#the boar bares its fangs / demon!AU
whirling-fangs · 1 year
@fallesto || cont.
“I think you misunderstand a great deal. I no longer care about any of you. I have given you, nothing other than the necessary time, the space, the resources and the power. To act freely within the land to carry out two simple requests in return for this generosity. Yet here we are, centuries have passed and the balance I wished for, the unchanged state that was promised, has not been delivered to me. I expected little from the lower moons, but for upper moons. I am not angry, I am not disappointed, I am merely .. indifferent to you all now. I have given you, everything that you all wished for and there has been nothing given back to me. I am not surprised, in my eyes, you are nothing more than children, I cannot possibly expect, anything grand from a single one of you.”
Something definitely broke inside Kiba's poor little heart. He was too loyal to the Lord to dare attack him, but the snarl that curled at his lips betrayed his fleeting thought.
"You can't say you gave me time! The others have been around for so long that the humans they used to know are all long dead! But I haven't done everything I can yet! I'm still learning!"
He was admitting a form of weakness, a rare occurence from the arrogant young one. Yes, he was still learning. He still wasn't perfect. The rank in his eyes had been carved out so freshly... how could the Lord have expected any results in such short notice?
"You want the flower and you want the Corps boss dead, right? I found a flower. I know it was all dried up, but it's still more than everyone else did! And I know I can find that stinky human too! I just need to kill more Hashira, and I'm sure he'll show himself! If he's the boss of them, he's gotta be the strongest of all, right?!"
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metoo-desu · 5 years
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whatever it takes 
shinobu x fem!reader - soulmate au
contains spoilers
approx. 4,500 words sheesh
Two small figures trudged down the mountain side-by-side in silence, admiring the quiet night after slaying a rather strong demon that terrorized a town below. They stopped at a clearing to rest for awhile and to take care of each other’s injuries.
“Isn’t the moon beautiful?” Shinobu hummed, watching her partner slather a salve over a gash on her pale leg. She smiled at the gentleness of y/n’s touch— the Light Pillar had always been so caring and gentle towards her after they had acknowledged their feelings for each other. 
No reply, instead the h/c-haired slayer asked for a roll of bandages and then getting back to tending Shinobu’s wounds. After she finished up, y/n turned her back to her, removing her white and black-spotted haori and unbuttoning her uniform to reveal her bare and bloodied back to Shinobu, who let out a disapproving sound. It was Shinobu’s reckless move that had y/n receive such a nasty wound. Shinobu failed to see that the demon performed a Blood Demon Art towards her instead of y/n, who acted quickly and jumped in and took the hit. 
With how silent her partner was and the hesitation she heard behind her, y/n knew that Shinobu was looking back into the fight and blaming herself for what happened. The Light Pillar lifted her head, her white fur headpiece tickling her cheeks from the movement. E/c eyes searched the sky for the moon that Shinobu mentioned earlier, but only saw twinkling stars. 
“Liar. The moon isn’t even out,” y/n spoke softly to snap Shinobu out of her guilty conscience. She looked over her shoulder, giving her a gentle smile. “And don’t blame yourself.”
“If I had just paid attention, you wouldn’t have been hurt.” 
Shinobu started to tend y/n’s wound with a frown as she popped a cork off of a small gourd and began pouring the contents on her wound to wash the blood away. It was such a deep gash, the Insect Pillar would have to stitch it up. Pulling out her stitching kit, she immediately began the procedure. 
“If I was fast enough, I would’ve been able to turn to deflect the attack. I lacked speed that moment— my fault, not yours,” y/n argued. 
“How about we were both at fault? Yeah? It was tough fight after all. We should be ashamed it took two Pillars to defeat a Lower Moon.”
Shinobu chuckled, shaking her head. “You’re right, let’s agree to disagree.” 
From then on, the ladies continued their descent after their rest. Shinobu stayed quiet the whole time, occupied with her thoughts, concerning y/n. The Light Pillar stopped in her tracks and took Shinobu’s hand. 
“What’s the matter?” 
Y/n‘s eyes bore into Shinobu’s violets, “I should be asking you that, silly. Are you still blaming yourself?” 
“What? I was just thinking about..,” Shinobu trailed off, her eyebrows furrowed as she thought deeply. “I was wondering who could it be. It seems that your rose is almost at full bloom.” 
Shinobu meant y/n’s soulmate mark. A delicate rose tattoo at the front of her left shoulder, that blooms until she would meet her star-fated lover. Y/n honestly forgot about the mark, too busy with work and her feelings for Shinobu. 
“Is it now?” Y/n mumbled, placing her hand over her uniform that covered her mark. “That’s unfortunate. That would mean my time with you may be nearing its end. Or not.” She wiggles her eyebrows at Shinobu with the last comment, hinting that she would continue their affair despite meeting her soulmate. 
“Don’t. I’ve heard cases that soulmates share pain whether it’s physical or emotional. A betrayal towards the other will cause both to go through an excruciating pain for trying to defy the stars. They can die from it.”
Y/n looked up at the sky for the second time again, “Well, curse the stars. I’d go through any type of pain just to be with you. Whatever it takes. If it’s the only way, I’ll go through it.”
“I don’t want to see you in such state,” Shinobu huffed out. “We’ve agreed not to be together because of our work. And because it’s considered scandalous and immoral.”
“We’ve agreed, but did it stop our growing feelings for each other? Because where I see it, the more it grows, the more painful it will be to be with my soulmate.”
Shinobu retracted her hand and walked away, y/n right at her heels. “Exactly, we’re already in too deep. We have to put a stop to this.”
Y/n chose not to continue the argument. There was no way to change Shinobu’s mind. Either way, it’s going to be painful for her, whether she chooses to be with her soulmate or Shinobu because both endings will just lead her to losing the Insect Pillar. 
Unless if she makes it in time. 
“The moon is beautiful,” she finally replied to Shinobu’s words. 
But the stars aren’t. 
✧˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧
“Hey, moth girl! You good?” 
Inosuke shouted over his shoulder as he dealt with the wave of demons that seemed never-ending. Y/n scoffed at the use of the nickname the pretty boy assigned her during their current situation. Just because her outfit resembled of the white ermine moth and her Light Breathing Style, didn’t mean she wanted to be called that. He knew her name, why does he keep using ‘Moth girl’?
“Did Muzan bring the whole demon population in this freaky fortress because it seems like it!” Y/n growled, skillfully taking down thirteen demons in a short amount of time. “Come on! We have to get to the others fast so we can take down that son of a bitch!”
The boar-headed slayer killed the last demon and caught up with y/n. “Who is this Moron anyways?” he asked, mispronouncing the world’s very first demon’s name.
Well technically, he wasn’t wrong.
“The man that plagued us with demons! Damn it, there’s so many turns! What kind of fortress is this? It seems impossible to reunite with everyone! There’s no way that Muzan would have a shortcut to anywhere!”
“Ha! I can make a shortcut to anybody!” Inosuke puffed out his chest and laughed rather cockily. 
He stabbed the wooden floor with his katanas and held his arms out. Y/n didn’t question his actions and just took down the demons that charged towards them before they could disturb Inosuke’s form. The boy jumped up on his feet and grabbed his katanas before sprinting down the hall without a word to y/n. 
“The hell, Inosuke!” The Light Pillar quickly decapitated the demon she held off, wanting no time to be wasted, she ignored the rest of them to run after the boy. They were stopped at a dead end and y/n stared at the back of the boar mask in annoyance. “Well so much for finding a shortcut.”
“I didn’t say I can find a shortcut, I said I can make one! Behind this wall is a demon slayer, I betcha!” 
And then he began striking the wall with his katanas with all of his strength. Y/n groaned, turning around, ready to slay the last of the demons she left once they catch up to them. As their footsteps neared, she tightly gripped the hilt of her sword. 
“Sixth Form: Blinding Light.”
The moment the demons turned the corner, she swung her sword twice. First, at their eyes and the second to decapitate them while on their dazed state. 
“GRRRRAAAAH!” Inosuke finally broke through the wall, the two jumping into action and joining whoever was in the room. “Out of the sky, Lord Inosuke comin’ in!” Inosuke announced. Seeing the suspicious flying petals, he quickly performed Fifth Fang: Mad Cleave. 
Once the area cleared of the petals, the two landed safely beside Kanao, the Light Pillar checking up on the girl as the Inosuke eyed the demon before them, identifying him as the Upper Moon Two. 
Inosuke finally noticed Kanao’s presence and began scolding her about being beat up. “Shinobu’ll get really mad at you! And she gets really angry!” 
The Light Pillar brushed past Inosuke, staring at the two katanas beside the Upper Moon before her eyes met with the demon’s numbered, rainbow ones. The owner of the familiar and unique katana was nowhere to be seen. 
“Is Shinobu...dead?” Y/n heard Inosuke ask Kanao. 
There was ringing in her ears as she felt her heart break in two and a wave of strong emotions crashing down on her like a tsunami. Tears pricked at her eyes as she remembered all the moments she had with Shinobu, the woman she loves. 
✧˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧
It was a laughable situation to y/n. The first time she was taken to the Butterfly Estate, she mocked the name of it. The reason why she was taken there was because of her grave injuries after battling a strong Lower Moon. 
Even in her state, she managed to laugh at the name but when the master of the estate walked into the room, she immediately shut her mouth. 
Maybe the reason of the estate’s name was because of the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach, caused by the insane beauty of this lady. 
“Hi, you must be l/n y/n! I heard you recently became a Pillar after a scary fight against a Lower Moon. Congratulations!”
“Is that how you normally greet your patients?” Y/n nervously swallowed, afraid that an actual butterfly might fly out of her throat with how strong the feeling of the butterflies in her stomach. 
The purple-haired beauty sat beside the bed after setting her medical equipments down on the bedside table. “I’m Kochou Shinobu, the Insect Pillar. I’m excited to be the first of the Pillars to welcome the newest addition! Now let’s take a look at your injuries, sure it won’t be that bad seeing that you can manage to sit upright!”
“Actually,” y/n panted, unable to keep up with her Total Breath Concentration, “I think I’m dying..”
She fainted right there and then. 
“Oh my.”
“Are you confessing your love to me?” 
Y/n turned to Shinobu with a grin plastered on her face. The two sat at the engawa, gazing at the stars as they drank tea when Shinobu shared a phrase with a hidden meaning. What the Insect Pillar didn’t know, y/n was a lover of poems and literature, so she knew of the beautifully hidden message. 
“Whatever do you mean, y/n?” Shinobu blushed, embarrassed that the Light Pillar caught her. “I was just saying the moon was beautiful.”
“I don’t think so,” y/n deadpanned, watching the slightest downward twitch at the corners of her lips as Shinobu mistook her answer as a rejection.
Y/n purposely let a moment of silence before she spoke again. “I don’t think you meant it literally but poetically. Just so you know, I’m quite aware of the hidden message,” she teased, leaning closer to Shinobu, watching her uncharacteristically get flustered under her gaze. 
“Feeling the butterflies yet?” Y/n asked her, seeing how uneven Shinobu’s breathing was as pink tainted her cheeks adorably. “That’s payback for when we first met.”
Shinobu tried so hard to keep her cool, but seeing that y/n’s gaze was now on her lips, she just couldn’t. How embarrassing that she had caught onto the phrase so quickly, but now knowing that y/n had good tastes in literature, she was even more attracted to her. The Insect Pillar was also rather speechless at the forwardness of y/n. 
“Also, it’s a new moon tonight,” y/n whispered, their noses were nearly touching. She waited to see if Shinobu would push her away, but she saw that she inched closer as well.
“But it is quite beautiful.”
Slender fingers reached up to the sides of y/n face before Shinobu closed the distance between them and crashed her lips with hers. 
Y/n looked up at Shinobu, who straddled her, both lacking of their uniform and undergarments. As beautiful as she was in y/n’s eyes in their current circumstance, her breath was caught in her throat by the tears that suddenly streamed down Shinobu’s face. She reached up and wiped them away, y/n’s voice trembled as she attempted to comfort her love. 
“I’m sorry. If I could rewrite the stars, I would.” 
Shinobu covered y/n’s hand and leaned into her touch. She whimpered, “It’s not fair. It seems like the world is taking away everyone I love from me. My family. And now you?”
The Insect Pillar has finally learned of y/n’s soulmate mark. 
“The world isn’t fair. The stars aren’t either.” This time, it was y/n’s turn to cry. 
Y/n never really believed in soulmates, she had completely cut off the idea of any kind of love after her whole family had been killed by a demon. She didn’t want to get attached to people, scared she might lose them in any way. 
That is until she met Shinobu. Her love for the lady was unexpected. She never thought she would be attracted to someone of her own gender. But their love was the type that was looked down upon in the society, considered it immoral for two females to love each other romantically. 
Their line of work, the society, and y/n’s soulmate mark kept the two ladies from going further into their relationship, having to keep their affair a secret. 
It was hard for both of them. 
“I’m here, Shinobu. I’m still here. I’ll always be. For you.” 
That night, their sounds from their love was unheard by the world but seen by the unfair stars and the beautiful moon. 
✧˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧
It was like something had blown the flames out and ripped the wings off a moth that admired the beauty of the flame. 
Shinobu was gone. 
Y/n was too late to stop Shinobu from pulling through with her plan to poison the demon that killed Kanae. Now this demon that stood before her, smiled while he claimed that Shinobu was very much alive but just inside of him, off to a happy place. 
What a sick man. 
Inosuke acted out first, charging at the man angrily. “I’m gonna chew you up, you scum!”
“Don’t breathe the cold air he spreads!” Kanao warned him. 
Y/n controlled her breathing to calm herself down. She knew it was useless to act out of pure rage, Shinobu would have scolded her if she did so. It seemed Kanao knew more, not just because of her previous fight, but what Shinobu might have told her. Then not a moment later, Inosuke returned to them and handed Kanao her katana. 
“Don’t let him take it again,” he grumbled. “But what the hell are you doing, y/n?”
The Light Pillar looked down at him, making him freeze from the aura she gave off. Of course, other than Kanao, y/n was the closest to Shinobu. He often wondered what was going on between the two Pillars, then he realized he didn’t care. But with the death of Shinobu, he bet that it affected y/n the most out of the three of them. He can literally feel the rage coming from her.
“Nothing yet. I’ll let you tire Douma out, if that’s cool with you.” She put on a little façade, breaking her serious expression with a smirk. “Go crazy, Inosuke. I won’t let him kill y—“
Y/n gasped, taking a step and kicking the Upper Moon away when he almost closed in on them, disregarding the pain that erupted in her stomach. “Tire me out? I don’t think I lost a single ounce of energy even before you got here. Maybe because of that Shinobu girl? I don’t know, but I’m feeling real good right now!” Douma laughed airily, spreading his arms out.
She almost laughed. How long till it starts kicking in, she wondered. He won’t be feeling so good then. 
Inosuke charged at Douma once again, using a move that dislocated all his joints in his arms to get a longer range. When she said for him to go crazy, she didn’t really think he’d pull off a stunt like that. He managed to get a hit, though which was impressive. The boy returned, standing before them protectively.
“We’re gonna do whatever it takes to kill this man.”
“He’s fast. It’s going to be difficult to take him on with the range of his attacks,” Kanao told y/n, eyebrows furrowed. “It’s hard to get near him.”
“I can totally get near him,” Inosuke scoffed.
Y/n nodded. “We’ll keep attacking for now and at our own discretion, but if we’re ever stuck in a situation, follow my orders.”
They both watched cautiously, assessing Douma’s every move when Inosuke went after the upper demon after he stole his mask, waiting to see even just the slightest sign of the poison’s effects. 
The fight rolled out into a more personal matter about Inosuke’s mother. Finding out that this very demon was also involved with the loss of someone so important to Inosuke, something within her snapped. Y/n won’t let him take any more loved ones away! No way in hell was this bastard going to walk out of this room. 
While Kanao and Inosuke fought off his ice doll, she chased after Douma, swiftly dodging the vines and petals that were in her way. Y/n launched herself off from a vine as quick as she landed on it to avoid being frozen, her arms up high and katana in the air. 
“Second Form. Incandescent Strike.” 
Douma turned his head towards her right before she cut off his left arm along with his shoulder. Backing away would be a mistake as he would try to create more distance with his blood art. So she performed every form of her Breath of Light, the demon managing to block off all of the attacks with his fan even after he sent out more of his ice dolls to the teenagers. 
“Wow! You’re strong! Form after form after form!” The demon gushed in excitement, never having a demon slayer cut off one of his limbs. It was strange though. Usually, he would only feel a pinch from such a wound but why did it hurt? 
He tilted his head and looked down at her katana in curiosity. “How odd. There’s no trace of Wisteria poison on your blade. Even so, it wouldn’t have hurt.”
Y/n stifled a cry when she felt an unbearable pain on her left shoulder. Douma didn’t manage to land a single strike on her. Her eyes trailed down to his regenerating arm, a familiar tattoo slowly inking on his pale skin. 
A fully-bloomed rose. 
Douma followed her line of sight, and it was clear that the man rarely paid attention to the mark. “The last time I checked this weird mark was almost a hundred years ago. It was a barely a bud. Now it’s fully bloomed, I wonder what it means.”
“I know what it means, that cursed mark,” y/n whispered, a thousand thoughts running through her head. That explained the stomach pain she felt after she kicked him. 
The pillar didn’t react when Douma grabbed hold of her uniform and asked her to enlighten him, genuinely curious. Y/n must have imagined the slight fearful tone in his voice. She couldn’t blame him, she was afraid the moment she got it. Afraid of what would happen once it fully bloomed, and who she was assigned to be with her whole life. 
Once afraid, now enraged, y/n cursed the stars for the millionth time. Of all people, her soulmate had to be the demon that devoured her one true love. 
Douma clawed at her back, ripping through uniform and digging his nails into her skin to urge this pretty nobody to explain the meaning of the claimed cursed mark. The pain he inflicted on y/n was shared with him, feeling the same intense pain across his back.
“What is this?” 
“The mark of soulmates.”
It was all too much for y/n to handle. Everything came at her all at once— the death of Oyakata-sama, his wife and two daughters, and Muzan’s appearance. She lost Shinobu, then met her soulmate. The overwhelming emotions and pain took over her, making her fall limp in Douma’s hold. 
What is the point? She lost everything.
He grabbed a fistful of her hair and made her look up at him. “Answer me. I don’t get it. Why are we fighting? Aren’t you supposed to be my lover?” 
Tears streamed down y/n’s eyes, Douma taken aback at the sight of how truly pretty she was. He felt a foreign feeling bubble up inside him. Was this love? How could this be? They’ve never even met. 
Her lips trembled as she spoke, “Forever.”
Until they die. 
Until they die.
Her vision turned black. Where Douma was supposed to be, there stood Shinobu. In all her beauty. She stared at her with sadness in her eyes. 
Did she watch everything from the heavens?  
Does she know?
“I could’ve stopped you, but I was too slow. Too late,” y/n immediately caved in to her, letting all her feelings out. “I could have saved you, Shinobu!”
Shinobu shook her head sadly, “I’m sorry.”
“I should be sorry! Not you! I’m sorry that I wasn’t there. I’m sorry that it had to be him!” 
The Light Pillar sobbed into her hands. She felt a ghost of a touch on top of her head and around her body, feeling the familiar warmth of Shinobu’s embrace. 
“I’ve hurt you and made you go through such pain. I can’t ever forgive myself for it, but it was something I had to do,” Shinobu spoke softly, tears staining her cheeks. “The stars wrote you a destiny you truly do not deserve. You lost me, but that doesn’t mean you have nothing left to lose. Those who still have, are stronger than the ones that don’t.”
Y/n wrapped her arms tightly around Shinobu and cried into her chest. “Don’t leave me. Please.”
“Don’t let those children die.”
The images of Inosuke and Kanao flooded y/n’s mind. The bond they formed back in the Pillar training came to her, making her realize that these two literally forced themselves a spot in her heart from Inosuke’s constant nagging and Kanao’s silent stalking when Shinobu was busy. 
These children were still out there, fighting for their lives. 
Inosuke was right earlier. What the hell is she doing?
Y/n came back to her senses, finding herself latched onto Douma, her arms wrapped around his frame tightly. It surprised her that he hadn’t devoured her yet. Did time pass by during that vision? 
She heard Inosuke and Kanao cry out for her while they fought even harder to try to save her. The demon before her stood stock still, slowly processing the idea of soulmates. He heard her whisper, “To have someone to love by my side forever? Until we die?”
Y/n adjusted her hold on the katana, careful not to make any suspicious movements that would alarm Douma. She gripped onto the blade instead. Their distance from each other was too close for her to cut his head. Any other attacks would be futile with his regeneration, and their shared mark would just weaken her. There was only one way, and Kanao and Inosuke would have to finish it. 
Droplets of blood that didn’t belong to her landed on her as she pointed the blade toward his back. The lady smiled. The poison was finally taking effect. 
“Feeling the butterflies yet?” Y/n asked. She hugged him tighter, using all her strength not to drop the katana. 
Douma hummed, “Hm, is this how love feels?”
All y/n could think of was Shinobu. 
It’s painful. It’s going to be even more painful for him. 
Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to make her final blow. There was no time for hesitation as it was the only time he’ll be weak. With quick movements, she reached for the hilt of her katana and pulled it towards her with all her strength, feeling the sun-kissed blade pierce through her.
At the same time, Douma quite literally melted into her ‘embrace’. Y/n tightly held onto sword with her bloodied hands to hold the demon down while he screamed out in pain from Shinobu’s poison and y/n’s betrayal. The ice dolls Kanao and Inosuke battled, shattered into pieces from Douma’s weakened state. 
“Y/n!” Both of them ran towards their senior after realizing this was it, their only moment to kill Douma.
Before they could close in on Douma, the upper moon performed a massive blood demon art to protect himself from the two. He tried to push y/n off of him, but the smallest movement of the blade caused another flare of the soulmate’s curse. 
“Forever until we die isn’t really forever, now is it?” y/n weakly chuckled.
Douma controlled himself from hurting y/n to avoid a new wave of pain. He growled into her ear, “Curse you, you wench.”
“No. Curse the stars.” 
Her eyes met with Kanao’s and Inosuke’s equally tearful ones, seeing the hesitation in their eyes. She gave them a warm smile and mouthed her orders. 
‘Do it.’ 
Whatever it takes. If it’s the only way, I’ll go through it.
✧˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧ ˳✧
Y/n looked up at the night sky in silence, feeling another one’s presence behind her yet she didn’t turn to look as she was mesmerized with how pretty the sky looked. But the stars seemed to look down on her almost tauntingly because of how stupid of a lady she was to defy them and the destiny they wrote for her.
She didn’t care since the full moon was present. If she stared at it long enough, the stars would disappear. 
“I think it’s my turn to ask.” The silence broken when y/n spoke. She turned to the figure, taking their hand in hers. “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” 
The solemn expression on Shinobu’s face was replaced by a smile. For the first time, both of them shed tears of happiness. Nothing was in their way, they could finally love each other without any worries. No soulmate. No demons. 
Both of them were strong till the end, and will still continue to be in their new beginning because this time, they will write their own destinies. Forget about what the world thinks of their love for each other.
The moon witnessed how true their love was and they’re together now. That’s all that mattered.
“Yes. It is beautiful.” 
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
@goresugars​  //   moved from  [x]
☠ “Jeez you’re persistent… Yes that’s the point, they are much more horrified when they see someone who looks like them do such things… they never see my.. ‘real look’ only my true intentions…”  
His true form was so terrible, well he wouldn’t call it horrible. Muzan liked it so he did too. It was truly a horror to behold after all.  It took him great effort to make this human form he wore currently.
Watching him get closer, he eyed him carefully.
“What would it take?  I only lose my fake human face in front of one man, and that man is Muzan. No matter what happens to me. No one has managed to hurt me to that point… and I am hard to anger…”
The boar's tail swished idly behind him, as he crawled just a little closer. He kept a safe distance, but he was close enough that his gaze could examine every last angle of the other demon.
"Then isn't it just like having another human kill you? If they just feel that you're gonna kill them, but they can't tell you ain't human, then there's no point. I know humans are stupid like that."
A little sigh escaped Kiba's lips. He'd really been hoping to see something interesting, but this guy was awfully boring.
"Really? So nothing I'll do will even piss you off? Even if I do this?"
He pounced without a warning, clawed hands swiping at the demon's human face. If he destroyed that disguise, even just for a second, maybe the demon would get angry!
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whirling-fangs · 9 months
[[ Kiba chasing his own tail for entire minutes like a dumb little puppy. That's it that's the post. ]]
14 notes · View notes
whirling-fangs · 2 years
  @fallesto​   ||  cont.
Now was not the right time.
To offer up excuses to her.
Now was not the right time.
To say anything that would … displease her.
Rui was dead.
It did not matter that he was a lower moon or not. He had been given special permission, to perform his own unique experiment within the mountains. He remaindered her, so much … of herself.
The lower moons, had become nothing more than a cruel joke. Five hundred years and this is what they have become, kneeling before her as she gripped tighter upon the head of the fool who tried to turn and run like a coward. Afraid of any confrontation, afraid of slayers, afraid of putting themselves at risk, to kill her enemies.,
Rui had killed more slayers in a handful of nights compared to the pitiful amount all of them have slaughtered, combined.
They where all a disgrace in her eyes.
Five hundred years and this, this was what the lower moons have become. Nothing more than sport. A right of passage. It was insulting enough, that the slayers had final selection, where they had trapped demons upon that mountain and hunted them down for those days and nights, but this.
Lower moons represented her, carried her fair mark upon their eyes, marking them as one of the twelve chosen to work directly under her. and yet she cannot recall, in over a hundred years the last time a lower moon, dropped down a blade of a pillar at her feet, the last time a lower moon, did something, anything at all to capture her attention, it seems that lower moons where good for only one thing.
As she squeezed the head of the lower moon a little bit tighter, to let her blood! The blood she had gifted each and every single one of them, the blood that she had used to make them into so much more, as she took it all back, letting it flow back to splash onto the ground under them all. as she was tired of excuses, tired of lies, tired of them merely agreeing with her and then, doing nothing with the tasks and chances she had given them all. no more of this, no more of the games they play.
Being a lower moon, meant something … once, a long time ago, but of the moons here, she could not recall, anything any single one of them have done that came anywhere close to the actions of a upper moon. It was disgusting, to see them all here and knowing hundreds of years ago, lower moons, where feared, slayers would not approach them, pillars would die to their fangs and claws and now.
“There is only one being, you are meant to impress … me.”
As she raised the head a little bit higher. No regeneration. No ability to speak, no screams, nothing. this demon would die, a slow, and painful death and the same would befall each and every single demon gathered her before her, unless they said something, that would change her mind. she was beyond mere sugar-coated words, beyond bargains and attempting to offer something in exchange, they had centuries to do something and none of them, did a single thing to prove themselves worthy of the title’s, upper moons, she could see it clearly now, where the only six demons within the world, that she could depend on, the only demons who never … let her down.
As her crimson eyes would scan the platform as she was reading their minds, seeing if they thought as foolishly as this demon here, that they could run from her, escape her within … her own fortress. There was nowhere for them to go, nowhere for them to run too, they where all going to die here and now, unless they had something they could offer her, something to be said, anything at all to change her mind.
“I am the only person that is worth impressing and … you have all failed to do that.”
Kiba wasn’t one for sugarcoating. He had never been taught to tell a lie, or to make the truth sound just a little bit better. He didn’t know how to mold reality in order to make it look better for himself.
He only knew facts. And he knew another thing for certain: the master was furious.
At no point did Kiba fear for his life. His pride clouded his vision, as he eyed the rest of the lower moons with visible contempt. He was better than the rest of them. He was special. The Lord had said so herself! She had gathered them all, but she wasn’t mad at him! Why would he be running away?
He had something to back his claims. While the other lower moons had been cowering away, the pathetic weaklings, he had been working hard.
“Since we last met, I’ve killed 76 slayers. And I’ve found this.”
The demon kept his head low in respect, but his gaze did flicker upwards as he spoke, to make sure that he’d caught the Lord’s attention. He reached into the pockets of his torn slayer pants, and produced two pieces of white fabric. The biggest one he unfolded, revealing a series of dots and lines. Each one was written in blood – the blood of the slayer he had just felled. All 76 of them.
The meaning of the other fabric was even more obscure. It contained a scrawny, brown item... a wilted petal.
“I saw it. The blue flower you talked about. It was right there, in the sun, but when the sun set and I went to pick it, it turned to this.”
It was probably nothing to be proud about, that pieces of torn foliage. Kiba could have picked up any wilted strand of grass, but the Lord would probably feel his honesty. Never would Kiba tell a lie, especially not to the only creatured he revered beside himself.
“The other ones are useless, but I’m different. I’ll find that flower again. I don’t care if I have to step into the sun to grab it, I can just eat more humans to recover. You gave me goals, and I’m gonna complete them.”
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
@musingmemories // closed starter.
Silence had fallen upon the mansion. It was troubled only by the rustling of the leaves outside its walls, a cold breeze filtering through the broken windows. Glass littered the floors and furniture of the infirmary, the curtains gently wavering in and out of the room.
It would seem almost peaceful. A little too peaceful.
There wasn't a survivor left amongst the wounded. The bodies lay scattered across the room, as if blown away by an explosion. Corpses littered the ground further away, some sporting the slayer's uniform, some with their faces covered by masks.
There were still a few living souls in the mansion, cowering in fear. Those that didn't seem like threats had been spared for now, while the reason for all this chaos eagerly waited for a bigger fish to show up.
He had been tasked to destroy this little haven. The wisteria that kept the house safe from lower demons was hardly a threat to the poison-resistant beast. It left barely an aftertaste on his tongue. Losing this mansion ought to be a nasty blow dealt to the slayer, and Kiba was just the right demon for the task.
The demon feasted on a corpse he had picked at random. He knew that his mission wasn't quite over. The boss of the mansion hadn't showed up yet. What a lousy boss they made, leaving behind only the weak and the worthless...
And so Kiba waited, hands deep in human entrails, proudly sitting in the middle of the mess he had made.
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whirling-fangs · 8 months
[[ the thing I love most with demon!Inosuke is the amount of possibilities there are with him. It's incredible just how many different scenarios are available to me with the same corruption premise that has always secretly been my favorite trope of all.
the version of him that was turned after becoming a slayer, after a long and terrible fight where the opposite demon found interest in his strength, his wild side and his determination, enough to turn him (against his will) instead of eating him
the version of him, before the mugen train arc, who ended up in the same same scenario... only he accepted to be turned and perhaps even begged for it, terrified at the idea that he would die without achieving a single thing
the version that was found out by a demon (Muzan himself probably) before he ran into the slayers, resulting in the wildest outcome since he had so little human contact before
the version that was turned by Douma after years of indoctrination, just to gain further favors from Muzan by bringing a perfectly tailored little monster to his ranks
the version that was turned by Douma after finding out the truth, who tried to fight back only to evidently lose the fight, and get turned because Douma wasn't going to eat him anyway, why waste a perfectly good fucked up child? why not make him go through eternal damnation instead?
aaaannd... bonus version that was turned as a young child and raised into the estate as the happy little child to a turned Kotoha as well :')
I tend to use the first three interchangeably whenever I use Kiba in threads, depending on the muse he's interacting with. And then there's the dozens of other versions who were born from certain threads, and got their own iterations and continuity, so much that I could not name them all from the top of my head!!
Kiba is practically an OC in himself because he's gone so far from the original version, he gets his own set of AUs :') I love him so much and I wanna use him so much more!! ]]
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
"Your name isn't kiba! Its Inoske! Don't you remember!?"
Ire twisted the young demon's traits. That name... it meant absolutely nothing to him. He had never heard it before. It was just nonsense that the slayer thought wise to spout, just to gain more time before he ended her miserable existence...
..then why did that name make him feel so angry?
"Shut up. Shut the fuck up, you piece of trash human! There's nothing to remember! I'm a demon, and I've always been a demon!"
A snarl curled at his lips, a beastly growl resonating within his throat. He was about to pounce.
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whirling-fangs · 2 years
@fallesto​​  ♥’ed for a starter with demon!Inosuke!
There wasn’t a sound in the forest. Even the rustling of the leaves seemed dulled, as if the mountain was shrouded in a mist so deep that it killed all noise.
There wasn’t a wild animal, either. They had been chased out of their territory, terrified by a much stronger predator. A true King.
The mountainside was littered with the messy remains of the beast’s meals. Mangled corpses with close to no flesh left on them, every inch of meat devoured until only bone remained. Smashed skulls, torn uniforms. Broken swords.
Every so often, bones protruded from the ground, planted there as if to pave the way to the summit. A warning sign... or perhaps an invitation?
The King sat on his throne, a makeshift pile of human skeletons. He had long spotted the much peculiar presence, the overwhelming strength it possessed. At long last, a creature stronger than him was walking the mountainside – frustratingly, it was the only creature Kiba wasn’t allowed to fight.
As the Demon King finally reached the summit, Kiba felt the instinctive urge to climb down his throne. His blood begged him to plant his head into the ground, to pay his respects to the man that stood before him... but a little part of him resisted – for now. Emerald eyes searched for the demon’s gaze, defiance shining bright.
“What’s bringing you here? You come to finally make me a Kizuki? My mountain’s pretty impressive, right? I’ve killed all these humans myself!”
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whirling-fangs · 4 months
[ refuse ]sender refuses to help receiver - kokushibo for kiba
Blood poured in heaps from the demon's bleeding stumps. There wasn't much left of his body to recognize, some knees for him to crawl onto, legs and arms cut off and refusing to heal as they usually should. A large chunk of his head was missing, too. The wounds had cauterised, forcing his system to break down his own flesh before it could start recovering.
Such was the force of Flame Breathing.
The Hashira had done a number on him, but it didn't finish the job. was it pity? Or did Kiba really manage to find a way out, before the sun could devour whatever was left of him? He couldn't remember.
And so he stood, barely, before the mightiest of all demons. After the Lord himself, of course.
"What... do you want... bug eyes?!" Kiba snarled. His only remaining eye glared at the other's face, unsure which eye to stare daggers into. His gaze trailed down to the Upper Moon's skin, to the wrist that protruded from his sleeve. If he could get some blood... The second strongest of all... his recovery would considerably speed up.
Kiba lunged, only to watch the wrist rise out of his fang's reach. Kokushibo must have guessed what he was after, of course. Kiba crashed into the dirt, and couldn't get up.
"Fuck off... FUCK OFF! Don't just stand there! If you're not gonna do anything, just piss off already!!"
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whirling-fangs · 4 months
@fruitanddarkness has a death wish probably :')
"Now now, naps are delightful! But if you're not tired, maybe just some head pets?" Poor little thing reminded Kanae of an angry stray kitten... only this one was a demonic boar child. She didn't seem perturbed or even slightly worried at his threats. Though beneath that gentle face, she wasn't taking them lightly.. all demons were capable of harm after all.
Something about this one rubbed Kiba the wrong way. There was an air to
"N-no! Back off, you brainless human! Touch me and I'll bite your hand right off!"
The low growl that resonated from his throat made the threat seem rather belieable. That, and the sharp fangs that protruded from his lips.
"You're a slayer, aren't you? Then what are you waiting for?! Attack me! Just get on with it already, or I'll kill you first!!"
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
Kiba, c2
I'm so f&@#ing done expression meme
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"But daaaaaaaad rainbow eyes is being a shithead ALL the time!! Why can't I kill him?!"
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whirling-fangs · 10 months
@ofmistnmoons ♥'ed for a nice thing from Kiba!
It's a small shiny ball! Wait... it's not just any ball. It's an eyeball. An iridescent one, carved with the kanji for the number two.
Kiba grinned with all his sharp teeth out, as he held out the eye for the other demon to watch. Who knows, he might even let him take it. Maybe even have a nibble of it...
"I stole it from that trash number two. He's just gonna grow another one, so I can steal more later. Why does he get to have the shiniest eyes? It's not fair!"
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
3C for demon verse
I'm so f&@#ing done expression meme
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When Douma is being a piece of shit as per usual and you're STILL not allowed to kill him >:[
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
@uppermoonkoku ♥'ed for a starter!
bonus for the really close friends/family figures :3
There was hardly a moment when rage didn't pump through Kiba's veins. He was a rabid animal, always ready to pounce at the closest target. If there wasn't an enemy in sight, he would hunt one down until his restlessness was satiated.
There was another, secret way to quickly calming him down, though... And Kokushibo might just have found it.
As soon as the elder's hand ran through his hair, Kiba felt his ire quiet down. His stance relaxed, shoulders slumping, crispated hands opening again. He almost slapped the demon's hand away, but the beneficial effects of his motion had already worked its magic.
Kiba almost seemed to be purring. A low hum resonated from his throat, as he allowed Upper Moon One to gently comb through his wild locks of hair.
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whirling-fangs · 4 months
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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
"You know, shashed skulls aside, naps are much nicer with a pillow. Even if it's not a whole bed, would you like one?"
obligatory Kanae getting involved with this bean? Yes.
That... that human! Thinking she could just talk to him without getting his claws impaled right through her chest!
Her offer was so ludicrous that Kiba remained stumped for a bit. He wasn't sure whether to cut her throat now, or wait to see if she would keep on spouting nonsense. Not to mention, under that layer of stupidity... she doesn't seem weak.
"Hah? Naps? Demons don't need to sleep, you mush for brains. You can eat your pillow. No, actually, give it to me, and I'll make you eat it! Then I'll eat your dumb brains!"
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