#the biphobia in this fandom is unreal
werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
Dear obnoxious bumblby stans who insist that Yang is a canon lesbian (her sexuality is unconfirmed) and get angry whenever somebody headcanons her as bi
just admit you're biphobic and go.
We will respect you more if you stop beating around the bush and just say it outright.
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miwtual · 1 year
23 and 24 teehee
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
i wouldn't say unwillingly, but ronance! it's just one of those ships that i didnt really think about until i got more involved with fandom and then was like "oh yeah, it doesnt matter how much they've interacted i can do whatever i want" (because before that point i was so focused on making people like me i didnt wanna do anything that would make people not like me)
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
any sort of sexuality discourse really, but in my experience headcanonning characters as bisexual and then having them in m/f presenting relationships......... the biphobia that EXUDES from people when that happens is unreal and so upsetting to me
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
6, 7, 8, 10, 13?
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Oh, God. Um. Most of the popular ones, if I'm being honest. There are a bunch of different ways I could answer this, from "it's everywhere" to "people misunderstand this canon dynamic" to "people make disgusting bigoted comments toward another, '''in the way''' character" to "most destructively moralistic" so I'll talk about the fanbase that historically has encompassed all of these, which is. The J*hnlockers.
I don't think I can EVER explain how utterly unhinged (derogatory) this fandom was when the show was airing. People straight-up labeling their analyses as a "conspiracy," convincing others that there was a Super Secret Actual Finale Episode that would "fix" their ship not being canon. They paired the main villain up with a character who didn't even exist in canon because doing anything involving the women was, presumably, too much to ask. The absolutely horrendous things they would say about the female characters, ESPECIALLY to fans of them who were minding their own business. (Also, they called one of the gay co-creators "actually a straight man" for not canonizing this ship which is completely and utterly WILD to me.) Genuinely there was NO space more unsafe fandom-wise that I have EVER been in. I cosplayed Irene for a con one time and, though luckily nothing happened, I was AFRAID FOR MY LIFE THE WHOLE TIME. Like. The level of vitriol and misogyny and biphobia (I'm not even going to get into that one) was UNREAL. To the point where genuinely I hope we never get new content of any kind so I don't have to think about people who act like this ever again.
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
...........at the risk of getting murdered. MCU Steve. He was just kind of. There. To me. I didn't particularly care about him because he read to me as "generic good guy" which isn't an archetype that particularly resonates with me, but...then the fandom just. My God. Saying that EVERYTHING he ever did was right, that NO ONE had any points when they questioned him, that he EPITOMIZED goodness in a way no other character did ever, that anyone who liked Tony (or anyone who was ever perceived as being in Steve's "way" about anything, don't get me started on how people treated Sharon) was A War Criminal Apologist Irl and was Singlehandedly Upholding Every Type of Oppression, like it was. SO annoying. I went from indifference to borderline-hatred out of spite.
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
(On a more, uh...eloquent note, Lady Macbeth is not a badass gender-binary-shattering Girlboss™ femme fatale, she is a complete mess struggling with layers and layers of psychological issues that she does not let herself process, as well as a HELL of a lot of internalized misogyny. I love her, too, but this creation of her into some sort of suave or cool monarch lady genuinely baffles me. But then again, this play was my Capstone Research Project my final year of college and I wrote a 50-page paper on it, so maybe I'm a little too invested in how people present her, lmao.)
10. Worst part of fanon
Tbh, everyone who insists that two characters [usually (cis, white, abled) men] MUST be in romantic love because they care about each other. Like...don't get me wrong, I love looking at a LOT of non-canon pairings through a romantic lens because It's Neat™, but showing physical affection or willing to throw down/break the law for someone or calling them things like "admirable" or "amazing" are not? Inherently romantic?? Like by so many people's standards I'd be in romantic love with all my platonic friends, I guess, and that's very annoying. Romance isn't the only kind of love that exists!!! Nor is it the only important or significant one!!!
(On a more specific note, there's a fairly pervasive idea that Aki/Himeno is...a grooming relationship? When according to the established timeline and personal events that would. Literally be impossible. People take the "I'm not old enough to smoke" line that happens not long after they meet as some sort of confirmation that Aki was, like, fifteen or sixteen at the time? Or something? Instead of like. Nineteen. Dude has to have time in the three years he's known her to change significantly in appearance, become old enough to smoke (the legal age for that is 20 over there btw), and develop a substance dependence. And given the visual markers of Himeno's appearance when the two of them meet and how drastically her appearance changes in the intervening years, she can't be more than a couple of years older than him? People also take a comment that's meant to convey that he's been at his job three years longer than another character as saying that he's only three years older age-wise than said character. Which, again, given the timeline. Would be impossible. And also. There is an example of grooming in this story! It's really important to the plot actually! It's meant to be seen as horrifying! You would assume that the fact that this relationship is not presented in the same way means something! Don't get me wrong, Himeno's done her fair share of shitty things, but grooming her fight partner was not one of them. There are plenty of reasons this ship isn't for everyone, you don't have to make shit up, lmao.)
13. Worst blorbo-ification
Genuinely I cannot choose between these two, so we're gonna make this post even longer.
Why do people like K*lo R*n. I don't understand. He was given the barest hint of sort-of, hazy tragic "backstory" and people...very much disagreed with me when I said I didn't think that was enough from a narrative standpoint to actually mean anything. And that's not taking into account that this blorbo-ification happened before we even knew that. When all we knew was that he felt kind of lost sometimes and killed his dad while helping head up a fascist empire, people went wild, and not in a "I like villains" kind of way. In a "he's MEANT to be read as mentally ill" kind of way (my God, please stop saying this about every character who is mean and exhibits one emotion) and "his parents MUST have been abusive to him" kind of way. Neither of those things. Has any basis in canon. Just. Just admit you like a character who's not a good person. And that you like a ship that's a dark romance. You won't explode, I promise.
The other one is Light. People want him to be a tragic anti-hero SO bad, I am incredibly tired. He went from zero to beyond 100 in the space of a couple of in-story hours. He's not some misguided utopian visionary, he's a hypocrite with a god complex. I have met too many people like this irl to get behind any positive or sympathetic interpretation of this character. (And don't get me wrong. I think in order to most effectively present the Themes™ of the work as a whole, he had to be written like this. I don't begrudge the creator (in this instance, anyway), I begrudge the fanbase. There's actually a lot I could say about this piece of media and general reaction to it, but my God this is already long enough.)
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fanby-fckry · 8 months
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ot3 · 2 years
I think that the overuse of “sapphic” may be in response to how common bi erasure was for a while- people were calling canon bis (Korra and Asami, among others) lesbians and calling everyone who pointed that out lesbophobic- I think that just using “sapphic” started as a compromise for use with bi women, and maybe as an attempt at solidarity? Things have probably changed since my day, but biphobia used to be rampant in fandom circles
see but here the thing. i dont give a shit if people wanna call canon bi women lesbians or if people wanna see canon lesbians as bi. once again its literally not like anyone in the world cares about f/f in media other than other gay women. so i don't get why we're fighting over this stuff. it doesnt matter to me. if someone sees their own experiences reflected in fiction it takes nothing away from me for them to view it through that lens. and is is unreal to me that this is where so many people draw a hard line.
i don't think the language that we use to talk about ourselves in the mainstream should be dictated by what is the most rhetorically useful for settling fandom drama yknow?
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
Can we talk about the biphobia in the Loki fandom right now?
The amount of times I've seen complaints about Sylki because it's a "straight ship" is unreal. The amount of times I've seen posts calling Sylki shippers homophobic is unreal. The amount of generally biphobic stuff I've seen from the fandom is unreal.
So let's make some things clear:
Sylki is not a "straight" ship. Loki is canonically bisexual. Just by existing, any relationship he is in is automatically queer. They never directly said Sylvie was bisexual, but I don't think it's too far off to assume she is or otherwise queer (working on a post about whether Sylvie is bisexual or not because labels are so personal that she could identify as something different). So both are queer, so this is not a straight ship. They may appear straight at first glance from people who don't know better. We live in a heteronormative society where any relationship between a man and woman will immediately be assumed to be between two heterosexuals.
Sylki's shippers are not homophobic. Anyone saying that is biphobic. There is a strong push within the LGBTQ+ community for mspecs to have a partner of the same gender (bi women have to be with women, etc). This is biphobic/panphobic/etc. This is the opposite end of straights saying mspecs have to have a partner of the opposite binary gender (something we'd all agree is homophobic). It is saying only part of an mspec's identity is acceptable. That an mspec is only allowed to act on one part of their attraction. So Sylki shippers are not homophobic, they are shipping Loki with someone he can have a relationship with. Saying that all Sylki shippers are inherently homophobic for not shipping Lokius is extremely biphobic.
You can make the argument Marvel put Loki in a relationship with a woman because they are homophobic, but calling the shippers homophobic and calling Loki and Sylvie's relationship straight is bi erasure. I will also add that the director, Kate Herron, is bisexual herself. And, I don't know her, but from what it looks like she's pretty open about it and feeling good about it (good for her). So if you want to blame someone for the less blatant bi representation, blame Marvel and Disney, not Herron.
And, yes, there are homophobic Sylki shippers. There are definitely people shipping them because they only ship men and women together. That's just how the world works unfortunately. But that does not mean every Sylki shipper is homophobic. But anyone that does think we're all homophobic is biphobic.
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victoriasugden1 · 7 years
capseycartwright replied to your post: lol you clearly want robert to find and fall in...
lmao would it somehow have been more acceptable if you’d had robert be with a man in that fic? the blatant biphobia in this fandom whenever a writer puts robert with a woman (which is you know, standard for a bisexual man) is unreal. the fic was amazing, laura.
@capseycartwright they can hate the fic, but that comment really erks me. Robert being bi is only okay as long as he ends up with Aaron/man jesus check your biphobia people. 
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alienshepard · 7 years
I think that anon is also implying that it's dirty for like,idk a bi woman to think a man and a woman's hot at the same time or go from liking a man to having feelings for a lesbian woman somehow makes her feelings and relationships with woman (and specifically lesbian woman) tainted or less pure or less serious. the layers upon layers of biphobia from the anon is unreal. also what a way to imply that bi woman are predatory. Anyway just remember bi people invented the concept of loving people 💞
Honestly I agree with you so much on that lmao. I mean it's nothing new that the fandom is biphobic sometimes, like I already had one instance where someone took my words out of context and called me out for hating lesbians ??But yeah, I can't believe that queer people invented true love and that Suvi loves my Ryder and Peebee and that bisexual people can find others attractive and still be in a 100% healthy and open relationship without any secrets or cheating 🤘💖
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