#the big fort had a wall that was torn down recently and they found a bunch of bodies of prisoners that had been blocked in
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
So. This guy:
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There are two of these dudes in my house. (I bought one and he came with a hole and i was like come on man and told the company so they were like ‘have another boi.’ hence: two bois) 
Sometime over the summer, my dad was dead convinced the trailer was haunted. It got to the point where he was seeing shadows and movements in his room at night and started sleeping with all the lights on. Then. These bois showed up. I had them sitting on the living room couch like gargoyles on the arms for a few weeks My dad started getting less freaked out at night. (I’ve checked the carbon monoxide detector and such. It needs a new battery so we haven’t ruled this out yet) Apparently, less shadowy figures were showing up in the doorways. At least in the main areas. The figures seemed to be centered in his room and bathroom. So, he moved one of the bois to sit on the column on his bedframe like a pedestal so he looks over the room and the bathroom. Apparently, the figures are gone. Like immediately after the forest demon was placed there.
Anyways. The Squishable Forest Demons repel demons. They’re protectors. Get one now and then proceed to attempt to accidentally summon a demon on Halloween. The forest demon boi Can and Will Protect you.*
*I cannot be sued if you get possessed within the company of a Forest Demon. The Squishable company has nothing to do with this either. Please use your Halloween Ouija session responsibly.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
ansgty hc inspired by your recent post where hange and levi were sending each other letters: let's say that levi lived until the end of the finale and as he finished helping armin settle in the commander's office, an eccentric-looking box catches his attention. it turns out to be full of hange's old journals she kept as a trainee until she became a commander. some of these write-ups would be yeaaars old. research notes, grocery lists (that had stuff he liked written down, like his favorite brand of black tea and cleaning supplies 🥺) aaaand of course, for a dash of extra pain -- letters she never gave to him (she probably wrote a scratched-out love confession somewhere). imagine a post-war recovering levi clutching hange's journals and reading her entries way baaaack before and during the no regrets ova timeline until the marley vs paradis arc TIME TO SOB :((((((
"Captain, you don't have to do this," Armin spoke softly. "I can clear it all myself."
"No," Levi harshly refused. "I'll do it. It's- it's the least I can do."
"Captain..." there was an infinite sadness in Armin's voice and in his eyes. Some of it, Levi knew, wasn't caused by the need to clean Hange's office. They all had their fair share of tragedies.
"I'm not your Captain anymore," he answered wearily. "And don't bother yourself with worrying about me. Just-"
"I'll give you some time," Armin nodded. He gave Levi one last cautious look and then turned, slowly walking away.
Levi watched him go for a second and then looked at the door, grasping the handle. He opened that door hundreds, if not thousands of times. There shouldn't be anything hard about it. Yet his heart was in his throat as he stared at the wooden surface.
It was the second time he was clearing that particular room. It was the second time he couldn't protect what was important to him.
He let out a shaky breath and turned the handle.
The room was dusty. It was messy, with stacks of papers littering every possible surface. It was... just as Hange left it.
Levi gulped and stepped inside.
His knees grew weaker with every step. He tried to pretend it was from exhaustion. He tried to keep his composure for as long as it was possible.
He decided to start with a desk, gathering all the papers, quills and books. Most of it held no importance - simple reports, accounts and official letters. Levi held each paper with utmost care, laying it inside the card box he had brought with him.
Most of the stuff there was meaningless, useless. But not for him.
For him, it was a proof, an evidence of Hange's existence, a testimony of her work and life, of everything she had accomplished. For Levi, it was the most precious thing in the world.
Slowly and methodically he looked through every paper and journal. Hours went until he moved from the desk to the bookshelf, from the bookshelf to the closet.
His hand trembled, as he opened it and saw Hange's jacket still hanging inside. His fingers touched the soft fabric. It wasn't washed in a long time, Hange's smell still clinged to it. Levi took it off the rack and draped it around his shoulders.
He pulled the jacket tighter around himself and continued with his work. At the back of the closet he saw a small box, and, curious Levi took it in his hands.
Inside lay even more papers, but those were different. They still were written by Hange, but the handwriting was different, a lot messier. They were written before Erwin's death, Levi guessed. They were written back when Hange was still allowed to be a messy, crazy scientist, not an strict and experienced leader.
The box contained her scribblings and doodles, drafts of new weapons and outlines for the next experiments. There were a few of drawings, and the quality of them told Levi that they were most likely done by Moblit.
At the very bottom of it all, Levi found an envelope. 'For Levi' was written on it.
Levi's breath hitched. Carefully he opened the envelope. Inside there was a letter.
Feeling his legs buckle, Levi sat down on chair beside the table and started reading.
If you're reading this, then one of those things happened: you went through my stuff again, probably during your cleaning spree; I was too much of a chicken to tell you everything myself and left it by your door; or... I'm not with you anymore. If the latter is true, than I'm sorry and I hope you can go on without me. Also I hope that in my last moments, I looked as awesome as possible. If not, then please pretend I did.
Either way, I'm writing you this letter because there is so much I want to tell you and so little time to actually talk with you. Life has been hectic in those last years, don't you think? Sometimes I wish we could go back to the way it was. I wish we could go back to the times, where it was just us - you, me, Erwin, Mike, Nanaba and Moblit fighting a hopeless fight against giant monsters. No shifters, no Marley, just our shitty little world inside the walls. Don't you think it'd be nice?
You probably don't, and you probably are rolling your eyes at my naivety. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me, Levi. You are the closest friend I ever have. You're the last friend that I have, and I... I can not thank you enough for this. For sticking by my side through thick and thin, for tolerating my quirks and weird habits, for being my rock in this sea of uncertainties. I lov... Ah, well, you probably know exactly how I feel about you, subtlety was never my strong forte.
We live in a terrible world, but if there is one thing I'm grateful for, if there is one thing that almost makes it all worth is the fact that I've met you. You make me so happy, Levi, and I'm so happy to have an honor of calling you my friend.
You know, sometimes I wonder - would we still get along if not for our circumstances? Would you still like me if not for the duty that bound us together?
Sometimes I try to imagine a different life, a life where we could be allowed to be happy. To be together - safe and alive. Maybe, I'd still be living with my parents, up in a big mansion in the middle of the capital. Maybe, you'd be a notorious criminal from th Underground I'd have a scandalous affair with! You would sneak into my room in the middle of the night, getting past my father's guards and climbing inside though the window.
Or, maybe, I'd be a student and you'd work at the bar I frequent. I'd be trying to flirt with you to get free drinks for me and my friends, and you'd grumble and roll your eyes at me, waving me off like an annoying fly.
Maybe, we could be simple soldiers, without high ranks and important tasks. We'd be allowed to retire and run away to a small village, where we could live together and raise some cattle.
Wouldn't it be nice?
It would, and I'm sure you think the same. But life is what it is, and, for better or worse, we can't do nothing to change it.
Despite all the shit we've been through, there is one thing I would never think of changing, and it's meeting and befriending you. Whatever happens when you read this letter, I hope you remember this. And remember me.
Forever yours, Hange
There was a dark, old stain at the end of the letter. As he finished reading it, another one appeared.
Levi let the tears flow, rereading the letter again and again. He could almost hear Hange's voice as he read her words. He could almost see her smile and her bright eyes.
He wished Hange told him sooner. He wished he confessed to her before the world had torn them apart. But he knew it wouldn't have changed anything.
They were soldiers, nothing more than tools of war. Their hearts weren't their own, they belonged to humanity.
But with no squad to lead and no battle to fight, Levi turned into an old and broken man. His heart still wasn't his own, as he had given it away, sacrificing it along with his hope for a happy future with the one he loved.
He could still dream, though. Dream of another life, dream of those scenarios Hange described.
He could still dream and hope that it wasn't their last meeting, that in another life, much kinder than this one, they'd be allowed to be happy.
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abhikasach-blog · 5 years
Time Traveller
Time traveller, yes I have become one. Last evening I visited 1930s of somewhere. Last year, same time I was somewhere else which can easily be 2030s of here. This back and forth in time is magical. Some five years ago when I landed (drove) to this village, the first pan shop I stopped at was playing a cassette of a movie from 70s. This village is locked in time in a strange way. Some parts of it is pre independence and some advanced pockets have reached the 80s. After a month when I went to a city, the street lights were hurting my senses and the motion sensor lights caught my attention and I imagined the century when this village will see something like this. Often times I imagine the look on the face of the ba (old man of the village) if he would ever see a mall or travel by a metro train. It's as big as NASA finding a house in Mars. Some people never get a chance to travel at all. There are many such trees in this village.
Years ago, during my first interaction with a group of women of this area I was asked in the local dialect “whose are you?” I touched my forehead to feel the horns, lock or any symbol which gave them a hint that I was either cattle or a metal suitcase travelling with an owner. Having found none I told them I did not understand their question. “who do you belong to”, “sorry” “who is your husband/father/brother/son?” Son? Now that took me by surprise. Living here I came to know that even if seven or seventeen women have to go from one village to the other, the only mode of transport apart from the vehicle is a male person, it really doesn’t matter if he is just six years old. They are allowed to travel, it reminds me of that iron knife some people keep under their bed to ward off evil.
So last evening I was craving human interaction, my eyes wanted to see flesh, of course appropriately covered. They wanted to see the shadows of the people as they walk. My ears wanted to eavesdrop to conversations I was not party to. I wanted hear emotions, expressions, tones. I wanted to see, smell, and hear at the same time, which the gadgets have taken away.
I drove up to a village a few kilometers away and parked my car at the bus stop. I started walking in the narrow alleys which wind deep inside like the arteries going to some internal organ. More like those fine branches drawn from one of the branches when one doodles. My feet kept taking me deeper into the village. Sound of drums from quaint little temples were coming from almost all directions. These temples were made either under old trees, or were just a piece of stone. As I approached one such temple, there was only a pujari and no one else, he was still absorbed in beating the drum to the loudest. The entire village was echoing with beats from different corners.
There were two children on the street, as I looked at them I was reminded of my childhood. Just before dinner time my mother would realise there is no salt, and my brother and I would walk down to the closest shop to get it. On our way back from the shop we would have looked like these two, with gait in their strides, tossing their heads to some silent music. Laughing like they are watching a Stand up comedian in a bar. Settling some deep life changing conversations oblivious of the fact that salt has to reach the pan on time.
As I moved further down the lanes, there were matchbox size shops. Without selling anything through the day the old men were holding the fort of their little shops, busying themselves repairing or rearranging inventory. Disinterested crows and bats were sleeping on the trees. A solo slipper was left behind to become a part of the road.
I peeped in a silver shop which seemed to have some activity. In the shop was a man, who looked like he was in his early 90s, he was getting his walking stick repaired, yes it was a pure silver walking stick. He was crouching near the silversmith and instructing him in details, I interrupted them asking the price of a toe ring, well they didn’t have time to engage with me, some millions were on fire at that moment. Sitting there, I kept marvelling at the difference between need and want . A stray cat attracted my attention and I followed it to narrower lanes.
Houses in these lanes had as much dirt on their walls as there was on the mud path I was walking on. Some of these houses have not even been opened even once in the last fifty years. The windows have fought time, got injured and opened themselves to see some life, but only to see the locked attic of the houses in front of them. Some torn kite hanging on some or a dead bat on others. Only in years of good monsoon does the earth from these windows and those attic walk down the lanes surveying the other lanes collecting the mob of mud from all the houses.
After an hour or so I traced my steps back to the hub of the village. There used to be a very enterprising guy who kept provisions of 2018, I thought I must buy some cheese. When I reached the place where his shop was, only a closed door met me. I asked the neighboring shop “where is that guy” his remark “whatever he used to keep is available here” had the underlined hatred which is very visible in the country these days and it was completely obvious that like most of the people from ‘other religion’ his only option was to leave the village. Some people need to travel to live. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend. Once we were sitting and I was telling him that when people ask me about my caste and religion I tell them I have none. His reply was “it's easy for you to do that as you come from the privilege of your birth in a certain family, if I do jj same it will be read as cowardice, or a plea of inclusion”.
An unaccompanied woman walking in the village this late in the evening attracts audience. How they were looking at me reminded me one time when I and another friend had accidently drove into a naxalite village. It was three in the afternoon and there were very few people on the street. There was a man apparently repairing his cycle and keeping an eye on my car. As we approached the man and asked him the way out, he responded “I am new here” we moved further down on and there was a man washing his auto rickshaw. There were two three children playing with a tyre and a stick. They had the same look in their eye as the cycle man, the auto man and a couple of women we had crossed on the way. The women had the same piercing look but they refused to talk to us. We stopped near the auto guy and asked him the way out. He responded “I am new here”. After some 30 minutes we hit the highway, but the look in their eyes follow me still.
So, while I was standing there, I knew everyone was observing me, its less intimidating than how I felt in that trip. If you have seen any Guru Dutt movie, or a movie of that time, imagine a village market from there. People were sitting together in groups of three and five, discussing important things, there was this one man six feet tall, well built and he had a noticeably sharp nose. He was absorbed in the newspaper which had arrived a few hours ago with the bus that comes from the city. As he heard my voice he turned around and acknowledged my presence. I sat with them on the stair of the shop and we started talking about education. The old man on the edge of the stair kept peering through his broken spectacle without moving even an inch. Another person asked me,”since you are a teacher I want to ask you a question if you promise that you won't be offended”. I told him I can promise him that I won't be offended but the nature of the question will determine whether he would get an answer or not. He asked me “why are the people from your State so short in height?” It was easy, I told him about how genetics and geography along with nutrition and chance work on people’s physical built. The man with the broken spectacles just moved enough to readjust his glasses.
This person who was reading the newspaper told me that he teaches veda and upanishads to young boys holding residential camps. For him education means educating the young men and boys about the veda and the richness and exactness and applicability of all of it in present day. Well, you have to remember we were in 1930s and it was making complete sense to him. He actually looked like a freedom fighter. He spends millions of rupees annually to conduct these residential camps where more than 400 boys stay for a week in each camp and learn the vedas. He wanted to understand my perspective on education. I had recently, as a time traveller touched the meteorite iron which is billions years old. The children in the village only get to read one passing sentence about it in their textbook. Whereas the children in that city of that country have the luxury to see it, touch it and feel it. They also know about the vedas and the richness of the culture of not only India but also other countries. When I ask the children of this village about the country they live in, they happily name the state. These saplings need to be transplanted soon otherwise they will end up as trees here.
After talking to them for a while I went to the shop and bought the cheese cubes, which the shopkeeper had stored in an ice cream freezer. As I left the place I heard the old men started a fresh conversation on what cheese is.
As I approached my car I met someone from 1970s and as I reached the car there were more people from 2018. Finally when I reached Ayaad I came to my timeless zone of here and now.
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nanaswhispers · 7 years
Wandering Souls, part 3.
Heya everybody! This is the last sequel to my KAUWEEK drabble! I hope you liked this small fanfic! 
She stumbled upon them after quite the perilous hike through the lush greenery of the hills surrounding Fort William. And her weakened state certainly did not help whatsoever.
At first, she thought them to be a mirage. A wishful thought caused by the blood loss and the various recent traumas. An illusion her mind had created in an effort to bring her some warmth and familiarity amidst the damp and cold forest. A way to cope with loneliness.
The sight of Klaus tending to Cailean, one of the youngest Mackenzies that had gone to fight for his heritage and cause, barely fourteen years old, treating his pouring wound in his lower stomach, trying as he could to bandage it and hold it as closed as he could… A conjured image of what she imagined their final instants to have been. Even through the anguish and deep grief, it brought a warmth she had thought would be forever gone from her life to imagine them united and caring for each other even in those kind of settings. A feeling she had resolved herself to never experience again, especially not while she was being held by that sick bastard Lockwood in Fort William.
Then a butterfly whizzed by her head and landed as a whisper on Cailean's shuddering shoulder. Shock, relief, horror, sadness erupted all at once, like a volcano waking up from its slumber. She really took hold of the situation, realized they actually really were there, and the lad really was bleeding out, and even the slightest bit of comfort she had felt at the sight of the survivors crushed down around her.
No! No! No! Please, no!
This couldn't be happening! She just found them alive after thinking that everybody lied still on what would be their massive grave. Caroline couldn't bear the thought of having to say goodbye. Again. And with proof of death right before her eyes.
At her shout, he glanced her way with surprise in his eyes. She saw the deep but brief relief and joy at seeing her. She also saw the worry in his eyes creep back almost instantaneously, his gaze going back to Cailean's open flesh with organs and innards peeking out and a red fountain pouring out of him. Saw the despair and unwanted fatality stiffen his posture. But still, he held him, murmured reassuring words she couldn't quite decipher yet.
Caroline had began rushing to them as soon as she realized they weren't a figment of her imagination. Finally, while cursing the physical state she was in for not permitting her to get there faster, she reached their position under a big oak with a bed of radiant moss at its feet.
A choked sob tried to get out of her at the image he made.
His young, fit body trying to draw breaths and fighting to live. The beautiful emerald moss that cushioned him clashed violently with the rich blood oozing out of his torn stomach.
She gulped, swallowed back the emotions and tears that wouldn't help whatsoever right now.
“Mis- Mistress F-F-Forbes… P-plea-sure to se-see you.”
His every breath was pure agony and yet she still saw the truth of his words in the pleased glint of his half closed eyes and the slight smile splitting his face.
“Oh Cailean… I'm happy to see you as well.”
He tried to speak again.
“Shhhh… Don't speak, you need to keep your air in your lungs in order to heal, alright?”
She could see the doubt each one of them had in her words, or rather the intrinsic knowledge that they were actually lies. They knew he had no chances of living through this. They were resigned to that fatality. But, she also saw the reassurance her soft tone and words gave him, as if this last sympathetic gesture helped him pass on to better things.
Klaus had remained quiet since she arrived, but she could see the struggle he held in him by the clenching of his jaw and the stiffness of his shoulders. And yet, his hands on Cailean's stomach remained gently firm.
As she sat up further and placed softly the young man's head on her lap she threw a look to him, and then to the wound. He understood the message, understood it's necessity, but clearly didn't like it judging by the deep furrowing of his brows and the contriteness of his eyes. Still, he headed her counsel, and slowly lessened the pressure his hands put on Cailean, until he released completely any hold he had on him.
He took Cailean's blanket itched in his clan's colors, previously covering only his legs, and slowly inched it further. Delicately, he draped it over the struggling chest, covering the wound, preserving his last shred of living dignity.
The sounds of his ragged breath, and wheezing mouth broke the stillness of the forest. But, Cailean deserved more. Deserved to have his short life where he tried to bring joy for all those around him him celebrated. He deserved more than a grim parting. So, Caroline softly hummed the air of a lullaby forgotten long ago, from times both past and not yet realized. Until he made no sound anymore and her tears broke the shadow of her song.
They buried him as well as they could, right where he died. Klaus and her collected stones to put over his body (she wasn't that useful what with her own wound, but she owed it to Cailean to do her best), moss too, to soften the resting place of a gentle soul.
When they finished covering him, Klaus knelt with sword in hand and point in the earth, and recited what she guessed was a funeral prayer. It was too soft for her to understand, but the words sounded foreign in her ears.
Then, they stood at his feet, silent, in contemplation or maybe prayer.
Caroline wasn't much of a believer, in anything, she was too cynical for that. But, if anybody deserved to be taken in some type of heaven or whatever else that would bring eternal comfort and joy to a deceased, it was him.
She hoped her silent message of hope passed on to any possibly existing entity relevant.
The blonde time traveler couldn't say exactly how much time passed as they stood as silent protective statues. What she knew however, was that when they did walk further in the forest, the grave behind their backs, night had already fallen and with it, the cold.
They traipsed through the darkness of the woods for a long perilous while, Caroline following Klaus silently. It seemed he knew where he was going, at least she hoped he did.
Finally, they reached a small cave, that if one didn't know was there almost couldn't be seen. It was rather perfect considering they were both fugitives. She threw him a questioning gaze with a side of raised eyebrow. But no answer from him.
Silence still prevailed while Klaus started a fire and they mechanically took the outer layers off them. Every motion they made was by reflex or habit. Caroline spreading their garments so they could dry quicker, Klaus going out for more wood. Her taking out the food she snatched from Lockwood, holding out a part for him and him taking it with a nod. Both sitting down next to the fire, backs towards the cave's walls and eyes glancing every few seconds towards the entry. His hand reaching out for hers, and hers gripping it tightly. Never letting it go away. Needed the support  and ability to ground herself it gave her.
The lust and affection they always had boiling between them, no matter how reluctant she had been to admit it or face it before, was more like a simmer. One they almost didn't feel, still too wrapped up in everything that happened these last few days, and in the prospect of living in a hollow world deprived of Cailean Mackenzie's brightness and youth.
After a long while, hours surely, without any movements from any of them, Caroline slowly started thinking, dealing with all the events that took place: the men's departure to battle, the loss of it, the deaths, Klaus' presumed one, the altercation in the Castle Leoch, her injuries, the prison cell, the rape, and the attempted one, her kill, her escape, finding them, only to then have Cailean taken away.
Klaus switched the hand that was holding hers, and with the one he just freed, he embraced her with a quiet strength. She hadn't even realized she was crying, but when she felt his arm draped around her shoulders (the pain in her back was there, but she almost could forget it if it meant being right there for however long she could), sobs and cries left her mouth like a cacophony of pain and suffering.
She didn't know how much time Klaus held her while caressing her dirty matted hair while silently crying with her too.
Usually, Caroline Forbes wasn't one to show any weakness, especially not tears in front of another person. However, she refused to feel any ounce of shame for this. Grief and pain left no place for shame anyway.
She needed this to heal, needed its cathartic nature. Needed Klaus' strength and affection.
And, she knew he wouldn't judge her for it, knew that he would understand her, not only because of everything he went through himself and their shared pain, but also because he always did, even when she didn't want him to.
Her sobs quietened, and her breath progressively returned to almost normal (she was still injured and in his arms!).
“Thank you Klaus.”
“Don't thank me love. It is not needed.”
She only hummed in response.
Her thoughts turned to Klaus again, his understanding of her, his trust in her. And she needed that trust. But, for trust to be, truth needed to be too. She knew that too well, had been burned too many times. Therefore, she made a hard, and much awaited, decision.
“Klaus.” her tone was resolute and guarded.
His eyes turned away from the fire to anchor themselves in her pupils while his hand was still deeply ensconced into hers. Caroline took hold of her resolve and braced herself for the conversation to come.
“I am going to tell you something. Something that may sound crazy, and I know that right now after everything that happened you will probably attribute it to shock or something, but it is the truth. As deeply inconceivable as it may seem. So, actually, I'm, uh…, not from here.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
“No, Klaus, I'm not talking about Scotland. Obviously! You already know that, everybody does! What I'm trying to say is that…”
“I know, sweetheart.”
“Klaus, please let me talk! It's difficult enough without you butting in every few seconds!”
She was frustrated and anxious, and she couldn't interpret the small smile he sent her. He released her from his embrace momentarily and with both of his hands grabbed hers, and turned the rest of his body fully towards her.
“No, sweetheart, it is you that does not understand. I know, love.”
She could see him look at her no doubt puzzled face and sighed a little, fondly and with amusement almost.
“Caroline, love, I know you are from a different time.”
“Oh...” he has said it so matter-of-factly that during a short instant she was about to just nod and.
And then, she truly realized what he said, the implication of his words, and for a good moment there, she just wasn't present, she was sitting, numb, unresponsive and with what she guessed was a dumb look on her face.
Did she just hear him right? He said he knew she was from the future? What the fucking flying fuck was even happening right now?!
“How the fuck do you know that?! Was I that obvious?! Did I say it while sleeping?! I thought I had gotten myself rid of that unfortunate habit! Fuck! Do you really, I mean, really, think I'm from the future or was it some sort of test?!”
His chuckle made her realize how quirky the situation actually was. And, involuntary, a small grin took hold of her still befuddled face.
“Stop laughing! I'm serious! How long have you known?”
“Sweetheart, I knew it since the moment we found you.” his tone was as soft as she had ever heard him, the kind of tone one would use not to spook a cornered animal. She didn't appreciate it, but, well, she could understand where he was coming from so she just ignored it, save for her raised brow, of course.
“But, how?”
“I know those stones. I have felt them. I know the stories. And, most importantly, I went through them myself.”
His words had the effect of a bomb being dropped. If she had been dumbfounded before when he told her he knew what she was trying to say, she didn't even have the words to describe the extent of her shock right at that time.
She didn't know how long she sat there unresponsive but she guessed it was quite the long wait by the trepidation she could see creep into his previously soft, amused and reassuring expression.
“Wh… What time are you from?”
“I passed through the stones in 1132, four years ago.”
And suddenly, small details that didn't ring right, and things she filed away as him just being foreign to these parts made so much sense. Like the foreign words, and proverbs, the lack of religiousness really uncharacteristic of the time, the different style of fighting, or even the displeased expression he sported while wearing a kilt while they infiltrated Clan Macdougal.
She sat there, looking at him, her face the picture of a blown up mind for an embarrassingly long time. And catatonic state was only broken by his voice distracting her from the fact that: fuck! He was most probably a fucking Viking judging by the year he went through the stones! So it's not unilateral, it's not just from the future to the past? HE'S FROM THE 12TH CENTURY! Fuck.
“Caroline? Are you alright?”
She took a few moments to ask herself that same question: was she alright? The obvious answer would have been no. After all, hadn't she just had a breakdown (at least it wasn't a panic attack, that would have been awkward) for very good reasons. She was injured, hungry and tired. Plus Klaus just dropped a bomb the size or Uranus on her. But, surprisingly, she felt fine-ish. About his revelation at least. Everything else… it will take weeks if not months to feel fine about any of it.
Caroline was curious of course. Everybody would be when someone says they come from the 12th century! Plus, it was in her nature to snoop, research and discover things, hell, she made it her vocation!
But, she had also been drained of any energy by her entire ordeal, her injuries were killing her and she could feel herself slipping away by the second.
Also, she trusted Klaus. Sure, it was mind blowing, but hadn't she went through approximately the same thing? Couldn't she be just more accepting considering that?
“Yes. I'm alright.”
“Don't you have any questions? I struggle to believe that the Caroline Forbes I came to know these last months doesn't have anything to badger me with…” he smirked at her teasingly.
“Oh, don't worry, I have more questions that you can count. And you'll have to answer each one of them. But, right now, I'm exhausted and need to rest. Also, we'll have all the time we want to talk on the road, I can't in good conscience take the only fun thing away from walking miles, and miles, and miles, right?” she winked (since when does she wink?) at him playfully.
Klaus only laughed a little bit, and she was thankful for being able to cause that. He had been tense and strained since they found each other, which was certainly understandable considering he went through a battlefield with thousands of deaths around him, escaped somehow with a young man he used to protect and teach, only to feel him die in his arms. Also, this all happened centuries away from the time he was born. So he had all the reasons in the world to not be happy or relaxed. And, also, it wasn't Klaus' usual personality either, he was an intense guy from the beginning, part of the allure, she guessed.
A pleased small smile etched itself onto her lips, the quiet kind one wasn't even aware of spouting.
She basked in the brief moment of joy they shared, aware that the road awaiting them from then on wouldn't give much occasions to be joyous at all.
After a while, she could feel the fatigue settle itself in her spine, in her eyes and in her mind.
However, before she could just fall into Morpheus' arms, she needed to check her wound and see if it was healing any, hoping that there wouldn't be any sign of infection. And by that, she meant Klaus needed to check it for her, since, you know, she didn't have eyes on the back of her head.
“Klaus, could you please look at my wound, see if it's healing or if there are any problems?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
She turned her back on him and slowly brought down the red stained, previously white fabric of her under dress, revealing the extent of her injury. She heard him gasp a little and saw in the periphery the clenching of his fists.
“Caroline! Why didn't you tell me?! You must have been in agony!”
“Klaus, calm down, we had other things to worry about.”
“That may be true but your health, your life should be your priority, love! Who did this? Tell me! I'll kill them, tear out their throats and stomp on their remains! CAROLINE! Do not laugh, it is no frivolous matter!”
“I was not laughing at you nor because I don't think it's important, I was just laughing because you do not have to worry about it, I already killed both the soldier and Lockwood.” she turned to face him and grinned at him ruthlessly.
For a minute Klaus only stared at her, and she couldn't quite decipher the look he was sending her, some kind of mixture of pride and something else?
However, her thoughts were stopped completely when she felt his calloused fingers take her cheek suddenly and bring her face to his. His lips took hold of hers and she was lost.
Lost in the feeling. Lost in the comfort. Lost in him. Lost in them. Lost in the them they could become in the future.
Never in all her years has she experienced such a thing. Such a kiss. The kind that everybody thinks is a made up dream when they see it in movies. The kind that shifts your view of the world, your beliefs, yourself. The kind that gives the other person your heart even if it shouldn't have been free to give.
Klaus and his lips were an ambrosia she would have never believed to be real.
She felt in her entire body tingles and flashes, lights under her closed eyelids. Her breath was short and irregular. Her hands were pressed of their own volition on his neck and chest. Her throat let out moans and grunts that her head would never have been able to hold back. Her brain was short-circuited with only one thought going round and round in it: Klaus. Klaus. Klaus.
Nothing else mattered at that moment, not the place, not the time, not the circumstances. Only him. And her. Together.
And when that kiss ended she was still under its mercy with her knees weak and trembling heart.
“You're such a magnificent creature, my Caroline. A warrior of her own.”
Had she been able to think clearly, Caroline would have opposed him, especially the “my” part, but the kiss rendered her almost dumb, so only a smile came out. Still, she couldn't resist teasing him even as she reminded him of the task they begun before the kissing part.
“Come on, warrior, take the flask that's sticking out of my dress and clean up my wound. You need me alive if you ever want me to kiss you like that again.”
They walked for days. Collected herbs and honey so that she could heal. Hunted and caught fish in the fresh rivers of the Highlands.
And during it all they talked without stopping about everything and anything, their pasts, their respective times, their hopes and dreams, things that they wanted in life, what they planned for them. Unless, of course, their mouths were otherwise preoccupied.
Together, night and day. Mostly they elaborated a plan. Using both their knowledge from different eras. His, of warfare and politics. Hers, of the future and the events to come. They knew they couldn't change major things, or stop them from happening, but who forbade them to turn it into their advantage?
Their. Hers and his. Together. From now on to forevermore.
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I’m Yours (NSFW-ish)
Rating: M Words: 1,733
PART 1 of 3 Summary: Cullen is the commander and Evelyn is the Inquisitor yet after sharing a spontaneous kiss on the rampart, Evelyn is definitely craving more.
Pulling my robe closer around me, I peek around the doorframe of my chambers to see if any soldiers are present before quickly running along the dimly lit corridor. The sky outside my window was darkening and the moonlight basked the courtyard in a magic-like silver light. It was late but I felt restless as I have for weeks since we’ve gotten back from our last mission. Every time I requested to go out of the fortress to pick berries for the kitchen or just go for a little stroll around the fort, I was denied. You’d think that being the inquisitor, I’d have a little more freedom to do as I please but this wasn’t the case.  I slip through the shadows out of the Keep and across the little bridge attached to his office and quarters. Since he got back from his most recent diplomatic mission to coax more people to our side, I had only been able to watch him from my balcony as he went about his duties ensuring everything was in order. As I near his tower, I wait as I hear one of his soldiers bidding him farewell as he leaves to finish his tasks and head to bed for the night. I feel my heart beating excitedly in my chest as I quickly knock on the large wooden door and await his voice saying I can enter. I smile to myself as I quickly look around to unsure that I’m unseen and push open the door and quickly shut it behind me.  His little tower is fully illuminated with candles that give the room a warm feeling as it basks it in a fiery orange glow. As I enter, Cullen is bent over his desk in concentration, completely unaware of my presence. I smile to myself as I watch his eyes focused on the pieces of parchment before him.  “Working late, I see.” I say with a cheeky grin. He looks up at me and I watch as a smile graces his handsome face.  “Indeed I am, as always.” He says as he straightens. “With the recent uprising, I have been working to find the leader so that maybe we can speak to him and see if he’ll be willing to see reason and fight on our side.” I slowly approach his large desk and look down at the parchment as well. “Sounds difficult.” I feel his eyes on me.  “It is but we’ll figure something out.” He says. “Is there something I can help you with?” I look over at him. “It’s quite late. I’m surprised you’re still awake.” “I couldn’t sleep.” I shrug. “Besides I wanted to come see you.” The corners of his mouth turn upwards into a small smile. “Oh? And why’s that?” “I’ve come to offer a distraction.” I pause as he looks at me curiously. “Varric was telling me about a store of wine in the basement. Untouched after all these years.” I lean forward slightly. “Care to join me?” I could tell by his expression that he was torn but eventually he gave in. “Fine.” He says with a laugh. “I just hope Varric didn’t just tell you one of his many stories.” I straighten. “I guess we’ll find out.” We quickly slip out the side door from his tower and quietly make our way to the keep. Luckily he wasn’t wearing his big Templar armor or it would be harder to slip through the shadows. Taking care to avoid the other guards and various others who would be likely to spread the gossip of the inquisitor, dressed only in a robe and slippers slipping around in the shadows with the commander. If that little detail was to get back to Cassandra, she would probably lock me away in my chambers and send Cullen off on another mission. Finally, we reach the basement and use the candle I snagged from the kitchen on our way through to light the candles on the wall. Sure enough, we eventually find a small hallway that branches off that is covered in cobwebs. Cullen and I exchange glances before he helps me clear them away as we make it to the wooden door at the end. “This must be the storage that Varric was talking about.” Cullen remarks as I light the candle on the wall near the door. “How does he know about this? He couldn’t have stumbled upon it since this hallway hasn’t been used in a while.” I shrug. “Not sure. Varric travels around a lot. Maybe he’s heard stories or read about it.” “Maybe.” I slowly open the door and hold my candle up to light our way. “Now to see if Varric’s sources were correct.” I slowly enter the room and light a nearby candle. The room, it turns out, is much smaller than I expected and is filled with barrels and, as Varric said, a small rack of wines.  “Would you look at that.” He chuckles. “Varric was right.”  I walk further into the room and examine the bottles. “Indeed he was. Look at this. These bottles must be at least a few centuries old.” I reach down and grasp the neck of the bottle to pull it out. Three fourths of the way out, I notice the recently deceased mouse on it and let out a gasp and drop it. I quickly jump back onto a nearby barrel to avoid the now shattered glass and Cullen quickly walks over to me. “Are you alright?” He asks before his eyes glance down at my now exposed thigh.  Blushing from embarrassment, I nod. “Yeah. Somehow I didn’t expect that.” He chuckles and moves closer to me. “It was pretty shocking.” He leans against the wall near me. “At least you jumped out of the way in time.” “I guess.” I frown. “I think I might have gotten scratched on my leg though from the glass.” I turn my leg a little to look at it. He kneels down and carefully picks up my leg and looks it over.  “I don’t see any scratches….” He straightens and reluctantly removes his hand from my leg until I grab it. He looks at me and I slowly put his hand back near my knee. My heart skips a beat as I look at him.  Since I became the inquisitor, we have rarely had a moment together. Whenever we were alone together near his tower, we shared a kiss that was then ruined when a soldier came to report to him. Even in the moment, I knew that we both wanted more. I wanted to feel his hands on me and make me feel like it was just the two of us instead of being two important people fighting a cause.  I slowly inch his hand up my leg. Every time I move it up, I pause to wait and see if he’ll recoil. When he doesn’t pull his hand away, I continue until I feel his hand between my legs. Keeping his hand between my legs, he steps forward. He watches me as I let a small moan escape as I feel his thumb gently caress me. He leans forward and captures my lips with his own as his hand continues to tease me under my robe. I release his hand and bring my hands up to the back of his head as I gently pull him towards me as I arch my back so my body touches his. When he finally pulls away, he smiles at me. “So is this really what you brought me all the way to the cellar for?” “Not entirely.” I smirk. “I was interested in the wine but this is much better.” His eyes flicker to my lips for a moment. “Indeed it is but you really want to do this in here of all places?” I shrug. “I’d happily do it in a bed either in your tower or in my chamber but that would cause gossip.” I pause for a moment as I play with the hair on the back of his head near his neck. “I’ve missed having you around and have been wanting to feel your touch for a while.” He slips his fingers inside. “And how does it feel?” He smirks. I close my eyes for a moment with a sigh before smiling. “So far, it’s every bit as wonderful as I imagined it would be.” I give him a peck on the lips. “If only you weren’t wearing so much armor….” He chuckles. “Do you really desire me that much?” “I do… but,” I start to say when we hear yelling in the distance above us. We exchange a worried glance as he removes his hand and helps me from the barrel.  “Fix your robe.” He says as he turns to listen to the distant yells. I do as I’m told and he grabs my hand. We quickly head back up into the keep and turn down a hallway just as a guard is looking around. Cullen lets go of my hand and walks briskly towards him. “What’s going on?” He calls. The guard looks over at him and behind him at me before letting out a relieved sigh. One of Evelyn’s guards knocked on her door to check on her and when she didn’t answer, they checked her room and got worried. We were told to go find you but you were gone as well.” “No worries. We are both fine. I found Evelyn sleepwalking nearby and was just escorting her back to her chamber.” Cullen lies as he looks over at me. Holding my robe close to me I nod. “That’s correct. If it wasn’t for Commander Cullen here, I probably would have gotten hurt.” The guard nods. “Go tell the other guards that Evelyn is well and not to worry. She’ll be safe with me.” The guardsman nods and quickly scampers off as he turns back to me. “I’ll escort you back to your chamber.” He says loudly, in case anybody is nearby. We walk in silence back to my chamber and he stops near my doorway. After looking around, he leans in and gives me a light kiss. “To be continued.” He whispers before straightening. “Goodnight Evelyn.” I smile. “Goodnight Cullen.” He smiles back and I watch him as he walks away down the corridor.
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