#the best part is that I had a battery bank and charging cable with me in my bag and kinda just. forgot they existed in the moment
lizard-soup · 2 years
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Me: potentially in actual danger. Also me: "wow this is just like hit 2014 indie game five nights a-
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murumokirby360 · 3 years
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My Essager USB Type C Cable 3A review w/ my Accezz  Type-C To Micro USB Adapter and my Romoss Sense  6 Plus Pro Power Bank  (w/ my Paper Dolls) - Part 8 [Apr 23, 2021]
Hi! Here’s my Part 8 of my Essager USB Type C Cable with my Accezz USB Type C to Micro USB Adapter, my Romoss Sense 6+ Pro Power Bank and (as always) my paper dolls.🙂
In my previous part (No. 7), I made a controversial and mistake moment; not to mention the duration charge time of 3 hours instead of just 2 hours. And that’s just my first try, so now I’ll attempt the second try. There will be no mistakes or anything happen, and hope for the best. ⚡📲🔋😊
If you haven’t seen my previous Part 7, then please [CLICK ME!].
BTW #1: Once again, I’m using my dad’s phone of the same brand and model as I have; much like I did in the previous one.📱👨
So without further ado, let’s get started:
1st & 2nd Image(s): • For the forth time, my Honor 8C’s battery is now drained. So I have to do what I always do from my previous parts. Estimate charge time begins at 12:44 AM.🕐⚡📲🔋
• My paper dolls saying that I won’t messed up your second try. Don’t worry, you have my word!☺️👍 Now is the eat to feed both of you! How about a “paper craft made” PB&J sandwich!😋🥪
3rd to 5th Image(s): • At 2:10 AM my Honor 8C phone is now at 50% charge. Calculate from 12:44 AM to 2:10 AM is 1 Hour 26 Minutes. Here are the comparisons:↓
○ Part 4 (Apr 2nd) | 2:28 AM - 3:16 AM = 48 Minutes ○ Part 5 (Apr 14th) | 12:43 AM - 1:35 AM = 52 Minutes ○ Part 6 (Apr 17th) | 1:07 AM - 2:01 AM = 54 Minutes ○ Part 7 (Apr 20th) | 1:04 AM - 1:58 AM = 54 Minutes (4% to 50% charging)
• My paper dolls inspects that the regular 2.1A USB Charge Port doesn’t have the same minute time pass compare to the controversial previous part, nor the Quick Charge 3.0A USB Port. Yeah I know.🤔 I even touch the metal part of Essager’s USB Type A plug for a temperature check; and it’s a decent warm.
• [5th Image]: Take a look of the LED Light from my Romoss power bank. Now it has one light remaining💡, indicates that I only have 50 - 25% battery juice. I hope my phone will reach to 100% before it rang out from my power bank. And if that happens, then it’s gonna be incomplete.😟
6th & 7th Image(s): • Well I knew it! My prediction is true! At around 3:18 AM 🕒, My Honor 8C phones stops charging and my Romoss power bank’s battery juice dried out.😟
• My paper dolls doesn’t seem happy the second attempt. Damn...😟 But let’s see how many percentage left after this...
8th & 9th Image(s): • When I turn on my Honor phone, I have 74% battery left from the charging halt.📲🔋 My paper dolls are speechless, so as I am...😔
Overall: • I would say that my second attempt charging my phone using my combine USB cable is “incomplete”.😔 At first glance, it’s a decent start until my Romoss power bank had been rang out of battery juice. What a shame... Guess I’ll put my Romoss power bank to rest before I charge it again in full.
BTW #2: Originally I was gonna make an topic finale of Part 8, but despite what happen that what you see right now, I think I’ll move to Part 9 for a finale; once my Romoss Power Bank is full charge, of course.
•But you know what, no worries. There’s nothing to shame about for me and my paper dolls. The third attempt will have  a “must be perfect” moment for the finale!🙂 
Well that’s all for now. If you want to see my previous parts of the same topic review, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
My Essager USB Type C Cable 3A: • Part 1 [Jan 4,2021] • Part 2 [Jan 22, 2021] • Part 3 [Mar 30, 2021] • Part 4 [Apr 2, 2021] • Part 5 [Apr 14, 2021] • Part 6 [Apr 17, 2021] • Part 7 [Apr 20, 2021]
Tagged:  @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @bytern, @gibsonfreak49
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by shanynx73
Do you have a dry erase board? We probably do somewhere here at home. We don’t throw school supplies like that away just in case we’d all of a sudden need them.
What do you remember most from last summer? Thinking if I’ll ever get a graduation ceremony (which I didn’t); lots of pressure about applying for grown-up stuff like a bank account and social security; and being naive about my relationship that I had no clue was already quickly going down the drain.
Where is the last place that you shopped? If online spaces count, I was just at Lazada around an hour ago trying to see if there’d be a local shop somewhere selling Good Dye Young.
What kind of shoes did you wear today? Didn’t go out today so no shoes were worn.
Have you painted lately? No but it would be nice to, now that you’ve mentioned it.
Which season has the best clothes? We don’t get 4 seasons, soooooo can’t relate.
Do you know about the many uses of coconut oil? Not too familiar.
Do you watch Dr. Oz? Back when we still bothered to have cable I remember occasionally catching his show on TV as I’d flip the channels, but it never looked all that interesting to me.
When was the last time you got balloons? My dad’s birthday, three months ago.
What color is your favorite purse? I don’t have a favorite.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Take more surveys, try not to spend money, and maybe do a couple of daily reports I usually have to do at work so that I don’t have to skim through 4 days’ worth of data by the time I get back to work on Monday.
How was your past Christmas? It was amazing; it was the time I put my foot down and finally firmly decided to start moving on from Gab, so there was a lot of self-love and self-acceptance going on. It was a very personally enlightening time for me. It also helped that I got to spend time with my extended family (in the most socially distancingy way possible) to keep me distracted and remind me of what I do have.
Do you prefer the game Sorry or Trouble? I’ve never tried playing either and I can’t remember each of their main concepts off the top of my head.
What color are the sheets on your bed? They are blue.
Do you prefer pull-over sweatshirts or zip-ups? Zip-ups, so at least I have the option to open or close it.
Have you ever had quiche? Sure.
Have you ever had a conversation with a priest (etc.) outside of church? I might have. It wouldn’t be a kind of memory I’d save in my head, but a part of me thinks there is definitely a chance this has already happened before.
What do you order when you go to McDonald's? I feel like I’ve answered this recently lol but I usually get a Burger McDo. But now that I can afford to get pricier meals, I’m looking forward to the time I’ll finally be in the mood to get a 20-piece box of McNuggets all to myself hahaha.
What do you like to put in your coffee? I don’t really make my own coffee...I prefer mine made for me already, which is why 3-in-1 sachets work perfectly for me lmao.
What is a political issue you feel strongly about? Locally speaking? All of them. Being apolitical is just privilege at work. I do take breaks from reading the news once in a while for the sake of my mental health, but I’ve never stopped giving a shit.
How often do you have to charge your phone? The battery’s health has started to slowly dwindle down; and let’s be real, it was thanks to the time I had YouTube videos on 24/7 as a coping mechanism after my break-up. So for that reason I have to charge it 2–3 times a day; it now gets drained a little faster than it used to when it was still at 100% health, but overall I’d say it’s also still holding up well.
Do you have a song stuck in your head? Sugar on the Rim - Hayley Williams. I swear I listen to other artists too.
What makes a good movie to you? Screenplay. Lines can so very easily make or break a movie.
Do you have any yellow shirts? Yes, and other kinds of tops as well.
When was the last time you wrapped a present? 2015. That was the first and only time I attempted to, and when I saw that I proved to be terrible at it, I’ve since either 1) just bought paper bags, or 2) paid my sister to wrap the gifts I’ve bought.
Do you normally win or lose at rock, paper, scissors? I typically win, actually. No idea why.
Do you like Fruity Pebbles? No. This is honestly not a Filipino/Asian thing and I had absolutely never heard of it until The Rock started calling John Cena a big bowl of Fruity Pebbles like a decade ago on WWE TV. My tween ass felt like I had to fit in so I had my mom buy me a box of Fruity Pebbles the very next day even though it cost like a bitch, and it wasn’t even that delicious.
Do you have any stuffed animals from when you were younger? Nah, I wasn’t big into stuffed toys even as a kid.
What is the craziest thing you've heard or seen on TV lately? A guy getting arrested for picking up his own McDonald’s order outside of his own house. That is the clownery of the country I have to live in.
Have you ever hyperventilated? Yes.
What was your favorite book to read in English class? Without Seeing the Dawn.
Do you wear scarves? Nope.
Are your nails painted? They are not.
Do you like to dress up? Sure.
Are you looking forward to anything in the next week? Eh, not really. I was looking forward to this week because of the Holy Week break, so I’m actually dreading next week because there won’t be any other work break as long as this anymore until Christmas.
Do you buy lottery tickets? I’ve never done so.
What is your favorite flavor of Gatorade? I’m traumatized by Gatorade lol. My mom made me chug that shit down endlessly when I was 4 when I had multiple doubts of diarrhea or whatever it was, and I never got over it. To this day I refuse to even smell it.
Do you think most people wear masks? LOL I had already typed out a full-blown answer for this talking about Covid until I double-checked and saw that this survey was made in 2013, so it must’ve been talking about masks in the metaphorical sense...that’s my  “ohhhhh” moment of the day for sure lmao. Anyway, yeah sure.
What feature do you get complimented on most? Skin.
What are you planning to do next? Look for another survey to take, and maybe some nice instrumental music to listen to.
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vegetaraine-blog · 7 years
PART 1 of Solo SEOUL Searching: Plan and Preparation Tips
This is going to be a long one since these are things that are not usually found on travel blogs that I personally learned from the trip. I wish these could be helpful to you.
Let’s start with the tourist visa. If you’re Filipino, you cannot enter South Korea without a visa. If you have time, submit the requirements all by yourself, no need to pay someone to do it. It only takes about 15-20 minutes. There is no fee if you’re staying for less than 59 days. Just collate all the requirements depending on your situation. See this link for more information.
For my visa, my support was my mom, so I submitted her employment certificate and bank documents (I’m sorry I cannot give you details on this as I’m not knowledgeable with this matter). They only asked for a photocopy of my Student ID, as my diploma and enrollment form were not available. I also happen to have a Japan visa (OECD country) so I didn’t submit an ITR. I am also considered as a frequent flyer so it only took three days to release my visa.
I booked a hostel at booking.com before applying for my visa. You need to write an address in the information sheet in the visa requirement. I wrote the address of the hostel I booked but I cancelled the booking right after my visa was approved.
I personally suggest that your accommodation should be located near a subway station, a convenience store, few cultural sights, and a bit of shopping street. I also recommend hostels because it’s cheap. It will just be a place of storage and sleep so that would suffice. 
The place I stayed was at HoSeong Guesthouse near Ewha Woman’s University or Edae. I booked it at booking.com. The location of this guesthouse is a three-minute uphill walk from Edae Station Exit 5 (Incheon Airport → Hongdae → Edae). The room I booked was a twin room with private bathroom. The amenities include free breakfast of coffee/tea and toast (tipid tip), extremely fast Wi-Fi, toiletries, hair dryer and air-con. 
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Outside Ewha Woman’s University - Edae Station
The vicinity has a 7-11, coffee shops and a lot of traditional Korean restaurants. A shopping district is also walking distance. 
Book a hostel that is the center of most of your planned destinations. 
Make an itinerary based on what type of travel you want. What do you like to see? Cultural, eco-tourism, shopping, Kpop? I personally wanted cultural and places perfect for solo travellers, so what I did was I searched for locations and listed it. Write down the subway stations, exit numbers, or landmarks on your itinerary. Then, I divided the destinations into the 6 days I had.  Areas that are relatively close to each other are good for one day, and so on. I also planned the locations depending on which part of the day it is great and manageable to see. 
I recommend jotting down locations you want to see that cannot be inserted in your schedule. Go there if you have extra time and energy. I made a list aside from my itinerary, and I ended up going to those places. You don’t have to stick to your itinerary all the time, it's just a visual guideline.
Another tip: Most parts of Seoul starts around 10 am and ends at midnight. No need to wake up super early; enjoy the night life, friends.
Wi-Fi? Internet?
My service provider is Smart (partner with KT in SK), they offer ₱550 per day international data roaming and ₱20 per SMS, but I didn’t avail that because that’s too expensive. I also didn’t rent a pocket wi-fi in my whole stay at South Korea. Yes, you read that right. Not that I don’t have a budget for it, it’s that Wi-Fi can be found everywhere in Seoul. The only catch is that sometimes the Wi-Fi does not have internet connection. In my experience, I never really had a hard time with the lack of internet because I didn’t need it. When I need to message my family and friends or share online, I sit down in the subway stations or parks because those spots have fast internet connection. 
Malls, stores, restaurants and famous locations have Wi-Fi with internet, so don’t worry. I praise you, Public Wifi @ Seoul ;)
Apps to download?
Subway Korea and Waze helped me so much in this whole journey. Both works without internet connection. It aided me in locating my destinations when I feel like I’m lost.
I highly, highly recommend taking the subway. Subway is all over Seoul. With that, buy a T-money (only ₩4,000) once you get to the airport. It’s easier to have one card on hand rather than buying ticket per ride. Minimum fare is around ₩1,050 so not expensive. I didn’t get to ride the bus but it is also everywhere in Seoul. Subway and bus time slots are aligned with each other and it’s accurate AF. 
The best transportation ever was my feet. I got to most places just by walking. It is tiring but it was all worthwhile with the views and sceneries I got to see. Trust me. Public transportation and your own feet is the answer to an amazing soul searching trip.
Gadgets / Electronic devices
The power sockets in Korea are type C and F with 220V, those are the circular ones. I didn’t get to bring that kind of adaptor and my hostel does not provide it… so 7-11 came to save me. I bought a lightning cable with the adaptor for about ₩15k. It was a bit pricey but I needed it. Bring a powerbank with you because SNS and navigation apps take a lot of battery charge.
What to Wear
I came in the first day of July. Summer to rainy season. The clothes I brought were for wet and humid weather. I packed a raincoat, pair of sunglasses and an umbrella (but I still bought because I was feeling extraaa) just in case. No need to bring thick clothes during the summer because it was extremely hot. Dress accordingly to the month and weather forecast.
I think I needed to add this because I am vegan. Because of that, my budget for food might be somewhat lower than yours. Smoothies, coffee, tofu, bread, and veggie dumplings kept me satiated all throughout the trip.
Bring a water bottle so that you wouldn’t have to buy water every time you get thirsty. It saves money. I brought a bottle but I didn’t use it because I was too lazy to bring it around with me. But trust me, bring one and refill from your guesthouse. 
As said earlier, convenience stores and street foods are all over the place so if you want to keep the budget, they come in handy always.
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Typical street food in Myeongdong - Red bean Croissant (not sure if vegan, sorry)
I had my PH peso changed to Korean Won in a mall near my home. I preferred direct conversion to avoid more losses. The conversion was exactly 0.05. I also brought a few US Dollars and PH Peso. Well, that’s what I suggest, have your money converted here rather than look there. But hey, they said Myeongdong has a pretty good conversion.
Overall, I think those are the basic and general tips I have for the plan and preparation for your own Seoul trip. I hope you got some insights!
Click the other links for the budget and expenses, itinerary, and my thoughts on the trip!
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rvs-r-us · 4 years
How I Prepare For Emergencies Before An RV Trip
While preparations for your next RV trip can be an exciting exercise, many (like myself), feel somewhat overwhelmed at the prospect of planning out stays and activities for a family of five in a home on wheels.
My mind seems to always go to the worst-case scenarios (which drive my husband and kids absolutely bonkers) as I admittedly have an inherent need for a thorough plan in place for every scenario.
Eventually, thankfully, I get through it, and once the planning process is over, I can focus on having actual FUN!
The benefit for you – fellow reader – is that I’ve come up with the bones of a good emergency preparedness for RVer that you can use on your next RV adventure.
Step1:  Roadside Assistance
The first step we take as a family is plot the time and trajectory of our trip, which for me – this is the most fun part of the planning process.
The end result is a list of places and dates we’ll be staying.
To state the obvious:  this is important information for not only campground reservations and event planning, it also lays the groundwork for the roadside assistance number I need to look up just in case our RV gets a flat, engine blows, or battery dies (among other things).
In a notebook I Google the date and destination, and jot-down the best rated towing service or roadside service companies in the area for quick reference.
(If you’re ever in the Dallas Fort Worth area, I can vouch for Premio Towing Service – they’ve helped us here recently when our Starcraft RV wouldn’t get out of the driveway!)
While this may seem like overkill, I’ve actually used the list two times in as many years for a flat tire and dead battery, once where the service had to tow the RV to an auto repair location.
Step 2:  Vehicle Maintenance
Closely related to emergency roadside assistance is proper vehicle maintenance.
The idea is:  if you properly maintain the RV, you can avoid preventable vehicle issues.
Just like any gas or diesel-powered piece of machinery, your RV needs to be properly serviced on regular intervals.
So before you leave ensure that your RV has had it’s…
Oil changed
Transmission fluids filled
Coolant fluids topped off
Windshield wiper fluid topped off
Hydraulic Brakes – check pads . rotors/ drums / linings checked (! Super Important if you’re driving in the mountains)
Air Brakes – check / replace filters (I like to have one on hand in case of failure)
Battery tested
Belts checked / replaced
Tires – aligned and checked for wear
Spare tire – properly inflated
Also note, I keep a log of the PM items we’ve completed with dates in the glove department so I can reference it later.
Step 3.  Pack An Emergency Kit
Every vehicle should have a proper emergency kit in case of an emergency roadside need.  Prior to the trip I make sure to check the integrity of the kit items as many of the items can expire.  Here’s what we pack before every trip
3 Gallons of drinking water
Jumper cables
Multi-purpose utility tool
Reflective road triangles
Reflective vests for the family
First Aid kit (make sure it has a snake bit kit!)
High, non-expiring dry foods, bars, fruit, and / or candy. Enough for 2 days.
Portable cell phone charger / power banks (ensure that it is charged prior to departure
Fire Extinguisher
Rain ponchos
Warm blankets or sleeping bags, one for every family member
Hiking shoes
Warm Clothes
Spare tire jack
Sewing Kit
Bug Spray
Emergency toolbox (wrenches, screwdriver, rope, ratchet straps, duct tape)
Paper map of areas visiting
Step 4:  Pre-Launch Checklist
A few days before we leave I like to go over a checklist of RV-specific items that should be prepped prior to the trip.  These include:
RV Jacks: Test before leaving and make sure they are up prior to pulling out of the driveway
Water Heater / Filters
RV Generator: Empty old gas, top-off with new and run generator prior to leaving.  Make sure you have all necessary wires and cable stowed.
Carbon Monoxide / Smoke Detectors Check
Sideout Check: If you have a sideout, ensure that the hydraulic work smoothly
Exterior / Interior Lights: Ensure all lights turn on and function.  Have spare bulbs on hand
A/C Check
And there you have it.
Hopefully this comprehensive list above has helped take some of the worry out of planning for emergencies so you can concentrate on looking forward to planning the fun adventures on your next RV Roadtrip.
The post How I Prepare For Emergencies Before An RV Trip appeared first on RVs R Us.
source https://www.rvs-r-us.com/how-i-prepare-for-emergencies-before-an-rv-trip/
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ruthsulivan · 5 years
Starss Bravo Pod Starter Kit Review
The Starss Bravo is a sleek and compact new vaporizer that is perfect for anyone who’s looking to take their vaping on the go. 
Starss is a relatively new name in the vaping game, having only a few devices to their credit. However, with high-quality vapes such as their all-new Bravo Pod Starter Kit, it won’t be long before they’re well known around the vaping world.
The Starss Bravo Pod Starter Kit has quickly shot up many people’s list for the best new pod-based vape of the year. Their combination of high-quality parts and construction with easy to use controls make the Bravo great for any vaper who’s always on the go.
Starss may be a newer player in the vaping game, but with products like the Bravo, they’re proving there’s still plenty of room for innovation of well built, simple, and affordable vapes. But before you buy your own, let’s take a closer look at what makes the Bravo Pod Starter Kit such an excellent buy.
Specs and Features
The Starss Bravo is powered by an internal 1000mAh battery which provides output between 7-15W and 3-3.5V, all while functioning with resistance as low as 0.9ohms. The body is constructed using high-quality Zinc Alloy, which provides exceptional durability and weight.
It’s charged via the micro USB port and features all the standard safety features any vaper should be looking for in a new device, such as overheating protection, overcharging protection, and low/high resistance shut-off. The Bravo’s charging current of 0.7A means you’ll need up to a couple of hours to fully charge a dead battery, but it does last quite a while.
The Bravo Starter Kit comes with one refillable 2ml pod, which is a fairly standard size for most pod-based devices. The included pod features a 0.9-ohm mesh coil pre-installed, providing some exceptional cloud production and flavor. The Bravo can be set to low, medium, or high and easily changed via the single button design.
Starrs currently offers their Bravo Pod Kit in twelve different color options, including yellow, silver, green, black, iridescent, white, blue, stainless steel, red, gunmetal, bronze, and even a vibrant red and gold combination. Whatever color option you pick, your purchase comes with one Starss Bravo vape, one refillable 2ml cartridge, micro USB charging cable, as well as the user’s manual.
My Experience With The Bravo
I had a really good time using the Starss Bravo Pod Starter Kit. The first thing that really jumps out at you is just how well built it is. From the materials used to the construction itself, the Bravo just feels like a device which should cost a lot more than it does.
This goes for big things like the body and coils, down to the little things such as the best press-to-fit pod connection I’ve seen. All these things work together to give you the sense that Starss genuinely cares about every product they put their name on.
The battery life was exceptional as well, as I never needed to charge during the day, even with my moderate usage throughout. However, I did wish the LED battery life indication had been a bit more robust. Instead of just using the red and blue indicator lights (red for below 30% left and blue for more than 30%), they could have easily included the green light to provide a clearer picture of the remaining charge.
As with most pod-based vaporizers these days, the Bravo Kit doesn’t have adjustable airflow but it does provide a nice loose MTL type draw. This is perfect for me and makes everything that much easier, but at the same time, if you enjoy a tighter draw, this may not be the ideal device for you.
One of the main drawbacks I found of the Starss Bravo Kit is having only included one pod. While this is still fairly common, many brands are starting to get on board with the idea that any new refillable pod-based device should come with at least two pods. Not only does this provide a ton more versatility, but if one of your pods happens to arrive defective, you won’t be left with a virtually useless device until you can locate a replacement.
The included 0.9ohm mesh coil pod does an incredible job. Not only is it easy to fill thanks to the large fill-port, but the vapor and flavor provided are on par with some much more expensive devices. One drawback to their pod system I did see, however, is that the rubber stopper isn’t anchored to the pod itself. While this isn’t a huge deal, it’s essential to be diligent with your stopper because you don’t get a replacement with your purchase.
It didn’t take long using the Bravo Pod Starter Kit to get the impression that Starss will quickly stake their claim as a high-quality vaping manufacturer. The many advantages greatly outweigh the few downsides of this new device.
While far from perfect, the Bravo is ideal for a wide range of vapers, including beginners, vapers always on the go, and those looking for a simple alternate device. Any vaper who values a well-built device, but doesn’t want to break the bank buying one should seriously consider the Starss Bravo Pod Starter Kit.
You can usually find them for around $48.00 MSRP, but right now you can find one for as little as $32.00. Starss may still be a relatively unknown name in the vaping world, but if they keep making more devices like the Bravo, it’s only a matter of time until that changes for good!
The post Starss Bravo Pod Starter Kit Review appeared first on ChurnMag.
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fmservers · 6 years
Gift Guide: 10 suitcase-friendly gifts for frequent flyers
Welcome to TechCrunch’s 2018 Holiday Gift Guide! Need more gift ideas? Check out our Gift Guide Hub.
I’ve been traveling a lot this year — more than any year in the past. It’s been both a blessing and a curse, so thanks, TechCrunch, for that. Honestly, I should probably be packing for Asia instead of writing this, but I’m looking out for you instead.
Rather than writing the standard Travel Guide or Holiday Gift Guide, we’ve opted to combine them into one. Because if there’s one key to making the most out of your time on the road, it’s efficiency. Technology can play an important role in helping streamline the packing process and generally making the most out of your trip.
Of course, as with everything, too much tech can also be a bad thing. I know I’ve found myself packing too many gadgets or jamming a messy rat king of cables in my carry-on, making a mess of things in the process.
What follows is a collection of gadgets, accessories and other products designed to remove some of the biggest pain points from travel and help you make the most of your trip, whether overnight or longer.
Amazon Kindle Oasis
Okay, maybe including a Kindle on here is a bit of a cheat, but very few devices have improved my travel life like an e-reader — and the Oasis is currently the nicest one you can get. It wasn’t all that long ago I used to jam several paperbacks into my carry-on. I do miss the tactility of real books from time to time, but when it comes to traveling, nothing beats the ability to jam thousands of books into a seat-back pocket.
Price: $249-$279 Available from: Amazon
Anker 40W 4-Port USB Wall Charger
A lot of modern hotels are getting better about USB ports. I recently found myself staying at one in LA where every single link had a place for me to charge my iPhone. But it’s still a crapshoot — especially when traveling to a strange city — and hey, if you can avoid plugging your personal devices into a strange port, all the better.
I started traveling with my own combo mini power strip/USB hub years ago, but Anker’s 40W 4-Port USB Wall Charger is a much more compact solution, bringing four USB ports directly to the wall. Best of all, like all of Anker’s products, it’s dirt cheap.
Price: $26 Available from: Amazon
BUBM Cable Bag
I’ve tried a LOT of cable organizers in my many years of gadget blogging. It’s the only thing that keeps my travel bag from turning into the Indiana Jones snake pit. At the end of the day, all of them ultimately suffer the same compromise: you can either have a lot of compartments for your various tech doodads or you can free up more space in your bag.
Ultimately, I tend to side with the latter. Especially when it comes to carry ons, anything you can do to free up space is a net positive. Lately, I’ve been digging this one from BUBM. It looks snazzy and the fold-over design helps free up precious bag real estate.
Price: $12 Available from: Amazon
Calm Subscription
This is one is admittedly an odd choice. Sure there are plenty of travel-specific apps out there, but when it comes to helping tamp down the stress associated with travel, the Calm app is a good place to start. This is coming for a very anxious flyer, mind you. It’s not a fear of flying — that part’s fine. It’s everything else. From the getting to the airport to the endless lines to the $3 airport water to the occasional middle seat.
I’m also, not coincidentally, an anxious meditator. I’ve tried a LOT of different apps to pursue mindfulness on my smartphone, and Calm is far and away the one I like the best. The guided meditation sessions are terrific and ditto for the the more freeform ones. It’s also a great way to get your bearings after waking up in a hotel room in some unknown city.
A year’s subscription runs $60, which is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Price: $60 Available from: Calm
Harman Kardon Traveler Speaker
This one admittedly feels like more of a luxury than many of the others, but don’t underestimate how much a small Bluetooth speaker can improve hotel time. The vast majority of laptops have pretty terrible built-in speakers and even middling Bluetooth speakers are a major improvement.
Harman Kardon’s Traveler fits the bill and won’t add much size or weight to a carry on. It also has a built-in mic for teleconference — a definite bonus for work trips — and doubles as a power bank for charging up devices. The 2,500mAh battery isn’t much, but on the road, every little bit of juice counts.
Price: $150 Available from: Harman Kardon
HyperDrive USB-C Hub Attach
I travel with a LOT of gadgets. It’s kind of my job. As such, you’re no doubt catching onto the fact that lack of charging ports is a consistent theme in all of this. HyperDrive USB-C Hub Attach is a clever take on TwelveSouth’s iconic PlugBug that brings USB ports directly to the MacBook’s charging brick. Here, however, you’ve got the decided bonus of a third active USB-C port for data transfer. At $50 for the larger version, it’s also priced to match TwelveSouth’s offering. Price: $50 Available from: HYPER
Luna Display
As I noted in my write up last month, the Luna Display isn’t for everyone, but those who need it will find it to be a downright lifesaver. Once this thumbnail-sized $80 device plugs into a MacBook, it connects to a nearby iPad over Wi-Fi, converting the tablet into a second screen.
I’ve been using the hell out of it every time I’ve found myself working from the road or at home. I’ve become entirely dependent on my monitor at work, and now find myself being the guy with both a laptop and tablet out on the table at the coffee shop. Totally worth it for the ability to monitor my RSS feeds while working on a story.
Price: $80 Available from: Luna
RAVPower Wireless Portable Charger
Powerbanks are a dime a dozen these days, but RavPower is making some of the cleverest ones out there. It’s tough to narrow them all down, but this one lands on my list for its inclusion of a Qi charging pad that lets users wirelessly charge compatible handsets on top of the brick.
Keep in mind, some airlines and airports are limiting the size of batteries that can be stowed in a bag, so if the person you’re buying for is a frequent visitor to, say, China, double check the limits — though this 10400mAh battery should be fine in most cases.
Price: $50 Available from: Amazon
Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack
I always thought I’d outgrow backpacks, but aside from a brief flirtation with the messenger bag in the aughts, I’m rarely seen without one. Of course, no two are the same, and if there’s a frequent traveler in your life, a solid backpack makes all the difference in the world.
Timbuk2 makes some truly terrific bags, and the Never Check certainly fits the bill. It has a spacious interior for clothes, shoes and anything else needed for an overnight trip, while maintaining a small enough footprint to be stashed in an overhead bin or under the seat in of you.
Price: $200 Available from: Timbuk2
Twelve South AirFly
This is one of those travel concerns that doesn’t really dawn on you until you’re face to face with it. Love your Bluetooth earbuds? Great. But good luck listening to the movie on your flight. Twelve South, in all of its infinite wisdom, has designed a small wireless transmitter that plugs into headphone jacks, so you can use your go to headphones with the seat-back entertainment system. Turns out it also comes in handy for the TVs at the hotel gym.
The biggest downside here is pricing — $30 doesn’t seem like much, but you can grab a pair of wired headphones for pretty cheap these days.
Price: $30 Available from: Amazon
Via Brian Heater https://techcrunch.com
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judeblenews-blog · 6 years
What’s In Your Bag, R3hab?
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What’s in your bag? is a recurring feature where we ask people to tell us a bit more about their everyday gadgets by opening their bags and hearts to us. This week, we’re featuring music producer and DJ R3hab. R3hab, real name Fadil El Ghoul, strides into The Verge with a bubbling energy that ekes into every corner. “Who’s the sound man?” El Ghoul says to the room as he plunks down for his interview. “Make me sound really cool! It’s crazy what a little bit of compression does. Sometimes I listen to myself on the radio and my voice sounds deep!” Everyone cracks a smile. El Ghoul simply can’t help but talk about engineering audio wherever he goes. The 32-year-old Moroccan-born DJ and producer first popped onto people’s radars in the early aughts, as one of the leaders of the Dutch house music movement alongside names like Afrojack and Chuckie. While on the rise, he racked up millions of plays making four-on-the-floor festival fuel like “Prutataaa,” and was signed to Afrojack’s label. Over the years, the sound he’s put forth has changed, found nuance, and simmered down from raw sawtooth waves and thick kick drums. His 2017 debut album Trouble showed a wider breadth for El Ghoul, and he’s doubled down on exploring slower tempos with recently released follow-up album The Wave. Though there are a couple showings for big room tracks on The Wave, the album dances all over, from pop to future bass. But mostly pop. There’s even songs that don’t fit into any genre neatly, like “Cherry Blossom,” which uses sounds from a mechanical music box paired against a wandering, lazy and buzzy main line. According to El Ghoul, he had no option other than to dip into other genres. He stopped getting inspiration from making house songs at 128BPM again, and again, and again. “It’s maybe like a chef,” he tells The Verge when trying to describe his musical path. “If you cook Italian the whole time, you don’t get inspired anymore. I was getting less inspired, so I changed the tempo and now I’m even more inspired on the high energy music.” See what else gets El Ghoul going, literally, below.
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  So you’re a Dutch national and you travel a lot. How many flights do you take a year? A couple of years ago I made a contest on my social media saying, “Guess how many flights?” and it was 228 in one year! I have not counted them again but I’m still the same status on all the airlines so I think it’s still around 200 a year. Where’s home? Home is where my laptop is. It’s where I make my music. I live out of a suitcase and a bag. But, I live in Belgium right now. What’s the one thing you couldn’t do without in your bag? Laptop! It’s actually a funny story. I was at a certain airport, and I was with my VJ and they confiscated his laptop for no reason. I think they wanted to confiscate mine, too. And I said it’s not happening. That’s my life. That’s my music. They took his laptop and we never got it back. Of course I have backups, but I need this every day. This is my stress reliever, my music maker, and my friend. It sounds weird, but that’s where I can express myself. Where do you spend your time when you’re not performing? In the studio. And I like to work out. When I’m not performing I’m still performing behind the laptop. Also I like to go out when I’m traveling and see the cities where I’m at. Now looking back I regret the times where I was not enjoying, I was not seeing the cities, seeing the culture, and I’m actively doing that now. It is difficult because you arrive and then you want to relax, but I’m like nope, Fadil, let’s go out for two hours. Let’s see the city. Let’s enjoy and feel the energy. Let’s talk about some of your music. Your song “Hold On Tight” from earlier this year sounds very London to me. Yeah, it’s got an ‘80s vibe. I love the ‘80s, synth-wise specifically. When I did my debut album, Trouble, it was actually pretty soft tempo on purpose. At a certain point I was making music for 10 years and I was stuck on that 128BPM counter every time. I was like, I need to get out of it, because the ideas run out. So my debut album and my new album are a lot more downtempo. It’s just more inspiring for me. It’s maybe like a chef. If you cook Italian the whole time, you don’t get inspired anymore. I was getting less inspired, so I changed the tempo and now I’m even more inspired on the high energy music.
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  Tell us about the laptop. What’s on it? All my music. It’s a fully specced out laptop with the biggest hard drive. So I have to carry less in my bag because I hate carrying extra hard disks. I once lost one a couple of years ago and said never again. I use it every day for my music and my e-mails and everything. You’re on the road all the time with your laptop, your baby. How do you write music using that? I’m using Ableton on my MacBook with all software plug-ins. For me, what has happened is I get inspired after shows. I’m like, “Oh this could have been better. I need a record like this.” And that’s how I start writing. And many times I use my phone for voice memos. One of my records that just got released, it’s from a voice memo where I had the melody in my head. And then I started composing and finding the right sounds for it. But many times I have some chords or something, and then I have a lot of voice memos. And mostly those voice memos come after the show, when I’m fully inspired. I just played, and I felt the energy, and then I start composing. What phone are you carrying? I think this is an iPhone 7 Plus? I didn’t switch to the X yet. I like this one a lot, and it’s working really well, and I like the little stand so when I’m on a plane I can watch something. So yeah, I’m staying on this one. I’ve got to ask you about the headphones. Because we’ve had a lot of arguments in The Verge office about headphones. For traveling, comfort is most important. These have a latency so I have to put in the cable. I have other headphones I DJ with. I don’t think these sound amazing, but the noise cancellation just gives that rest on the plane. That constant buzzing is frustrating. I think they need to step it up, all of the noise-cancellation . These break quick. How do you feel about dongle life? I have this thing, which can charge and you can put four USBs in. I’m not a big fan of the system but I believe USB-C will be the future in a couple of years. So it is what it is — you have to do it. But it’s frustrating because if I lose this thing, and I need USB-Bs to play my sets with then I’m messed up. I have smaller backups with me, but yeah, it’s annoying. And what are you carrying for charging up? A Mophie. I’ve got a MiFi for internet. Back in the day I would just hotspot from my phone but that just drains the battery. Anker is really nice because it also has USB-C, which I can use to charge as a backup. Then I have a strong cable for the iPhone. I don’t know why Apple can’t make normal cables themselves because they break all the time. Probably because they like that people buy new cables . I noticed a little bit of tech there that we probably don’t see in the US a lot. It’s a little banking thing. Tell us about that. It’s called an identifier. You put your inside and then you can log in and make payments. I think you can make payments on a phone that are below a certain amount, but when you want to make bigger payments you have to use this as protection. You just bought a camera. What’s that all about? Yeah I have like a bigger camera and, of course, the phone camera. The phone is handy, but sometimes not creative because then you go on your social media and stuff. So I bought this camera, a new Sony. It has a nice selfie thing so that’s handy when I’m doing a show because I want to show my fans more behind-the-scenes footage. On Instagram there’s a nice picture and it’s that moment, but it doesn’t show how we got to that moment. And that’s what I want to show. I’m trying. I started recording. It’s not that great yet, but I just want to show people what it is like to be on a tour for six days, and what you carry with you, what you do, what you eat, and how your day looks like. Because they only see the part from 1AM to 3AM, but what’s the rest? I want to do a vlog. Not many electronic artists have one. And I decided to buy this because I can actually see myself and it’s nice and small. Are there any vloggers you watch? You know I haven’t watched too many vloggers. There’s only a couple I really follow like Casey Neistat. But personally I’m not a fan of most vloggers. Most of them I despise. I hope to give some quality to the people and life. I don’t want to show like, I’m so cool, look at me making this. Come on guys let’s give some substance, you know? How important do you think it is to still play live in front of an audience? It’s nice to have a social media presence. I think we have around 7 million on Facebook, 2.2 million on Instagram, and more than 1 million on Twitter. The thing is, there is a connection with the fans, but you cannot feel the energy like you feel live, because with live you feel the emotion. It’s nice when I play a festival — I absorb that emotion also. It makes me excited. Of course, posting is nice, but you only show the best on social media and a show is a journey. It’s a roller coaster ride of emotions. That is the biggest difference for me.
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  Tell us about the money. When you’re traveling you always have your wallet with you and a lot of cards. But in some countries they don’t like certain credit cards and they like cash. I have a little bit of cash for tipping, of course, and also to pay cabs or whatever. Also when I was 30 I wanted a really nice watch . Gold is always a good currency around the world. So this watch, if I ever get stuck and I lose everything I can still sell my watch and fly back home. It’s your get out of jail free card.
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  Why do you have so many health supplements? It’s actually not that many because when I do supplements, I do research. I’m not a big fan of these packet supplements with 20 things. I like to do them all separately and organically. So for example, here’s fish oil and here’s cod liver oil, and they’re separate. I like to take them separately because fats you need with certain vitamins. It seems a lot but it’s actually not that much. I put them in daily packages, because I can put it in my pocket if I’m going to dinner and I don’t want to carry this . It’s vitamin D, magnesium, turmeric, rhodiola, cod liver oil, fish oil, spirulina, and then potassium. How did you start on the keto diet? I started on the keto diet because I was having these troubles while traveling. I would eat a lot of snacks and I would get headaches on the plane. I read a couple of books and some clips on YouTube. I was like, it would be amazing if I wouldn’t eat sugar. I read about intermediate fasting, and then I found combination paleo keto. So, I have all these fat bombs. That’s how we call them. Sugar-free chocolate with a lot of fat, coconut oil, electrolytes, stevia. And here an almond bar which is keto, paleo, and low glycemic-inspired. And some tea for on the plane because you need to drink a lot. Water tastes really bad on the plane and they always have a poor selection of teas. I don’t want to drink caffeine on the plane, so I bring my own little teas. What else have you got here? The only other thing that I really like that I travel with is a cream. It’s pretty weird. It’s sort of a clay and you put it on like... I don’t know what the English word for that is... but it removes the odors for a couple of days which is absolutely crazy and you could still put deodorant on it. But it’s very handy. You know with traveling in airports it’s busy, it’s hectic, it’s sweaty. What about these socks? These are compression socks. They’re nice for flying. I actually just started using them, but they seem to help. Maybe it’s a placebo effect. I’m not sure.
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  When did you first decide to become a DJ? I think I was 15 or 16. I was at a school party and I wanted to dance with girls in a slow song. Finally the slow song came on and I was dancing, and then the DJ changed it to a different song and I’m like, why are you changing it! I’m just dancing! And then I realized, wow this guy is really powerful. He’s the director of the night. And that’s what made me realize I love music. That’s crazy that you can be the director of the night and that you can change people’s emotions. Did you ever have a plan B career? My mother made sure there was a plan B. I have a degree in business marketing. When I finished my degree, I asked my mother if I could stay with her for a year because I didn’t have any money. I said pursue making music again and see if I could get any success in a year. And yeah, that happened in a year. So, now we’re here. Where do you want to go from here? Where do I want to go in my career? You know, it’s going very well. I’m looking toward the next five years. I want to inspire people, not only musically, but also mentally, because my biggest trouble in the whole music business was mentally how difficult it is. It’s very draining and I feel like a lot of kids need that knowledge. Everyone thinks, oh it’s just about the music, it’s about the records, but it’s also the mental state. How do you feel after playing for these people? It’s a big rush, right? It’s a big adrenalin pump and then you’re in your hotel room all alone. How can you manage these emotions? That’s what I struggled with. And I have now sort of managed to live with those. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. For more information, see our ethics policy. Via: Theverge Read the full article
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
5 Things You Grew Up With (Your Kids Will Think Are Insane)
At this very moment you are living in the future that your ten-year-old self was pretty sure was going to be up to its nuts in robot butlers and cyber ham. Unless you’re ten right now in which case what the fuck? Your parents let you read this? I could literally start talking about dildos at any moment. I hope you go to them with any confusing questions you may have so they can assure you I’m not real and there’s no reason to take anything I say seriously. That aside, you’re also living in a time when today’s ten-year-old will have no idea what you went through to get to this point. Just look at all this non-dildo stuff that has been lost to history.
Phones Used To Buzz Into Your Earhole When Nobody Was On The Line
You have a phone, right? There’s a good chance you’re reading this on your phone. There’s a better chance you use your phone as a phone far less than you use it as a device to type and read making it kind of bizarre they bother to call it a phone when that’s probably third down the list of things it does. No one calls a cat a “sand shitter,” even though that happens more than you use your phone as a phone. But pooping in sandboxes aside, remember dial tones?
You probably haven’t considered this in a while, and if you still have a landline phone, maybe you still have a dial tone? I wouldn’t know, I don’t have a landline phone. But I know I don’t have a dial tone and legit haven’t heard one in years. Now imagine the kid born after 2010 who while vaguely aware of the concept of phones that have squiggly, pig-tail wires attached to them would have no idea why the damn thing drills a ceaseless robo-fart into your ear every time you pick it up. If a kid picks up a phone today and hears a dial tone, they’re going to assume it’s busted. Like bad busted, too, because it’s never made that sound before.
In days of yore when everything had to be plugged into something, the dial tone was a friendly reminder that your phone worked, because there was literally no other way to know your phone was working. It didn’t do anything. There wasn’t anything to look at or charges to adjust or battery life to keep an eye on. It was an ugly-ass lunch box with a plastic half brick you pressed to your flesh. The dial tone was the phone saying “Hey friend, why don’t you give grandma a call? Also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”
Those days are gone now and they never need to come back. The next generation is not just going to be unaware of a dial tone, they’re going to have to Google the term because it means nothing.
Credits Meant The Movie Was Over
When I was a kid, nothing sucked more than watching a movie on TV and waiting for the next show to start as the damn credits rolled. Nothing. Not war or famine or Full House. You watched the credits only because you wanted to see what was on that channel next and were too lazy to leave the room or, you know, live a life. If you’d rented a video, you pressed stop as soon as that first name started to scroll up because credits were how you knew the movie was over. Did all those people work hard to make this film? Sure, but I don’t know them or anything, they don’t need me to read their names. Your parents didn’t stick around to watch the school play after your part was over, they threw their beer cans on the floor, yelled at you to get off stage, and went the hell home.
Nowadays, thanks mostly to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if you see a film in the theater you’ll notice that just about half the room stays as still as statues when the movie ends. For any comic-book or action-type film, and even some comedies, you want to stay put because surely there’s a post-credit bit of awesome, or some sweet bloopers running through the credits. The movie isn’t over when it’s over, it’s just dribbling away like those last vexing droplets of whiz after a night enjoying gimlets at the bar.
The future is going to be rife with movies that make you five minutes later for everything you do thanks to this phenomenon. Kids are going to be expecting it all the time and they will wait, reading the names of each and every gaffer, best boy, and second-unit caterer from Quebec where they filmed all those Bigfoot-takes-a-forest-bride sequences. I showed my niece The Goonies and she asked me to turn it back on after I stopped the Blu-ray so she could see the final scene. It’s in their heads and there’s no getting it out. But also, don’t you wish there was a post-credit scene in The Goonies and it was just Corey Feldman singing “Ascension Millennium” with Chunk and Sloth? Because I wish that.
Phone Anxiety
There are two kinds of teenagers in the world. There’s the kind who are self-assured, know everything, and are featured in PSAs on how to be awesome — drag-racing and smoking that reefer. And then there’s the kind I was. I can’t speak to that other kid in his varsity jacket and five-o’clock shadow, which, in retrospect, might be just the memory of a few high-school sex comedies I saw in the 80s and not a real thing, but never mind that. I can speak to the gut-butt-fucking fear I felt as a 14-year-old calling the girl I liked from French class and having her mom answer the phone.
I can’t even think of the last time I called any individual and got anyone else answering the phone. If you called someone now and someone else answered, your first instinct is either their phone was stolen or they’re dead. The days of having a house phone are drawing to a close and even if you have a landline, you probably have a cell phone anyway and that’s how people call you. No high-school kid is calling their friend’s house and getting stuck chatting to Mrs. Friend’s Mom.
In a reasonable world it wouldn’t matter if you had to talk on the phone to a person’s mom for 30 seconds, but that’s not the world a teenager lives in. Getting mom or dad on the phone is psychologically on par with being caught masturbating. It’s harrowing and earth shattering in ways that are hard to account for and the children of tomorrow have no idea how lucky they are that human interaction is so limited now. You don’t have to talk to the pizza place if you don’t want to, you don’t have to go to the bank to pay your bills, and you never have to talk to that hot girl’s mom knowing full well that she knows you’ve been staring at her daughter’s exposed bra strap in the back of second period every goddamn day.
The kids of tomorrow are losing a healthy sense of fear and self-loathing that previous generations were saddled with. That illogical and fear-born sense of inadequacy that plagued you at every turn because you were sure someone was judging you, even if you didn’t know why. Now everyone’s that varsity jock just high on their own sense of unfettered phone confidence, calling people left and right and only talking to them like some kind of majestic phone barons of a future telecoms utopia.
Late Fees
In the realm of gaming, look at what the Go-Gurt gobblers of tomorrow are missing out on. When I was a kid, I had to go to Blockbuster to rent a new Playstation game and so help me God if I was late bringing that thing back, lest the dreaded late fee be put on my bill. Try to explain that to a kid in ten years, that there was once a time when you not only needed to go to a business to rent a piece of physical media which is probably going to not exist in a decade’s time thanks to streaming and online gaming, but my playing the game meant someone else couldn’t play it. Some poor schlub had to wait for me to bring it back and if I was late, Blockbuster charged me again because Jimmy Guntstubb was desperate to play Battletoads and I fucked up.
Basically, gaming in any practical form, for any kid whose parents weren’t rich enough to buy every new game on a whim, was a community endeavor. Everyone had a tacit agreement to work together for the joy of the game, or the whole system was fucked harder than a Fleshlight thrown into a prison yard.
There was literally no way to see gameplay outside of a commercial unless you caught an episode of Video Power with Johnny Arcade, so renting was the best way to test the waters and see if you were up to the challenge of Contra. You and every other kid had to be orderly and patient. You rented that game, you put in your time, and you took it back. Every late asshole threw the whole system into chaos.
The very idea that you couldn’t play a game or watch a movie today because the kid down the street’s parents refused to vaccinate him and now he has polio is damn near absurd. Why should someone else’s shitty punctuality affect your gaming? It shouldn’t. But dammit, it did. The struggle was real and the only defense that existed against it was Blockbsuter’s unshakable adherence to the rule of late fees, the most strict punishment and deterrent they could muster.
If A Game Failed, It Was Likely Your Fault For Being A Filthy Slob
Obviously technology today is a hell of a lot different than tech from the 80s, or 90s, or from about 5.27 seconds ago. Rest assured technology in 2027 is going to be full of brain-wave-activated toasters that can give you a hummer while making Pop-Tarts for you, the way Edison intended. But that doesn’t mean toasters won’t exist in the future. There is, however, a good deal of stuff kids are never going to get to see or experience. It’s not evolving or getting updated, it’s simply been rendered obsolete.
The big issue with physical media is the general maintenance and upkeep. If you had a VCR you probably remember the thrill of adjusting the tracking when your video inexplicably just started oozing down the screen and tweaking like it hadn’t had a drink since this morning. Or how about that VHS copy of Splash you watched too many times that eventually became so worn out and static-riddled it was like watching garbled porn on a cable station you didn’t get (which is another thing your kids will never know about).
Gamers went through this, too. When I bought vanilla World Of Warcraft back in the day, I think it came on five or six CDs because the idea of actually downloading the game was as silly as the idea of eating a ham sandwich with no bacon on it. If even one of those fuckers got scratched, you were screwed. Or let’s say you installed it just fine, but in the middle of a big boss fight, your mouse suddenly spazzed out, and the cursor shot up to the corner of the screen. That old style mouse had a ball and rollers in it. A little, grey ball that sucked up desk-based schmutz like a magnet. You’d have to pop the bottom of your mouse, pull the ball out, swab off the layer of dog hair, dust, and dried tears on it, then do the same for the tiny little wheels inside. That’s a lost art now, like polishing your monocle (the real way, not the euphemism for sticking Pop Rocks in your pee hole).
The point is that the game failed because you failed. You took such poor care of the components, it crapped out. Already today that can be circumvented thanks to a having a hard drive to store games, and in the near future, companies like Sony and Microsoft will just drop the idea of physical media altogether so you have one less thing to get sticky with your Mountain Dew. Because, as we all know, true gamers Do the Dew. Everything will exist in the cloud, and if a game failed, it’s not on you — it’s all them.
No more discs means no kid in the future is ever going to have that moment when they take a scratched copy of Earthworm Jim and try to rub peanut butter across the bottom of it because someone somewhere once said that will repair surface scratches … even though I’ve never actually met anyone who got that to work and it mostly left my Final Fantasy VIII smelling like a middle-schooler’s sandwich from back when middle-schoolers were allowed to have Final Fantasy VIII sandwiches.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/5-things-you-grew-up-with-your-kids-will-think-are-insane/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/05/09/5-things-you-grew-up-with-your-kids-will-think-are-insane/
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adambstingus · 6 years
5 Things You Grew Up With (Your Kids Will Think Are Insane)
At this very moment you are living in the future that your ten-year-old self was pretty sure was going to be up to its nuts in robot butlers and cyber ham. Unless you’re ten right now in which case what the fuck? Your parents let you read this? I could literally start talking about dildos at any moment. I hope you go to them with any confusing questions you may have so they can assure you I’m not real and there’s no reason to take anything I say seriously. That aside, you’re also living in a time when today’s ten-year-old will have no idea what you went through to get to this point. Just look at all this non-dildo stuff that has been lost to history.
Phones Used To Buzz Into Your Earhole When Nobody Was On The Line
You have a phone, right? There’s a good chance you’re reading this on your phone. There’s a better chance you use your phone as a phone far less than you use it as a device to type and read making it kind of bizarre they bother to call it a phone when that’s probably third down the list of things it does. No one calls a cat a “sand shitter,” even though that happens more than you use your phone as a phone. But pooping in sandboxes aside, remember dial tones?
You probably haven’t considered this in a while, and if you still have a landline phone, maybe you still have a dial tone? I wouldn’t know, I don’t have a landline phone. But I know I don’t have a dial tone and legit haven’t heard one in years. Now imagine the kid born after 2010 who while vaguely aware of the concept of phones that have squiggly, pig-tail wires attached to them would have no idea why the damn thing drills a ceaseless robo-fart into your ear every time you pick it up. If a kid picks up a phone today and hears a dial tone, they’re going to assume it’s busted. Like bad busted, too, because it’s never made that sound before.
In days of yore when everything had to be plugged into something, the dial tone was a friendly reminder that your phone worked, because there was literally no other way to know your phone was working. It didn’t do anything. There wasn’t anything to look at or charges to adjust or battery life to keep an eye on. It was an ugly-ass lunch box with a plastic half brick you pressed to your flesh. The dial tone was the phone saying “Hey friend, why don’t you give grandma a call? Also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”
Those days are gone now and they never need to come back. The next generation is not just going to be unaware of a dial tone, they’re going to have to Google the term because it means nothing.
Credits Meant The Movie Was Over
When I was a kid, nothing sucked more than watching a movie on TV and waiting for the next show to start as the damn credits rolled. Nothing. Not war or famine or Full House. You watched the credits only because you wanted to see what was on that channel next and were too lazy to leave the room or, you know, live a life. If you’d rented a video, you pressed stop as soon as that first name started to scroll up because credits were how you knew the movie was over. Did all those people work hard to make this film? Sure, but I don’t know them or anything, they don’t need me to read their names. Your parents didn’t stick around to watch the school play after your part was over, they threw their beer cans on the floor, yelled at you to get off stage, and went the hell home.
Nowadays, thanks mostly to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if you see a film in the theater you’ll notice that just about half the room stays as still as statues when the movie ends. For any comic-book or action-type film, and even some comedies, you want to stay put because surely there’s a post-credit bit of awesome, or some sweet bloopers running through the credits. The movie isn’t over when it’s over, it’s just dribbling away like those last vexing droplets of whiz after a night enjoying gimlets at the bar.
The future is going to be rife with movies that make you five minutes later for everything you do thanks to this phenomenon. Kids are going to be expecting it all the time and they will wait, reading the names of each and every gaffer, best boy, and second-unit caterer from Quebec where they filmed all those Bigfoot-takes-a-forest-bride sequences. I showed my niece The Goonies and she asked me to turn it back on after I stopped the Blu-ray so she could see the final scene. It’s in their heads and there’s no getting it out. But also, don’t you wish there was a post-credit scene in The Goonies and it was just Corey Feldman singing “Ascension Millennium” with Chunk and Sloth? Because I wish that.
Phone Anxiety
There are two kinds of teenagers in the world. There’s the kind who are self-assured, know everything, and are featured in PSAs on how to be awesome — drag-racing and smoking that reefer. And then there’s the kind I was. I can’t speak to that other kid in his varsity jacket and five-o’clock shadow, which, in retrospect, might be just the memory of a few high-school sex comedies I saw in the 80s and not a real thing, but never mind that. I can speak to the gut-butt-fucking fear I felt as a 14-year-old calling the girl I liked from French class and having her mom answer the phone.
I can’t even think of the last time I called any individual and got anyone else answering the phone. If you called someone now and someone else answered, your first instinct is either their phone was stolen or they’re dead. The days of having a house phone are drawing to a close and even if you have a landline, you probably have a cell phone anyway and that’s how people call you. No high-school kid is calling their friend’s house and getting stuck chatting to Mrs. Friend’s Mom.
In a reasonable world it wouldn’t matter if you had to talk on the phone to a person’s mom for 30 seconds, but that’s not the world a teenager lives in. Getting mom or dad on the phone is psychologically on par with being caught masturbating. It’s harrowing and earth shattering in ways that are hard to account for and the children of tomorrow have no idea how lucky they are that human interaction is so limited now. You don’t have to talk to the pizza place if you don’t want to, you don’t have to go to the bank to pay your bills, and you never have to talk to that hot girl’s mom knowing full well that she knows you’ve been staring at her daughter’s exposed bra strap in the back of second period every goddamn day.
The kids of tomorrow are losing a healthy sense of fear and self-loathing that previous generations were saddled with. That illogical and fear-born sense of inadequacy that plagued you at every turn because you were sure someone was judging you, even if you didn’t know why. Now everyone’s that varsity jock just high on their own sense of unfettered phone confidence, calling people left and right and only talking to them like some kind of majestic phone barons of a future telecoms utopia.
Late Fees
In the realm of gaming, look at what the Go-Gurt gobblers of tomorrow are missing out on. When I was a kid, I had to go to Blockbuster to rent a new Playstation game and so help me God if I was late bringing that thing back, lest the dreaded late fee be put on my bill. Try to explain that to a kid in ten years, that there was once a time when you not only needed to go to a business to rent a piece of physical media which is probably going to not exist in a decade’s time thanks to streaming and online gaming, but my playing the game meant someone else couldn’t play it. Some poor schlub had to wait for me to bring it back and if I was late, Blockbuster charged me again because Jimmy Guntstubb was desperate to play Battletoads and I fucked up.
Basically, gaming in any practical form, for any kid whose parents weren’t rich enough to buy every new game on a whim, was a community endeavor. Everyone had a tacit agreement to work together for the joy of the game, or the whole system was fucked harder than a Fleshlight thrown into a prison yard.
There was literally no way to see gameplay outside of a commercial unless you caught an episode of Video Power with Johnny Arcade, so renting was the best way to test the waters and see if you were up to the challenge of Contra. You and every other kid had to be orderly and patient. You rented that game, you put in your time, and you took it back. Every late asshole threw the whole system into chaos.
The very idea that you couldn’t play a game or watch a movie today because the kid down the street’s parents refused to vaccinate him and now he has polio is damn near absurd. Why should someone else’s shitty punctuality affect your gaming? It shouldn’t. But dammit, it did. The struggle was real and the only defense that existed against it was Blockbsuter’s unshakable adherence to the rule of late fees, the most strict punishment and deterrent they could muster.
If A Game Failed, It Was Likely Your Fault For Being A Filthy Slob
Obviously technology today is a hell of a lot different than tech from the 80s, or 90s, or from about 5.27 seconds ago. Rest assured technology in 2027 is going to be full of brain-wave-activated toasters that can give you a hummer while making Pop-Tarts for you, the way Edison intended. But that doesn’t mean toasters won’t exist in the future. There is, however, a good deal of stuff kids are never going to get to see or experience. It’s not evolving or getting updated, it’s simply been rendered obsolete.
The big issue with physical media is the general maintenance and upkeep. If you had a VCR you probably remember the thrill of adjusting the tracking when your video inexplicably just started oozing down the screen and tweaking like it hadn’t had a drink since this morning. Or how about that VHS copy of Splash you watched too many times that eventually became so worn out and static-riddled it was like watching garbled porn on a cable station you didn’t get (which is another thing your kids will never know about).
Gamers went through this, too. When I bought vanilla World Of Warcraft back in the day, I think it came on five or six CDs because the idea of actually downloading the game was as silly as the idea of eating a ham sandwich with no bacon on it. If even one of those fuckers got scratched, you were screwed. Or let’s say you installed it just fine, but in the middle of a big boss fight, your mouse suddenly spazzed out, and the cursor shot up to the corner of the screen. That old style mouse had a ball and rollers in it. A little, grey ball that sucked up desk-based schmutz like a magnet. You’d have to pop the bottom of your mouse, pull the ball out, swab off the layer of dog hair, dust, and dried tears on it, then do the same for the tiny little wheels inside. That’s a lost art now, like polishing your monocle (the real way, not the euphemism for sticking Pop Rocks in your pee hole).
The point is that the game failed because you failed. You took such poor care of the components, it crapped out. Already today that can be circumvented thanks to a having a hard drive to store games, and in the near future, companies like Sony and Microsoft will just drop the idea of physical media altogether so you have one less thing to get sticky with your Mountain Dew. Because, as we all know, true gamers Do the Dew. Everything will exist in the cloud, and if a game failed, it’s not on you — it’s all them.
No more discs means no kid in the future is ever going to have that moment when they take a scratched copy of Earthworm Jim and try to rub peanut butter across the bottom of it because someone somewhere once said that will repair surface scratches … even though I’ve never actually met anyone who got that to work and it mostly left my Final Fantasy VIII smelling like a middle-schooler’s sandwich from back when middle-schoolers were allowed to have Final Fantasy VIII sandwiches.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/5-things-you-grew-up-with-your-kids-will-think-are-insane/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/173719664232
0 notes
allofbeercom · 6 years
5 Things You Grew Up With (Your Kids Will Think Are Insane)
At this very moment you are living in the future that your ten-year-old self was pretty sure was going to be up to its nuts in robot butlers and cyber ham. Unless you’re ten right now in which case what the fuck? Your parents let you read this? I could literally start talking about dildos at any moment. I hope you go to them with any confusing questions you may have so they can assure you I’m not real and there’s no reason to take anything I say seriously. That aside, you’re also living in a time when today’s ten-year-old will have no idea what you went through to get to this point. Just look at all this non-dildo stuff that has been lost to history.
Phones Used To Buzz Into Your Earhole When Nobody Was On The Line
You have a phone, right? There’s a good chance you’re reading this on your phone. There’s a better chance you use your phone as a phone far less than you use it as a device to type and read making it kind of bizarre they bother to call it a phone when that’s probably third down the list of things it does. No one calls a cat a “sand shitter,” even though that happens more than you use your phone as a phone. But pooping in sandboxes aside, remember dial tones?
You probably haven’t considered this in a while, and if you still have a landline phone, maybe you still have a dial tone? I wouldn’t know, I don’t have a landline phone. But I know I don’t have a dial tone and legit haven’t heard one in years. Now imagine the kid born after 2010 who while vaguely aware of the concept of phones that have squiggly, pig-tail wires attached to them would have no idea why the damn thing drills a ceaseless robo-fart into your ear every time you pick it up. If a kid picks up a phone today and hears a dial tone, they’re going to assume it’s busted. Like bad busted, too, because it’s never made that sound before.
In days of yore when everything had to be plugged into something, the dial tone was a friendly reminder that your phone worked, because there was literally no other way to know your phone was working. It didn’t do anything. There wasn’t anything to look at or charges to adjust or battery life to keep an eye on. It was an ugly-ass lunch box with a plastic half brick you pressed to your flesh. The dial tone was the phone saying “Hey friend, why don’t you give grandma a call? Also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”
Those days are gone now and they never need to come back. The next generation is not just going to be unaware of a dial tone, they’re going to have to Google the term because it means nothing.
Credits Meant The Movie Was Over
When I was a kid, nothing sucked more than watching a movie on TV and waiting for the next show to start as the damn credits rolled. Nothing. Not war or famine or Full House. You watched the credits only because you wanted to see what was on that channel next and were too lazy to leave the room or, you know, live a life. If you’d rented a video, you pressed stop as soon as that first name started to scroll up because credits were how you knew the movie was over. Did all those people work hard to make this film? Sure, but I don’t know them or anything, they don’t need me to read their names. Your parents didn’t stick around to watch the school play after your part was over, they threw their beer cans on the floor, yelled at you to get off stage, and went the hell home.
Nowadays, thanks mostly to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if you see a film in the theater you’ll notice that just about half the room stays as still as statues when the movie ends. For any comic-book or action-type film, and even some comedies, you want to stay put because surely there’s a post-credit bit of awesome, or some sweet bloopers running through the credits. The movie isn’t over when it’s over, it’s just dribbling away like those last vexing droplets of whiz after a night enjoying gimlets at the bar.
The future is going to be rife with movies that make you five minutes later for everything you do thanks to this phenomenon. Kids are going to be expecting it all the time and they will wait, reading the names of each and every gaffer, best boy, and second-unit caterer from Quebec where they filmed all those Bigfoot-takes-a-forest-bride sequences. I showed my niece The Goonies and she asked me to turn it back on after I stopped the Blu-ray so she could see the final scene. It’s in their heads and there’s no getting it out. But also, don’t you wish there was a post-credit scene in The Goonies and it was just Corey Feldman singing “Ascension Millennium” with Chunk and Sloth? Because I wish that.
Phone Anxiety
There are two kinds of teenagers in the world. There’s the kind who are self-assured, know everything, and are featured in PSAs on how to be awesome — drag-racing and smoking that reefer. And then there’s the kind I was. I can’t speak to that other kid in his varsity jacket and five-o’clock shadow, which, in retrospect, might be just the memory of a few high-school sex comedies I saw in the 80s and not a real thing, but never mind that. I can speak to the gut-butt-fucking fear I felt as a 14-year-old calling the girl I liked from French class and having her mom answer the phone.
I can’t even think of the last time I called any individual and got anyone else answering the phone. If you called someone now and someone else answered, your first instinct is either their phone was stolen or they’re dead. The days of having a house phone are drawing to a close and even if you have a landline, you probably have a cell phone anyway and that’s how people call you. No high-school kid is calling their friend’s house and getting stuck chatting to Mrs. Friend’s Mom.
In a reasonable world it wouldn’t matter if you had to talk on the phone to a person’s mom for 30 seconds, but that’s not the world a teenager lives in. Getting mom or dad on the phone is psychologically on par with being caught masturbating. It’s harrowing and earth shattering in ways that are hard to account for and the children of tomorrow have no idea how lucky they are that human interaction is so limited now. You don’t have to talk to the pizza place if you don’t want to, you don’t have to go to the bank to pay your bills, and you never have to talk to that hot girl’s mom knowing full well that she knows you’ve been staring at her daughter’s exposed bra strap in the back of second period every goddamn day.
The kids of tomorrow are losing a healthy sense of fear and self-loathing that previous generations were saddled with. That illogical and fear-born sense of inadequacy that plagued you at every turn because you were sure someone was judging you, even if you didn’t know why. Now everyone’s that varsity jock just high on their own sense of unfettered phone confidence, calling people left and right and only talking to them like some kind of majestic phone barons of a future telecoms utopia.
Late Fees
In the realm of gaming, look at what the Go-Gurt gobblers of tomorrow are missing out on. When I was a kid, I had to go to Blockbuster to rent a new Playstation game and so help me God if I was late bringing that thing back, lest the dreaded late fee be put on my bill. Try to explain that to a kid in ten years, that there was once a time when you not only needed to go to a business to rent a piece of physical media which is probably going to not exist in a decade’s time thanks to streaming and online gaming, but my playing the game meant someone else couldn’t play it. Some poor schlub had to wait for me to bring it back and if I was late, Blockbuster charged me again because Jimmy Guntstubb was desperate to play Battletoads and I fucked up.
Basically, gaming in any practical form, for any kid whose parents weren’t rich enough to buy every new game on a whim, was a community endeavor. Everyone had a tacit agreement to work together for the joy of the game, or the whole system was fucked harder than a Fleshlight thrown into a prison yard.
There was literally no way to see gameplay outside of a commercial unless you caught an episode of Video Power with Johnny Arcade, so renting was the best way to test the waters and see if you were up to the challenge of Contra. You and every other kid had to be orderly and patient. You rented that game, you put in your time, and you took it back. Every late asshole threw the whole system into chaos.
The very idea that you couldn’t play a game or watch a movie today because the kid down the street’s parents refused to vaccinate him and now he has polio is damn near absurd. Why should someone else’s shitty punctuality affect your gaming? It shouldn’t. But dammit, it did. The struggle was real and the only defense that existed against it was Blockbsuter’s unshakable adherence to the rule of late fees, the most strict punishment and deterrent they could muster.
If A Game Failed, It Was Likely Your Fault For Being A Filthy Slob
Obviously technology today is a hell of a lot different than tech from the 80s, or 90s, or from about 5.27 seconds ago. Rest assured technology in 2027 is going to be full of brain-wave-activated toasters that can give you a hummer while making Pop-Tarts for you, the way Edison intended. But that doesn’t mean toasters won’t exist in the future. There is, however, a good deal of stuff kids are never going to get to see or experience. It’s not evolving or getting updated, it’s simply been rendered obsolete.
The big issue with physical media is the general maintenance and upkeep. If you had a VCR you probably remember the thrill of adjusting the tracking when your video inexplicably just started oozing down the screen and tweaking like it hadn’t had a drink since this morning. Or how about that VHS copy of Splash you watched too many times that eventually became so worn out and static-riddled it was like watching garbled porn on a cable station you didn’t get (which is another thing your kids will never know about).
Gamers went through this, too. When I bought vanilla World Of Warcraft back in the day, I think it came on five or six CDs because the idea of actually downloading the game was as silly as the idea of eating a ham sandwich with no bacon on it. If even one of those fuckers got scratched, you were screwed. Or let’s say you installed it just fine, but in the middle of a big boss fight, your mouse suddenly spazzed out, and the cursor shot up to the corner of the screen. That old style mouse had a ball and rollers in it. A little, grey ball that sucked up desk-based schmutz like a magnet. You’d have to pop the bottom of your mouse, pull the ball out, swab off the layer of dog hair, dust, and dried tears on it, then do the same for the tiny little wheels inside. That’s a lost art now, like polishing your monocle (the real way, not the euphemism for sticking Pop Rocks in your pee hole).
The point is that the game failed because you failed. You took such poor care of the components, it crapped out. Already today that can be circumvented thanks to a having a hard drive to store games, and in the near future, companies like Sony and Microsoft will just drop the idea of physical media altogether so you have one less thing to get sticky with your Mountain Dew. Because, as we all know, true gamers Do the Dew. Everything will exist in the cloud, and if a game failed, it’s not on you — it’s all them.
No more discs means no kid in the future is ever going to have that moment when they take a scratched copy of Earthworm Jim and try to rub peanut butter across the bottom of it because someone somewhere once said that will repair surface scratches … even though I’ve never actually met anyone who got that to work and it mostly left my Final Fantasy VIII smelling like a middle-schooler’s sandwich from back when middle-schoolers were allowed to have Final Fantasy VIII sandwiches.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/5-things-you-grew-up-with-your-kids-will-think-are-insane/
0 notes
jaelynamirwe66 · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2EgY6ny - Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV Review -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 7171 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZE6CxkuW7hTGfOrmL6cHfw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV Review The Mic doesn't work properly. Others can barely hear my voice. Update 04/06/2017: Customer service did pretty good job and fast, by contacting me about the issue I had. They even re-order a new one for me, now everything is work perfect as I expected. Thank you and keep up the Good work. ... Reviewer : Frans Yapto Video review: Yes, they work with glasses! Decent bang for your buck. If you listen closely there's a bit of 'fuzz' noise, but that is drowned out once the music/video starts playing. These are the BEST headphones I've tested (and I've tested a lot) when it comes to latency--that is there's no delay when viewing a video on my iPhone and the audio that's playing. Note: There's quite a delay when pressing Siri. Like a good 3-4 seconds before she's 'activated.' ... Reviewer : Beau Chevassus Click http://ift.tt/2EgY6ny to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. BUILT TO STAY COMFORTABLE: The Memory-protein ear cushion simulate human skin texture, ensuring lasting comfort. The stainless steel slider and softly padded headband allows you to find the perfect fit without constraint and provide excellent durability. NEVER POWER OFF, BOTH WIRELESS & WIRED: 1. The wireless mode: A built-in 420mAh battery provides up to 13-hr music time/15-hr talking time in a single charge; 2. The Wired mode: you can also use it as a wired headphone with the provided audio cable so the headphones will never power off. HANDS-FREE CALL & BUILT-IN MIC: Please Note: The Microphone only works in the wireless mode. Mpow Bluetooth headphones provide a quick and stable connection with your Bluetooth enabled devices like cell phones, tablets, pc, TVs within 33 feet, with a high-quality built-in microphone for hands-free calls. FOLDABLE DESIGN WITH A PORTABLE BAG & GENTLE REMINDER : The foldable Headband is not only designed for saving your desk space but for carrying in the provided bag. Gentle Reminder: Depending on your head/ear size/shape, it may be a little tight(feels likeon ear) for someone to wear which is designed to avoid sound leakage. In case of that and to get both audio and wearing comfort, please take off the headphone every 1-2 hrs to get your ears relax and protect them from muggy environment in use. My wife took over my $300 head phones so I needed to find something that was ok and won't break the bank. These headphones sound just as good as my $300 set for the most part. They aren't as strong in the bass but they still hold their own as far as I'm concerned. They are very comfortable over my ears and are easly adjustable also the battery seems to last long enough for me before I need to recharge. They are not noise canceling but do block out enough outside sound that I can forget the wor... Reviewer : Todd B. Click http://ift.tt/2EgY6ny to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZE6CxkuW7hTGfOrmL6cHfw See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZE6CxkuW7hTGfOrmL6cHfw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Mpow, #Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV This is a review video for : B01NAJGGA2 Manufacture : Mpow Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
0 notes
whomedadolphws · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW - Cheap Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 5845 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFiCblm2VdKA_tv-WKHYVHQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Cheap Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV The Mic doesn't work properly. Others can barely hear my voice. Update 04/06/2017: Customer service did pretty good job and fast, by contacting me about the issue I had. They even re-order a new one for me, now everything is work perfect as I expected. Thank you and keep up the Good work. ... Reviewer : Frans Yapto Video review: Yes, they work with glasses! Decent bang for your buck. If you listen closely there's a bit of 'fuzz' noise, but that is drowned out once the music/video starts playing. These are the BEST headphones I've tested (and I've tested a lot) when it comes to latency--that is there's no delay when viewing a video on my iPhone and the audio that's playing. Note: There's quite a delay when pressing Siri. Like a good 3-4 seconds before she's 'activated.' ... Reviewer : Beau Chevassus Click http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. BUILT TO STAY COMFORTABLE: The Memory-protein ear cushion simulate human skin texture, ensuring lasting comfort. The stainless steel slider and softly padded headband allows you to find the perfect fit without constraint and provide excellent durability. NEVER POWER OFF, BOTH WIRELESS & WIRED: 1. The wireless mode: A built-in 420mAh battery provides up to 13-hr music time/15-hr talking time in a single charge; 2. The Wired mode: you can also use it as a wired headphone with the provided audio cable so the headphones will never power off. HANDS-FREE CALL & BUILT-IN MIC: Please Note: The Microphone only works in the wireless mode. Mpow Bluetooth headphones provide a quick and stable connection with your Bluetooth enabled devices like cell phones, tablets, pc, TVs within 33 feet, with a high-quality built-in microphone for hands-free calls. FOLDABLE DESIGN WITH A PORTABLE BAG & GENTLE REMINDER : The foldable Headband is not only designed for saving your desk space but for carrying in the provided bag. Gentle Reminder: Depending on your head/ear size/shape, it may be a little tight(feels likeon ear) for someone to wear which is designed to avoid sound leakage. In case of that and to get both audio and wearing comfort, please take off the headphone every 1-2 hrs to get your ears relax and protect them from muggy environment in use. My wife took over my $300 head phones so I needed to find something that was ok and won't break the bank. These headphones sound just as good as my $300 set for the most part. They aren't as strong in the bass but they still hold their own as far as I'm concerned. They are very comfortable over my ears and are easly adjustable also the battery seems to last long enough for me before I need to recharge. They are not noise canceling but do block out enough outside sound that I can forget the wor... Reviewer : Todd B. Click http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFiCblm2VdKA_tv-WKHYVHQ See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFiCblm2VdKA_tv-WKHYVHQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Mpow, #Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV This is a review video for : B01NAJGGA2 Manufacture : Mpow Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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lamondtzco · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW - Discount Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 5845 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZ_DFSVca-xSWNWvduADuQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Discount Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV The Mic doesn't work properly. Others can barely hear my voice. Update 04/06/2017: Customer service did pretty good job and fast, by contacting me about the issue I had. They even re-order a new one for me, now everything is work perfect as I expected. Thank you and keep up the Good work. ... Reviewer : Frans Yapto Video review: Yes, they work with glasses! Decent bang for your buck. If you listen closely there's a bit of 'fuzz' noise, but that is drowned out once the music/video starts playing. These are the BEST headphones I've tested (and I've tested a lot) when it comes to latency--that is there's no delay when viewing a video on my iPhone and the audio that's playing. Note: There's quite a delay when pressing Siri. Like a good 3-4 seconds before she's 'activated.' ... Reviewer : Beau Chevassus Click http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. BUILT TO STAY COMFORTABLE: The Memory-protein ear cushion simulate human skin texture, ensuring lasting comfort. The stainless steel slider and softly padded headband allows you to find the perfect fit without constraint and provide excellent durability. NEVER POWER OFF, BOTH WIRELESS & WIRED: 1. The wireless mode: A built-in 420mAh battery provides up to 13-hr music time/15-hr talking time in a single charge; 2. The Wired mode: you can also use it as a wired headphone with the provided audio cable so the headphones will never power off. HANDS-FREE CALL & BUILT-IN MIC: Please Note: The Microphone only works in the wireless mode. Mpow Bluetooth headphones provide a quick and stable connection with your Bluetooth enabled devices like cell phones, tablets, pc, TVs within 33 feet, with a high-quality built-in microphone for hands-free calls. FOLDABLE DESIGN WITH A PORTABLE BAG & GENTLE REMINDER : The foldable Headband is not only designed for saving your desk space but for carrying in the provided bag. Gentle Reminder: Depending on your head/ear size/shape, it may be a little tight(feels likeon ear) for someone to wear which is designed to avoid sound leakage. In case of that and to get both audio and wearing comfort, please take off the headphone every 1-2 hrs to get your ears relax and protect them from muggy environment in use. My wife took over my $300 head phones so I needed to find something that was ok and won't break the bank. These headphones sound just as good as my $300 set for the most part. They aren't as strong in the bass but they still hold their own as far as I'm concerned. They are very comfortable over my ears and are easly adjustable also the battery seems to last long enough for me before I need to recharge. They are not noise canceling but do block out enough outside sound that I can forget the wor... Reviewer : Todd B. Click http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZ_DFSVca-xSWNWvduADuQ See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZ_DFSVca-xSWNWvduADuQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Mpow, #Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV This is a review video for : B01NAJGGA2 Manufacture : Mpow Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW - Discount Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 5845 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZ_DFSVca-xSWNWvduADuQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Discount Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV The Mic doesn't work properly. Others can barely hear my voice. Update 04/06/2017: Customer service did pretty good job and fast, by contacting me about the issue I had. They even re-order a new one for me, now everything is work perfect as I expected. Thank you and keep up the Good work. ... Reviewer : Frans Yapto Video review: Yes, they work with glasses! Decent bang for your buck. If you listen closely there's a bit of 'fuzz' noise, but that is drowned out once the music/video starts playing. These are the BEST headphones I've tested (and I've tested a lot) when it comes to latency--that is there's no delay when viewing a video on my iPhone and the audio that's playing. Note: There's quite a delay when pressing Siri. Like a good 3-4 seconds before she's 'activated.' ... Reviewer : Beau Chevassus Click http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. BUILT TO STAY COMFORTABLE: The Memory-protein ear cushion simulate human skin texture, ensuring lasting comfort. The stainless steel slider and softly padded headband allows you to find the perfect fit without constraint and provide excellent durability. NEVER POWER OFF, BOTH WIRELESS & WIRED: 1. The wireless mode: A built-in 420mAh battery provides up to 13-hr music time/15-hr talking time in a single charge; 2. The Wired mode: you can also use it as a wired headphone with the provided audio cable so the headphones will never power off. HANDS-FREE CALL & BUILT-IN MIC: Please Note: The Microphone only works in the wireless mode. Mpow Bluetooth headphones provide a quick and stable connection with your Bluetooth enabled devices like cell phones, tablets, pc, TVs within 33 feet, with a high-quality built-in microphone for hands-free calls. FOLDABLE DESIGN WITH A PORTABLE BAG & GENTLE REMINDER : The foldable Headband is not only designed for saving your desk space but for carrying in the provided bag. Gentle Reminder: Depending on your head/ear size/shape, it may be a little tight(feels likeon ear) for someone to wear which is designed to avoid sound leakage. In case of that and to get both audio and wearing comfort, please take off the headphone every 1-2 hrs to get your ears relax and protect them from muggy environment in use. My wife took over my $300 head phones so I needed to find something that was ok and won't break the bank. These headphones sound just as good as my $300 set for the most part. They aren't as strong in the bass but they still hold their own as far as I'm concerned. They are very comfortable over my ears and are easly adjustable also the battery seems to last long enough for me before I need to recharge. They are not noise canceling but do block out enough outside sound that I can forget the wor... Reviewer : Todd B. Click http://ift.tt/2BT0VsW to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZ_DFSVca-xSWNWvduADuQ See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZ_DFSVca-xSWNWvduADuQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Mpow, #Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/ Built-in Mic and Wired Mode for PC/ Cell Phones/ TV This is a review video for : B01NAJGGA2 Manufacture : Mpow Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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slaterbassettku · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2GC7eok - Buy C-space Business waterproof Resistant Polyester Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port and Lock &Headphone interface for College Student Work Men & Women,Fits Under 15.6-Inch Laptop Notebook -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 92 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKAfK530ARU9TQmKJbi5ww?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Buy C-space Business waterproof Resistant Polyester Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port and Lock &Headphone interface for College Student Work Men & Women,Fits Under 15.6-Inch Laptop Notebook Finally I have an adult computer bag! I’ve been using a tote and it doesn’t give me the security or reliability I need. This back pack is large enough to hold my laptop and everything I need for work. The best feature to me is the lock. The bag had a weird smell when I got it. But after airing out for a few hours the smell was gone. ... Reviewer : WalkerPSL357 Bought my roommate this backpack for Christmas and also because we’re going to Seoul in the next few weeks. The best part about this backpack is that it’s fashionable and it can carry a water bottle. (I love side pockets!!) I’ve looked through the backpack and it’s spacious. My roommate managed to fit her laptop, water bottle, notebooks, and a bunch of random stuff in there. Yay!! Finally a backpack she can use for work AND for our trip. ... Reviewer : Novi Click http://ift.tt/2GC7eok to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Lightweight design is easy for carrying: Made From Durable Eco-Friendly Nylon Fabric With Two S Curve Padded Shoulder Straps,Shoulder belt made of honeycomb breathable material,Ergonomic design ensures the dispersion of gravity of the backpack. USB 2.0 Charging port design: Built-in USB cable. Use it to connect the power bank, then connect your phone with original USB cable to the USB port, you could charge your phone conveniently.Headphone Jack: you can listen to your favorite music on the go hands-free. Anti-theft backpack:his Backpack apply anti-theft design techology. Includes A Theft Proof Combination Lock& Durable Metal Zippers,no theft will easily open your backpack. It's super good for travel ,work or school What You Get: 1x Backpack, 1x Combination Lock,1x USB CABLE,our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee worry-free 12-month warranty and friendly customer service.NOTE:NOT INCLUDE POWER BANK The backpack is actually lighter than I expected, which is a pro for me. My current laptop backpack is very heavy and rigid. This backpack feels sturdy yet is light so I won't have to break my back carrying things. I also love how there's a built in lock that's easy to use and helps secure your belongings. The USB and headphone jack is also convenient for me to put a battery pack or music player in my backpack to easily use on the go instead of trying to stuff wires through the zipper. For those... Reviewer : Khang Click http://ift.tt/2GC7eok to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKAfK530ARU9TQmKJbi5ww See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKAfK530ARU9TQmKJbi5ww?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Cspace, #C-space Business waterproof Resistant Polyester Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port and Lock &Headphone interface for College Student Work Men & Women,Fits Under 15.6-Inch Laptop Notebook This is a review video for : B074HHNB6L Manufacture : Cspace Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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