#the bounty hunter eventually kills vincent and livvy then kills the bounty hunter
pyreshe · 2 years
once again I am Thinking about livvys padawan verse and the fact that by the time she arrives at the temple when she's like 5ish, she has already straight up murdered someone.
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pyreshe · 2 years
more padawan livvy hcs bc I'm beholding:
her force essence is bright and warm and it's fitting given her affinity and inclination for force fire.
anakin calls her "sunny". when liv questions the nickname, he just says that he's from a planet with two sun's and therefore something of an expert.
her combat style, is in a word, twirly. she spins and moves fluidly, probably something of a show off. she looks elegant, almost, even in a fight. she relies on speed and agility and the force as she is, generally, teenier than her opponents and less physically strong.
the temple is overwhelming for her when she first gets there; enough that people often find her holed up in a corner with her hands over her ears.
anakin and obi-wan are the jedi who end up finding her when she's about five.
vincent had run because he didn't want olivia taken from him & ended up with a bounty on him. for about four years he and livvy hid out from the republic, but eventually he got caught and killed.
livvy, in her grief and rage and panic, reflexively kills the bounty hunter.
that's how they find her. a little whisp of a girl surrounded by two corpses and the force around her seemingly searing with loss.
she ends up imprinting on the both of them like a baby duck.
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pyreshe · 2 years
some more quick yoldil + the time livvy and vincent spent there facts:
for as much as livvy was considered a pariah, the locals ADORED vincent. honestly, vincent being there and being connected to livvy was like. 95% of why she was even tolerated.
there are planet-wide floating markets! people will buy and sell things from their boats just because of how much of the planet is water and its not always convenient to get out of your boat, climb onto one of the platformed buildings, and shop like that when someone in a neighboring boat can just. hand you stuff.
two words: space alligators
no but the planet is fucking COVERED in a species of giant gator-like aquatic reptiles who not only are very carnivorous but also like 85% blaster proof. if you shoot one of these things with a blaster, you're just gonna piss it off unless you hit a VERY SPECIFIC, VERY HARD TO HIT TARGET. the big metal spears that Everyone seems to have are generally more effective, but not by much, and really only seem to work as a temporary deterent. it's also said that once they get a taste of human/alien flesh they will keep coming back.
vincent, surprising even himself, actually manages to kill one of these suckers during his first year on the planet. the locals are HELLA impressed and this heavily contributes to vincent's social standing in the community. they give him a necklace made from the fang of the specific gator he took down as a symbol of valor and he wears it up until his passing.
( livvy takes the necklace with her when she leaves with the jedi. it's a way to have a piece of her father with her always, protecting and guiding her. she almost never takes it off )
it rains almost constantly.
knowing how to swim is a necessity, but due to the gators, not a thing that is practiced regularly. there are little isolated pools that the gators can't get to where they can learn. it's mostly a safety measure if u fall out of a boat; u can't outswim the gators and u would be stupid to try.
even though vincent was respected and livvy was tolerated, someone did eventually tip the bounty hunter who would kill vincent off to their location in exchange for a monetary reward.
( livvy doesn't know this. she's under the impression that the bounty hunter finding them was pure bad luck. IF SHE DID KNOW- she'd get a ship out to yoldil and take whoever snitched right out inigo montoya style. )
a staple in livvys wardrobe while living there was a little yellow raincoat and matching boots 🥺
she doesn't miss yoldil at all.
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