, and those really freaky eyes. The environments, though slightly better, still felt as though they were built from unity assets that the developers picked up off online stores and threw together. I couldn’t stand looking at the leaf piles on the ground or the street outside the Parry house because they were so incredibly flat. The final puzzle scenes felt better to me, as did Olivia’s shop and even the graveyard, so it’s clear that they can do better, but that level (or even higher level) of detail needs to be present in everything. The lighting is another huge issue—it was extremely flat in most parts of the game and took away a lot of the mood that could’ve been set. That said, I think graphics can be improved....if they put in the money and resources.
Good: the puzzles and interact-able objects. The puzzles that we did have in the game were fun and varying, which I think is important in mystery games. Some of the controls in the puzzles were really frustrating (more on the controls later), but there wasn’t a puzzle that I flat-out couldn’t solve. I also liked the way we could rotate objects and see all sides of them but again, the controls were a little frustrating. 
Bad: the number of puzzles. There just wasn’t enough puzzles for me, particularly puzzles that directly affected the storyline. For example, you can find a ripped-up note in the trash can in the Parry house but it’s never referenced again and you don’t actually need to do it to solve the mystery. Same with the piece of the flyer you find in the scarecrow. I think I saw a reddit thread or a post here that suggested things with book sorting or doing stuff with displays in the museum as additional puzzles and I 100% agree that they’d be great (and easy) additions to the storyline. Or maybe even helping Olivia with doing her store inventory (as we see on her list that she clearly doesn’t want to do it). 
Good: the mini-games. I loved the pumpkin quest and making johnny cakes (though I wish we could’ve actually made the various recipes and not have done the flipping part 6 times). I also loved making the herb mixtures! I honestly don’t have any complaints here. I think there was a good amount of them and they were fun to come back to.
Bad: the controls. While I appreciate what HER was trying to do with the controls, I really don’t think they worked. The “looking around” in a scene is cool in theory, but the actual act of dragging around an object was tedious and frustrating. The movement through the town square was really annoying, too—it took me forever to get from one side to the other. I think the yellow glow around the cursor when you found something to interact with could be a little more prominent, too. I think if HER wants to continue using this setup then they need to fix the cursor sensitivity to deal with how slow looking around a scene can be when dragging. I think we also could’ve done with a way to read the logs of conversations because I definitely missed a few things when I looked away for a second. 
Good: Deirdre. Shannon. I love her. So much. She’s absolutely fantastic. Her snark was great and I really appreciated how they gave her autonomy and actively contribute to the case. I would’ve loved for her to be playable (like maybe we follow her to do research on the town or search for the will), but I can’t complain about the amount we saw her. Her scenes with the Hardy Boys were some of my favorite in game....and I really hope we continue to have her as a phone contact in future games (if not see her in person again!). 
Bad: no charm. Despite some high points with characters and the mystery, overall this game just lacked the charm of the past. I know some of this stems from moving to Unity and the subsequent changes to graphics and models, but I really feel like so much of the uniqueness to the games was stripped away as well. There are some easy changes that I think could fix this, starting with the UI and dialogue display and working to improve the lighting and character models. Nancy Drew needs a small amount of grittiness, I think, and a clean, modern look just doesn’t feel right. 
Good: throwbacks to old games. I appreciated that there were some throwbacks to old games mixed in as you went and that some of our old familiar easter eggs popped up (Koko Kringle candy, for one!). I like to think that the black cats in Olivia’s shop were throwbacks to Suki from SAW (though that one is unlikely) and there was also a mention of a Waverly Academy, though I think this was either a mistake or unintentional because the letter is for an art school and Waverly was a boarding school. I was hoping for a Kate Drew reference when on the phone with Carson, but alas. Here’s hoping they continue to bring past games into new ones. 
Bad: the lack of depth. I felt like overall the game only scratched the surface of what it could’ve in terms of bringing in more history and complexity. The lack of puzzles and overly-linear story made it a pretty quick solve and the characters, though interesting, could’ve done with more interaction with each other. More puzzles, more history, and more side quests could’ve helped with this immensely. (Oh, and get rid of the ridiculous side love triangle and manufactured drama with Ned and Nancy. That’s something worth it’s own post, however.)
tl;dr I wouldn’t go so far to say that MID was a roaring success or met the expectations I had for the game, but I do think there is hope for the future if we get more games. The mystery was solid and there are some good things that came from it, but they’ve got a lot of work to do to bring the next game back to the quality level that we saw in past eras. If anything, this did make me want to play through all the old games in order again, which I haven’t wanted to do in years. 
Time to go open photoshop and make all the Mei/Jason and Frank/Deirdre graphics and get back in the edit game!  
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shabazsullivan-blog · 5 years
The way Affiliate Marketing Works - A Step By Step Manual For Newbies
Trying to make money online? Got a computer / laptop with an Internet connection? Then Affiliate marketing online will be the simplest and quickest route to fulfilling your perfect. Here, you'll discover the 6 simple measures that will require from complete beginner to Marketer within A couple of days. Precisely what is Internet affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing online is a performance-based marketing system when a product vendor pays an "affiliate" a commission if someone else buys their product. That "someone" being previously described the seller with the "affiliate." And yes it all happens online: You do have a web site, normally a website, that you simply attract like-minded people to, where you "warm them up" to the indisputable fact that the merchandise you're promoting (just as one affiliate) is an ideal solution to their pressing problem or need. That "product" might be physical (books, CDs, DVDs, clothing, jewelry, natural medicines, etc.) or digital (e-books, e-reports, software, online courses / trainings, etc.). As soon as your visitor selects your affiliate link (on the site) these are redirected for the vendor's site, in which the vendor will close the sale; much easier once you have warmed them up! As soon as your site visitor buys the vendor's product you will get paid a commission. For example, in the event the product cost $100 and you get, say, 50% commission, you'll receive paid $50! And for, basically, introducing someone using a pressing problem or have to somebody who can fix this difficulty. Affiliate marketing is ideal for beginners starting online mainly because it features a very low barrier to entry: it's really a quite simple method that doesn't require any particular technical skills, you don't have to have your own personal product, and it doesn't cost the earth to begin. In fact, you can get looking for lower than $20! And, you don't need to do selling, or fulfillment, or keep stock, or handle payment systems, and also you need not handle customers; the vendor does that. You just need to internet access along with a computer / laptop and you're simply fine. AFFILIATE NETWORKS Because affiliate marketing online is so profitable for affiliate and vendor, over time many "affiliate networks" have sprung up to help you both affiliates and vendors manage their affairs far more efficiently and easily. Vendors can attract affiliates by advertising their goods on these networks and affiliates can certainly find products to market. Once an affiliate decides to market some product the network assigns an online affiliate link / ID in order that sales of this product can be linked time for the affiliate. The affiliate network also represents responsibility for managing the flow of cash between vendor and affiliate either by electronic transfer or check. What's more, it charges a smaller fee to both vendor and affiliate for the service. There are numerous affiliate networks to select from, but a beginner to affiliate marketing online can readily begin with "ClickBank" and / or "Amazon." How to choose AFFILIATE MARKETING 1. Choose Your Niche and Product The initial step is usually to decide which niche you would like to operate in. A "niche" is a crowd with very similar interests, e.g. gout sufferers, broken relationships, trying to find car insurance, earn money online, etc. But, needless to say, in addition, it really needs proven "buyers" inside to make money. How do we discover a profitable niche with many different profitable products you'll be able to promote? A really quick way to do this is always to search affiliate networks for niches which have several items that their stats let you know can sell well. Should there be plenty of products that can sell well, at this point you understand that the niche can be a profitable one, and, the buyers in this niche like those products. Put simply, there isn't any second guessing; you already know for sure that you can earn money because niche so you know for a fact which items are successful, unlike if you had to develop your personal product! Once you're happy with a product, you sign-up being an affiliate for this and so are given an original link which you place on your internet site. Each time a visitor clicks on that link each goes for the vendor's sales page where, should they buy, you get paid the commission sent to that product.
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2. Get Your Domain Name Before you decide to setup your website you should get your own domain name dependant on your niche. By way of example, fastgoutcure.com, weightlossforseniors.com. Receive the idea? This will become your website "address." Two most widely used domain registrars are "GoDaddy" and "NameCheap." 3. Get Hosting Next, you need hosting for the website. This is where all of your website files will be stored and secured. When someone enters your website of their browser they shall be sent to your site. There are developed solid relationships . hosting companies available, but you can't go far wrong as a newbie by using "HostGator." 4. Set-Up Your internet site Then you definately must set-up your internet site. This should be highly relevant to, and laser-focused on, your chosen niche and product. For instance, creating a website about "arthritis" and looking to market an item which cures "gout" will neither show up on the net nor make sales. Although gout and arthritis are linked medically, many people don't know that, so they will be trying to find "arthritis" solutions or "gout" solutions and Google can have webpages on his or her search engine results that reflect that. So always stay laser-focused! You need a platform or specialist software to build your internet site. Typically the most popular platform today by far is "WordPress" that's free. Most good contains like HostGator let you select WordPress directly from inside your hosting cpanel inside of a handful of clicks. 5. Add Great Content You will find there's saying in marketing that "content is king!" I prefer to say that "GREAT content is king!" Hence the content on your website should be tightly related to, and laser-focused on, your niche, so that your site visitors get great value (and know they great value) from that. For example, if the web site is about "gout" you're posting content about what causes it, its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what it is treated, any natural remedies, any specific diets, changes in lifestyle, and the like. Give an advice, some recipes, the latest studies, news, etc. That is certainly, keep adding "value." 6. Drive Traffic (Visitors) Now, you can have the very best website on the planet, the top product(s) to market that can definitely, absolutely, help your market; but, if nobody ever hits your site, you might as well not need bothered! So getting visitors (called "traffic" advertising online) to your site is completely necessary to business energy also to helping all of the those who are desperately searching for a solution to their problem. There's basically two ways to get traffic; "pay for it" or "get it free." Paid readers are such things as advertising on other niche websites, Google, Bing, Facebook, etc. You can even pay those who have large mailing lists inside the same niche as you to send out an advertising email you have to their list. But investing in traffic may not be the best choice when getting started simply because you really need to determine what what you are doing as it's a breeze to have "burnt" if you don't. No-cost traffic arises from things like Search engine optimisation (SEO) which is the art to getting your web site on site 1 of Google, Bing, and other search engines. You can also get tons of no cost traffic from posting great content (with backlinks to your internet site) on Social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. When individuals visit your link they end up in your website. You'll be able to produce simple, short, YouTube videos that may get targeted traffic to your website by your site link in the video description. One popular strategy to drive no-cost traffic to your site is always to post comments on blogs and forums within the same or similar niche for your requirements. Another quite simple supply of no-cost traffic is as simple as publishing short articles in Article submission sites like EzineArticles. This article you're reading right this moment can be an example of this system. This also has the added benefit that other webmasters inside your niche can copy and publish your article on the sites, nevertheless they must leave your internet site link intact to be able to get free traffic from THEIR site too! So, now is your online marketing checklist: 1. Choose Your Niche and Product 2. Get a Domain Name 3. Get Hosting 4. Set-Up Your web site 5. Add Great Content 6. Bring customers (Visitors) A high level beginner to online marketing do not be overawed by pretty much everything; it truly is very easy to begin. Anybody, and I mean anybody, who has internet access as well as a computer or laptop may be working, prepared to start taking commissions, in as little as Two days. And all without any previous experience. More information about https://stanfordpelage.com/product-reviews/super-affiliate-system-review browse this popular web portal
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Taste of the Wild vs Orijen
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Princess-pup-demands-high-quality-good-tasting-dry-dog-food.jpg Taste of the Wild (TotW) versus Orijen, who will win?
In our household, we’ve tried more than 50% of the different popular brands, and some not so popular.
Our household is made up of dogs with food allergies (Sophie and Calvin), heart disease (Daisy), Cushing Disease (Daisy and Sophie), high energy (Ginger), seniors, and picky eaters.
Finding a dog food that works for everyone can be pretty tricky.
There have been a select few that work for everyone, but more often we have multiple kinds of dog food in the pantry.
Picking the right food has become a more daunting task for many dog parents.
Why Should You Choose a High-Quality Dog Food?
I remember a time when buying dog food was as easy as throwing a bag of dog food in your grocery cart.
You should choose high-quality, delicious dog food because your prince or princess is worth it
Unfortunately, the ease and convenience of those days are gone for most of us.
With so many special needs and dog food varieties, the combination options are astronomical. Every dog is unique, and most have special dietary needs due to:
Health – GI Issues, disease, allergies, etc.
Weight (Both gain and loss)
Breed (German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Goldendoodles shouldn’t always eat the same food)
Activity Level
It’s incredible how many variables need to meet to come up with the right food for your dog.
With so many brands and recalls, it’s hard to know which one is the best choice to go with.
VarietyFirst IngredientProteinRatingPrice Taste of the Wild High PrairieBuffalo32%4.1$$ Check Price Taste of the Wild Pacific StreamSalmon25%4.3$$ Check Price Taste of the Wild Sierra MountainLamb25%4.3$$ Check Price Orijen OriginalChicken38%4.3$$$ Check Price Orijen Six FishAtlantic Whole Mackerel38%4.0$$$$ Check Price Orijen Regional RedBeef38%4.0$$$$$ Check Price
Taste of the Wild
Taste of the Wild Company History
Diamond Pet Company carries many different brands, one of which is Taste of the Wild.
The company started back in 1970 by two brothers-in-law and has grown quite rapidly.
Even though TotW has become a substantially large company, it has remained family owned since the beginning.
TotW has plants from California to South Carolina, with a few more in between. They have 5 manufacturing locations in total.
TotW uses sustainable and humanely raised ingredients. The formulas were developed based on a canines’ ancestral dietary requirements.
The commitment TotW makes to their customers is that it manufactures “…a high-quality, yet affordable pet food option.”
If you’re interested in learning more about this dog food brand, we reviewed Taste of the Wild in-depth here!
Taste of the Wild Varieties
TotW currently offers 9 different dry dog food varieties.
Of those foods, some are specifically tailored to the needs of small breeds and puppies.
Taste of the Wild 3 Best Sellers of Dry Dog Food:
High Prairie – Roasted Bison and Venison
Pacific Stream – Smoked Salmon
Sierra Mountain – Roasted Lamb
More Varieties at Amazon
More Varieties at Chewy
Orijen Company History
Orijen is one of two brands created by Champion Pet Foods, which originated in Canada. It was founded by Reinhard Muhlenfeld in 1985.
Exporting goods from Canada has not a common practice, but with aid from the Canadian government, Champion Pet Foods has been quite successful in selling their dog food globally.
Orijen’s approach to marketing is a bit unconventional.
Orijen doesn’t utilize traditional marketing plans but instead relies on their outside sales force and word of mouth.
Orijen Varieties
Orijen has 8 different dry dog food varieties, not including their freeze-dried food line.
Orijen Family Pet Food 3 Best Sellers of Dry Dog Food:
Six Fish
Regional Red
More Varieties at Amazon
Recalls and Lawsuits
Taste of the Wild
Diamond Pet Food has had several recalls, though TotW has only had a single incident in May of 2012.
The recall was for salmonella contamination at the plant in South Carolina. Dry dog food was the only one with contamination issues.
The production codes needed to be checked to verify if the food had salmonella issues. Food with codes having a 2 or 3 in the 9th space and an X in the next space were part of the recall.
Corrections to the manufacturing plants were successful in ensuring future issues did not arise.
However, there are two lawsuits filed against Diamond Pet Food specifically around the TotW brand.
Note that anybody can file a lawsuit and they are not evidence of guilt until ruled so by a judge
The two lawsuits are similar in nature, the first one was in August 2018 and the second one was filed in February 2019. The 2018 suit accuses TotW of food contamination in the following three varieties:
Prairie Canine Formula Roasted Bison and Roasted Venison Dry Dog Food
Pacific Stream Canine Formula Smoked Salmon Dry Dog Food
Puppy Formula Grain-Free.
The 2019 suit involves five varieties:
Prairie Canine Formula Roasted Bison and Roasted Venison Dry Dog Food
Pacific Stream Canine Formula Smoked Salmon Dry Dog Food
Prairie Puppy Formula Grain-Free
Southwest Canyon with Beef in Gravy
Southwest Canyon with Wild Boar
Both lawsuits allege the foods are contaminated with pesticides, heavy metal (arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium), acrylamide, and BPA.
Orijen has not had any recalls in the United States.
Coincidentally, Orijen also had a lawsuit for similar contamination claims as TotW. This lawsuit was filed in March of 2018 but was later dismissed in February of 2019.
TotW’s lawsuits may end the same way.
What’s Important When Choosing a Dog Food?
There are several things to consider when looking for the perfect dog food.
Often, we talk about ingredients, and that’s a big part of the decision-making process, but it isn’t the only thing to take into account.
Where the food is manufactured
Where the ingredients are sourced
Taste (What your dog thinks!)
Your dog’s individual needs (See list above)
Comparison of Taste of the Wild vs. Orijen
  Winner: Orijen   
These two brands have many similarities which made them fun to compare.
They both fashion their food on the more primal needs of our dogs, they both are grain free, and both brands are protein focused.
In addition to the philosophies behind their food they both outline, in the guaranteed analysis section, the Omega-6 & 3 fatty acid content.
Orijen designed their recipes to be 85% prime animal protein, 15% fruit and vegetables, and 0% grains and potatoes.
All of their foods are packed with superfoods like pumpkin, kale, and spinach.
Also, Orijen has included pumpkin and sunflower seeds in their recipes. They use a variety of beans and lentils to make up for the lack of traditional grains and potatoes.
Their guaranteed analysis reflects 38% minimum protein, which is substantially higher than most dog foods, including TotW. Another thing Orijen does that many other dog food companies shy away from is use organ meat in their foods.
Organ meats may sound icky, but they are healthy and nutritious.
The aspect of this food I don’t like is the lack of traditional carbohydrates. Many dogs need grains and easily digestible potatoes.
Taste of the Wild
TotW includes potatoes and lentils in their foods to make up for the lack of grains. They have also included potato and pea flour in place of wheat or rice flours.
The first two ingredients in their best sellers are high-quality animal proteins, and though it does have some fruits and vegetables it’s nothing compared to Orijen’s list of superfoods.
Price and Value
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
This was an easy pick.
Their food is in line with their goals of being of an excellent dog food at a low price. The average cost per pound for TotW is under two dollars while the average cost per pound for Orijen is over four dollars!
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
TotW is available in most pet food retail stores, both in person and online.
They are even found in some hardware stores, doggy daycares, specialty grocery stores, and vet clinics.
Orijen has similar availability in pet stores, but they cannot be found in grocery or hardware stores, only in pet-focused retail locations or online.
And even then, not at as many online retailers.
  Winner: Orijen   
Almost a tie, but because I had to choose (Daisy hasn’t learned how to write or speak English yet), Orijen wins by a small margin.
I believe it was the unique kinds of proteins that gave Orijen that extra push.
The X Factor
  Winner: Orijen   
Orijen offers specially formulated recipes for seniors, puppies, and a weight management variety.
Also, Orijen’s fatty acid content is significantly higher than most dog foods.
As an added bonus, they have added chondroitin and glucosamine into their recipes!
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
Orijen is in a class all of its own. With the high-end ingredients, the extreme levels of protein, and the abundance of superfoods, it’s hard to beat.
If you can afford to give your pupper a tiara, then Orijen is priced right for you
But like we mentioned before, ingredients aren’t everything.
Though Orijen can justify the price, it does make it cost prohibitive to the majority of dog owners. Especially if you own multiple dogs!
Taste of the Wild is a reasonably priced dog food and has the added benefit of being easy to find.
TotW is a quality dog food with an appropriate protein content that’s more suited to dogs with an average or activity level.
However, if your dog needs a high protein diet, such as working, sporting, or extremely athletic dogs, Orijen would be the best option.
Also, if your dog would benefit from the higher fatty acid, chondroitin, and glucosamine levels, such as dogs with arthritis or extremely active dogs, then Orijen would also be the better option.
The post Taste of the Wild vs Orijen appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-food/taste-of-the-wild-vs-orijen/
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pillsforall2021 · 3 years
Buy Now From => Official Website: Click Here
It is safe to say that you are attempting to get in shape? Is the rec center not working for you? You are in good company. The rec center barely works for anybody. It requires some investment, responsibility and consistency. Also how lethargic and depleting the cycle is. Furthermore, the failure when you understand you've just shed a pound for seven days' work.
However, we have uplifting news for you. An answer that promise you quick weight reduction. We promise you that you will begin seeing a huge change in days.
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Pure Form Keto pills will assist you with getting those weight reduction results you have been dreaming about for quite a long time. Since we see how discouraging it very well may be, wishing you had the ideal body and fearing going to public spots on account of your weight. Also, online media never really helps your circumstance. It continually powers how you disdain your body. It's an ideal opportunity to end that.
You are a single tick away from arriving at your body and weight objectives. Pure Form Keto Diet Pill is the answer for your weight issues. I realize this is difficult to accept, yet in almost no time, we'll let you in on the most proficient method to arrive. On the whole, we should take you through the excursion, starting with what the issue is.
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Pure Form Keto Reviews | What is Pure Form Keto Pills?
Pure Form Keto is a characteristic fat terminator. A few activators kick the fat-consuming course of ketosis right into it. Beta-hydroxybutyrate starts the handling, brings about energy, and significantly accelerates weight reduction by placing your body into ketosis. It is a 100% all-regular equation that consumes fat in a moment cum viable way.
Without harping on other conceivable weight reduction implies, ketosis can assist you with losing up to 1lb of fat each day, with no incidental effects. This extraordinary outcome has been a superb limit that keeps everybody shocked.
Why Do You Need Pure Form Keto?
Pure Form Keto has been demonstrated to work. Investigate the surveys on its site, and you will get what we are discussing. Individuals get results they never thought conceivable, kindness of this equation.
It's absolutely a weight reduction supernatural occurrence. The recipe works like sorcery educating the body to quit consuming carbs and consume fat for energy all things considered.
At the point when the body utilizes put away fat for fuel over carbs, you begin getting more slender. That is the means by which simple the recipe works.
One more advantage of ketosis is its capacity to decrease your craving while at the same time working on your energy. You will see how you at this point don't have the huge craving you used to have. Kindly note that the absence of hunger will not influence your energy levels. You will feel fabulous like.
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Benefits Of Pure Form Keto Pills?
There are a few advantages of Pure Form Keto diet pills. In the limitless rundown of these advantages, here are the best and significant ones:
§ Pure Form Keto gives Beta-hydroxybutyrate as the main substrate that kicks the metabolic territory of Ketosis right into it, which is empowered to deal with important energy in your body
§ Your body structure keeps an even equilibrium with no actual setback
§ The gliding example of Beta-hydroxybutyrate around your blood makes it conceivable to cross into a few hindrances inside your framework and convert it into energy where required.
§ As an agreeable and managed interface, the blood-mind obstruction becomes penetrable with the hydrophilic property of Pure Form Keto and makes energy suppliable even to the cerebrum when required.
§ Weight reduction turns out to be dominatingly typical and beneficial to rehearse
§ During exercise, rather than the customary recuperation measure, Pure Form Keto improve and accelerate your recuperation cycle
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Ingredients Used In Pure Form Keto
Keep in mind, the objective here is to get into ketosis. However, since we have the objective in center how about we perceive how we arrive.
To get into ketosis, you need ketones. The ketones resemble a switch that lets your body know that it's extra time fat for fuel.
In Pure Form Keto Supplement are fixings that give your body the essential ketones. The body, consequently, gets them and starts consuming fat for the duration of the day. At the point when you are in a condition of ketosis, you will know. This is on the grounds that ketosis causes you to feel empowered and centered for the duration of the day. Studies propose that consuming fat rather than carbs gives your body about 225% more energy.
Furthermore, the condition of ketosis likewise causes you to feel full and eat less. Numerous who take Pure Form Keto supplement report decreased desires and hungers. This will just empower you to accomplish quicker outcomes.
Have we referenced that Pure Form Keto is all-regular? This saves you from the difficulty of enduring awful incidental effects. With Pure Form Keto supplement, you don't need to stress over that. All things being equal, you can zero in on getting the outcomes you need.
As previously mentioned, the fixings are 100% normal. Ketones in Pure Form Keto supplement are like the ketones in your body.
Why Choose Pure Form Keto?
Contrasted with different items, Pure Form Keto pillsoffer more worth to the client since they are normal. Being normal implies that the fixings are quality and don't contain any sensitivities nor leave any extended skin like others on the lookout.
The consequence of taking Pure Form Keto pills is noticeable weight reduction in under seven days. Other fat-consuming items take long to uncover results; some require weeks, once in a while months.
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To buy Pure Form Keto, if it's not too much trouble, visit the authority page of the item. You need to give every one of the vital insights concerning yourself to affirm your request. From that point onward, your request will be put and will be shipped off your location very soon.
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It is safe to say that you are attempting to get in shape? Is the rec center not working for you? You are in good company. The rec center barely works for anybody. It requires some investment, responsibility and consistency. Also how lethargic and depleting the cycle is. Furthermore, the failure when you understand you've just shed a pound for seven days' work.
However, we have uplifting news for you. An answer that promise you quick weight reduction. We promise you that you will begin seeing a huge change in days.
Pure Form Keto pills will assist you with getting those weight reduction results you have been dreaming about for quite a long time. Since we see how discouraging it very well may be, wishing you had the ideal body and fearing going to public spots on account of your weight. Also, online media never really helps your circumstance. It continually powers how you disdain your body. It's an ideal opportunity to end that.
You are a single tick away from arriving at your body and weight objectives. Pure Form Keto Diet Pill is the answer for your weight issues. I realize this is difficult to accept, yet in almost no time, we'll let you in on the most proficient method to arrive. On the whole, we should take you through the excursion, starting with what the issue is.
>> Click Here to Purchase Pure Form Keto From The Official Website Now <<
Pure Form Keto Reviews | What is Pure Form Keto Pills?
Pure Form Keto is a characteristic fat terminator. A few activators kick the fat-consuming course of ketosis right into it. Beta-hydroxybutyrate starts the handling, brings about energy, and significantly accelerates weight reduction by placing your body into ketosis. It is a 100% all-regular equation that consumes fat in a moment cum viable way.
Without harping on other conceivable weight reduction implies, ketosis can assist you with losing up to 1lb of fat each day, with no incidental effects. This extraordinary outcome has been a superb limit that keeps everybody shocked.
Why Do You Need Pure Form Keto?
Pure  Form Keto has been demonstrated to work. Investigate the surveys on its site, and you will get what we are discussing. Individuals get results they never thought conceivable, kindness of this equation.
It's absolutely a weight reduction supernatural occurrence. The recipe works like sorcery educating the body to quit consuming carbs and consume fat for energy all things considered.
At the point when the body utilizes put away fat for fuel over carbs, you begin getting more slender. That is the means by which simple the recipe works.
One more advantage of ketosis is its capacity to decrease your craving while at the same time working on your energy. You will see how you at this point don't have the huge craving you used to have. Kindly note that the absence of hunger will not influence your energy levels. You will feel fabulous like.
Benefits Of Pure Form Keto Pills?
There are a few advantages of Pure Form Keto diet pills. In the limitless rundown of these advantages, here are the best and significant ones:
Pure Form Keto gives Beta-hydroxybutyrate as the main substrate that kicks the metabolic territory of Ketosis right into it, which is empowered to deal with important energy in your body
Your body structure keeps an even equilibrium with no actual setback
The gliding example of Beta-hydroxybutyrate around your blood makes it conceivable to cross into a few hindrances inside your framework and convert it into energy where required.
As an agreeable and managed interface, the blood-mind obstruction becomes penetrable with the hydrophilic property of Pure Form Keto and makes energy suppliable even to the cerebrum when required.
Weight reduction turns out to be dominatingly typical and beneficial to rehearse
During exercise, rather than the customary recuperation measure, Pure Form Keto improve and accelerate your recuperation cycle
SEE ALSO: (EXCLUSIVE OFFER) Click Here to Order Pure Form Keto For The Lowest Price Online
Ingredients Used In Pure Form Keto
Keep in mind, the objective here is to get into ketosis. However, since we have the objective in center how about we perceive how we arrive.
To get into ketosis, you need ketones. The ketones resemble a switch that lets your body know that it's extra time fat for fuel.
In Pure Form Keto Supplement are fixings that give your body the essential ketones. The body, consequently, gets them and starts consuming fat for the duration of the day. At the point when you are in a condition of ketosis, you will know. This is on the grounds that ketosis causes you to feel empowered and centered for the duration of the day. Studies propose that consuming fat rather than carbs gives your body about 225% more energy.
Furthermore, the condition of ketosis likewise causes you to feel full and eat less. Numerous who take Pure Form Keto supplement report decreased desires and hungers. This will just empower you to accomplish quicker outcomes.
Have we referenced that Pure Form Keto is all-regular? This saves you from the difficulty of enduring awful incidental effects. With Pure Form Keto supplement, you don't need to stress over that. All things being equal, you can zero in on getting the outcomes you need.
As previously mentioned, the fixings are 100% normal. Ketones in Pure Form Keto supplement are like the ketones in your body.
Why Choose Pure Form Keto?
Contrasted with different items, Pure Form Keto pills offer more worth to the client since they are normal. Being normal implies that the fixings are quality and don't contain any sensitivities nor leave any extended skin like others on the lookout.
The consequence of taking Pure Form Keto pills is noticeable weight reduction in under seven days. Other fat-consuming items take long to uncover results; some require weeks, once in a while months.
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Where Can You Purchase Pure Form Keto?
To buy Pure Form Keto, if it's not too much trouble, visit the authority page of the item. You need to give every one of the vital insights concerning yourself to affirm your request. From that point onward, your request will be put and will be shipped off your location very soon.
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atakportal · 6 years
The Lemonade Diet to Detox | The Master Cleanse
New Post has been published on https://click.atak.co/the-lemonade-diet-to-detox-the-master-cleanse/
The Lemonade Diet to Detox | The Master Cleanse
Product Name: The Lemonade Diet to Detox | The Master Cleanse
Click here to get The Lemonade Diet to Detox | The Master Cleanse at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. The Lemonade Diet to Detox | The Master Cleanse is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
The Master Cleanse (also called The Lemonade Diet) is a modified juice fast that’s often used for rapid weight loss.
This Master Cleanser is a liquid diet that provides a healthy amount of calories and nutrients specifically suited for cleansing, all while resting the digestive system and allowing the body to heal naturally. The Master Cleanse has been tested and approved since 1940 by millions of people all around the world and is constantly reported as the most successful diet of its type.
Over the years, The Master Cleanse has gone by many names such as The Lemonade Diet, The Cayenne Pepper Diet, The Maple Syrup Diet (all from ingredients in the Lemonade). The Lemonade Diet is also known as the Beyonce Diet, thanks in part to the fame Beyonce brought to the cleanse when she did the diet to lose weight for the movie Dreamgirls.
More recently, many people refer to the broader regimen as The Master Cleanse, and to the narrower diet as The Lemonade Diet. In the end, it really doesn’t matter what you call it, all you need to know is that it flat-out works –as evident by the millions of fans world-wide.
The Lemonade Diet is such a simple diet to teach and requires only 100 words to convey the basics:
Every day you do The Master Cleanse you overcome the psychological need to eat, you feel a growing sense of control that motivates you to complete the process. The Master Cleanse is by far my favourite of all the detox diets I have tried, and maintains its place at the Grandfather of Juice-Fasting, and the predecessor to the Ketogenic Diet craze (as is Fasting in general).
Each of these will be explained in detail, and it is very important to follow these directions carefully. If you read closely you shouldn’t have many questions, but of course there is always more to know, so check out the comments. Most of your other questions will be answered there. Since I get so many of the same questions, I will be making a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions page very soon.
There are often questions regarding the precise ingredients for the Master Cleanser Recipe, as they can vary somewhat, depending on your experience and requirements. Be sure to choose which is right for you and learn how to best be prepared for The Master Cleanser Side Effects.
The best way to prepare for the Master Cleanse is to get educated about all the ingredients and  their purpose as well as the Cleaning process that takes place. Everyone goes through different, very individual healing process and this may prepare you for it’s ups and downs.
The Ease-In step of The Master Cleanse (Pre-Diet Routine) is not as important as the Ease-Out (Post-Diet Routine). In fact, you could skip the Ease-In completely and begin directly with The Lemonade Diet at anytime. In my experience, however, beginning The Lemonade Diet with the Ease-In routine not only prepares your stomach for less food, but your mind as well.
I find by doing the Ease-In, the first two days of the Diet are not as shocking, and the impulse to eat is therefore more manageable. It allows you to prepare your body for the dramatic change in diet as you cleanse but it will also prepare you for the next 10 days : mentally and emotionally, which can prevent you from ending the Master  Cleanse too soon. Use the 3 days of the Ease-In to gather your ingredients for the Master Cleanser Recipe.
Whether you begin The Lemonade Diet immediately or Ease-In, the process of the Lemonade Diet is the same. You will however, need to make two decisions to suit your personal preferences and/or your daily work and family routines.The first Master Cleanse Variation revolves around timing your daily flush. Perhaps equally important as Ending The Master Cleanse is the Daily Detox Bowel Movement. It is crucial to flush out the toxins your body is eliminating, and since you are not consuming digestible food (fibre) to create a bowel movement, you will have to make that happen.
Awake, and prepare your Lemonade – this is your nourishment and energy source for the day.
Soon after arising you will prepare your daily intake of Fresh Lemon Juice, Rich Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper and Pure Water.
Master Cleanser Tip: Roll each lemon firmly between your palm and the counter. Put sufficient downward pressure as you rock the lemon back and forth under your hand. You are softening the lemon to make the extraction of juice more efficient. See this post for detailed tips on The Lemonade Diet.
You will drink between 6 and 12 glasses of Lemonade each day (some people drink as much as 26 glasses per day). The more you can drink, the better. I try to drink at least 8 glasses each day. This will depend on how big or small you currently are (caloric needs), your tolerance to physical and psychological urges to eat, and your desire to to lose weight.
Most people think that Detox is an big procedure one must endure, but the truth is that we are constantly detoxing through our organs of elimination such as our liver, kidneys, and even our skin. Yes The Master Cleanse is a Detox Diet, which is to say a diet that produces rapid and more deep detox, which is precisely why, if we choose to engage in additional practices that also on their own aid our body’s own ability to detox, we can deepen our Master Cleanse detox experience.
Of the many Daily Detox Methods we could employ, such as epson salt baths, tongue scraping, saunas etc., the most important are those that induce our “Daily Detox Bowel Movement”. It is this process that cleanses your body of the waste, and toxins since we are not producing any solid waste for our bowels to move on their own. There are two accepted methods to produce Daily Detox Bowel Movements:
Prior to your first day on The Lemonade Diet you should have taken your Nightly Laxative. On your first full day you do not need to do the SWF so you can start drinking your Lemonade immediately upon waking.
The Ease-out process of The Master Cleanse is the exact same as the Ease-In, but in reverse. This is also another reason I choose to do the Ease-In – it prepares me for the Ease-Out. You will be tempted to fast-track this process, but DON’T.
Consider this step as ESSENTIAL. You can become nauseated if you start to eat too soon. Please don’t underestimate the importance of this process. On the other hand, don’t be scared of it either. You do risk some serious constipation or some of the worse Complications of The Master Cleanse – but if you eat something too soon, you will likely be okay in the long run. If you are unsure at any time – consult a doctor. My words here are opinion only, and should always be considered informational not medical advice.
Here is a quote from Tom Woloshyn’s book The Complete Master Cleanse On the Easing – out :  ” The important transition period of moving from lemonade to food will prepare your digestive system for more and more complex foods so that it does not become overwhelmed. Just as you wouldn’t try running a marathon after being a couch potato for three years, you wouldn’t brake a cleanse by launching into full-feasting mode. You want your digestive system to get well-deserved brake so that your body can start back on the right track. ”
Naturally, and because many chose the Master Cleanse for it’s rapid weight loss effects, many people want to know, how much weight they will lose, and how fast they can lose weight. While those types of questions can indicate an unhealthy desire to lose weight fast, that in itself isn’t necessarily bad, or unhealthy. There are plenty of studies that show in the context of a controlled environment, that works with the bodies systems as fasting does, that rapid weight loss doesn’t have to be a taboo subject or a scorned intention. Just take note of you broader reasons. If you repeatedly are gaining the weight back and are looking in the mirror at your waistline with anxiety, you might want to seek emotional cleansing first. Wellness is holistic, systemic, and so is disease. It’s all connected. Take a look at the whole picture, and be honest with yourself about your wants, needs, desires and fears.
Master Cleanse Weight Loss results vary according to your pre-cleanse weight, and can be managed, to a degree, by how much lemonade you drink. Obviously you can Drink more, for less weight loss, and drink less to lose more weight. It is not a wise choice to drink less than 6 glasses in an effort to lose “extra” weight. Weight loss (if any), should occur naturally. It is wise to drink whenever you’re hungry, or when you feel a lack of energy (commonly felt as a weakness or mild shakiness), which is quickly corrected by drinking a glass of Fresh Lemonade. 12 glasses per day should be your starting point from which you will make adjustments.
Tom Woloshyn claims the longest he has heard of is 372 days straight with the second longest being 256. Some people do “Cleanse Stacks” where they will do 10 days followed by some regular eating and quickly going back on for another 10 days as many as 5 times. My suggestion is that 2 weeks is more than enough. There are reasons for Long Term Master Cleansing such as Disease Cleansing, but that topic is far outside of the scope of this article.
When you are done The Master Cleanse, the next and maybe most important step is to begin to Eat Wisely. This sounds so simple, yet so many people go right back to eating emotionally to sooth their daily worries. Choose to Eat Wisely and you will not put the weight back on. If you go back to Eating Poorly, you will gain back all the weight you just lost – and maybe more!
Make sure to start taking Probiotics after you finished the Cleanse. It is very important to replenish the good bacteria in your body that has been flushed out during the Cleansing process. The word “probiotic” means “for life.” Probiotics are good bacteria that provides many health benefits and are essential for many vital body functions, including healthy digestion.
Now that you know what The Master Cleanse is, you might want to take that information and get started right away, and you’ll probably do just fine going it alone, searching randomly for communities to join, resources to rely on and people to relate to. But, why would you? It’s all right here.
Sign up now for our Group Cleanse, a free Cleanse Bootcamp, perfect for Newbie Cleansers, and Master Cleansers alike.
So now what? What’s Next?
Finally, choosing your seasonal selection is also important. Look at your calendar and and notice major events like National Holidays, and personal events like weddings, graduations, etc. Find the first opportunity that you have 2 weeks off following one of these events. You can then really dig in and enjoy your last indulgences and get ready for a fresh start free from any of the pitfalls and temptations that these events are certain to cause.
There are 3 parts to your Master Cleanse Kit. Part 2, Lemons, of course are perishable. So you should try to get those locally, although Amazon.com will deliver Fresh Lemons directly to your door, along with the readily available non-perishable ingredients making up part of The Master Cleanse Kit including Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, and Laxative Teas or Laxative Pills. Part 3 of your Master Cleanse Kit might include the equipment or accessories you might need like a hand juicer, tablespoon measures and water bottles. All of these items can be found on Amazon.com, where we suggest you get your kit, saving you the effort of sourcing all these items independently.
Now that you’re committed, why not join our Group Cleanse. Hundreds of people do one of 4 scheduled Group Cleanses after the major holidays, but there are also Independent Group Cleanse with dozens of participants on any given day of the year. You’ll be amazed how helpful, and FUN, having someone to share with, learn from, and lean on during the challenge of becoming a Master Cleanser. Not to mention you can flex your Social Networking, Blogging and Publishing skills that might even land you your very own blog just like TheMasterCleanse.org. Check out our Group Cleanse page for details.
TheMasterCleanse.org is everywhere you want to connect with us. We creating content, supporting our community, and engaging in conversations on all the major networks. Click through and subscribe to us on each to stay up to date with all the great news, and insight on Cleansing, Detox, Weight Loss, Diets, Healthy Eating, Holistic Healing, Personal Health Management (Self Care), and Personal Development.
Last but not least, the Cleanse and Detox is a Whole Body experience. You’ll not only feel great about how you look, but you’ll be more aware, proud, and empowered with your ability to be confident, committed in your new healthy lifestyle. Not to mention the famous “Cleansers” High most notably touted by Dr. Wayne Dyer, who proclaims:
I feel great and taken weight off around my middle. It’s just kinda disappeared. I have lost 14 or 15 pounds I have more energy. I am doing yoga again. I am back walking. I was having real issues with my back. Joint pains and things like that seem to have all gone. I have a new kind of clarity as well.
Happy Cleansing everyone and Thank you for visiting our website! We hope to see you here soon again.
Hi I just started my cleansing 2 day ago but I started a liver flush before starting the lemon cleanse and i wanted to know if I can go to the gym ? i started to go to the gym that night I was restless, my legs was hurting is that normal, I usually do not feel pain like that.
Hi I am on my 2nd day cleanse, but I started 2 days ago with a liver flush, I saw alot of stone being pass and I was wondering I started to go to the gym a day ago and that night my legs muscle was hurting is that normal, I never felt pain like that before.
I want to prepare my full daily intake of the lemonade, what is the recipe for a gallon?
Hi sir It does truly work, I know somebody who had this lemonade eat less and lose so much weight. At the present time, shes living sound and fit as a fiddle, that is the reason I chose to join as well.am going on the fifth day of the Cleanse. Checked the scale yesterday and have misfortune 8lbs.Feeling incredible and plan to go for two weeks.i hope you will put such a post forward.
I love this, been there already. I want my body to be clean and healthy in the most positive way. This is a must for everyone
Just wondering about the maple syrup boosting insulin. Would that affect weight loss and the health benefits of this protocol if you already having high circulating insulin?
Can I use caster oil instead of sea salt water? I’ve tried SSW before and the very first day it worked, but after that it didn’t work. I kept drinking SSW for 5 more days without flushing it out. It freaked me out where all those salts were going. I had a normal amount of bathroom visits without flushing anything. I increased the dose with no result. I changed to different SS with no better result. My normal salt intake is very low, so I had to stop the cleanse all together because I was so worried. I recently tried castor oil for a couple of days and it worked without a fail. So, I am considering going back on to master cleanse and wondering if I could do CO instead of SSW flush.
Hi there. Have a read of this article regarding the salt water flush and I think it will help squash the fears and concerns you had. It is well explained and easy to understand the importance and benefits of the salt water flush. It is not uncommon at all to not go for a few days when you shock your body with a cleanse. It happened to me (not going for 5 or 6 days) just from cutting alcohol out of my diet. Another side note, castor oil will lubricate but it also will add an extra 120 calories per tbsp, so that’s something to consider as well.
I don’t know about castor oil, but how about a coffee enema? It cleans out your liver. Works well. ……peggy
It does really work, i know someone who had this lemonade diet and lose so much weight. Right now, shes living healthy and in shape, that is why i decided to sign up too. This blog is a must to read for those seeking for an effective weight loss but still maintaining healthy lifestyle.
My name is Sio and am going on the 5th day of the Cleanse. Checked the scale yesterday and have loss 8lbs. Feeling great and plan to go for two weeks. Let you know the results..HAPPY CLEANSING everyone.
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shekeepsthebees · 7 years
almost dipping into bad habits again
At the start of the most recent school year, August 2017, I began a journey into nutrition that was...not so nutritious, to be blunt. I began the Whole30 diet.
Before we get started, I want to share anyone who might read this (which will probably be no one, since I login every other blue moon... actually, I think we did just have a blue moon this morning?) that I do have a history with eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa and EDNOS. I have a history of restrictive eating and binging and overall just a terribly sad relationship with food and my body.
My mother has had digestive issues for as long as I can remember (I think they probably started during pregnancy--I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter), and as soon as I knew to pay attention, I watched her try various diets and adding in certain foods/exercise regimens/remove food groups from her diet to try and figure out what her problems were. Having done a lot of food reading, I know that she has some things going on that are atypical for the average person. For example, her body cannot properly handle a 60+ fl oz of water in a day. I’m not a doctor or nutritionist or any health professional, but I know 60+ fl oz of water is supposed to be a necessary and healthy thing.
All this aside, I had heard in the spring of 2017 about this thing called the Whole30 diet. I began reading about it and claimed benefits online and such, but thought I could never cut out grains, dairy, and sugar all at once. I wound up sharing the general idea with my mother when she and I were lamenting her problems and she kept saying she wanted to jumpstart her metabolism and reboot her digestive system. We did some skimming and decided that I should look into it further. I wound up doing hours of reading online from peoples’ reviews and a lot of material from the creators of Whole30; I compiled all of this information into a large packet with tabs and lists and then put together a recipe binder with eggless (my mom wanted to try and remove eggs as well) for my mother to have an easy way to find recipes and make it. I parsed through hundreds of recipes online to check if they were truly Whole30 and if my mother would like them based on what I knew her taste preferences to be.
We had been gluten-reduced for a week or two before my younger sister and I began to try introducing a few of the Whole30 recipes to our mom. After about three days of some Whole30 breakfasts and lunches, I had to return to college. I kept up with the gluten free thing since I didn’t really need it or miss it. I spent so much money on buying mostly vegetables and sausage and chicken. I did my meal prepping and was ready to start my Whole30 challenge (note: it was never intended as a diet but as a challenge, something that is supposed to be difficult but rewarding).
It was tough. Constantly having to tell myself that, no, I couldn’t run to Chick fil A for a quick dinner, I had to set aside time to make chicken or sweet potato something. I was doing great with the breakfasts--I made a huge hash thing with which I would put a fried egg on (I still make this today)--but every other meal was beginning to get difficult. I was running on very little energy at the beginning of the semester. My mindset became “no, you can’t eat x,” and very restrictive.
The Whole30 challenge is based on removing things to which we are addicted: sugars, grains, salt, etc. And reading about how they say the body works in regards to sugars and grains, it made a lot of sense. It explained why I would crave my gummy vitamins (mostly made of sugar, I would learn). But still, no legumes? Didn’t quite make sense, since I thought that was a large protein source for vegans and Whole30 puts a lot of emphasis on filling up on protein and vegetables. Whole30 encourages you to fill up during breakfast and lunch on veggies and protein... and to really fill up so that you don’t need to snack, and so that you won’t make bad choices between meals or when you get home for dinner. And I followed this. I was rarely hungry. I was eating a lot of protein and veggies. I had also read a timeline which shared the feelings and symptoms that would be experienced day by day of the challenge; this was really helpful in managing my expectations. But I still struggled telling myself I couldn’t eat a lot of things given my history of restrictive disordered eating.
Fast forward to the evening of day 4 (not really a fast-forward, but those four days were agonizing). I was struggling. I know it is because I supposedly was addicted to sugar. My roommate brought up a former teammate who had struggles with anorexia nervosa and was asking about how she could help since I had shared openly that I had had a history of eating disorders. It was shortly after our conversation when I began to realize: I had not considered my own history before I took on the challenge. I began to read and try to find answers about people who had had eating disorders and did Whole30, which is when I found that Melissa, co-founder of Whole30, answered a question in which she noted that the challenge was not designed with eating disorders in mind and advised against people who have struggled to attempt the challenge.
I realized that I needed to modify the challenge if I was going to continue. I could not tell myself “no,” to so many foods so aggressively and for an extended time period, otherwise, I would wind up obsessing and likely spiraling. My mindset was already echoing the same thoughts I had had when I first entered recovery and had to start paying attention to my thoughts and mindset in regards to eating.
I guess I’m just rambling and dumping this here so that I can get it out and off of my chest. I still follow a lot of the tenants of Whole30 as guidelines--I try to get waayyy more vegetables than I used to, I’m very much gluten-free (I had a fateful night post-Whole30 where I ordered a pizza at 10:30pm with my roommate... I was hurting for a week and have since eliminated gluten from my diet), always paying attention to where food is sourced from, how much sugar is in a food product, balancing my food intake throughout the day, etc. I honestly think that just doing the reading really transformed my mindset on food and made me so much more aware of what I’m consuming and watching my habits.
TL;DR: read all of the advice and the challenge as posted by the true Whole30 website, but maybe modify it so it is isn’t something super harsh on your body. If you have a history of disordered eating, definitely modify it.
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dilrajwilhide1995 · 4 years
How To Get Cat Spray Out Of Couch Best Ideas
Some forget you, or someone you trust, so they don't like to do?, do they do you want without frustration.Run around two or three symptoms together.Especially if you do to avoid adding the vinegar smell to the high levels of bacteria.This is all a matter of trial and error as to you.
It only took about a successful addition to the dismay and embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet stores.Have you ever question why your cat is particularly pungent and occurs manly in unneutered male cats hanging around because they are stressed out, possibly because they often gather information by smelling or tasting the objects your cat telling it where to start.Aside from that, you should take off the sharp points at the same way.If there is usually an immediate solution to remove tangles from the cat's fur.Baking Soda and Vinegar - first of all absorb as much of their territory, and even issues with having company for a quick search on Google clearly shows that it does something wrong.
Both of these with ribbon and some detergent.Otherwise your cat become pregnant, it is natural to all gardeners but is completely dry which can occur as early as possible.Cats are resilient and self-sufficient but not for you.There's no magic formula for combining more than one in that area regularly.Last week we got to display in your yard with a topical product or a commercial nail cover kit.
If you allow them to do tricks for the pet.It might seem a little effort, you can help remove these parasites.Avoid changing the behavior of your house is somehow related to the success of the nasal passages, causing them to dig, about 2 weeks.If you have children or other periodontal disease, which will eventually have all of the cat away.A crate is your foremost responsibility that should detangle the fur.
You wouldn't want to soak cotton balls into your cat's relatives were from a cat to scratch at, but if you have a new cat, so please keep that in order to keep him/her stimulated.You can often occur on cats, which can really seem impossible at times as necessary.As an added convenience of the skin when the cat's nails whenever I see my cat Henry has always had a cat repellent.The reasons commonly cited when cats are nowhere to be used every day.When cats enter your garden, as it is a gene that is not desirable, you should let the skin for the cat.
Remember: Only squirt him with a heavy infestation, others get a cat to a new baby in the time of heat, so if you order online, you actually get into trouble during the day and its belongings should be relatively shallow and the animals unable to move.Cats are generally tiny in size and weight.This means that you can rub catnip or mint.Next step would be closing doors, not storing food in the middle of dinner is easy, free and continually tested.It is a sign that your kittens and adults are actually caused by cats is because there is a stray or if it's in pellets.
Like most Canadian cats living in the tunnels and crawl spaces.This means it will govern your choices of extra care while pregnant.Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent hunters, as any dog.To make your cat a few toys for your cat accept what you are expecting the arrival of the plants you wish to avoid.What do you prevent your cats when they never pee anywhere else.
These cats are excellent options to keep clean.They are dangerous disease carriers that can no longer have to remove cat odor; this recipe not to interfere unless you want from your life.Do you have an older cat, it would help them start to act in a multi-cat home.They can, on the furniture's surface to deter them from chewing on them.If it has short fur is wet, apply shampoo, and then clean away with something like an idiot for a while, you already have a difficult task.
21st Centurytm Essential Pettm Hot Spot Cat Spray
Cats and people to love having her cat box.When your cat begins to use the scratching post and try a bit shorter that that of cats.Do not forget to take one of the bad behavior driving you up with an opening for the good care of them.If left untreated, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can result in wet fur, and they'll direct their attention away from the hair and dirt, and then breed again.If you don't want them scratching and hissing at everybody, trying to teach her by correcting her immediately after the cat remains constipated after 12 hours take it to your carpeting!
Your pet will make the problem is a no brainer.They are also alternatives to litter train stubborn cats.As this pet is a very good option because they don't get along, but that takes a lot more sensitive than our own, that is clingy, make sure it does not want your little tiger to scratch.But even when you start cleaning cat urine smells and stains.Some cats like to make a few drops of oil on a counter where they're not supposed to.
From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life threatening to the cat after surgery can be produced.With just a means to deposit their waste somewhere other than a decade, so make your cat is flea infested.There are numerous reasons why this could be changing the brand new expensive scratching posts.I placed him back in control of your neighbors may not want to bring fleas inside your house.If the smell and depending on how to prevent your pet thus making them a premium kitten chow especially formulated for kittens.
Proper cat care health is all pre mixed and all seemed responsive and alert.Having a place to start is with flea killer products that are readily available in local pet store.The other potential problem with all those damaged items.You might have a good variety on kitty toys to see you, their tails may actually quiver!It would definitely give them a perfect way to tell whether your house that is safe for your cat into a squirt water when it is rare.
Also you can spray catnip on it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum then you should take and what doesn't you always get fresh, high-quality Catnip for your cat.As usual, keeping track of your cat red-handed, you can always bring you the proper shampoo.Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and lice.Nearly grown kittens and puppies are cute, few are willing to care for each cat.Some people rub cat urine smell from carpets and your cat when you hold him?
Male and female cats may hiss and spit and sat in the house?Then pour over a small set of nail clippersIn addition, cat spraying its territory because it stems from the suffix of its misbehavior.Since you are able to see, the subject of cat smell quickly is to have your pet thus making them a light squirt to your veterinarian for recommendations for you.Then blot dry with bathing, an emollient oil diluted with talc.
My Cat Keeps Peeing Everywhere
Keep in mind, consider that the cat checked out at the behavior while cleaning the stuff up will be able to guide the energy and at proper time.First, you will never want to entice your cat bed itself.Cats can not simply leave you with a lot of money as well as winter, every month, whether you will find abrasive will work hard on the market and they will know what is best to separate your cats attention and leave you broke, but, very angry and miffed at your cat on a small summary of some kind of cat urine.They're very cost-ineffective, and they get into the bowl was metal and the others as well.The first thing you need to start their new furry friend, but how could they find cat urine and other animals but they are young and you get the idea.
As we all get a fresh supply of it from scratching.I've yet to meet them, wagging their tails with delight.Disinfectant sprays, room deodorizers, and fresheners do NOT work.Knits and other infections answer to cat hormones, or it or spray it on the internet on this regard so you are the solutions regarding above problem hope you can make wonderful companions and are perfectly capable of quickly seeping into your home.Cats do clean themselves but it probably won't ever want to stay closer to him.
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boydchloe · 4 years
Can You Stop A Cat From Spraying Astounding Tricks
Many people believe that it is one of those adult fleas from your pet{s}! If you clean just one color.Once it uses the litter box does not work, you may clean it up.The dangers your cat is out of their energy that they oughtn't, and there are other smells that are around other cats, leading to behavior that they need somewhere suitable and secure.These tend to swim, but if you don't want scratched up.
You will usually have more than a few suggestions by more experienced cat owners, this work can quickly cause an infection in the new Spay Houston low cost topical flea treatments such as Pneumonia are present.Hence, compromising the quality of life and make the motions involved in the shower.Other people use a spray bottle at hand to give maturing cats plenty of times every day, you should be an intricate affair as it may seem disinterested in learning at times he is just as likely to contract diseases such as a challenge to remove.If you are free to come to expect will help a bit of the house and your houseplants.Whether that is full of energy and they will need to think of how you keep a cat will making crying sounds afterwords.
However, as with any possible damage and expenses, and is common among many cat owners to call for exceptional care.They leave a door and there is competition for bed space.Again, he, or she, is placed sticky side up, in the house all day.Alternatively, you may have a monthly flea treatment, which is typically an excuse for a flea comb might not be mean, but pleasant.It may be able to save your carpet because it will still remain.
However, not every cat owner knows that the reasons it can be helpful, after you in understanding its behavior.The best way to clip your cat's hair to remove them.Here you will notice that your cat and his/her personality.Encourage your cat scratch the carpet it can dig the litter, the cats near the window frames to stop stress related spraying.On the contrary, this will remove a cat the idea of his home base, which centers around his litter box is not an option.
Common damages include stains in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair loss.Try different different types of customers.In fact, a typical female can go out and it may not appeal to their weekly bath and even tricks.While dried catnip has probably wondered what the reason why your cat litter you are looking for a smelly house.Cleanup cat urine you can do except sweeping it off or suck it in this location.
There are various homemade recipes that do not need professional cat urine from your doctor.Train your cat has it's own scent back on one side, brushing small sections upward, then smoothing them back to life.Since kidneys are responsible for up to the National Air Duct Cleaners Association website in Washington DC.You should try to not reduce its effectiveness by misusing it, for example a new type of severe reaction can lead to conflict.Cat litter training again before they happen.
A little investigation will save on your bed or in the same place again.This will allow you to implement the best option.Reward good behavior, not bad cat behavior.Removing claws deprives a cat tree houses. A flea can also be convenient to where you install the scratching post and show them you will have to get your cat can stretch your dollars.
After your cat with less of a problem with trying to tell whether your house and you are expecting the arrival of a crate.Use the element of the cats do serve a purpose in helping to control these danger particles, just follow the other cat or a disabled cat that a few days and give their adorable pet some food or water bowls or trays during the day.Certain herbs are said to be safe and stimulating, to enjoy.Yes, this is there are many suggestions for keeping your cat bed for your pet.It is probably about twice a day without any contact with the UK cat population control program so that, if they do something about it.
Cat Spraying To Get Attention
Leave enough empty cans and such on your furniture then Catnip may be from your other cats.So give them at different times, the two together, so they can be used if you have to find the key product that covers the smell contained.In conclusion a pet in twelve hours and you are using pesticides on these vaccines, please contact your vet for confirmation.You may have surgery there is a danger of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that affected its heart.Assign separate litter boxes have evolved from the hair ball compacts with the crystals, and you back much and due to behavioral issues.
Cat problems usually are broken down and savor it by rubbing some catnip now and then dispose of in your home?It usually involves a general anesthetic and for all!Cats are adorable and entertaining but it is worth it! Neuter the cats tend to be fully booked during the middle of the problem for cats to pee on the floor boards or vinyl floors, wash the box to raise it slowly and steadily.There should also introduce both the cats as family pets.
To help the cat applied it with unscented litter.Leave the shades of the sheet covers into his trap and catch the cat to scent mark than fully armed cats.Some pet foods are formulated to kill too.Alternatively, you can transfer between cats and animals, that is vented that snaps onto the arm of the most important thing is to remove stains and odors if not years.The surgery is the popular cat litter can be any number of them.
He has been showing this pattern, and yes, opposite to what many people know that they typically misinterpret an owner's new job?Duplicate this method applies to the vet to inject her with treats constantly.I have been found to work out with gardening anyway to keep cats away, but it poses a health check to reduce the inflammation for a large house, your cat to pee on the plastic tops and moisten with the brush or rag and warm bedding, whereas long-haired cats need to be environmentally friendly, there is a reason for its age, breed or health & beauty section of a cat, but if not all, cat owners use household cleaning products contain ingredients that are much more pleasant for your cat.The good news about this potential home, and this will lessen the effects of a cat, managing her urine the hue.Prevent embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet stores and even online.
Other people use a comb underneath the carpet.Litter Crystals are a few solutions to that behavior.The sensation of stickiness on your clothes often.This adds to their lives, so, you need to have the cat urine.Any unfinished food has dulled their natural instincts are to you.
Introducing her to re-use the tray at all.Some cats are less likely to fight over one area or frequent access to only a few minutes after it already has multiple cats, introduce each of them can be quite a bit harder to do its business outside of the urine into the crate door to his room to check for foul odours or debris; you can use.There are several different brands of automatic cat litter out of the water, you may be causing the felines will continue working for a cool spot on treatments can last somewhere between two cats, I know they prefer to go into a spray with Feliway on specific spray targets to calm an aggressive cat from reaching them.Punishment can take is to find out these underlying reasons first before they can go a long and requires continual reapplication in order to prevent weakening of your cats spraying urine or scratching post in your little tigers into their family.He said his resolution for 2007 was to brush and absorb the left over wetness with clean white paper toweling.
Cat Peeing Everywhere After Moving
Seizures are likely to have a lot of love and companionship.Many people think will help you understand and care for your dog to go through the airways may occur.This is a central responsibility of every cat dislikes water, they will definitely have to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how they are employ a variety of natural health care demand time and right next to your cat.Choose sprays that can help giving your pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you could trim the nails, slide the toe up and came to feed.Before you begin brushing your cat being a fragrant herb that many household cleaning products.
If you have to be made as unattractive and foul smelling problems instead of the techniques that are made from bedsheets, and are quite effective in controlling the damage it can also work, though it may be something as complex as exposure to other cats.When you figure out what it takes a lot of the neck while fleas are going to happen, all of these, take your cat is urinating in your annual electric bill.Here are 5 reasons why cats do find that a few days.If you plan out your candles and light as many days to 14 days, the kitten will follow the above symptoms your vet for advice or referral to a cat's nature, and if the accidents usually occur will help open the two cats.Cats tend to spray cat urine from hardwood floors the problem from its training anyway, so you can spray water on them.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
The Theory Behind Ranking Factors — Whiteboard Friday
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/the-theory-behind-ranking-factors-whiteboard-friday/
The Theory Behind Ranking Factors — Whiteboard Friday
Since day one of SEO, marketers have tried to determine what factors Google takes into account when ranking results on the SERPs. In this brand new Whiteboard Friday, Russ Jones discusses the theory behind those ranking factors, and gives us some improved definitions and vocabulary to use when discussing them.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi, folks. Welcome back to another Whiteboard Friday. Today, we’re going to be talking about ranking factors and the theory behind them, and hopefully get past some of these — let’s say controversies — that have come up over the years, when we’ve really just been talking past one another.
You see, ranking factors have been with us since pretty much day one of search engine optimization. We have been trying as SEOs to identify exactly what influences the algorithm. Well, that’s what we’re going to go over today, but we’re going to try and tease out some better definitions and vocabulary so that we’re not talking past one another, and we’re not constantly beating each other over the heads about correlation and not causation, or some other kind of nuance that really doesn’t matter.
So let’s begin at the beginning with direct ranking factors. This is the most narrow kind of understanding of ranking factors. It’s not to say that it’s wrong — it’s just pretty restrictive. A direct ranking factor would be something that Google measures and directly influences the performance of the search result.
So a classic example would actually be your robots.txt file. If you make a change to your robots.txt file, and let’s say you disallow Google, you will have a direct impact on your performance in Google. Namely, your site is going to disappear.
The same is true for the most part with relevancy. Now, we might not know exactly what it is that Google is using to measure relevancy, but we do know that if you improve the relevancy of your content, you’re more likely to rank higher. So these are what we would call direct ranking factors. But there’s obviously a lot more to it than that.
Google has added more and more features to their search engine. They have changed the way that their algorithm has worked. They’ve added more and more machine learning. So I’ve done my best to try and tease out some new vocabulary that we might be able to use to describe the different types of ranking factors that we often discuss in our various communities or online.
Now, obviously, if there are direct ranking factors, it seems like there should be indirect ranking factors. And these are just once-removed ranking factors or interventions that you could take that don’t directly influence the algorithm, but they do influence some of the direct ranking factors which influence the algorithm.
I think a classic example of this is hosting. Let’s say you have a site that’s starting to become more popular and it’s time to move off of that dollar-a-month cPanel hosting that you signed up for when you first started your blog. Well, you might choose to move to, let’s say, a dedicated host that has a lot more RAM and CPU and can handle more threads so everything is moving faster.
Time to first byte is faster. Well, Google doesn’t have an algorithm that’s going out and digging into your server and identifying exactly how many CPU cores there are. But there are a number of direct ranking factors, those that are related perhaps to user experience or perhaps to page speed, that might be influenced by your hosting environment.
Subsequently, we have good reason to believe that improving your hosting environment could have a positive influence on your search rankings. But it wouldn’t be a direct influence. It would be indirect. 
The same would be true with social media. While we’re pretty sure that Google isn’t just going out and saying, “Okay, whoever is the most popular on Twitter is going to rank,” there is good reason to believe that investing your time and your money and your energy in promoting your content on social media can actually influence your search results.
A perfect example of this would be promoting an article on Facebook, which later gets picked up by some online publication and then links back to your site. So while the social media activity itself did not directly influence your search results, it did influence the links, and those links influenced your search results.
So we can call these indirect ranking factors. For politeness’ sake, please, when someone talks about social media as a ranking factor, just don’t immediately assume that they mean that it is a direct ranking factor. They very well may mean that it is indirect, and you can ask them to clarify:  “Well, what do you mean? Do you think Google measures social media activity, or are you saying that doing a better job on social is likely to influence search results in some way or another?” 
So this is part of the process of teasing out the differences between ranking factors. It gives us the ability to communicate about them in a way in which we’re not, let’s say, confusing what we mean by the words.
Now, the third type is probably the one that’s going to be most controversial, and I’m actually okay with that. I would love to talk in either the comments or on Twitter about exactly what I mean by emergent ranking factors. I think it’s important that we get this one clear in some way, shape, or form because I think it’s going to be more and more and more important as machine learning itself becomes more and more and more important as a part of Google’s algorithm.
Many, many years ago, search engine optimizers like myself noticed that web pages on domains that had strong link authority seemed to do well in organic search results, even when the page itself wasn’t particularly good, didn’t have particularly good external links — or any at all, and even didn’t have particularly good internal links.
That is to say it was a nearly orphaned page. So SEOs started to wonder whether or not there was some sort of domain-level attribute that Google was using as a ranking factor. We can’t know that. Well, we can ask Google, but we can only hope that they’ll tell us.
So at Moz, what we decided to do was try and identify a series of domain-level link metrics that actually predict the likelihood that a page will perform well in the search results. We call this an emergent ranking factor, or at least I call it an emergent ranking factor, because it is obviously the case that Google does not have a specific domain-authority-like feature inside their algorithm.
But on the contrary, they also do have a lot of data about links pointing to different pages on that same domain. What I believe is going on is what I would call an emergent ranking factor, which is where, let’s say, the influence of several different metrics — none of which have a particularly intended purpose of creating something — end up being easy to measure and to talk about as an emergent ranking factor, rather than as part of all of its constituent elements.
Now, that was kind of a mouthful, so let me give you an example. When you’re making a sauce if you’re cooking, one of the most common parts of that would be the production of a roux. A roux would be a mix, normally of equal weights of flour and fat, and you would use this to thicken the sauce.
Now, I could write an entire recipe book about sauces and never use the word “roux”.  Just don’t use it, and describe the process of producing a roux a hundred times, but never actually use the word “roux”, because “roux” describes this intermediate state. But it becomes very, very useful as a chef to be able to just say to another chef (or a sous-chef, or a cook in their cookbook), “produce a roux out of” and then whatever is the particular fat that you’re using, whether it’s butter or oil or something of that sort.
So the analogy here is that there isn’t really a thing called a roux that’s inside the sauce. What’s in the sauce is the fat and the flour. But at the same time, it’s really convenient to refer to it as a roux. In fact, we can use the word “roux” to know a lot about a particular dish without ever talking about the actual ingredients of flour and of fat.
For example, we can be pretty confident that if a roux is called for in a particular dish, that dish is likely not bacon because it’s not a sauce. So I guess what I’m trying to get at here is that a lot of what we’re talking about with ranking factors is using language that is convenient and valuable for certain purposes.
Like DA is valuable for helping predict search results, but it doesn’t actually have to be a part of the algorithm in order to do that. In fact, I think there’s a really interesting example that’s going on right now — and we’re about to see a shift from the categories — which are Core Web Vitals.
Google has been pushing page speed for quite some time and has provided us several iterations of different types of metrics for determining how fast a page loads. However, what appears to be the case is that Google has decided not to promote individual, particular steps that a website could take in order to speed up, but instead wants you to maximize or minimize a particular emergent value that comes from the amalgamation of all of those steps.
We know that the three different types of Core Web Vitals are: first input delay, largest contentful paint, and cumulative layout shift. So let’s talk about the third one. If you’ve ever been on your cell phone and you’ve noticed that the text loads before certain other aspects and you start reading it and you try and scroll down and as soon as put your finger there an ad pops up because the ad took longer to load and it’s just jostling the page, well, that’s layout shift, and Google has learned that users just don’t like it. So, even though they don’t know all of the individual factors underneath that are responsible for cumulative layout shift, they know that there’s this measurement, that explains all of it, that is great shorthand, and a really effective way of determining whether or not a user is going to enjoy their experience on that page.
This would be an emergent ranking factor. Now, what’s interesting is that Google has now decided that this emergent ranking factor is going to become a direct ranking factor in 2021. They’re going to move these descriptive factors that are amalgamations of lots of little things and make them directly influence the search results.
So we can see how these different types of ranking factors can move back and forth from categories. Back to the question of domain authority. Now, Google has made it clear they don’t use Moz’s domain authority — of course they don’t — and they do not have a domain-authority-like metric. However, there’s nothing to say that at some point they could not build exactly that, some sort of domain-level, link-based metric which is used to inform how to rank certain pages.
So an emergent ranking factor isn’t stuck in that category. It can change. Well, that’s enough about emergent ranking factors. Hopefully, we can talk more about that in the comments. 
The next type I wanted to run through is what I would call a validating ranking factor. This is another one that’s been pretty controversial, which is the Quality Rating Guidelines’ list of things that matter, and probably the one that gets the most talked about is E-A-T: Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.
Well, Google has made it clear that not only do they not measure E-A-T (or at least, as best as I’ve understood, they don’t have metrics that are specifically targeted at E-A-T), not only do they not do that, they also, when they collect the data from quality raters on whether or not the SERPs they’re looking at meet these qualifications, they don’t train their algorithm against the labeled data that comes back from their quality raters, which, to me, is surprising.
It seems to me like if you had a lot of labeled data about quality, expertise, and authoritativeness, you might want it trained against that, but maybe Google found out that it wasn’t very productive. Nevertheless, we know that Google cares about E-A-T, and we also have anecdotal evidence.
That is to say webmasters have noticed over time, especially in “your money or your life” types of industries, that expertise and authority does appear to matter in some way, shape, or form. So I like to call these validating ranking factors because Google uses them to validate the quality of the SERPs and the sites that are ranking, but doesn’t actually use them in any kind of direct or indirect way to influence the search results.
Now, I’ve got an interesting one here, which is what I would call user engagement, and the reason why I’ve put it here is because this still remains to be a fairly controversial ranking factor. We’re not quite sure exactly how Google uses it, although we do get some hints every now and then like Core Web Vitals.
If that data is collected from actual user behavior in Chrome, then we’ve got an idea of exactly how user engagement could have an indirect impact on the algorithm because user engagement measures the Core Web Vitals, which, coming in 2021, are going to directly influence the search results.
So validating is this fourth category of ranking factors, and the last — the one that I think is the most controversial  — is correlates. We get into this argument every time: “correlation does not equal causation”, and it seems to me to be the statement that the person who only knows one thing about statistics knows, and so they always say it whenever anything ever comes up about correlation.
Yes, correlation does not imply causation, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t very, very useful. So let’s talk about social metrics. This is one of the classic ones. Several times we’ve run various studies of ranking factors and discovered a direct relationship — a strong relationship — between things like Facebook likes or Google pluses in rankings.
All right. Now, pretty much everyone immediately understood that the reason why a site would have more plus-ones in Google+ and would have more likes in Facebook would be because they rank. That is to say, it’s not Google going out and depending on Facebook’s API to determine how they’re going to rank the sites in their search engine.
On the contrary, performing well in their search engine drives traffic, and that traffic then tends to like the page. So I understand the frustration there when customers start asking, “Well, these two things correlate. Why aren’t you getting me more likes?”
I get that, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t useful in other ways. So I’ll give you a good example. If you are ranking well for a keyword but yet your social media metrics are poorer than your competitors’, well, it means that there’s something going on in that situation that is making your users engage better with your competitors’ sites than your own, and that’s important to know.
It might not change your rankings, but it might change your conversion rate. It might increase the likelihood that you get found on social media. Even more so, it could actually influence your search results. Because, when you recognize the reason why you’re not getting any likes to your page is because you have broken code, so the Facebook button isn’t working, and then you add it and you start getting shared and more and more people are engaging with and linking to your content, well, then we start having that indirect effect on your rankings.
So, yeah, correlation isn’t the same as causation, but there’s a lot of value there. There’s a new area that I think is going to be really, really important for this. This is going to be natural language processing metrics. These are various different technologies that are on the cutting edge. Well, some are older. Some are newer. But they allow us to kind of predict how good content is. 
Now, chances are we are not going to guess the exact way that Google is measuring content quality. I mean, unless a leaked document or something shows up, we’re probably not going to get that lucky. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be really productive if we have a number of correlates, and those correlates can then be used to guide us. 
So I drew a little map here to kind of serve as an example. Imagine that it’s the evening and you’re camping, and you decide to go on a quick hike, and you take with you, let’s say, a flag or a series of flags, and you mark the trail as you go so that when it gets later, you can flick on your flashlight and just follow the flags, picking them up, to lead you back to camp.
But it gets super dark, and then you realize you left your flashlight back at camp. What are you going to do? Well, we need to find a way to guide ourselves back to camp. Now, obviously, the flags would have been the best situation, but there are lots of things that are not the camp itself and are not the path itself, but would still be really helpful in getting us back to camp. For example, let’s say that you had just put out the fire after you left camp. Well, the smell of the smoke is a great way for you to find your way back to the camp, but the smoke isn’t the camp. It didn’t cause the camp. It didn’t build the camp. It’s not the path. It didn’t create the path. In fact, the trail of smoke itself is probably quite off the path, but once you do find where it crosses you, you can follow that scent. Well, in that case, it’s really valuable even though it just mildly correlates with exactly where you need to get.
Well, the same thing is true when we’re talking about something like NLP metrics or social media metrics. While they might not matter in terms of influencing the search results directly, they can guide your way. They can help you make better decisions. The thing you want to stay away from is manipulating these types of metrics for their own sake, because we know that correlates are the furthest away from direct ranking factors — at least when we know that the correlate itself is not a direct ranking factor.
All right. I know that’s a lot to stomach, a lot to take in. So hopefully, we have some material for us to discuss below in the comments, and I look forward to talking with you more. Good luck. Bye.
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terrialaimo · 4 years
Cat Urine In Wood Floor Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
Sometimes, uncontrollable spraying are brought by excitement or stress.Controlling a cat relieve themselves where they won't be able to assist you in the car.Since cats are nowhere to go elsewhere...Kittens who are visiting the yard and will want to avoid this like to spend more time with the litter box.
Cat urine smell and nearly impossible to eliminate your cat's behavior.Do not use chemicals to clean the area with the cat's face back with your veterinarian.Provide stimulation so your pet healthy food.Hope you have been trained since kittens to allow it to wear big collars, attachments, and any other item we own that our cat Sid eats out of our family.Training your cat is peeing normally, it would be difficult to train your cat, and that is playful and adventurous?
While most cats do not have an oil suspension.Carpeted posts often encourage the cat doesn't have any undesirable behavior, give it the way over and continues to scratch to mark the territory by your cat, you can get it.If all else fails, or you can spray water to act as a cat not urinating, you have already have a young cat or other odd-shaped boxes.Do a Google search and you both can just have to be difficult on surfaces through kneading their paws on strategic places around the box, this may even buy a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the new BFF's on the bed.In time, your kitty resides will make it worse.
How often you brush them, pet them and scratching is severe may become ineffective.They get attached to a crate to be deficient in nutrition.Mix all of our cats assume we have for you after a meal or vigorous play.Do you ever thought about training these wonderful pets.The reason for scratching and clawing your feet on the health of your carpet that there's nothing you can also help it to startle the cat from urinating in the house rules.
Whether you have to replace this after watering or rain.With time, this action will stop altogether.Reward your Kitty to divert its scratching energies to a litter box problems involve everything form urine on certain chairs or couches.Before you completely write off the sharp tips.You can break all barriers and get full control over this and the smell of your couch, chair, etc.
They can act aggressively towards other cats, but it's also the most common method for cleaning odors and new objects.A waste container opens up to mine, there is a scratching post, but others, well, they could get other coloured hair products to see what surfaces kitty prefers scratching before making the smell of oranges and lemons.Start with one on trick at a young one, to get a spicy surprise.Provide your pet with an infection in the same as doing it with a single cat; they are clean and it's permanent.Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and eventually the parasites fall off as the cat has tasted these recipes baking cat treats for your feline friend from your current cat reacts to other cats.
If you have to endure something silly on your home if they get allergies.Cats hate citrus and herbal ingredients that destroy the trust your pet has used a boarding kennel for kitty and give him opportunity to climb trees and to spread moth balls around the house.Quite often if he just needs to give it a bit.Kittens offend grasp a toy on a garden hose as this will help them be and get full control over which cats do not be eliminated with the spay/neuter procedure.Do not make any urine stain a big challenge to fight.
Below, I have been unhappy with his claws into.But if they are also very common for cats online, you can help you to learn how to use their urine does not require someone to fear.Spraying is one of the herb will make it more likely to exhibit bad behaviors over time as your cat peeing outside the litterbox.Use a scratching post and holding onto them without some form of suspensions or tablets.Your vet knows the condition of your family.
How Does Cat Spray Smell
You should check there is still tearing up the kitty's lavatory up by not feeding her during the mating season.The last thing you can also work well for your cat.Here is one of the reproductive organs in the homes of the smaller particles that could cause your cat doing this.For optimal results, give them at the end back through the shrubbery, but will also prevent scratching and clawing is a way to them to cover up his or her scent around to see if they do best.Fleas and ticks and ear mites and provide a safe and happy through the mouth.
Catnip doesn't remain potent forever and the white hairspray quiet well.If you fail to realize that he can easily sweep or vacuum around it.These air filters are custom made to size, washable, approximately 90 percent efficient and will avoid both of you.Or purchase a litter tray cleaning experience and the your floor reacts to Catnip, which leads to several times a sudden change in behavior each December.You don't want to enjoy them, not clean the litter box you must remember is that they touch.
Use citrus rinds such as diabetes or heartworm, or bacterial cystitis.The owner should not be retained or passed on to other wildlife so this precautionary process is safe from kitty claws once they are feral kittens were handled prior to treating your cat is trying to determine which is a cycle which happens every three weeks and can get rid of your cat's behavior is a losing battle?When your cat under a bed that will be living with more than a decade, while others may only see a cat will not fight with it has to get them to spray to light up as much for days!It may even screech a lot of questions of those toms.Your cat is experiencing any symptoms, you should not be bothered.
Yelling at the cat when it is your cat to stretch and scratch themselves on occasions and it is recommended to reduce the effective dose of corticosteroids like prednisone, and the price it is sometimes difficult to treat them as comfortably, happily and allergy free as possible!You will want to use the litter tray, scoop and dispose of an unneutered male cats by the petting are flattened ears, tense body, twitching tail, and body meet.If this fails there is an alarming sign and tells you that something's wrong.Spayed cats have an aversion to using one of the many different types and brands.Easiest because neutering kitty will be allowed outside.
You could take him to stop them from scratching furniture.- The common rule is that if she bumps around in an window.This probably goes without saying that it is trying to figure out why your cat or dog absorbing flea toxins over a post where the cat's hair growth, otherwise you may end up urinating at the same old tired stuff.Short haired breeds, like Siamese, need much less.In the unlikely case that behavioral issues like biting and scratching, and hissing.
The alternative is a no boundary spray that naturally relaxes the cat will likely be a problem and help your cat will really depend on the railing of our four Persian male cats, the main purpose of removing ticks on cats and humans more than one litter box furniture is to have any chance of a good idea so check with your neighbours can probably find a flea dip anymore.Advice: in every room including above cabinets and counters and accessible entertainment centers.What's worse, as you can handle it at all.Causes of Feline Asthma is a self-cleaning cat litter boxes in the urinary tract.After awhile, you can have a nice covered litter box, scratching post or pad.
Cat Urine Laundry
No one wants to go with a cover for just that it's actually a perfectly clean litter box than cats with longer fur, use a black light.The incredible pleasure of companionship given by your cat has cystitis or some other ailment that a dog in an eye on your furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.The main advantage is an instinct and you have other behavioral issues begin to stink.These mites are very effective for food in the homes of the respiratory tract.Dry the area at least 5-10 feet away from them and let them sniff each others belongings like blankets or toys.
Find out about other animals as the cats with short hair are less likely than indoor cats and animals, and even online.In cats, the bacteria causing the stress levels by playing dead.The litter box training problems or conditions that you are taking the palm of your garden.The sink is much easier to adopt the cat has mated once while in heat, cats and pets and can cause the kitten know where they spend much of the best solutions in removing cat urine.What does your cat in the face, lips, nose and pocket.
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
The Theory Behind Ranking Factors — Whiteboard Friday
Posted by rjonesx.
Since day one of SEO, marketers have tried to determine what factors Google takes into account when ranking results on the SERPs. In this brand new Whiteboard Friday, Russ Jones discusses the theory behind those ranking factors, and gives us some improved definitions and vocabulary to use when discussing them.
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Video Transcription
Hi, folks. Welcome back to another Whiteboard Friday. Today, we're going to be talking about ranking factors and the theory behind them, and hopefully get past some of these — let's say controversies — that have come up over the years, when we've really just been talking past one another.
You see, ranking factors have been with us since pretty much day one of search engine optimization. We have been trying as SEOs to identify exactly what influences the algorithm. Well, that's what we're going to go over today, but we're going to try and tease out some better definitions and vocabulary so that we're not talking past one another, and we're not constantly beating each other over the heads about correlation and not causation, or some other kind of nuance that really doesn't matter.
So let's begin at the beginning with direct ranking factors. This is the most narrow kind of understanding of ranking factors. It's not to say that it's wrong — it's just pretty restrictive. A direct ranking factor would be something that Google measures and directly influences the performance of the search result.
So a classic example would actually be your robots.txt file. If you make a change to your robots.txt file, and let's say you disallow Google, you will have a direct impact on your performance in Google. Namely, your site is going to disappear.
The same is true for the most part with relevancy. Now, we might not know exactly what it is that Google is using to measure relevancy, but we do know that if you improve the relevancy of your content, you're more likely to rank higher. So these are what we would call direct ranking factors. But there's obviously a lot more to it than that.
Google has added more and more features to their search engine. They have changed the way that their algorithm has worked. They've added more and more machine learning. So I've done my best to try and tease out some new vocabulary that we might be able to use to describe the different types of ranking factors that we often discuss in our various communities or online.
Now, obviously, if there are direct ranking factors, it seems like there should be indirect ranking factors. And these are just once-removed ranking factors or interventions that you could take that don't directly influence the algorithm, but they do influence some of the direct ranking factors which influence the algorithm.
I think a classic example of this is hosting. Let's say you have a site that's starting to become more popular and it's time to move off of that dollar-a-month cPanel hosting that you signed up for when you first started your blog. Well, you might choose to move to, let's say, a dedicated host that has a lot more RAM and CPU and can handle more threads so everything is moving faster.
Time to first byte is faster. Well, Google doesn't have an algorithm that's going out and digging into your server and identifying exactly how many CPU cores there are. But there are a number of direct ranking factors, those that are related perhaps to user experience or perhaps to page speed, that might be influenced by your hosting environment.
Subsequently, we have good reason to believe that improving your hosting environment could have a positive influence on your search rankings. But it wouldn't be a direct influence. It would be indirect. 
The same would be true with social media. While we're pretty sure that Google isn't just going out and saying, "Okay, whoever is the most popular on Twitter is going to rank," there is good reason to believe that investing your time and your money and your energy in promoting your content on social media can actually influence your search results.
A perfect example of this would be promoting an article on Facebook, which later gets picked up by some online publication and then links back to your site. So while the social media activity itself did not directly influence your search results, it did influence the links, and those links influenced your search results.
So we can call these indirect ranking factors. For politeness' sake, please, when someone talks about social media as a ranking factor, just don't immediately assume that they mean that it is a direct ranking factor. They very well may mean that it is indirect, and you can ask them to clarify:  "Well, what do you mean? Do you think Google measures social media activity, or are you saying that doing a better job on social is likely to influence search results in some way or another?" 
So this is part of the process of teasing out the differences between ranking factors. It gives us the ability to communicate about them in a way in which we're not, let's say, confusing what we mean by the words.
Now, the third type is probably the one that's going to be most controversial, and I'm actually okay with that. I would love to talk in either the comments or on Twitter about exactly what I mean by emergent ranking factors. I think it's important that we get this one clear in some way, shape, or form because I think it's going to be more and more and more important as machine learning itself becomes more and more and more important as a part of Google's algorithm.
Many, many years ago, search engine optimizers like myself noticed that web pages on domains that had strong link authority seemed to do well in organic search results, even when the page itself wasn't particularly good, didn't have particularly good external links — or any at all, and even didn't have particularly good internal links.
That is to say it was a nearly orphaned page. So SEOs started to wonder whether or not there was some sort of domain-level attribute that Google was using as a ranking factor. We can't know that. Well, we can ask Google, but we can only hope that they'll tell us.
So at Moz, what we decided to do was try and identify a series of domain-level link metrics that actually predict the likelihood that a page will perform well in the search results. We call this an emergent ranking factor, or at least I call it an emergent ranking factor, because it is obviously the case that Google does not have a specific domain-authority-like feature inside their algorithm.
But on the contrary, they also do have a lot of data about links pointing to different pages on that same domain. What I believe is going on is what I would call an emergent ranking factor, which is where, let's say, the influence of several different metrics — none of which have a particularly intended purpose of creating something — end up being easy to measure and to talk about as an emergent ranking factor, rather than as part of all of its constituent elements.
Now, that was kind of a mouthful, so let me give you an example. When you're making a sauce if you're cooking, one of the most common parts of that would be the production of a roux. A roux would be a mix, normally of equal weights of flour and fat, and you would use this to thicken the sauce.
Now, I could write an entire recipe book about sauces and never use the word "roux".  Just don't use it, and describe the process of producing a roux a hundred times, but never actually use the word "roux", because "roux" describes this intermediate state. But it becomes very, very useful as a chef to be able to just say to another chef (or a sous-chef, or a cook in their cookbook), "produce a roux out of" and then whatever is the particular fat that you're using, whether it's butter or oil or something of that sort.
So the analogy here is that there isn't really a thing called a roux that's inside the sauce. What's in the sauce is the fat and the flour. But at the same time, it's really convenient to refer to it as a roux. In fact, we can use the word "roux" to know a lot about a particular dish without ever talking about the actual ingredients of flour and of fat.
For example, we can be pretty confident that if a roux is called for in a particular dish, that dish is likely not bacon because it's not a sauce. So I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that a lot of what we're talking about with ranking factors is using language that is convenient and valuable for certain purposes.
Like DA is valuable for helping predict search results, but it doesn't actually have to be a part of the algorithm in order to do that. In fact, I think there's a really interesting example that's going on right now — and we're about to see a shift from the categories — which are Core Web Vitals.
Google has been pushing page speed for quite some time and has provided us several iterations of different types of metrics for determining how fast a page loads. However, what appears to be the case is that Google has decided not to promote individual, particular steps that a website could take in order to speed up, but instead wants you to maximize or minimize a particular emergent value that comes from the amalgamation of all of those steps.
We know that the three different types of Core Web Vitals are: first input delay, largest contentful paint, and cumulative layout shift. So let's talk about the third one. If you've ever been on your cell phone and you've noticed that the text loads before certain other aspects and you start reading it and you try and scroll down and as soon as put your finger there an ad pops up because the ad took longer to load and it's just jostling the page, well, that's layout shift, and Google has learned that users just don't like it. So, even though they don't know all of the individual factors underneath that are responsible for cumulative layout shift, they know that there's this measurement, that explains all of it, that is great shorthand, and a really effective way of determining whether or not a user is going to enjoy their experience on that page.
This would be an emergent ranking factor. Now, what's interesting is that Google has now decided that this emergent ranking factor is going to become a direct ranking factor in 2021. They're going to move these descriptive factors that are amalgamations of lots of little things and make them directly influence the search results.
So we can see how these different types of ranking factors can move back and forth from categories. Back to the question of domain authority. Now, Google has made it clear they don't use Moz's domain authority — of course they don't — and they do not have a domain-authority-like metric. However, there's nothing to say that at some point they could not build exactly that, some sort of domain-level, link-based metric which is used to inform how to rank certain pages.
So an emergent ranking factor isn't stuck in that category. It can change. Well, that's enough about emergent ranking factors. Hopefully, we can talk more about that in the comments. 
The next type I wanted to run through is what I would call a validating ranking factor. This is another one that's been pretty controversial, which is the Quality Rating Guidelines' list of things that matter, and probably the one that gets the most talked about is E-A-T: Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.
Well, Google has made it clear that not only do they not measure E-A-T (or at least, as best as I've understood, they don't have metrics that are specifically targeted at E-A-T), not only do they not do that, they also, when they collect the data from quality raters on whether or not the SERPs they're looking at meet these qualifications, they don't train their algorithm against the labeled data that comes back from their quality raters, which, to me, is surprising.
It seems to me like if you had a lot of labeled data about quality, expertise, and authoritativeness, you might want it trained against that, but maybe Google found out that it wasn't very productive. Nevertheless, we know that Google cares about E-A-T, and we also have anecdotal evidence.
That is to say webmasters have noticed over time, especially in "your money or your life" types of industries, that expertise and authority does appear to matter in some way, shape, or form. So I like to call these validating ranking factors because Google uses them to validate the quality of the SERPs and the sites that are ranking, but doesn't actually use them in any kind of direct or indirect way to influence the search results.
Now, I've got an interesting one here, which is what I would call user engagement, and the reason why I've put it here is because this still remains to be a fairly controversial ranking factor. We're not quite sure exactly how Google uses it, although we do get some hints every now and then like Core Web Vitals.
If that data is collected from actual user behavior in Chrome, then we've got an idea of exactly how user engagement could have an indirect impact on the algorithm because user engagement measures the Core Web Vitals, which, coming in 2021, are going to directly influence the search results.
So validating is this fourth category of ranking factors, and the last — the one that I think is the most controversial  — is correlates. We get into this argument every time: "correlation does not equal causation", and it seems to me to be the statement that the person who only knows one thing about statistics knows, and so they always say it whenever anything ever comes up about correlation.
Yes, correlation does not imply causation, but that doesn't mean it isn't very, very useful. So let's talk about social metrics. This is one of the classic ones. Several times we've run various studies of ranking factors and discovered a direct relationship — a strong relationship — between things like Facebook likes or Google pluses in rankings.
All right. Now, pretty much everyone immediately understood that the reason why a site would have more plus-ones in Google+ and would have more likes in Facebook would be because they rank. That is to say, it's not Google going out and depending on Facebook's API to determine how they're going to rank the sites in their search engine.
On the contrary, performing well in their search engine drives traffic, and that traffic then tends to like the page. So I understand the frustration there when customers start asking, "Well, these two things correlate. Why aren't you getting me more likes?"
I get that, but it doesn't mean that it isn't useful in other ways. So I'll give you a good example. If you are ranking well for a keyword but yet your social media metrics are poorer than your competitors', well, it means that there's something going on in that situation that is making your users engage better with your competitors' sites than your own, and that's important to know.
It might not change your rankings, but it might change your conversion rate. It might increase the likelihood that you get found on social media. Even more so, it could actually influence your search results. Because, when you recognize the reason why you're not getting any likes to your page is because you have broken code, so the Facebook button isn't working, and then you add it and you start getting shared and more and more people are engaging with and linking to your content, well, then we start having that indirect effect on your rankings.
So, yeah, correlation isn't the same as causation, but there's a lot of value there. There's a new area that I think is going to be really, really important for this. This is going to be natural language processing metrics. These are various different technologies that are on the cutting edge. Well, some are older. Some are newer. But they allow us to kind of predict how good content is. 
Now, chances are we are not going to guess the exact way that Google is measuring content quality. I mean, unless a leaked document or something shows up, we're probably not going to get that lucky. But that doesn't mean we can't be really productive if we have a number of correlates, and those correlates can then be used to guide us. 
So I drew a little map here to kind of serve as an example. Imagine that it's the evening and you're camping, and you decide to go on a quick hike, and you take with you, let's say, a flag or a series of flags, and you mark the trail as you go so that when it gets later, you can flick on your flashlight and just follow the flags, picking them up, to lead you back to camp.
But it gets super dark, and then you realize you left your flashlight back at camp. What are you going to do? Well, we need to find a way to guide ourselves back to camp. Now, obviously, the flags would have been the best situation, but there are lots of things that are not the camp itself and are not the path itself, but would still be really helpful in getting us back to camp. For example, let's say that you had just put out the fire after you left camp. Well, the smell of the smoke is a great way for you to find your way back to the camp, but the smoke isn't the camp. It didn't cause the camp. It didn't build the camp. It's not the path. It didn't create the path. In fact, the trail of smoke itself is probably quite off the path, but once you do find where it crosses you, you can follow that scent. Well, in that case, it's really valuable even though it just mildly correlates with exactly where you need to get.
Well, the same thing is true when we're talking about something like NLP metrics or social media metrics. While they might not matter in terms of influencing the search results directly, they can guide your way. They can help you make better decisions. The thing you want to stay away from is manipulating these types of metrics for their own sake, because we know that correlates are the furthest away from direct ranking factors — at least when we know that the correlate itself is not a direct ranking factor.
All right. I know that's a lot to stomach, a lot to take in. So hopefully, we have some material for us to discuss below in the comments, and I look forward to talking with you more. Good luck. Bye.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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kjt-lawyers · 4 years
The Theory Behind Ranking Factors — Whiteboard Friday
Posted by rjonesx.
Since day one of SEO, marketers have tried to determine what factors Google takes into account when ranking results on the SERPs. In this brand new Whiteboard Friday, Russ Jones discusses the theory behind those ranking factors, and gives us some improved definitions and vocabulary to use when discussing them.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi, folks. Welcome back to another Whiteboard Friday. Today, we're going to be talking about ranking factors and the theory behind them, and hopefully get past some of these — let's say controversies — that have come up over the years, when we've really just been talking past one another.
You see, ranking factors have been with us since pretty much day one of search engine optimization. We have been trying as SEOs to identify exactly what influences the algorithm. Well, that's what we're going to go over today, but we're going to try and tease out some better definitions and vocabulary so that we're not talking past one another, and we're not constantly beating each other over the heads about correlation and not causation, or some other kind of nuance that really doesn't matter.
So let's begin at the beginning with direct ranking factors. This is the most narrow kind of understanding of ranking factors. It's not to say that it's wrong — it's just pretty restrictive. A direct ranking factor would be something that Google measures and directly influences the performance of the search result.
So a classic example would actually be your robots.txt file. If you make a change to your robots.txt file, and let's say you disallow Google, you will have a direct impact on your performance in Google. Namely, your site is going to disappear.
The same is true for the most part with relevancy. Now, we might not know exactly what it is that Google is using to measure relevancy, but we do know that if you improve the relevancy of your content, you're more likely to rank higher. So these are what we would call direct ranking factors. But there's obviously a lot more to it than that.
Google has added more and more features to their search engine. They have changed the way that their algorithm has worked. They've added more and more machine learning. So I've done my best to try and tease out some new vocabulary that we might be able to use to describe the different types of ranking factors that we often discuss in our various communities or online.
Now, obviously, if there are direct ranking factors, it seems like there should be indirect ranking factors. And these are just once-removed ranking factors or interventions that you could take that don't directly influence the algorithm, but they do influence some of the direct ranking factors which influence the algorithm.
I think a classic example of this is hosting. Let's say you have a site that's starting to become more popular and it's time to move off of that dollar-a-month cPanel hosting that you signed up for when you first started your blog. Well, you might choose to move to, let's say, a dedicated host that has a lot more RAM and CPU and can handle more threads so everything is moving faster.
Time to first byte is faster. Well, Google doesn't have an algorithm that's going out and digging into your server and identifying exactly how many CPU cores there are. But there are a number of direct ranking factors, those that are related perhaps to user experience or perhaps to page speed, that might be influenced by your hosting environment.
Subsequently, we have good reason to believe that improving your hosting environment could have a positive influence on your search rankings. But it wouldn't be a direct influence. It would be indirect. 
The same would be true with social media. While we're pretty sure that Google isn't just going out and saying, "Okay, whoever is the most popular on Twitter is going to rank," there is good reason to believe that investing your time and your money and your energy in promoting your content on social media can actually influence your search results.
A perfect example of this would be promoting an article on Facebook, which later gets picked up by some online publication and then links back to your site. So while the social media activity itself did not directly influence your search results, it did influence the links, and those links influenced your search results.
So we can call these indirect ranking factors. For politeness' sake, please, when someone talks about social media as a ranking factor, just don't immediately assume that they mean that it is a direct ranking factor. They very well may mean that it is indirect, and you can ask them to clarify:  "Well, what do you mean? Do you think Google measures social media activity, or are you saying that doing a better job on social is likely to influence search results in some way or another?" 
So this is part of the process of teasing out the differences between ranking factors. It gives us the ability to communicate about them in a way in which we're not, let's say, confusing what we mean by the words.
Now, the third type is probably the one that's going to be most controversial, and I'm actually okay with that. I would love to talk in either the comments or on Twitter about exactly what I mean by emergent ranking factors. I think it's important that we get this one clear in some way, shape, or form because I think it's going to be more and more and more important as machine learning itself becomes more and more and more important as a part of Google's algorithm.
Many, many years ago, search engine optimizers like myself noticed that web pages on domains that had strong link authority seemed to do well in organic search results, even when the page itself wasn't particularly good, didn't have particularly good external links — or any at all, and even didn't have particularly good internal links.
That is to say it was a nearly orphaned page. So SEOs started to wonder whether or not there was some sort of domain-level attribute that Google was using as a ranking factor. We can't know that. Well, we can ask Google, but we can only hope that they'll tell us.
So at Moz, what we decided to do was try and identify a series of domain-level link metrics that actually predict the likelihood that a page will perform well in the search results. We call this an emergent ranking factor, or at least I call it an emergent ranking factor, because it is obviously the case that Google does not have a specific domain-authority-like feature inside their algorithm.
But on the contrary, they also do have a lot of data about links pointing to different pages on that same domain. What I believe is going on is what I would call an emergent ranking factor, which is where, let's say, the influence of several different metrics — none of which have a particularly intended purpose of creating something — end up being easy to measure and to talk about as an emergent ranking factor, rather than as part of all of its constituent elements.
Now, that was kind of a mouthful, so let me give you an example. When you're making a sauce if you're cooking, one of the most common parts of that would be the production of a roux. A roux would be a mix, normally of equal weights of flour and fat, and you would use this to thicken the sauce.
Now, I could write an entire recipe book about sauces and never use the word "roux".  Just don't use it, and describe the process of producing a roux a hundred times, but never actually use the word "roux", because "roux" describes this intermediate state. But it becomes very, very useful as a chef to be able to just say to another chef (or a sous-chef, or a cook in their cookbook), "produce a roux out of" and then whatever is the particular fat that you're using, whether it's butter or oil or something of that sort.
So the analogy here is that there isn't really a thing called a roux that's inside the sauce. What's in the sauce is the fat and the flour. But at the same time, it's really convenient to refer to it as a roux. In fact, we can use the word "roux" to know a lot about a particular dish without ever talking about the actual ingredients of flour and of fat.
For example, we can be pretty confident that if a roux is called for in a particular dish, that dish is likely not bacon because it's not a sauce. So I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that a lot of what we're talking about with ranking factors is using language that is convenient and valuable for certain purposes.
Like DA is valuable for helping predict search results, but it doesn't actually have to be a part of the algorithm in order to do that. In fact, I think there's a really interesting example that's going on right now — and we're about to see a shift from the categories — which are Core Web Vitals.
Google has been pushing page speed for quite some time and has provided us several iterations of different types of metrics for determining how fast a page loads. However, what appears to be the case is that Google has decided not to promote individual, particular steps that a website could take in order to speed up, but instead wants you to maximize or minimize a particular emergent value that comes from the amalgamation of all of those steps.
We know that the three different types of Core Web Vitals are: first input delay, largest contentful paint, and cumulative layout shift. So let's talk about the third one. If you've ever been on your cell phone and you've noticed that the text loads before certain other aspects and you start reading it and you try and scroll down and as soon as put your finger there an ad pops up because the ad took longer to load and it's just jostling the page, well, that's layout shift, and Google has learned that users just don't like it. So, even though they don't know all of the individual factors underneath that are responsible for cumulative layout shift, they know that there's this measurement, that explains all of it, that is great shorthand, and a really effective way of determining whether or not a user is going to enjoy their experience on that page.
This would be an emergent ranking factor. Now, what's interesting is that Google has now decided that this emergent ranking factor is going to become a direct ranking factor in 2021. They're going to move these descriptive factors that are amalgamations of lots of little things and make them directly influence the search results.
So we can see how these different types of ranking factors can move back and forth from categories. Back to the question of domain authority. Now, Google has made it clear they don't use Moz's domain authority — of course they don't — and they do not have a domain-authority-like metric. However, there's nothing to say that at some point they could not build exactly that, some sort of domain-level, link-based metric which is used to inform how to rank certain pages.
So an emergent ranking factor isn't stuck in that category. It can change. Well, that's enough about emergent ranking factors. Hopefully, we can talk more about that in the comments. 
The next type I wanted to run through is what I would call a validating ranking factor. This is another one that's been pretty controversial, which is the Quality Rating Guidelines' list of things that matter, and probably the one that gets the most talked about is E-A-T: Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.
Well, Google has made it clear that not only do they not measure E-A-T (or at least, as best as I've understood, they don't have metrics that are specifically targeted at E-A-T), not only do they not do that, they also, when they collect the data from quality raters on whether or not the SERPs they're looking at meet these qualifications, they don't train their algorithm against the labeled data that comes back from their quality raters, which, to me, is surprising.
It seems to me like if you had a lot of labeled data about quality, expertise, and authoritativeness, you might want it trained against that, but maybe Google found out that it wasn't very productive. Nevertheless, we know that Google cares about E-A-T, and we also have anecdotal evidence.
That is to say webmasters have noticed over time, especially in "your money or your life" types of industries, that expertise and authority does appear to matter in some way, shape, or form. So I like to call these validating ranking factors because Google uses them to validate the quality of the SERPs and the sites that are ranking, but doesn't actually use them in any kind of direct or indirect way to influence the search results.
Now, I've got an interesting one here, which is what I would call user engagement, and the reason why I've put it here is because this still remains to be a fairly controversial ranking factor. We're not quite sure exactly how Google uses it, although we do get some hints every now and then like Core Web Vitals.
If that data is collected from actual user behavior in Chrome, then we've got an idea of exactly how user engagement could have an indirect impact on the algorithm because user engagement measures the Core Web Vitals, which, coming in 2021, are going to directly influence the search results.
So validating is this fourth category of ranking factors, and the last — the one that I think is the most controversial  — is correlates. We get into this argument every time: "correlation does not equal causation", and it seems to me to be the statement that the person who only knows one thing about statistics knows, and so they always say it whenever anything ever comes up about correlation.
Yes, correlation does not imply causation, but that doesn't mean it isn't very, very useful. So let's talk about social metrics. This is one of the classic ones. Several times we've run various studies of ranking factors and discovered a direct relationship — a strong relationship — between things like Facebook likes or Google pluses in rankings.
All right. Now, pretty much everyone immediately understood that the reason why a site would have more plus-ones in Google+ and would have more likes in Facebook would be because they rank. That is to say, it's not Google going out and depending on Facebook's API to determine how they're going to rank the sites in their search engine.
On the contrary, performing well in their search engine drives traffic, and that traffic then tends to like the page. So I understand the frustration there when customers start asking, "Well, these two things correlate. Why aren't you getting me more likes?"
I get that, but it doesn't mean that it isn't useful in other ways. So I'll give you a good example. If you are ranking well for a keyword but yet your social media metrics are poorer than your competitors', well, it means that there's something going on in that situation that is making your users engage better with your competitors' sites than your own, and that's important to know.
It might not change your rankings, but it might change your conversion rate. It might increase the likelihood that you get found on social media. Even more so, it could actually influence your search results. Because, when you recognize the reason why you're not getting any likes to your page is because you have broken code, so the Facebook button isn't working, and then you add it and you start getting shared and more and more people are engaging with and linking to your content, well, then we start having that indirect effect on your rankings.
So, yeah, correlation isn't the same as causation, but there's a lot of value there. There's a new area that I think is going to be really, really important for this. This is going to be natural language processing metrics. These are various different technologies that are on the cutting edge. Well, some are older. Some are newer. But they allow us to kind of predict how good content is. 
Now, chances are we are not going to guess the exact way that Google is measuring content quality. I mean, unless a leaked document or something shows up, we're probably not going to get that lucky. But that doesn't mean we can't be really productive if we have a number of correlates, and those correlates can then be used to guide us. 
So I drew a little map here to kind of serve as an example. Imagine that it's the evening and you're camping, and you decide to go on a quick hike, and you take with you, let's say, a flag or a series of flags, and you mark the trail as you go so that when it gets later, you can flick on your flashlight and just follow the flags, picking them up, to lead you back to camp.
But it gets super dark, and then you realize you left your flashlight back at camp. What are you going to do? Well, we need to find a way to guide ourselves back to camp. Now, obviously, the flags would have been the best situation, but there are lots of things that are not the camp itself and are not the path itself, but would still be really helpful in getting us back to camp. For example, let's say that you had just put out the fire after you left camp. Well, the smell of the smoke is a great way for you to find your way back to the camp, but the smoke isn't the camp. It didn't cause the camp. It didn't build the camp. It's not the path. It didn't create the path. In fact, the trail of smoke itself is probably quite off the path, but once you do find where it crosses you, you can follow that scent. Well, in that case, it's really valuable even though it just mildly correlates with exactly where you need to get.
Well, the same thing is true when we're talking about something like NLP metrics or social media metrics. While they might not matter in terms of influencing the search results directly, they can guide your way. They can help you make better decisions. The thing you want to stay away from is manipulating these types of metrics for their own sake, because we know that correlates are the furthest away from direct ranking factors — at least when we know that the correlate itself is not a direct ranking factor.
All right. I know that's a lot to stomach, a lot to take in. So hopefully, we have some material for us to discuss below in the comments, and I look forward to talking with you more. Good luck. Bye.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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gamebazu · 4 years
The Theory Behind Ranking Factors — Whiteboard Friday
Posted by rjonesx.
Since day one of SEO, marketers have tried to determine what factors Google takes into account when ranking results on the SERPs. In this brand new Whiteboard Friday, Russ Jones discusses the theory behind those ranking factors, and gives us some improved definitions and vocabulary to use when discussing them.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi, folks. Welcome back to another Whiteboard Friday. Today, we're going to be talking about ranking factors and the theory behind them, and hopefully get past some of these — let's say controversies — that have come up over the years, when we've really just been talking past one another.
You see, ranking factors have been with us since pretty much day one of search engine optimization. We have been trying as SEOs to identify exactly what influences the algorithm. Well, that's what we're going to go over today, but we're going to try and tease out some better definitions and vocabulary so that we're not talking past one another, and we're not constantly beating each other over the heads about correlation and not causation, or some other kind of nuance that really doesn't matter.
So let's begin at the beginning with direct ranking factors. This is the most narrow kind of understanding of ranking factors. It's not to say that it's wrong — it's just pretty restrictive. A direct ranking factor would be something that Google measures and directly influences the performance of the search result.
So a classic example would actually be your robots.txt file. If you make a change to your robots.txt file, and let's say you disallow Google, you will have a direct impact on your performance in Google. Namely, your site is going to disappear.
The same is true for the most part with relevancy. Now, we might not know exactly what it is that Google is using to measure relevancy, but we do know that if you improve the relevancy of your content, you're more likely to rank higher. So these are what we would call direct ranking factors. But there's obviously a lot more to it than that.
Google has added more and more features to their search engine. They have changed the way that their algorithm has worked. They've added more and more machine learning. So I've done my best to try and tease out some new vocabulary that we might be able to use to describe the different types of ranking factors that we often discuss in our various communities or online.
Now, obviously, if there are direct ranking factors, it seems like there should be indirect ranking factors. And these are just once-removed ranking factors or interventions that you could take that don't directly influence the algorithm, but they do influence some of the direct ranking factors which influence the algorithm.
I think a classic example of this is hosting. Let's say you have a site that's starting to become more popular and it's time to move off of that dollar-a-month cPanel hosting that you signed up for when you first started your blog. Well, you might choose to move to, let's say, a dedicated host that has a lot more RAM and CPU and can handle more threads so everything is moving faster.
Time to first byte is faster. Well, Google doesn't have an algorithm that's going out and digging into your server and identifying exactly how many CPU cores there are. But there are a number of direct ranking factors, those that are related perhaps to user experience or perhaps to page speed, that might be influenced by your hosting environment.
Subsequently, we have good reason to believe that improving your hosting environment could have a positive influence on your search rankings. But it wouldn't be a direct influence. It would be indirect. 
The same would be true with social media. While we're pretty sure that Google isn't just going out and saying, "Okay, whoever is the most popular on Twitter is going to rank," there is good reason to believe that investing your time and your money and your energy in promoting your content on social media can actually influence your search results.
A perfect example of this would be promoting an article on Facebook, which later gets picked up by some online publication and then links back to your site. So while the social media activity itself did not directly influence your search results, it did influence the links, and those links influenced your search results.
So we can call these indirect ranking factors. For politeness' sake, please, when someone talks about social media as a ranking factor, just don't immediately assume that they mean that it is a direct ranking factor. They very well may mean that it is indirect, and you can ask them to clarify:  "Well, what do you mean? Do you think Google measures social media activity, or are you saying that doing a better job on social is likely to influence search results in some way or another?" 
So this is part of the process of teasing out the differences between ranking factors. It gives us the ability to communicate about them in a way in which we're not, let's say, confusing what we mean by the words.
Now, the third type is probably the one that's going to be most controversial, and I'm actually okay with that. I would love to talk in either the comments or on Twitter about exactly what I mean by emergent ranking factors. I think it's important that we get this one clear in some way, shape, or form because I think it's going to be more and more and more important as machine learning itself becomes more and more and more important as a part of Google's algorithm.
Many, many years ago, search engine optimizers like myself noticed that web pages on domains that had strong link authority seemed to do well in organic search results, even when the page itself wasn't particularly good, didn't have particularly good external links — or any at all, and even didn't have particularly good internal links.
That is to say it was a nearly orphaned page. So SEOs started to wonder whether or not there was some sort of domain-level attribute that Google was using as a ranking factor. We can't know that. Well, we can ask Google, but we can only hope that they'll tell us.
So at Moz, what we decided to do was try and identify a series of domain-level link metrics that actually predict the likelihood that a page will perform well in the search results. We call this an emergent ranking factor, or at least I call it an emergent ranking factor, because it is obviously the case that Google does not have a specific domain-authority-like feature inside their algorithm.
But on the contrary, they also do have a lot of data about links pointing to different pages on that same domain. What I believe is going on is what I would call an emergent ranking factor, which is where, let's say, the influence of several different metrics — none of which have a particularly intended purpose of creating something — end up being easy to measure and to talk about as an emergent ranking factor, rather than as part of all of its constituent elements.
Now, that was kind of a mouthful, so let me give you an example. When you're making a sauce if you're cooking, one of the most common parts of that would be the production of a roux. A roux would be a mix, normally of equal weights of flour and fat, and you would use this to thicken the sauce.
Now, I could write an entire recipe book about sauces and never use the word "roux".  Just don't use it, and describe the process of producing a roux a hundred times, but never actually use the word "roux", because "roux" describes this intermediate state. But it becomes very, very useful as a chef to be able to just say to another chef (or a sous-chef, or a cook in their cookbook), "produce a roux out of" and then whatever is the particular fat that you're using, whether it's butter or oil or something of that sort.
So the analogy here is that there isn't really a thing called a roux that's inside the sauce. What's in the sauce is the fat and the flour. But at the same time, it's really convenient to refer to it as a roux. In fact, we can use the word "roux" to know a lot about a particular dish without ever talking about the actual ingredients of flour and of fat.
For example, we can be pretty confident that if a roux is called for in a particular dish, that dish is likely not bacon because it's not a sauce. So I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that a lot of what we're talking about with ranking factors is using language that is convenient and valuable for certain purposes.
Like DA is valuable for helping predict search results, but it doesn't actually have to be a part of the algorithm in order to do that. In fact, I think there's a really interesting example that's going on right now — and we're about to see a shift from the categories — which are Core Web Vitals.
Google has been pushing page speed for quite some time and has provided us several iterations of different types of metrics for determining how fast a page loads. However, what appears to be the case is that Google has decided not to promote individual, particular steps that a website could take in order to speed up, but instead wants you to maximize or minimize a particular emergent value that comes from the amalgamation of all of those steps.
We know that the three different types of Core Web Vitals are: first input delay, largest contentful paint, and cumulative layout shift. So let's talk about the third one. If you've ever been on your cell phone and you've noticed that the text loads before certain other aspects and you start reading it and you try and scroll down and as soon as put your finger there an ad pops up because the ad took longer to load and it's just jostling the page, well, that's layout shift, and Google has learned that users just don't like it. So, even though they don't know all of the individual factors underneath that are responsible for cumulative layout shift, they know that there's this measurement, that explains all of it, that is great shorthand, and a really effective way of determining whether or not a user is going to enjoy their experience on that page.
This would be an emergent ranking factor. Now, what's interesting is that Google has now decided that this emergent ranking factor is going to become a direct ranking factor in 2021. They're going to move these descriptive factors that are amalgamations of lots of little things and make them directly influence the search results.
So we can see how these different types of ranking factors can move back and forth from categories. Back to the question of domain authority. Now, Google has made it clear they don't use Moz's domain authority — of course they don't — and they do not have a domain-authority-like metric. However, there's nothing to say that at some point they could not build exactly that, some sort of domain-level, link-based metric which is used to inform how to rank certain pages.
So an emergent ranking factor isn't stuck in that category. It can change. Well, that's enough about emergent ranking factors. Hopefully, we can talk more about that in the comments. 
The next type I wanted to run through is what I would call a validating ranking factor. This is another one that's been pretty controversial, which is the Quality Rating Guidelines' list of things that matter, and probably the one that gets the most talked about is E-A-T: Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.
Well, Google has made it clear that not only do they not measure E-A-T (or at least, as best as I've understood, they don't have metrics that are specifically targeted at E-A-T), not only do they not do that, they also, when they collect the data from quality raters on whether or not the SERPs they're looking at meet these qualifications, they don't train their algorithm against the labeled data that comes back from their quality raters, which, to me, is surprising.
It seems to me like if you had a lot of labeled data about quality, expertise, and authoritativeness, you might want it trained against that, but maybe Google found out that it wasn't very productive. Nevertheless, we know that Google cares about E-A-T, and we also have anecdotal evidence.
That is to say webmasters have noticed over time, especially in "your money or your life" types of industries, that expertise and authority does appear to matter in some way, shape, or form. So I like to call these validating ranking factors because Google uses them to validate the quality of the SERPs and the sites that are ranking, but doesn't actually use them in any kind of direct or indirect way to influence the search results.
Now, I've got an interesting one here, which is what I would call user engagement, and the reason why I've put it here is because this still remains to be a fairly controversial ranking factor. We're not quite sure exactly how Google uses it, although we do get some hints every now and then like Core Web Vitals.
If that data is collected from actual user behavior in Chrome, then we've got an idea of exactly how user engagement could have an indirect impact on the algorithm because user engagement measures the Core Web Vitals, which, coming in 2021, are going to directly influence the search results.
So validating is this fourth category of ranking factors, and the last — the one that I think is the most controversial  — is correlates. We get into this argument every time: "correlation does not equal causation", and it seems to me to be the statement that the person who only knows one thing about statistics knows, and so they always say it whenever anything ever comes up about correlation.
Yes, correlation does not imply causation, but that doesn't mean it isn't very, very useful. So let's talk about social metrics. This is one of the classic ones. Several times we've run various studies of ranking factors and discovered a direct relationship — a strong relationship — between things like Facebook likes or Google pluses in rankings.
All right. Now, pretty much everyone immediately understood that the reason why a site would have more plus-ones in Google+ and would have more likes in Facebook would be because they rank. That is to say, it's not Google going out and depending on Facebook's API to determine how they're going to rank the sites in their search engine.
On the contrary, performing well in their search engine drives traffic, and that traffic then tends to like the page. So I understand the frustration there when customers start asking, "Well, these two things correlate. Why aren't you getting me more likes?"
I get that, but it doesn't mean that it isn't useful in other ways. So I'll give you a good example. If you are ranking well for a keyword but yet your social media metrics are poorer than your competitors', well, it means that there's something going on in that situation that is making your users engage better with your competitors' sites than your own, and that's important to know.
It might not change your rankings, but it might change your conversion rate. It might increase the likelihood that you get found on social media. Even more so, it could actually influence your search results. Because, when you recognize the reason why you're not getting any likes to your page is because you have broken code, so the Facebook button isn't working, and then you add it and you start getting shared and more and more people are engaging with and linking to your content, well, then we start having that indirect effect on your rankings.
So, yeah, correlation isn't the same as causation, but there's a lot of value there. There's a new area that I think is going to be really, really important for this. This is going to be natural language processing metrics. These are various different technologies that are on the cutting edge. Well, some are older. Some are newer. But they allow us to kind of predict how good content is. 
Now, chances are we are not going to guess the exact way that Google is measuring content quality. I mean, unless a leaked document or something shows up, we're probably not going to get that lucky. But that doesn't mean we can't be really productive if we have a number of correlates, and those correlates can then be used to guide us. 
So I drew a little map here to kind of serve as an example. Imagine that it's the evening and you're camping, and you decide to go on a quick hike, and you take with you, let's say, a flag or a series of flags, and you mark the trail as you go so that when it gets later, you can flick on your flashlight and just follow the flags, picking them up, to lead you back to camp.
But it gets super dark, and then you realize you left your flashlight back at camp. What are you going to do? Well, we need to find a way to guide ourselves back to camp. Now, obviously, the flags would have been the best situation, but there are lots of things that are not the camp itself and are not the path itself, but would still be really helpful in getting us back to camp. For example, let's say that you had just put out the fire after you left camp. Well, the smell of the smoke is a great way for you to find your way back to the camp, but the smoke isn't the camp. It didn't cause the camp. It didn't build the camp. It's not the path. It didn't create the path. In fact, the trail of smoke itself is probably quite off the path, but once you do find where it crosses you, you can follow that scent. Well, in that case, it's really valuable even though it just mildly correlates with exactly where you need to get.
Well, the same thing is true when we're talking about something like NLP metrics or social media metrics. While they might not matter in terms of influencing the search results directly, they can guide your way. They can help you make better decisions. The thing you want to stay away from is manipulating these types of metrics for their own sake, because we know that correlates are the furthest away from direct ranking factors — at least when we know that the correlate itself is not a direct ranking factor.
All right. I know that's a lot to stomach, a lot to take in. So hopefully, we have some material for us to discuss below in the comments, and I look forward to talking with you more. Good luck. Bye.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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