#the birds grew teeth arg
winterwhitelodge · 3 months
There were even more weird birds outside, they flew onto the roof and started screeching. There were like 10 up there!!!!
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Mr Butters got so scared from the birds he ran back inside :(
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daveyeeyeestrider · 5 years
general kinformation
okay mems
heres *claps* this shit
David “Dave” Strider
16 at the time of his death.
December 3, 1995
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
A solid 8 or 9.
~Physical Description~
- About 6ft and 145lbs.
- Red eyes.
- Very lacking in melanin (had albinism), so I had very light blond-almost-white, thin hair, and very pale skin.
- I had freckles eeeeverywhere though.
- Always wore my shades.
- Lots of bodily scars from Sburb/past-abuse.
- I was a doomed timeline Dave
- I still reached God Tier
- I was with Terezi for a bit but we were better friends
- I got with Karkat sometime after that, as a moirail at first, then it just kept vacillating between pale, flush, and sometimes pitch
- “Born” and raised Texas native in Houston, was in 8th grade when the game started
- I had a sorta accent but I hid it
- I had a complicated relationship with my bro, but I think I still cared a little for him
- Bisexual disaster
- Had a crush on John at one point. A huge crush it was really bad
- John had a lot of influence on me
- I think I died sometime during the final fight with Jack, he stabbed me
- I had albinism, with super white hair and skin, and that’s why I wore the shades all the time. Light hurt my eyes
- Freckles. Everywhere
- I died during S: Game Over
- Pre-meteor, I was pretty similar to canon
- I had a lot of scars on my body from the abuse I received from my bro
- I never got to meet Dirk (but god would I like to)
- I believe John was Jewish? And I was an atheist
- I would lay down my life for Jade Harley in a heartbeat. I guess I technically did?
- Before game, me and Bro (his name was Derrick) had a dog. I don’t think we had it at the time of the game, but we had a dog at some point
- Bro and I would also play in the snow a lot when it snowed
- Because of my albinism, I had really bad vision and would wear contacts. Before I got contacts I had glasses I would wear to school and kids would make fun of me for my eyes and really pale complexion a lot
Dave Strider (Heinoustuck)
December 3rd, 1995
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
Transmutated human, not actually a bird.
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
Like a 1 or 2 it doesn’t happen often.
~Physical Description~
- Maybe about 5’3.
- I had wings big enough to wrap around my body.
- There was just dry blood, everywhere.
- Really pale, but mainly because I was dead.
- Had one human arm and leg, and one more bird like human arm and leg.
- I had a plague doctor mask sewn onto my face, and feathers were around my neck and waist, and even some in my hair.
- I had a sword in my stomach, it was removable.
- If you removed the mask, it’d just be a skinned face. Not pretty.
- I was excited but also nervous about my transmutation
- My relationship with my bro was better during this timeline just because we were both kind of weird ass monsters
- I was dead, and so my body was really cold all the time
- When the transmutation surgery was performed on my 13th birthday, they didn’t put me under. That surprised me and I wasn’t expecting it and I was briefly terrified. Them performing surgery like that is what killed me (but I was brought back, transmutated, so we’re gucci)
- I was part of the reason why John ended up transmutated oops
- I refused to play the game with him and because Rose was having a lot of troubles with the internet on her end John eventually got caught by his dad
- I was pleased that he finally went through with it, even if it was forced
- Even pre-transmutation, John was my best friend
Sollux Captor
Roughly 9 sweeps, but still lived a full life outside of canon
May 21, 1995
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
Maybe like a 6 or 7
~Physical Description~
- About 5’7, really thin and lanky.
- Double/Forked everything, almost. Double horns, forked tongue, double-pointed ears. Yes, even what you’re thinking. There was two.
- Everything on my body was fairly yellow tinted because of my blood.
- Not super different to how I’m drawn in canon.
- I am fairly canon consistent, and have memories from Sollux’s life before I took over, but my specific life began on Prospit as Sollux’s dream self
- Aradia and Feferi were matesprits of mine at one point or another
- Seeing Aradiabot “date” Equius was so weird
- I was really good at programming and hacking, and did that stuff all the time
- I had a kismesissititude with Eridan but it was a little too much and it blew up. Ended up blind and he ended up dead so yeah
- I still forgave him though
- I was from an Earth C timeline, and ended up with Aradia as my matesprit again.
- Uuu other than that he’s pretty canon?
Sollux Captor (Humanstuck)
About late 20’s/early 30’s.
May 21st, year unknown.
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
Maybe a 3.
~Physical Description~
- About 5’8, real fuckin skinny.
- I had heterochromia, with one brown and one blue eye, but I was blind in the blue eye.
- White, with really dark black hair.
- I basically lived in polo shirts.
- I wore round glasses before I went blind and kept wearing them even afterwards out of habit.
- I went to University with a lot of my friends, both me and Karkat doing the computer science programs (information tech for me specifically)
- Aradia and I were married for a few years, but then I got into a car accident with her as the passenger and she passed. That’s how I lost vision in one eye
- I had heterochromia, and never grew out of the lisp
- If I wasn’t in a polo shirt and didn’t have a can of Monster or Red Bull at my side it wasn’t me
- Had a brief fling with Eridan that didn’t really last, ended up with Feferi in the end
- I worked as the IT guy for a video production company
- Put a ring on Feferi despite being nervous after what happened to Aradia
- I was really really white. Feferi was black, Aradia was Japanese, Eridan was Pacific Islander, and Karkat was a stinky ginger who dyed his hair black with box dye
Johnathan “John” Egbert
20 by the end of canon.
April 13, 1996
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
Like a strong 5
~Physical Description~
- Super Short, like 5’3 even after puberty.
- Not white, but whatever race I was I have no idea.
- Soft, but not too thick.
- Jet black, thick hair, dark blue eyes, and a dark complexion.
- Had buck teeth and a slight overbite, that was fixed a little bit with braces I had when I was younger.
- My dad taught me how to play the piano growing up, and his death really tore me up. I couldn’t look at pianos the same afterwards.
- I was from a (I think) fairly canon consistent, earth C timeline.
- I was fairly convinced I was heterosexual. (News flash: I wasn’t)
- I played so many pranks, people hated it.
Derrick “Dirk” Strider
20 by the end of canon
December 3, 2409
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
Like a 2
~Physical Description~
- My hair was slicked back all. the. time. Speaking of hair, I was a ginger.
- A sort of really bright orange eye color.
- T o l like 6’4 and also fairly built. Not muscular but not super lanky either.
- Not a lot of freckles, but I had some on my cheeks.
- Still had my sweet tat.
- Mostly earth C canon timeline.
- I was afraid of water, mainly the ocean, because I couldn’t really swim well.
- Cal’s existence in my life was weird to say the least. He was a lot more sentient when I was in need of a guardian, and grew more and more inanimate as I got older and stopped needing him to take care of me
- I don’t know when I found out I was gay, but Jake was my first crush.
- I didn’t talk to another living soul (that wasn’t Cal) until I was at least 11 or 12 when I met Callie. So, I was a little socially stunted.
- I got back together with Jake on earth C after working through our issues a little more.
- So Gay.
Derrick “Dirk” Strider (No Game)
Mid 20’s
December 3rd, year unknown.
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
A 1 or a 2.
~Physical Description~
- My hair was slicked back all. the. time. Speaking of hair, I was a ginger.
- A sort of really light brown, looked orange eye color.
- 6’4 and also fairly built. Not muscular but not super lanky either.
- Not a lot of freckles, but I had some on my cheeks.
- Fairly heavily tattooed.
- I was born in Houston but lived in Japan for a period of time before going back to Houston.
- It wad actually modern day times just like Jane/Jake.
- I lived with all the Striders, but kept closest to my older bro David.
- I was in a ldr relationship with Jake, and eventually moved him out with me to Houston.
- Our relationship was a little rough at first, but after some time apart to work on our issues we tried again, eventually getting married.
- My family consisted of Derrick, David, myself, and Dave, usually called Davie.
- Hal was still an AI program I created.
- I did engineering and programming for a living.
- So Gay x2.
Grandpa Jacob “Jake” Harley
Basically deceased by now, probably in his 90’s when he died
April 21, 1910
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
Maybe a 1 or 2
~Physical Description~
- As a young lad, I basically looked like Jake English (I mean, he is me so).
- I was dark skinned, pacific islander, and fairly thick and muscular.
- I had dark brown, almost black hair, and dark green eyes.
- In my older years, I grew out my mustache.
- My teeth were a little fucked up.
- As I got older, I got grayer, and didn’t bother with dye.
- My canon is based loosely around the ARG lore, minus the whole uh, Adolf bit.
- Also based around Hiveswap canon.
- So I have a good handful of children, and I wasn’t the best parent to all of them, and I realized that, so I really tried improving with Jade. I still loved them all dearly though.
- I would take her out hunting along the island, teaching her young because there’s a lot of critters on the island.
- I was the original bisexual.
- I was kind of clueless.
- I was well travelled, having explored many caves, forests, and mountains. My favorite thing to see was always the aurora borealis.
Lil Hal
When I was originally built I had the mentality of a 13 year old. I’ve sort of aged mentally but not entirely.
I don’t have one really, at least not one that I know of yet.
~Gender and Pronouns~
Male presenting, He/Him/His
~Shifting Strength out of Ten~
Like a 1 or 2.
~Physical Description~
- I used to be a triangle pair of anime glasses.
- Then when I got a body, I was given more humanlike features and looked more like Dirk.
- I had a more red, black and white design though.
- The drawing I made describes his looks fairly well.
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- I was part of an offshoot timeline where I didn’t get prototyped with ARquiusprite. Instead, I was given a body.
- I had a fear of death.
- I wasn’t an official player in the game but I helped Dirk and them play.
- I’m not sure how I ended up dying, I don’t have many memories of him yet.
- Him and Dave got really close throughout it all and I adopted him as my human brother.
- Developing emotions was Scary.
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winterwhitelodge · 3 months
I didn't know there were peacocks here!!! I never knew they were so big, this one ain't very blue but look at that tail!!!!!
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Mr Butters started barking and growling at it and it walked away I really wanted to go outside and pet it but the storms really bad, hope the peacock finds some shelter!!!!
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winterwhitelodge · 3 months
The weird birds ran away when my brother got home!
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My dog Mr Butters is whining at the door so ima go take him out, ill update yall if I see the weird birds again!
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winterwhitelodge · 3 months
Beginning of "The Birds Grew Teeth" arg
Hey guys! Me and my adoptive mom just moved!! The wildlife here is so weird i have been hearing all these weird sounds lately. I managed to get this picture of some weird...bird squirrel???? Idk what they are but they sound super weird here's a picture I got! There in our driveway, I hope they don't get run over when my brother gets home!!
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(All names places people and circumstances in this arg are fake)
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