#the boyz jacob imagine
halaboyz · 4 months
12:08 pm, jacob
gn! reader, bf! jacob; fluff; 447 words
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you were both just laying on the bed closely, minding each of your own businesses on your phone. simple cuddle time, nothing new as you lay on your boyfriend's chest, scrolling on your phone.
when he lets out a cough to get your attention, you set your phone down and look up at him, waiting for him to let the words out he's apparently been holding for minutes now- as you can see in his face.
"what?" you start, caressing his chest to let him know that he can say anything. "uh, love, the boys set up a game for us in two hours... volleyball, at the court near the company." jacob warily starts, and you wait for him to continue. "...can i go?"
"volleyball? okay." you simply say, nodding and getting off his chest to lay in the pillow instead, starting to scroll up your phone again. "is it okay? i can not go, you know?" he was cautious, trying to get your attention again, but you only shrug, "why wouldn't you go? go and play. with the boys." your bluntness was confusing him, and it was making him think of all the things he's done wrong today.
"are you mad at me? it looks like you're mad. i really can skip today," jacob insists, and it piques your interest. you set your phone down, furrowing your eyebrows at him. "i'm not mad, love. you really can go. it's okay, i'm not holding you back," you explain, just as confused at him. were you always that hard to convince when he asks to go out with the boys?
"please don't be mad." jacob makes you feel bad now. but to be fair, he looks just as confused as you. so you chuckle, cupping his cheek. "i'm not, love. puh-lease," you laugh. "you're not mad? can i really go play?" you laugh harder when jacob's face contorts into a baby face, pinching his cheeks. "one, i'm not mad. two, you can really go play. you're making me feel bad now! am i this strict with you before for you not to believe me?" jacob almost turns the bed around when he hears your last statement, making sure to assure you that you weren't and there was no need to feel bad. he was really just making sure.
"i love you. you can go change and prep now," you push him out of bed, making sure to steal a kiss to end the small talk. "i love you more. i hope you know that. i'll make sure to end the game quick and come home to you," jacob winks, stealing another kiss before he scurries out of bed.
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taglist: @sunlightwoo (answer the form on my pinned to be included!)
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mymoodwriting · 2 months
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16.3k, yandere, sirens, minor hydrophobia, sleep walking, lucid dreaming, potential drowning, trauma, drugs, manipulation, kidnapping, smut, aphrodisiac, monster fucking, monster cock, fingering, penetration, female penetration, french kissing, pussy licking, cream pie, implied gang bang (@starillusion13)
“This trip is gonna be awesome!”
Your friends had always told you to visit the Fairy Tale Waterfall, since it was a big tourist attraction, and something you had to do at least once in your life. You agreed, it was an incredible place, but you definitely didn’t have the heart to tell them you had already been there once, and weren’t really eager to go back. You had gone with another friend group back then and over the last year had drifted apart. You didn’t want to disappoint your new friends and make them feel bad if you were left out, so you packed a bag and went out with them.
You arrived at the waterfall early in the morning, the sunlight shining down on the water, making it sparkle. This place was really beautiful, you couldn’t deny that. Although you felt this nervousness in the back of your head as you stared at the water. You knew how to swim, and you still did so at pools and the beach, but this waterfall, you weren’t so sure you wanted to get in the water at all. You put that to the side and helped your friends set up the tents. You focused on that even as some of the others went for a swim, saying you wanted to make sure everything was set up before nightfall.
When you had mostly finished up you took a little break, sitting down in the shade of a tree, staring out at your friends. They were having so much fun, and their smiles brought one to your face. This really was an amazing place and you were glad to be here, but the memories of the past continued to haunt you. This whole scene before you actually felt like deja vu, especially when your friends noticed you and began gesturing for you to join them. You shook your head and pointed towards your campsite, telling them you weren’t done. They let it go for now, but you began to worry. It might not have been a good idea to come at all. As you continued to watch them you could help but think back to the last time you had been here.
“Y/n! Get up and get in the water!”
You opened your eyes to the sound of your friends calling for you. A groan escaped your lips, followed by a smile. You took a moment and then dressed yourself before stepping out of the tent. The warm sun shined down on you, and after a moment your eyes adjusted. You saw your friends out at the water, seeing them waving and gesturing for you to come over. You walked towards the shoreline, but yelped when you felt the water.
“It’s so cold!”
“Just get in!” Jemma shouted. “You’ll warm up to it.”
You laughed and walked into the water, shivering a bit but smiling all the way. Your friends cheered as you wadded over to them.
You heard a splashing sound, hearing a familiar voice call your name. You stopped and turned around, seeing your friend, Ally, frantically making their way over to you. It was an odd sight especially when you had seen Ally with your group of friends that had called you out. Something was off, and it was starting to freak you out. As Ally approached you stepped back, panicking. You wound up slipping and going under. When you resurfaced everything had changed. Day had turned to night and you felt a greater chill in the water. While you looked around confused and disoriented Ally caught up to you.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing?”
Ally could tell you weren’t in your right mind, so she helped you out of the water and onto dry land. She told you to stay put and not move a muscle while she went to get you a towel. She helped you dry off, bringing you over to a fire to help warm you up.
“Wa… what happened?”
“You don’t remember?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Girl, I woke up to get a drink and I see you walking out into the water. You scared me, were you sleepwalking or something?”
“I… I guess… I thought… you guys were out there… and it was morning…”
“Talk about a vivid dream. Let’s properly dry you up and change your clothes.”
You got up and went with Ally, cleaning up and getting into dry clothes. You couldn’t really go back to sleep, but come morning you packed up, Ally and your friends thinking it best to leave after such an experience, and you weren’t going to argue with them. As everyone finished packing you stared out into the water. Something strange happened to you, but you couldn’t quite understand it, nor did you want to. You thought you’d never come back, but it seemed that fate had something else in mind.
As the sun went down you helped prepare dinner, coming along with some of the guys, the smell of meat in the air. For everyone’s safety you had agreed on no alcohol, but you had plenty of other refreshments for the trip. You played some games to determine tent-mates and then everyone slowly started turning in for the night. You were one of the last to go to bed, staying up to admire the stars and the calmness of the water. Although after a while a bit of uneasiness settled in and you figured it was best to go to bed. For your own sake you set up a little trip wire with a bell on it outside your tent, just in case something happened again. You hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but at least you found it easier to fall asleep.
Come morning you woke to the smell of breakfast, hearing your friends outside. You made your way out, startling yourself when you tripped over a wire, a bell snapping you awake. You tumbled to the ground panting, sound hearing some chuckles, and then a hand came into view. Your tent-mate, Misu, helped you back onto your feet, commenting on your little contraption. She noticed right away when she got up and was careful not to trip it so you could sleep in. She didn’t think you would fall for it yourself, but one could be very groggy in the morning. Things were left like that and you joined the others for breakfast. Although today you probably couldn’t avoid going into the water, and it made you a bit nervous.
“Y/n, look over there.”
Avary pointed over to a group of boys near the water. It was so early in the morning but they were already going for a swim. You could feel the blood rush to your face as you noticed some of them weren’t wearing any shirts, and the others were in white t-shirts that were already soaked. You had never seen such a thing before, and you couldn’t stop staring.
“This is exactly why we came to the waterfall.” Misu commented. “The boys. We should say hi, maybe go for a swim together.”
“I… I don’t know… I… we can’t bother them…”
“Y/n, if they were just here to swim then they wouldn’t be doing all that.”
“I… I guess…”
Misu had a point. The boys weren’t just swimming around, but being very playful with each other, and being quite loud. At this point they were surely attracting everyone’s attention. Maybe this could work in your favor. You were already too nervous to enter the water, and you could use the pretty boys as another reason not to go. You’d surely embarrass yourself if you got near them anyway. Yet, you couldn’t help but stare, something about them drawing your gaze. You only broke away when your friends called to you.
After breakfast you helped clean up, your other friends going off to swim and make conversation with those boys. They’d be distracted trying to make nice with them, so you trusted they wouldn’t be bothering you about getting into the water. You were right about that, even as you kept catching yourself staring at them. You didn’t know what it was about them that kept getting your attention, but you tried not to keep staring. After the fifth time you told yourself you needed to have the waterfall out of your line of sight, so you went to your tent. Since it had always been your plan to stay out of the water you brought a book with you to keep you busy.
You laid down to read it, having a mini fan in the tent to keep you cool. You got engrossed in your book until you heard a bell that startled you. A scream escaped your lips and you quickly turned around, seeing a stranger poke their head into your tent. You screamed again and they quickly apologized, stepping out. Once you had regained your breath you carefully crawled over to the entrance of your tent, looking out at the boy who had startled you. He had a nervous smile on his face, waving at you and apologizing once more. Now that you got a good look at him you realized he was one of the boys you had been staring at earlier. You immediately retreated back into your tent, feeling your face heating up again.
“Excuse me…” The boy peeked down into the tent. “Are you alright?”
“Uh… fine… uh… can I help you?”
“Could you come out of the tent?”
“… why…”
“Well, it’s difficult to talk this way.”
“I won’t bite.”
“… what do you want…?”
“To talk.”
“To be honest, I was curious about you. I saw you staring again and again, yet you didn’t go into the water. Are you afraid or something?”
“What’s it to you?”
“This is the Fairy Tale Waterfall, one of the most beautiful places there is, but you won’t get into the water. Why bother coming all the way here if you’re not gonna enjoy yourself to the fullest?”
“I’m perfectly fine where I am…”
“Are you though?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know, I can teach you how to swim if you want to.”
“I know how.”
“Then why don’t you come out to play?”
“I’m good.”
“You’re very interesting.”
You heard the voice of your friend. You were glad not to be alone anymore, and this gave you the motivation to get out of the tent. You scrambled out and ignored the boy nearby, looking for your friend. When you tried to walk away your arm was grabbed and you were held back.
“Ya! Let go.”
“We weren’t done talking.”
“Y/n! Oh- I see you’ve met Juyeon.”
“I’m Juyeon.” The boy introduced himself. “Nice to meet you.”
“Can you let go of my arm now?”
“Ah, sorry.”
Juyeon had quickly changed demeanors when your friend showed up. He was no longer giving creepy vibes, but had a big friendly smile on his face.
“My brothers and I were talking with your friends.” Juyeon explained. “And they mentioned that someone from their group was missing. I thought to come over and get you myself. We don’t want you missing out on the fun.”
“I’m alright, thanks.”
“Come on, y/n. You didn’t get a chance to get in the water at all yesterday, you have to get in today.”
“It’s okay, Mina. Besides, I was about to start preparations for lunch, I’ll call you all when it’s ready.”
“My brothers can prepare lunch for all of us.” Juyeon suggested. “That way you’re free to come and swim with us.”
“That sounds perfect!” Mina cheered. “Let’s go!”
Before you could say more Mina grabbed your hand and pulled you along towards the water. She caught you off guard so you stumbled behind her, trying to protest. Even as you spoke your eyes were fixated on the water that was fast approaching. Your words were failing you, but just as you got close to the water’s edge you screamed.
Mina abruptly let you go and stepped back. You slowly settled your breathing, moving away from the water, keeping your arms close to your chest.
“Y/n… are you okay…?”
“… yeah… I’m fine… I just…”
“Close your eyes and take a deep breath.” Juyeon took your hands in his and turned your back to the water. “Just breathe, okay?”
Even though you were creeped out by Juyeon earlier it didn’t matter at that moment. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm your breathing. Juyeon gestured for your friend to go, keeping you company while you regained your composure.
“Just focus on my voice and breathe. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“… sorry…”
“What are you apologizing for? You didn’t do anything wrong. Just breathe, you’re okay.”
Once you had steadied your breathing you opened your eyes, seeing the worry on Juyeon’s face. He quickly hid it behind a soft smile, giving you some reassurance.
“Hey, you okay?”
“I’m fine…”
“We should go back to the tent, right?”
“Alright. Let’s go, one foot after the other, I got you.”
Juyeon stayed at your side while you made your way back to your tent. Your legs were a bit wobbly, but he made sure you didn’t fall. He helped you get back into your tent, not wanting you out in the sun, and disappeared for a moment to get you some water. You took the bottle and he figured that was an invitation to join you. It wasn’t, but you didn’t have the energy to tell him otherwise. Juyeon sat down next to you, pulling his knees up to his chest. He watched you quietly for a moment.
“What happened?”
“What happened to you that you’d react like that?”
“Why do you care?”
“Well, what am I supposed to tell the others? Everyone saw…”
“Ugh, I never should have come back here in the first place.”
“How about this, you tell me what happened to you a year ago, and I make sure no one mentions this little incident. Deal?”
“As if you could do that.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You stared at Juyeon, but he kept that friendly smile on his face. You had never really told anyone about what happened, and those that had been present back then were no longer in your friends circle. Maybe you did need to talk about it, and a stranger was less likely to judge.
“I won’t tell anyone.”
You sighed. “It’s silly.”
“I doubt that considering the way you reacted.”
“Last time I was here… I wound up sleepwalking into the water… it was the middle of the night, but for some reason I thought it was morning… my friend saw me and went after me… in my disoriented state I slipped under the water and panic took hold… I nearly drowned… I would have drowned if not for her…”
“And is that friend here with you?”
“No… we lost touch afterwards… my current friends don’t know about this… I didn’t want to tell them so I agreed to come along, but it was a bad idea… I couldn’t just avoid the water the whole time I’m here… I’m so stupid!”
“No, you’re not. You didn’t want to upset anyone so you came along. I think it’s great you came back here.”
“I don’t think it is.”
“From what I can tell, you’re not afraid of drowning, you know how to swim, what you’re afraid of is the waterfall.”
“That sounds crazy.”
“Is it though? The soothing sound of the calm water probably enticed you and caused you to sleepwalk. That’s understandable.”
“Why are you being so nice?”
“Can’t I? This place is amazing, I love it here, and the last thing I want is for someone to be afraid. Tell you what, how about I help you?”
“With what?”
“This, to overcome your fear so you don’t have to feel silly anymore. Not that it is silly.”
“And why would you help me?”
“Don’t you wanna have fun with all your friends and play in the waterfall? You had fun last time with your friends, so much so that you got into the water without hesitation when you thought they were calling for you. There’s nothing to be scared of. I promise.”
“… what are you gonna tell the others?”
“That you were startled and not ready to go into the water. No one’s gonna bring it up, I swear. So how about we go prepare lunch?”
“… sure… I can help…”
Juyeon got out of the tent, careful not to trip over the bells again, and waited for you. It took you a moment but you got out, taking the hand that was offered to you. Juyeon led you over to his camp area, not letting go of your hand the entire way. A few other of his brothers had already started preparing, and welcomed you as you arrived.
“These are my brothers Sangyeon, Jacob, and Younghoon.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jacob commented. “Hear a lot about you.”
“Yeah, your friends kept talking about you. Nothing but good things I promise.”
“Right… so what can I help with?”
“How about you wash some vegetables for us.”
“I can do that.”
You helped the boys with lunch preparations, loving the smell in the air. There were plenty of picnic tables in the area, so the boys brought a few together so you could all eat together. Once the food was ready the others were called over and everyone gathered to eat. That’s when you were properly introduced to the rest of Juyeon’s brothers. There wasn’t much of a family resemblance, but from the way they treated each other it was easy to tell they were very close. You on the other hand were a bit nervous, expecting some questions and concerns about the earlier incident, but there were none. Everything seemed normal, as if you didn’t have an outburst at all. You weren’t entirely sure if you should be grateful over such a thing, cause it was kinda strange, but for the moment you could at least enjoy your time with your friends.
“Hey, come with me.”
Hyunjae took your hand and led you away from the others. You thought maybe you’d go back to your camp, but he began making his way towards the water. You stopped, but his pull was far stronger than you anticipated.
“I know, we’re not getting into the water, I swear, but I wanted to try something.”
“What do you mean?”
“Trust me.”
You probably shouldn’t, but something about his words felt reassuring, so you followed. As he promised, you only came to the edge of the water. Hyunjae sat down and pulled you down with him. Your feet were inches from the water, but you weren’t all that nervous.
“Nothing much can happen at this depth, so there’s nothing to fear. How about we just dip our feet in?”
“… how… who…”
“Maybe I overheard you talking before… but anyway, let’s do this. Nothing like literally getting your feet wet to help you overcome your worries.”
Hyunjae put his feet in the water and gestured for you to do the same. In this situation you could see how your fear would be silly. You were just putting your feet in, and you were mostly on land, so there was no real danger. You took a breath and slowly dipped your feet into the water. The cool sensation was welcomed, and a little smile appeared on your face.
“Good job.” Hyunjae cheered. “See, everything’s okay.”
“I’m right here, keeping an eye on you, nothing bad is gonna happen.”
“You can stop, you’re making it sound like I’m a child.”
“Alright, I’ll back off.”
You moved your feet around in the water, feeling a bit childish with your actions. Your gaze was on the water around your limbs. It was clean and beautiful, not at all like it could swallow you whole. When you heard a splash you looked over, seeing Sunwoo swimming towards you. The water was pretty shallow over by you, so he began crawling to get close.
“Look at you, enjoying the waterfall?”
“A bit…”
“That’s good. Why not come in for a swim? I’ll be right with you.”
“I’m okay…”
“Baby steps.” Hyunjae stated. “Little by little. Besides, you shouldn’t be in the water either, Sunwoo, you just ate.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Sunwoo splashed some water up your legs, getting a bit on your shirt. It was refreshing, and you couldn’t help but laugh. You remembered doing all this back then with your friends, deep into the waters of the waterfall without a care in the world. You didn’t want to be scared of such a wonderful place. You stood up and both boys looked at you curiously. You took a shaky step forward, going just a bit deeper into the water. Sunwoo backed away whereas Hyunjae got up and grabbed your arm.
“Woah, we don’t need to do anything drastic today.”
“I can… I can go further…”
“Don’t push yourself.”
“I know… this… this is real… I’m not dreaming… right…? Pinch me.”
Sunwoo splashed some water in your face, getting you pretty soaked. You were stunned and wiped your face off before glaring down at Sunwoo.
“What was that for?”
“Splashing water in your face is usually a good way to wake up.”
“I said pinch me.”
“I can do that too.”
Of course Sunwoo didn’t miss the chance to move over to your leg and give you a little pinch. You yelped and jumped back a step.
“So, are you awake?”
“I guess I am.”
“Good. Let’s go waist deep.”
“No, no, no.” Hyunjae mentioned. “You also just ate, you shouldn’t be going into the water.”
“Just a bit more.”
You continued moving forward, even if it was like half a step at a time. Sunwoo was encouraging and cheering, while Hyunjae was worried and right at your side. With every step you thought about what Juyeon had said. You weren’t afraid of drowning, but of the waterfall itself. If you just showed yourself that there was nothing to fear, that it was just one bad experience, then you’d be able to enjoy this place just as you once did. The water got up above your knees when you had a bit of a slip. Hyunjae caught you and Sunwoo got up from the water to make sure you were okay.
“I think that’s good for today.” Hyunjae commented. “Let’s get back to land.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
You got back on shore, and the two took you to your tent, helping you dry off. You definitely needed a change of clothes, so you went off to do that. When you got back the two were still waiting for you.
“Since you’re not gonna swim, what are you gonna do for the afternoon?” Sunwoo asked.
“I have a book with me. So just some relaxing in the shade.”
“Why don’t you come over to our campsite, we have some games and we could keep you company.”
“I wouldn’t want to keep you from your brothers.”
“We come here all the time. So we won’t be missing out on much.”
“You should join us.” Hyunjae said. “You’ll love it.”
You spent your afternoon with some of the boys in their campsite, playing games and munching on snacks. It was nice, and you felt less bad about not being in the water. Later in the day you helped with dinner, and prepared some sausages and marshmallows for the campfire. Despite what had happened earlier you quite enjoyed your day and were happy to make some new friends. You stayed up a little late roasting marshmallows to make smores while sharing campfire stories. Nothing too spooky, so when you did finally sleep you didn’t have any nightmares. Come morning you were actually looking forward to the day.
After breakfast your friends mentioned they wanted to take a little hike to one of the other pools by the waterfall. You weren’t really one for hiking, but before you could give an answer Chanhee had come over to your camp, asking if anyone wanted to go for a swim. Your friends obviously already had plans, but at least now you had an alternative than to just staying behind. They didn’t seem to mind, and Misu gave you a knowing look telling you to have fun. Once they had gone you went with Chanhee to his campsite, greeting the others. They were happy to see you, and all eager for you to get in the water. Perhaps Juyeon had talked, but you didn’t care to scold him now.
Chanhee and Changmin were the two that took you over to the main pool. Not many others were around, so you’d have the place mostly to yourselves. The first to get into the water was Chanhee, diving under and getting himself completely soaked. He had a bright smile on his face, gesturing for you to join him. As you stared out into the water you felt nervous, but it was minor compared to the other day. You could stand at the edge of the water without being afraid. After a moment you took a deep breath and took a small step forward, feeling the water along your toes. You moved slowly, Changmin right at your side to make sure you were alright.
Although you only got a few inches in before Eric jumped into the water near you. He startled you a bit, causing Changmin to grab your arm and waist. You hadn’t really lost his footing, but his touch assured you that you weren’t alone. Although a moment later you were suddenly soaked as Eric was splashing water in your direction. You couldn’t help but laugh, trying to shield your face before Changmin moved you behind him. The other two began scolding the maknae but you were just curious as to why he had done this.
“What? Sunwoo said it was best to get her all wet so she’d know she’s awake, and pinch her too.”
“We’re not doing that.” Chanhee stated. “So don’t even think about it.”
“He said it was important.”
“It’s alright.”
Eric smiled and stuck his tongue out, going over to you and pinching your arm. You groaned but you grinned through the whole ordeal.
“Wide awake.”
“I am.”
“Good. Now we can continue with the important things.” Changmin said. “Shall we?”
“Yeah, baby steps.”
You continued where you left off, soon enough having water above your knees. It was as far as you had made it yesterday, and the goal was to go further. The water was a bit chilly but you were getting used to it. As you walked you kept your arms up, Changmin right behind you ready to grab you at any point. Meanwhile Chanhee stayed in front of you like a guide. You moved slowly, taking every step with caution and making sure you had your footing. Before you knew it the water was slightly above your waist. Now your nerves were starting to show.
“We can stop here.” Chanhee suggested. “You made good progress.”
“I… I can keep going…”
“You don’t have to.”
“I can… I know how to swim… I won’t drown…”
“We’re right here.” Changmin assured. “You can do this.”
You kept going as you had been, careful with every step. The two cheered you on and encouraged you. It wasn’t long before the water was at your breasts. You started laughing, a bit of nerves and joy mixed together. This wasn’t scary. You weren’t alone and the water around you was calm. Perhaps it was all that which caused you to lose focus. You took one wrong step and slipped into the water. You weren’t under for long but that was enough to trigger you and throw you into a panic.
The darkness you were met with when you went under put you back in the mindset of that day. Your vision was blurred and you were frantically reaching out for anything to hold onto. Before panic could truly settle in and take hold you felt someone lift you up. Next thing you knew you were sitting on Changmin’s shoulders, grabbing his face for stability. You were gasping for breath, shaking water out of your face.
“Easy, easy.” Chanhee grabbed your hand, trying to get your attention. “Deep breaths, deep breaths. That’s it, just breathe.”
“… what… what happened…?”
“You just slipped, but you’re okay.”
“… I’m okay…”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get you back to land.”
Chanhee kept a hold of your hand and Changmin moved slowly, getting you back to shore. You only took a few steps away from the water before collapsing to catch your breath. The two boys came to your side, keeping an eye on you as you recovered. A few of the others came rushing over to check on you.
“She’s alright.” Changmin assured. “Perfectly fine.”
“Good. We should probably dry you off.” Sangyeon held his hand out to you. “Come on.”
You accepted his hand and got to your feet. He kept you close, at his side, as you walked back to camp. As soon as you were there Jacob came over to wrap you in a towel, doing his best to warm you up.
“I’ll get you some cocoa.”
The boys had you sit by the fire, getting you another towel. Haknyeon was working on drying up your hair, being gentle, and keeping conversation.
“When did you learn to swim?”
“Uh… when I was like five…”
“Do you like it? Swimming that is.”
“Yeah. The cool water, moving in a way that feels like floating, it’s great.”
“You must have enjoyed swimming at the waterfall last year. Unlike pools, here the water is constantly moving on its own, adding to the experience.”
“You did really well today.”
“I still messed up…”
“You did no such thing. Most people would never come back here, let alone get in the water again after such an experience, but look at you. You’re quite brave don’t you think.”
“I guess…”
You had both hands on the mug of cocoa, using it to warm up. It really wasn’t that cold out, but right now you just wanted to get dry. You had lunch and stayed at the camp to play games again. No one else really brought up what happened in the morning and just focused on the present. You helped with dinner and afterwards found yourself rather tired. You wanted to wait for your friends to return, but sleep was calling to you.
“Maybe you should get to bed.”
“I’m gonna stay up and wait.”
“I don’t think you can.” Kevin chuckled. “Why don’t you go take a nap in one of our tents. We’ll wake you when your friends get back.”
You couldn’t argue, well, you didn’t want to. A nap sounded like a good idea. One of the others went to get your sleeping bag and had it set down in one of their tents. None of them would be sneaking in later, so you could rest easy. It honestly wasn’t difficult to slip away into dreamland either.
“Rise and shine.”
You woke to the sounds of someone unzipping the entrance of the tent, peeking over with blurry vision to see Younghoon smiling and waving at you.
“Morning? You were supposed to wake me when my friends got back.”
“Yeah, but they got back pretty late and didn’t want to wake you. Besides, it seems like you were sleeping happily.”
“Sorry. I’ll head out right now.”
“It’s okay. Let’s have breakfast first.”
Younghoon held his hand out to you, which you took after rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Everyone greeted you, and this time no one let you help with breakfast preparations. The rest of your friends came over to eat, talking about their hike and how much fun they had. You were glad to hear their stories, not speaking about your own activities from the previous day. After eating and waiting for the food to go down many went back out into the waterfall. You thought about yesterday. Even though it ended badly you had made great progress. You needed a different approach this time, and you knew exactly what to do.
“Where are you going?” Sangyeon asked. “Especially by yourself.”
“I’m gonna go swim.”
“I got pretty far into the water, but I keep walking and that’s my problem. The water is deep, if I keep walking I won’t make much progress. I need to swim in the water, that’s how I get my confidence back.”
“Okay, but you’re not going out alone.”
“I’d hope not.”
Sangyeon went with you to the waterfall, finding a place that was mostly empty. He got into the water first, diving down and getting completely soaked. You felt your face getting a bit red, seeing as he was shirtless and now completely soaking wet.
“You coming?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You slowly walked towards the water, but stopped at the edge. You had to mentally prepare yourself, but you were still nervous.
“I’ll go with you.”
Jacob suddenly appeared at your side, giving you a reassuring smile. He took your hand and the two of you walked into the water. You shivered from the cold water, letting out a yell.
“I guess the morning sunlight hasn’t warmed it up.” Jacob teased. “Shall we check to see if you’re awake?”
You nodded which prompted Sangyeon to splash water in your face. It was still cold, but nothing changed, it was still bright and early. Jacob gave you a little pinch, making you jump ever so slightly going further into the water.
“Shall we continue?”
You took a few more steps into the water, getting up to your waist. You stopped and slowly lowered yourself further in, getting the water up to your neck. You moved your arms around, trying to get a good feel for the water. The area around you was clear, so there wouldn’t be anything in your way. You mentally counted to three and then dove down into the water, swimming a little bit before surfacing. The sun was still out, Jacob and Sangyeon in your view, big smiles on their faces.
“I did it.”
“Yeah you did!”
Such joy surged through you, and your fears began to wash away. You were happy to be able to swim in the waterfall again, assured that you were awake and with good company. You swam around with Sangyeon and Jacob, some of the others coming over as well.
“Can I show you something?” Sangyeon asked.
“Follow me.”
Sangyeon led the way over to the waterfall, helping you get out of the water and carefully moving along the rocks. Next thing you knew you were behind the waterfall in what looked like a cave entrance. You sat down by the edge, watching the backside of the waterfall, taking in the beautiful sounds and scenery.
“I didn’t know you could get back here.”
“It’s a bit risky, but worth it.”
“I agree.”
“I have something for you.”
Sangyeon grabbed a plastic bag out of his swimtruck, revealing these transparent spheres. He pulled one out and popped it in his mouth, holding the bag out to you.
“These are gummies, mystery flavor. It’s my favorite so I thought you’d like some.”
You grabbed a gummy from the bag, curious as to what they were since you had never seen them before. They were very squishy and then you put it in your mouth. You chewed on it while focusing on the taste to figure out what flavor it was.
“Hm… I’m thinking peach.”
“Mine tastes like strawberry.”
“Nice. Where did you get these anyway?”
“That’s a secret.”
“Come on.”
“Not telling.”
“Why? I-”
Your words were cut short as you felt your throat drying up. You thought maybe something was stuck as it became difficult to breathe but you didn’t feel anything. You clawed at your neck, trying to find some sort of explanation. You looked to Sangyeon in fear, but he didn’t seem at all concerned. He popped another gummy into his mouth and then grabbed you. The two of you fell into the water together. You thought panic would overtake you, but for some reason you felt fine. You quickly surfaced and stayed a float, suddenly able to breathe again.
“What… what just happened…?”
“It’s temporary, just to get you home.”
“You’ll see.”
Sangyeon pulled you back under water, scaring you and causing you to flail around. He held you tight though, and pulled you close, surprising you with a kiss. His lips pressed firmly against yours, and you began feeling dizzy. The more you tried to push him away the less strength you had. The edges of your vision began to go black, and it wasn’t long before darkness swallowed you whole.
You gasped awake and began coughing up some water. As you began to regain your senses you looked around. There was a large pool of water before you, and there seemed to be rocks all around. You were in some sort of cave. A bit of sunlight came into the room from an opening in the ceiling, but there seemed to be nowhere else to go. You were trapped here. Now you were starting to wonder how you even got there and how you would escape. You got up on shaky legs and looked around for some type of opening you could reach.
“You’re awake.”
You jumped and looked around for the voice, then you saw Juyeon in the water, waving at you. For a moment you thought you were imagining things, but he swam closer, and that’s when you got a real good look at him. His eyes had become slits, like a cat, and were a golden color. A few bluegreen scales decorated his cheeks and ran along his arms. His fingers were webbed together, also showing claws instead of nails. A few fins seemed to poke out of his arms, and even his ears had changed to look more aquatic. Seeing all this causes you to stumble back and fall. Juyeon remained in the water though, chuckling over your actions.
“You’re very cute.”
“Wa… what are you…?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“A fish?”
“Okay, that’s just rude.”
“Where am I!? Why did you bring me here!?”
“Easy. We’re not gonna hurt you. We just brought you here while we got everything ready. We’ll leave soon.”
“To where?”
“Yeah. We were gonna bring you a year ago, but your stupid friend took you from us before we got to meet. Kinda wish they were here with you, I wanted to give them a piece of my mind.”
Juyeon growled and revealed sharp teeth, making you scream. You scrambled back and as far away from the water as possible. You had your back pressed against the wall, mumbling to yourself that this was all just a dream.
“You’re not dreaming, and before you get any ideas, there is no way out of this place. Well, not for humans. The only way in and out is through some underwater caves, but you’d need diving gear to go to and from, which you don’t have.”
“How… how did you bring me here?”
“Sangyeon gave you something that would let you breathe underwater for a while. Long enough to get here.”
“The gummies…”
“Yeah those things, I don’t know where he gets them.”
“Just let me go, please.”
“Nope. You got away from us once, and it’s not gonna happen again.”
“Please. I won’t tell anyone anything. I’ll never come back and-”
“We don’t want that.” Juyeon got out of the water, revealing more scales and fins. “You disappearing again is the last thing we want.”
You swallowed nervously. “My… my friends… they’ll look for me…”
“And they’re never gonna find you. No one will.”
You felt tears sting your eyes and start sliding down your cheeks. You closed your eyes and went back to mumbling about how this was all a bad dream and you’d wake up soon. You felt Juyeon approach, but you kept your eyes shut tight. Then you felt a hand on your chin.
“Look at me.”
Juyeon’s voice was so calm and soothing. Despite your fears you began to relax. You slowly opened your eyes, seeing that Juyeon had returned to normal. He had a soft smile on his face, seeming far friendlier than before.
“Just listen to my voice. Everything’s going to be okay. You can go back to sleep, and when you wake up, you’ll be home.”
“… home…”
“You’ll love it.”
Your eyelids felt heavy, and this sudden exhaustion was beginning to take hold. You wanted Juyeon to let you go, but you didn’t have the strength to lift your arm. He kept coaxing you to sleep, and you couldn’t resist for long. Soon returning to that void.
Once again you woke with a sharp intake of breath, followed by coughing up some water. You recovered quicklier than before. This time you discovered you were no longer in a cave, but what seemed to be some sort of cabin. The walls showed logs, and you were laying in bed. The room itself was mostly empty besides the basic furniture. You slowly got out of bed, avoiding the water you had coughed up. You made it to the door and carefully tried the knob, relieved to find the door unlocked. You carefully opened it and peeked your head out of the room. The halls were empty and quiet. You quickly decided which way to go and quietly snuck out of the room. All you needed was an exit.
You walked down the hall trying to make as little noise as possible. It seemed that no one else was in the cabin, and then you came into what appeared to be the living room. The TV was on, but no one was on the sofas watching. You noticed trees out the window, and another body of water, but you didn’t care for it. There was a door that you figured led out, but taking the front door might not bed a good idea. You noticed another way leading to the kitchen and you figured that could lead you to the back. You moved quickly and made sure no one could see you from the windows. The kitchen was clean and empty, and there was your back door.
You ran over, happy to find it unlocked and you stepped out. The fresh air was so nice, and it seemed that no one was around. Now was your chance, you made it to the trees, being quiet and once there was some distance from you and the cabin you began to run. Surely you’d find a trail or some other signs of civilization soon, but you just needed to get away from the cabin and the others. You ran until you needed to catch your breath, looking around for any possible clues as to where you could go. All you could really see were trees, which wasn’t much help, but at least you had gotten away.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
You screamed and looked back, seeing Hyunjae and Chanhee standing a few feet away from you. Your first instinct was to run, but you immediately tripped on an exposed root and collapsed to the ground. You scraped your knee and screamed again. The two boys came to your side, helping you to your feet. You wouldn’t be running anymore with that injury, and the two took you back to the cabin. Despite running for so long and getting so far, in a few seconds you were back at the cabin, as if you had never gone anywhere in the first place. Even though you were injured you yelled and tried to free yourself, but the boys held you tightly.
“We are trying to help.” Chanhee hissed. “You’re injured.”
“Let me go! This is kidnapping!?”
“It’s not. More like claiming ownership.”
They brought you over to the edge of the dock, having you sit with your legs hanging over the edge, your toes just above the water.. You saw movement in the water and started freaking out, but you couldn’t go anywhere. Moments later Eric popped his head out of the water. He looked similar to Juyeon in his fish form, and that scared you all the more. You tried to pull your legs up but Eric grabbed your injured one, making you freeze. You could feel the tips of his claw pressing gently at your skin. You whimpered and Eric met your eyes.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“What are you?”
“A friend.”
Eric cupped some water in his hand and splashed your wound, cleaning it a bit. Then he pulled your leg closer and kissed your wound. You yelped, but he just chuckled and disappeared into the water. You were confused but then your leg began to feel better, and you noticed your wound was healing. In a matter of seconds your leg was healed, as if nothing had ever happened.
“… how…?”
“Come on, let’s get you back inside.”
The two picked you up and took you back into the cabin. That’s when you noticed there were multiple cabins around, giving the impression this was some other camp. Although there was a waterfall as well that led into the lake the camp surrounded. You were still too shocked to voice any of your questions, so you were easily dragged back inside. The boys plopped you down on the couch, giving you the TV remote.
“We’ll be right back, and don’t go anywhere this time.”
You put the remote down and examined your leg, seeing for sure that there was no cut. You couldn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe any of this actually. You thought back to how you wound up here, remembering you went for a swim with Sangyeon, and then wound up in a cave, and now you were here. You looked out the window, seeing the sun. It was barely reaching its peak, meaning it was morning. It was hard to believe a whole day had gone by since you were last at the waterfall with your friends. They must be panicking and looking for you like crazy. Since you were alone you got up and looked around for a phone or something you could use to contact them. You found nothing, figuring they were probably hiding any means of outside contact.
“I’m pretty sure you were told to stay put.”
Younghoon offered you a smile, leaning against the entryway to the living room. You gave him a shy one in return, feeling like you were caught doing something bad when in reality you hadn’t done anything.
“Relax. Sangyeon wants to talk with you. Follow me.”
It wasn’t a request, but an order. After a moment you followed Younghoon, going up to the second floor and down the hall to the door at the end. He knocked and then gestured for you to go inside. You were kind of nervous, but it wasn’t like you could run away again. You shakily reached for the doorknob and turned it, making your way inside. You walked into what appeared to be a study, seeing bookshelves on the wall and a desk at the center. That’s where Sangyeon sat, staring at his computer and typing. He stopped when you entered, the door closing behind you, and glanced over at you.
“I could stand…”
“Sit down.”
“… okay…”
You sat down in front of his desk, keeping your legs close together and your hands in your lap. You didn’t dare to raise your gaze, feeling a scolding coming.
“Look at me.” You slowly lifted your gaze. “Good girl.”
“What do you want from me?”
“It’s good to finally meet. I’ve gone through a lot of trouble to bring you here. So, let me lay down the rules.”
“You can’t escape our little camp here. As you saw before, you can run for hours and days but you won’t go anywhere. Our home has magic surrounding its borders that prevent people from leaving or entering without our permission. You also won’t be able to contact anyone outside our home, signals come in, but can’t go out. If you try anything we’ll know.”
“What are you?”
“You speak of magic like it’s normal, and however you brought me here… I don’t understand…”
“You haven’t figured that out yet?”
“Are you… fish people?”
“That’s insulting.” Sangyeon chuckled. “We’re sirens.”
“How do you think we brought you here? A sweet melody to lure you into the water and into our embrace.”
“It… it was you… I wasn’t sleep walking that day… you lulled me into the water… if it hadn’t been for my friend-”
“Quite unfortunate we missed you the first time. Which was all the more reason to be cautious the second time around. We were all so happy when you came back. So we had to make sure you didn’t escape us again. It was nice of your friends to go off and leave you with us.”
“Did… did they even come back…? They wouldn’t just leave me with strangers!?”
“Are you sure? It’s easy for us to put someone to sleep, and you’ve seen what else we can do.”
“You… my friends will look for me! They’d notice I was gone when they got back!”
“They won’t. Who do you think gave them the idea? We took all your things too darling. As far as they’ll remember, you never came with them.”
“… wa… what … why… why me! I didn’t do anything to you! I didn’t even see you at the waterfall a year ago!”
“But we saw you. My boys were very entranced by the beautiful girl playing with her friends. They wanted you for breeding season, and who am I to refuse them.”
“Bree… what did you say?”
Sangyeon chuckled. “I’m certain you heard me. We won’t hurt you, so rest assured you’ll be fine.”
“You’re insane…”
“The boys agreed not to touch you unless the time came. I’m quite curious who’ll break first.”
You were still trying to come to terms with what you had just been told, and make sense of it, but your brain did not want to process. Sangyeon got up from his desk and took your hand, giving you a proper tour of what he kept calling your home. The cabin you were in was the main house, and where your room was. Since it was the biggest, everyone used it as a communal space, although besides Sangyeon and Jacob, the others actually had their beds in the other cabins. The whole camp surrounded the waterfall and the lake it led into, which you had noticed was much bigger than the one you had been to before.
A few docks led into the water, and there seemed to be a little farm area where they grew fruits and vegetables. In all honesty this place looked so beautiful, but it was hard to take it all in when you knew this was your prison. You weren’t really paying attention to the tour, and next thing you knew you were back in the living room, alone. You grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, not wanting to be reminded of the outside world you could no longer get to. Now that you sat in silence you realized you didn’t like it, so you left the cabin. After a few steps you stopped and looked all around. There had to be some way out. From what you understood the surrounding forest wasn’t an option, so that left the water.
You thought back to how you supposedly wound up here, which would mean the water. Your eyes looked to the waterfall, and you remembered getting to the cave behind it back at the other place. There was surely one here too, and that could be your way out. You started to make your way towards the lake. Now that you knew what really had caused your previous fear, you had let it go, having other things to worry about. Although before you could jump into the water you were grabbed. Haknyeon offered you a smile, but you didn’t return it. You didn’t trust any of these guys, especially now that Sangyeon had told you why you were here.
“You wanna help with lunch?”
“Come on, you helped before.”
“Yeah, before I knew you were a bunch of psychos!”
“Hey, we’re perfectly sane.”
“Is what an insane person would say.”
“Let’s just go, everyone is waiting for you.”
You didn’t have a choice as Haknyeon dragged you back over to the main cabin, and your strength was no match for his. You resigned yourself to being a complete klutz in the kitchen, and the second you got your hands on a knife you began swinging. Of course it was taken away from you immediately and you were removed from the kitchen.
“I get it, you’re upset.” Chanhee led you outside. “But I swear to you that you’ll like it here.”
“How would I ever like it? You kidnapped me and are holding me hostage!”
“That’s not true.”
“You used your stupid siren song thing to get me here, and I can’t leave, that’s kidnapping and being held against my will!”
“Okay, but this place is great. Your own paradise. It’s beautiful, and you have no job or responsibilities, you can do whatever you want here. And you’re not afraid of the water anymore, so you can swim to your heart’s content.”
“I want to go home.”
“Why? Back to school to work yourself to death for some corporation.”
“Being taken against your will isn’t exactly the best alternative, now is it?”
Chanhee scoffed. “You can fight with us all you want, but you’re gonna change your tune.”
“I won’t.”
“You will.”
It was obvious you didn’t want company, so Chanhee let you go off by yourself. He told you someone would come find you later when lunch was ready. You waited until he was gone before making your way back over to the docks. The water wasn’t super clear, so you couldn’t really make out how deep it was, but you figured it wouldn’t be bad. You sat at the edge of the dock and then let yourself drop over into the water. You didn’t touch the bottom, so you definitely didn’t go into the shallow part. You kept yourself afloat once you surfaced and figured which way the waterfall was. You began swimming towards it when you suddenly noticed something moving out in the water.
You came to a stop and looked out. As far as you were concerned there were no creatures in the lake, besides the boys themselves. From what you had heard before, all the boys would be gathering at the main cabin, so no one should be out in the water right now except for yourself. Still, you didn’t like this, so you decided to swim back. You got to the dock and pulled yourself out, although you suddenly felt something grab your leg. You screamed and managed to pull yourself free, looking back to see what had gotten you. Yellow slit eyes looked back at you from the edge of the dock. You couldn’t make out who it was until they got out of the water, crawling onto the dock towards you.
“Su… Sunwoo… what are you doing…? I… I thought you were with the others…”
“… pretty…”
You crawled back, nervous that any sudden movements would cause him to pounce on you. While you maintained eye contact you kept moving away, and he followed.
“… want…”
There was something different about his voice, and his gaze. He seemed more like a predator stalking his prey. A devilish smile adorned Sunwoo’s face, and it sent shivers down your spine. You were scared, and this little game would only last so long. All of a sudden Sunwoo made his move, lunging at you. Your scream did nothing to deter him, and even though you scrambled back he managed to grab onto your leg. In one swift motion he pulled you towards him, and you soon found yourself pinned under him.
“Sun… Sunwoo… let go…”
“… mine…”
Sunwoo buried his head in the crook of your neck, breathing you in, his wet lips against your skin. His arms began to move along your sides, and you realized the claws were gone. That didn’t change your current situation though. You began to squirm, trying to get him off, but he was wet, and kinda slimy. Not to mention he was much stronger than you. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t get him to budge. He began to pepper you with kisses, his legs pushing between yours. You kept fighting until you felt something poking at you down below. Your gaze slowly looked down to see a tent in Sunwoo’s shorts, starting to realize the inevitable.
“Sunwoo, get off!”
Your actions seemed to upset him as he growled and pinned your hands above your head. You stared up at him, seeing his eyes remained the slitted yellow color. He seemed to be reading your expression for a movement before he dove down for a kiss. It was rough, and since he caught you off guard it wasn’t difficult for him to get his tongue into your mouth. Even as you tried to fight him you realized there was a certain taste on his lips. Something sweet with a bit of a kick. Then for some reason you started kissing back, your head feeling fuzzy, followed by this warmth spreading down your body.
When he pulled away you were gasping for air, your vision a bit blurred, but the yellow of his eyes you could still make out. His hands trailed down your body once more, effortlessly ripping your shirt open. You felt hands grab at your breasts, followed by lips sucking on one of your nipples. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped you, this dizzy sensation messing with all your senses. You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to verbalize your thoughts, but it just came out as incoherent mumbles. A moment later Sunwoo’s hands were tugging down your shorts and panties. You tried to push your legs together, feeling a chill but he seemed to growl at that. He shoved your legs apart and moved down, burying his face into your center.
You yelled and grabbed fistfulls of his hair. You don’t know if you wanted him off or to go in deeper, but either way you felt something slimy between your folds, making you whimper and squirm. He didn’t tease you for long though, pulling away and climbing on top of you once again. You had no idea when he had gotten his shorts off, but now you felt something else poking at your entrance. In your state it was perfectly logical to reach down and feel this thing for yourself, but the result was very unexpected. Sunwoo was big, bigger than expected, and different. You could feel these ridges along his length, starting to wonder what that would feel like inside you. Although you didn’t have to wait too long.
Sunwoo pressed his lips to yours once more and then you felt something stretching you open. You moaned into the kiss, feeling the slow movement of his length going inside you, every little bump making you whine. You were quiet surprised you could take all of his like that. There was a moment of discomfort as you adjusted to the feeling, practically on the edge of being split in two. You whimpered as the slightest of movement shook your whole body. When he started moving you knew you were going to go insane. Sunwoo was taking in everything, your scent, your sounds, the slight twitches all over your body. He was going to enjoy this.
He wasn’t sure if you were ready, but he didn’t have much patience. Sunwoo pulled out nearly all the way before slamming back into you, over and over again. Your whole body moved with him, shaking and crying out in delight. He played you like an instrument, his giant cock rubbing against your sweet spot at every moment. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, incoherent sounds of pleasure spilling out of you. Sunwoo had your arms pinned above your head with one hand, the other trailing along your stomach, making you twitch. He purposely had his claws out to tease your exposed flesh, loving the reactions he was getting out of you. Every part of you was on fire, and his touch was fanning the flames.
You felt this bundle heat and sensations building up inside of you, well aware of what it meant. You tried to tell Sunwoo, but you still couldn’t do words. Although it seemed he understood your desperate pleas. He let go of your arms and grabbed onto your hips, the tips of his claws digging into your skin ever so slightly. He just needed a better grip to ram into you, his movements becoming erratic as he wanted to see you tremble in pleasure beneath him. You grabbed onto Sunwoo’s arms, mouth hanging open as you reached climax. You screamed out his name, shaking and twitching, getting more stimulation as you squeezed him tightly. Your lips were so inviting Sunwoo divided down to kiss you once again.
You moaned into the kiss, trying to devour him in your own way. He tasted so sweet you just wanted more and more. You didn’t really have a chance to calm down as Sunwoo kept moving, not losing his rhythm. He definitely had more stamina than you, so he took advantage of your sensitive state, building you up to another orgasm and forcing it out of you. Even if you were tired your body still reacted to him, holding him tightly, and letting him do whatever he pleased. You had devolved to a whimpering mess, more of a ragdoll in his arms. Your vision faded in and out, but you still felt every inch of him. The only distinction you could make was when Sunwoo’s movements became sloppy, his hot breath against your ear followed by the feeling of something warm inside you.
Sunwoo rested on top of you, breathing heavily and making low groans, his hips twitching and continuing to move, pushing his seed deeper and deeper into you. He seemed very content, nuzzling your neck, and mumbling sweet nothings. You could only respond with content whines, a ditzy smile on your face. You were floating on cloud nine, and had no idea when you’d come down. Although things did take a sudden turn for you. One moment you were laying on the dock with Sunwoo on top of you, and the next thing you knew you were in the water. The cold water seemed to snap you back to reality and you began to flail, trying to float. You managed to calm yourself a bit, but then something yanked on your leg and pulled you under.
You fought back and freed yourself, not caring to know what was happening and began swimming to shore. Once again your leg was grabbed and you were yanked beneath the water. You thought it was over this time, but you were suddenly grabbed by another force and brought up to the surface. You gasped as you took a breath in, unable to see as your vision was blurred by water. Someone was dragging you to the shore, but you noticed a clawed hand wrapping around your ankle. You could barely make out the yellow eyes staring at you, but that was the least of your concerns. Before you could scream and ear piercing screech filled th air. You slammed your hands over your ears, but it did little to block out the sound.
The hand had let you go and you heard a splash in the water. A moment later the sound disappeared. You took a moment to compose yourself and then realized what was going on. You were sitting on the shore, a few of the boys around you, and others knee deep in the water. They all seemed to be recovering from the sound as well, except for Sangyeon. He was speaking, but you couldn’t really make out his words. Then you began to remember you were naked. You quickly tried to cover yourself, but hands grabbed you and pulled you to your feet. A towel was wrapped around you and then you were swept off your feet. Sangyeon was carrying you bridal style, heading back to the main cabin.
“Are you okay?”
“Wa… what happened…?”
“You tell me.”
“Uh… I…”
“Kidding. Just take it easy, you’re fine.”
“I don’t feel fine…”
“I know.”
Sangyeon took you to your room and let you take a shower, properly cleaning yourself up, from head to toe, and then dressing yourself in fresh clothes. He was sitting in your bed and waiting. You were still a bit unsteady on your feet, and stuck close to the wall, holding onto the furniture. It didn’t take Sangyeon long to notice and bring you over to the bed so you could sit down. You mumbled a small thanks.
“Does your chest hurt? Or anything else besides… well you know.”
“No… but what… Sunwoo…”
“He was the first to break. My money was on Juyeon.”
“What the hell are you talking about? You said you brought me here for… that thing… but Sunwoo-”
“During breeding season a siren goes into a frenzy. There’s only one thing on their mind, and they’ll search for the nearest thing to satiate them. For the most part we stay in the water, but you were nearby, so he took advantage of that.”
“I… I wasn’t in my right mind… I didn’t mean-”
“Don’t blame yourself too much. We excrete a very lovely type of aphrodisiac to make our partners more agreeable. It’s okay to say you enjoyed yourself.”
“Fuck you. That’s not fair.”
“Sunwoo was just the beginning. Although I will apologize for him as he nearly drowned you.”
“Let me guess, he wasn’t in his right mind because of the frenzy?”
“Basically. He wanted to take you back to his cave.”
“Why do you think the lake is so big? We all have our own little caves down there. Of course he’d want to take you there, but you obviously can’t breathe under water.”
“No shit.”
“I’ll get him to apologize when he comes back to his senses.”
“Forget that. I want to leave. If that’s what’s gonna happen to me again, I want no part!”
Sangyeon chuckled. “We’ve been over this. You’re not leaving.”
“I’m certain there are plenty of other girls, or boys, who’d be down to help you through this, but not me! You managed last time without me, so leave me out of this!”
“They were very upset last time. Many wanted to chase after you, but it’s not safe to leave the waterfall. I’m not going to upset them again.”
“I don’t care about that! Find someone else, or better yet, another siren! You said it’s breeding season, and I’m not about to get pregnant!”
“A siren can’t impregnate a human, it’s a very rare thing. Which is all the more reason to have you around.”
“Then like I said before, find someone else.”
“They don’t want anyone else, and neither do I.”
Sangyeon came over to your side and pinned you down on the bed. Your heart was racing but you tried to keep your cool.
“You enjoyed yourself, we all know it. So you don’t have to lie and be upset. We heard you turn into a mess out there.”
“… you… you did…?”
“It was music to my ears. You know, we’re all the same down there, although maybe just different sizes. Tell me, how was it? A whole new experience right?”
“You don’t have to be shy. I know you wanna do it again, and you’ll get to, just be patient. It starts with one, but that’s all it takes to drag the rest of us down. There’s nowhere you can go to escape us, so look forward to that.”
Sangyeon placed a small kiss on your head and excused himself. It wasn’t until he closed the door that you let out the breath you were holding. You felt so hot, aware of the burning in your cheeks. You shouldn’t be into any of this, and you were certain he had influenced you somehow, but you had to focus. They all overpowered you, and the way Sunwoo was acting before, you’d be in major trouble if it was more than one next time. You needed to get out, but the problem now was your leg. There was no way you could make the swim out to the waterfall right now, so there had to be another way.
For the rest of the day you stayed in your room. One of the others brought you food, leaving outside your door. You didn’t want to eat, but you were going to need your strength. You stared out your window towards the lake and the waterfall. Right now the best idea seemed to be to get as close to the waterfall as you could from land, and then swim the rest of the way. The only other problem was to figure out when. At night the water would be very cold, and your vision would be impaired. You figured early morning would be the right time, so it was probably best to go to sleep now. You were quite tired after all.
It was a bit difficult to sleep, as you kept waking up after a while. At least you didn’t miss sunrise. The cabin was quiet, and you carefully made your way outside. The rest of the camp area seemed quiet, and even the lake was still. You had mapped out your path the day before, so you just made sure to keep hidden and made your way towards the waterfall. When you got to the end of the path you carefully got into the water, making sure no one was around to notice you. Once in the water you cautiously made your way to the waterfall, trying not to let the cold overwhelm you. It would have been worse if it was night time. 
You thought back to how you made it to the back of the waterfall with Sangyeon before, although this was a different waterfall so things would be different. In theory it was the same, climbing up on some rocks and carefully making it towards the back of the waterfall. The danger was how slippery the rocks were as they were always coated in water. Still, you managed to make it, feeling relief and quite proud of yourself too. You admired the waterfall for a moment before going into the cave behind it. Sunlight came in through some holes in the ceiling, illuminating your path. You walked down this tunnel until it opened up into a bigger room. You began looking around for a way out, but to your horror there didn’t seem to be one.
You walked around, but there was nothing but rock surrounding you. The only way out was through the tunnel you had come from. This was just a room. There was a small puddle of water at the center, only going up to your ankles. Even the holes in the ceiling didn’t seem big enough for a person, and there was no way you could climb up to escape. You collapsed to the floor in defeat, realizing there really was no way out of this place. You pulled up your knees to your chest, hugging them. You had no idea what to do now, and you certainly had no idea how much time passed. You only snapped out of your daze when you heard someone approaching. You quickly got up, scared for what would happen next.
“How’d you get here?” Younghoon looked you up and down. “I didn’t know you knew about this place.”
“Ah, did you think there was a way out of here behind the waterfall? That’s cute, but we meant it when we said you weren’t leaving.”
“Just let me go… please… I don’t know how long this breeding season thing lasts for you, but I want out, now.”
“You’re not just here for that. You’ll be staying with us permanently.”
“It would be nice to have someone else around, and we all like you.”
“I have a life! You can’t just-”
“Do you really want to go back?”
“I… I…” You started feeling dizzy. “Uh…”
“You humans tend to live such boring lives. Wouldn’t it be more fun to stay here with us? We can give you everything and more. If you’re having all these pesky thoughts bothering you, I can just wash them away.” Younghoon stepped towards you. “Would you like that? Do you want me to take away all those bad thoughts?”
“Stay… stay back… you…”
“Sh, you know, we come here for some privacy, so imagine my joy finding you here.”
“I… no… no…”
“I’m certain Sunwoo took good care of you, shall I continue where he left off? Did you like the way he felt inside you? I promise I’m just as big.”
“Stop… stop it…”
“That’s not what you really want, is it?”
Younghoon pinned you to the wall, watching you curiously. His eyes had changed to that golden yellow, and a few scales decorated his skin. He gently caressed your cheek, no claws present, but other siren features were.
“How about a little taste, before I spiral down into madness. Strip for me, baby.”
Despite the sorrow of realizing you were trapped, the fear of being caught, none of that seemed to matter anymore. Your head was fuzzy like before, and you felt oddly calm with Younghoon. His words flowed into your head and were welcomed with open arms. When he asked you to strip it just seemed like the right thing to do. You started with your top, slipping it past your head and tossing it to the side. Younghoon helped you with your bra, happily taking in your exposed breasts. You reached down to slide off your shorts and panties, feeling the chill of the cave, causing you to shiver.
“I’ll warm you up in a bit.”
Younghoon stripped out of his clothes. Your gaze took him in, unable to resist running your hands along his chest and feeling his scales. He was wet and slimy, and you quite liked that. He was like a fantasy come true. Fingers wrapped around your chin and raised your gaze, Younghoon capturing your lips in a kiss. It was natural to kiss back, getting another taste of the unknown sweetness. You felt yourself melting into this sensation, moreso when you felt a hand between your legs, teasing your folds. You mewled into the kiss, jumping up a bit when you felt something cold push into you.
“There’s a good girl.” 
Even in the cold you felt warm, and it was slowly spreading. Younghoon worked you over with one finger before adding another, his thumb rubbing your little nub in circles, just adding to the stimulation. You were whimpering, the fog in your head already making you lose the ability to communicate. Despite taking things slow, Younghoon had little patience. He pulled his fingers out without warning, grabbing your hips and lifting you up off the ground with ease. You could understand what he was doing, and followed his movements without being told. You wrapped your legs around him, feeling something poking at your entrance before you sank onto it, taking it all at once.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you were suddenly filled to the brim, stretched wide open and feeling those bumps running along inside you. Younghoon was whispering dirty things in your ear, his hot breath making you squirm. Every little movement just sent another wave of pleasure coursing through your body. It didn’t matter that rocks pressed against your back, or that you weren’t entirely in your right mind. At the moment the only thing that mattered was you and Younghoon. Your mouth hung open in silent ecstasy as he provided you with a whole new experience. Gravity played a part in all this as no matter how he moved, you’d always sink down on him to the base, feeling every inch.
He kept his movements steady and it was a testament to his strength. You couldn’t imagine anyone else doing such a thing, but he played his part wonderfully. He didn’t break a sweat as he rocked his hips into you, stealing a kiss from you every now and then. His moans mixed with your own, echoing in the room. You felt hot, like you were burning from the inside out, but it was a pleasurable feeling. Your whimpering became more desperate as you were nearing your climax, and Younghoon took note of this with joy. He took one of your nipples into his mouth, adding to the sweet sensations that were overwhelming you completely.
You ran your fingers through his hair, barely able to whimper his name before you cried out in ecstasy as an orgasm shook your body. Younghoon pressed his lips against your when you came, wanting you to moan into his mouth and get more of his sweet lips. You were so drunk on him that your vision had blurred. A soft voice lulled you into a safe space, telling you to let go and relax. It was so easy to listen and just focus on the nice feeling between your legs, taking care of everything. You couldn’t tell when Younghoon had lost it with you, but you certainly felt something warm between your legs as another orgasm took over and made you scream. At some point you were moved off the wall, soon being laid down on your back and feeling water.
Younghoon assaulted every bit of exposed flesh with kisses, starting to leave bruises and holding back from straight up leaving bite marks. He just wanted to mark you and claim you for himself at this moment. You held him close, your body still moving with his as he was trying to make this feeling last for as long as he could. You were both desperately needy, and there was no one to get in the way. Younghoon was mumbling against your skin, but you couldn’t make out his words. At one point you could see those golden eyes stare down at you with hunger and then everything went dark.
You gasped awake, looking around in a panic before realizing you were back in your room in the main cabin. You breathed a sigh of relief, but when you tried to get out of bed you collapsed to the floor. Your legs were sore like never before, and as you tried to stand you noticed all the marks on your arms. The best you could do was pull yourself back up onto your bed. The sun was nearing its peak and you could barely remember your morning. You knew you had gotten up to get to the waterfall, but from there things seemed to blur. You were pulled from your thoughts when there was a knock at the door.
“You’re awake.
“I was a bit worried when Younghoon brought you back to shore and you were half conscious. I guess he really did a number on you.” Sangyeon chuckled. “He certainly broke the rules.”
“Rules… I…”
“Sh, I’m sure he already messed with your memories in the hopes of not getting in trouble, but that’s not gonna work. Here. I brought you some medicine, should heal you up.”
“Thanks… I guess…”
Sangyeon offered you some pills and a glass of water, which you took. You laid back on the bed, just wanting to go back to sleep after whatever happened.
“You’re really not gonna let me go… once this is all over, right?”
“You won’t stop with that, will you?”
“What if I say no?”
“What are you gonna do right now? Run away? You can’t even stand. I’m lucky Younghoon didn’t try dragging you into the water. I won’t be able to stop them all when they go into a frenzy.”
“Won’t you be in the mess with them?”
“Exactly my point.”
“Amuse me then… how do I go back?”
“The only way out is through an underwater tunnel. You’ll never be able to reach it, even if you could breathe underwater, you can’t move as fast as us. Besides, there are multiple tunnels down there, you won’t find the right one.”
“How many people have you trapped here before?”
“No one. My boys like their space.”
“Wait, so I’m the first person you’ve ever brought here?”
“What about other sirens?”
“Like I said, my boys like their space.”
“So… why… what’s so special about me?”
“I don’t know. You’re beautiful, intelligent, sexy. They don’t always agree on things, but you piqued their interest, mine as well. There’s no harm having a nice little pet around. It’ll make this place feel more like home.”
“I’m not some pet!”
“Yet you like it when there’s something nice and big between your legs, acting like a little creature in heat. You can say whatever you want about our influence, but we’re just bringing out your desires. Rest up, I don’t know when they’ll snap.”
You didn’t want to argue anymore, needing to go over the fact there was no way out. Well, there was, you just couldn’t access it. This place was supposed to be home now. You stared out the window, zoning out a bit as you took it all in. Everything was really beautiful, as if it was a work of fiction. It really wouldn’t be bad to live here, but you had your own life. Now that you thought about it, you realized there wasn’t exactly much to return to. There was school, getting your degree in the hopes of building your life. You had some friends, but given what Sangyeon said, you were probably a missing person’s case that had no explanation. You weren’t sure there was anyone who would seriously look for you, regardless if they had their memories messed with or not.
When that came to mind you shook your head. There was a chance none of these thoughts were your own, but something they had planted. Still, you couldn’t resist the idea to just let everything go and stay here, live in peace and happiness. Even if you had been trying to figure out a way to escape, you couldn’t deny your time here had been nice, in multiple ways. It kinda felt like time didn’t matter, and even if you were being difficult, the boys were just waiting for you to warm up to them. The funniest thing was that this whole situation was probably someone’s wildest dream and you were fighting it so hard. You took a breath and laid down in bed. You had a lot to think about, but you definitely needed to rest as well.
You inhaled softly as you regained consciousness, seeing that it was dark out. Your stomach grumbled and you realized you hadn’t eaten all day. Although the problem was you weren’t so sure you could get up and walk. You had no idea where the others were, or how you would even reach them. So you took a breath and got up. You were still unsteady on your feet, but you could more or less stand. You stumbled your way to the door and out into the hall, using the wall as support and making your way to the kitchen. You were doing well, but one wrong step cause your legs to give out. You nearly collapsed to the floor, but were caught by someone before you hit the ground.
“I thought you were gonna sleep the whole day away.” Hyunjae joked. “You okay?”
“You must be hungry. We have some leftovers saved for you.”
Hyunjae brought you over to the kitchen and had you sit at the table. He heated up some food for you and brought it over. Your hands worked just fine, but he insisted on feeding you.
“I’m not a baby.”
“You’re my baby, now open wide.”
You were hungry, so you weren’t going to fight him much. You ate and afterwards he gave you some medicine. That’s when you finally noticed the marks on your arms were gone.
“You think we’d just hurt you?” Hyunjae scoffed. “Come on. We can’t break you so easily.”
“Do you… like me… or am I… just some toy…?”
“Hm… when we saw you at the waterfall a year ago we were entranced by your beauty, as if you were a siren yourself. You seemed so joyous and happy, your smile so bright. We were curious to know what you were like. We tried to bring you here before, but your friend got you out of the water before we could get to you. We didn’t realize that would traumatize you, sorry.”
“It’s fine. I just thought I was insane for a year.”
“I could just make you forget that.”
“I’m certain you’ve already messed with my memories.”
“Maybe. Only good things, I promise.”
“What happens… after…?”
“After what?”
“… well… after… the season…?”
“Oh, you mean that. Well, I guess we’ll see, but the idea certainly isn’t to discard you or anything like that. We waited a long time for you.”
“Alright, if you’re done, I’ll get you back to bed, you’re probably still tired.”
Hyunjae tucked you in for the night, and you found it easy to fall asleep. You probably shouldn’t have eaten so late, but you needed something in order to keep up your strength. You slept until morning, waking to the sounds of birds chirping. You had expected someone to wake you, but there was no one at your bedside when you opened your eyes. You didn’t think much of it and got up, realizing your legs were much better. Once you washed up you headed out of your room, but the cabin was eerily quiet. Perhaps the others were still asleep, and you didn’t want to bother anyone. 
So you made your way out of the cabin and towards one of the docks, sitting at the edge and letting your legs dangle. A morning view like this was something you could get used to. The sunlight danced on the surface of the lake in such a way that made it sparkle. The sounds of the waterfall filled the air, providing a soft melody. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to sleep outside one of these days. You weren’t even sure what the stars looked like at night. You were lost in your own mind, thinking of all the possibilities when you suddenly heard shouting.
“Get away from the water!”
You looked back to see Sangyeon running towards you. Before you could make a move to stand something wrapped around your leg and pulled you down. You screamed, but managed to hold onto a loose board in the dock. Sangyeon came over to your side, grabbing you and letting out an ear piercing screech.  You yelled, but you couldn’t do anything to diminish the noise. Whatever was holding onto you let go and Sangyeon pulled you up, getting you away from the water’s edge.
“Are you okay?”
“What… what was that?”
“Sorry, some of the boys have been in the lake since yesterday, and I know what that means.”
“Ah… how… how many…?”
“Eight of them, and I have no idea how much longer the rest of us will last.”
“Is it a bad thing to fight it?”
“Partially, but I have to make sure they don’t hurt you.”
“That’s gonna be hard to do if they’re goal is to drag me in the water.”
“Let’s just get back to the cabin.”
Sangyeon got you back to safety, checking on your leg to make sure it wasn’t bruised or sprained. Thankfully you were fine. The two of you prepared breakfast, but you could tell Sangyeon was anxious. It was starting to make you feel uneasy, so you tried to distract yourself.
“Earlier… when you… screeched… do you do that often? I thought sirens had these beautiful voices that they use to sing.”
“Are you saying my voice isn’t beautiful? We’ve sang for you before.”
“With the intention of manipulating me… but with the type of persuasion powers you have, I guess your voices must be divine.”
“Precisely. As for the other thing, I only use that when I need them to back off and I know they won’t listen to reason.”
“I see… well, it really hurts.”
“Imagine how they must feel with sensitive hearing.”
“Right… uh… how old are you?”
“Don’t you think that’s mean to ask?”
“Uh, well… I don’t know… you look like you’re in your twenties… all of you really…”
“I’ll just say we’re older than that.”
“So you guys don’t age?”
“Not really.”
“Are you immortal?”
“Why? Are you gonna start looking for a way to kill us?”
“Just wondering…”
“Then I’ll leave you guessing.”
You both ate breakfast together, but you weren’t really hungry. Sangyeon noticed and encouraged you to eat, saying you needed your strength. Although that wasn’t entirely motivational.
“What… what’s gonna happen to me…?”
“Honestly. You’re gonna black out.” 
“How long is this supposed to last?”
“Days! I… how are you not supposed to-”
“Easy. We’re not all gonna pounce on you at once. We have each other to mess with, and believe me, no one is gonna be allowed to hurt you.”
“You can’t promise that when you’re talking about going into a frenzy, all of you! I can’t do anything to defend myself!”
“Not that you’d want to.”
“Shut it!”
“Just saying.”
“I… I need to think…”
“About what? The outcome is the same either way.”
“Yeah, thanks for that reminder.”
You left the table and stormed off to your room, slamming the door behind you. Once you were alone you let out a breath, sinking to the ground. The most annoying part of all of this was the tingling sensation between your legs. As messed up as this all sounded, you hated the bit of excitement that was slowly starting to course through you. Just one of those boys was able to mess you up, so you couldn’t imagine what would happen to you if they all got their hands on you. More than anything though, you were confused on how this was all supposed to go down. The others were in the lake, and you certainly couldn’t breath underwater. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a knock at your door. You quickly got up and opened it.
“Hey, Jacob, where were you for breakfast?”
“Busy. Mind if I come in?”
“Uh, sure… is everything okay?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” Jacob sat down on your bed. “How are you feeling? Better now, I’d hope.”
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Good. So how about we go for a swim.”
“Sangyeon told me to stay out of the water for now.”
“He’s just saying that, come on, the two of us can have some fun.”
Jacob got up and came over to you, taking your hands in his. He had a sweet smile on his lips, but something felt off.
“Jacob, are you okay?”
“Fine. Just so happy you’re here with us this time.”
“Right… I actually need to clean up and-”
“You don’t need to lie with me. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I didn’t say-”
“Trust me. Take a deep breath, and just relax.”
“I want to take you somewhere special. Follow me.”
“… okay…”
Jacob pressed a kiss to your cheek and led you out of the room, but was quickly interrupted. Sangyeon separated the two of you, pushing you back into your room and shutting the door. A moment later you snapped out of your daze, realizing what had just happened. You quickly locked the door, stepping away from it. You knew time was running out, and you had nowhere to hide. Your heart was racing and you were trying to think straight, but your thoughts just drifted from fear to excitement, and everything in between. Somehow you managed to calm your mind, sitting on the floor against the bed, wondering what you should do.
“Y/n, open the door.”
You heard the knob turn, followed by Sangyeon’s voice. You quickly stood, but hesitated as you reached to open the door. It had been a while since you last saw Sangyeon, and you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to see him right now.
“Open up.”
“I’m okay… Jacob didn’t do anything…”
“That’s good, but I still need you to open the door.”
“Why? We can talk like this.”
“Don’t be silly. Open the door and let me in.”
“No?” Sangyeon chuckled and slammed his fist against the door. “This isn’t a debate sweetie. Let me in, or I’ll force my way in.”
“Sangyeon… you… you’re scaring me…”
“Good… then you know where we’re at. You know you can’t run, so open the door before it’s too late!”
“I don’t-”
Another loud bang against the door startled you. It was instinct to look around for some escape route, but it was pointless. Next thing you knew the door swung open. Sangyeon calmly walked in, his golden eyes finding you immediately. You thought to run, to get past him, but he caught you so easily.
“Relax. You’re perfectly safe.”
“… sangyeon…”
Sangyeon led you out of the room and outside, walking towards the lake. You noticed the sun setting, realizing it was nearly dark. You hadn’t noticed so much time passing. Although as you got closer you began struggling against Sangyeon.
“… wait…”
“Sh, everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”
You came to the end of the dock, and your gaze turned to the water. You could vaguely make out shapes swimming in the water just below the surface. As you were distracted Sangyeon slipped another one of those gummy spheres into your mouth.
“Eat it.”
Sangyeon’s gaze on you was so soft, mixed with the sweet melody of his voice, whatever fears you had before were all washed away. You ate the gummy as he asked, somewhat having forgotten what the effects were before it came back to you. Your eyes went wide as you struggled to breath, but Sangyeon pulled you close.
“You’re so beautiful.”
He pressed his lips to yours, stealing away what little breath you had left, and letting you fall into the water. You immediately went under, no longer struggling to breathe. It took a moment for your panic to stop, for the air bubbles to clear your vision. You could see everything around you clearly, but you weren’t looking in the right direction. You made a move towards the surface, only for something to grab your leg and pull you down. When you looked to see what it was, a multitude of yellow eyes stared back, and then your world cut to black. 
You inhaled sharply, only to find yourself coughing up a bit of water. Your vision was a blur, yet you moved to get on your hands and knees. Although the problem was your legs were incredibly sore, and you felt bloated. Still, you pushed through that and looked around, finding yourself at the center of a unique scene. You recognized where you were, the cave behind the waterfall, and you weren’t alone. The rest of the boys were scattered around you, all seeming to be in some shifted form or another, and not really wearing clothes. That’s when you noticed all you had on was a large t-shirt.
You began to examine your body, seeing all the purple markings on your exposed skin, a few cuts here and there as well. You were also in water, realizing there was far more here than last time. You tried to stand, but your legs weren’t really working, and you slipped, falling on top of one of the boys. He had been sleeping a moment ago, but was startled awake when you hit him. He quickly pinned you down, seeming ferocious before recognizing you and calming down. Juyeon had a ditzy smile on his face and leaned down to nuzzle your neck.
“My baby’s awake…”
“Uh… what… what happened…”
“You’re the best.”
“Ju… Juyeon…”
“Sh. Forget about the bad things and just stay…”
“… stay…”
“Good girl, our good girl.”
“… good…”
“Very good.”
Yellow eyes seemed to fill your vision, making everything spin. You couldn’t help the childish smile that adorned your lips. Despite the water around you felt warm, and safe. Juyeon stole a kiss from you, filling your mouth with a sweet taste, further reminding you everything was okay. This was where you needed to be, and where you would remain forever.
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hcuyk · 5 months
SYNOPSIS ✧ despite being your greatest archnemesis/rival/enemy/frenemy/whateverthefuck he was, hyunjae had always been by your side. that changed when your boyfriend was brought up, creating a newfound rift in your whateverthefuck relationship with hyunjae
PAIRING ✧ rival!hyunjae x fem!reader
GENRE ✧ high school au, enemies to fwb, angst, smut, fluff(?), humor(?) (these mfs bicker a lot), pining
WARNINGS ✧ 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT — cheating, profanity, mentions of physical fight/bruises, underaged drinking, obsessive/possessive hyunjae : NSFW TAGS :  outdoor/semipublic sex, dubcon recording, spit/drool/tears, oral and fingering (fem receiving), penetration, scratching/ripping, humping, minimal praise, degradation, sub!hyunjae for 0.002 seconds, petnames (princess, good girl, babe/baby, slut)
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⋮≡ [ OUR INFERNO EXCLUSIVE ] @deoboyznet @flwoie @sanaxo-o — fill out the form or comment/send an ask/dm to be added!
. . . . . . OUR INFERNO M.LIST ✩ next [ TWO ]
⋮≡ [ PERMANENT TAGLIST ] @armysantiny @stealanity @zzoguri @nyujjan @tinisprout @the-kpop-simp @sunwoosberrie @winterchimez — fill out the form or comment/send an ask/dm to be added!
AUTHOR'S NOTE : in honor of my three years of officially stanning the boyz on this very day, let's celebrate with my smut debut and writing comeback 😋 enjoy my loves
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“Genuine question.”
“Who the fuck does Hyunjae actually think he is?”
Unphased by your up-and-coming rage rant, Kevin resumed snacking on the protein bar he had brought with him. He tossed his free arm over the camera equipment and backpacks sitting next to him on the bench, watching you stride back and forth within one of the many hallways in the recreational center. 
“Well, he is your boss.”
“No, he’s the student executive producer,” you corrected, your legs unwavering as you kept a consistent pace to release your frustrations. Kevin shrugged and tossed one leg over the other, staying relaxed despite the hot fumes emanating from your upright and angered figure. You paused momentarily to look him in the eye. 
“Emphasis on the student,” you clarified.
“Emphasis on the executive, Y/N.”
Baffled at how he was defending your greatest archnemesis (well, more like your greatest frenemy), you ignored his rebuttal and started pacing again. Your steps slowed as you envisioned the sensations you experienced just minutes before, back when you, Kevin, and Hyunjae were at the indoor pool to report for your school’s broadcasting channel. Technically, you were the one reporting and filming while Hyunjae was the subject of interest, and Kevin was there for physical support. 
Chills latched onto your skin as you remembered what it felt like to have Hyunjae’s bare torso looming over you, his eyes peering over your shoulder to glance at your footage. While staring at the camera, his gentle, irregular breaths would continuously hit your skin. Water from the pool would trickle down his hair and into your shirt, reaching your backside. When it happened, you could barely comprehend Hyunjae’s ‘advice’ and instead focused on feeling every cold droplet travel through the crevasses created by your spine. You winced at the thought of that happening again, yet somehow you could still hear his irritating voice near your ear, telling you all the reasons why your B-roll of his lap swimming was ‘trash’ and ‘unusable.’
For a moment, you stood there in the hallway frozen, unsure of how to move, before realizing you were just reliving a moment from earlier and that Hyunjae was still in the locker room changing.
“I’m going to make a complaint,” you declared, turning back towards Kevin for his encouragement. Alternatively, you were met with the sight of your best friend completely failing to conceal his judgment and disapproval towards your suggestion.
“Against Hyunjae? You gotta be kidding, right?”
“Yes,” you answered confidently. “Wait, I mean no, I’m not kidding, but yes, against Hyunjae.”
Kevin eyed you skeptically, trying to decipher why you felt threatened enough to report someone like Hyunjae. You may not have spent all your previous years in high school with an affinity for Hyunjae, but it wasn’t like you hated him either—not in the way you truly loathed others. If that were the case, you wouldn’t spend nearly every day with him, bickering until the sun chose to set.
“Sure, maybe my B-roll was trash, I can attest to that, but that does not give his bitchass the right to not only shit on how ‘awful’ I was doing, but also yank the camera out of my hands and delete all the footage I got because they weren’t ‘perfect enough.’ What kind of psycho is that?” You glanced over at Kevin, trying once again to get him to back you up, but the most he gave was a slight nod. Everything you were spurting was half-mindedly being decoded because he had ended up placing more significance on inhaling protein. Regardless, you continued.
“And you would think, hey! As the student executive producer of a high school broadcasting team, he would understand that no! I indeed do not record half-naked people swimming in a pool, whether it be for a career or a hobby. He should also at least have the decency to not swim seven hundred miles per minute while I’m recording. Of course I’m not going to catch up, especially when he barely told me how he wanted things to be recorded? Isn’t he fucking insane for that? Not to mention all the goddamn splashing because of how fucking long his limbs are—”
“You’re explaining this like I didn’t witness the whole exchange,” Kevin grumbled.
“And you would think he knows, right? That Mr. Executive-slash-Captain-of-the-Swim-Team should either be more considerate when, A, he’s kicking water in my direction when he’s swimming or, B, station me away from the edge of the pool? Just a thought, but fuck me, I guess.”
“Well yeah, but the—”
“Also! Not to mention the camera has the fucking ability to zoom in, so why was there even a need for me to stand by the pool anyway?” You scoffed at the absurdity, almost tempted to cackle like a villain because of it. “The least he could do was tell me how to record it or find a way to adjust and compromise without occasionally soaking me with water on purpose, which I know damn well he was—”
“That’s just how-”
“We have a tripod, for god’s sake!” you exclaimed. By now, Kevin had given up on providing you with his input. He opted to rest against the wall, finishing up whatever he had left of the protein bar, and occasionally would roll his eyes.
“But even then, who the fuck wants to see him swim anyway? We’ll probably only need like…what? A minute of the footage for the B-roll? So why the hell is he treating it like it’s about to be nominated by the goddamn Oscars for Best Picture? He just loves to nitpick and control me like a fucking puppet—”
“Keep talking and you’ll potentially strain your throat,” a new voice interrupted.
You jerked around to find Hyunjae, the culprit of your rant, exiting the locker room with a small duffle bag that contained both his swim gear and his school clothes from earlier in the day. His brown hair was only halfway dry, some strands still stuck to his forehead as he approached where you were pacing.
You halted in your path and stared him down. Hyunjae immediately caught onto the mood you were in, and instead of being shocked or hurt, he grinned.
Your attempt at threatening him with one word made Hyunjae laugh.
“Hey, I’m just looking out for you.”
“Oh here we go again,” Kevin mumbled, tossing the wrapper of the protein bar to the side. He pulled out his phone and went on TikTok, deciding it was more worthy of his attention than listening to you two banter—something he had been experiencing for well over five years.
As a mutual friend of yours and Hyunjae’s since middle school, Kevin understood the frenemy dynamic better than either of you. Eventually, over the long years he had known you both, he learned to leave you two be. 
“What about me, though? Are you going to try and tattletale on me?” Hyunjae feigned sympathy as he gave you an exaggerated pout, tilting his head like a puppy’s. “C’mon. I’m just doing my job.”
“Sorry, but I don’t remember ‘being a dick’ being listed under the requirements for your oh-so-important position of power.” You huffed at him and crossed your arms, choosing to face elsewhere as you rooted the soles of your feet to the ground.
Hyunjae furrowed his brows, his eyes never leaving you, as he addressed the third party within the shared space.
“Kevin, was I being a dick, or is Y/N exaggerating?”
Kevin glanced up at his phone and scrunched his nose at Hyunjae in annoyance.
“Don’t even try to bring me into whatever…this mess is.”
“No, tell him,” you demanded, now looking at him. Your glare was enough to burn Kevin into ashes, but it was nothing compared to Hyunjae’s gaze piercing into your back. Knowing that he never looked away made you shiver, hating how fixated he seemed to be—and seemingly without reason too.
“Listen, I wasn’t being a dick. I was treating you the same way I treat everyone else. I’d honestly argue that you’re just narcissistic and think everything is about you when—”
“Oh wow, thank you for admitting that you’re a dick to everyone else!” You tossed your hands up for dramatic appeal as you spun back around to look at him. He scoffed, but his demeanor was quickly shadowed by a smirk that appeared on his lips, testing you with the arch of his brow.
“Oh really? Do you see anyone else complaining?”
“I’m complaining,” Kevin muttered.
“People don’t complain because they’re scared of you, Sherlock,” you retorted. At this point, Hyunjae had already caught onto your bullshit of making evidence up, and it was why this exchange ended up lasting for as long as it did. Nevertheless, his ego continued to build the more you spoke.
“You’re not scared of me?”
And you keep falling for the bait.
“Why should I? You’re nothing.” You approached him and pressed a finger into his chest, taunting him as you stared straight into his eyes.
Suddenly a competition seemed to have materialized because now you both were locking eyes, too stubborn to look away. 
“One day you’ll wake up and realize your position doesn’t mean shit. You take it too seriously and make everyone’s job your job when this should be a learning experience for the rest of us.”
“And who exactly is ‘us,’ babe?”
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Don’t call me that–”
“And it’s also starting to sound like jealousy to me.” Hyunjae’s eyes finally shifted, but instead of looking away from you like you initially wanted him to, you trailed his line of sight down to your lips. He eyed them shamelessly—technically making you win the unspoken eye contact competition, but at what cost? “I won’t believe you until I receive firm evidence and testimonies from the other students in the club, then maybe I’ll consider your concerns. Deal?”
What you despised most was how well Hyunjae knew and provoked you to get under your skin. He was a raging flame, making your blood boil from both irritation and excitement. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, but after nearly six years of banter with Hyunjae, you knew damn well you enjoyed every second of it. It was like a nonstop competition, and you were always on the edge of winning.
Maybe it was also because you were so used to him constantly being above you. He was the president of the student council, the swim team’s captain, and specifically the one who snatched the executive position away from you in the broadcasting team, yet somehow you were still able to compete at his level of arrogance and egotism. 
Even though you may never be able to top him in the foreseeable future, you at least knew how to match his fury—his fire, with your own.
“You’re pathetic.” You took a few steps back to gain some distance while his eyes flickered back up to yours. He bit his lip playfully, his smile only growing even wider.
“Woah, Y/N. Exposing my degradation kink so soon?”
“I-...you- w-what?!” you sputtered, your jaw falling slack as Kevin’s head snapped up, staring at the two of you in disgust.
“Get a room—!”
“I’m going to make sure you get degraded from your position, you freak!”
“Not exactly how that word works, princess, but I’m glad you’re at least passionate.” His cooing made you want to slap the living shit out of him, your eyes protruding from their sockets are you glared. 
“Are you fucking bricked up or something right now—?”
“Hey guys,” a woman’s voice called out. Your heads turned to look at the end of the hallway, catching one of the recreational center’s workers waving in your general direction. She pressed her lips together and smiled, attempting to be as professional and understanding as possible. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but is it okay if you guys turn it down a notch?”
You and Hyunjae both nodded and whispered apologies, feeling like kids who just got scolded for shoving paintbrushes down the drain. Fortunately, the worker’s smile radiated genuine warmth and consideration, providing you some sort of reassurance that you guys weren’t too much of a disturbance (even though you guys totally were).
“You two are the most childish fuckers I know,” Kevin deadpanned, finally shoving his phone away as he switched between looking at you and the man by your side. His eyebrows bunched up.
“And apparently horny too.”
“I would move across the country if it meant I never had to see him again,” you grumbled, striding back to the pile of equipment to pick up your backpack and the bag with all your reporting necessities (boring script, stationary, and a couple of notebooks shared with all the broadcasting students to collect notes and inspiration in). 
“Hello? I’m still here.”
“Look at that. He already misses me.”
“I’m going to hurl,” Kevin unnecessarily announced, and Hyunjae’s face soured.
“Exactly. That’s how you two make me feel whenever you guys are together.” Kevin got up on his feet and grabbed the wrapper to shove into one of his pockets (no littering, kids) before outstretching his limbs dramatically. 
“I swear I developed back pain from always listening to you guys bicker.”
“Or, hot take,” Hyunjae interjected, “maybe it’s because you’re always sitting with your back arching forward like it belongs in the Arches National Park–”
“Yeah yeah, shut the fuck up.” Kevin waved him off with his hand and rolled his eyes. “I came here to help carry stuff, not listen to your bullshit.”
He picked up the bag that contained the camera and passed it to Hyunjae. He offered to hold one more thing, but with only his backpack and the tripod left, Kevin didn’t see much need for his friend’s assistance. 
Kevin then faced you, his face stern and rid of emotion.
“You too, Y/N,” he stated seriously. “None of this ‘he said this,’ ‘he said that,’ ‘please fuck me’ bullshit from you either.”
You gaped at him, arms wrapped tightly around the crew’s bag.
“Now why the hell do you think—”
“Zip it.”
Without giving you much of an opportunity to continue, Kevin sped off in front of you, ready to leave the building. You couldn’t even look at Hyunjae as heat rushed to your cheeks, struggling to trail after Kevin’s speedy steps.
Despite carrying heavier items, Hyunjae caught up to you with ease. You wanted nothing more than for Hyunjae’s feet to either slow down or speed up tremendously, but of course he purposely chose to walk by your side, attached to you by the hip.
“He sees it,” Hyunjae sing-songed. “Everyone sees it.”
“Sees what?” you snorted, oblivious to what he was indicating.
“That you want me,” he replied nonchalantly.
The moment you two stepped outside the doors of the center, you stopped to face him, trying to confirm what exactly he was implying.
“You can’t be serious.”
Hyunjae, who also stopped with your steps, shrugged.
“You’re the one in denial.”
Realizing that he was serious, you felt every muscle in your body tense up.
“Hyunjae,” you stated firmly. “I have a boyfriend, remember?”
Instead of receiving something witty from Hyunjae like normal, his relaxed facial features suddenly scrambled into one that expressed remote shock. His lips were slightly parted, eyes searching yours for any hint that indicated you were lying or messing around with him, but you were serious.
The aggressive playfulness from earlier had evaporated faster than boiling water, and you watched as he became stilled. Your heart started pounding, anxiety creeping up within you due to not being able to read Hyunjae like you normally do.
“Since when?” he asked. His voice was quiet, his tone firmer, and by now, Kevin was already by his car, too far from the two of you to understand what was going on. Hell, even you could barely understand what was happening.
“Earth to Hyunjae?” you joked, nervously laughing in an attempt to eliminate the newfound tension looming in the atmosphere. “It’s always been Jiwoong, remember?”
For a moment, Hyunjae could feel his mouth drying up. All his thoughts were held captive in his throat, and his lips remained parted as if they weren’t meant to collide at all. He stared at you like you had just teleported in front of him.
“Y/N,” he stated calmly, “he cheated on you.”
Your initial response was to get defensive, claiming that you already knew that because hell, it was your relationship, but then your brain acknowledged the true elephant in the conversation.
“How-...how the hell do you know about that?”
“I- You know word just-…That doesn’t matter. What matters is why in the world—”
“It was a mistake, okay?”
“A mistake?” As Hyunjae’s brows raised, so did his tone. “You know, people—decent people, don’t make mistakes like that.” 
Seeing how Hyunjae was gritting his teeth, how his eyes were locked on yours, built up a foreign frustration within you. Something about the way Hyunjae was behaving felt like he was trying to control you. 
All the rage from before had now returned, yet this time, there was no more leniency from you—not when Hyunjae was being more condescending than he had ever been.
“You know nothing, Hyunjae, so frankly, I really don’t care about what you think about my relationship with my boy-”
“You’re still with him??”
“Look,” you snapped. “Just because you have the luxury of crushing my hopes and dreams on a daily basis, it does not give you the right to dictate what’s wrong or right about my love life and my decisions. Understood?”
And just like how you always are, Hyunjae refused to shut up.
“How is it dictating when it’s common sense to dump a shitty person?” He dropped the bags onto the ground, and not once did he look away from you. “He’s never treated you well either, and you know that—”
“It’s not your decision to make,” you repeated. You could feel the three key elements of creating a fire stir up within you. You had the fuel, the oxygen, and the heat, and Hyunjae was the chemical chain reaction that would set it off. “How dense can you fucking be to not back down?”
“He cheated on you,” he reasserted, and there was a rage in his eyes that you had never once encountered. “He’s done so many shitty things, and he hasn’t changed–”
“Again, none of your fucking business–”
“And I’m pretty sure I saw—”
“I am not going to repeat myself-”
“Can’t you just listen to what I-”
“Drop it.” You were seconds away from yelling at him, ready to unleash all your anger because never once has someone threatened your love life—Jiwoong, the man you considered your soulmate. Your flame had officially engulfed his, and all Hyunjae could do was stare at you in disbelief and disappointment.
Turning to look away, you gazed up into the sky and scoffed, not understanding why tears had begun to pool up in your eyes. At the end of the day, Hyunjae meant nothing to you—you didn’t even consider him a friend.
After moments of experiencing what it was like to be suffocated by a tension so unbearable, you eventually found a way to ground yourself. 
“I can’t blame him, you know,” you whispered, using the back of your hand to wipe away your tears. “We were angry. He just–...he needed an outlet, and at that time, that outlet happened to not be me, okay?”
Hyunjae stared at you, his mouth desperate to say something, anything, to make you see what he sees—a relationship that isn’t meant to be. That you didn’t deserve to be treated this way. Maybe you were no more than an acquaintance to him, but he knew you have always deserved better. 
“He isn’t someone worth fighting for.”
“And that’s none of your business,” you scowled.
“It isn’t right—”
“Stay in your fucking lane, Jae.”
Hyunjae clamped his mouth shut, and the sight of you completely breaking down tore him apart. Possibly it was all the years you spent together growing up, constantly arguing, yet he knew he was always one to look out for you.
You sucked in a cheek, gnawing at it as your chest urged for you to forgive him, to apologize for lashing out without much notice, but in the end, you prioritized your pride over him.
Not only was Hyunjae’s persistence a stab to your heart, but you suspected that Kevin was the one who told him. By spilling your secrets, it was as if Kevin saw the knife that impaled you and yanked it out of your chest, causing you to bleed to your death.
“I’m done with this conversation,” you muttered, dropping the bag in your arms to the ground by his feet. Your plans had changed to you walking home alone, wanting nothing to do with the other two boys for the next hour or so.
When you turned around to walk away, you knew Hyunjae was going to try and say something. You knew him best whenever he was at his worst, so you spun around to face him for the last time that day to cut him off.
“Never fucking cross that line with me again, got it?”
And with that, you left. 
Kevin apologized to you the morning after.
He normally drove you to school, and you debated getting into his car when he showed up. Thankfully you chose to do otherwise because the second you stepped inside, Kevin was apologizing profusely. He talked about how anxious he was all night when Hyunjae told him what happened, and he wouldn’t have known what to do if you didn’t forgive him. Obviously you did, and the rest of the car ride was spent with him explaining his side of the story.
According to Kevin, he only told Hyunjae about how you got cheated on because it seemed like Hyunjae already knew. As Kevin recalled the whole scene, you two assessed the signs, such as how Hyunjae didn’t provide any sort of reaction when Kevin dropped the news. In fact, it had seemed like Hyunjae had brought it up to Kevin instead.
Regardless, it became the last of your worries because all that mattered was that you were back to being on good terms with your best friend.
But avoiding Hyunjae felt like lighting a match in the rain. 
It was your agonizing reality for the next two months, and although you could argue that you had gotten closer to your boyfriend during the supposed ‘Hyunjae Drought,’ you were still plagued with him being everywhere around you.
He was in all your classes, and you never truly processed the extent of how involved Hyunjae had always been throughout high school with you. You weren’t on the swim team, but you were stuck with him during meetings for both the broadcasting team and student council. 
Yet it all felt so different.
Unless he was called on, Hyunjae would talk much less unprovoked and would never look at you during meetings. When he would address the entire team, he would glance at you for a split second before looking elsewhere, no longer watching you like a hawk.
You had also gotten quieter because without Hyunjae to banter with, you recognized that you barely had friends in any of those classes either. 
There was no longer a fight between your flames, and you two kept as much distance as possible. You were thankful that there hadn’t been an instance that interrupted that, such as being forced to record more B-roll with him, and you could only hope that the rest of your senior year would remain the same. 
Then you would never have to see him in college.
Now you were back to being the mediocre student that faded into the background. People knew your name at best, but none have ever tried to become your friend aside from Kevin. No matter how involved you tried to get, the closest you were to anyone was a classmate. 
Hyunjae had always overshadowed you too, and for the first time in years, you were detached from his fumes—yet somehow, some way, the smoke from his fire would remain in your lungs, continuing to suffocate you even more than it had before. It didn’t give you that breath of fresh air of new friends or a better life; instead, it helped you realize that you didn’t matter. It was a miracle that you even scored Jiwoong as your boyfriend.
But then that begged the question: why did Hyunjae bother spending his time ridiculing you?
From the very beginning, you had always meant something to him, and you couldn’t pinpoint how or why. When there was no competition in academics, he treated it as if there was. Every time you ranted, he would listen, whether it be about him or something else. Even when you talked about how your chicken from the cafeteria was burnt, he would give you his own before calling you stupid for not noticing until you sat down.
He never shrugged you off like you were nothing or shut you down because your emotions were invalid. He entertained you each time with ease, and most importantly, he knew when to respect your boundaries. Hyunjae was probably the most mindful person you knew and could often tell when you were distressed or needed another form of reaction from him.
He knew when to stop.
Yet when it came to the one instance involving Jiwoong, he crossed the line multiple times. Why?
“Hyunjae isn’t here today.”
“Didn’t show up for a single class.”
Kevin watched you play with your food with a fork, rolling the cold, barely spherical peas around and into the stale rice.
“That’s not like him,” he replied.
“I wonder why.”
“I wonder too.” 
After the driest possible conversation in existence, you sighed and dropped your fork into your tray.
“I need to stop forgetting to pack myself lunch. This shit makes me lose my appetite, I swear. We should call the police and tell them the food they’re serving is illegal and a disgrace to this country.” 
“Keep it away before I lose my appetite too.” 
You didn’t react nor respond to what Kevin said, letting the conversation rot as you pouted at your food. The cafeteria was unusually louder today, making it easier to space out into thought.
Kevin took out his sandwich with a wide grin and started eating, grateful he never had to deal with what the school was feeding thanks to his mom, but eventually his eyes shifted over to you. You were unmoving with your gaze locked onto an empty spot on the table, so after moments of debating between asking you what’s wrong and ignoring you to devour his lunch, he opted to set his sandwich aside and stared straight at you.
“Why are you thinking about him?”
That was enough to garner your attention, your head snapping up to stare at your best friend like he was the craziest person you knew for mentioning Hyunjae, much less suggesting that your mind was wrapped around him.
“Hyunjae. With his perfect attendance, a day without him should be a blessing, yet you brought up how he didn’t show up today and then moped harder than anyone I’ve ever seen mope. You should be over the moon, dancing on the tables and stealing people’s food, not-...” Kevin waved a finger at you, “whatever this is. You seem out of it.”
“Well it’s not because of Hyunjae, I’ll tell you that,” you snorted. Your eyes fell back down to your tray, and the more you looked at it, the more nauseous you got. You scrunched your nose. “If anything, it’s probably because of this shit food.”
Kevin rolled his eyes before tearing his sandwich into halves. You perked at the sight and ogled the half Kevin taunted you with. You were about to thank him and take it into your possession before Kevin jerked back his arm, making you whine.
“Throw away your food, then I’ll give you it.”
“Fine,” you grumbled. As Kevin returned to his delicious, most scrumptious, packed lunch you had ever seen, you picked up your tray and walked it to the nearest trash can. As you dropped the whole thing inside, you heard your name being called.
You whipped around to check to see who it was and smiled at the sight of Eunseo waving at you. You wouldn’t consider her a good friend, but you knew her well enough since she was the vice president of the student council.
She ran over to you with a stack of paper in her arms, relieved to have caught you. 
“Y/N, hi! I’m so glad I found you. I was scared I wouldn’t because of how packed it is.”
She flashed you her usual glowing smile, and you noticed that she was a bit more giddy than usual, making you question why she was choosing to talk to you in the first place. All your conversations normally took place before, during, and after student council meetings, so this was slightly out of character.
“What’s up?” you asked. As you looked at her, you noticed how her outfit was slightly more put together than it normally was. She had on a cute top that suited her chest perfectly and a skirt that you had never seen her wear. 
“Your outfit’s really cute today.”
“Really?!” Her bright demeanor then faded into concern. “Wait, is it too noticeable or out of the blue? Is it bad?”
“No, no. Not at all!” you reassured. “It’s just the right amount of perfect.”
“Great! God, that means the world coming from you. It’s because!...” She stopped to glance around, making sure that no one was eavesdropping, before taking a step closer to whisper. “It’s because I was finally asked out on a date by my crush!”
She could barely contain her excitement, holding back a squeal with her bottom lip latched between her teeth. Her sunshine-like energy made you grin.
“That’s great! I’m glad you’re making progress.” Your eyebrows pinched as you tried to recall the last time Eunseo had updated you about her crush. “You’ve been pining after him for so long—whoever ‘him’ is, anyway.”
The question of who Eunseo liked had always gone unanswered. She never told anyone, not even the ones who knew her best, but she loved gushing about her mystery crush to everyone she knew. All people really knew, you included, was how down bad she was.
A part of you wondered if it was someone you knew—someone pretty like Juyeon or well-known like…Hyunjae.
“Oh, I wish I could tell you, and maybe I will if things go really well and we become official!” She squealed and hopped in her spot, unable to resist giving you a half-hug with her free arm. “This is so exciting, Y/N!”
“I’m really happy for you.” Your smile was genuine until you thought about why she was looking for you, starting to doubt that she called you over just so she could tell you about her date. 
“I’ll let you know how it goes, swear. But! That aside, I also have something for you.”
You knew it.
Your brows raised, and when you didn’t catch on, she gestured to the papers in her arms with guilt.
“I know this is kind of a dick move, and I’m really really sorry, but I promised to put up fliers for prom today. My date is right after my last class.” Her frown had deepened, and for a split second, you found yourself sympathizing with her because who wanted to let down such a cheerful personality, especially when this was life-changing for her?
“So you want me to do it?”
“Exactly! Please, that would be great. It shouldn’t take too long, too.”
You thought about how you would have to give up an evening of playing on your switch or extra time to study for an upcoming exam, but you knew it was your duty as secretary to help out whenever needed.
Not to mention that it would also make you a decent friend not to hold Eunseo back from her soon-to-be love life despite her poor date planning. If you were in her shoes, you would have wanted her to do the same for you too.
“Sure,” you accepted. “Why not?”
“You’re the best, seriously!” She handed you the fliers as she began to fill you in on the extra details.
“I already told Mr. Barajas that I wasn’t feeling well and that you were going to do it, so he said it all worked out and to not worry about it,” she rambled, happy to give the extra weight (both literally and metaphorically) to you. “I just printed these out, so everything should be perfect to go. Oh, and don’t worry about any extras! Just set them on Barajas’s desk when you’re finished. Hyunjae will also be in 142 with tape ready for you.”
The mention of the forbidden name nearly made every cell in your body halt. 
Eunseo tilted her head at you, confused, before finally realizing.
“Oh crap, I forgot! I’m so sorry, I really did forget you guys weren’t on good terms. I hope it’s okay that he’s helping you out. I mean, he’s supposed to, but it was meant for him and me to do it together, not you two, so…God, I’m really sorry Y/N.”
Before you could even react to the newfound information, she continued.
“I really have to go now. Thank you again! I promise I’ll make it up to you!” And with her rosy pink cheeks and a stunning shade of red on her lips, she basically skipped away and waved goodbye to you with a smile, so you reciprocated it with an awkward one of your own. 
When she turned her back, your smile immediately dropped and you sighed heavily.
“Have fun on your date,” you mumbled, your eyes falling to fliers in your arms. As you skimmed the one on top, you noticed it was to promote going to prom while also including a big QR code to vote for who should be your school’s prom king and queen. You expected it since it was the last meeting’s topic of discussion, but what you weren’t aware of was who were listed as nominees.
There were eight names listed under ‘Prom Court,’ and while you expected Hyunjae’s, Eunseo’s, and your boyfriend’s names on it, your jaw nearly hit the ground at the sight of your own. 
With every passing class period, your anxiety would kick up a notch.
The dread of talking to the face you had been avoiding for two months engulfed you, and it caused you to develop the urge to ditch your current class to go hunt for Jacob, the student council’s historian. You wanted nothing more than to dump the stack of fliers into his arms, and knowing Jacob, he wouldn’t ask any questions. Hell, you were certain that if you asked him nicely, he would do it for you because of how naturally sweet and endearing he was.
But the guilt of ditching your secretary duties kept picking at your skin, and besides, all you had to do was treat Hyunjae like a colleague. That should be easy, right?
As you suffered through the last few minutes of class and your teacher’s incessant ramblings about the upcoming exam, your thoughts drifted over to what would happen the moment you stepped into room 142.
Hyunjae hadn’t shown up to a single class all day, yet he was expected to set up fliers after school. As your thoughts snowballed, you arrived at the baseless conclusion that maybe Eunseo wasn’t aware that Hyunjae was absent today, therefore someone else (like Jacob) would take over. 
Suddenly, your back had straightened with feigned interest in your teacher’s last few words. Something about Jacob being there instead of Hyunjae had excited you; it felt like you were free and that the universe was listening to your prayers. The gamble of seeing whether it would be Hyunjae or Jacob (or literally anyone else) had your right leg bouncing, eyes on the clock, and when the bell rang, you shot up from your seat, backpack over your shoulders and fliers in your arms, before dashing out of the classroom.
You sped down the hallway to 142, Mrs. Zhang’s room for Chemistry, bug-eyed, before having your delusions crushed at the sight of Hyunjae’s stupidly large height leaning against one of the counters. Your feet stood glued to the ground by the doorway, your eyes locked onto him. 
Covered from head to toe in sweats, Hyunjae was immersed in whatever was on his phone, scrolling through something as his brown curls peeked out from inside his hood. Without any hint of him acknowledging your presence, your shattered hopes slowly began to rebuild.
Maybe if you were quiet enough, you could sneak out with the tape and do everything on your own, avoiding him at all. Actually, scratch that. You didn’t even need the tape. All you had to do was go to another teacher’s room, steal their tape for half an hour, and then return it with ease.
The plan was effortless, and you mentally smacked your forehead for not thinking of it earlier. Right as you were about to execute it, your backpack slammed against the doorframe as you turned on your heels. 
“Nice try.”
You groaned out of embarrassment (and slight pain) and forced yourself to turn around. Hyunjae’s phone was now face down on the counter, and his arms were crossed over his abdomen. His face remained stoic as his eyes met yours, wielding a tension you didn’t recognize.
Now that you could properly look at him, you noticed a few details that you hadn’t before, such as the small tear on his lower lip and the bandaid on his cheekbone. If you looked long enough, you could catch light patches of purple across his skin, and the sight hindered all your thoughts, your brain too occupied with piecing together how he ended up like this. 
“What happened?” you blurted, your gaze shooting up from his lips to his eyes.
Hyunjae staggered at your suddenty, but he managed to keep himself stilled, his brows pinching. 
“What do you mean?”
Even if Hyunjae didn’t mean to, his question became an invitation for your unfiltered thoughts to spill out of your mouth.
“You didn’t show up for any of our classes today,” you began, “but now you’re here? For some stupid fliers? You’re barely dressed properly like you normally are, your hair isn’t straightened, you look pale, Jae, and what’s up with the bruises or the bandaid on your cheek–”
“Are you seriously psychoanalyzing me?” he asked with a scoff. There was no humor in his tone. Instead, it looked as if he was irritated, perhaps even more than you were. 
Hyunjae barely met your eyes, and his arms closed himself off from you. 
“You’re evaluating me like I’m some sort of lab project, Y/N.”
“No, no I’m not,” you rejected. “I’m just saying things are a little off.” You kept your eyes firm on his, even as he pushed himself off the counter with his phone and made his way over to you. “And you know, you really can’t blame me for being somewhat worried when one, you don’t show up, and two, you look like a whole mess—”
“Just hand over the fliers—” he interrupted, gritting his teeth as he outstretched his arm in your direction. You dodged him by turning your body 180 degrees and stood your ground.
“What happened?” you repeated, this time more firmly.
Hyunjae looked at you, a blank expression on his face, before turning back around to grab the roll of tape left on the teacher’s desk. When he returned, he shoved it into your arms while simultaneously stealing half the stack. You protested with an exclaimed ‘Hey!’ yet he didn’t bat an eye and skimmed over the contents of the flier on top.
Bothered by his lack of response, you frowned and made sure to block the doorway, refusing to let him leave until you received answers.
“Why are you acting like this? Pretending that I’m not even—”
“I’ll do upstairs, you do downstairs,” he muttered.
“Did you get into a fight? Why weren’t you here today? Why are you here now—”
“You’d think you’d know,” he finally answered, pushing past you like you weighed none less than a feather.
Your brain had fully malfunctioned at that point, unable to decipher what he meant as Hyunjae walked off to the nearest staircase. As his footsteps echoed down the hall, you thought about what he was implying yet came to no resolution. Did he assume that you were caught up in your school’s latest gossip? Or that you were the main admin for his biggest fan page on Instagram?
The idea made you snort, and you scowled bitterly at his childish attitude. It wasn’t like you were a complete stranger intruding on his personal life—hell, you felt like you deserved an explanation because of how you were forced to do this with him. 
As you stormed off past the remaining lingering students to the nearest bulletin board, you questioned how you were going to do this on your own. 
You had put up fliers countless times in the past few years yet never alone. Luckily, you had a general idea of where the fliers should go when it came to the school’s hallways, but as you approached your first destination, you struggled with ripping off pieces of tape while holding the stack at the same time. It would’ve been easier with a partner by your side, one who either did the tape ripping or placing of the fliers, but you weren’t desperate enough to fall into the role of a helpless princess in need of her pretty (useless) prince. 
After some trial and error, you found a method that consisted of setting the stack on the ground occasionally so you could rip off pieces of tape. Then you would slap said pieces of tape onto your wrist, having them readily available as you put up a few fliers at a time.
Although slightly time-consuming, it was working well and kept you at a steady pace until you heard crashing footsteps behind you from afar. Without paying any mind to it, you bit back your curiosity in order to focus on the wall in front of you, but then you made the mistake of taking a step back, bumping into the person who was sprinting. 
You lost your balance and fell forward before catching yourself shortly after. However, the fliers had already flown out of your arms, scattering across and down the long hallway.
Ready to curse out the offender for running down the hallway, you were surprised when you saw that it was Eunseo behind you, pouring out apologies while a loopy grin was smacked onto her face.
You steadied your anger and told her it was okay, getting down onto your knees to collect all the fliers. Her ‘sorry’s could only go so far with her smeared lipstick, a dazed gaze, and her hair holding the mold to someone else’s (presumably her crush’s) hands in them, but you still excused her, knowing that she was over the moon right now.
“It’s okay, Eunseo, I promise.” You forced out a chuckle as you crawled to scavenge for the ones that flew a few feet away.
“I really didn’t mean to,” she pouted, but it was shortly followed up with bubbly giggles. “God, Y/N, can you believe this? Oh, it’s going so well! I think I love him, I do.”
“Good for you,” you grumbled, hoping that she didn’t hear it as you continued to move down the hallway, hating how far the fliers had escaped from you. You also hated how she just stood there without intent on helping you at all. 
“I have to really go now. Got volleyball practice soon, but I think I’m seeing him tomorrow too!” She waved you goodbye.
And just like that, she continued running off. 
You stared at how you were only able to collect half the mess, hating how Eunseo had somehow managed to delay you even further from being in the comfort of your bed. You were also salty at how her date was taking place at the school, wishing she could’ve dragged him around while she taped stuff up before getting dick-downed of some sort.
Deciding that she and her business weren’t worth your time, you continued to pick everything up as quickly as you could, wanting nothing more than to go home.
When you finally finished collecting every last flier, you were prepared to get back into the groove of things before feeling your phone vibrate in the side pocket of your backpack. Wondering if it was something important, you took it out and beamed at the idea of it being a new message from Jiwoong.
Dating him felt like falling in love with him all over again whenever he texted. Your heart would pound in your chest when you thought about him and explode whenever he gave you his attention and time. You were addicted to him, especially knowing that he was yours after liking him since middle school.
So to say you were disappointed was far worse than an understatement. It was from a number you hadn’t saved yet always recognized and undoubtedly remembered by heart.
Of course it was Hyunjae.
You had Hyunjae’s phone number due to previous class projects and group chats, but you had never once saved it because you thought he was undeserving of being a contact in your phone. Nonetheless, with how the years have passed and how much his number infiltrates every group chat you were in, it was only fair that your brain had unintentionally memorized all ten digits.
The message he sent consisted of him saying that he was done with the fliers, and you rolled your eyes. Even after the way he treated you earlier, he still chose to let you know and brag about how fast he was. 
You shoved your phone away vigorously, ready to return to your slapping-fliers-on-walls duty, before perking at the sound of footsteps behind you once more.
Automatically assuming it was Eunseo or another student staying after for a club or sport, you were stunned when you heard his voice. 
“You’re not even halfway yet?”
In no fucking universe are you turning around; not for him.
“Go gloat somewhere else,” you snapped. The next flier you taped up was nearly slammed onto the wall, but Hyunjae was left unphased by your sudden outburst. He stood next to you and remained quiet, even when you left to place the next flier a few feet away on the opposite wall.
When he didn’t follow, you sighed out of relief, yet somehow you couldn’t help but peek at him, eyeing his hands that were tucked into the pockets of his sweatpants. He was staring straight at the lopsided flier you had put up, and when you decided you had enough of peering at him, he was back by your side.
 “What are you doing?” you grumbled. He was the one who pushed you away, yet now here he was, glued to your side like how he was two months ago. 
“You’re taking too long.”
“I had a mishap,” you explained, “but that’s none of your concern.” The lines on your forehead bunched up, and you waved him off, bending down to place the stack on the ground. Figuring it wasn’t weird at all, you continued your method of ripping off pieces of tape and slapping it onto your wrist.
And Hyunjae was totally judging.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Just go home.”
Despite being on the ground and sitting on your heels, you could physically feel the heat on the back of your head due to his eyes burning a hole into your skull, and for a split second, you knew exactly what he was thinking.
“I can do it myself,” you explained. 
“What are you even doing?” 
“Can you just go?” You picked up the stack once again as you rose to your feet, doing your best to avoid whatever look was on Hyunjae’s face. He was probably stifling a laugh or keeping his expression smug, but when you did cave and peek, his face was still solemn, his eyes on your wrist with concern.
“You’re struggling.”
“Thank you for your observation, Mr. Obvious,” you retorted.
“Let me do it.”
Taken aback, you whipped your head over to his direction.
“You’re kidding.”
“You don’t even want to be here,” he reasoned through gritted teeth. “Just go, and you can thank me later.”
“Thank you?!” Appalled at his audacity, you couldn’t help but laugh out of disbelief. “Seriously, Hyunjae? You want me to thank you for stealing my job? Again? You can’t be fucking serious.”
“Because you can’t take any criticism ever, or in this case, any form of help, so just let me do it.”
Hyunjae was eerily calm about the whole ordeal, his energy far from matching yours.
“I do take help,” you refuted. “I just don’t take yours, and neither do I need it, too.”
“You’re so goddamn stubborn.” And within a blink of an eye, he had managed to snatch the stack of fliers from you. 
“Hey!” you yelled, feeling as if it was deja vu from earlier (you really needed to step up your defense), and reached out to take them back, but he was quick to turn his body, shielding them from you.
“Give me the tape and go,” he urged, emotionless. The Hyunjae in front of you now was someone you truly didn’t recognize because the Hyunjae you knew would have made fun of you and held the fliers above your head, teasing you for being so weak.
Yet he stood still, creating a barrier between you and the duty that was forced upon you. You didn’t want to be here anyway, yet you were so insistent on making sure Hyunjae wasn’t stealing your work again. You weren’t incapable, and you hated how he always managed to be faster.
Even now, he was miles away from being playful with you, and yet he still had a way to shove it in your face.
“Hyunjae, I swear—”
“Give me the tape, and you can run off to your little boyfriend waiting for you by the entrance.” 
Your lips parted at his words, eyes wide as you worked to comprehend his words. You questioned how he knew about Jiwoong’s whereabouts, how he knew that Jiwoong was waiting and that you didn’t, but knowing that he was serious, you reluctantly gave up and dropped the roll of tape on the ground, forcing him to pick it up. 
You were sick of constantly arguing with him, and even if he was lying about Jiwoong, at least you would be away from Hyunjae. There was no point in fighting for your dignity anymore, not when Hyunjae’s narcissism was insufferable.
By walking away with heavy and quick strides, you hoped he felt humiliated by how poorly he was treating you—how he had always treated you like this.
As much as you wanted it to be true, you hoped Hyunjae was lying just so you had more evidence against his self-absorbed and shitty personality, but alas, you found Jiwoong standing precisely where Hyunjae said he was.
Regardless, all stress and frustrations had lifted from your being, and you called out to your boyfriend with a smile that would make your cheeks ache in minutes. 
“Woong!” You waved your hands with a small bounce in your steps as you rushed over to him.
Your boyfriend’s head shot up, surprised to see you. His utter shock quickly switches to one of sheer happiness, tucking his device away before opening his arms for you.
“Hey, baby!”
You tossed yourself into his embrace, hugging him tight after pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“What are you doing here?” With your face in his neck, your voice came out muffled, and it made Jiwoong laugh.
“Had to stay after to discuss my grades with a teacher, then I decided to stay back a bit for you.” He cooed and kissed the top of your head, holding you incredibly close. When you pulled back, his hands had moved from behind your backpack to your hips instead, holding them as you stared up at him.
“You were waiting for me?” you asked, eyes wide with stars in them.
“Of course I was, baby.” 
You were radiating, feeling happier than ever. The last time you saw Jiwoong was a week ago, and with your clashing schedules, you two very rarely get the opportunity to make plans. Your hands rested atop his shoulders, and when he pulled you in for a kiss, you smiled.
But then it fell.
Something felt off.
If someone were to inquire Hyunjae about who his heart belonged to, your name would be his answer—whether he intended to say it or not. 
Hyunjae had always been considered the school’s favorite. His intelligence may not be up to par with others, but his authority was what made him a prominent member of your high school. Some blame it on his looks, but most were aware enough to know that wasn’t the case.
Hyunjae knew how to think on his feet, and his problem-solving skills outwitted everyone within his grade level. Reaching tranquillity had never been an issue for him, allowing him to be levelheaded while making decisions. He emitted an aura that made classmates truly listen to him and the ideas he shared, and overall, it made him a great contender to lead every group and organization he was in. 
Additionally, Hyunjae’s heart was what won over most people. His lack of vulnerability seemed to be his only flaw, but it was an obstacle he could overlook when it came to empathizing with others. By actively being involved in the community through volunteering and holding fundraisers, everyone could recognize Hyunjae’s devotion to hope for humanity. 
All these traits were what led Hyunjae up onto the pedestal and the public eye, a household name for all families in the district. Titles and awards naturally gravitated towards him throughout the years, resulting in him winning the vote as president of your school’s student council and enough scholarships to provide him a full ride at most universities.
It was safe to say that competition against Lee Hyunjae was sparse, and you were no different. 
Your grades would teeter around his standard, hence how you two collectively ended up in the same classes, but aside from that, you had nothing else that could compare to what he was capable of.
Except for one thing; your fury.
There was an inferno inside you at all times, and instead of your body shielding off your heart with steel, people around you would come to find out that your heart was the reason for that large blaze of fire, possessing a passion unlike any other. 
Hyunjae had never once seen a peer with as much fight as you. It was a trait only you encapsulated, one that you weren’t afraid to express. You stood up for yourself and your beliefs, and it was easy to pick fights with him when he had been troubling you from the very moment you two were assigned to sit next to each other in seventh-grade algebra. 
Hyunjae yearned for you ever since, his only want being your attention. You gave him the drive to succeed in high school and thrive in his senior year, and he was positive that he wouldn’t be doing this well without a reason to show off in front of you. He wanted your praise, your acknowledgment, but he loved the chase the most. 
Unfortunately, that was the exact reason he ended up here.
The chase was what made him fall for every part of you, wanting nothing more than your lips on his and the ability to have you by his side at all times, but it was also what landed you with your current boyfriend.
It was like his life was a video game with God giving him the hardest difficulty setting by making sure you were obsessed with someone undeserving of all that he wanted. There wasn’t even a chance of you two possibly being friends in your eyes. Meanwhile, Hyunjae would argue that you two had more chemistry than any other couple in your class, but that hope was crushed, shredded, and stomped on when he found out you still devoted your love to Jiwoong.
Regardless, it didn’t change who you were as a person. Your heart was still just as large and beautiful, and your drive to succeed hadn’t lessened. The bickering never faltered, and it wasn’t like Hyunjae was opposed whenever you expressed disgust at the thought of him being turned on because of you (and that was because he found the idea of you thinking about him hot—yes, his expectations were that low). 
So it was why after two months of almost zero to no contact, you treating him as if those months didn’t exist created the largest dilemma he had ever faced. He spent the next week thinking about your intentions and why you seemed to care so much, specifically right after when Hyunjae had willed himself to believe that he meant jackshit to you. You effortlessly toyed with his heart, leaving him in everlasting misery, while you seemed to do completely fine.
What was a typical and ideal lifestyle for you was a nightmare and tormenting hellhole for Hyunjae. He didn’t just crave the warmth and comfort from your undying flames.
He wanted to burn.
Insanity engulfed him on the days spent without you, leaving him to wonder why you had to make things extensively worse by pointing out his absence or how he had put less effort into his hair. Why did it seem like the concern you expressed was genuine? Why pretend that you cared for him as much as he cared for you?
He was going insane—so insane that he drove to a college party with three other friends in his sedan on a Wednesday night. 
It was being held by a fraternity he and his friends were far more than familiar with thanks to Jongin, an upperclassman he met in his sophomore year and remained friends with since then. The beginning of the senior year marked the origin of parties and hook-ups in weak sporadic attempts to get over you. 
At this rate, Hyunjae could argue that he was more experienced than half of the current college freshmen class. Getting girls in bed was the easiest part; the hardest part was forgetting about you. From what was a method created to move on from you became one that prepared him for when you wanted sex with him. 
But with your constant longing for Jiwoong, Hyunjae made sure that this party would be different.
Although accustomed to having sex with various women, Hyunjae had never been one to drink. This was a fact about him that raised brows, specifically Jongin’s when he first tried urging Hyunjae with a drink, but tonight he vowed to change that. He was normally their designated driver, but when Hyunjae informed Sangyeon of his plan, the elder was more than delighted to remain sober so Hyunjae could get a taste of alcohol.
“Hey, man! It’s about time!” Jongin exclaimed the instant he found out about Hyunjae’s willingness to drink, pulling a fresh bottle out of the cooler specifically for his friend.
“That’s what I told him!” Sangyeon projected his voice over the music, giving Hyunjae a supportive pat on the back.
Hyunjae rolled his eyes at his friends’ remarks and thanked Jongin for the beer, hanging around by the counter as the three conversed and caught up. The two laughed at the way Hyunjae’s face scrunched up at the taste, Sangyeon shoving him lightly with the claim that Hyunjae was being overdramatic. 
With his earlier mindless decision of tossing on a mesh long-sleeve shirt over his black tank top, Hyunjae had attracted another partygoer by his side momentarily after his first sip. She wrapped her arms around one of his and inserted herself into the conversation with hopes of getting Hyunjae in bed by the end of the night, and crazily enough, he considered it for a moment before feeling his phone vibrate in his back pocket.
Normally it would be something he’d ignore, but it remained persistent, signifying that he was receiving a call. He didn’t know who would be calling at this hour—well, aside from Minghao and his usual complaints about Hyunjae partying as a high schooler on a school night. 
After setting the glass down on the counter to grab his phone, any urgency to intoxicate himself as quickly as possible vanished the very second he saw your name glowing on his screen. With an awkward retraction of his arm and a forced cough, Hyunjae excused himself and answered the call.
With music pounding inside his ear canals, it was expected that he couldn’t hear anything you were saying. He navigated through various crowds to reach the entrance of the house, his heart replicating the booming vibrations from the loudspeakers as he prayed that you wouldn’t hang up on him.
“Okay, I…I should be free now,” he stammered after stepping outside. The sudden stillness of Mother Nature was a drastic change from the party scene, coercing him to focus on his racing heartbeat and the anxiety accumulating in his tightening chest. He was breathing heavily, both from pushing through people in a rush and also because of you. 
You never failed to render him weak and helpless, leaving him like a puppy longing for their owner’s guidance.
There was a silence, but he could hear your gentle breaths hitting your phone.
“I need a ride.”
Hyunjae blinked, his body tensing up, as the many thoughts in his brain scrambled to make meaning of what you meant. However, it didn’t matter because you hung up shortly after, leaving him alone to revel in your words.
Your bluntness and suddenty made Hyunjae malfunction, his thoughts leading him to question if he had even heard you correctly. Rarely did you ever reach out to him, and what could you need him for? Especially after lashing out at him and ignoring him for two months? Of course, there was that one day a week ago when you two were forced to talk together, the day he was given a one-day suspension, but you two returned to treating each other like strangers like it was natural.
He stared at his phone in hopes of receiving more information, that you’d perhaps call again to reconfirm or say you had the wrong number. He felt like he was dreaming—that the person he had wanted for so long needed him for once, but he couldn’t help but also believe that this may be the beginning of another nightmare. 
But it was you, and Hyunjae was willing to risk it.
After checking his call logs to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating, he rushed back into the fraternity house, thankful he didn’t proceed with drinking any more than he did. 
He found everyone exactly where he had left them (the girl included) and announced his departure. The girl made sure Hyunjae knew how disappointed she was, but that was his last concern as he grabbed the beer bottle and handed it to Sangyeon, giving him a pat on the back.
“Drink up and find an Uber.”
“No fucking way you’re leaving us this soon, man.” Jongin shook his head in disapproval, his forearms resting against the countertop.
“Another time, I promise, yeah?” Hyunjae started walking away, waving to them as his heart continued to thrum in his chest.
“He’s lying,” Sangyeon snorted, taking a swig before bidding Hyunjae a bitter goodbye. “You owe me!"
Hyunjae ran out of the house, his legs making quick and long strides as he ran to his parked car down the block. His newfound adrenaline made him think about what he was sacrificing to be with you. Was leaving the party and betraying his friends worth spending even a second with you? What if you were asking him to drive you and your boyfriend somewhere? Could his heart even deal with being used like that?
But as much as Hyunjae hated it, he knew he was making the right choice. The self-respect he had for himself was buried six feet deep beneath the surface of the earth when it came to you. 
God, he really hoped he wasn’t hallucinating.
For a split second, Hyunjae truly debated what he was doing after getting into his car. He was already driving, but he didn’t know where to go. Luckily, it didn’t take you long to send him a text with your location, and it was a place he was familiar with. 
It was a park that he often frequented as a kid since it resided by his old neighborhood, and he was thankful he knew exactly where to go because he knew he would’ve definitely crashed the car while pulling up your location on his GPS. Hyunjae was doubtful it was the alcohol in his system making his fingers shake and his mind uneasy. He blamed you for his hysteria, one that had developed over years of endless longing. 
Luckily the drive wasn’t long thanks to the roads being mainly void of other vehicles (and maybe he did speed a few times, but he considered it justified). Before pulling into the parking lot, he spotted a lone figure curled up on a nearby bench. A small weight had been lifted off of him, relieved it was just you, and he parked aimlessly while his eyes rested on you.
You seemed unphased by his added presence, your arms unmoving as they stayed wrapped around your legs. The bench you were sitting in was facing away from the parking lot, but with his headlights illuminating the view in front of you, you certainly had to know he was there. 
In an ideal world, Hyunjae would leave his car, join you by your side, and, if he was lucky, he’d pull you into his arms and hold you close against his chest. He wanted to be there for you in whatever way he could, but he ended up being a deer in headlights, too afraid to make the wrong move and lose you again.
He sat there for a minute, watching you, and as soon as he received the confidence to reach for the handle of his door, you were up on your feet. His fingers paused midair as he traced your movements, his arm eventually falling to his side as you approach his car. 
Despite how slow his mind was working, Hyunjae knew to unlock the car right as you opened it (he would’ve died out of embarrassment if he had forgotten), and neither of you greeted the other.
Without any explanation from you, Hyunjae refrained from staring at you like he normally would, but your outfit made it incredibly difficult. It wasn’t much, just an oversized long-sleeved shirt that reached your thighs, but it was far from the usual clothes he’d seen you wear, like jeans and a nice-fitting blouse. For a moment, he believed you had no pants on, but then he knocked some sense into himself, realizing that you were probably wearing shorts that were hidden.
While Hyunjae attempted to keep his composure and respect your boundaries, you were eyeing him shamelessly, once again analyzing every detail about him. Beads of sweat pooled up on the back of his neck, and his hair was straightened yet fuzzy. As your eyes trailed downwards, you noticed how the mesh hugged his biceps, catching every crease that defined his muscles. He was quiet, his index finger resting against his lips. 
Where did he even come from?
And why was he so quick to listen?
You held back your tongue from dumping out your thoughts, knowing your questions would end up unanswered like before. Your body instinctively rested against the divot between the car door and your seat, keeping your distance from Hyunjae. He was meant to be a stranger, perhaps someone you loathed, yet there was an odd comfort that encased you from him just sharing the same air as you.
You cleared your throat, turning your head to look away when he flinched and snapped his gaze towards you.
Your demand was no louder than a whisper, but Hyunjae picked it up effortlessly and was already backing out.
“Where to?”
“Anywhere.” Hyunjae raised a brow at your answer, and you buried yourself further into his seat, directing your gaze out the door. “Just-...anywhere, Jae.”
The nickname had his throat tightening and his chest leaping, nodding in your direction as he drove on autopilot. With no destination in mind, he strolled through familiar roads, his fingers tapping against the wheel. 
You stayed silent, creating a tension that was unbearably thick, yet none of you felt the need to leave; neither of you wanted to leave the other, even if it meant having to deal with the looming elephant in the room (or in this case, Hyunjae’s car).
After spotting the recreational center from afar and its empty parking lot, he instinctively pulled in. There wasn’t a proper explanation for why he decided it’d make a great destination, especially when it was the place that created a rift in your relationship with him, but it felt right.
It was empty, open, and serene—a perfect place to stay as the moon shined.
Hyunjae stepped out of the car after parking in the middle of it, and when you didn’t follow, he moved to your side and opened the door. He was hesitant but took the risk of offering his hand to you, a warm, nervous smile on his face. He wanted you to know he was there to listen, to be there for you, because, Lord, he would hand you the world if he could.
“I’m not in the mood for walking,” you mumbled, but Hyunjae shook his head.
“We’re not going to walk, I promise.”
Your eyes flickered up to his briefly, skeptical of what he had planned, but ultimately caved. You ignored his hand, and he pulled it back with regret. When you stood there, your eyes on the sky, he closed the door behind you and guided you to the hood of his car.
Without a second thought, he sat on top of it and gestured for you to do the same.
“I sit here all the time. Helps me think.” He leaned back against his windshield, his hands holding the back of his head as he kept his eyes on the sky. When you didn’t move, he started to feel stupid, wondering if you two were better off in the car, but then you joined him. 
You copied his position, staring upwards as your hands rested over your abdomen. 
Hyunjae opted to keep to himself, deciding that he didn’t want to make this worse for the two of you. Instead, he fixated his thoughts on the stars in the sky.
There were only a few, but it was a rare sight due to the constant air pollution in your city, so he considered it a miracle. You, on the other hand, were spacing out in thought, and Hyunjae could tell through his occasional peeks. Without much control, his eyes started tracing down your arms. They then landed on where the hem of your shirt rested, now looking at your bare thighs.
Feeling as if he just reverted back to being the shyest virgin in the country, he gulped and immediately looked elsewhere, trying to get you off his mind despite you being right next to him. His racing heart was all that he could hear, and now he wondered if you could hear it too—if you knew how much you affected him.
And your voice broke the silence.
“How long have you known?”
Okay, maybe his brain did fall out of his skull because Hyunjae had no idea what you were talking about. He turned his head and caught how you stared up at the sky. Your eyes were glossy, holding the reflections of the whole galaxy within them. They sparkled, and for a beat, Hyunjae had forgotten your question, too infatuated with your beauty. 
His silence resulted in you turning your head, gaze meeting his, and that was when he noticed the tears.
“About Jiwoong and Eunseo.”
Your light, your flames, his burning desire; all were gone in a flash.
Your voice was delicate, and Hyunjae knew that with one move, he could break you.
Directing his gaze heavenward, Hyunjae sighed and brought his arms down to rest over his chest. Somehow he was able to feel all the pain you were experiencing, his heart twisting while his stomach churned and sloshed around in his body. He thought about how to respond as he chewed on the inside of his lip, questioning if he should answer at all to avoid hurting you.
But you asked, and as always, Hyunjae delivered.
“I don’t think I ever really knew until last week,” he explained, “but I could always tell.” Suddenly, the fight from a week ago had resurrected, and Hyunjae was forced to relive it all.
The hallways were empty when Hyunjae left the broadcasting room, a backpack strap slung over his shoulder while the other dangled behind him. He was in the middle of scrolling through his emails when he picked up on the sound of Jiwoong’s voice around the corner. 
His footsteps halted, and Hyunjae caught Jiwoong’s fatal words.
“How does tomorrow sound?”
Eunseo’s squeals followed after, and Hyunjae stood motionless.
At first, Hyunjae had no thoughts circulating in his brain, but after hearing their lips collide, he started coming up with solutions, such as interrupting or taking a video to send to you. Unfortunately, before he could act on either of them, he heard footsteps dashing off, practically skipping, as the two bidded one another goodbye. 
Hyunjae couldn’t pinpoint the reasoning behind his upcoming actions, but he knew how to describe how he felt. 
Anger was the first and only emotion to surge up within him, his fingers instinctively balling up into fists. His muscles had tightened while a forest fire ran rampant through his veins, causing his blood to boil. 
Then with quick strides, Hyunjae shoved his phone away and made a sharp turn around the corner, tossing his backpack on the ground after spotting Jiwoong against the lockers. The latter had a dazed look on his face, his lips curled into a smirk as he typed away on his phone, but that was changed once he looked up at the sound of Hyunjae’s backpack crashing against the ground in front of him.
There wasn’t a second in between Jiwoong’s face of surprise and Hyunjae’s arm being raised, and before Jiwoong could react, Hyunjae’s fist had slammed into his jaw. 
It was a blur from there, but Hyunjae knew he had won even after authorities dragged him off Jiwoong’s body. He had received a few jabs in return, but it was nothing compared to the black eye Hyunjae gave him.
The fact that Jiwoong managed to cover it up with makeup the day after was a miracle, and no one in the school knew about the fight since it happened after school. Hyunjae wanted it to stay that way, but a selfish, cruel part of him wished that everyone knew how sick your boyfriend was.
Well, now he was unsure if he was still your boyfriend. 
Hyunjae turned his head back towards you, his cheek meeting the cold metal of his car.
You pursed your lips at his response and nodded slowly. If it were any other day, you wouldn’t have believed him. There was no universe where you’d choose to listen to Hyunjae over Jiwoong, but after a week of investigating and getting your head out of your ass, you found out on your own terms, and all the pieces made sense.
“I didn’t mean to.”
Hyunjae’s voice jerked you out of your thoughts, and as you adjusted to look back at him, you were surprised to still find him staring at you.
“I’m not a violent person, Y/N,” he whispered, an enduring hope lingering in his eyes. He wanted you to believe him, and for once, you did; you truly understood the man you hated most.
“I know, Jae.”
Hyunjae eased at your words, and the two of you fell back into a more comfortable yet aching silence. His fingers drummed against his abdomen, and after a while, he got sick of looking at the same four stars, so he closed his eyes, focusing on enjoying the light breeze instead. His heart was still racing, but it was less alarming. Regardless, he hated knowing that he potentially contributed to how much you were hurting right now.
Maybe if he had done something to prevent it earlier, whether it be telling you as soon as he found out or keeping completely out of your business so you could live in bliss, or, if he wasn’t so scared, he could’ve asked you to be his far before Jiwoong had. Maybe it wouldn’t have changed much, but Hyunjae would never know since he never tried, and now he was going to beat himself over it because now you’re devastated over losing your boyfriend and it was potentially his faul—
You laughed.
Hyunjae snapped his head towards you, his brows raised at your sudden change in mood—but it wasn’t the type of laugh he expected. Your laugh was one filled with pain, and he watched you shake your head, trying to refuse the tears that were rapidly welling up in your eyes once more. You sniffed and wiped the tears away with the back of your hand, choosing to look in the opposite direction because the last thing you wanted was for Hyunjae to see you vulnerable.
“It’s stupid,” you murmured. “This entire thing is stupid. I’m so fucking dumb.”
His lips parted to interject, to tell you that you were, in fact, ‘not dumb,’ but he clamped his mouth shut, knowing that his words probably wouldn’t help. From what he’d learned in the past, you liked it least when he tried telling you otherwise, no matter the situation. 
“I should’ve known. I did know. The whole world knew. Even you knew, but it makes me think, was Eunseo just flocking around, flaunting to everyone that she had a crush on my boyfriend and managed to win him over? I just—I…I don’t know-...” You paused to catch your breath, beginning to choke on your tears as your chest shook, “I don’t know what I did wrong, you know?”
You shut your eyes, allowing the pain to engulf you. You knew fully well that your punishment was to deal with the pain, but you felt like you didn’t deserve it—that you deserved none of this. Why was this a penalty for being in love?
It was humiliating having everyone witness the reality you shielded from yourself, choosing hope and love over the truth. 
“I just never felt more stupid in my life, and I feel even more stupid knowing that I still love him.”
Hyunjae sucked in his lips, gnawing on them as he bit back all his feelings, from his brain shredding to his heart weeping.
“I love him so much that I would let him do it to me all over again because I keep thinking he’d be better. I know he can be better, so why-...It’s just- Why do I do this to myself?”
Tears cascaded down your cheeks, each one leaving behind a trail for others to fall. They started pouring out of you rapidly, soon sobbing at the heart-wrenching pain of being betrayed by everyone in your life, Hyunjae included, because why, out of everyone, was he here for you when he should be the last person who cared?
You always wanted Hyunjae to be the antagonist of your life story, to have him as your biggest enemy and threat, so why was everyone else but him hurting you? Why was the villain of your fantasy taking the role of your knight in shining armor?
And yet, as much as it pained Hyunjae to process all your emotions, his mind wasn’t running correctly; he had you alone for the first time in months. He wanted nothing more than to pull you in his arms and whisper words of comfort in your ears, knowing you deserved it more than anyone, but he also wanted to shake you awake and slap you out of your misery, praying that you’d forget about Jiwoong; that right now, you being vulnerable was his chance to swoop in, to set whatever you wanted him to into flames, as long as if it meant you’d end up okay. 
You sat up because if you lied down any longer, you would’ve started drowning in your own tears. Your sleeves were soaked, and he sat up alongside you, figuring that he should do something about it.
Hyunjae got back onto his feet and stood in front of you. He barely knew what he was doing, but that didn’t stop him from replacing your sleeves with his cold, clammy hands over your cheeks. There wasn’t a time that Hyunjae could recall where he had been this gentle with someone, and when you didn’t push him away, he tilted your head up to look at him.
Even with tears running down your cheeks, you looked angelic as ever. 
Each droplet mirrored a star from the sky, and your eyes sparkled as they stayed locked on his.
“Take me,” you whispered, and Hyunjae’s whole world stopped. 
“...What?” Hyunjae had only intended to wipe your tears away with the pads of his hands, perhaps whisper something along the lines of him being here for you for the night (and the rest of his life, let’s be honest), yet your first words were—no, he had to have been hallucinating.
Your hands trembled as they reached for his wrist, and although you were severely broken, the grip your fingers created was firm.
Like a moth to a flame, Hyunjae admired how pretty you looked, your lips plump and eyes wide, and he wanted nothing more than to take you into his backseat and treat you the way he’d always wanted to, especially after hearing your pleas, but he knew better. You both knew better. 
“What exactly are you implying?” he asked, feeling like you had just inhaled all his oxygen and left him breathless. 
You released his wrist and opted to hold onto his sleeve, tugging on it as you tried to get him to understand you.
“I want it to hurt, Jaehyun.”
Your tears were gone, and there was a hint of dominance in your tone that would’ve had him dropped to his knees in front of you. You were also one of the very few who resorted to calling him Jae, and now his actual name. He favored Hyunjae, but after hearing ‘Jaehyun’ from your lips, his preference had completely made a turnaround. 
But Hyunjae worked to collect his thoughts, fully aware that this was wrong and he’d have to be the bigger person here. As much as he hated himself for giving up the perfect opportunity to have the girl of his dreams, he couldn’t ignore the large concern over your current mental state.
“You’re not thinking straight, Y/N,” he reasoned softly, his fingers reaching up to brush your hair out of your face, and for a second, Hyunjae swore he felt the alcohol kicking in—or perhaps it was you instead. The thought of being able to have you right now, to touch you and press his hands over your skin, to have you as his for just this night, was so intoxicating that he was seconds away from foaming at the mouth.
“I don’t need to think straight. I don’t want to think at all.”
Everything felt hotter and tighter, but he kept his composure, though with his eyes dropping to your begging lips and then your delicate fingers, he knew he was beginning to lose whatever was left of his sanity. 
But he also knew you were using him; you had to be. There was no other explanation. It was only minutes ago when you professed how you continued to feel about Jiwoong—that your heart still belonged to him, and Hyunjae was allowed nowhere near it. He was your backup, your second option, yet that happened to be better than nothing, right?
Especially when he could have you right here, right now. 
“You’re using me.”
Your expression didn’t falter.
“Then say no. Make us go back into your car and drive me home.” Your hand dropped from holding onto his sleeve but that was so you could wrap your arms around his neck, slowly bringing yourself closer to him. His cheeks were flushed as his mind flooded with possibilities of what could happen. Never had you ever wanted him, and he’d been dreaming of a moment like this for years. Your tear-stained cheeks, your pouty red lips—he wanted all of you.
“But you won’t,” you whispered, your breath hitting his skin. Your eyes landed on his lips, now craving him as much as he craved you. You needed a release, an outlet, to justify Jiwoong being better than Hyunjae. Hyunjae was worse in every way possible, and you wanted him to prove that to you. “You’d do anything I’d say, wouldn’t you?”
“What makes you say that?” Little did you know Hyunjae was crumbling inside, completely melting as his fingers grew weak at the idea of your lips on his. His hands, although wary, traveled to your waist, feeling your curves before trailing his hands down to your hips to grip them.
“You love me, don’t you?”
His heart stuttered, all words caught up in his throat, but he knew there was no defending himself—not when he was practically drooling at every move you made; he was hyperaware of the hand playing with the hair on his nape, the way your lips nearly hovered over his, and how your tears glistened under the moonlight.
His entire existence was confirmation of your words, and you knew it.
“You’d do anything for me, Jae. What’s stopping you now?”
There was a stillness as you two stared at one another. He swallowed and pulled slightly back.
He knew better.
“You don’t want me.” He was brokenhearted, a part of him understanding that you’d never be his, yet he wanted you in so many ways, wishing to have your mewls fill his ears and the smell of sex staining his clothes. The bulge in his pants was forming and pressing up against the tight confinement, making him groan. 
He dropped his head downwards, his forehead leaning to rest against yours, as he closed his eyes and did his best to regulate his breathing—repeating in his head and out loud, again.
He knew better.
“You’re using me.”
You both knew better.
Yet with your lips ghosting his and your eyes half-hooded, you were prepared to give into the dark side.
“And I say take advantage of it.”
Hyunjae dived and pressed his lips onto yours, hunger driving his every movement. There was no stopping when he felt your lips curling up into a grin, his hands shifting to wrap around your torso to drag you closer. His heart burst at how perfectly his lips molded with yours, and it seemed as if there was fire shooting up into the sky and exploding—they weren’t fireworks, and the explosion was far bigger and more dangerous. It lit the entirety of the sky, the moon and stars included, into flames, a desire unlike any other.
Your left hand pressed firm against the back of his neck while the other traveled through his hair. Meanwhile, his hands had snuck beneath your shirt and felt for your lower back. Heavy breaths left the two of you as desperation crept through your veins, dictating your every movement. 
The cold touch from his hands ignited your nervous system, every sense activated and overstimulated by Hyunjae as you released a breathy moan into his mouth.
You didn’t want him, but fuck, you needed him.
When you would pull back, his lips would chase yours, and you two fell into an endless cycle. He couldn’t even fathom how you were pulling away for air when you were his oxygen. Maybe you weren’t oxygen itself, but the fumes you emitted had already replaced his need for air, deluding him into believing that you were what he needed to stay alive.
You were suffocating, toxic, and destructive, and he wanted more. 
After retracting from the kiss for the nth time, you turned your head to hold Hyunjae back from continuing. You both were panting, your cunt soaking, and he stared into your eyes like a puppy awaiting their next direction.
“Good boy,” you praised, and he laughed lowly and sheepishly, dropping his head as he processed what happened and the idea of it being potentially over. 
“You’re lethal,” he breathed out.
“And you’re pitiful,” you spat. There was a playful grin on your lips, but those words ignited something within Hyunjae. He raised his head and cocked a brow at you, questioning your genuinity. 
Just minutes ago you were crying over a guy that treated you terribly, and yet here you thought you had the authority to call him weak.
Perhaps he was; he was falling deeper into your pitless trap, enticed with every movement of yours, but he knew for a fact you weren’t any better than him.
You both were sick in the head for falling for people that treated the other like shit, yet your drive, your fuel, to win over the hearts of the people you loved was so strong, and it made you two unstoppable. 
Hyunjae would punch Jiwoong all over again if he could. 
Without a second thought, Hyunjae ducked his head down and ruthlessly attached his lips to your neck, eliciting a gasp from you. He kissed your skin fervently, his fingers teasing the rim of your shorts, and your hands shifted to hold onto his shoulders for support. You found yourself tossing your head back, providing him more room to do as he pleased, that if Jiwoong were to see you with marks on your neck, then maybe he’d want you back. 
“Bold of you to call me pitiful,” he grumbled, sucking onto your neck until a blot of purple began to form.
“But it’s true, no?”
“You’re just as bad, Y/N.” He licked a stripe up your neck and over the mark, and the sensation made you cringe, disgust itching at your skin due to being covered in his saliva, but you wanted more of it. You wanted Hyunjae to treat you like you were nothing, to treat you worse than Jiwoong ever had, so you could direct your blame over to Hyunjae instead of your unknowing boyfriend.
You turned your head and slotted your lips with his again, already addicted to how perfect they were for you. Hyunjae knew the exact way to kiss you, to keep you on your toes, as your slick pooled up in your underwear at the mere thought of Hyunjae touching you.
The kiss was eager, a fight for control, and when Hyunjae didn’t surrender, you raised your knee, forcing your thigh to brush up against his crotch.
He gasped at the sensation and pulled away, bangs hanging over his eyes as he looked down at the sight. You teased him by keeping your touches gentle, but you made sure to keep your leg moving. Nothing intrigued you more than seeing Hyunjae beg or rut against your thigh, further proof of how pathetic he was for you. You gained a sense of ego knowing that he could have any girl in the world, that he has had every girl, and yet he would always come back to you. Now that you had him, it would be harder for him to return to a life without you under him, moaning his name.
You wanted to be his downfall. 
Your nails latched onto the mesh, taking note of how easy it would be to rip the material, before pressing your thigh firmly up against his dick, making him jerk.
“You’re-...oh my god, Y/N,” he gasped, breathless. His eyes meet your devious ones, how you were basically Satan himself, and somehow, someway, he wouldn’t ask for anything different. “You’re playing a losing…a losing- game.”
“What more do I have left to lose?” There was some truth in your words as vulnerability struck you. Your leg then lowered as you regained a slight sense of reality, realizing that you were forcing Hyunjae into being your selfish source of relief. You hated Hyunjae, sure, but you knew this was the last thing he deserved—to use him when he’d been nothing but accommodating to you.
And your sick and twisted plan was that after this encounter, you’d leave him to rot.
Hyunjae didn’t deserve that at all. 
But Hyunjae was already too far gone, too intoxicated, to even consider the repercussions of how he’d end up after this. The loss of contact with his crotch was what had him picking you up from his car, the tips of his fingers digging into your thighs, as he led you to the backseat. 
Your eyes widened, your senses fully back, but you made him like this, and you were going to pay for it. Although scared for about what’s to come, the anticipation had you drooling, your lips pressing fierce kisses onto his skin while he opened the door with you in his arms.
He laid you down gently and crawled over you, keeping you trapped between his arms.
“This is what you wanted, right? For me to tear you apart until you can run back to Jiwoong and justify how poorly he treats you?” 
Your brows bunched up at his words, your legs getting antsy being under him. There was no answering him, not when Hyunjae already knew how you were going to respond.
He brought one of his hands into your shorts and made the aggravating decision to slide his fingers over your underwear, depriving you of contact with his fingers.
Yet even with your underwear being a divider, he found your clit with ease and immediately started rubbing circles into the bud, making you buck your hips with a whine. The friction of the cloth was something you were unfamiliar with, and lord did it mess with you. 
“You want me to treat you how he sees you? Worthless and undeserving of respect?” He flicked your clit and kissed your jaw. “If that’s what you want, that’s exactly what my princess is going to get.”
“Fuck,” you moaned, using your hands to push onto his shoulders and force him down. The drive to ride his tongue was strong, and if he kept teasing you, you would have lost it.
“I know you inside and out, Y/N. I know you better than him, and this is how you treat me.” He sucked in a cheek but ultimately decided to comply with what you wanted. He pulled off your shorts yet left your underwear on, and his brows raised. He wasn’t sure how his fingers had missed the texture of lace, but what you were wearing was certainly lingerie.
You looked down to see why he stopped, and when you realized why he froze, heat rose to your cheeks.
“I wanted to feel pretty,” you whispered, shutting your eyes after turning your head. It was embarrassing, now that you thought about it, but Hyunjae’s heart soared, and he wanted nothing more than for you to know how ethereal you looked.
But he shoved the feeling away, allowing his frustrations to get the better half of him. 
When he pulled off your underwear, he cooed at how your essence oozed onto the material and raised the undergarment into the air, waiting for you to look.
“Did I do this?”
His mocking tone kept you from looking, but your curiosity got the best of you. You were met with the sight of a large wet, dark patch on your underwear, biting down on your lip as you looked at him with wide eyes. If you thought about it, you couldn’t remember the last time you felt like this, or if there ever had been a time when you craved someone this badly. 
He tossed it to the side and his hands massaged your thighs, keeping them spread open so he got a proper view of your core on display for him. The sight truly stunned him, reminding him that this was you he fantasized about and replicated with other girls—no one else.
“Do you normally take this long?” you rasped, tossing your head back against the seat, and Hyunjae rolled his eyes.
“I do you a favor, and this is how you treat me.”
“A favor is a stretch—”
Hyunjae plunged two fingers into your mouth, having them press firmly down against your tongue. He latched onto your jaw and pulled your head forward and up towards him, having your eyes meet his.
“Remind me, Y/N, who was begging for this?”
He dropped your head back down against the seat before you could even respond and used whatever saliva accumulated in your mouth as temporary lube, figuring that your slick would help him with stretching you out. You grunted at the impact, feeling helpless, as Hyunjae finally inserted his fingers inside of you. 
Hyunjae’s fingers were enough to have your eyes rolling, but it was the ring that he wore that stimulated you the most. You weren’t aware that he was even wearing one, yet the cold band against your raging wet heat made you whimper and desperately grasp for his hair.
“Jaehyun, please,” you begged. 
He chuckled and kept his movements slow, forcing you to fuck yourself onto his fingers weakly. When you did, he was in awe at how stunning you looked, how you seemed to be in your own world, and how you were enjoying him. By curling his fingers, a moan was pulled from your throat, making your eyes open as you looked at him. You continued to pool around his fingers, your voice weakly begging for so much more than his fingers and the cold air that brushed against your skin. 
Never had you felt more vulnerable, but Hyunjae never once made you feel like you were doing something wrong, making you cling desperately to him. You forced his face down into your crotch and jerked at the feeling of his nose brushing up against your clit.
“Shameless, aren’t you?” he commented, laughing lowly, but you were too out of it to care. 
“Shut the-...F-fuck, oh my god.”
Your whines had gotten more incessant the more useless he became, his fingers now completely stilled inside of you as he watched you roll your hips with a cheeky grin. He wanted to drag this out for as long as possible, knowing fully well that he could last all night. 
When he took out his fingers, you were yanked out of your bliss and nearly begged for him to put them back in, but before you could get a word out, he had replaced his digits with his tongue. Your slick was dripping onto his lips, and as he dragged his wet muscle up and down your folds, he made sure to collect a small puddle of you onto his tongue to eventually swallow, wanting to savor you. 
“Oh-...Oh my god, Jae—” Your orgasm was approaching, unsure of how it was here so soon, but you recognized the signs from the coil in your chest tightening to losing every sensation to the man beneath you. You rocked your hips continuously onto his tongue, and his thumb attached to your clit, making you see stars with how rapid his movements were. 
He pulled his face back and forced his fingers back into you, and the final curl was what made you reach your peak, your hips in the air as you cried out his name. 
As you came down from your high, you caught a glance of the way Hyunjae was looking at you; to him, you were otherworldly, and it was a sight he’d never forget. He wondered if Jiwoong ever saw you like this, if he ever made you feel this way, and suddenly his admiration had soured and contoured to something of darkness, rid of any empathy as he now looked at you with some form of disgust. 
“All this for me, and you still have the fucking audacity to choose him.” 
The mention of Jiwoong had your eyes wide open, tears reappearing at the mention and while being in your most vulnerable state. Your legs shook from the aftermath, feeling too weak to continue, yet Hyunjae seemed to have other plans.
Instead of shoving his fingers back into either of your mouths, he hovered over you and made sure you saw the way he dragged his fingers around your abdomen, drawing aimlessly over your skin with your essence before dragging a hand up to your breasts, massaging one of them as his other hand rested by your waist.
“Tell me, Y/N, did you buy this for him and never got to use it? That’s why you’re wearing it now with me? Am I your sloppy seconds?”
There was a slight growl under his tone, and while you shook your head subconsciously, he worked to remove your shirt, wanting a better look at your bra, before being met with a necklace you had been hiding; one with Jiwoong’s name.
And Hyunjae took no time breaking it from your neck.
Your jaw dropped, and you snapped out of your daze by sitting straight up, yet as you were about to yell at him for breaking your necklace, he shoved three fingers back into your pussy, shutting you up by having you moan at the intrusion. 
“It looked cheap, anyway,” he muttered, forcing his mouth against yours momentarily to nip on your lower lip, tugging on it so your focus remained on him. 
“That was—he’s mine,” you forced out, gasping at every thrust he made with his fingers, your sweet spot being abused as your hands latched onto his shoulders. You made sure your nails dug into his skin, wanting it to hurt, before pulling onto the mesh, wishing for it to tear. 
“He’s not yours, princess. Tell me, how can you say that when his dick has been up other girls?” With his free hand, he grabbed your face and made sure you were staring straight at him before shoving it to the side. 
“You need to fucking wake up and realize that you can dream all you want about how he’d react if he saw you hopping on my dick, but guess what? He wouldn’t care.” Hyunjae pulled out his fingers and left you alone in the backseat. 
You sat there, a wreck and vulnerable, as you tried to catch your breath. You lay back on your forearms, curious eyes following his every movement.
“There’s a reason he hasn’t left you yet,” Hyunjae explained, opening the front door to his car to grab a condom and his phone. He tucked both into his back pocket before returning to you, bringing your lips to his before continuing to talk within the kiss.
“He’s stringing you along so you can boost his ego. He knows you will always be there for him, and you allow him to use you like that?” 
You wrapped your fingers around Hyunjae’s neck, squeezing it before pushing it away to keep your distance, your frustration starting to grow.
“I’m beginning to think you’re all bark and no bite, Jaehyun,” you muttered, and with whatever strength you had left, you pushed him against the seat and got into his lap. Without hesitation, you started rocking your hips over his clothed dick, hoping your slick would seep in so he could feel you.
He hissed but allowed you to do as you pleased, his grip tight on your hips.
“I-...I think…if you asked me, you’re the one who’s projecting. I’m the one in a relationship, and you’re just a side piece.”
The speed of your hips increased, and Hyunjae felt ecstasy on the tip of his tongue, the confinements of his pants physically paining him the more you continued.
“You’re jealous, Jae. Just admit it.”
You pulled at his hair, loving the absolute control you had over him at that moment, but in one languid motion, Hyunjae managed to push you back down, this time with your stomach against the seats. You could feel your bodily fluids sticking to the nylon, and with how hard Hyunjae was pressing down into you, you were barely given a chance to move. 
With one hand on your lower back, he kept you still as he took out both his phone and condom, making sure to place both on top of your bare skin.
“What’s there to be jealous of when you’re here under me? You want to be fucked stupid? Fine. Don’t fucking complain when you want me to be the villain.” You lurched at his words, refusing to let him win, but you were completely unable to do much damage as Hyunjae kicked off his pants and boxers while still keeping his weight on you.
He then picked up his phone and pulled up the camera, making sure to take a photo of you in his car before clicking record and tossing the phone onto the ground, hoping it was close enough to pick up on your sweet noises. 
“Make sure to be loud for me, yeah? I’m sure Jiwoong would love it if I sent that video to him.”
“You wouldn’t fucking dare,” you bit back, your hand reaching out in an attempt to grab the device, but Hyunjae was quicker to grab your wrist, pinning it behind your back. 
“I wouldn’t because I know how to appreciate what’s mine.” Hyunjae released his hold on you to roll on the condom, giving you the opportunity to move and take his phone as you pleased. To your dismay, there was no more effort left within you, only an ache to feel Hyunjae inside you. 
“He appreciates me,” you mumbled, trying to convince yourself otherwise as you waited.
“Does he record you? Jerk off to your moans every night? Because I would, Y/N, just for you.” His voice was now by your ear, and when you turned your head to look at him, he pulled you into another hungry kiss, his dick now grazing against your hole. 
“You’re fucking insane,” you bit back into the kiss, and he grinned against your lips, guiding his dick into you as he spoke.
“Psychotic, just for my princess.”
Venom laced his voice, dripping menacingly, and the insertion of his tip had you grasping for something in front of you, anything, and it was only then that you were able to process how thick his cock was.
“Can you take it?” he asked, his voice slightly softer than before. When you gave him a curt nod, he continued pushing in further. Maybe lube should’ve been an option, but you were so wet for him that it didn’t matter, knowing that the stretch probably would have hurt regardless. 
“Fuck, fuck—he really doesn’t know what he’s missing,” Hyunjae gasped, his head resting against the back of yours. It was better than anything he’d dreamed of, better than any girl he imagined, because it was you, and your body was made for him.
“When was the last time he fucked you?” He was fully inside of you now, and when you didn’t answer, he decided to take it as a sign to move. With a firm grip on your waist, he pulled out just to slam back in, making you yell as you clawed at the seat, wishing there was something to bite on as you endured the pain that was quick to morph into pleasure. 
Every glide pushed you further into the car, your forearms occasionally hitting the door, as his hips moved vigorously, working up to a pace that had you moaning without pause. Tears were flowing down your cheeks at the overwhelming pleasure of being manhandled—of being Hyunjae’s rag doll when he was meant to be yours, and your body seized up, being worked up to your orgasm once more with how precise each thrust seemed to be. 
He adjusted to raise one of your legs to his hip, giving him a new angle to pound into you as he worships you with his dick, and you shook out of pleasure, whining as you saw white and reached your second orgasm for the night. You pulsated around his cock, strangled moans ripping from your throat as tears mixed with your drool by your chin.
And Hyunjae showed no signs of stopping.
He made sure to press your face down against the seats, wanting every liquid to fall and stain his car, giving him something to remember you by.
Oh, and there was the recording too.
While kneeling inside of the cramped car, he slowed his movements and inclined his torso towards you. In one swift motion, he wrapped his arm around your neck and pulled you up, locking you inside his elbow as he forced you to look into your reflection in the car window.
“Look at you, the school’s favorite slut. What happens if the recording drops? The whole school would know you’re mine, wouldn’t they?” He pressed his chest against your back, the mesh rubbing against your skin as his lips remained near your ear, forcing you to listen to every word.
You limped against him, your flames completely burnt out, and your fingers tugged onto the mesh around his arm, successfully ripping it after some time, but Hyunjae seemed unphased. In fact, it turned him on even more knowing that he had you locked in, that you were his.
“Look at your pretty cunt taking me in so well. It was so wet for me, wasn’t it? It still is. And guess what? You’re in my car. You belong to me, and my good girl is only now just finding out about it, isn’t she?” 
“I-I’m…I’m not-...not yours,” you retaliated, creating red angry marks into his skin with your nails as you endured being used, stifling your moans as you looked at how wrecked you were, how bare you seemed to be compared to Hyunjae. You were much more of a mess, from your hair to the bruises on your neck. Your pussy kept tightening up around his dick, convulsing occasionally with every hit toward your g-spot, and you held onto Hyunjae each time. 
Your head drooped down, thinking about how your heart ached for Jiwoong, yet the rest of your body was meant for Hyunjae.
“Whose fucking dick is inside of you right now?” He scoffed and pulled on your hair, forcing your head back up so he could directly speak into your ear. “Wake up, Y/N,” he demanded. “You’re mine.”
He dropped you back onto the seat like you were nothing, leaving you completely helpless, your throat void of any words as your eyes closed and met the back of your skull, too fucked out to communicate. You tried reaching for the door handle, just something to hold onto, yet you couldn’t.
“You tell me I’m pitiful, that I’m basically delusional when you’re going to be the reason my car will smell like sex for weeks.”
Your face was forced back into the puddle of liquid you created earlier, being shifted back and forth against the seat as if you were made for his dick and not vice versa.
“It’s crazy how pathetic you are, how willing you are to break yourself down in front of everyone just to have him. That-...fuck…that you’re so convinced he wants you and you two are soulmates.” He dragged his fingers through your hair and grabbed your roots. “You called me, you wanted me, and I have you right now, moaning my name, and you have nothing.”
Something about his words kept bringing out your orgasms, each thrust adding to the pleasure immensely. You didn’t know how much you could handle—afraid you may pass out from how much he was using you, from his tight grip around you to his dick hitting inside of you mercilessly.
Hyunjae whispering ‘I won, Y/N’ was what had you losing it, your high this time ending up stronger than the rest. You were fully crying now, and yet he continued as if you were nothing.
He peppered your shoulder with kisses and had the slight decency to slow his pace, but he also took note of your sobs.
“Don’t tell me you still want him,” he began rambling, his lips still on your shoulder. “Don’t tell me after this that your heart still belongs to him, because if that were the case, I’d make you call him right now. Say you wish it was him instead of me, and that he’s the love of your life while you’re stuffed with my dick. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You could no longer think, and what you hated most was how reactive your body was—how you were just able to come for the third time, but Hyunjae’s dick solely being inside you snapped some other straw you weren’t aware you had, finding that your last high was incoming. 
Hyunjae had picked up the pace by then, and by knowing your body incredibly well, he reached down to your sensitive clit to relieve you. You both knew your fourth was arriving, and you held on tight to his arm.
“J-Jaehy- hyun, I’m—”
You cried out, your entire body shaking, and Hyunjae pulled out, immediately releasing onto your back with a guttural moan after yanking off the condom. He was forced to catch his breath, watching you float in and out of consciousness.
Your eyes were closed, struggling to breathe through your sobs, and Hyunjae consoled you with a kiss on the back of your shoulder. 
“You’re mine, Y/N, whether you like it or not.”
He then pressed a kiss to your cheek before leaving to grab paper towels from his trunk. You were heaving, still shaking, and left alone as a mess in his backseat, yet with him gone, you felt even more useless, wanting him back by your side instantly. You weakly cried out for him, your nails dragging against the seat in hopes of being in his arms soon, and maybe he was right.
Maybe you were his.
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sungbeam · 2 years
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 : a series!
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[7 OF 11 NOW CUFFED!] ; it's cuffing season! — and the boyz are in for quite the adventure as they learn to juggle school, work, friends, and love.
starring: the boyz, f!reader
genre: college au, fluff, humor, comfort, assorted pairings
word count: 216k/?? // at least 20k+ words per part
**note: the main plotline (the 4 szns) can be read completely as stand-alones. all other spin-offs can also technically be read as stand-alones, but some might require context from the main plotline. (all prev yns will appear as __!yn)
+ ADD THIS TO YOUR LIST (taglist form: open)
a/n: i'm very excited for this series tbh and i really hope i retain the strength to finish it 🤧 a great way to help me out tho is to blow this post up by reblogging, esp since tumblr gatekeeps the actual fics when they're published :')
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yours and jacob's mutual friend kevin is convinced that you're meant to be, even if he only just met you. (trailer, 34k)
you and eric met on an airplane, and that's where you thought it would end, but clearly the universe has a different plan in mind. (trailer, 30k)
SEASON THREE: OFF THE RECORD — j. changmin (parts 𝐈, 𝐈𝐈)
everyone thinks changmin is cute and harmless, but you know that's not who he really is. (trailer, 36k)
your best friend hyunjae ain't no romeo, but you're still in love... so let's hope he doesn't find out you wrote a whole play about him! (trailer, 30k)
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— spin-offs & side adventures.
you never thought your humble, little podcast would ever touch somebody's soul like it did one kim sunwoo's. (trailer, 28k)
another summer break, another annual trip to the lake! except, it seems like when you and kev get there, you'll have to make some tweaks to the original rescue protocol. (trailer, 29k)
AT YOUR CONVENIENCE — k. younghoon
neither you nor younghoon were party people, but you did find love in the convenience store down the block. (trailer, 29k)
HOT COMMODITY — j. haknyeon
no matter how many times he's been to this restaurant, haknyeon swears he's not just here for the cute waitress. (trailer, __)
PINKY SWEAR — c. chanhee
you and chanhee are far from the years of pinky swears, but here you are, still lacing fingers after all this time. (trailer, __)
THE REVEAL — l. sangyeon
does sangyeon really have a secret girlfriend? well... let's find out. (trailer, __)
CLASS(Y) ACTION — l. juyeon
nothing is more cutthroat than the legal sphere, and sometimes we have to find allies in the strangest places—even if he spills coffee on you. (trailer, __)
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section under construction.
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lmk what u got for a free smooch and a cookie 🤸‍♀️🥰
which love in unity boy will you be cuffing this year? (uquiz)
which love in unity boy will you be cuffing this school year? (**NEW & IMPROVED VER)
love in unity trivia !! for the main plot only (uquiz)
if u want to read this series in timeline order, this is how it should be done: jacob/younghoon, eric/haknyeon, changmin/sunwoo, hyunjae/chanhee, sangyeon, kevin, juyeon
if u wanna read sungbeam's favorites (no particular order): at your convenience, ain't no romeo, (more to be decided!)
— SERIES TAGS: general series. any wip can be searched via "wip: _____" (usually just the initials, except for party people); or "the (member) fic™"
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warmau · 15 days
love languages x the boyz
felt like writing about love again. i believe in it. other love languages: day6 
acts of service 
at first, it’s wordless. just the happenstance that he remembers that you do your laundry every thursday evening and shows up at your doorstep with extra fabric softener. just the coincidence that he brought over that comfort food you mentioned craving a day or two ago.
but then, it becomes a welcomed understanding. he is going out of his way to pick you up from your late shift, even though he’s got practice in the next two hours. he is carrying that extra heavy delivery the postman left three doors down. 
“i’m doing this because i chose to. i’m doing this because i am accommodating and compromising and sacrificing and even hindering myself knowingly for you. without annoyance, without the idea that you owe me anything in return.”
sangyeon is extremely bond orientated - once he’s with you, he’s with you. in many ways, you come before he does.
you try to assure him that you can clean that up later or grab those groceries after work, but why should you? he’ll do it.
“you live in the opposite direction of where i’m going.”
“won’t it be annoying to drive back and forth twice?”
“no, because while i’m driving you there - we’ll be together. how could that ever be annoying?”
sangyeon moves you closer to him, puts his hands on yours and then wraps them around his torso so that you can press as close as possible to his chest
you never tell him when you need a hug like this, he just knows to do it 
quality time 
simplicity is his favorite thing in the world, and there isn’t anything more simple then showing up
it can be a soft and comfortable silence, you sit against the pillows on his bed and read, the bookmark he brought you back from tour waiting for you to pick a spot to pause. jacob sits at his desk, tuning his guitar and scrolling through samples of songs the company sent over. halfway through the list he notices you humming that one tune in particular and a smile curls at his lips.
it can be a get together with everyone, almost rehearsed in the energy of the room. you and jacob where you both belong, enveloped in your bubble. he pats his knee and you lean against it as you watch the chaos of his members unfold around you. his hand is around your waist, you press a small kiss into his hair every now and then between laughs. 
jacob just wants you around
he wants your presence, the shift of the air in the room when you move around, the smell of your body wash on his clothes, the comfort in knowing he can reach out into a direction and touch your warm skin
although he’s a homebody who likes his alone time
he’s come to love you so much that being alone together is the only option he even considers anymore 
words of affirmation 
it doesn’t matter that his job comes with the perk of being showered in constant comments and screams and declarations, both digital and inperson, of love. 
younghoon needs to hear you say it everyday. 
it can be any form of “i love you”, it can be “i’m proud of you.” or “i care about you.” or “i see how hard you’re working, i see how much you try.” 
it has to come from you and you have to be clear about it.
either in a whisper against the shell of his ear right after you two wake up or a bright exclamation when you return home and he rushes to gather you in his arms 
younghoon can sometimes fall into the hole of equating his worth to the praise that he hears from others, and you gently try to coax him out of this, but you still understand that it’s who he is - so you’ll remind him as much as he needs that you love him for him
for the version of him on stage, off stage, in public, in private.
but also, that his worth is his own. you know the work he puts in. 
your voice calms him down, it centers him, and sometimes he can get a little too head over heels with his emotions so having you talk him through it helps a lot
younghoon falls asleep on the phone with you almost every night that you two aren’t together, “say it again please....” his voice dips an octave as he floats between consciousness and sleep, “we’ll see each other soon, you know i like you, but you know i love you too.”
physical touch
surprise, surprise - but no really, it is physical touch
there is a longing inside of hyunjae that feels a little like grasping, he’s always reaching out to be held. that grasping finally finds a purpose when he meets you.
kissing you is natural, having you run your hands down his back is natural, pressing his face into the crook of your neck is natural.
and when he isn’t close to you, he feels like a part of him is unnatural. kind of like a phantom limb.
there’s a reassurance in his heart that everything will be ok, but it’s only true when you’re holding each other - and hyunjae isn’t the type to shy away from that. no hyunjae tells you this, tells you that the skin to skin contact is that important to him. 
you are that important to him.
yes it can be a little clingy, but there’s something so endearing of having to use both your hands to do the dishes and hyunjae offers his help but you wave him off and yet he insists on sticking onto you, happy to watch the repetitions of your hands
there’s something endearing about his body even seeking you out in its sleep, wrapping you up - regardless of how sticky and sweaty you two get - hyunjae kicks the blankets off and pulls you close, eyes still shut 
acts of service 
to be more precise, it’s more like acts of gratitude....acts of an answer. juyeon always wants to repay your choice of loving him with an action, something tangible that isn’t just a physical gift
he’s like a cat in the sense that he could bring you twigs and scraps but instead he chooses to do something more, well, helpful
nothing makes him happier than spending a night out with you, blissful happiness, then making sure to wake up earlier so he can make you your favorite kind of breakfast - or get an early start on your cleaning - or even just fix that loose screw on your bathroom’s mirror
because when you notice the little act, you thank him with a small surprised but beautiful happiness that makes him feel like you can understand just how much he adores you
showing the well of his love can be hard, doing these little things makes it easier
sometimes when you don’t even really notice the little things he’s done (brought your slippers in closer from where you kicked them off in the other room, wiped the table down before you set dinner) 
he still feels that swell in his heart
“i’ll do it because i love you.” 
“won’t it be hard to do?”
“not if it’s for you.” 
physical touch
changmin’s own pride has everything to do with his body. his dancing makes up a part of his life that he would be lost without, so having you get to experience this body he has put so much work into really couldn’t be more of an authentic way of showing his love
and sure, intimacy and touching and caressing, but more than that it’s the attention and care
you massage his shoulders absentmindedly, trace lines on the lean muscle of his forearm, press yourself comfortably in-between his legs as the warmth wraps you two up closer
changmin takes great pleasure in knowing that you trust how strong he is, how lithe he can be in his movements, how that’s a trait of his that gets you going 
even little squeezes of his palm in yours are enough to get you a little bit excited - it electrifies changmin’s heart even more
“do you want to hold my hand?”
“we’re in line at the grocery store.”
“still, it feels nice to hold it right?”
receiving gifts 
yes, in part the expensive and flashy and finer things in life are just chanhee’s preference but it’s not the act of spending money that’s the love language 
it’s the proof that you know him so well. that you pay attention.
because chanhee is hard to actually shop for, he has always assumed he knows himself best and something can cost a lot but not be in his taste at all (this has been a common occurrence over his past relationships)
but you just get it. you get him. you get his tastes and his preferences and sometimes it’s almost like you can read what he needs before he really even knows it himself
so even if it’s something small and cheap or big and fancy - chanhee cherishes each and every one - because when you give it to him it reminds him:
this person really understands me, they listen, they love me.
and chanhee spoils you in return
he will never admit it, but part of him is playing catch up to just how amazing you are at giving him gifts
he hopes he can read you like you can read him, because apparently he’s been an open book ever since you two got together
quality time + physical touch
his language is here’s this experience i want to do, but we have to do it together or else it isn’t worth it
most of the times - this experience is outdoorsy, sporty, and most of all - fun
kevin’s love of live music events means he’s willing to splurge big on your favorite artists and then hold you close the entire time you’re both there - singing at each other and kissing and grabbing your hands like you’re kids again and this is your first concert ever
it’s also sometimes just a fancy rock climbing gym where kevin gets to hoist you up on his shoulders 
or a all day pass at some new resort or theme park where kevin is happy to indulge in all the thrilling rides and yummy treats and matching souvenirs with the agreed upon “never let go of my hand or you might get lost” and water breaks that end with kisses
it’s the constant need to make memories, but kevin loves you so he wants those memories to always have you front and center
naturally extroverted, his love is big and proud and jumping into something new with the person you trust the most just seems to be the best way to prove that 
quality time
similar to jacob, he enjoys his time alone and is a bit more of a homebody but the one thing about haknyeon is that he is very precise in the people he allows close to him
and by close, i mean exactly that, who gets his time is very important and he doesn’t just give it out without meaning
so the fact that he can justify spending all 24 hours, all seven days a week with you is a testament to just how much he loves you 
haknyeon is quick to shut down situations he doesn’t want to be in. he doesn’t compromise just to make others in the room feel like he isn’t being rude. 
he has lots of hobbies and he has passions that he’d rather devote himself to
but you - you are the exception. you are allowed everywhere, all the time, all at once.
and haknyeon wants to share what he does with you. he picks you over his solitude without question. it nearly shocks the rest of tbz just how much haknyeon goes out of his way to include you in his time.
“every minute is precious to me, my life is so busy i feel like i barely get to live it sometimes - but if doing nothing meant i could do it with you forever, i would.” 
words of affirmation 
idol or not, sunwoo has a bad habit of finding the negatives - so sometimes all he really craves is someone who can tell him the truth without fail. that truth is a fact he sometimes forgets: sunwoo, you are always worth it and you are always loved.
eric calls him gloomy when he gets like this, but one phone call from you or even a text can change sunwoo’s whole day around
his heart grows three sizes when you pat his cheek and tell him he’s the cutest boy you’ve ever seen 
in a funny way, sunwoo gets embarrassed when you’re too straightforward about it
he gets all hot at the neck and tries to stutter out a “d-don’t say that.” when you get really impassioned, proclaiming that he’s the one you want to be with forever and there isn’t anyone else on this planet that could the one for you but him 
but it makes his head spin with that feeling - that feeling of love, a love that is almost on par with godly infatuation because how is it real that you, you - YOU!!! feel that way about him!!! the way he feels about you!!!
sunwoo is still pretty young, but he can’t help it - declaration like that make him believe that that love he watched on tv or read about in comics, it’s real.
it’s you. 
acts of service + physical touch
so for eric, the above two are the same thing
smothering you with love, with his hands in your hair and his lips on yours and the entire world melting away into nothingness - that’s touching, yes, but that’s also a service
making you feel appreciated and loved makes eric feel appreciated and loved
the best way to do that is to be physical, everything must be tangible to eric for him to really feel it at full force
of course, he can be a little overwhelming sometimes, but it comes with being with him 
the answer to any of your lifes problems (in eric’s opinion) is having him show up at your front door with whatever you need, but more importantly with himself and his pretty face and strong hands and dedicated on track state of mind
you sometimes assume this honeymoon need will fade as you are together longer, but it never does
eric’s energy is poured into actions and transferred from his palms onto your skin
eric describes it to people like this: 
“my love for them is crazy, if they turned into the sun i would burn myself everyday just to try and catch them.” 
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tinytinyblogs · 1 year
Sunwoo As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
The boyz masterlist here #1 #2
Sunwoo is the type of boyfriend who you can lean on. He is mature, smart, and knows how to take care of you. He is also romantic and will always make you feel special. He is always there for you. He is the first person you want to call when you have good news or bad news. He is always there to listen and to offer support. He is mature and responsible. He can handle anything that comes his way, and he always puts you first. He is smart and funny. He can make you laugh even when you are feeling down. He knows how to take care of you. He will cook for you, clean for you, and do whatever he can to make your life easier. He is romantic. He will surprise you with flowers, gifts, and thoughtful gestures. He always makes you feel special. He is always honest with you. He will never lie to you or betray your trust. He is supportive of your dreams. He will always encourage you to follow your dreams and to achieve your goals. He is patient and understanding. He knows that you are not perfect, and he will always be there for you, even when you make mistakes.
Sunwoo loves to fall asleep around you. He loves the feeling of being close to you and the warmth you give him. He also loves the feeling of being safe and secure in your arms. He likes to cuddle with you. He loves the feeling of your arms around him and your body against his. He likes you to hold his hand. He loves the feeling of your hand in his and it makes him feel connected to you. Sunwoo loves the feeling of not being alone. He feels safe and secure when he is with you, and he knows that he can always count on you.
Sunwoo would obviously take you on a beach date. He loves the beach so much, and going with you would be another level of happiness for him. He loves the feeling of the sand between his toes. He would love to walk hand-in-hand with you on the beach and feel the sand between his toes. He loves the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. He would love to sit on the beach with you and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. He loves the feeling of being close to you. He would love to cuddle with you on the beach and feel your warmth against his skin. Sunwoo would also love to do some activities with you on the beach. He might want to go swimming, build sandcastles, or just relax and enjoy the view. A beach date with Sunwoo would be a perfect day. He would be so happy to spend time with you in his favorite place.
When Sunwoo spots you in a crowded place, he will ignore everyone else and make a beeline for you. He will have a sweet smile on his face and he will give you the best hug he can muster. He will tell you how much he loves to see you and how happy he is to be with you. Sunwoo will tell you how much he loves to see you in a way that makes you feel special. He will tell you how beautiful you are and how much he enjoys spending time with you.
When you're with Sunwoo, you can't help but laugh. He has a way of making you feel comfortable and relaxed, and you can always be yourself around him. You both have a lot of similarities, so it's easy to understand each other. You love to play around and tell jokes, and you always have a good time together. You might make up silly songs or dances. You'll laugh so hard that your sides hurt. You might tell each other jokes that only you find funny. You'll laugh until you cry. Sunwoo makes your day full of happiness and fun. He always knows how to make you laugh, and he always knows how to make you feel special. You love spending time with him, and you know that you can always count on him to make you smile.
Sunwoo is not afraid to show you his broken side. He will let you know when he is feeling down, and he will let you know when he is struggling. He will cry in front of you, and he will tell you all of his problems. He knows that you will listen to him and that you will help him to feel better. He trusts you. He knows that you will not judge him, and he knows that you will not tell anyone else about his problems. He needs your help. He knows that he cannot solve his problems on his own, and he needs your support. He loves you. He wants to be able to be himself around you, and he wants you to see all of him, even the broken parts. Sunwoo loves all the attention you give him when he is feeling down. He loves the way you listen to him, and he loves the way you make him feel better. He knows that he can always count on you to be there for him, and he is grateful for your love and support. When you make Sunwoo feel better after a rough day, it makes you feel good too. You feel happy that you could help him, and you feel loved that he trusts you enough to share his problems with you. You know that you are making a difference in his life, and that is a great feeling. Being there for Sunwoo when he is feeling down is a privilege. It is a sign that he trusts you and loves you, and it is an opportunity to show him how much you care. If you are lucky enough to have Sunwoo in your life, cherish him and be there for him when he needs you.
Sunwoo loves to call you randomly just to remind you that he loves you. He doesn't care what time it is, he just wants to hear your voice and tell you how much he cares. Sunwoo's random calls are a sign of his love for you. He loves you so much that he can't help but tell you how he feels, even if it's in the middle of the night.
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stealanity · 7 months
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playlist one , the boyz ( lsg to kvm ) :
ꕤ lee sangyeon ,
[ 7:02am ]
[ 5:12pm ]
[ 6:14am ]
ꕤ bae jacob ,
summer love
birthday cake
white lily
ꕤ kim younghoon ,
corny jokes
reassuring hands
kinda miss you
i didn't forget
[ 1:02am ]
[ 2:45am ]
ꕤ lee hyunjae ,
suffocating ( written serie , discontinued )
this special look
loser, lover
too late
only for practice
[ 9:32am ]
[ 4:35pm ]
[ 10:37pm ]
ꕤ lee juyeon ,
his s/o waking up in the middle of the night
cute little intruder
bad day, but good boyfriend
terrible idea
the bet
cold hands
sick of you
[ 5:34pm ]
[ 10:45pm ]
[ 7:52pm ]
[ 8:57pm ]
ꕤ moon kevin ,
bad words
the little prince
[ 3:37pm ]
[ 11:23am ]
. . . link to maknae line !
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cupidjyu · 9 months
good for you
jacob x reader (requested by the one and only @zzoguri!!)
the 3 times you and jacob could have had something more and the 1 time you actually did.
genre: best friends to lovers, university au, pining by mostly jacob, confessions, misunderstandings, mentioned exes, reader has abandonment issues oops, kissing for practice, cuddles, their love language is sleeping together, gentle kind understanding sweetie jacob notes: i hope you enjoy this !!! i loved writing this request!!! <33 and again, im sorry this took so long :( see you whenever i can! word count: 14.7k
“You’re a lifesaver,” You groaned once you noticed Jacob entering your dorm with a paper bag of freshly baked cookies in his hand. You jumped off your bed, slightly crumpling the endless papers of notes laid out across your sheets. Stumbling over to where he was staring at you with concern, you clung to his arm, cupped his face with one hand, and pressed an obnoxiously loud kiss on his cheek.
“Is it that bad?” He stared at you, unimpressed. 
“Yeah?” You narrowed your eyes at him before snatching the bag from him and bounding back to splay out your bed.
“Didn’t you say that you were going to stop eating sugar? Yesterday?” He followed you further into your dorm. He set down all of his things and put back all of the clutter that was laid out on your table and the floor. He knew where everything went after the countless times he’s lounged around here.
“Okay but I cannot stay awake without sugar and I have an exam tomorrow,” You grumbled, gesturing for him to sit next to you. You turned back to your computer, rolling onto your stomach and scrolling through the endless slideshows to try to pretend like you were retaining any information. Frankly, you were more focused on the delicious cookies melting in your mouth.
He shrugged, silently reaching over and organizing your papers. He knew that you often got stressed when your environment was messy. You made no effort to keep it clean though because he always did it for you.
“And how was your day, Cobie?” You mumbled, glancing at him briefly before turning back to your notes, You shifted slightly on the bed, allowing him space to lie down next to you.
“Boring. And you shouldn’t be studying on your bed, you know. You always fall asleep.”
You huffed. “Just because you’re my best friend doesn’t mean you have to dote on me.”
“You know I’m right.” He smirked.
“I won’t, I promise.”
“But you always fall asleep. Like last time.”
You rolled your eyes, burying your face in your arms. “Stop bringing that up. It’s been five years already.”
“But I’ll never forgive you for embarrassing me in front of Sunwoo.”
“C’mon, you always let him tease you anyway,” You retorted.
Your eyelids threatened to shut any minute now. You had managed to find a spot to finally escape the stress that was called high school responsibilities. It wasn’t the most comfortable spot though–against the brick wall of the building, sitting on the concrete floor. Still, you couldn’t care less, enjoying the sun that perfectly hit the side of your face as your uniform fluttered in the wind.
After that point, you didn’t know what happened until you woke up. But Jacob had vividly described it to you because he found it that amusing. Though, he always told the story with a fond smile on his face.
“Can you pass the ball?” Another student called out to you. His uniform was messy and crinkled after playing with his friends for so long. When he noticed no response, he jogged over to pick up the soccer ball that rolled over and knelt down. He snickered slightly, tilting his head to peer at you curiously. “That can’t be comfortable…” He muttered. 
Silently, he contemplated what to do. Ultimately, he stood up. Not to leave you, but to kick the soccer ball back to his friends. Then, he turned back to you and gently lowered himself down to your side. Almost immediately, like a magnet, your head found its way to his shoulder and you were already dozing away. This time, with a lot less neck pain.
His lips quirked up as he played with his fingers quietly. He ignored his friends who were gesturing to him in the distance to come back, instead choosing to lean closer so you could sleep more comfortably. 
But then he heard footsteps approaching.
“Oh, shit!” Sunwoo gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth after appearing from around the corner of the same brick wall.
Jacob jumped, waving with his hands frantically to tell his friend to go away. But Sunwoo only began to jump up and down in excitement.
“Shhhh–” Jacob whispered. “They’re sleeping.”
“You’re dating someo–”
“I don’t even know who the hell this is.”
You smiled to yourself, long roused awake.
You had already heard the whole conversation but found it all too amusing so you ended up pretending to sleep for a few more minutes. Once you were sure that his friend had wandered off somewhere else, you blinked your eyes open. The curiosity got the best of you as you slowly lifted your head up to peer at the mysterious student’s name tag. He’s got an amazing shoulder for a pillow.
“That’s a bit rude, Jacob.”
He jolted once again, turning to you in surprise. You smiled lazily back at him.
“You’re awake.”
“Yeah,” You yawned. “And thanks for your shoulder but also I don’t thank you for not even bothering to look at my nametag.”
“Even if I knew your name, I wouldn’t know who you are.”
“Fair,” You hummed. You looked him over. He had a friendly look to him. Gentle eyes, a nice-looking smile, and brown tousled hair that shone in the sun. “You look like a Jacob.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He raised an eyebrow. “You do know that I gave up my soccer time to let you sleep on my shoulder, right?”
“Shush.” You stuck your tongue out. “It’s not like I forced you to. You’re just too nice with your super nice smile.”
“I can’t tell if you're insulting me or complimenting me.”
“Both.” You leaned your head back against the wall with a tired sigh. Then you turned back to him with a mischievous smile before setting your hand out for him to shake it. “Friends?”
He blinked at you. And then he smiled back and took your hand in his. “Friends.”
“I’m tired of this,” You whispered, thumping your forehead against your now-closed computer. 
“At least look this over.” He held out one of your papers, with a title clearly underlined with red. “Looks important.”
“It is but—“
“Just one,” He encouraged. “I’ll hold it for you.” And just as he said, he shuffled closer to you, holding the paper for you to read. You sighed but obliged, your eyes scanning over the words. Gradually though, the sentences began to grow blurrier and more jumbled. His arm looked awfully comfortable right now.
“Jacob,” You warned, turning to him. He stared curiously, his face surprisingly close to yours. “Jacob, I’m gonna go.”
“Go where?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“To sleep.” You grinned before slumping down. No longer were you propped up on your elbows. Instead, you laid down, your cheek squished against his forearm as you snuggled close to his body warmth.
You heard a disappointed yet fond sigh leave his lips. He put down the paper and cleared the bed of everything so you could properly cuddle up to his side.
“You always take care of me,” You mumbled quietly. “Why?”
And for some reason, even with your eyes closed, you could sense his soft smile—the one with the gentle gaze and warm cheeks.
“Because you deserve it.”
“You flunked it, didn’t you?” Jacob grinned, standing up from where he was leaning against the wall. “I told you to stop studying on your bed.”
You scowled, walking alongside him. “You shouldn’t have waited for me, I’m getting coffee with a friend.”
He smiled wider. “Right now?”
You froze, staring at him sheepishly. You shifted on your feet. “…no. But soon.”
He hummed. “Good, cause I’m giving you this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. It was beautiful with an opal charm in the middle. 
You stared at it with awe in your eyes and then turned your gaze up to Jacob. Already, you could feel tears prick your vision at which he only chuckled at the sight.
“Don’t cry,” He giggled, reaching an arm around you to pull you close to his chest.
“Why?” You pouted. “Did I miss my own birthday or something?”
“No,” He laughed. “I just wanted to give it to you. I thought of you when I saw it.”
You narrowed your eyes through sniffles before slapping his chest weakly. “How much was it?”
He shook his head. “It was on sale, so it was  cheap.”
You nodded before lightly touching your own bare neck. You smiled at your best friend.
“I want to put it on,” You stated, reaching your hand out. 
“Okay,” He whispered. But instead of placing the necklace in your palm, he stepped forward and reached his arms around your neck to clasp it on himself. He moved any strands of hair that were in the way, his fingertips just grazing over the back of your neck. You shivered and stayed completely still, staring straight ahead into his chest with wide eyes. 
It felt like hours but he finally stepped back with a soft smile.
“I knew it would suit you.”
You beamed. Just before you were about to say anything else, you heard a voice call out your name. It was your friend, standing just meters away waving excitedly.
“I have to go,” You said, looking at Jacob with bright eyes. 
“See you at your dorm?” He joked.
You thought for a moment before nodding. “Sure, I’ll bring ramen.”
“I was jok—“
“Still, I need my pillow to sleep on tonight.”
“My arm or my chest?” He lifted an eyebrow.
“Still deciding!” You called out, running towards your friend. You skipped over to her and immediately started rambling about your new necklace.
“It’s pretty!” She fawned. “Sometimes I think you’re actually dating.”
You gawked and immediately started laughing. “No! That’s— that’s so wrong.”
She blinked at you, completely confused.
“Have you seen the way he looks at you?”
It was stuck in your head–what your friend said. He looked at you like any completely normal person. He always had a friendly, caring expression on his face simply because that was his nature. There was nothing different and nothing more in your relationship except friendship. 
You couldn’t focus on that anymore though since you were now caught up in a game of truth or dare. After exams, the whole floor of your dorm decided to gather for a party. You hated going alone and so of course, you had to bring Jacob. 
The two of you tried to sit together on the floor but quickly became separated by the amount of people crowded into one room. You frowned, settling onto the floor next to two complete strangers.
Help me, You mouthed to him.
He shrugged. Wanna leave? He mouthed back.
You shook your head. This will be fun.
He nodded and turned his attention back to the bottle spinning in the middle of the circle, about to choose its first victim. It slowly came to a stop, landing on a guy who you remembered his name to be Sangyeon. He was nice. He once let you borrow his umbrella.
“Truth or dare?” Eric leaned excitedly.
“I dare you to… text the person you have a crush on and ask them out on a date!” 
Sangyeon’s eyes widened in horror. Reluctantly, he pulled out his phone and soon, it was like the whole population was crowding around him, cheering giddily when Sangyeon began to text a message. 
You locked eyes with Jacob who’s across the room, obviously out of place. You smiled with amusement and silently shuffled over to him. 
“I don’t get this game,” He grumbled.
“You don’t get any fun. You only like soccer and basketball since you’re so good at it.” A familiar image appeared in your mind of Jacob, left only in the white dress shirt of his school uniform, wiping sweat off his forehead as he easily shot a goal.
“Thanks.” Jacob grinned stupidly.
“I wasn’t complimenting you.”
“Alright.” He eyed you skeptically. “So can we please not get separated again?”
“We can try,” You mumbled. Without a warning, your hand trailed down to his, grabbing hold of it and placing your intertwined hands in your lap. He stared at it briefly before clearing his throat and looking away.
“Is that the most effective way?” He muttered.
“I said I’d try,” You whined, your eyes traveling over to where the crowd around Sangyeon began to dissipate back into its circle. You were confident that no one would notice that you had switched places. But of course, Sunwoo, who was so adamant about going to the exact same college as Jacob because he “admires him so much” (he actually just wanted someone to pay for his meals occasionally), noticed your connected hands.
“No PDA!” He dramatically yelled, covering his eyes with his hands. Everyone immediately turned to look at the two of you.
Jacob immediately pulled his hand out of your grasp almost like you burned him. You groaned and glared at Sunwoo.
“And go back to your normal seat,” Sunwoo smiled teasingly. “Get off your boyfriend for just a minute.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” You gritted out, standing up and stalking back to your original seat. You plopped back down on the floor and stared at Jacob with clear anger in your gaze.
He’s annoying. You glanced at the smug boy who was still smiling proudly over the fact that he separated two perfectly normal best friends.
Tell me about it. Jacob rolled his eyes, leaning back against his palms as his eyes wandered down to where the bottle was spinning again. This time, it landed on the stranger next to you. He wasn’t bad-looking and had a polite aura to him.
Eric gasped excitedly. “Juyeon! Truth or dare?”
The man thought for a second, humming. His voice was deep, you realized.
Almost instantly, Eric was leaning forward. He must have rehearsed this dare like his life depended on it. “Kiss the person on the left of you.”
It took Juyeon a while to process what Eric just said. But when he finally did, he whipped his head to look at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. You stared back, completely bewildered. 
“That’s cruel,” You groaned, staring at Eric in disbelief. “We don’t even know each other that well.”
“Fine,” Eric huffed. “On the cheek at least.”
Juyeon continued to stare at you, his gaze gentle and understanding. “Sorry,” He whispered sheepishly. “I can’t drink this one off. I’m a huge lightweight.”
You shook your head with a kind smile. “It’s fine. Just get it over with.” 
Juyeon nodded and he leaned in. You turned your head slightly so that he wouldn’t have to twist his neck in an awkward position. Just as you were about to focus on the lips being pressed to your cheek, your gaze locked with someone else’s. More specifically, Jacob’s.
Your breath hitched and your heart seized. There was something different about his gaze. It was filled with a flame and you could see that his jaw was clenched ever so slightly. His hands fidgeted as his eyes stared straight into yours, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
It felt like time had slowed down. You watched as he leaned forward, propped his elbows on his knees, and tilted his head, obviously annoyed. Over what? You weren’t too sure. But you could see through the way his jaw tightened further that something was genuinely bothering him. Yet why was he only looking at you?
You were so focused on Jacob that you didn’t even realize that Juyeon was already pulling away.
Everyone in the room was cheering over the measly cheek kiss but it all felt silent to you. Your ears began to ring as you stared straight at Jacob, his eyes filled with a clear anger tinged with a small bit of hurt. 
You tilted your head worriedly.
Are you okay?
He blinked, his eyes softening. It was like what came over him just magically disappeared. Yeah.
You stared at him quietly before nodding. One more and then we leave.
He eagerly agreed, his head bobbing much like a puppy’s. You huffed out a laugh. You should have never dragged him out with you.
“Who’s next?” Eric spoke up loudly. Everyone’s attention turned back to the bottle that was spinning. You held your breath watching as it slowly came to a stop. You turned your gaze up to see who it was pointing at and—
You winced. 
Jacob stared at you with wide eyes before pointing at himself. You nodded with a grimace. 
He shook his head with a smile before turning to face Eric who was practically brimming with excitement. 
“Truth or dare?”
Jacob sighed. “Truth.”
Eric groaned. “Boring. But fine, I can make this fun.”
Jacob waited patiently. He was always patient—so patient that it annoyed you. You were always the one to tease and annoy him yet he took it like it was his sole job. Even if you could tell he was getting ticked off, he continued to smile and play along.
“Don’t you want to see my performance?” You twirled in your new outfit.
Jacob shook his head. “Not now, I have an art project due. You look pretty though.”
And you should have stopped there and said thank you. But instead, you continued to cling onto him and ramble in his ear.
At some point, in a flash of color, you knocked over the cup that Jacob used to wash his paintbrushes.
You watched in horror as it spilled over his painting. He only stared silently.
“I-I’m sorry, Cobie,” You whispered. 
“It’s fine,” He muttered, standing up and picking up the soaking-wet canvas. “I’ll just go dry it off.”
You gulped, searching his face for any sort of frustration. He definitely looked disappointed but… nothing else.
“Wait.” You stopped him, your hand coming to his wrist. You promptly ignored the cold feeling of the water that spilled over your new clothes as well.“Are you mad? Let me make it up to you. I can do the whole project for you if you want.”
Jacob turned to you, his expression blank. But much to your surprise, his face softened into a reassuring smile, his gaze gentle and warm. He set the canvas down and stepped forward, pulling you closer in the process.
“No,” He whispered. “You make everything look more beautiful anyway.” He turned to look at where the canvas which was previously plain and gray, was now splashed with a mix of colors.
You frowned. “But—“ 
“I’m more mad that your new clothes are ruined.” He paused, stepping back and looking you over. Then, he scrunched his nose teasingly. “It was pretty.”
“Jacob,” You huffed. How could he be so unbothered by this? You ruined his project that he had been working on for days yet he was more worried over you? “This is not about me.”
His eyes sparkled.
“I can always make it about you.”
“Okay! I got one!” Eric exclaimed, sitting up. “If you could date anyone in this room, who would it be?”
Everyone fell silent, staring at Jacob like curious cats. You weren’t any different, desperately wanting to know his answer. Jacob never spoke about his dating life. In fact, whenever you asked him if he had a crush on anyone, he would immediately reply no.
Much to your dismay, he didn’t say a word. His lips were shut as he stared around the room like a deer in headlights. 
“So?” Sunwoo pried.
Jacob gulped, his cheeks slowly turning red. And then his eyes landed on yours. When you stared back, he instantly tore his gaze away. But you quickly noticed a pattern. He would look at something, then back at you, at something else, and then back at you.
Your breath hitched. 
Why are you looking at me?
He widened his eyes and adamantly stared at the floor instead. I’m not, You could see him whisper to himself. The two of you always had conversations across the classroom during your high school days, hence your great skill of reading lips.
Jacob, you have to answer.
I can’t—
“It’s Y/n isn’t it?” Eric finally spoke up, wiggling his eyebrows with a knowing look.
His head shot up and his eyebrows furrowed. “I didn’t even say anything.”
“You were looking.”
“No, I—“ He groaned, his cheeks reddening further by the minute. “I was looking because I always look for them. Not because I would date them.”
Sunwoo snorted. “Do you hear yourself?”
“I always look for them.” 
Jacob froze. And now, he refused to look you in the eye. “I…”
“Hey,” You spoke up with a frown on your face. “He doesn’t want to answer, let him off. It’s obviously not me.”
Jacob’s gaze wandered to yours. There was a sparkle behind his pupils this time, his lips parting as if he’d been keeping a secret all of his life.
“But it is you.”
You inhaled sharply. Tension filled the air, thick enough that even Juyeon stiffened next to you. Eric had grown quiet which was a very rare occurrence and Sunwoo’s jaw was dropped.
You forced yourself to shake out of your trance. Abruptly, you stood up and grabbed your things. 
“We’re leaving.” You forced a weak smile. “Have fun!” You tried to wish a farewell but instead, your voice came out shaky.
You didn’t even need to look back. Jacob was always behind you.
The walk back to your dorm was painfully quiet. You walked down the hallway, your fists painfully clenched as you periodically squinted your eyes and tried to make any sense of what Jacob had just said. You were filled with a jumble of emotions–a wave of immoral anger for Eric to ask such a question to lead up to this situation in the first place, a relief that you finally escaped that tension-filled party, but most of all, confusion over the fact that Jacob, your best friend of multiple years, had just said he would date you.
When you finally reached your dorm, you took in a sharp breath before whipping around. Jacob, who was biting his lip nervously, came to a halt to stare at you almost in… shame. He refused to look you in the eye which began to annoy you, considering the fact that he kept on staring at you when asked that stupid question just previously.
With a frustrated huff, you walked forward, pinned the side of your forearm against his chest, and pushed him against the wall.
“Jacob, look at me,” You warned, your eyebrows furrowing.
He finally did a guilty look on his face much like a puppy’s. “What? And why’re you pinning me to the wall?”
You scowled. “Because.”
“Just shut up,” You groaned. “Did you mean it? What you said.”
He only gazed at you, completely calm. But something was different. His gaze didn’t just keep its place on your eyes. Occasionally, it would slip down to your lips.
You stepped forward, close enough that you could feel his body's warmth against. You tilted your head, trying to intimidate him. But still, he continued to stare at you like you were a bright flower in the midst of a gray landscape.
“Why aren’t you answering?”
“Because you told me to shut up.” A small grin appeared on his lips.
You groaned once again. “Please, just answer. Did you mean it when you said that you would date me? If so, then I…”
What were you going to say? You weren’t even sure yourself. Would you reject him? Or maybe consider changing the whole trajectory of your life?
But this wasn’t just about you. It was about your relationship which was what you feared most. If he said yes, then surely, your relationship would change. In what way, you didn’t know. But you were scared. A bit curious, but mostly terrified–terrified of losing him in some way.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a quiet sigh.
“Of course not.” 
You blinked, looking at him in surprise. 
He laughed. It was a weird laugh though–nervous, almost like he was still hiding something. But you chose not to dwell on it anymore.
“There was no one else I knew, so I just said you to get out of the situation,” He weakly joked. His eyes darted away.
“Oh,” You stuttered, stepping away and letting your arm fall from his chest. You felt a bit weak. Maybe it was from relief that you didn’t have to consider the possibilities if he said yes. “Yeah, I get it.”
“Mhm,” He hummed, his eyes softening. “You should get some rest. It’s dark.”
“Okay.” You smiled. But before he could turn away, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug. As an immediate response, he pulled you closer by the waist though he let out a small, confused sound.
“What’s this for?” He squeezed you closer.
“I felt like it.” You nuzzled into his shoulder. Even whilst being surrounded by beer bottles and drunken peers, he still manages to smell good—like a warm cup of sweet tea. You pulled away and peered up at him. “Stay the night?”
He gulped, his eyes widening slightly. “T-to do what?”
You snorted. “To sleep of course. You’re the only one who helps me sleep, you know.”
He followed you inside though he was still hesitant. After the two of you changed into something more comfortable (Jacob even has a change of clothes and a toothbrush in your dorm), you climbed into bed and immediately rested your head on his chest.
“Are you sure you’re in the right state of mind?” He murmured, gently rubbing your side. “You won’t regret this tomorrow?”
You shook your head. “I didn’t drink at all tonight. Why’re you being so cautious all of a sudden?” You pouted. “We always sleep together.”
He hummed. “Just making sure.”
After what you said earlier?
You wouldn’t lie and say that you definitely felt a bit different about asking him to stay over. But he already said that it wasn’t a serious statement. You chose not to think about it any longer, instead choosing to just doze off into his warm embrace. 
He was just your best friend. And a great pillow.
“I’m going on a date.”
You both hated and loved that phrase. You loved it because it left a thrilling, exciting feeling in your heart. But you mostly loathed it. It left your lips far too many times for your liking. The phrase never ended well. You’ve had a few relationships and obviously, they didn’t work out.
You put much effort into those relationships but never received the same amount. You were always regarded with a weirded-out stare or a quick roll of his eyes. But those were somehow on the higher end of the scale. At the lowest, was when you were insulted and pushed around. It was Jacob who first noticed.
“He’s hurting you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, your fists clenching with denial. “But he apologized. He said he was just in a bad mood.”
Jacob frowned and took your hands in his, gently spreading your fingers to relax your fists. “No one in a bad mood should insult you or call you names.”
You gulped, tears starting to well up in your eyes. You knew that Jacob was right yet you were afraid of letting go of someone that held so many bright and fun memories.
“Love is hard,” You whispered. 
“It is,” He sighed. “But I’m always here for you.”
You exhaled shakily. You ran through multiple scenarios and possibilities. Some of the imaginary outcomes were positive but most were negative.
“It’s your choice if you want to stay with him. But promise me that if you’re ever hurt, just come find me,” He spoke softly. His hand gently came up to your cheek and wiped a stray tear away. It was at that moment that you realized what true care felt like. It was in the way he never pushed you into making a choice. It was in the way he promised you that he would be there for you. It was in the way his fingertips brushed against your skin.
That was what true care was.
And because of that realization, the very next day, you appeared outside of Jacob’s dorm room with a proud smile on your face.
“We broke up.”
His eyes widened and you could tell he was searching your face for any trace of tears. “Did he–”
“No, I did.”
His expression melted into a softer one. “I’m proud of you.” His lips pulled into a soft smile as he pulled you into his dorm and hugged you to the point that you had to repeatedly shove him until he let go.
“With who?” Jacob looked up from his computer. He watched nonchalantly as you started discarding your coat and bag on his bed. It was normal for you to crash at each other’s dorms. It was so normal that some people had even assumed that you were roommates. That didn’t make sense since there’s only one bed.
You reached into your bag and started pulling out the outfit you chose. “This guy in my literature class. He asked me first and he seems sweet.” He had a kind smile and he was polite. He even helped you pick up your books when you clumsily dropped them on the floor.
He was almost like Jacob. Though Jacob could go to… concerningly high extents sometimes. He tended to drop anything, even if it was a glass cup if he noticed that you were hurt or upset. 
But still, this man who asked you out seemed better than your other dates. It wouldn’t hurt to try. 
Jacob nodded, turning back to his computer while you used his bathroom to change into your date outfit. 
A few minutes later, you open the door and walk out. You don’t even bother to twirl or ask him about his thoughts as you were too busy digging through your bag for your wallet. But then you paused, interrupted by a sharp intake from none other than your best friend.
He was staring at you with his eyes round and his cheeks slightly colored. His gaze wandered down before coming back up to your eyes, his body utterly frozen.
“What?” You asked in confusion. “Does it look bad?”
“No!” He blurted out suddenly. He teared his eyes away, clearing his throat. “It’s just… different.”
You peered at him nervously. Why was he acting so weird? “In a good way or a bad way?”
“Good,” He breathed. He gave you a small yet sweet smile. “You look beautiful.”
“Oh.” Your frown quickly widened into a grin. “Thank you.”
After finally confirming that you did not forget your wallet, you took a seat beside Jacob on his bed. He used to be focused on his computer but it seemed that after you changed outfits, his eyes were darting elsewhere. He was losing his composure for some reason.
You let out a long sigh, rubbing your thighs with the palms of your hands. “Cobie, I’m nervous.” 
He turned to you with a soft look in his eyes. He even shut off his computer, turning his undivided attention to you. “Why?”
You pouted as memories came flooding back of your past relationships. It was always you who was left alone, broken into pieces until Jacob came along to put you together and patch you up. After your failed dates, you began to lose confidence in being able to keep anyone in your life, even if it was someone as loyal as your best friend. 
He always reassured you though.
“I won’t leave you.”
You laughed bitterly through your tears. “How do you know that?” 
After disappearing for almost the whole day, Jacob finally found you, sitting in the dark corner of your closet. You remembered him crouching down next to you and tucking a tear-soaked strand of hair out of your face.
“Because I don’t think that in any universe or timeline, I could stand being torn away from you.” He smiled.
You frowned, blinking away the tears that continued to trail down your cheeks. “Even if I’m undesirable?”
He looked at you taken aback. “Who told you that?”
“Him,” You whispered. Another one of your past dates that didn’t end well. When you had asked him why—why he didn’t want you, he began to list heart-wrenching words that still spun in your head. “He wouldn’t even hug me back because I’m undesirable or whatever.”
And in just a second, you felt a pair of strong arms being wrapped around you.
You inhaled shakily.
“You’re hugging me.”
He hummed and nodded, placing a hand on the back of your head to pull you in closer if that was even possible.
“Because you’re not undesirable. I will always want to hug you. And care for you. And lo—“
He cut himself off. You were too exhausted from crying to figure out what he was going to say anyway.
“Just because,” You sighed. “It’s been so long since I started dating again. What if I mess up?”
“You won’t,” He immediately replied. “You’ll do amazing. Just be yourself.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Easier said than done.” You could feel Jacob wince beside you because he already knew what you were talking about–how even if you acted like yourself, you were never accepted or loved enough.
You shook your head. “Don’t be.” You looked down to play with your fingers nervously. Multiple scenarios began to play through your head like a jumbled-up movie. What if you laughed at something he said when it wasn’t meant to be a joke? What if you blurted out your deepest darkest secret and caused him to look at you weirdly? What if–
“What if he kisses me?”
Jacob froze, turning to you in disbelief. “That’s what you’re worried about?”
“Well, one of the things I’m worried about,” You mumbled, shrugging.
He searched your eyes as if to make sure you weren’t joking. Which, you definitely weren’t, as your jaw clenched unsurely. 
This time, his tone was softer and more gentle. “Are you not confident?”
You sighed, slightly embarrassed. “No– I don’t know, maybe? I just don’t want to… disappoint.”
You can see a small smirk appear on Jacob’s lips. “I’m sure you won’t.”
“How would you know?” Your eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“I just assumed,” He whispered. And you could have sworn his eyes darted down to your lips for a split second. Then, he took in a deep breath and scooted just a bit closer, facing you so that your knees touched. He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve kissed before, haven’t you?”
“Yeah.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Not enough to be good if that’s what you’re wondering.”
He seemed to be deep in thought before something shifted in his gaze and his lips parted to ask you something. It wasn’t teasing anymore, nor was it questioning. It was a serious look in his eyes, almost heart-stopping, as he stared at you as if to contemplate if what he was about to ask would change anything. And it definitely did, as it was already sending you choking on air.
“Want to practice?”
“With who?” You stared at him, acting innocent as if you didn’t already know what he meant.
“With me.”
“Oh,” You breathed. You didn’t know why but in the deepest part of yourself, reserved only for the most important secrets, you knew that your heart thumped erratically when he spoke those two words. “I mean– okay. I-I guess.” 
He was just doing it as a friend.
He smiled softly and you watched as his hand very slowly came up to cup your cheek. He leaned in but stopped just before your lips connected. You peeked an eye open–yes, you already shut your eyes–and stared at him in perplexion.
A corner of his lips lifted. He must have already noticed your eagerness.
“Promise me, you’ll tell me if you don’t want to do this.” He looked you in the eyes, searching you with almost what you could tell was affection. 
You nodded quietly.
He seemed confident but you could tell he was feeling nervous too with the way he swallowed thickly and his eyes darted across your features unsurely.
“Can I kiss you?” was his final question.
“Yes,” You whispered.
And then he leaned forward, attaching his lips to yours. You felt your heart stop before it came back to life again, this time, much faster than before. Your eyes carefully fluttered shut as you allowed yourself to melt into his touch. His hand stayed on your cheek, gently caressing your skin with his thumb as he slowly kissed you, almost as if he was savoring the moment.
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t also want to savor the moment.
You let out a small involuntary sound once it registered in your brain that he was deepening the kiss further. He tilted his head and soon enough, his hand was leaving your cheek, trailing down your side, and grasping onto your waist. You gasped and furrowed your eyebrows in concentration.
You were lost. Completely lost from the fact that this was supposed to be a practice kiss for your future date. That kind man from your literature class was long gone from your mind. Instead, every coherent thought of yours was replaced with one single person. Your best friend. The person you were kissing right now. 
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob.
“Jacob,” You rasped in between kisses. 
Even though your hands rested on his chest, creating some sort of distance, you didn’t make any further move to end the kiss. You felt butterflies erupt every time his hand ever so caressed your side.
“Hm?” He kissed you like he meant it. He kissed you like he actually loved you and that was what sent you reeling.
Shivers traveled down your spine once his hand wandered from your waist down to your lower back. The warmth of his palm and fingers splayed across your skin as it slowly lifted up the fabric of your outfit, leaving cool air to make its way through. 
That small breeze was what sent you out of your trance and what led you to finally pull away. 
“I think- I think that’s enough,” You panted, your heart rate refusing to go down.
Your lips felt sore and almost bitten and when you looked up to meet Jacob’s eyes, he was staring, stunned yet with a slight smug expression.
“Yeah,” He whispered. It took him a while for him to let go of the small of your back. “Sorry.” 
You huffed out a laugh, patting at your cheeks to let them cool down. “Sorry for what?”
He smiled shyly. “I got carried away.”
You snorted. You were glad that there wasn’t any lingering awkwardness after that… kiss no matter how oddly real and passionate it felt. “Am I at least a good kisser? Am I set for the date?”
It looked like he was just shocked by lightning. “Your date. Yes, your date.”
You stared at him with confusion. “My… date. That’s what we were practicing for.”
He gulped and nodded quietly. “Yeah, yeah.” And then he leaned in again. But this time, he positioned him right by your ear, his breath that you just recently felt shuddering against your lips, now lingering on your earlobe. You hated yourself for closing your eyes and bracing for a kiss. What were you thinking? You swallowed nervously.
“You’re a great kisser, just as I thought.”
You resisted the urge to choke on air. “Th-thank you,” You blurted stupidly before abruptly standing up to grab your bag and aiming to run out the door.
But he stopped you, gently taking your hand and pulling you back.
“What?” You squeaked, your hands growing sweaty and your heart speeding up for the nth time.
“It’s a bit…” You felt his fingers brush against your skin once again, creating flashbacks back to the kiss. You heard the sound of the zipper on the back of your outfit being zipped up. Since when was it undone? You were pretty sure you pulled it all the way.
“My fault,” He teased. So it was him who unzipped it.
“Perv.” You tried to elbow him. But of course, he caught your arm and turned you around. 
“Have fun on your date,” He smiled gently.
You breathed out shakily. “Okay.”
You were not having fun. Well, your date was all but a gentleman. He pulled the chair out for you, shielded you from incoming cars, and everything. But you couldn’t help but let your mind wander, distracted by the fact that Jacob already did all this anyway.
You were also distracted by the kiss. You could still feel the sensation of his lips moving fervently against yours and the warmth of his hand moving up your back and unzipping your outfit unnoticeably. You still wondered why he did that in the first place.
The two of you stopped on the trail that beautifully looked out to the sea. It was the perfect scene—the kind man in front of you, waiting for something. More specifically, a kiss. You could just lean in and kiss him right now but you… couldn’t.
“May I?” The man's voice interrupted your rushing thoughts.
“What?” You dumbly replied.
“You know.” He grinned shyly and stepped forward.
“Oh, I—“ You cleared your throat. Why wasn’t your heart beating fast like it did with your best friend of all people? Why didn’t your cheeks feel warm like how they did when Jacob looked at you with such a soft gaze? Maybe you were just going crazy, you figured. Maybe after this kiss, everything would go back to how it was. “Okay.”
But just as the man was leaning in, you suddenly planted your hands on his chest, pushing him away. When the man stared at you in alarm, you stuttered, “S-sorry. I actually don’t think we can.”
His expression saddened. “Why not?”
You didn’t know either. You could only offer a pathetic shrug.
“I just don’t think we’ll work out.”
His jaw clenched but he eventually stepped back. “Alright then, I guess. Want a ride home?” 
You gave him a weak smile and shook your head. “It’s fine. I’m sorry.”
He never accepted your apology.
When you called Jacob to pick you up, he looked you over in worry.
“Did something happen? Did he break it off with you? What—“ He didn’t even start driving, rather he parked and turned his attention to you.
You laughed and shook your head. “We didn’t kiss. And it was me who ended it.”
He frowned. “It was only your first date.”
“I know but I decided not to look for anyone right now. I’d rather just stick with you.” You smiled sweetly. Jacob replied with an incoherent sound as he abruptly turned away to stare out the window.
“That’s fine with me,” He muttered, his ears red even under dark evening light.
You huffed out a quiet laugh and sat back in the car seat. Jacob started driving, the low hum of the engine lulling you to sleep. Slowly, you shut your eyes and let out a content sigh. “I’m tired.”
“From what?” He mused.
You grinned to yourself. “From kissing you. You’re quite the rough kisser.” You paused. “Not that I didn’t enjoy it of course.”
And thank god for your seatbelt because, for some odd reason, Jacob suddenly slammed on the brakes.
But even after that throwaway comment, the two of you never spoke about the kiss again. Except, speaking and thinking are two different things. For the next coming days, you thought about the kiss again, and again, and again, even if it didn’t turn into something more.
“So you really didn’t kiss?” Jacob questioned a few days later. The two of you walked down the main street of your campus, window shopping and sipping on warm lattes. It was the perfect day, slightly chilly with clear skies. You loved moments like these–the ones where all you could do was chatter about random things that came up in your mind and Jacob would always listen intently. 
“No, we really didn’t.” You rolled your eyes. If you peered just a bit closer, you could see a wave of relief wash over his face.
As the two of you walked together and as more time passed by, you began to realize that what you and Jacob had wasn’t the most normal friendship. You had other friends too and you certainly did not act like how you did with Jacob. You glanced down to where you two were literally holding hands, intertwined fingers and all.
“So you don’t get lost,” Jacob whispered when the two of you graduated together. “I can’t lose you.”
Your mind wandered back to when Jacob fixed your hair oh so gently after it had gotten just the slightest bit messy from the wind.
“Why do you always fix my hair for me?” You narrowed your eyes.
“I like it when you look up at me when I do,” Jacob teased, pinching your cheek. “Your puppy eyes.”
You always thought he was just joking, but the more you thought about it, the more it felt like he meant it. He always seemed to love yet hate eye contact. Sometimes, he would stare back with a soft, admiration-filled gaze. Other times, he would tear his gaze away because he was flustered.
There was also the jealousy. You weren’t a blind fool to never notice it. He was always supportive of your dates and he always comforted you whenever they didn’t work out. But for some reason, what really ticked him off was physical touch by any guy that’s not him.
“What were you doing with him?” Jacob had asked you when he walked in on you hugging one of your classmates.
You widened your eyes. “Well he– he lended me some notes that I missed, that’s all.”
“And that earned him a hug?” Jacob’s eyes, ironically turned into those irresistible puppy eyes.
You stared at him in awe. “Are you…?”
Jacob gulped. “No.”
And that was the first time Jacob asked you to fall asleep on him instead of the other way around. You would never complain though. His chest was very comfortable.
Then there was the kiss. 
It was one. You never kissed him again after. And at the moment, it seemed like a perfectly normal thing to do. In your mind, you thought he was just offering you an opportunity to practice. 
But every time you thought of it at night and in your dreams, you began to realize that it was anything but practice. There was no need for him to caress your side, cup your cheek so gently, tilt his head for a better angle, and for him to deepen the kiss.
Your friendship wasn’t a typical one. It was something more. Yet, you didn’t know what to do with it.
You turned to look at him, wondering if studying his features would give you a clearer answer. But much to your surprise, Jacob was already staring back. There was a small smile on his lips, his eyes sparkling as he looked—as he looked at you.
“Why?” You blurted out.
“Why what?” 
“Why do you always stare at me?”
He paused in his tracks. It took you a moment to realize that it was really only the two of you on the sidewalk. The sun had already set and so everyone had gone home. He turned to you, pulling you closer, causing you to stumble slightly. He then brought your connected hands up to his chest. You inhaled quietly once it registered in your head that you could feel his erratic heartbeat. You looked up at him, searching for any sort of answer. Yet he still remained like a book in a completely different language that you didn’t understand.
“Because you never fail to take my breath away.”
Your heart felt like it was caught in your throat. And as dumb as it may seem, you looked down at yourself, wondering if you had dressed up in a particular way for him to say that. But then you felt a gentle hand on your cheek, turning your attention back up. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Always,” He replied quietly as if he read your mind. “You always, always take my breath away. Even on the day you fell asleep on me in high school. Even when you say that you look bad, I think you’re beautiful.”
“Jacob… I—“ You stopped once you felt a stinging cold on the very tip of your nose. It was a snowflake, you soon realized. You used to love it when it snowed, up until you found out that you had a horrible tolerance for cold. But who was it who took care of you when sick? It was always Jacob. It was always him who wrapped you up in blankets and cuddled you, even when you warned him that he would also get sick.
His eyes filled with worry as he glanced up at the sky. “Let’s run before it gets too slippery.” He smiled mischievously, grasping your hand once more and leading you toward your dorm. You laughed loudly, trying to catch up with him. 
“Too fast!” You complained.
He turned back to look at you and oh, how handsome he looked even while running. That pretty smile with his bright, even prettier eyes. “I don’t want you to get sick,” He replied, accompanied by a cute laugh. “Do you want me to carry you?”
You flushed and shook your head immediately. “Let’s just keep running,” You huffed, allowing Jacob to lead the way. 
The whole run back was filled with giggles and giddy smiles. You couldn’t have it any other way. The two of you, panting, finally managed to burst into your dorm. There was this exhilarating feeling in your chest. No matter if you stopped running or not, you would feel so… out of breath. It could be because of Jacob, it could be the beautiful snow, or it could just be the constant pounding of your heart. It could be all three.
You finally let go of Jacob’s hand, completely missing how he instinctively chased after your touch. Then, you stepped away to brush off the snowflakes that’s built up on your coat. Once you were sure that you were free from looking like a sugar-powdered donut, you looked up to where Jacob had already closed the door and was leaning against it.
His hair was messy, but what caught your eye the most, were the flurries of snow trapped between his locks. Somehow, he made looking like a sugar-powdered donut a good thing. He grinned at you with slightly rosy cheeks and gentle, gentle eyes.
He looked attractive. Since when did he look so attractive? You weren’t completely unaware that he was a fairly good-looking guy, but with the way his coat slipped off one shoulder and how his smile shot straight for your heart, you began to realize he was a lot more than just good-looking.
You were frozen, your arms straight at your sides, completely distracted by your best friend’s smile and the annoying thump of a heart–specifically, yours. 
And one would think that he was looking at you, weirded out by your staring. But instead, he was gazing at you just the same. And this time, you had an explanation for all those lingering, soft looks he would give you for the many years that you’ve been friends. His words rang in your ears.
Always. You always, always take my breath away.
His smile slowly fell and before you could even register the way his gaze fell away from your eyes and downwards, he was walking towards you and cupping your face. Not even a second later, you felt a pair of lips being pressed against yours. 
And just like before, your eyelids were already fluttering shut. This time though, you stayed without movement, simply allowing him to kiss you ever so gently and lovingly.
When he pulled away, that was when it finally hit you. You didn’t have a date to practice for, nor was this some sort of dare. Jacob, your best friend of multiple years, just kissed you on his own accord.
You brought the back of your hand up to your lips, staring at him in startlement. “Why’d you do that?” Your voice came out weak.
“What?” He blinked, and you could see how his cheeks began to flush. “Oh, I just– you know, in case you were thinking of going on another date with another literature class guy. It would be good practice since I know that you’re nervous so I just– I kissed you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Is that really it?”
He gulped, his eyes searching yours before he sighed. “I’m sorry. You just looked really pretty.”
“You kissed me because I looke–”
“Yes,” He blurted out, wincing. “And I’m sorry. That was stupid of me and I should have asked before and now you think that I’m–”
“Jacob.” You stepped forward, placing your hands on his shoulders. “Jacob.”
His eyes softened. “Yeah?”
“Be completely honest,” You looked him straight in the eyes. However, it began to feel a bit hard not to let your gaze fall to his lips because my god, was he a good kisser.
“I just was,” He muttered shyly.
You huffed. “Not that. I know you already answered that question. You kissed me because I looked pretty, which thank you, by the way.” You batted your eyes teasingly. Jacob let out an incoherent sound and tried to look away. But instead, you cupped his cheek and turned his attention back. “I have another one.”
He frowned, which would be a sorrowful sight if it wasn’t for the fact that he was blushing like crazy right now. You held back a smile.
“Do you like me?”
Jacob’s eyes widened. “What?” He squawked.
The puzzle pieces were already coming together for a while now. The longing gazes, acts of kindness, his occasional kisses (definitely not normal)–you knew there was a root to all those. But you still had that small feeling of insecurity. Well, up until now. That kiss just confirmed everything.
“Do you like me?” You repeated. “Last time, when you said that you would date me, you weren’t lying. You meant it, didn’t you?”
“I…” He trailed off. The room was dead silent. All you could do now was see, smell, and feel. You could see Jacob’s eyelashes as they fluttered when he blinked profusely, trying to come up with some sort of excuse. You could smell his cologne, which always smelled good especially when you buried your face into his chest. And you could feel his hand hovering just over your wrist.
He let out a low sigh and he looked you in the eye, his gaze nervous yet filled with something new–hope.
“I did,” He finally whispered. “I meant it. I would love to date you. And I like you. So much and for a very long time now.”
And even with all that evidence that you’ve thought about late at night, you still couldn’t help but be taken aback. You swallowed thickly and took a step back. “Oh.” It all felt real now. Deep down, you were hoping that he denied it. You wouldn’t have to actually think about your feelings for him like you had to do now. You weren’t prepared for this.
“I– I was just curious,” You stuttered. But that hand that was hovering over your waist suddenly grasped it and pulled you close. You yelped quietly before finding yourself right up against your best friend’s chest.
“And you don’t have an answer?” He asked, his voice teasing yet trembled slightly. 
“Why do you need an answer?” Your heart thumped.
He hummed, his eyes glinting with mischievousness. “I want to know. You’re the one who brought this up anyway.” 
“Yeah, well–” You inhaled sharply when you felt a hand on the side of your face, cautiously tucking a piece of hair back. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” He looked you over in a way that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. And for some reason, it wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling. You’ve felt this before, multiple times, which was what baffled you even more.
You didn’t know when it started happening and you didn’t want to dwell on it either, but everytime he ever so smiled or placed his hands on you, you felt that weird thing in your stomach. All the recent times that you’ve cuddled and fell asleep with him began to do just the same. Sometimes, you couldn’t even fall asleep because your heart was beating too fast. The only way you could fall asleep was by pressing your ear to his chest and counting his heartbeats.
Jacob quickly noticed your silence and hesitance. His voice quieted down to that caring version that he always used when you were on the verge of falling asleep—whether that be on his shoulder or chest.
“Y/n,” He gently spoke, grabbing your attention.
“What?” You winced.
“I’m sorry if I pressured you or anything. You don’t have to answer right n—“
“I like you too.”
His breath hitched. You couldn’t see his expression though, as you had shut your eyes with a grimace.
“Oh,” He breathed. You heard him step closer. “You do? You… like me too?”
“Yes,” You whispered in a small voice.
And yet again, your stomach did that funny thing because when you opened your eyes, Jacob’s face was a lot closer than before. He had a shy yet cautious smile on his face as he watched you silently.
“So…” He tilted his head expectantly. “We both share feelings. It’s up to you what you want to do now.”
This wasn’t even the bad part, you realized. It was the next words that left your lips that was.
“Nothing, let’s just move on.”
Immediately, it was like something had stabbed him in the heart and oh, did it feel the same for you. You bit your lip, willing your tears to go away. All you wanted to do was reach for his hand and pull him in and let everything else fold out naturally. But no, you stayed back against the wall, refusing to look him in the eye.
“What?” He muttered, a clear look of confusion in his eyes. 
Your voice wavered as you forced sounds out of your clenched-up throat. “I said, that we should just move on.”
He let out a breath in disbelief. “Why? Is there something wrong? Did I do something wrong? If so, I’ll fix it. Is it because I didn’t let you borrow my hoodie that one time? I’ll let you borrow it whenever you want from now on.”
“It’s not,” You cried, your heart aching at the fact that he still tries to take the blame. “I want to be more with you, Jacob. I just can’t. It’s my fault, not yours.”
He fell quiet, watching you with care. “What’s stopping you?”
“Me,” You shamefully replied. “I’m afraid.”
“Afraid?” He inquired quietly. “Of what?”
“Of taking you for granted. I don’t want to possibly lose you and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You don’t have to worry about me.” He frowned. 
“But I should.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Because what if I push you away, then what?”
He looked like he was going to say something else but he ultimately swallowed his words and let out a low sigh. “Okay,” He whispered. “I understand.”
You felt the need to apologize over and over again. You hated the look on his face as he tried to hide the pain he was feeling. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” You began to say over and over again. “It’s not because of you. It’s—“
“I know.” He gave you a soft look. He always remembered and could always tell when you were sensitive about a past relationship, no matter if it was just a fling or not.
He slowly stepped forward again and he carefully rested his palm on the back of your hand. When you didn’t flinch or pull away, he gently wrapped his fingers around your hand, holding it firmly.
“So why did you tell me?” He finally asked. “If you didn’t want this to go further.”
You tightened your hands into fists—a nervous habit you had. But, he was quick to soothe them back open as he quietly whispered a small, “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“I don’t— I don’t know.” You paused. “In a perfect world, you’re aware of my feelings and we go further. But that’s in a perfect world. I just thought… if I told you it might magically happen but it didn’t and that’s stupid, I know.”
Jacob never took his eyes off you and he never pulled his hand away. That’s what you liked so much about him. He never failed to be your anchor, the one to ground you when you felt like floating away.
What confused you though, was that he wasn’t saying anything. He seemed to be deep in thought as if he were changing his mind about something. But, he wasn’t changing his mind about his feelings for you. You could tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly when you tried to hide away from his soft gaze and by the way he never let you clench your fists, holding both of your hands tightly but never enough to hurt.
You were lost in his eyes—those who have seen you at your best and lowest. He’d seen you smile and come running into his arms and he’d seen you cry and break down until you fell asleep in his embrace.
“Then I’ll wait for you.”
You inhaled sharply and widened your eyes. “What?”
“I’ll wait for you,” He repeated, a small yet reassuring smile on his lips. “That perfect world you talked about–it’s a possibility, right? So I’ll wait. I’ll wait for your perfect world to come.”
“Jacob.” You stared at him unsurely. He didn’t even know when that would happen. You didn’t even know either. So why was he so sure of waiting for you?
He leaned in and you felt a hand leave yours. And almost like he read your mind, you felt the warmth of his palm on the side of your cheek, caressing it soothingly.
“No matter how long it takes.”
Your brain was rushing with a million red warning signs. Multiple questions threatened to spill out of your mouth yet the only one that could leave was a choked, “why?”
“Because all I want is for you to be happy. Why should we rush when it means you won’t be happy? That’s all that matters to me.”
“But you—“ You let out a frustrated sigh. “You might lose interest. Or what if we do get together and something happens and—“
He grinned. “You’re thinking too far ahead. Didn’t I tell you I would wait?”
You grumbled, yet the weight in your heart lightened at the change in the surrounding mood.
“Whenever you’re ready, we can talk about this again,” He said. “In the meantime, we can go back to what we were before.”
You rolled your eyes and bit back a shy smile. “Okay.”
“And…” His eyes sparkled as he leaned forward. Immediately, as if on instinct, you shut your eyes and expected a kiss on the lips. Instead, though you felt him press one on the very top of your forehead, almost as if that was his final move of showing how much he respected you. “If you ever decide to go further, I promise that I will be good for you. I’ll be so, so good for you.”
That was when your legs began to feel like jelly. You could feel yourself melt and your brain go fuzzy. 
But just as you expected, Jacob was always there to catch you.
+ 1
It was one thing to be best friends with Jacob and another thing to be best friends with a guy who recently confessed his feelings for you. No matter how hard you tried to bring things back to normal, it was of no use.
Every smile, which would be a normal thing whenever you crack a joke, now was a smile that caught you off guard and made you stumble over your words. Whenever he touched you somehow, whether if it was simply to guide you down a sidewalk or to pull you into a hug, you felt a spark that never quite left you until you fell asleep.
But still, despite the many times your heart had beaten towards Jacob, you could never find the courage to take things further. Even so, he always made it clear that he would wait.
“You can stop waiting,” You once blurted out when you noticed him hesitating to grasp your hand. 
He looked at you in slight alarm before softening his expression. This time, without hesitation, he took hold of your hand, pulling it into his lap so that he could play with your fingers, bending them and squeezing them.
“Tell me the reason first. Then I’ll decide.” He eyed you knowingly.
You blushed and looked away. However, you never made a move to pull your hand away.
“Just… I feel bad,” You muttered. “It must be awkward or difficult. So you can just leave if this is bothering you.”
“Ah,” He breathed. He didn’t say anything after that, instead turning his attention back to your hand.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and turned to him. “So you’re going to stop waiting?” 
He smirked slightly before shaking his head. “No.”
You gaped at him, pulling your hand away in shock. “What?” You stammered. “But I just said–”
Your words were cut off by Jacob taking your hand and instead of bringing it back into his lap, he brought it up to your lips and left a soft kiss on the back of it. You immediately choked on your spit as you blinked, flustered.
“So your reason is that you’re worried that I might get impatient, correct?” He looked up to you, smiling.
You nodded your head, too lost for words.
“Then that’s not a valid reason,” He whispered. He set your hand back down, but still held it in his lap. “If you feel uncomfortable, then I will stop waiting. But me? You don’t have to worry about me.” He leaned in, staring at you completely endeared. You tried to glance away. “Like I said, I’ll always wait. No matter how long it takes.”
You breathed out shakily before nodding.
It always ended like that. It didn’t matter how hard you tried to convince him to give up, he would always come back to you like a lost puppy.
Jacob also started to take care of you more. At first, you thought it was some way to win you over like your exes liked to do right after an argument. But, over time, you began to realize that his actions were genuine, though silent and hard to notice.
“I’m hungry,” You mumbled to yourself one day. Jacob was walking behind you, seeming busy on his phone. Turns out, he wasn’t, because a few hours later, you found a bag of food placed at the entrance of your door. 
Or, the other time when you just finished up your upcoming assignments and could barely walk straight with how exhausted you were. All you could remember was a pair of worried eyes that belonged to Jacob who was guiding you to bed. When you woke up, you were wrapped comfortably in blankets and most of all, his sweater that seemed to magically appear on you.
And then there was that one time. The most important of all.
“Which one is better?” You asked, holding up two scarves for your classmate to see. She peered at it curiously before pointing at the one in your left hand.
“Who’s it for?” She wiggled her eyebrows.
You scoffed, putting the other one back on the shelf. “Jacob.”
“Are you really sure that you two aren’t a thing?” 
You hesitated before shrugging weakly. “It’s complicated.” You tossed the scarf into the cart before turning away, yawning. On nights when Jacob was too busy to visit your dorm, you never were able to sleep well. “I’m going to order a cup of coffee, I’ll be right back.”
You stretched your limbs and walked over to the nearby coffee shop. Buying gifts was a hard task, especially when it came to Jacob. He always made these intricately crafted gift baskets for you, filled with everything you could possibly want. 
“Y/n?” A gruff voice called out to you.
You froze in place. You recognized that voice and oh, how you despised it. Still, you plastered on a smile and turned in the voice’s direction.
“Hey, it’s… you.” You looked the man over. He was the ex who stated so bluntly that you were undesirable. He certainly looked worse for wear—dark circles under his eyes, clothes with unknown stains on them, and an unkind sneer.
“How’ve you been?” He took a step forward. You were quick to backtrack, your fists clenched.
“Fine,” You forced out. “You?”
“Could be better.” He shrugged. Something suddenly shifted in his gaze though, as he looked at you differently. It was in a way that made you feel sick to your stomach, as opposed to the butterflies that would appear when you two were still together. “Listen,” He started. “I’m going to get straight to the point.”
You stared at him, perplexed.
“Get together with me again.”
You jerked away, your hands coming up defensively. “What?”
“You heard me. I’m sorry that you got offended by my words before…”
You scoffed. And he still won’t apologize.
“…but after we split, I realized how much I missed you. C’mon sweetheart, you know you feel the same, hm?”
You felt like you were about to throw up as you glared at him in disbelief. “Do you hear yourself right now?”
The man feigned innocence. 
“Okay, I guess not. And I don’t have the energy to explain it to someone like you,” You spat. “So no. My answer is no. Besides, I have a boyfriend.”
That last sentence you sort of didn’t think through… but everything else you’ve practically perfected after rehearsing it with Jacob many times before. 
“If you ever see him again, promise you’ll tell me,” Jacob muttered, his fingers trailing circles on your arm. It was late at night and you could barely keep your eyes open. But, it was always at this time that Jacob became sentimental and protective.
“Okay,” You whispered, your voice muffled in his chest. “Don’t worry, I’m over him.”
“That’s good.” You could hear him breathe out in relief. “And if he ever wants something from you, say no. You deserve so much more than he can ever give you.”
You smiled and snuggled closer to your best friend’s warmth. “Okay, okay. In love with me or something?” 
“...go to sleep,” He mumbled, pulling the blankets closer over your figure. Completely forgetting the fact that he never answered your question, you peeked over his shoulder and realized that he was barely covered. 
You frowned. “You’ll get cold.”
And instead of readjusting the blankets, he tightened his arms around you, burying his face into your neck. “I won’t.”
“Boyfriend?” Your ex’s jaw clenched scarily. “What do you mean boyfriend? Who?”
You gulped but still lifted your head high. “Jacob,” You lied straight through your teeth. 
The man’s sneer only grew further as his eyes narrowed. “Of course,” He hissed. “Of course it’s always him.”
You nodded slowly, slightly confused of his response. “Yeah, so…” You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at the sight of the man, red-faced and with almost smoke coming out of his ears.
“Just leave,” The man grunted. “I’m fine.”
“I never asked if you were fine.” You suppressed a laugh which quickly fell short when he snapped his head towards you in a warning. “Okay, okay,” You snorted. “Have a great day!” You waved and ran away before the man could explode once more.
As you walked back in the direction of your classmate, you couldn’t help but smile stupidly to yourself. To be truthfully honest, you were always terrified for this day to come. That you would run into one of your failed dates and absolutely freeze up, making a complete fool out of yourself. That was what you thought for the longest time.
But now, you realized that the interaction you just had was a lot easier than you thought. Sure, it left your heart seizing nervously, but after having someone–Jacob–stay by your side everytime even a single tear left your eye, you realized that you were healed.
You swung the bag in your hand, smiling brightly. You’ve never felt so happy before. Your eyes wandered across all the stores, casually window shopping until you suddenly came to a stop. 
You squinted your eyes and stepped closer. There, on the display of one of the most famously expensive jewelry stores, was the necklace worn on your very neck–the exact same one that Jacob had gifted you. You peered in and spotted the price tag. That was when you stumbled back, slapping your hand over your mouth.
You stared in astonishment at the necklace. “He said that it wasn’t expensive…”
But of course, it was always Jacob who said not to worry about him. You sighed all too knowingly though you couldn’t help but bite back the smile that was forming on your lips. 
Just as you were busy admiring the bracelet just like you’ve done many times before, you heard your phone ring. 
“Y/n,” He sounded breathless. Almost like he was… running. “Where are you?”
You blinked in confusion. “Where are you?”
“The park. Are you–” 
You accidentally hung up. You winced and whispered a quiet sorry before heading to the local park.
It’s a common occurrence for Jacob to find you wandering around the park, clearing your mind after hours of studying. It was not a common occurrence for you to find Jacob standing in a secluded garden area, looking around frantically for something–someone.
You bounded over to him, ready to greet him cheerily. But, as soon as his eyes landed on you, he was immediately reaching forward and pulling you into his arms. 
“Oh,” You breathed stiffly. His hold was tight and protective, yet you had no idea why.
He pulled away and looked you over worriedly. His eyes were soft and his hands held gently onto your shoulders. “Are you okay?” He asked. Then, his hands came up to your cheeks as if to check for invisible tears. “Did he hurt you?”
You stared at the man in alarm, your lips parted in confusion. “Who?”
“Your ex.” 
Your mouth fell further open. “How’d you know I met him today?”
Jacob sighed and pulled out his phone. “I got a text.” You couldn’t help but melt at his small, worried pout. “He said that he had just talked to you and sent you home crying.”
You blinked. And then you snorted, much to Jacob’s surprise.
“That weirdo said that?” You laughed. “He did not. I was the one who sent him home. He’s bluffing!”
And even though the man in front of you looked slightly embarrassed, you could tell that he was relieved. He stepped forward and pulled you back into a hug, his hand stroking the back of his head. “Thank god. I thought you were hurt.”
You shook your head, smiling as you listened to his beating heartbeat. “Don’t worry, I’m okay.”
It was you who pulled away first but it quickly became a regret. You so badly wanted to melt back into his arms. You’ve never been treated with so much care before–the way he held your face so gently to make sure you weren’t crying and how he held you close. God, how he made you swoon.
You cleared your throat, completely forgetting that you were staring in awe into your best friend’s eyes. Jacob smiled shyly.
“So!” You blurted, playing nervously with the sleeves of your coat. “What brings you to the park? You never come here.”
Jacob seemed to choke on something. Hm, you didn’t remember seeing him eating anything. He glanced around and you quickly noticed how red his ears had gotten.
“Oh, I–I was on a run and this was part of the… route.”
“Really?” You wondered, looking around. This area of the park was more closed off though, surrounded by more plants than people. “Interesting.”
“Yeah,” He laughed nervously.
It grew awkwardly silent then. The two of you were simply facing each other without anything to say or do. But that silence gave you more time to observe and notice the small details like how Jacob’s hair was tousled in multiple directions, meaning he wasn’t running in one straight path, but rather on multiple. His shoes were untied, which didn’t make any sense with his run, but instead showed that he was in a hurry. And then there was the phone call. The first thing he asked was where you were and as soon as you met up with him, it was like he was looking for…
“You were looking for me,” You breathed in realization. “You ran here because you were looking for me.”
Jacob’s cheeks immediately reddened as he stared at you like a deer caught in headlights. He winced as he tried to avoid eye contact. You leaned forward, making him breathe in sharply.
“I…” He sighed in defeat. It seemed like your best direction was simple eye contact. “Fine, I was looking for you. I was worried about you.”
Your eyes softened as you reached a hand up to fix his messy hair. “Why? You know that I can take care of myself.”
He frowned and you couldn’t help but think how adorable he looked when he was protective. “Still. I hate to see you hurt.”
You smiled, endeared. “Oh, Jacob…”
“Ever since you told me that you were afraid that one day, I wanted to take care of you more. And I’m sorry,” He whispered, slightly leaning into the touch of your hand. “I’m sorry if I intruded too much or made you uncomfortable. I promise that I’ll step back if you want. Or if you–”
He let out a muffled sound though, as you grabbed his collar and pulled him in to plant a kiss onto one of his cheeks. When you peeked an eye open, you smiled when you realized that his eyes were wide open in shock. Stifling a laugh, you pulled back and softly poked the spot that you just kissed.
“Wha… you…” He stared at you, completely dazed. Then, he giggled, completely flustered, as his hand came up to touch where you had just kissed.
You finally let that laugh escape, hiding your face in his chest. Then, you looked up at him, smiling widely. 
“You really do know how to make me fall, don’t you?”
He smiled goofily, almost like he was drunk after that one kiss. “You’re still standing though.”
You huffed fondly and slapped him bashfully. “You know what I mean.”
“Wait, but–” He widened his eyes. You felt his hands sneak around your waist, holding you securely and protectively. “Are you sure about this? I told you I’d wait. You don’t have to…” He bit his lip shyly. You could tell that the feeling of your lips on his cheek came rushing back. He shook out of his trance though he was still blushing. “You don’t have to kiss me if you’re not ready.”
You smiled softly and shook your head. You knew it was the necklace that did it for you. It served as further proof of how much Jacob cared for you–that he always thought about you even when you were apart and lied about the price so that you wouldn’t worry. Jacob was always like this. He always had you in his mind and would do anything if it meant that you would smile. Sometimes, he would even tell you that he liked your smile.
 “But I am ready. I want to go further with you.”
That was what made him jump in surprise. “You– you want to be more? Like me as your boyfriend? And you as…” He paused, his smile giddy and so in love. “Mine?”
You nodded excitedly. “Yes, Jacob.”
“But you said…”
“I’m still afraid,” You replied, looking down at where there was barely any distance between you two. “But I would love to try with you.”
“Are you sure?” He furrowed his eyebrows slightly which you couldn’t take seriously with the way his eyes were filled with so much eagerness.
“Yes.” You copied his expression jokingly.
“One hundred percent sure?” 
You sighed fondly and instead of replying, you stepped forward and pressed yet another kiss on his cheek. That seemed to be a good enough answer because Jacob was staring down at you as if you were the brightest star in the sky.
Jacob then used his finger to tilt your chin up. His smile was what left you feeling breathless. “Then I promise you, Y/n, that I’ll be good for you. If I do anything wrong, tell me. I will be my best for you. All the time. I like you so much”
You felt your composure melt as you couldn’t even control your grin anymore. 
“Okay,” You giggled. “I like you too. And this time, I want to do more. Only with you. You are my perfect world.”
Then, your expression quickly changed into a teasing one as you leaned in and fluttered your eyes shut. You expected Jacob to become flustered but instead, he smirked and tightened his hold on your waist. You were glad that the park was empty right now as you peeked an eye open, slightly flustered.
“What are you doing?” He teased.
You smiled shyly. “I’m asking for a kiss. And not as practice this time.”
“Of course, beautiful.” He drew circles on your hip before yanking you close and against his lips. It felt like fireworks going off in your stomach. And the fact that this was real was what made every sensation stronger than it was before.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and tilted your head slightly. Jacob smiled against your lips, holding you close without any intention to let go.
Jacob suddenly pulled away, leaving you to chase after his lips. When you stared at him with both confusion and want at the same time, he smiled knowingly before muttering, “You taste sweeter each time.” 
Instantly, you were coughing with a rising blush on your cheeks. The fact that this wasn’t even your first kiss is something to think about. But still, his eyes watched your every move, completely smitten before he leaned back in.
He made it feel like your first kiss everytime.
A few months later
“Why didn’t you tell me that the necklace was actually expensive?” You mumbled, your question briefly cut off by a yawn. The two of you were cuddled up in bed, late at night. It’s not like you two didn’t cuddle before so there wasn’t much of a difference–the only one being that there were now kisses added.
He hummed, the vibration resonating through your chest. “Because I knew you would worry too much and make me return it.”
You huffed grumpily and turned away, your back facing him. He let out a small sound of confusion and peeked over your body to poke your cheek.
“Did I say something wrong?” You already knew he was pouting.
“Yes,” You whined before quickly turning back around. You punched him in the chest though he didn’t flinch one. “Why do you always tell me not to worry about you? This is a teamwork thing. I want to worry about you.”
Jacob stared at you, a completely smitten look on his face. His gaze was soft and you yelped as he suddenly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back to his chest.
“Okay,” He replied.
You froze. “That’s it? No arguments?”
He laughed quietly. “No, because you’re right. We should be taking care of each other equally.” Then, he tilted his head back to look you in the eye. “Plus, I like when you worry about me. So do that more from now on.”
“Good.” You rolled your eyes. “I will. You think I don’t notice when you’re shivering from the cold?”
He frowned. “But you need the jacket or else you’ll get col–”
“Jacob,” You warned. 
“Fine, fine.” He scoffed, squeezing your arm playfully. “But you do know that you deserve the best? So in my defense, you deserve that jacket.”
You bit your lip and sighed, defeated. You were glad that the room was dimly lit so that he wouldn’t notice your blush. As you were getting lost in your thoughts, you felt a hand caress the side of your face, turning your attention back.
“Can I ask something?”
You tilted your head, willing yourself not to melt into his touch. You couldn’t handle that stupidly loving smile he would give you everytime you did.
“What is it?”
“How have I been as a boyfriend? I told you I would treat you well. If there’s anything, let me know. All I want is for you to be happy when you’re with me. Of course, if you want…” You could tell he was nervous with the way he began to ramble.
You smiled fondly and leaned in to kiss his jaw. “Jacob, Jacob,” You spoke, interrupting his fast-paced words.
“Yeah?” He looked at you like an eager puppy.
“Don’t worry,” You whispered. “You’re doing amazing. You’ve been the sweetest boyfriend ever.” 
“Oh?” His focused expression quickly turned into a teasing one. “That’s a relief. I love being good for you.”
“My god.” You tried to act nonchalant, but you couldn’t ignore the skip of your heart. You were about to add on, but your words were muffled by him leaning in and kissing you. His lips moved against yours as if you had all the time in the world which you did–you loved to savor the moment. 
You barely noticed that he had shifted his position so that you were caged under his arms. You could feel him giggle against your lips, his hand coming up to comb through your hair. You would never get over the fact that he had been a good kisser all this time. You wondered just how many kisses you’ve missed out on. 
But then again, his kisses were all for you from now on. You liked–no, loved–the thought of that.
It was still late at night and so, your kisses started to grow more slow and relaxed. Your arms around his neck slowly fell to your sides. 
“Hey, don’t fall asleep on me now.” Jacob smirked, pulling away as he stared down at you, your eyes fighting to stay open.
“Can’t help it,” You mumbled. “Come down already.” You grabbed his arm that was holding him up as he hovered you and pulled him back down to lie with you. Automatically, you were climbing into his embrace and it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
“Does my kissing make you sleepy?” He teased.
“Yes. I sleep when I’m in love,” You huffed, your thoughts jumbled and messy from both the kiss and your drowsiness.
“That doesn’t really make sense.” He still kissed the top of your forehead anyway.
“Shut up and go to sleep.”
“Okay, beautiful.”
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gluion · 9 months
satin ➵ jacob bae
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the pink ribbons that you and your daughter used to dress up jacob now used on you.
general genre/warnings ➵ smut, fluff!, soft but teasing dom!jacob, slight shibari with ribbons, pet names (baby, teasing use of daddy), foreplay, fingering, nipple play, impregnation, creampie (duh), aftercare, ends with the start of a second round
word count ➵ 4.1k words
taglist ➵ @deoboyznet @kflixnet @blankjournal @winterchimez @miusgirl @mosviqu @vernyangel @stealanity @deobi0412 @blue-rainydays
a/n ➵ did i write this the night before my flight and the two plane rides? yes. i had to get it out. also, i think this horny thought caused my period to come early T__T anyway... shoutout to @kimsohn and @juyeonszn for being my crazy horny bffs... sliding this to some cobie lovers... @sungbeam @snowflakewhispers <3 don't forget to reblog and leave feedback!
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlist
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The early hours of the day are ones you used to dread. The sun would barely be out, the idea of sitting through countless hours of lectures, the contemplation of your ongoing list of work, work, work, that needs to be done once you return from a tiresome day.
But now, it's different; sunlight refracts through window panes, sounds of birds bounce off the walls, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. The early hours of the day are ones you used to dread, but waking up has gotten easier—maybe because you have someone to wake up and go back home to.
“Daddy, one more!”
“Sweetheart, we'll run out of ribbons for your hair! Don't you want to show your friends your pretty, pink ribbons?”
Your eyes peel open to the sight of home—the loves of your life seated by the vanity, one helping the other get ready for school.
Well, sort of.
Your little devil continues to bubble as her nimble hands gather more satin strands while your husband, Jacob, continues to brush her hair.
The white sheets you snuggle your nose into still smell of Jacob—fresh laundry and baby powder.
“But daddy! Look at you,” her finger points at the mirror, making his gaze land on the reflection. “You're beautiful,” she coos, pronouncing the first half of the word like a name.
He chuckles at her compliment. “Thank you. You have a good eye for fashion.”
Jacob's adorned with pink, satin ribbons. Every part of him that you can name probably has a ribbon tied on it. Some were loose, almost as if they would fall if he were to move, but some were tight, too tight, for your liking; his skin spills from bands of satin and his muscles show off more when they're restrained.
Maybe you needed to get out of bed.
As you sit up, the sheets rustle from the movement, causing your husband and daughter to look back at you.
Jacob’s eyebrows shoot up in shock. “Oh no, did we wake you up? I'm sorry.”
“Sorry!” Your daughter's apology quickly follows his.
You shake your head, a smile resting on your lips as you get out of bed. As you walk towards them, your eyes catch sight of your freshly woken up state; the contrast between you and your husband and daughter has you giggling.
“God, I have a bird's nest.”
“No! You have beautiful hair made for,” your daughter pulls out another blush strand. “Ribbons!”
A pair of lips meet your cheek. “She's right,” your husband mumbles into your skin. “You're beautiful.”
As he parts away, you meet his gaze. He shoots you a lazy smile, one that reminds you of the times you wake up beside him, and your cheeks are dusted with rose-colored hues.
Warmth continues to spread throughout the room—not from the sun but from them.
You roll your eyes before you look at your daughter, your hand reaching out towards her. She hands you the torn-up satin and you smile. “Thank you.”
Then, your eyes rest on the man who stands beside you, still tied up in ribbons. Your free hand trails over where they rest—hair, forearms, waist to name a few.
(Though, you let your fingers play with the one around his waistline.)
“Where should I put this one, honey?”
Your daughter hums for a moment. Jacob shakes his head, not in disbelief that you're playing into your daughter's shenanigans but more so that you're going to make her late for school. And it'll be okay, you tell yourself, because he's the one in charge of dropping her off today.
“What about the neck? Like a necklace!”
Your eyebrows shoot up at her suggestion, a playful smile now on your lips. “A good choice! I'm sure daddy will love it.” The pet name rolls off your tongue so well that it has a grunt leave Jacob. The annoyed expression flashes through his features like a blink, but he tries to cover it up with an innocent smile.
“C’mon, you'll be late if we keep doing this. Let me finish fixing your hair and then we can go to school.” He tries to take control of the situation but you won't let him—not this time, at least.
“Nu–uh,” you disagree, moving so that you can stand right behind him. “You can do that while I put this necklace on you,” the satin piece meets his neck before you lean in to whisper into his ear, “right?”
The distance between you two—his back pressing against your chest, your lips grazing against his ear—is enough for Jacob’s tongue to turn into cotton. It didn't help that you were doing all of this right now, right when your daughter is here getting ready while he's pressed for time. But he knows that it won't do any good to deny the request if you two, so he nods.
Your hands guide the ribbon to wrap around his neck, the ends meeting past his nape which gives you enough to tie it into a bow. Your fingers busy themselves trying to form a beautiful knot while Jacob focuses on brushing your daughter's hair.
And when you tug on the satin, making it wrap tighter around his neck, he stills for a moment.
“Daddy?” Your daughter looks up at her father who halted his actions.
“What's wrong?” The question leaves your mouth, the playful tone that clings onto your words fails to make sense to her but has Jacob growing annoyed.
“Nothing, sorry,” he quickly says with a smile to cover up his behavior. “Just got distracted.”
She's oblivious to whatever is occurring between you two; you make the most out of the situation.
Thanks to the distance, it’s easy to hear his exhales—his sounds. His shoulders move along with them; heavy, deep, desperate.
Your fingers brush against his skin, and it blooms in rose tints. When your eyes catch sight of him swallowing down nothing—everything—you can’t help but let mischief take over.
You finish tying the satin into a perfect bow. The expanse of his skin covered in rose-like hues, dolled-up just for you—it’s enough for warmth to spread all throughout your body.
You don't get to see Jacob like this—all adorned with pink ribbons, restrained without being restrained to an object. It's humorous; you've switched positions just this once thanks to your daughter's shenanigans.
Your lips hover where the bow rests, your breath grazing his skin, and it has his hair standing. Just one kiss—one bite—to complete the present, and then—
“And done!”
He quickly moves, dragging your daughter along. Your gaze now lands back to your reflection, a pout now resting on your lips.
When you look at the two, a satisfied smile rests on your daughter's mouth while Jacob sports a relieved expression. “Go say bye now. We'll be late.”
Due to your husband's rushed words, your daughter quickly pecks your cheek, her teeth bumping against your skin. “Bye bye! I'll see you later!” You smile at her before she rushes out of your shared room with Jacob.
When your gaze leaves the door, it lands on Jacob who only looks at you with eyes filled with irritation, frustration, dominance. “Anyway, I’ll—”
His hands grip your waist, pulling you close to him; noses bump against each other. His breath grazes your lips while you hold yours in.
“What was that?” The question is asked with such sweetness but you know he means the opposite.
You gulp down nothing. “W—what do you mean?”
“Don’t play games with me, baby.”
There’s the Jacob you know. Satisfaction paints his features; a smirk with eyes that flicker down occasionally to your lips. And when you feel his grip tighten around your waist, air is knocked out of your lungs.
He leans forward, as if distance needs to be closed, but his lips never touch yours. “Baby, baby, baby,” he says with such care, and yet…
“You know what you did. Just say it.”
You know better. He’s giving you a chance to apologize—to repent—for what you did. But instead of settling for that, you lean forward, lips interlocking with his. His hand shimmies its way under your shirt, a thumb drawing circles on your hip bone, and warmth blossoms further.
You part away, leaning your forehead on his. Your fingers find their way to the bow that rests around his neck, fiddling with the ends of your masterpiece. 
“You need to bring her to school,” you whisper words he doesn’t want to hear. All he wants is an apology—an explanation—for your behavior this morning, but you don’t give in.
So he rolls his eyes, a chuckle leaving him before he lets go of your waist. “I’ll see you later.”
You let your hand fall back to your side, and you shoot him a smile. “I look forward to it.”
Before you know it, he makes his way towards the door, still wrapped in pink satin. The thought of Jacob showing up in front of your daughter’s school adorned in bows has you giggling.
“I can hear you laughing!”
You roll your eyes at his comment. “Just go!”
You wonder what he’ll bring you after he’s done with the task at hand.
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If you were expecting anything good, then you are absolutely wrong. (Well, that’s a lie. You were hoping for something, but you weren’t expecting this.)
Whatever present you were hoping for—food from your favorite cafe that’s only a 2-minute drive from your daughter’s school or an opportunity for you to finally do whatever you want unto jacob—couldn’t prepare you for what’s happening now.
“You just couldn’t behave.” A pair of hands roam over your torso as teeth tug on the expanse of your neck, satin grazing your skin. You hold back your sounds, eyes fluttering close, until he digs in harder, wetter.
A mewl escapes you without a second thought. His lips leave your neck and his hands focus on tugging your oversized shirt off, leaving you only in a pair of night undies.
You peel your eyes open, greeted by the sight of Jacob wrapped in satin. Your gaze trails to where the ribbons rest—some threatening to fall off of him while others still making sure his skin, his muscles, spill out.
(And it didn’t help that the white t-shirt he wears clings to his torso, probably from its fitting or thanks to the ribbons.)
His hands rest on the space around you and his legs cage you down, restricting you from any movement like you did with him. You’re lightheaded, maybe from lip locking, the position you’re in, or even from the sight of your husband. And with your heavy breaths, a smug grin takes over Jacob’s face. His hand tugs on the loose satin around his waist. It falls to your stomach, letting his shirt cling less to his torso.
“What if we play dress up?” He hums as he lets his lips trail from your jaw, to your shoulder, all the way to space between your tits. He looks up at you, and says, “Like how you did with me this morning.”
A grunt leaves you.
He grabs the ribbon, fingers fiddling as he figures out what to do with you. “Don’t you think it’s only fair that I have my time with you? My fun with you?”
When you shake your head, Jacob chuckles. “Cobie, c’mon—”
“Nu–uh,” he retaliates like how you did then. “Don’t try to weasel your way out of your punishment.”
He sits and chucks his head up, signaling you to lift your torso up. You follow his orders, and his hands dart around so that the strand wraps around your upper chest. 
With his fingers busy tying a bow, your hand dart towards the ribbon wrapped around his forearm. Your fingertips fiddle with satin and his warm skin, and you both relish in your final moments of freedom.
“There we go.” Your eyes dart down to your chest, spotting a perfectly tied pink bow resting above your tits. And when his nails dig into your waist, a mewl escapes you as you arch your back.
Jacob loves it all; the ribbon that was once tied around his waist now tied right above your tits, the sounds that leave you from the different sensations of satin and his hands brushing your skin, and your hazy eyes that meet his wide awake ones.
He litters you with kisses from cheeks, neck, chest. “You’re so pretty for me,” he mumbles in between. Once his lips hover over yours, noses bumping against each other, he whispers, “I just want to devour you.”
You catch his lips, arms wrapping around his neck as you pull him close. He moves one knee in between your legs, letting you grind your clothed slit against his thigh, as his hands find themselves on your tits. Fingertips flick against your nipples, causing a moan to escape you. 
He parts away, letting you catch your breath. As you attempt to control your breathing, you watch him reach for the ribbon that rests on his shoulder and tug it undone. Its length is longer in comparison to the one that rests on your chest; perhaps your daughter may have overestimated how much she needed to tie around Jacob’s shoulder.
And before you know it, he grabs hold of your wrists and lets the satin strand circle around them. “Too tight?” He asks once he ties a knot around them.
You shake your head. “Just right.”
He smiles at you. “Good. Now,” his hands find their way on the band of your underwear. “Let me taste you.”
He tugs it down, exposing you to him. The contrast between you two—nude and fully clothed—makes your head spin.
“Jacob, please.”
He hums. “‘Please’ what, darling?”
“Remove your clothes.”
“Making demands?” He clicks his tongue. “I’ll see about that.” He spends his time undoing the ribbon that’s wrapped around his arm. “Plus, I enjoy you like this, just physically unable to fulfill your desires.”
A groan rips out of your throat. You hate Jacob.
His hands brush against your upper thigh, tying a ribbon around it. When he finishes, his hand lingers, teasing you with the short distance between him and your slit.
You’re about to curse at him until you watch him slowly move down, and his face is closer to your pussy than his hand. He breathes you in and a groan rips out. “God, you smell delicious.”
Before you know it, his tongue darts towards your slit, drinking up your juices. A moan leaves you, your back arching at how he eats you out. And when his nose nudges against your clit, your mewls get louder, uncontrollable.
Your head is spinning from how Jacob plays with your five senses; satin strands wrapped around you, his tongue touching you in places you longed for him to graze against, the squelching noise that comes from him eating you out has your head spinning. The lack of power—control—turns you on even more.
When you try to look down at him, his eyes are already on you. The eye contact knocks the air out of your lungs. When his hand reaches to the bow that rests on your thigh, fingers playing with pink satin, you throw your head back.
Your lower half finds itself moving on its own, lifting itself from the mattress as it attempts to chase the pleasure. But Jacob rests his forearm on your stomach, holding you down, and continues to eat you out to his liking. Still, you try to move under the restraints; it’s reflexive, out of control. 
His mouth leaves your slit, a whine leaving you. “Baby, if you keep that up, you won’t get what you want in the end.”
You try to control your breathing, bringing your satin-tied wrists close to your face.
He finally strips off his shirt. You’re lightheaded when you look at him, top naked with one singular satin ribbon left—the one you tied around his neck.
He reaches for the button of his pants. “You’ve been such a treat for me, let me reward you.” His pants and underwear are down, revealing his hardened length that leaks pre-cum.
He moves your restrained wrists away and reaches for your lips with his; the taste of you still lingers on his lips. He sucks on your bottom lip, causing a whine to leave you.
He moves away so that you can catch your breath—or so you thought.
Before you can control your heartbeat, you feel a finger prod its way into your pussy, having you clench over the digit. Your eyes roll back as you moan, and he curls his finger, hitting your walls.
“God, look at you. Such a moaning mess over one finger.” You do your best to look at Jacob, seeing him tonguing the inside of his cheek as he keeps his eyes on your face. It causes patches of rose-tones to appear in your cheeks. “I wonder how you’ll take my cock. It’s been a while, after all.”
Before you know it, another finger enters you. Your eyes are wide, your bottom half filled with pleasure. And when his thumb plays with your nub, you don’t know if you’ll be ready for his cock after all.
You thrash in bed, overwhelmed by pleasure, and Jacob only watches. The sight of you struggling to do anything while he holds you down, through satin or his hands, causes more precum to leak.
“J-Jacob, I don’t—”
“No, baby, you will. You’ll hold out until you get on my cock.” It’s a demand, and you don’t know if you’ll be able to fulfill it, but you try.
That is until his finger curls hits one spot; all resolve is broken. As he notices your expression shift, he smirks and continues his ministrations. A series of moans escapes you as he continues to hit your g-spot.
You swear you feel the band about to snap, and you consider telling Jacob that you’re about to come. But for selfish reasons, you don’t want to; all you want is to finally come.
You’re close, short rapid breaths escape you as you clench tighter around his digits, until his fingers leave you. It’s almost like he knew you were close.
“Fuck!” You complain only to be met with Jacob’s chuckle. “I was so close! Are you kidding me?”
He clicks his tongue. “Didn’t I tell you to hold out?” He moves close to you, his cock lining up to your pussy. “You were going to disobey my orders if I kept going.”
You roll your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek. You’re irritated from being left high and dry.
“Fuck you—”
His cock enters you without warning, cutting you off and causing a moan to rip out of you. He goes at a steady speed, building the pleasure up.
“You’re still tight even after that?” It’s a rhetorical question, but you only answer in a series of moans. He chuckles. “My baby can’t even answer me properly this early on, and we’ve only started.”
Before you know it, his cock leaves you, causing you to whine. You were going to complain, but he flips you so that you rest on your knees and elbows. 
Without a warning, he enters once more which has a moan rip out of you. He goes at the same pace but he feels deeper, hitting crevices that your fingers could never reach.
As Jacob continues to fuck you, you try to look back at him, and you watch how his eyebrows scrunch as he watches his cock enter you. Your eyes catch sight of the pink satin that clings to his skin and you cannot help but clench around his cock, making him moan along with you.
He finally notices your eyes on him, and he tongues the inside of his cheek. Then, he leans forward, face-to-face with you as his chest is pressed against your back.
“Baby.” He smiles at you—not a smug one but one filled with adoration. And yet…
“Should we try for another?” The air is knocked out of your lungs. His smile turns sinister as he feels you get wetter at the thought. “Wouldn’t you love that? Another baby? Another opportunity to be filled to the brim?”
And he starts to pick up the pace, causing you to let out a series of moans. “God, you just want to be filled with my cum, don’t you? Wouldn’t you love that? Just us trying again, again, again, for another baby, me filling you with cum.”
He watches your breathing get heavy over the idea; to be filled with Jacob’s cum for days, weeks, months, years as if it were your only job or purpose in life.
You feel it coming; the rubber band is about to snap at any moment.
“Fuck, I’m close—”
“Come for me. Do it, baby,” he chants such words. “I’m going to come. Going to fill you up, going to impregnate you.” He keeps going at such a fast pace, and his words do nothing but help you get close. “And we’ll keep going baby, going to make sure you’re filled with so much cum that I’ll have to plug my fingers to keep it in.”
Your pants get heavier as you try to meet his thrusts. You’re so close, but you don’t know what you need. You’re too light headed to think of what to do until you feel fingertips draw circles on your clit. Your moans get louder, uncontainable.
You look away from him, overwhelmed by the pleasure. Your gaze lands on your satin-tied wrists. “Come for me, baby. Let me impregnate you,” he whispers into your ear.
The rubber band snaps. You clench around his cock as you come, a long moan leaving you. And with how you clench around Jacob has him coming with you, his cum filling you up.
It doesn’t stop. He keeps thrusting, riding out his high to ensure that you’re filled with enough.
Once he stills, you find yourself collapsing down to the bed. You attempt to control your breathing, eyes closed from what just occurred.
“Baby, let me flip you. I need to remove the ribbons,” Jacob says with care.
You only hum. His cock leaves you, causing you to hiss as you are still sensitive. His hands find themselves on your waist, flipping you so that you face him. He undoes the ribbon wrapped around your wrists and puts it away. He takes an opportunity to examine your wrists.
“Does it hurt?”
You shake your head, smiling at your husband. “I’m okay.” You still see the pink satin wrapped around his neck. “That was good.”
He chuckles before meeting your lips once more. Once he parts away, he takes in the sight of you in your fucked-out state dressed in pink ribbons that were once wrapped around him. His heart grows warm.
As his eyes trail down to your slit, he gasps. “Oh no, it’s leaking.” His fingers scoop his cum that leaks out of your pussy and shoves it back in, another hiss leaving you. “We don’t want to waste any cum.”
A giggle leaves you. You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him in for another kiss. “I love you.” Your fingers graze against the ribbon that still rests around his neck. “I’m glad you kept this on.”
He hums. “I mean, I knew it turned you on, so I played into it. I understand though. After seeing you tied up, maybe I need to learn shibari.”
You gulp at his words and he notices. A smirk lies on his lips. “Of course, I should’ve known. How come I never knew about this?”
You shrug. “I don’t know—well, I do know. I think I was just too shy to bring it up.”
“Baby,” he starts off, giving you another kiss. “There’s no need to be shy around me. I would love to know everything about you, even what gives you the most pleasure. What else do you like?”
You chew on your cheek. “Well, I really want to do shibari on you.”
“I know you might not—wait, really?”
His lips press against your cheek. “I’m willing to try it out.” You cannot help yourself but smile. “So, now?”
Your eyebrows shoot up. “Jacob, you just gave me the most earth-shattering orgasm of my life, and your fingers are still in me. I don’t know if I can go another round.”
“You sure?” He smirks before letting his lips trail to your neck. “Just a little foreplay can change that.” He starts to suck on your skin, and you cannot help but let a moan slip. And when his fingers start to move, your eyes roll back.
God, you need to buy more ribbons for your daughter. (And for you and Jacob, of course.)
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fics-lovebot · 8 months
the boyz fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
a hidrance to peace - crack, fluff, you suddenly realize once again that he fucked around with other ppl before meeting you, atrocious tbh HDCLIHFISH i love it, sunwoo gets jealous and its cutee
he´s jealous of juyeon taking selfies on your phone, text au
six-thirty - smut, fwb, possessive!sunwoo, lotss of dirty talking, he need some milk
boyfriend sunwoo is just so :(((((((((((((((((( I LOVE HIM
swing my way - crack, fluff, eric is a young heir with a lot of money and a thing for pretty girl, you just happen to be a pretty girl working at the country club his family partially owns, I LOVE THISSS, it was such a refreshing, fun thing to read. I love the flirting, the gossip, the plot had me smiling the whole time
text au 1, text au 2 - love these
running through the rain (for you) -FLUFF, he wanted to be romantic waiting for you under the rain, this made my heart CRY bc why is he so precious?? :( my mf baby
befriend the kitty -fluff, school au, bad boy x good girl trope, strangers to friends to lovers, it´s cute
split it open - smut, juyeon has a big dicc, reader is cock starved lmao, it´s short but it´s hot
classifieds - smut, android!juyeon, dirty talk, love the plot
changmin (Q)
changmin texting his idol crush - text au
a closer look - fluff, changmin doesn´t know what to do when you flirt with him so he´s breaking up with you sjsjdkdjskjd
simple gifts - fluff, slow burn, model!chanhee, assistant!reader, he´s soooo in love lmao, his love language is putting you in expensive clothes and accesories, this is such a nice read, not boring at all, love love love loved it
face sitting - smut, e.r, idol!sang, he lit came in his pants from eating pussy,,, “Use my mouth, make yourself come all over my face.” WHEWW
like that - smut, fluff, another one about sangyeon eating pussy and i´m not even surprised, you know what they say about men with big noses,,,LFHUERIHRL.SUDHF lemme stop
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riizewrtr · 7 months
can you describe tbz members with sex positions and where they usually do it?
oOooO i like this hehe i won't link any positions or pictures so you'll have to look them up yourself, lol sorry! maybe i will later when i'm not too busy!
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Sangyeon likes doggystyle, he loves being able to grab your hair while he's thrusting into you and loves the way your ass jiggles, and mostly only enjoys sex at home in the safety of his bed
Jacob sorry but i see him as a normal missionary guy, he loves how intimate it is, being able to see the way your face scrunches in pleasure, being able to give you full on love and kisses while making love. like sangyeon he isn't too risky and would rather do it at home
younghoon likes the grasshopper, being able to still hold you but by the leg/thigh. he finds it sexy and it helps when he's a bit tired but still wanting to fuck you. likes it at home, if it's a quicky he can do it in a closet or bathroom max. nothing too crazy
hyunjae likes the lotus <3 it's very intimate and loving. he loves holding you and hugging you while he's making love to you. you would mostly do this position on a couch, he also likes to only fuck at home.
juyeon likes the cowgirl, he LOVES being rode!!! but he can still take over by thrusting his hips into you. i can see juyeon if he's REALLY needy he would do it in a closet or a bathroom, but likes to do many positions so would rather do it in a bed.
kevin i can see him liking 69 mostly during foreplay! but while fucking he likes the bodyguard, so standing while fucking! he can also carry you and fuck you standing since he likes showing how much he's been working out hehe so he can fuck anywhere especially if he's needy
chanhee is also like Jacob, he likes something intimate as missionary or maybe spooning, where it's really close and an intimate setting where you can just feel each other to the fullest. i can see chanhee only wanting to make love and not FUCK where he would go hardcore!! only fucks at home
changmin would like the butterfly, so he likes fucking you flat on your back while your legs are on his shoulders on a flat surface. so he can fuck in the kitchen or in the dining room on the table. he loves kissing and squeezing your thighs so your legs on his shoulders is heaven for him
haknyeon likes the flatiron position, he loves forcing you down on the bed. not face down ass up JUST FLAT!! he likes taking control and having that control over you. he likes how hard or soft he can go in that position and it makes your pussy a little bit tighter than usual since your legs aren't as fully spread so he enjoys it he can do a quicky bending you over in a closet max no where too crazy
sunwoo would love the joyride, it's similar to cowgirl except your feet/legs are by his head!! the way you grind against him is absolute heaven for him. he just loves the feeling of his cock grinding and moving around in your tight cunt. also likes it at home
eric also likes doggystyle but he can do it on the stairs at home, so bending you over the stairs and fucking the shit out of you there, where he can also hold you around the waist to give you sweet little kisses while groaning sweet nothings against your lips while fucking up into you <3
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beamtori · 10 months
𝟓-𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
nonidol!jacob bae x afab!reader
you've heard plenty of things about certified campus crush jacob bae, but when you finally meet him, you decide to find out if the rumors are true.
6.0k words (ITS ONLY THIS LONG BC OF THE PLOT), strangers 2 lovers, tutor!jacob, mentions of physics (yuck), swearing (not from jacob 💀), SMUT (minors dni), penetrative sex, oral sex (f.receiving)/face riding (m.receiving), cum eating, fingering, kind of sweet..., kissing, this was kind of tame ngl, pet names (smart girl, angel, baby, beautiful), barely proofread i am up past my bedtime 🤣
a/n: there is hope for me yet o7 @winterchimez here's the thing 💀, @zzoguri @snowflakewhispers to the jacob stans...
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Your friend Ronnie's voice drew you out of your bubble, and you ripped the earbud out from your ear without looking up from your laptop screen. “Yeah, babe.”
“Jacob Bae just walked in—” Her hushed squealing was paired by an insistent tapping on your arm from across the table inside the café.
You made a face, taking the other earbud out. “Who?”
Ronnie's face flattened into incredulity. “The guy I have literally been talking your ear off about for the past month.”
Jacob… Jacob Bae… ah, Jacob. The name echoed something familiar in your near-empty noggin. Sometimes names just didn't stick when you were busy with other things like the torque and force mechanics you were trying to nail for your physics midterm in two weeks. “Oh right.”
“Damn,” she swore, twisting over her shoulder toward the entrance. She turned back to face you with a pout. “He just left.”
“He didn't get anything?”
“No,” Ronnie sighed. She twirled her pen around between her fingers, then tapped the top edge of your laptop screen. That was what pulled your eyes away from it. “I feel like I haven't seen your eyes in the last ninety minutes, Yn.”
You huffed a laugh, scribbling a note on your scratch notepad about how you performed the last exercise incorrectly. Just like the last one. “We are here to study, Ron.”
Ronnie gave a small smile, but the edges were down turned. “Yeah, I know we said that, but it was kind of an excuse for me to get you out of your apartment.”
“I go out of my apartment,” you protested.
Her eyebrow lifted as she reached for her iced coffee. “Besides for food or class.”
You opened your mouth, then snapped it closed after giving it more than a moment's thought. “Listen,” you ended up with as a response.
Ronnie snorted. “See? I haven't hung out with you ever since your last physics midterm, Yn. It's normal to worry about your friends, you know?” She nudged you teasingly from across the table.
You finally set your pen down to massage the pulsing headache beginning to form between your eyes. You wrinkled your nose up. “I guess you're right.”
“I know I am,” she mused. “Hey, if physics is overwhelming you, then you should totally go check out their tutoring center. I'm sure they have one.”
Your shoulders immediately slumped. Just the thought of the physics student center sent a queasy churn to your stomach. It wasn't that the people there weren't nice, it was just the fact that you hadn't had the best track record with tutors. No matter how hard they tried, no matter what method was used, you could never seem to get it down. Most of the time, you just forced yourself to buckle down until some miracle got you to get the correct answer. (Awful learning strategy, but you would take luck over skill at this point. Your GPA needed the luck.)
“You're probably right,” was what you said to her anyway. You knew she was just trying to help.
Shaking the negative thoughts away, you lowered your laptop screen to swap your pen for your untouched beverage. “Tell me about this Jacob guy again. How do you know him?”
Ronnie's eyes lit up, and you found yourself slowly relaxing again. “I'm pretty sure he's everybody's campus crush or something. Every time I bring him up with my other girl friends, they also seem to know about him? Which is crazy.”
You nodded. “Yeah, this is a pretty big uni.”
“Right? But—” Ronnie groaned, slumping back in her seat. “He's so hot, Yn-ie. I swear to god, his smile makes my fucking panties melt.”
You nearly snorted your drink up and out of your nose, and your friend slapped a hand over her mouth when you realized she said that out loud. “Please,” you wheezed, swiping your thumb at the corner of your lips. “So he's that attractive? Is he a good guy though? Like does his physical traits overcompensate for a… uh, an awful personality or something?”
“That's the best part—”
Your eyes narrowed. “No way.”
“He's literally the nicest person on Planet Earth, I swear to god, Yn.”
“You've talked to him?”
She paused. “No…”
You sent her a pointed look. “Then you can't say that unless you've talked to him, Ronnie. That's just how it works.”
Ronnie pursed her lips, gesturing vaguely with her hands. “It's just something you have to trust me on! Everybody knows he's super cool and handsome and just a top notch, cream-of-the-crop—”
“Not me,” you pointed out with a laugh.
“That's because your head is where your calculator is.”
You gasped, pressing your beloved scientific calculator to your chest as if hiding it from your friend's words. “You take that back! She's been more loyal than any man, thank you very much.”
Ronnie rolled her eyes. “Okay, that's probably true, but Jacob's gotten five-star reviews from everybody!”
“On what account?” You scoffed.
“You just have to trust me,” Ronnie repeated, emphasizing her words with a cheeky smile.
Your face contorted into one that clearly gave away your disbelief. “Okay, sure.”
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Despite your reluctance to go in the first place, you found yourself walking down the hallway of the physics department building toward the student center. There were usually TA office hours held here throughout the week, and a couple of the physics professors even came here to hold their own help sessions, but the hour you chose was none of those. Frankly, you had zero faith you were going to be able to learn this from someone else successfully; there was just something weird about how your brain worked.
Nonetheless, you were desperate.
The room was rather bustling when you arrived with nearly all of the group tables filled up with students helping each other work through the problems. Anxiety settled in your gut like a parasite, and you meandered toward the side of the room where there was an open single desk. Maybe if you just sat here and worked on your problems by yourself, you could technically still say you came to the student center like a coward.
With a sigh, you began pulling your materials out from your bag to get to work. Immediately, you realized that you had last stopped working on an awful problem you didn't even know how to start.
You startled, head whipping upward fast enough to give you whiplash. Heat swarmed up to your neck and ears.
There was a guy standing in front of you with a boyish smile and wearing a deep purple Laker's hoodie. With a sweater paw, he gave a wave, repeating his greeting. “Hi, I'm sorry I snuck up on you. I was wondering if I could be of any assistance?”
The way his dark brown hair curled over his forehead and the way his molten brown eyes shone so warmly in the fluorescent lights was throwing you off your mark. And that was only when you weren't already stunned by the absolute beautiful smile adorning his—you snapped out of it.
A sheepish smile wormed its way onto your face, and you cupped the back of your neck. “Oh, that's okay, I tend to get kind of oblivious with my surroundings,” you laughed nervously. Why was the way he looked at you making you so clumsy with your words? “Uhm, I guess maybe? I've kind of been stuck on this torque problem for a while.”
You swallowed, spinning your laptop around to show him the practice problem on the screen. His eyes skimmed over the words, tongue jamming into the side of his cheek.
“Oh, I see,” he said kindly. “This problem is notoriously awful, but I have a trick for getting through these ones if you'd like.”
“Oh, really?” You couldn't help the hopeful tilt in pitch at the end of your question, and you watched him drag over a spare chair to sit adjacent to you.
He settled next to you, his knees knocking against yours, and you both blurted out apologies to each other. “Sorry,” he murmured. “May I?” He gestured to your writing utensil and notepad.
“Yeah, of course.”
He twirled the pen between his fingers. “Ooh, these ones are nice to write with. Super smooth.”
You nodded. “Yeah, for sure! They also last really long, too.”
There was an interesting gleam in his eyes as he peered over at you. “That's also true.” He shook his head, a sheepish chuckle falling from his mouth. “I'm sorry, I just realized I completely butted into your study session, and didn't even introduce myself.”
You couldn't help the small flutter in your chest. Oh, the bare minimum of chivalry, and yet, here you were feeling so woozy from it. “It's no worries,” you assured him, “I really would have just stared at this thing before giving up, so.”
He brushed a hand through his hair. “I totally get that. Physics isn't for the faint of heart, so you're already doing great by coming here for help in the first place. I'm Jacob, by the way.” He accompanied the latter with an outstretched hand toward yours.
You licked your lips, managing a small smile and clasping his hand in a shake. “Nice to meet you, Jacob—” That name sounded familiar, “—I’m Yn.”
But there were probably hundreds of Jacobs who went to this school. There was no way that the one time you happened to come to the student help center, the Jacob Bae that Ronnie gushed to you about just happened to be the guy to help you.
It was ridiculous.
“Yn,” he repeated, as if trying the way your name tasted on his tongue. “Nice to meet you, too,” he beamed. You realized how your heart stuttered every time he smiled.
His eye contact lingered, and then he cleared his throat. “Sorry, shall we?” He motioned to the problem, and you nodded eagerly.
“Yeah, let's do it,” you said. You subtly brought your hand up against your cheek and felt your skin. It definitely was hot to the touch; why did this guy have to be so attractive? If you weren't going to learn anything because of your weird learning quirk, you weren't going to learn jackshit because the man teaching you was just that distracting.
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It turned out miracles did exist.
“You would not believe what happened to me this afternoon.”
You paced about the bedroom in your apartment with your phone on speaker and broadcasting Ronnie's voice. You had just gotten home from the physics student center, your heart rate still over the speed limit and your skin warm. There was a giddiness and adrenaline making your fingers twitch, and frankly, you couldn't sit down for this.
“Why? What happened?” Your friend asked in earnest.
You massaged your lips together. “Okay, you know the other day when you were telling me about that Jacob Bae guy?”
You could hear the excitement creeping into her voice. “Yes…”
“Do you know what his major is?”
“I'm pretty sure it's physics...”
You had to stop and slap your hands to your face. The sound was loud enough for Ronnie to hear on the other side, and she began barking out the standard “What happened? What happened? Tell me what happened!”
“Okay, so I went to the physics student center to try and get help, right?” When you heard Ronnie's hum of acknowledgment, you continued on, “And there's this one problem I've been stuck on for an illegal amount of time. And this guy comes up to me and asks if he can help me, and Ronnie—Ronnie, he was so—”
“Hot! Panty-meltingly attractive?”
You nearly bursted into laughter at how ridiculous all of this sounded. “He was just so cute. Like fine-cute. And he actually helped me, dude. You know my weird schtick about people teaching me—”
“Oh my gosh, for real? He was actually able to help you out?”
You flopped onto your bed, grinning at the ceiling in pure relief and accomplishment. “Yes! If he's the Jacob Bae you were talking about…” You sighed, shaking your head, “He gets my stamp of approval.”
Rather than coming back to your apartment defeated as you thought you would, you left with a newfound confidence in your abilities to understand physics, new tips and tricks from Jacob, and… you were probably going to frame the little “You did well today, Yn! Super lovely meeting you. x, Jacob” note he left for you in the corner of one of the notepad leaflets. It was his faith in you and unrelenting patience that got you through your practice problems today.
Maybe you weren't a lost cause after all? Crazy.
“I told you!” Ronnie exclaimed.
You drew an arm over your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Gloat all you want.” You were still proud of yourself, and way too satisfied with how the day went.
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“Well, hello hello,” Jacob chuckled as he sidled up by your desk with a white lollipop stick hanging out from his lips. His eyes were crinkled in amusement as he peered down at you with his hands shoved into his pockets, hair tucked beneath a black baseball cap.
“Hey,” you chirped. “How're you?”
He smiled around the sweet in his mouth, stepping over to drag a chair beside you as he always did. It had been about a week since you first met him, and you had yet to fail to come to the tutoring center once. “I'm great. How about you? Ready for the exam tomorrow?”
Your hand met your forehead, and your expression coaxed a chuckle from him. “I definitely feel more prepared than a week ago, but it's still nerve-racking. The horror stories I've heard, Cobie…”
Something appeared in your view. You blinked, surprised, when you realized Jacob was holding out a little lollipop in front of you bundled in a standard paper wrapper.
“Encouragement,” he said simply, giggling at your doe-eyed expression.
You broke out into a smile and accepted the lollipop from him, eagerly twisting the wrapper off to pop the treat into your mouth. “Thanks, man.”
“Yeah, no worries. I had extras and thought you might need the extra boost.”
“That's really sweet of you,” you said in earnest. “I haven't had a lollipop in forever.” Your lips pursed around the head as you took the strawberry flavored pop out of your mouth to look at the glistening surface in the tutoring center lights.
You licked your lips of the juices, not catching how his eyes darted to watch you do so.
He cleared his throat, shifting his lollipop from one cheek to the other. “So, what did you wanna go over today?”
It had been a little over a week since you first met Jacob and came under his tutelage. It seemed the chemistry-turned-physics major always happened to be free to cater to your needs every time you walked in for help. Everything Ronnie had told you that day in the café had been true—not only was Jacob an absolute stud, he was also a perfect angel. You couldn't believe such a divine human being even existed, let alone continued to find your company amusing enough to still tutor you one on one without payment.
(And you couldn't believe you were even able to focus around him. There were always gentle brushes of his hand against yours, lingering glances that made your neck heat, and the like. Your heart cartwheeled in your chest with more agility and frequency than your physical body could.)
By the time the physics midterm exam rolled around, you were feeling much more prepared for the material you would be tested on. The exam flew by in the blink of an eye, and before you knew it, you were breaking out of the examination hall and into the cool autumn evening. Your stomach growled as you wandered down the street toward the university district to find dinner.
Adrenaline still pumped through your veins from the exam, but your mood was substantially higher than it was after the first exam.
You stood outside one of the ramen shops in the district, head cocked to the side as you contemplated the menu plastered on one of the windows.
You broke out from your food-searching daze, your lips pulling into a smile as you greeted Jacob coming down the sidewalk toward you. “Hey, Cobie. What's good?”
Jacob grinned as he sidled up beside you, one of his hands carding through his hair before sticking itself back into the pocket of his dark bomber jacket. “I'm just looking for dinner," he chuckled. “Did you just come from the exam?”
“I did,” you confirmed with a bob of your head.
“And? How'd it go?”
Your smile widened, and you ducked your head for a second. “I think it went pretty alright,” you admitted. “I don't wanna jinx myself though. But I think I do deserve a reward for making it through, don't you think?”
Jacob nodded. “Oh, for sure. You've been so good for m—I mean,” he coughed, amending his words, “You've worked really hard these past couple weeks and so it deserves a little celebration. Are you… are you here with anyone?”
“Definitely not,” you winced sheepishly, “since I just got out of the exam and all—I don't usually make plans right after tests.”
“I see; I get that.” He rubbed the back of his head, tongue ghosting over his bottom lip. “Well, I'm not really here with anyone either. Would you mind some company?”
You met his eyes and your heart did the little hop-n-skip it always did when you made eye contact with him. “Yeah, I'd love some company, actually. I'd love to repay you for all the help you've given me recently.”
He chuckled, swinging the door to the shop open for you. “Trust me, it was my pleasure, Yn.”
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If there was one thing you knew for sure, Jacob was a gentleman through and through. If chivalry was dead, then Jacob Bae was dead—okay, maybe that was a little morbid to think about on your way home, especially when the man in question walked right beside you, hands tucked into his jacket pockets with a wistful little smile on his face.
Dinner had gone splendidly—except for the fact he had a feeling you would want to pay for his meal and subtly slipped the waiter his card before you could. The cherry on top was his offer to walk you home—only if you were comfortable—and though you knew that definitely wouldn't even on the ledger, you accepted his offer. More time with him? Yes, please.
“This is my building here,” you murmured, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as reluctance for this evening to end worked its way up your throat. You inclined your chin to the apartment complex coming up just a few hundred feet ahead.
“Ah,” he said under his breath.
The two of you stopped in front of the entrance to the lobby, facing one another. “Thanks for dinner,” you said for what seemed like the fifth night.
He beamed. “Anytime, Yn. I loved hanging out with you.”
If you wore a heart rate monitor, it probably would have been screaming at you right about now. “Uhm… would you… like to continue hanging out with me? I mean, like, coming up?” You nudged your thumb behind you in the direction of the doors. Was that too forward of you?
His eyes widened a smidge, and his smile softened at the corners. “I'd love to.”
A giddy sort of feeling bubbled up in your chest as you and he shared wide grins, and you led him up to your apartment. Your hands shook slightly as you arrived at your door, your keys jingling against one another as you sorted through them for the right one.
“I wasn't expecting company, so I hope you don't mind the mess,” you laughed nervously, fingers pinching the right key to insert into the lock.
He gave a kind smile. “Oh, it's no worries at all. Actually, can I—I should probably say something before we go in.”
Your movements stopped short and you turned to face him, wide-eyed. “Uh oh,” you mused half-heartedly, “this is the moment you tell me you're a serial killer.” Please don't be a serial killer…
That coaxed a bright laugh from his mouth, and your heart melted a little bit. He shook his head, “No, no. Nothing of that sort, I swear! I just…” His lips pressed into a smile again and he confessed, “I'm attracted to you, Yn. Ah, there it is; I said it.”
He released a nervous giggle, cupping the back of his neck.
Starstruck, you lost the key in your hand. “Me?” You stammered. Were your ears deceiving you? “Like… in a not-just-friends way?”
Jacob nodded. “Yeah, in a not-just-friends way.” Then quickly added, “I mean, if that makes you uncomfortable, I can totally leave. We can be just friends, too, if you're okay with that. I just think you're gorgeous, and smart, and—”
“Can I kiss you?” You blurted.
“Please do—I need to shut up.”
And you gladly shut him up.
You stepped forward and closed the gap between you, his hands coming up to cup your face as your lips met. He tasted like spearmint from the gum he offered right after tonight's meal—always thinking of everything, this one. His mouth was soft against yours, something tender and gentle, giving you enough space to pull away if you wished.
But you didn't. Good lord, you wanted more.
Your eyes fluttered open just as he did, his nose bumping against yours.
“Inside?” He murmured.
You nodded. “Yeah, inside.”
You fumbled with the keys into your apartment, hand blindly flipping the light switch on as Jacob found your lips again, hands grappling onto your waist. His foot kicked the front door shut behind you both as shoes came off.
Your back met the wall just as you slid a hand into his curls. The sound of keys hitting the floor echoed in your ears, but your other senses were far too overwhelmed with Jacob right now—the smell of the cologne clinging to his clothes, the soft earnestness of his mouth against yours, his hard body pressed up—
“So sweet,” he groaned, squeezing your sides. “Could eat you up.”
You whimpered at his words, his mouth breaking away from yours so you could both shove your jackets off your shoulders. “You shouldn't say things like that,” you breathed, pressing your hands against his chest.
The corners of his lips curled upward. “Actually,” he drawled, dropping his mouth near your ear, “that's not a bad idea.”
Your knees nearly buckled. “Huh?”
Your mind went fuzzy as he attached his lips to the side of your neck, suckling sweetly against your pulse, your skin, your collarbone.
“You're a smart girl,” he chuckled warmly, the vibrations sending something just as warm to your panties. “You can figure it out.”
He smiled against your throat, feeling your pulse skip. “There you go,” he purred.
You knocked your head back against the wall at the thought of what he was insinuating—planning—to do to you. When you turned your gaze down, you nearly whimpered again at the sight of him sinking down to his knees before you with a wicked grin on his face.
Forget angelic—this man could be the Devil if he so wished.
“I have a bedroom, you know,” you attempted to joke, but you were also dead serious. Was he seriously about to…?
His hands—large, warm, veiny, and studded with rings—smoothed over the fabric of your skirt, not daring to venture under until you gave him the go-ahead. “We'll get to that,” he promised. “May I?”
You wrestled down a swallow, blood hammering in your ears. “Yeah,” you croaked.
Jacob licked his lips, then pressed a featherweight kiss to the side of your knee. He glanced up at you in silent question. Was that okay?
You nodded in approval, moving your hands into his hair and to cup the back of his head.
He continued on, kissing his way up your inner thighs, until his head dipped beneath the hem of your skirt and you could feel his hot breath fan over your clothed cunt.
Your breath hitched when you felt him blow cool air at the wet spot that collected at the bottom of your underwear.
Jacob's warm laugh met your ears. “You're so cute,” he murmured. His nose nudged you through the damp fabric, and he marveled, “You're so wet for me—can’t wait to taste you.”
Your fingers tightened in his hair. “Please, Cobie.”
“Almost there, angel. You've been so good for me.”
A whine fell from your lips at that, and you slapped a palm against your mouth. God, you sounded so desperate, and maybe you were.
He slowly tugged your underwear down, and you stepped out of them. With the barrier out of the way, Jacob went right to work, licking a broad stripe up your slit and sending you careening against his face.
“Shit,” you swore, one hand grappling onto his shoulder.
Jacob held you upright with one of his arms looped under your thigh to anchor you into place. His nose bumped against your clit as he wormed his tongue through your folds.
You grounded your hips against his tongue, his mouth, his face, begging for more.
His lips latched onto your puffed up clit next, and your head knocked back against the wall again. “Jacob, please—”
He teased your opening with one of his fingers, then dipped it into your weeping cunt. The metal ring was cool against your pussy lips, the sting delicious, as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you as his mouth sucked on your clit mercilessly.
“Jacob, right there—please, please, please—” You tugged the strands of his hair and he groaned into your pussy, the vibrations going straight to your sensitive nub. You rocked your hips against him, desperately chasing after your own high.
You felt a second finger enter you, and the two digits curled and jammed against the soft, gummy spot inside you.
He licked your clit, replacing his tongue with his thumb for a second. “Close, angel?”
“Mhm,” you bit your lip. “Please, I'm so close.”
You moaned as he reattached his lips to your clit, vigorously suckling it until it was bruised, his fingers ramming up into you in tandem. His arm tightened around you as you cried out, your fingers clawing into the meat of his shoulder—your knees buckled, your vision went white for a split second, and fire erupted in your belly as you went over the edge.
Jacob's tongue lapped up all of the slick that had collected, and you sucked in a breath when his tongue dove through your folds and made you clench around the appendage.
When his head came out from under your skirt, his hair was a ruffled mess (thanks to you), and his face gleamed in your arousal and his sweat. He met your eyes, sticking his two fingers in his mouth to clean them.
You nearly went over again at the sight. “Fucking hell,” you exhaled, curling an arm around him as he clambered up to his feet.
Jacob smiled, swooping in to kiss you again so you could taste yourself on him. His hands smoothed down the sides of your body before coming down to cup the backs of your thighs. “You feeling okay?” He murmured into you, coaxing you to wrap your legs around his waist, thumb grazing the skin on your leg.
“Mmh,” you hummed against him, breath hitching when your bare pussy brushed against the rough hardness in his jeans. “Definitely better than okay. What about you?”
“Same here.” He cradled your head with one hand, and held you up with his other. “Do you want more?” He asked you breathlessly, pulling away.
His hand smoothed over the top of your head fondly. You nodded. He seemed to always be wanting to give. “Only if you want more.”
“Yeah, baby. Where's your bedroom?”
He had scooped you up and laid you out over your bed sheets like his own personal feast—and to be so very honest, you wouldn't mind being his meal every single day.
“This is cute,” he said cheekily with his knee pressed into the mattress as he climbed over you onto the bed.
You cupped the side of his face to draw him down to you. “You didn't even look at the room,” you mused into his mouth.
He hummed deeply, maneuvering your head back to deepen the kiss. He pressed his tongue into your mouth, the rough surface massaging against your own and making you forget your own name. “Anything you—” he said at last, “—I find unabashedly cute.”
“Unabashedly, you say?” You teased.
Jacob broke away only to tear his shirt over his head and to give you space to do the same. You pulled your shirt over your head and swiftly undid the clasp of your bra, your eyes fixing on the carved muscle flexing on his stomach as he settled back over you.
His tongue darted out of his lips. “Like what you see?”
You couldn't deny it; who were you trying to fool anyways? “I do.”
Maybe he was surprised by your forwardness. A bit of pink brushed his cheekbones and he leaned over you to press a kiss to your lips. “I can say the same about you, beautiful.”
He trailed one of his knuckles down the valley between your breasts, your chest rising and falling with your every breath. Goosebumps rose upon your flesh as he went, and you were itching to feel his mouth on your skin again.
“Can I touch you some more?” He murmured, eyes darting up to yours.
You nodded earnestly.
Jacob bracketed his arms next to your body and lowered his mouth over one of your nipples. Your fingers found his hair again with a gasp, arching yourself into his mouth and relishing the feeling of his skilled tongue swirling around your perked nub. His other hand gently massaged your other breast, squeezing the mound affectionately.
You covered his hand with yours, urging him to fondle you harder, rougher. The way his skin felt against yours was heavenly.
You sighed his name, wrapping one of your legs around his waist to grind your pelvis against his hardness.
He groaned around you, “Ugh, Yn.” He popped his mouth off your breast, lips trailing down to your belly, all while he grinded into you to chase some form of relief.
“Jacob, please,” you rasped, urging him with a harsh thrust. “Wanna feel you.”
You were tugging your skirt down your legs next, accompanied to the sound of his belt buckle clinking and the denim falling to the floor beside your bed. His erection tented his boxers, and his face looked flushed, but he dug around in his wallet for a spare condom before coming back to you.
When he yanked his boxers down, his heavy cock sprung up and slapped against his stomach. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows to watch him tear the condom packet open with his teeth before sliding the rubber over his throbbing cock.
He groaned softly under his breath, a muscle in his jaw feathering as he wrapped his fist around the head and squeezed himself lightly.
“You're really hot,” you said then, catching him off guard and making him grin boyishly.
He laughed, leaning down to find your lips in a sweet kiss. “Yeah?” He murmured. “You walked into the tutoring center and I knew I was gone, I thought you were so pretty.”
Your chuckle was muffled against him. “Trying to one-up me, Jacob?” Your mirth sobered slightly as he rubbed the tip of his cock between your slickened folds.
Jacob nipped at your bottom lip. “You’ve always been a fast learner.”
As he pushed himself into you, stretching you out inch by inch, you melted into him, fingers digging into his shoulders and his face burying itself into the hollow of your neck.
Your stomach rose and fell with your quick breaths. “Holy shit,” you moaned, mouth falling open as you clung onto him. You could feel him filling you up, the condom doing nearly nothing to hide the ridges of the veins along his shaft. They rubbed against your walls, and you clenched desperately around him.
Jacob moaned loudly, his hips twitching against yours. “Baby, please," he choked out. “You're so—god, you're so tight.”
“You can move now,” you told him softly, cupping the back of his head.
You felt him nod, and with a groan, he pulled his hips back and pushed them into you again. The first thrust was delicious, the second and all the rest were sublime. With every drag of his cock against your walls, you could feel your stomach clench, the pressure building inside you.
His hips slammed against yours desperately, the bed rocking with your movements beneath you and knocking against the wall—thunk, think, thunk—a steady rhythm. He seemed to be consistent in everything he did.
Jacob pressed his body weight against yours as he moved against you. The room filled with the sounds of both of your bliss, and the lewd squelching noises every time he fucked himseld in you. You could feel the wetness and sweat dribbled to your thighs and your ass; barely comprehending just how messy this would be.
“You feel so good, angel,” he groaned, reaching down between your bodies to flick his thumb over your clit.
You yelped, the sensation nearly tipping you over. “Jacob, oh my god—”
“So good for me,” he murmured, sweat dripping down the curve of his sculpted nose. “Gonna come again for me? Nice and pretty as always?”
Your head nodded vigorously, your hips rising to meet his, pelvic bones smashing against each other, his balls slapping against your ass. “Shit, I'm so close!”
You could feel yourself being cranked and wound up like a jack in the box—the precipice was in sight and just in your reach.
Jacob's thrusts grew sloppy, but rougher as he reached his own high. He grunted against your skin, and you both came at once, his hips stilling inside you as you clenched down hard around him.
“Jacob,” you cried out for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight, while his own voice hoarsely grunted your name by your ear.
For a moment, you let your breathing and heart rate steady. You gently brushed your hand against the back of his head as his arms wrapped around your body and he littered your skin with kisses.
“How was that, angel?” He murmured to you, voice husky. He raised his head up to meet your lips with his.
You kissed him back. “It was really good.”
Jacob gave a warm chuckle, eyes crinkling with a smile. “Yeah?”
“Five stars,” you joked.
That drew a slightly louder laugh out of him, and he carefully pulled his softened cock out of you. Swiftly tying the condom off, you directed him to the waste bin beneath your desk.
Jacob settled onto the edge of bed next to you and one of his hands cupped the side of your face, his thumb trailing over your cheekbone. “I meant it—you’re really, really gorgeous. And I know this kind of moved fast, but I'd really like to see where this goes.”
You bit your lip around a smile and met the twinkle in his eye. “I feel the same way.”
You slowly sat up and draped yourself around him, one of his hands holding your forearm to return the gesture. “How's a bath sound?” You asked. You wanted to do something for him now.
He grinned, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I would love that.”
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a/n: abrupt endings are my weakness 💀 someone remind me how to write a conclusion
tbz m.list
319 notes · View notes
midnightfantasiez · 11 months
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SUMMARY: the month of October, it was the time of the year to let your imaginations run wild. buckle up to let your wildest fantasies come true with 11 different scenarios starring our beloved The Boyz.
PAIRING: the boyz x afab!reader (assorted pairings)
GENRE: smut (18+ MDNI!!)
WARNINGS: will be stated in each individual fics!
WORD COUNT: 12,521 (approx. 900 - 1k+ per member)
A/N: better late than never i guess 🥴 this is my first time doing a kinktober, so please bear with me >< i've decided to do things a bit differently and compile all members into one post instead! a big shoutout to @juyeonszn @itsbeeble for beta reading this whole chunk of fics for me, i love you guys sm my beloved pookies 🥺❤️
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Lee Sangyeon
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PAIRING: ceo!Sangyeon x afab!reader
WARNINGS: generation z Sangyeon (yes that is a warning), posessive Sangyeon, mentions of drugs, dry humping, p in v sex, pet names (sweetie)
A/N: inspired from Mystic Messenger Jumin's Bad Ending #2 👀 if you know/play the game, you're cultured.
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You were suddenly summoned to the CEO’s office while you were doing your work in your cubicle. 
It wasn’t unusual, to say the least when you were the manager of your department and you were bound to give the chairman your usual weekly reports of how everyone has been coping with their work. 
The only problem was that the reports were handed in yesterday, so the chairman requesting your presence a second time would be very abnormal. So many thoughts were going through your head. Have you screwed up something badly from the reports you have submitted? Did one of your employees do something that required the chairman to address it personally with you? 
Those were the only negative thoughts that filled your mind as you entered the elevator and slowly rode it to the highest floor, where the CEO’s office was. As you walked towards the front door, you were greeted by his secretary, who was waiting for your arrival, with a red ribbon. Without giving you many details, your hands were immediately tied with the ribbon itself, and the secretary knocked on the door to signal the chairman that you were ready to enter. 
Before you could even ask what was happening, you were pushed into the room right away as soon as it opened, and then the doors were shut, leaving you alone with the chairman in his office. 
To your dismay, you quickly scanned through the entire office to see that the blinds were pulled down, only letting in a bit of light into the room. So it was reasonably dark around, but you could indeed make out a figure sitting down on his chair, hands clasped together as if he had waited long enough for your arrival. 
“Umm... Mr Lee?” You squeaked, lowkey feeling terrified by the entire situation you were in.
“Hello, miss Y/N. Why don’t you come closer to me?” He commanded.
Slowly, you started taking a few steps at a time before you eventually stood right in front of your boss. As you adjusted your sight, you finally made out Mr Lee’s appearance in front of you. 
His brunette hair was parted to the sides, his tie was slightly loosened, and his sleeves were rolled up. His legs were spread further apart than how one would usually do when they are sitting down, and he pats his thigh, indicating for you to come to him. 
But you had to blink to ensure your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you. 
“Sit on me, Y/N.”
What in God’s name is going on?
“W-what? Umm.. with all due respect Mr Lee—”
“I said sit.” He commanded, his tone going down an octave lower. That eventually sent shivers up your spine before you eventually mustered up the courage to slowly crawl up to him and sit down gently on his thigh, internally going through a mental breakdown in your mind.  
His hands were now on both sides of your hips, gripping you to ensure that you weren’t going to fall off from him since your hands were bound behind you, and you had no way of balancing yourself. 
“Now, I apologise for my behaviour a second ago. I’m sure you were terrified, weren’t you?” He asked nicely, which made you feel a lot worse than you already did. 
So many questions were running through your mind, trying to make sense of what exactly was going on or if this whole situation was actually a hallucination. Just as you were about to make sense of your situation, you were brought back to reality as he gently rested his fingers under your chin, lifting your face so that you were looking directly at him now. 
“Say, why don’t you become my assistant? I have noticed how well you excel at your job and how much you have actually contributed to my company.” 
Slowly, he leaned forward and started to place kisses all around your neck before finding the perfect sweet spot for him to suck. 
You gulped, you were starting to wonder if Mr Lee was actually high on drugs or something. Why would a CEO of one of the top companies in Seoul actually do this to one of their employees? Or rather, is he the type of guy who usually does this to his other employees, and you were just not aware of it?
But Mr Lee knew what was going on in your mind, and he immediately answered your question for you. 
“Just so you know, I don’t do this to anyone at all. Consider yourself lucky that I have gotten my eyes on you and have genuinely been interested in you for quite a while now.” His hands that were on your chin now travel down to your clothing as he begins unbuttoning them one by one, removing your top entirely and tossing it to the ground. His hands began moving up and down on your cleavage before he moved his lips towards and kissed the spot, his hands now squeezing your breast. 
“O-oh.. oh god…” Those words completely slipped out of your mouth unwillingly, and you thought you were screwed before you saw how it actually turned your boss on even more. 
“I bet you would sound so pretty moaning my actual name, miss Y/N.” Mr Lee then quickly unzipped his pants as he pulled his cock out, instructing you to rub your wet core directly onto his member. Well, you basically didn’t have a choice, for he was now grabbing both sides of your waist and doing the deed for you.
You were actually going insane, his hard dick now directly under your underwear, and you were already dripping wet upon the contact. As if by instinct, you were actually trying to pick up your pace too, and Mr Lee smirked at that as he knew that you were needy as well.
“That’s it, Y/N. Keep it going.” He cooed into your ear as he moved his hands towards your back and unclasped your bra, tossing it to the ground as he sucked on your hard nipples. 
When he felt how wet you were getting, he knew that he was not going to let your precum go to waste, and he quickly yanked your underwear down and positioned you well before inserting his cock into you. 
A loud gasp resonated throughout his whole office, but that was basically just music to his ears as he gave you a giant smirk you hadn't seen just yet. 
You were starting to moan out his name before he eventually corrected you to call out his real name instead. 
“Sangyeon… sangyeon… keep it coming… aaahhh—” 
“Cum for me, sweetie. Gush all of your juices all over me.” 
With a few more pounces, you eventually came to and released your cum all over his thigh before leaning in to rest your head on his shoulders. 
“You were so good for me, look at how much you came.” He whispered before pushing you back up and guiding you to lean against his work desk. 
He was now loosening his tie completely, and he positioned himself in between your thighs, prepping for another round as he guided his tip to your entrance once more.  
“Since you moaned my name so sweetly, I will take it as a yes that you agree to be my personal assistant from now on. Oh, we are going to have so much fun together.”
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Jacob Bae
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PAIRING: bf!Jacob x afab!reader
WARNINGS: mentions about reader losing their virginity, oral, fingering, nipple play, handjob, blowjob, p in v sex, dom!reader & sub!Jacob 👀
A/N: shoutout to @daisyvisions for giving me ideas for this one!!
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You have been with your boyfriend Jacob for the past year since you met each other in the music club on campus. Since you both were the introvert types, it took a while for you both to start talking to one another, and you needed your mutual friends to step in to help break the ice between you both.
But you were beyond grateful for them because you have scored. You have never dated before and your first and current boyfriend happens to be one of the sweetest human beings to ever exist on earth. 
Things start pretty well between you two, it was all lovey-dovey fun dates until one night when you both got a little bit too tipsy at a frat party hosted by one of the seniors.  You both eventually found yourselves making out in the bathroom, where you lost your virginity to him. 
Jacob was horrified to find out what he did the next day, and he couldn’t help but constantly apologise to you over and over, regretting taking your virginity, especially under the influence of alcohol. You found it to be cute, actually, and you reassured him that everything was alright and you were glad that he was your first. 
Ever since then, you both have been starting to open up more about your sex lives and would constantly give each other the much-needed sensual time together at least once a week, probably three times at max. 
However, there was one thing. It was always Jacob who would be pleasuring you, giving you whatever you wanted. There was no room for a “let me take over now” for you since he has always promised that you feeling good was his number one priority. 
But today would be the day that you would turn the tables around. 
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“J-jacob…” You moaned.
“Yes, baby?” Jacob questioned as he continued planting kisses directly onto your wet clit, two of his fingers inserted into you. 
“C-can I… Take control for the night?” 
That made Jacob stop whatever he was doing as he lifted his head to look directly at you. 
“You what?” He looked puzzled, surely he must’ve heard it wrong. 
“Jacob. You have always been putting me first at all times. It’s about time I return the favour, don’t you think?” You lifted yourself from the bed as you crawled towards your boyfriend, slowly snaking your hands up from his abdomen to his chest, earning a shiver from him. 
It was that moment you saw the look in his eyes, how he shivered just from a simple touch alone from you, when you gently pushed him back so that he was the one lying down now. 
Immediately, you leaned forward to connect your lips to him before moving them down to circle his nipple while pinching the other side. 
This was all so new to him, for he had never been pleasured this way before. And it was a different perspective for him, looking at how dangerously sexy you could be when you’re the one taking complete control over him now. 
Jacob closes his eyes as he groans, slightly leaning his head back into the bed as you continue to explore his well-built body. He was a volleyball player, after all, so he was bound to have muscles and a toned body for you to ogle and leave kisses all over. 
You slowly moved down towards his now hard erected cock, where you gently took it into your hands and started licking and sucking the tip.
“F-fuck… Y/N…”
“Does it—feels good—Cobie?” You questioned in between. 
“Y-yes… it feels so good…” 
“Tell me what you want, Cobie.” 
“Pl-please… make me feel good…”
“And why is that?” You were rubbing his cock with your hands as you continued sucking his tip. 
“Be-because… aaahh… nobody makes me feel this good except for you.” He was far from being sane, and you knew you now had him wrapped around your fingers. 
“That’s all I needed to hear, baby.” With that, you immediately took his entire length into your mouth, sucking up and down, and deep enough that his tip actually hit the back of your throat. 
Oh god. Your mouth. Your pretty mouth. This was what he had been missing out on all this time. 
Jacob was now constantly moaning out your name, which sounded so sweet to your ears. It didn’t take him long to give you a warning on how he was about to cum, which made you sped up the process even more. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Aahh!!” 
All at once, your boyfriend releases all of his liquid into your mouth and you are drinking it all up like there is no tomorrow. Wiping away the excess that was dripping from the sides of your mouth, you�� position yourself so that his cock was directly on your wet clit. 
“I want to fuck you so badly now, Cobie.” 
Taking his member and pushing it into you, both of you let out a deep groan before you eventually start bouncing right on top of him. Your adrenaline was pumping,you were feeling so good and wanted to pleasure him more. It was the look on your boyfriend’s face, it was as if tears were about to drip from the corners of his eyes. That was when you knew that you were on the right track. 
“I’m-I’m not gonna last, Y/N…” He whimpered.
“Cum in me then. I need you to fill me up.” 
As you both were about to reach your high, you immediately grabbed both of Jacob’s hands and placed them directly onto your bare breasts, guiding his hands to squeeze them as you both gave your last push. 
When you both came together, the oozing liquid poured all over his thighs, you gently leaned forward to give him a few pecks on his cheeks and lips while playing with his soft fluffy hair. 
“My boyfriend’s been a good boy today, and I think he deserves one more round.”
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Kim Younghoon
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PAIRING: bf!Younghoon x afab!reader
WARNINGS: p in v sex, sex tape (reader records it with Younghoon's phone), fondling with breasts, tits sucking, nipple play, thigh riding, pet names (baby, rascal)
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The sounds of skin slapping filled the room as you and your boyfriend were having a rather passionate make-out session with one another. 
Younghoon arrived at your doorstep looking rather half-dead, especially with the workload that he has been dealing with ever since he and his older brother had to step up to take over his father’s company. 
As his girlfriend, you have been trying your utter best to cheer him up and give him the motivation that he needed—baking him his favourite pastries, even having a cosy night in your apartment and marathon all the animes he has been missing out on. 
But tonight was different, and all he wanted was to have sex with you.
Which wasn’t unusual, to say the least, both of your sex life has been relatively healthy and you would do it once or twice a week. But it was the way he said it out so bluntly and was so needy for the night, it was as if something had triggered him to act this way.
You basically had no room to question him about it since you were literally pinned to the wall as he stepped into your apartment, making out with you hungrily and eventually ending up in the bedroom. 
So here you were now, lying on your back, and your boyfriend seemingly thrusting into you as quickly as he could before eventually releasing his juices in you. When you both slowly tried to catch your breath, you finally decided to question him about his demeanour. 
“You wanna tell me what is with the sudden move of yours?” You crossed your arms while lying down in bed. 
Younghoon plopped down right by your side and moved closer to you to snake his arms around your waist. 
“I had this weird dream last night that you were having sex with some random guy from your workplace. The way you were sitting on top of him and bouncing up and down while moaning his name terrified me.” 
It took you a moment before you actually tried your best to let the information sink in before you giggled, earning a little slap on your shoulder from your boyfriend. 
“I’m sorry, Younghoon! It’s just that I find it cute and funny how you had such a dream and that you were jealous about it.” You teased, inching your face closer to him, causing him to give you a pout and turn his face away. 
He had then turned to his side and gave you a silent treatment because he absolutely hated the way that you were not sympathising with him but actually teased him about it. 
You giggled more before you slowly moved your hands up his arm in a sensual way, leaning towards his ears to give him an erotic whisper. 
“Seems like someone doesn’t want their gift after all.” 
That got Younghoon’s ears perked up, and he quickly turned back to face you, only to find that you were now setting up his phone onto your tripod and positioning it towards the end of the bed. 
“Umm… baby? What are you doing?” He was perplexed, rightfully so at that, too, since you had never done such a thing before. 
“Oh, I thought my boyfriend would like to have a recording of one of his ultimate kinks in his phone so that he could replay it whenever he is stressed at work.” 
You grabbed onto his arm and pulled him up into a sitting position. You guided him so that his side was facing the camera while you slowly made your way and sat on top of him. You took both of his hands and placed them directly onto your bare breasts, guiding him to give both of them a squeeze. 
In return, you let out a soft moan, reassured him that he was doing a great job at it. It was then Younghoon realised how you were going to make up for his silly jealousy rage by recording a tit-playing/sucking session just for him on his phone. 
“I see where this is going, you little rascal.”
“Correction. Your pretty little rascal whom you’re so whipped for.” You corrected.
With a smirk, he quickly dove his mouth straight towards your nipple and began sucking them as his life depended on it. You knew how your boyfriend had been obsessed with your breasts ever since you began dating, only later teasing him about it when you both had your very first sex. So to actually give him a recording of him performing his favourite thing during sex? Oh, he will definitely be replaying the video constantly from now on.
As he sucked and squeezed your breasts with more pressure each second, you were starting to feel a knot form within your stomach. In an instant, you quickly began rubbing your wet core directly onto his thigh, constantly rolling your hips, wanting to cum as quickly as possible.
“Mmm… yeah… that’s it. Give me more, Younghoon.” 
“Cum all over my thigh, baby. Do it.” 
With a few more rolls, you eventually felt the knot snapped and you released your juices all over his thigh, all while he was still sucking your breasts like there’s no tomorrow. 
When he finally broke free and connected his lips back to yours, he was now gently rubbing your bare back as if he was patting you.
“Thank you, baby. I will surely put this recording to good use.”
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Lee Hyunjae
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PAIRING: fiancé!Hyunjae x afab!reader
WARNINGS: jealous sex, shower sex, Hyunjae is NOT happy, gets possessive too actually, and he teases you a lot (but you started it in the first place so), fingering, reader is pinned to the wall, p in v sex, choking, possessive Hyunjae, pet names (baby, honey)
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You were having a warm comfy shower as you heard the door to the bedroom open. It was when you knew that your fiancé was back from a long day of work. 
Your fiancé, Lee Hyunjae, proposed to you while you both were on a business trip to Malibu, where he actually went all out to set up a romantic picnic-like lunch right at the beach, filling them up with all of your favourite things and colours that were to your liking. 
Ever since you have agreed and said yes, he has been working tirelessly to be able to afford a much better home that would suit the needs of both of you. It took him almost a year before he was able to secure a well-built home located just outside of Seoul. With that, you finally packed up all of your belongings from your tiny studio apartment and moved in almost immediately. 
It has been almost half a year now since you both moved in, and Hyunjae has gotten a promotion at work, which made him have to work slightly overtime than you did. So you usually returned home at least three hours earlier than he did. 
You were washing off all of the remains of shampoo from your hair when you heard the door to the shower being pushed open to the side, and sure enough, you were greeted by your naked fiancé, who was eager to join you. 
“You nasty man, can’t you wait till I’m finished?” You teased. 
“Well, I miss my baby loads and showering together is much more fun, don’t you think?” He quickly leans in to kiss you on the lips while snaking his arms around your waist. It wasn’t for long before he started moving them down to your ass and squeezing them. 
You smirked, knowing how needy he was. But you decided to play along to see how far he would go. 
“So tell me, how was work, honey?” 
“Oh, just the usual. I had to answer a bunch of calls and emails on behalf of the CEO.” He now moves one of his hands to caress your thigh, earning a soft moan from you. 
“Hmm… that’s good, isn’t it?” You questioned and did the same to him, moving your hands up and down his bare back. 
“Well, there was something that I have noticed lately, and I actually need your help to clarify something.” He was now moving his fingers towards your clit, as he began rubbing circles around it. 
“What is it?” 
“I have noticed how one of our co-workers sitting across your cubicle has been giving you weird looks lately. It seems as if he is interested in you.” He now inserts one finger into you, and you know exactly where this is going. He was jealous, and he wanted to get the answer out of that pretty mouth of yours while making you lose your sanity. 
“What makes you say that, Hyunjae? You are my fiancé, after all. I am taken.” You answered in between the moans. 
“Oh honey, you got to do better than that.” He inserts another finger in. “You know what exactly I want to hear.” 
God, he was taking this to the next level. He wants to break you down slowly and the warm hot steam that was filling up the entire bathroom was certainly not helping you to think straight.  
He  pins you to the wall and lifts one of your legs up so that he has better access to finger you even deeper, all while he is still interrogating you. 
“You see honey, call me a jerk but I can be pretty stingy because I hate it when people touch what belongs to me. And I absolutely do not like the look that he was giving you for the past couple of weeks.” 
Without warning, he immediately removed his fingers from you and slammed his cock into you, earning a yelp from you before they eventually turned to moans. 
“Tell me, Y/N. What are you going to do about all of this?” 
“I-I don’t know… what do you want me to do?” You were still holding up, trying your best to tease him, you did actually enjoy seeing him getting all jealous, after all. 
“Wrong answer, Y/N. Come on, you can do better than that.” 
He began to pick up his pace, slamming into you as deep as he possibly could, making you tilt your head back and lose consciousness. 
Oh, he was not going to let you think straight, alright.
“Hnngh— god, Hyunjae-” 
“I’m waiting, honey. Tell me. What will you do about this?” He was now moving one of his hands right up to your neck, giving it a little squeeze. 
“Yes? Tell me.” 
“I will ask my manager to transfer him to another cubicle then.”
“Oh no, honey. Transferring to another cubicle is not good enough for me.” He protested. 
For the love of god, Hyunjae. 
“I—will request—my manager to transfer him—to another department, I suppose.” You were now a mess as he fucks you deep and fast. Tears were beginning to form in your eyes since he basically tearing your walls apart. 
“Now, that’s better honey. I knew you would be such a good girl for me.” 
Picking up his pace as you both were right about to cum, he quickly removed his member from you and grabbed your hair and pushed you down to his member, making you take in all of his cum into your mouth.
When you both finally came down from your highs, he dragged you back up and pinned you against the glass door while he moved directly behind you. 
“Since my baby decided to tease me throughout the whole session we have just had, I think they deserve another punishment.”
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Lee Juyeon
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PAIRING: bully!Juyeon x afab!reader
WARNINGS: Juyeon is such a jerk in this one, pet names (sweetheart), typical university bullying shitz, arguments, fingering, rough sex, public sex (it's in a bar), p in v sex, manhandling
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Lee Juyeon has been your mortal enemy for as long as you can remember. 
Ever since you entered Seoul University and met him for the first time, you guys have not been on the same page. There was just something about you that made Juyeon wanted to tease and bully you all the time, and you could tell how he absolutely loved the red-flushed face you portrayed every time you got mad. 
He had done so many things to you. Whatever your friends have named it, he has done it before. It all started from leaving post-it notes all over your locker that contained writings about things you absolutely detested. It ranged from “so I heard you had a few more marks before you could score a distinction” to “I’m so sorry but that blue skirt is not looking too good on you, sweetheart”. 
It wasn’t just that. He also had to meddle in your love life too. By the time you were in your second year of university, you came across this one rather cute and bubbly guy from one of the clubs you have joined as an extracurricular activity and there were basically sparks going on between you two. And it just so happened that Juyeon was one of the committee members of the club, so that he could witness the whole relationship blossomed with his own eyes. 
Being the jerk that he was, he actually went up to the guy and told him about all of your little secrets, even the ones that you could’ve sworn nobody would find out about. Eventually, the guy was slowly starting to create a distance between you two, and he stopped hanging out with you after the fall. 
Ever since then, you have absolutely hated to spare a glance at him or even hear about his name being mentioned in your everyday lives. Thanks to that, you have always been the person to quickly head straight back home right after your final lecture ends, not wanting to deal with all of the bullshit that he has gotten up his sleeves. 
But since today was a Friday and you had just finished your final papers before the summer break started, you decided to head to one of the local bars in town to relieve the stress you have been coping with for the past couple of weeks. 
It was a relatively quiet bar, and you absolutely loved the ambience of it. It made you felt so relaxed for a while, sitting down comfortably on one of the tables at the corner as you enjoyed the relaxing jazz music that was being performed by the usual performance team at the bar itself. 
Just as you were about to slowly close your eyes to fully enjoy the experience, a hand suddenly grabbed your wrists and you looked up to see who exactly it was. 
Oh, hell no. 
“What on earth are you doing here—”
“Come with me. Now.” 
You couldn’t even ask more questions when Juyeon was dragging you away further down into the bar. 
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“What exactly is wrong with you!” You screamed, yanking his hand off your grip. Your blood was boiling again, especially when he would be the last person you would want to see at your comfort place, and especially when you had just finished your exams. 
You crossed your arms and decided to yell back at him. All of the anger that you have been suppressing for weeks was now finally about to explode out. 
“Have you really stooped this low actually to stalk me? Is it really that fun to ruin and mess up my life when you have already done more than enough??” You were practically screaming through the loud music and chatters in the bar, not caring if anyone was going to pass by or actually call the authorities if things started to get rough between you two.
You didn’t care about anything else right now. All you wanted to do was to scream and let out all of your anger towards the guy standing right in front of you, wanting to say whatever last words you had before calling it quits with him once and for all. 
But Juyeon was relatively quiet for the night, as he actually started taking in all of your anger and hatred towards him. It was rather unusual since he would usually fight back and would not stop until he actually won over against you. There was this look plastered across his face, which made him look guilty almost, or maybe even upset about something. 
“What? Why are you being so quiet? Have you finally knocked some sense into yourself?” You scoffed. 
“Actually. I think I did.” 
Without warning, he takes a few steps closer to you, making you step back until you are eventually cornered with hands on both sides of you, pining you against the wall. 
“Y/N. I’ve realised something lately. And it finally just made sense to me now. I think I actually like you.”
What. This must be some kind of sick, lame joke.
You had to laugh a little bit too hard as well. “What? I think you’re actually insane—”
“No, I’m not. I really do think you mean a lot more to me.” He protested. 
But you were not having any of this crap. “Stop this, Juyeon. I knew you were always playing lame pranks against me, but this has got to be the worst of them all.” 
You thought that would be enough to stop all of this and return to your table, but clearly, the man himself was far from done. He was now grabbing your hands and pining them up against your head, pushing one of his legs in between your thighs. 
“Then let me prove it to you then.” 
In a blink of an eye, his lips had crashed into yours, savouring them rather hungrily. Your eyes widened upon the contact. 
You were actually kissing your worst enemy right now.
As much as you were to squirm, you had no luck as he was basically much stronger than you were, gripping you hard and not wanting to let go anytime soon. He was now grabbing both of your hands with just one hand while the other travelled down to enter right under the dress you were wearing for the night, desperately trying to find your clit. Once he did, he immediately began fingering you without hesitation, your legs basically turning into jelly right there and then.
What on earth is actually going on right now? 
Your moans started filling up the room, and you closed your eyes as you titled your head back. As much as you hated to admit it, you were actually enjoying this whole situation that you were in right now.
Juyeon notices how quiet you have gotten, and he seized his chance to lean forward and whisper into your ear. 
“Will you believe me now, sweetheart?” He cooed. 
“T-this… doesn’t prove anything…” You whimpered. 
“Oh yeah? Then I’ll make sure that you get the message clearly.”
Within a swift motion, he grabs you and takes you into one of the bathrooms that were located not far from where you both were, and he immediately corners you right at the sink top before turning you around and pushing you down. He moved his hands right under your dress and pulled your underwear down immediately, and you hissed at the cold air coming into contact with your core. 
“What are you even—someone is going to see us!” 
“Bold of you to assume that you were in a position to give orders. I don’t care if someone walks in on us, I need you now.” 
He quickly pulled out his cock from his pants and gave it a quick handjob before slamming it into your core, giving you little to no time to adjust to his length.
God, he is hard as f-
“You are so tight, goddamit, Y/N.” He groaned as he thrust in and out of you. He decided to pull your dress down slightly from the front so that your bare breast was now exposed for him to touch while his other hand grabbed onto your hair.  
God, he absolutely loved the look that was plastered across your face right now. The way you looked absolutely helpless right now, how you were basically a moaning mess, constantly chanting out his name. 
And how he was taking the whole scene from the bathroom mirror right in front of him. 
“Juyeon… juyeon…” You cried out. 
“F-fuck— I’m gonna cum—” 
When he finally came within you, you immediately let out a high-pitched scream before finally coming down from your high. Juyeon finally leans forward and gently sucks your neck before finally giving you a response.
“So, do you finally believe me now?”
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Kevin Moon
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PAIRING: husband! Kevin x afab!reader
WARNINGS: reader is such a tease and is basically naked (only wearing the kitchen apron to cover their front body), fingering, cum tasting, kitchen sex, p in v sex, manhandling, pet names (honey)
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“Honey, what on earth do you think you’re doing?” 
Your husband had just arrived home as he stood by the kitchen door looking astounded and was greeted by a relatively questionable sight. 
You knew that your husband, Kevin, had been rather stressed out lately and had been coming home late due to all of the extra work he had to do considering his company had to deal with an insane amount of staff turnover. When he arrived home every day, you would only exchange a few words before he quickly got into the shower and then went straight to bed. 
Hence, you decided to do something that would pique his interest so he could have a good stress relief. So here you were, turning half of your naked body towards him, holding a bowl of whipped cream in hand and wearing only an apron to cover your the front of your body. 
To say the least, it was very bold of you that you decided to make such a move. But to be fair, you had been craving for your husband’s touch and revealing your glorious naked body to your husband would surely gain his full attention towards you.
Sure enough, he slowly drops his briefcase on the ground and walks towards you. That was when you decided to act normal and tried your best to pose a question. 
“You surely must be exhausted, honey. I was whipping up some cream to bake you your favourite sponge cake for dessert tonight.” 
As he took his steps closer towards you, that was when you noticed that his eyes shifted, licking his lips as he stood in front of you now. 
“Screw the dessert, I’ll take you instead.”
Within seconds, he turned you around so you were bent against the countertop. Immediately, he places his hands on your bare back, slowly rubbing your sensitive skin he eventually lands them on your ass, giving it a tight squeeze. You were turned on by that as you elicit a moan, knowing well that your trick has succeeded in tempting your husband for the night. 
One of his hands finally reached your wet core, fingers slowly gliding up and down, rubbing your entrance. You knew he was teasing you, but you were desperate and needed his fingers to be inside of you right now. 
“Kevin, please. Inside… I’m begging.” 
With your given consent, he quickly inserts two of his fingers into your core, pushing them in and out at a relatively fast speed, while his other hand quickly travels back up to your breasts and gives them a massage. It felt so good, and this was the touch you missed so severely for the past couple of weeks. 
To increase the arousal, you turned your head back and snaked your arm around his neck as you brought him towards you, crashing both of your lips together and starting to make out rather messily. His tongue makes its way into your parted mouth, and you both find yourself twirling the tips of the tongue together. 
It wasn’t long before you finally felt a knot form in your stomach, indicating that you were about to reach your high. You broke off from the kiss, now panting while whining for your husband to help, letting you release your sweet juice all over his fingers. 
“Kevin, please, make me cum.” 
“Oh, I’ll let you cum all over my fingers, baby.” 
With a few more fast-paced thrusts, you eventually came and released your juices all over his fingertips when he pulled them from your entrance and inserted them into your mouth, wanting you to savour the deed he had just done for you.
Without giving you much time to calm down from your high, he immediately turns you around and carries you to place you on top of the cold concrete countertop. He quickly loosened his tie as he made his way in between your thighs before leaning close to you.
Kevin was already unzipping his pants and pulling out his now erected cock, his precum dripping wet before he brings it close to your entrance. 
“Honey, I need you so bad right now. I’m afraid I might be unable to hold it back any longer.” He growled. 
“Then don’t.” You reassured him by placing both of your hands on his shoulders, already anticipating him to insert his member into you. 
Just as he had said, he had no intentions of going slow with you, for he immediately went all out, and the skin-slapping noises now filled the entire kitchen. 
This was what you both have been missing out on for several weeks, and it was something you needed desperately right here and now. 
“F-fuck honey… you have been so tight since we last had sex.” 
“Of course—I saved it all for you tonight…” 
“You definitely have been a good girl for me, honey.” 
Kevin was pounding you relentlessly, to the point he was even grabbing a chunk of your hair and pulled it back to increase the arousal. He could tell that you were enjoying it loads from the looks on your face, and so did he. 
“Ke-kevin… I’m gonna cum.” You moaned.
He leans in to give you a quick peck on your lips before pulling them away. “Cum for me then, honey. I want you to cum all over my cock.” 
Within seconds, you released your juices all around his member as you slowly start to catch your breath as your husband leans in to give you a passionate kiss.
“Oh, now you reminded me how badly we’ve missed our weekly sex.”
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Choi Chanhee
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PAIRING: secretary bf! Chanhee x afab!reader
WARNINGS: Chanhee has a playroom 👀 (inspo from Fifty Shades of Grey), pet names (baby), mentions of sex toys, reader is tied up to the bed, use of vibrator, oral, squirting
A/N: gotta give credits to my meimei @beamtori for this, we had this convo a long time ago and she sent me this same exact chanel picture in the dms and i just knew, chanhee needed a fic like this 😋
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“Baby baby! Hear me out!” 
Your boyfriend, Chanhee, was rather ecstatic as he hoped towards your workplace to come to pick you up. He was holding a bag from Chanel, and you knew very well how he had probably gotten something for you when you told him a million times that he did not need to do so.
Since he was in university, Chanhee was recently promoted to being one of the chief secretaries at Chanel, his dream fashion company. You couldn’t be more proud of him as you knew how much effort and energy he has put into making all of it happen. So when he told you how he could move into a more extensive apartment complex in one of the most prestigious areas in the heart of Seoul, you knew that he was beyond excited to have a better life for himself and with you.
He informed you that he needed a few weeks for everything to be completely moved in and renovated before you could come to visit, and you figured that today was finally the day when everything was settled. 
“What was the gift for Chanhee? I should be the one gifting you something now that your apartment is finally in one piece.” You chuckled. 
“No, it should be me thanking you for always being by my side since the beginning of my career.” He gives you one peck on your cheek before escorting you to his car. 
“Now, let’s go have some fun, won’t we?”
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You knew his apartment would be luxurious, but you didn’t know it would be this extravaganza. 
It was a two-floored luxury apartment with the living, dining and sleeping rooms on the top floor. All of the floor and countertops were designed with marble, and Chanhee did a fantastic job pairing the room with pieces of furniture that suited the theme he was going for. You basically stood in the centre, taking in all of the beauty, and Chanhee found it cute how you were basically in shock with the whole sight in front of you. He had to physically come towards you and shake your shoulders to bring you back to reality. 
“Baby, you can ogle at the sight as much as you like from now on since you will be coming here often anyway. But there is something else that I want to show you.” 
He gently takes your hands into his as he guides you to the stairs, taking you down to the second lower floor. It was a couple of flights of stairs before a dark grey door stood in front of you. 
There was no hallway whatsoever down here, just an uncomplicated door. 
“Umm… Chanhee? What’s behind the door?”
“You’ll find out, sweetie. Why don’t you push the door open and have a look?” 
Feeling somewhat hesitant, you gave Chanhee a few more glances to ensure he was alright with the idea before you took a few steps forward to rest your hand on the doorknob. With a single twist, the door was now open to reveal a shocking sight to behold. 
This is…
“My playroom,” Chanhee answered as he now wrapped his arms around your waist. 
You looked around the room from left to right to see that he had a few equipment and clothing hung around the room. You even noticed how there were a couple of lingeries that he had gotten that you had mentioned before whenever you both went shopping on how you would like to purchase them someday. There were a couple of leather whips and sex toys that he owned and a stash of Chanel ribbons that he always loved and would insist that you tied your hair with it. Finally, a double bed was placed right in the middle of the room. 
“Baby… will you be a dear and do me a favour? I think my promotion and moving into this luxury apartment calls for a celebration, don’t you think?” Chanhee pouted before finally resting his head down to leave kisses around your neck.
You gasped at the contact and tried your best to think straight. So many questions flooded your mind, but you got too distracted when one of his hands travelled down to your thighs and started caressing them. 
“Baby, you would do it for me. Wouldn’t you?” The statement now felt more like a command, and you slowly turned your head behind you to find your boyfriend, now giving you a stern look, which was then you realised that he was all serious about it. 
That look has somewhat terrified you, as you have never seen this side of your boyfriend before. But somehow, you were turned on by that..
Say no, Y/N. There’s no way you’re gonna agree with this—
“Yes, Chanhee. Anything for you.” 
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Before you knew it, you were tied up to the bed with the Chanel ribbons that Chanhee kept and stripped down bare naked. 
Everything happened so quickly that you did not have much time even to process the whole situation. It wasn’t new for you and your boyfriend to have sex, it has happened a couple of times before at both of your apartments. But now that he has an entire playroom? Now that was a sight of your boyfriend that you had never seen before.
To make things more fun in his books, he decided to take out one of his vibrators and activated it to a reasonably medium pace as he placed it directly onto your clit. 
“Oh my god— Chanhee!!”   
You arched your back and your toes curled up upon the contact. As much as you wanted to do something, you couldn’t. You were bound by the ribbons that were tied to the bed, only to be lying on the bed helplessly as your boyfriend did as much as he wished. 
He was now moving the vibrator up and down, and your moans filled the entire room. 
“Chanhee… please…” 
Knowing how desperate you were, he now turns the speed up to the maximum level and you were now screaming in agony. 
“God! Chanhee, please!! Please!!” 
He could tell how you were about to reach your high when he quickly removed the vibrator and dove right between your thighs, kissing and sucking your bud.
“Cum, Y/N. Cum all over for me.” 
“Chan-Chanhee!! Aaahhh!!” 
When you finally came and squirted all of the juices right onto his face, he couldn’t help but smile while he savoured up your liquids and eventually swallowed them. 
Chanhee now adjusts himself so that he is hovering above you, caressing your cheek while wiping off that one tear that dripped down to your face from the intense session. 
“Baby, one more round?”
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Ji Changmin
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PAIRING: photographer bf! Changmin x afab!reader
WARNINGS: pet names (baby), reader is pinned up against the wall in one scene, fingering, reader strips naked while Changmin is having a photography session throughout the whole process 👀, self-pleasuring, handjob, blowjob, Changmin is still taking pictures of the whole process 👀, cum tasting
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The sounds of panting and moans were what filled the entire living room for the night.
It had only been thirty minutes since you and your boyfriend had gotten home from a reasonably fancy candlelight dinner at one of the best restaurants in town. It was your boyfriend’s birthday, after all, and you wanted to give your boyfriend the best meal for the night, especially when you have finally gotten one of your first paychecks since you have been employed at your current company. 
But he knew the best treat was waiting for him at home, which was making out with you.
Both of you couldn’t resist and immediately went straight into it as soon as you shut the front door. You were pinned up against the wall, and he placed kisses all over you, from your lips as he travelled down to your neck, collarbone, and eventually, your exposed cleavage as you wore a striking red v-neckline split midi dress. 
The makeout was intense, and you both ended up on the living room couch, now with one of your legs up rested across his thighs, while his hands slipped under your dress, now rubbing your wet core. 
“Baby..” He panted.
“Since there’s technically still an hour left before the day ends, will you grant me one more birthday wish, baby?” 
“Of course, how could I possibly say no?” 
“Well, we’ll have to get into the bedroom first.”
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“Pose for me.” 
You were astounded as you heard about your boyfriend’s final birthday wish. You stood by the side of your bed, blinking at your boyfriend to see if what he said beforehand was a joke. But apparently he was serious, as he immediately took out his Nikon D7500, ready to do the deed. 
Your boyfriend was a photographer, and he would always be invited to all of the top fashion shows in Seoul—taking pictures of all of the celebrities that are the talk of the town. 
But you were no celebrity, hell, not even worthy to be a model. You must’ve thought your boyfriend was mixing work with your personal life. 
“Changmin… I-” 
“Baby, trust me.” He inches close to you to give you one peck on your lips before parting away, taking a few steps back to position himself to start taking worthy shots of his prized possession. He also connected his phone to the Bluetooth speaker you both owned and blasted some songs to get you both into the mood.
“Strip for me, Y/N.” He commanded. 
You were initially reluctant, not that you have not stripped in front of your boyfriend before. But now that a camera was involved and he had switched to his work persona, you weren’t sure if you felt too comfortable with the entire situation. 
But it was your boyfriend’s last birthday wish, and thirty minutes were left before the clock struck midnight. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes to finally calm yourself down and mentally prepare yourself to do all this. 
Slowly, you took the straps of the dress down as you now exposed your bare shoulders towards the camera and posed. You paused for a few seconds for your boyfriend to take a few shots before moving on to the next move. Moving along with the music, you pulled your dress down and eventually stepped out of it while tossing it to the room's corners. You were now only in your black lingerie, which happened to be the one Changmin gifted you on your birthday. 
Changmin loved the sight beyond him as he licked his lips while continuing to click the button on his camera, snapping as many shots as possible. You were turning around, posing as much as possible with the few poses you knew of. It wasn’t long before Changmin ordered you to turn around so that your back was facing towards him.
Turning your bare back towards your boyfriend, you slowly made your way up to your bra and unclasped it, throwing it off to the side while Changmin photographed the whole process with his camera.
It was there, and then he made his way towards you, gently pushing you down onto the bed as he hovered above you. 
“Touch yourself, baby. Do it for me.” 
With one big gulp, you slowly moved both of your hands to each breast and squeezed them. Your soft moans again escaped your lips as you looked directly into the camera lenses. 
God, how badly Changmin loved the look on your face at the moment. 
As he took one of the hands off from his camera, he slowly made his way to your panties, making his way into them to touch your sensitive bud. 
“That’s it, Y/N. I love it when you’re wet for me.” 
The camera's shutters continued as he moved to your side while still rubbing your entrance. That was when he took his hand away from you and unzipped his pants, as he pulled out his member and moved closer to you so that it was now inches away from your mouth. 
“You know what to do, baby.” 
Without hesitation, you grabbed onto his member and started thrusting it up and down while playing with the tip of it as you went. Meanwhile, Changmin’s hands make their way back to your wet entrance, inserting two fingers into you as you let out a loud gasp. As he picked up his pace, you started to whimper, and you dived your mouth towards his dick, sucking it rather hungrily. 
Changmin was now moaning as you were, but that did not stop him from continuing his photography session. 
You would constantly circle your tongue around his tip and you knew how badly it turned him on the most. In return, he was picking up his pace quicker now, both of you wanting to reach your highs. 
“God—Y/N. I’m cumming. I’m going to cum inside your mouth, baby.” 
With a simple nod from you, both of you quickened the pace you both eventually released your juices in your respective places—Changmin’s in your mouth as you drank it all up, while you did the same all over his fingers as he took it into his mouth, licking them all clean. 
Now that the clock has struck midnight, you thought that Changmin would be satisfied with his whole photography session with you. Just as you were about to lift yourself, you found your boyfriend hovering over you once more as he stripped himself fully naked and was now in between your thighs. 
As he took his member and positioned himself directly towards your dripping core while the camera, in his other hand, looked down at you with a grin, knowing that he was far from done with you.
“My birthday isn’t over until I say it is.”
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Ju Haknyeon
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PAIRING: roommate!Haknyeon x afab!reader
WARNINGS: Haknyeon & reader are in a situationship, fondling with breasts, nipple play, fingering, p in v sex, spooning, somnophilia, reader is basically still asleep and thinks that they're in a dream when the whole deed happens
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It was the usual late Friday nights when Haknyeon would return home at around three in the morning. Haknyeon worked the late night shifts at one of the bars near downtown, and you both agreed not to wait for him since he knew you had to be up early the next day for your early shift at your local grocery store. 
You both have been roommates for almost a year now and during that period, you have became more than just roommates at this point. You have both been in a situationship for quite some time now and have decided not to define it in any way particularly. It was fine with both of you since you both were comfortable with how things were now. 
Haknyeon tried his best to turn the doorknob to your room as quietly as possible, and sure enough, he found you sleeping soundly on your shared bed. He couldn’t help himself but ogle at the sight beyond him—the way you smiled slightly in your sleep, the little snores you made, and the curves of your body as you turned to your side to sleep. During moments like this, he was beyond grateful that you both are more than just friends and, of course, as your roommate. 
As he couldn’t wait to hop into the comforts of your bed with you, he took a quick shower and put on his comfy hoodie as he slowly walked his way towards you. Gently lifting the sheets, he crawled into bed with you as he turned to your side, hugging you close to him as he wanted to feel your warmth. 
Naturally, he couldn’t help but move his hands into your hoodie, wanting to caress the soft skin he loves dearly. But there was a problem. 
As he slowly moved his hands up, he finally landed them on your bare breast, and that was when he realised something. 
You weren’t wearing your bra to go to sleep. 
So many alarms were going off in his mind, he knew how badly he should be restraining himself. 
It was time for sleep, goddammit, I shouldn’t be thinking about anything else.
But his actions apparently did not align with his brain, and he now finds himself gently massaging your breasts and squeezing them ever so slightly. His fingers were now circling your hardened nipple, and eventually, he found himself pinching them. 
That was when the soft moans he was accustomed to slowly slipped out from your mouth, and you were wiggling in your sleep. Your eyes were still closed, though, and that was when Haknyeon knew that you were still in deep sleep. 
He went on with this for a while, wanting to hear your soft moans—knowing very well how it was all just for him. Eventually, his name slipped out from your mouth, and that was when he felt his member harden—desperately wanting to slip his member into your core. 
He gently pulled your sweatpants down and rubbed your core before eventually pulling your underwear to the side. He rubbed your sensitive bud, wanting it to be wet enough for him to insert his member into you. 
Once he knew that you were ready, it was his turn to pull his sweatpants down and he took his member in hand while using the tip of it to rub at your now wet core. God, it felt so good, and now the entire room was filled with both of your moans. 
“H-haknyeon… inside…” 
At that point, Haknyeon wasn’t sure if you were still asleep or not, as you still had your eyes glued shut. As much as he wasn’t sure if he should even insert his member into you, your hands eventually found their way to Haknyeon’s thigh, rubbing them as if you were so desperate that you needed him so badly at this point. 
“Haknyeon… please…” 
That was when he knew he lost it, and there was no turning back now. With that, he slowly pushed his hardened cock into your entrance, and you let out a loud gasp. Haknyeon knew it was too much for you to take at the moment, so he took a few seconds to let you adjust to his member before he began thrusting inside of you. 
“Oh my god, Y/N. You’re so… tight…” 
He was slowly picking up the pace when he noticed how you spread your legs further apart from each other, giving him more room to thrust deeper within you. It wasn’t long before you started to chant how you would cum, and Haknyeon, too, felt the same.
“Cum with me, baby. Do it with me.” 
With a few more powerful thrusts, you both released both of your juices together, now slowly coming down from your highs. Being the sweet, responsible roommate he was, Haknyeon quickly wasted no time in cleaning both of you up before diving back into sleep.
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When you woke up the next day, you couldn’t help but feel that something was off, as if you had a wet dream last night, and it was with Haknyeon. Well, it wasn’t something new, to say the least, you both have had sex and had dirty dreams about your roommate often. But something about last night’s just felt too real for you. 
Sure enough, as you got ready and headed towards the kitchen, Haknyeon had already prepared your breakfast. As you took a seat and he quickly gave you a little peck on your lips before returning to the stovetop to fry the remaining slices of bacon, you couldn’t help but pose the question to your roommate. 
“Say, Haknyeon?”
“So I had a dream last night… about us having sex in bed while I was asleep. But something just felt so off for me, as if. It all felt so surreal.” 
That was when he placed the remaining slices of bacon onto your plate and was now inches away from you, taking in his cologne and the sly smirk plastered on his face. 
“Baby, what if I told you it wasn’t a dream after all?”
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Kim Sunwoo
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PAIRING: rival!Sunwoo x afab!reader
WARNINGS: arguments, bad breakup with ex (hence Sunwoo takes reader back to his apartment), Sunwoo is VERY upset with reader wearing his favourite hoodie, but then reader turns dom 👀, teasing, blowjob, p in v sex, clothed sex, cowgirl
A/N: credits to @wuahae for giving me ideas for this!! 💕
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“What are you doing with my hoodie?” 
Sunwoo had just come out fresh from the shower as he attempted to dry his wet dripping hair with the towel that was draped around his neck. 
You were left stranded out in the rain when your ex had just seemingly dumped you right in front of your campus building after a heated argument. Since he was your only way of getting home (you lived an hour away and public transport was not an option this late at night), you were left with no choice but to stand right there in the pouring rain, not wanting to accept reality with all that has happened. You could’ve called for a cab, but that would have meant that you would have been spending off your weekly expenses, and you would have been left with nothing to fill your hunger for the remaining school days before heading back home to your hometown for the weekend. 
It was there, and then your ultimate rival, whom you hated to the core, Kim Sunwoo, stood before you and moved his umbrella to shield you from the rain. As much as you both hated each other's guts for the longest time, there was no way he could’ve left you in the pouring rain all night. Hence, you reluctantly accepted his offer to return to his apartment for the night and get yourself clean and cosy. 
Sunwoo did mention that you were free to use the extra towel he had and to fish out for any of the hoodies he owned in that one particular drawer he pointed at, so you didn’t think much of it and randomly chose one of those at the top of the drawer itself when you got out from the shower. 
It was there when he saw you right after finishing up, he did not have the best look on his face at the moment. He seemed annoyed and was mad about something you desperately needed answers to. 
“What? You said I could use any of the hoodies in the drawer.” You bluntly replied. 
“Yeah, anything but that one. That’s literally my favourite among all of them.” He stomped towards you and was now grabbing the collar of the hoodie you were wearing. 
“Take it off, Y/N.” 
You scoffed. This has to be a joke. Sunwoo getting all worked up just because of one single hoodie? This has to be absolute insanity. 
“I know literally everything that I do ticks you off, but I never would’ve imagined something so simple like this would have the same effect on you, Mr know-it-all.” 
“Look, I was kind enough to invite you back to the comfort of my apartment. So I highly suggest you comply with my simple request before I throw you back out in the streets again.” 
Oh, now that has got you boiling up. There was never a moment where the both of you would agree on something. You both have been like this for the longest time since meeting each other in your first years of university. 
It all started when all of the first-year juniors were invited to a frat party hosted by one of the seniors in one of the apartment complexes near campus, and that was when your first encounter with Sunwoo happened. You both were complete strangers at that time, and neither of you hung out at all as you were both occupied with your group of friends. 
That was when a seemingly drunk Kim Sunwoo made his way towards where you and your friends were and accidentally bumped into you, which made you spilled your drink all over your rented dress where you had to pay double the amount of the original price for ruining some of the details from the outfit itself. Since then, all of the encounters you both have had have never been good.
There was something about his ego that annoyed you the most. You knew he did not do it on purpose on that fateful night, but something about his demeanour just ticks you off all the time. In return, you were the same for the male itself.
Already stressed about your whole ex situation, you were not having it when Sunwoo was about to start another argument and fight when you are literally not at your best self at the moment. 
Instead you stood up, which made the male step back a little while he was still grabbing the collar of his hoodie on you. 
“Look, Sunwoo. I have no idea what exactly your issue is with me. First, you ruined my dress during junior year, and then every time we crossed paths, we never once had a good conversation. You’re always picking fights with me, and I have no idea why. You're such a loser if you think this is all fun and games.” 
“Says the one who’s always heated up and wouldn’t assess the situation well before coming up with a reasonable judgement.” He spat back. 
“Why you little-” 
Without realizing it, you both had been taking several steps back. Sunwoo’s leg hit the couch, causing both of you to tumble back onto the couch, where you are now literally on top of your worst enemy, inches apart from one another. 
Oh dear god, this is literally your worst nightmare. 
Both of your eyes widen and you feel as if time had just paused for a moment right there, trying your best to make sense of the whole situation that was happening right now. 
But it seemed that Sunwoo retaliated much quicker than you did, and he shot back another tease. 
“What’s wrong, Miss know-it-all, cat got your tongue?” He smirked, and you could picture how he would be laughing maniacally in his mind. 
Oh no, you don’t. Kim Sunwoo. 
Without much thought, you crashed your lips into his, shutting him up immediately. You had no idea what had gotten into you to do such a thing, you couldn’t give a proper reason either. But one thing for sure is that it would definitely shut that annoying mouth of his up for a reasonable amount of time. 
Sunwoo was definitely shocked by the contact, but he couldn’t resist returning the kiss, and the both of you were now having a heated making-out session with one another. 
Both of your fingers travelled up into each other’s hair, gripping them as you gasped for air between the kisses. Your hands then travelled down to his member as you began stroking it through the sweatpants that he was wearing.
For once, you saw how helpless Sunwoo was as he began squirming under you and groaning while you continued to massage his own erected member
Looking at how he was enjoying your touch, you pulled his pants down to reveal his huge cock, where you immediately wrapped your mouth around his member, taking it in deeper within your throat. 
“What the actual—go-god….” Sunwoo groaned almost immediately, and it was indeed a sight to behold. 
Never once would you have thought that this was all you needed to have Sunwoo wrapped around your fingers, and you were beginning to enjoy this a little too much. 
You continued sucking his member as you moved your hands to give his balls a gentle squeeze, turning his groans into moans at this point. 
Another point for me. 
You knew he was about to cum as you felt his precum starting to ooze out from the tip of his member, but you had other plans in store. You release his member from your mouth, earning the man's somewhat unsatisfied and annoyed look.  But you were far from done, as you positioned both of your legs on both sides of Sunwoo’s before pulling your underwear down to position your entrance directly on top of his member.
“I’m just getting started, Mr know-it-all.” 
Within seconds, you lowered your body down and took his entire length into you, moaning as you slowly adjusted his cock around your tight walls. It wasn’t long before you began bouncing on him, the sounds of both of your skins slapping one another filled the entire room. 
God. This just all felt way too good. 
“Hnngh… Y/N…”
“Aahh, touch me, Sunwoo.” You grabbed both of his hands as you guided them into the hoodie, placing them directly on your bare breasts as he began massaging them. As much as he was your enemy, you couldn’t help but melt at his touch. 
Both of you were now a moaning mess, and you were now bouncing even faster than before as you began to feel a tight knot in your stomach. 
“F-fuck… Y/N. I’m gonna cum, I’m not gonna last—” 
“Cum with me, Sunwoo. Do it with me.” 
Within the next few seconds, Sunwoo immediately released his fluid inside you while you did the same around his member. As you noticed how badly he was panting and trying his best to come down from his high, you took the chance to lean down and started sucking his neck, not wanting to spare him even a second to take control over you again. 
“Say, let’s go for a round two. I absolutely love how you whimper and moan for my name.”
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Eric Sohn
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PAIRING: tinder date!Eric x afab!reader
WARNINGS: age gap (reader is older), oral, squirting, cum tasting, reverse cowgirl, multiple orgasm (they went for rounds 👀), pet names (baby), Eric calls reader "noona"
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It has been quite a few years since you have last dated anyone or even had sex. 
You have always been a workaholic, so it was natural for you to prioritise your work over anything or anyone else at all. It was also partly the reason your past relationships never lasted that long, and technically it was all your fault for things ended up being the way they were.
But you have decided that you have had enough. It is about time you got back up on your feet again, especially when all of your co-workers around you were set to either be married off or to be engaged real soon. 
Hence, you have decided to get your life back together and opted for dating apps—since they are rather popular now around the market. So you discovered the world of Tinder, and it took you a few tries to be able to match with someone who seemed to be your type of guy. 
A few weeks prior, you got matched with a young man named Eric Sohn. He was in his final years of university, working part-time at one of the best fine-dining restaurants in downtown LA. So when you both finally met at one of the local cafes for the first time, you were intrigued and wooed by his demeanour and how he presented himself—physically and through his mannerisms. You absolutely loved how he was energetic yet still had enough sense to speak the right words and use the right tone in different situations. 
Something about this young man piqued your interest in him, and you wanted to spend more time with him as you got closer together. 
Then it all happened when you both were having a drink together at a local bar not too far from his workplace. He had gotten off a bit later than usual and decided that meeting up in the bars he frequented would be a fun late date night for you both today. As you both started getting a bit tipsy after having a couple of drinks, the topic of making out and having sex suddenly slipped from your mouth. You had no intentions of talking about your sex life since you were not particularly proud of it in anyway. 
But the young man slowly listened to everything you said before finally resting his hands on yours as he leaned closer to you.
“Why don’t we take this fun to a nearby hotel that I know of?” 
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You couldn’t say no. How could you? When you basically had not been having sex for the past couple of years. When your date finally asked for your consent, of course, you had to agree. You haven’t been this excited in a while. The male also insisted that he would show you how good he could be in bed and give you the best night you’ll ever have in a while.
So here you were, lying naked on your back on the soft, comfy bed in the hotel room, while Eric was now in between your thighs, eating you hungrily. 
He definitely did not lie about how good he can be in bed. He knew precisely the proper ways to make you feel good. His tongue was gliding up and down your wet core, and then the next thing that happened, he was kissing and sucking your sensitive bud. This went on for the past hour, and you were already onto your second orgasm just from his mouth alone. 
You grabbed his hair as you pushed him lower and deeper to your core, wanting nothing else but for him to eat you out. 
“Eric.. Eric.. Eric…” It was the way you were moaning and chanting his name that motivated him to keep going, and he would want nothing else but to hear your angelic moans. 
When you finally came to, you squirted all over his mouth and face, causing the male to lick and slurp all of the remains left before pressing his lips to yours. 
“You have been such a good boy to me, why don’t I return the favour this time?” You whispered into his ear before turning the tables around so that he was now below you. You gently planted soft kisses all over his face, down to his neck, abdomen, and eventually to his now hard cock. 
With a little smirk, you turned around so that your back was facing him before gently guiding his member to your wet dripping core and taking in his length. That made Eric mewl upon the contact, but you wasted no time to start bouncing on him, gradually increasing your pace each second. 
“Oh- fuck… Noona… Your walls are so tight..” 
“Then help me loosen it up, baby..” 
You spared the boy no chances as you continued picking up your pace. God, this felt so damn good after such a long time. It was about damn time you got someone’s dick in you anyways, and it so happened that Eric Sohn was the lucky candidate. 
It was a sight to behold for Eric, he definitely enjoyed the view of your bare back with your hair draped down and with you bouncing up and down right on him. God, he was on cloud nine. 
“Noona- I’m gonna- AAHH!!” Eric mewled before he released his cum all inside of you, but you were not stopping anytime soon. 
“C’mon, baby. Give me one more. You can do it for me.” You panted, wanting desperately to make him cum again because god did it felt so good when it happened for the first time.
Eric was now pulling your hands back, using them as a support while he continued to moan and was basically losing his mind at this point. As he was constantly chanting “noona” the entire time, that somehow motivated you and was the best thing you have heard for the night.
“I’m cumming now, Eric. I’m gonna cum!” 
“Noona- AAHH!!” 
With one last push, both of you released all of your juices all over each other, turning the hotel bed into seemingly a huge mess. But that didn’t matter as you literally just had one of the best sex in your life, even compared to the ones you’ve had in the past. 
You slowly got up from him before lying back down right next to him, connecting both of your lips again, giving one another a slow sensual kiss. 
“Thank you, Eric. For all of this.”
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A/N: let me know which fic was your favourite im curious to know 🤭👀
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @flwoie @daisyvisions @mosviqu (join my perm taglist here!)
338 notes · View notes
winterchimez · 10 months
Nonsense | Jacob Bae
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SUMMARY: never would you have thought that joining the music club is where you would develop an abnormal crush on your senior/club president Jacob Bae. so when the university's annual school performance is around the corner, you have decided to give a shot to confess your feelings in the most extravagant way possible.
PAIRING: senior!Jacob x junior g.n!reader
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: pg-13, kissing, yall this is just pure tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: we're back with another fic for the emails i can't send fwd: collab that i'm doing with @heemingyu 😉 shoutout to both sana & @sungbeam for beta reading & helping me out with this one!! love you both loads 💕 also, lowkey this was written for you @zzoguri aka cobster's future, i hope you'll enjoy this (and may this somehow be a little something for you during your hectic times ily my moni forever!! ❤️)
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It was finally the summer holidays, and you were ecstatic as you heard the sound of a vehicle driving right onto your front porch. You had been waiting for this moment since you got the news during the new year and counting down the days on your calendar without fail every day.
Once you heard the engine stop, you immediately ran out to the door to jump right into the person’s arms which were already opened wide, fully expecting your demeanour. 
“Yujin! I’ve been waiting months for you!” You shrieked as you hugged your cousin tight, rubbing your cheek against hers. 
Both you and Yujin were raised together by your grandmother back in Vancouver, and things took a turn when your parents eventually got a promotion up in Toronto, causing you to move far away from your family. Because of that, you don’t get to see each other often anymore, the most being once every 2 years when your parents will try their best to make time to attend the Christmas parties held annually at your grandmother’s house. 
Yujin was like your long-lost sibling; even though you were cousins, you both felt there was more to that. Ever since you both have gotten your very own mobile phones, you both promised that you would FaceTime each other almost every other day. You knew everything about one another—from each other’s darkest secrets to how much money you stole from your parents' wallets when you were younger to buy that vinyl you have been eyeing for the longest time. 
But lately, things have been a bit too chaotic for you both to keep up the promised ritual. Since you both started university, it was hard to make plans, especially when studying in different courses, which also meant different timetables and classes. During the weekends, the both of you would often be occupied with either school events or at your local pizzeria as your part-time job. Hence, texting was the primary source of communication between you two.
And besides that, something crucial had happened to you lately, and you couldn’t wait to spill the beans to your cousin. 
Once you had helped Yujin unload her stuff from the car and moved it up to your room, you quickly made yourselves feel comfortable by cuddling together on your sofa bed. 
“So, tell me. How has life been for you?” you asked, blinking your eyes, trying to give her a pleading face because you wanted to know about everything that had happened lately. 
“I’ve been promoted to being part of the student council at my university! Oh, and then there’s also me actually acing an exam that I clearly did not study for because I was up all night that past few weeks playing Genshin Impact. Oh, and then there was this adorable guy from my campus who I think kind of has a crush on me because he always glances in my direction, like you know? That stare? And then—” 
“Woah woah, slow down, tiger,” you had to pause your cousin because clearly, she was dumping all of the information without giving you time to process them individually. With that, the both of you chuckled, hands placed onto your stomach as you began to laugh a little bit too hard until it started to hurt. 
This was what you had missed so dearly, and you couldn’t help but put on this genuine warm, soft smile on your face as you looked into Yujin’s eyes. 
That was until she squinted at you. 
“Whatever you’re doing right now is creeping me out real bad, so I suggest you stop that.” 
You slapped her arm. “Rude.” 
“Fine. What about you then? I’m sure your time at the University of Toronto has been a wild ride for you.” 
“About that…I have something I need to consult you for,” you lowered your head and voice to a minimum, which got your cousin's ears perked up and was prodding your arms, wanting to know the details. 
“Oh my god, did you just finally have your first kiss?”
“W-what? No! I mean, at least not yet….” 
“What do you mean not yet? So do you have a special someone in your life right now?”
With a deep sigh, you took one of the pillows lying on the floor and threw it in Yujin’s direction, causing her to hug the pillow tight as she laid her head down gently to rest on it. 
“Buckle up, babe. It’s going to be a long story.” 
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“God, why do I have to sign up for this?” 
You stomped your feet to the ground as you looked at the paper, which read: “Applications for extra-curricular activities such as clubs are mandatory for all students, commencing on April 2023.” 
Your university had been pretty lenient over the years, and they had never once forced students to participate in clubs if they chose not to, understanding that some of them had make-up classes for their courses or were just busy with their thesis and side jobs. Most of the students in the university themselves took on part-time jobs, such as working in the school’s cafeteria and library, to earn a little bit of pocket money to survive.
So, when they decided to change the rules after the previous headmaster resigned and was replaced by a new one that everyone did not like, she chose that both coursework and extracurricular activities played a crucial role in one’s graduation. 
Left with no choice, you stood before the bulletin board, trying to find a club that suited your taste. 
“Screw Mrs. Kim.” You huffed. 
“Look, Y/N. It can’t be too bad. It’s just a club. After all, nobody said you have to be super committed to it,” Your friend Keeho sighed, looking at how you beat yourself up over such trivial matters. 
“You don’t understand, Keeho. This means I will have less time at home because I will have to leave to work my shifts at the pizzeria right after clubs. What is going to happen to my games and k-dramas?” You whined. 
“If you want to graduate from university, you’re going to have to choose one now.” Knocking some sense into you, he gave you a pat on your shoulder before walking away towards the opposite direction, heading to his club.
You turned to look back at the bulletin board once again, scanning through all of the posters and flyers that were scattered throughout. After a minute or two, your eyes finally landed on this one cream-coloured flyer, and you sighed before checking the location once more before heading to your destination. 
“This is the only option that will work for now.”
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“Hello?” You called out, but the room was empty as you opened and peeked your head through the door. Thinking that you should try again, you entered the room and looked around. 
There was nothing here but a ray of sunshine shining through the glass window into the empty room, and the sunlight landed directly on the lone black piano at the corners of the room.
Maybe playing it for a while wouldn’t hurt at all.
You slowly approached the piano and opened it up as you made yourself comfortable, sat down, and got into the rightful position, gently laying your hands on the keys. Immediately, you started playing one of your favourite pieces of all time, Summer by Joe Hisaishi. Unbeknownst to you, your body began swaying along with the music, enjoying the moment you were in. 
That was until a clap made you stop your tracks.
“Wow, that was some excellent playing right there.” The male gave you a round of applause as he slowly approached you, causing you to jump right up, looking all flustered. 
“I-Umm—I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to play the instrument without approval—” 
“Oh no, no! The piano is free for anyone who wants to play, so you’re all good,” he reassured you, causing you to calm your fast breathing down by placing a hand on your fast-rising chest. 
As he finally reached where you were standing, he posed a question directly at you. “Is there anything that I could help you with?” 
It was there, and then you took in his facial features as the sunlight shone from his face. His soft fluffy brunette hair, those doe-like eyes, and how mesmerising it was as he smiled. Adding onto the fact that he keeps smiling in the best way possible, your heart starts to flutter. 
“Umm, hello?” He was now waving his hands over your face. 
Oh, right. You were supposed to sign up for a club. What on earth were you thinking, Y/N?
“Y-yes! I’m here actually to umm…sign up for the club,” you said reluctantly, a little bit too shy with your answer. 
That was when the male’s eyes widened, and he did a little jump to indicate how happy he was to hear that from you, and he quickly extended out his hands to you, giving you a handshake.
“But of course! We are always open to new members joining the music club! Oh, pardon me, where were my manners? You can call me Jacob.”  
“Y-Y/N.” You replied.
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It has been around two weeks since you joined the music club, and everything has been going smoothly for you. Thanks to Jacob (who turned out to be the club’s president), he has helped you so much in trying to get you to blend into the crowd and with other musicians, creating a very safe and warm atmosphere for everyone. 
It was also then that you noticed what kind of a person he was. He was very gentle, yet suitable to be a leader. The tone of his voice and the way he handled things fairly and reasonably made everyone respect him and want to perform alongside him. 
From what you have heard from the club members, Jacob would lead the team to busk at the city centre once every two to three weeks, which was where they would earn some money that served as their reward as they went out to celebrate once in a while at the local party scenes such as the bars. 
Thanks to his guidance, the university’s music club eventually garnered enough audience from the school and the public to the point that they have been invited to perform multiple times throughout the year. You have heard that even local communities such as the orphanage and childcare facilities would often ask Jacob and his team to function for the underprivileged ones, and they would gladly volunteer, even if it were for free. 
There were a few times when you stayed behind to help Jacob close up the music room (more like you were trying your best to spend much time with him as much as you could), and it was when you decided to ask him about his thoughts and the way he did things around here. 
“Music just means so much to me, and I would gladly perform every day even if I had to. It’s not about the money; it can be great as a little side income, but what matters most is that I do this because I am passionate about it,” he replied, clearly stating his goals and reasons well. 
Ever since that conversation, you notice more in detail how he did things or even when he performed. Just as he said, he was passionate—it didn’t matter if things were hindering his way, he would still make way for it. 
No matter how burnt out he could be from his coursework or side job, he would always place the music club first, making sure that not only he enjoyed the whole process but also the club members as well. 
Slowly, you began to admire him for not just his good looks but also his personality. It was as if he was this fine perfect gentleman that had just entered your life easily, and you couldn’t stop thinking about him each day. 
It was the way he was always smiling with others, the way he would sometimes sit at the piano and play a duet with you, the way you both were guitarists, so one of you would either offer a fun little duet session after club hours, even up till writing song lyrics together. 
And how there was one time he unintentionally got his arms around your waist when you slipped from the wet, freshly-cleaned wooden floor from the club, and he caught you in time. 
That was something that you have thought about all the time ever since it happened. 
As the weeks progressed to months, the little spark in your heart for him eventually grew, and it just kept getting bigger each time you saw him in the same club room. 
And that was when you knew you were in big trouble.
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End of flashback 
“Damn, you're whipped,” Yujin concluded after listening to your story. 
“I know. That’s why I’m telling you this, Yujin. I’m so screwed.” You buried your head in your palms, the slight headache becoming more prominent now. 
“Hey, what’s wrong with liking a senior? I’d say it’s your time to shine and confess to him.” She reassured you by gently rubbing your back before you slowly lifted your face up. 
“That’s because I think I might be in too deep,” you mumbled. 
“And how exactly did you come up with that conclusion?” 
“Do you ever start stammering and slur your speech when they get close to you like they’ve not done anything, but somehow you just can’t converse like a proper human being.”
“When they literally tell you how they absolutely love your eyes and loved making them roll?”
“Okay. Go on.”
“And that you actually finally got their contact number and literally named them ‘do not leave me alone’?”
“Hold up, let me see.”
Reluctantly, you fished out for your phone in your back pocket and scrolled through your contact list until you found Jacob’s. As you click into it, you nervously hand your phone to your cousin, praying internally that she will not drop another diss to make you feel worse than you already are. 
Do not leave me alone ❤️‍🩹. That was exactly what was written for the club president’s contact name on your phone. 
“Damn, Y/N. I never would have thought you would be so delusional. I’d like to think that you’re far worse than I am,” Yujin declared, turning your face into a bright red tomato again. 
“I know, Yujin! And I have never felt this way before. That’s why I needed your validation.” You were practically doing somersaults mentally right now, wishing that you could take it all back, but at the same time, you needed to let out your inner feelings too.  
As Yujin handed your phone back to you, she raised an eyebrow before posing you a question. “So, what exactly do you intend to do from here on?” 
“There’s this upcoming music festival at my university this weekend, and I will be performing on stage.” 
“Oh, that’s great—”
“And I’m going to perform a song I wrote specifically about him,” you blurted out. 
That made Yujin shut her mouth as she tried to process what she had just heard. “Wow, Y/N. You are literally going all out on this.” 
“I just need a way to get this off my shoulders somehow, Yujin. And it’s now or never,” you said. 
“Will he realise that you are trying to serenade him, though?” Yujin asked as she placed her hand on your shoulder. 
“Success or not, I will still do it. And then I’ll completely forget that I’ve ever written this song ever again.”
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It was finally Friday night, and the auditorium hall was filled with students, lecturers, and outsiders. Peeking from the backstage, there was this nervousness in the pit of your stomach, and you were now trying your best to rethink your actions. 
What exactly had made you even decide to sign up for the concert in the first place had remained a mystery for you, and looking back now, you swore you would’ve thrown a cold bucket of water over you to wake you up from your insanity. 
But it was too late to turn back now, as it would be your turn on stage in a few minutes. After the previous performer finished his chosen song, the MC briefly introduced you and your contributions to the music club before finally inviting you onstage. 
As you entered with the white guitar you had gotten for Christmas a few years prior, you tried your best to search for Yujin amongst the crowd—sure enough, she was sitting right at the side, waving her hands enthusiastically to cheer you on. You couldn’t help but flash a smile back. 
And finally, you decided to find the man of your dreams, and he was sitting right in the middle section along with the other club members. He gave you a clap just like the rest of the audience did and mouthed out a few words that you couldn’t grasp. Perhaps he was just saying “all the best,” as one would as they support their fellow members.
When you finally reached where the microphone stood, you adjusted yourself before positioning your fingers along the instrument's strings and introducing the piece you were about to perform. 
“This song was written by a special someone in the crowd tonight, and whoever that it may be, I hope this song speaks to your heart and that you mean a lot to me. Without further ado, enjoy.” 
With a few strums from the guitar, you gathered enough courage to smile before singing into the microphone. 
I’ll be honest.  Looking at you got me thinking nonsense. Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in And when you got your arms around me Oh, it feels so good 
Instantly, you noticed several people from the crowd starting vibing along with your song as they naturally swayed their bodies from left to right, enjoying the melody and rhythm your song produced. 
I had to jump the octave I think I got an ex, but I forgot him And I can’t find my chill, I must’ve lost it I don’t even know, I’m talkin’ nonsense  I’m talkin’, I’m talkin’ 
When you peeked from the corner of your eye, you noticed how Yujiin practically stood up, clapping her hands along with the rhythm. Naturally, the people around her joined in, as did the crowd from the middle and far left section. 
God, were you so grateful for that, so much so that you were trying to hold back your tears. 
I’m talkin’ all around the clock I’m talkin’ hope nobody knocks I’m talkin’ opposite of soft  I’m talkin’ wild, wild thoughts You gotta keep up with me I got some young energy I caught the L-O-V-E How could you do this to me?
I’ll be honest.  Looking at you got me thinking nonsense.
With one final strum, you ended the performance with a bang, and you got the crowd to give you one of the loudest cheers you have heard throughout the night. Some have even given you a standing ovation, and you swore that tears were about to form in your eyes. 
You quickly redirected your attention to Jacob, and he did the same, standing up while giving you that sweet honey smile that you’ve grown to be obsessed with, clapping along with the rest of the audience. 
Thank you for existing, Jacob Bae. I hope you can hear my thoughts through this song written specifically for you. 
With a final bow, you quickly exited the stage.
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You were sitting on a bench at a park near campus, opening the bottle of sparkling water you had gotten from one of the nearby vending machines.
You met up with Yujin right after the show and told her how you wanted some time alone just to wind down and digest everything that had happened. You reassured her that you wouldn’t be gone too long and would return as soon as possible. Thankfully, your cousin understood the message and agreed so long as you did not venture far away nor leave her alone too long exploring your campus. 
With a sip of the water, you couldn’t help but smile as you looked up into the skies filled with stars on a clear night like today. The secret was finally out, and a burden was lifted from your shoulders, so you could just sit back on the bench and relax a little bit. 
That was until a voice brought you back to reality.
“Mind if I join you?”
You jolted up from the bench to see the man you were trying to serenade, and immediately you felt the heat rise towards your cheek, and you began stammering again. 
“Y-yes, o-of course!! Umm..g-go ahead!!”
As he sat next to you, you naturally shifted slightly away from him and ducked your head down as you began to rub your palms around the water bottle you were holding back and forth. Jacob noticed your demeanour, and he couldn’t help but giggle as he saw the redness of your face becoming more prominent.
Because he had always known how you have been having a crush on him.
To break the ice, he devised a simple conversation to help you loosen up a bit and break off the tension. 
“I really like your guitar, Y/N. It’s just the right shade of white, and seeing it reminds me of elegance and simplicity but in an attractive way.” 
“U-uh, thanks! It was gifted to me as a present—”
“Just like you, Y/N.” 
Wait, what?
Did you just hear that right? Or is your mind playing tricks with you? Maybe the after-effects of adrenaline from the performance got you thinking nonsense. But you had to make sure. 
“I umm…I beg your pardon?”
“I said what I said, Y/N. I know you have a crush on me.”
Oh no.
“How I make you feel all giddy and excited every time I talk to you.”
Oh, hell no. 
“And I’m going to guess that the song you just performed was directed towards me.”
Lord Jesus, take the wheel. 
At this point, you felt as if you were receiving dozens of arrows shooting right into your heart one at a time, and you were just about to pass out. What you thought was a simple crush became way too apparent to the point that your love interest has already known since day one. 
This is the most embarrassing shit ever. 
You quickly recollected yourself by sitting up straight and clearing your throat before responding properly. 
“Ha-ha, I guess I-I was too obvious!! I-I’m sorry if I might’ve made you un-uncomfortable in any way—”
That was when Jacob interrupted you. “What makes you think I was uncomfortable by all of this?”
Jacon now inches a few spots closer to where you were, and your butt was glued shut on the bench because if you were to move any further, you would end up falling straight onto the grass. 
Oh, good lord. 
“I’m actually grateful for you, Y/N. I think it’s the first time anyone has ever felt that way about me,” he smiled. 
That was when you blinked your eyes. “W-what, really? How can people not fall in love with you—” You clasped your hands over your mouth as soon as you said the “L” word. 
He chuckled. “I don’t know. People have always seemed to view me as a good friend but not a potential love interest. I haven’t had one since a long time ago, and that made me rethink if I could ever date again.”
Gently he laid his hands onto yours that were situated on the bench as he turned his full attention to you now. 
“And funny enough, I’m pretty sure I have feelings for you too. The moment I saw you playing Summer on the piano that first day we met, I knew there was something different about you. And I am so glad that eventually we got close to one another.”
After that, Jacob finally took in a deep breath before turning his direction back to you, which made you gulped for a second. “I think it wouldn’t be fair for me to not give you a proper response to your confession to me, no?” 
Oh, god. It’s here. “S-so…what are your thoughts, Jacob? Was the song okay?”
“Y/N. It was far beyond just okay. It was a masterpiece, and I loved how quirky you are with the lyrics. It was something else, but it suited my taste.” 
As he finally intertwined his fingers with yours, he inched his face closer to yours until they were centimetres apart. 
“I accept the proposal, Y/N.” He smiled.
“Y-you…you do?” You asked weakly as if you were already not melting enough from the tension and heat. 
“Will you give me a chance, Y/N?” There was this glistening in his eyes, and he looked exactly like Puss in Boots from the animation that both you and Yujin loved watching when you were kids.
“If you’re ready to deal with me, of course,” you stammered. 
He gave you the biggest smile before pulling you into a warm embrace. “More than ready, Y/N.” 
As you sunk into his embrace and took in his scent, you rested your chin upon his shoulders and stayed just like that briefly before Jacob broke off the hug and gently grabbed both of your shoulders, his eyes now landing on your lips. 
“May I?” 
Without giving a proper answer, you immediately shut your eyes, indicating that it was a yes in your books. Jacob chuckled at that for a while before leaning in to give a peck on your lips. 
The sweet moment was then ruined by a ruffling noise coming from behind as both you and Jacob turned towards its direction. Sure enough, you found your cousin Yujin emerging from one of the trees with her phone in hand, recording the whole session. 
“Now, that is what I call a successful indirect confession!” She exclaimed. 
“Miss Ahn Yujin don’t you even dare—” you quickly threatened her before you took off running towards where she was, and she did the same but ran away from you instead. 
“You will be sleeping on the streets tonight!” You yelled.
“Try me, Y/N!” She replied. 
Jacob watched as the two of you began chasing each other around the park, and he couldn’t help but giggle as he laid back and propped one arm on the bench, just admiring everything about you. 
“Little did you know Y/N, that you also got me thinking nonsense about you all day every day.”
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emails i can't send fwd: series masterlist
main masterlist
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction @vernyangel @fylithia @stealanity @lngwayup @snowflakewhispers (join my permanent taglist here!)
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leejynz · 1 year
can u do boyfriend! eric or boyfriend! changmin scenario
might as well do both
tbz scenarios - boyfriend! eric / fluff!
*note this is all fictional and just based off of my opinions on the boyz (eric & changmin) js for fun*
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- 50% acts like a man and 50% acts like a baby
- buys you vip seats everytime to all the sports games you want to go too
- gets pouty when your attention is on a male celebrity on the tv “yah!! what about me?!? your boyfriend is an idol!!!”
- sends you selfies of him when he’s about to go to bed when he’s on tour “i miss you baby *face kiss emoji*”
- cleans the house when he comes home from work while you’re still at work
- can’t hide his smirk when you lay on his chest; raising his ego
- can’t help but smile when he gently fixes your hair when you’re sleeping but tries to not wake you up
- back hugs 24/7.
- contact name (you): my sweetheart (have you seen his weverse 😉)
tbz scenarios - boyfriend! changmin / fluff!
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- tucks your hair behind your ear when youre stressed
- always covers a blanket over you whenever you fall asleep in the couch
- text arguments about who misses who more “i know you miss me but i miss you the most 😡”
- the type that would love to rest on your chest instead of the other way around
- rubs his head on your neck in the morning at any random time (cuddling)
- never gives his food to his members but will give you a sip of his drink if you do aegyo for him
- leaves daily sticky notes on the fridge “morning dummy don’t skip breakfast”
- contact name (you): my pigeon (yes bc of the nyc pigeon but i feel like it’s a pet name he’d give)
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mymoodwriting · 7 months
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Request for Anon (Yandere Android Sunwoo) 4.2k, yandere, androids, abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, assault, fighting, prejudice, manipulation, detroit become human au (@starillusion13)
“Are you alright?”
It always pained you to see an android being mistreated in public. The laws that were put in place to give androids freedom and rights didn’t stop people from being rude and aggressive towards them. If anything it seems like it made matters worse. As you were heading home from grocery shopping you saw a handful of people crowding around another. It was hard to tell whether or not someone was an android as they blended in perfectly, but one good hit could disrupt the outer skin and reveal the white plastic underneath, even if only for a moment. Regardless, you couldn’t just walk away from someone in need.
You shoved yourself in between the troublemakers and the person being assaulted. This wasn’t the first time you had been in this situation, so getting a slap across the face was expected. It confirmed to those bastards you were human, and they weren’t gonna hurt you further because of that. Of course they just changed their tactic and started calling you names, and saying you were a pathetic android lover. You didn’t care for any of it, to you androids were living beings just like humans and deserved respect. You ignored the yelling and helped the other get away from the scene and into a more crowded area. Once you were in a better place you checked on them, examining them for any injuries.
“They didn’t hurt you too bad, did they?”
The android didn’t say anything, just stared at you with wide eyes and disbelief. They slowly reached up to touch your cheek, making you wince a bit from the sting.
“Why did you do that? You got hurt…”
“It’s okay, I’m used to it.”
“Used to it? How come?”
“I see your people getting hurt too often and I can’t just ignore it.”
“You’re very kind.”
“Are you alright though, really? I don’t know much about androids but-”
“I’m okay. I can take a hit.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“Neither should you.”
“I suppose so. I didn’t catch your name?”
“Sunwoo. What about you?”
“It’s beautiful. I need to repay you for today.”
“No, no, you don’t-”
“I insist.” Without asking Sunwoo took your grocery bags, giving you a smile. “Where are we going?”
“It’s okay you don’t have to do this.”
“I want to, please.”
“Alright. I’m just heading home.”
“Then lead the way.”
Sunwoo walked with you back to your apartment building, making conversation. You talked about your job, which was part time as you were also a student at the nearby university. You were fortunate enough to be on scholarship and had some money from your parents that helped you with the apartment. All the other living costs were on you. As for Sunwoo, he was in and out of work, which you knew was common for many androids. They had to identify themselves in order to work, and people still held onto prejudice. 
“Thank you very much. You can set the bags on the kitchen table.”
Sunwoo insisted on helping you to the very end, so you let him into your apartment. He set down your groceries and curiously looked around, saying that your place was cozy. He kept talking with you as you were in your room, unpacking your things.
“Do you live alone?”
“Yeah. This place is really only meant for one, and I’m fortunate that I can afford it.”
“Doesn’t it get lonely?”
“At times, but I’m alright.”
“Can I ask… I know you said something about this earlier…” Sunwoo came over to the room. “But… why do you help out other androids? Most humans hate us…”
“It’s honestly so unfair and stupid. You’ve done nothing wrong.  To me there’s not much of a difference between humans and androids. We all just want to live our lives, don’t we?”
“Yeah. It’s really nice to know that there are some good humans around.”
“Believe me, there are.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Being yourself.”
“Huh? What does that-”
As you turned around you found Sunwoo standing before you, startling you. Although you couldn’t ponder too much as a white hand was reaching for your face, and then your world cut to black.
You whimpered and rolled over in bed, hearing some faint knocking. You thought maybe you were imagining things, but the knocking persisted. You sighed and got up, stretching your arms and getting out of bed. As you opened the door you were rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Morning, Eric…” You smiled. “What are you doing here so early?”
“I was trying to call you. We were supposed to go out for breakfast this morning, remember?”
“Were we?”
“Y/n, is it gonna be breakfast for two?”
You looked back to see Sunwoo peeking out from the kitchen, holding a spatula. He waved at Eric with a smile.
“Who’s that?” Eric questioned.
“That’s Sunwoo, my roommate.”
“What? Since when do you have a roommate?”
“It’s been a while now.”
“What do you mean? I was here like yesterday, and you’ve told me that you’re alright financially.”
“Oh I don’t help with money.” Sunwoo chimed in, coming over to the door. “I help with apartment maintenance and other stuff to make things easier for y/n.”
“Other…? Wait, are you… an android?”
“Y/n, what the fuck!?”
“Excuse me?” You questioned. “Eric, you-”
“Why is there an android here?”
Eric made his way inside the apartment, shoving the android away from you. The last thing you wanted was a fight so you quickly got in between them, placing your hands on Eric’s chest and making him step back
“Eric, what is your problem? I didn’t think you had an issue with androids.”
“I don’t.”
“Then why are you acting like this?”
“Can we talk?” Eric glared at the android. “In private.”
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a second.”
Eric stepped out of the apartment and you closed the door, taking a moment to catch your breath. You turned back to Sunwoo, giving him an apologetic smile.
“I’m so sorry about that, I had no idea he would act that way.”
“It’s okay, I’m used to it.”
“Still. I’m gonna talk to him. So I’ll be right back.”
“Do you have to?”
“If he was like that to me… I don’t want you to be alone with him.”
“Eric is usually a sweet guy. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“I’ll only be a couple of minutes.”
Sunwoo still didn’t like the idea, but he couldn’t convince you otherwise. You quickly went to change into some more proper clothes and stepped out into the hall to meet Eric. Before you could say anything he grabbed your arm and dragged you down the hall towards the stairwell.
“Eric, stop, you said you wanted to talk.”
“Away from that android.”
You pulled yourself free and stayed where you were, right in the middle of the stairs. Thankfully it was early in the day, and you probably wouldn’t be disturbing anyone.
“What is going on with you?”
“Why do you have an android living with you?”
“What’s the problem with that? Not to mention the way you treated him was unacceptable.”
“Why do you have an android?”
“Why does it matter?”
“Cause it does! If you needed a roommate I could have moved in.” Eric sighed. “Look, I know you care about androids, but you can’t just have one living with you.”
“Why? Since when are you some sort of expert on human-android relations?”
“I’m not, but you know a lot of people don’t like androids. If you have one close to you like that, they’re gonna get the wrong idea.”
“Like you?”
“Y/n, please.”
“What do you want here?”
“I want that android to leave.”
“You’re being ridiculous. Sunwoo’s not gonna hurt me or anything.”
“Y/n, I don’t like the idea of leaving you alone with an android.”
“I’m fine. Besides, I like the company…”
“Then I’ll move in.”
“You’re a full time student, and moving here would create a long commute. I’m also not accepting roommates.”
“But you’ll take in an android? How did you two even meet?”
“I just ran into him one day and-”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“He was being harassed by some people so I stepped in.”
“I’m fine.”
“Bullshit. Are you hurt anywhere?”
“I said I’m fine.”
“This is exactly why I don’t want an android staying with you. You’re too kind, and they’re taking advantage of that.”
“No he’s not. I offered to have him stay with me.”
“I don’t want to hear anymore about this.” You stated. “I don’t even wanna see you right now, so just go.”
“Think about your attitude today, and let me know when you’re ready to apologize.”
You didn’t let Eric say anything more as you made your way back to your apartment. Eric still couldn’t believe what had happened, but he certainly needed to take a new approach.
“It’s Eric, right?”
As Eric stepped out of the building he heard someone call his name. He turned back to see the android from your apartment leaning against the wall by the entrance.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“I just wanted to tell you not to show up unannounced.”
“And why’s that?” Eric walked up to the android. “You got a problem with me?”
“No. I just want to be able to properly accommodate you when you come by, and I can’t do that if you show up randomly.”
“What are your intentions here?”
“Why did you move in with y/n?”
“Does it bother you?”
“Yes, and I’d prefer it if you moved out.”
“Well I prefer to be in the presence of someone like her. Someone who doesn’t care that my blood is blue. She’s kind, and I want her to be happy.”
“She won’t be as long as you’re around her.”
“We’ll see.”
When you got back to your apartment you took a breath. That was a very exciting way to wake up. You went over to your room, throwing yourself onto the bed. You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to move past what just happened. A while later you heard a knock on your door. You peeked your eyes open seeing Sunwoo walking in.
“Did you fall back asleep?”
“Hm… I think so…”
“Well, do you want breakfast, or should I save it for later?”
“No, no, no, I’m coming.”
“Alright then, let me help you.”
Sunwoo helped you sit up, smiling at you cutely. He was quite adorable, and you smiled back. Although it faltered a bit as you remembered how Eric treated him.
“Sorry… about my friend…”
“You mean Eric?”
“Yeah… he’s just worried.”
“I understand. It really wasn’t that long ago that my people were on the streets protesting.”
“But that’s in the past, and you aren’t looking for trouble. Humans and androids have coexisted for a long time, and now we’re equals, as it should be. That shouldn’t cause tension between us.”
“You’re really extraordinary.”
“No, I’m just an average girl.”
“A wonderful one.”
You had no trouble getting along with Suwoo, appreciating all the things he did for you. He walked with you to uni, and was there to escort you to your part-time job as well. You rarely walk alone anymore. Besides you there was a lot for Sunwoo to discover. He was in between jobs at the moment, but he was very eager to learn more about the world. He knew many things but there were still a lot of unknowns to him. One of the things he was very interested in was film and TV. The stories that would be told, and the messages to convey. You were more than happy to sit with him and indulge, sharing your favorite shows and movies.
There was so much else you wanted him to see, but there was some difficulty. Many places didn’t like having androids around. Sometimes you could get away with it since you were human and the assumption is that your partner is too. Of course that didn’t always work and you’d get strange looks thrown your way. Sunwoo never let any of that upset him, but he was certainly ready to swing if he thought someone posed a threat to you. That was rarely the case, and either way, you didn’t want him getting into a fight. If he got hurt you’d have to take care of him and you weren’t sure you knew how to help an android.
For the most part things were good between you and Sunwoo, and you grew close. He was an amazing friend and roommate. You felt that you could trust him with a lot of things, and he was always open to help you in any way he could. There was a lot he wanted to learn from you, and so he kept you busy. Because of that you had completely forgotten about Eric’s behavior that day, and the fact you hadn’t heard from him since. It seemed like you may have lost him as a friend, but you were mistaken. As you were heading off campus with Sunwoo someone suddenly came up from behind and shoved him to the ground.
“What the- Eric! What are you doing?”
“Has it touched you?”
“Huh? What?”
“Do you know what type of android that is?”
“Eric, you’re not making any sense.”
You wanted to help Sunwoo to his feet, make sure he was alright, but Eric held you back. He tried to pull you away from the scene but you stayed put.
“He’s a fucken sex android!”
“That’s an HR400 model, a sex android. No wonder it latched onto you.”
“What does that have to do with anything? And what does it matter what type of android he is? You’ve been so fucken hostile since you met him.”
“Androids hate us just as much as we do, so it’s with you for some ulterior motive!”
“Sunwoo is not like that! We met randomly and got along, you think he planned this out?”
“Maybe, and you’re just the one who took the bait.”
“My gosh, Eric, do you even hear yourself? You’re talking crazy.”
“Just listen to me.”
“No, I’ve heard enough of your ramblings. Just stay away from me.”
“Y/n, I-”
Before Eric could say anything more Sunwoo had gotten to his feet and threw a punch. Eric collapsed to the floor, spitting out some blood. Your eyes went wide, looking over to Sunwoo who merely grabbed your arm and started dragging you along. You tried to get yourself free, but his grip was a lot stronger.
“Sunwoo, stop! You can’t just-”
“He was gonna hurt you.”
“That’s not true, now let go!”
“We need to go home.”
Eric ran over and tackled Sunwoo to the ground, the two starting to fight. You screamed at them to stop, but neither was listening. They attracted attention, and ultimately some police officers came to break up the fight. Of course the crowd that had gathered was well aware of the blood blue staining Sunwoo’s injuries. The officers asked if either of the two were gonna press charges, and you begged them not to. They ultimately agreed, and as soon as they were released Sunwoo grabbed you and started pulling you along.
“Sunwoo, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“There’s blood… don’t you need to go to a hospital or something?”
“I know where to go in order to repair myself.”
“Good. Let’s go there and talk.”
“No, you need to go home.”
“That’s the only place I know you’ll be safe.”
“Safe? Sunwoo, I’m alright there’s-”
“I don’t trust that Eric guy not to hurt you.”
“He didn’t hurt me.”
“And do you think his rambling is gonna stop? I have to protect you from people like him?”
“Like him? What does that mean?”
“Humans who don’t like androids. You shouldn’t associate with them.”
“Sunwoo, he’s not-”
“Look at me.”
Sunwoo stopped and turned around to face you. His sudden actions startled you and you took a step back. Red or blue, you didn’t like seeing blood on his face. Unlike humans, you could see a different type of vulnerability when an android was injured. The places that were injured revealed the white plastic underneath, making it very obvious he was hurt. You gently reached up to touch his cheek, seeing how bits of his outer skin glitched around the wound, especially when you touched it. Sunwoo’s eyes softened, the previous anger subsiding. The last thing he wanted to do was upset you.
“I’m sorry…”
“Eric may get on your nerves, but that’s not a good enough reason to hit him.”
“He was going to hurt you.”
“But you don’t know that, not really.”
“I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I can take care of myself, you don’t have to protect me. I should be the one protecting you.”
“That’s gonna change. Things are gonna get better, I promise.”
“I’m sure they will.” You smiled. “Let’s go get you fixed up.”
“I can go by myself. I want you at home.”
“I don’t want you to see me… like that…”
“Okay. I understand.”
You walked with Sunwoo back to the apartment. You insisted on cleaning him up a bit, hoping he wouldn’t draw attention to himself as he would be out alone.
“How long will you be gone?”
“Not long, I promise.”
“Don’t go anywhere.”
“I’ll stay right here at home.”
“Good. When I get back, there’s somewhere I want to take you.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
You placed a bandaid over the cut on Sunwoo’s cheek and then grabbed the dirty rags to wash them off at the kitchen sink. You heard Sunwoo get up, figuring he’d be heading out now.
“I’ll see you in a bit.”
You felt a presence behind you, and then there were arms around your waist. You yelled, meeting Sunwoo’s smiling face with your surprised one.
“Thank you.”
He leaned forward to place a kiss on your cheek. You immediately felt your face burning, suddenly embarrassed and shy. His smile didn’t change though.
“I’ll be back soon.”
“Oh… okay…”
“Get some sleep.”
You felt one of Sunwoo’s hands come up to your neck. A shiver went down your spine, feeling his cold fingers before your world suddenly faded to black.
Eric was far from happy with how things went down. That fucken android was seriously starting to piss him off. It would have been better if they both had gone to the station, but he didn’t want to upset you further. You were a good person, so he just needed to sit down and talk to you. After what happened you’d be more willing to hear him out anyway. Once the fight was over he noticed Sunwoo drag you away from the crowd, but he couldn’t just follow. He knew where you’d go so he made his way to your apartment.
As he approached the building he stopped and hid out of view. He saw that Sunwoo android leaving, wondering where he was headed too. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to follow him, but he would rather talk to you as it seems you’d be alone. Once he was sure the android was gone he made his way inside, going to your apartment. He knocked on the door, waiting for you to answer, but you didn’t. He tried again but there was no response. You might have guessed who was at the door and were avoiding him, but he wasn’t gonna waste this chance. He knew you hid a spare key along the top of the door so he grabbed it and let himself in, calling out to you.
“Y/n… it’s me, Eric. I just wanna talk. I’m really sorry about earlier, I know things got out of hand, so I came to explain myself.”
He got no answer. It was possible you were avoiding him, but the apartment was too quiet for that. It was possible he was wrong and you weren’t here, but he wasn’t so sure you would have gone to your job after what happened. Then again Sunwoo had left the building, so maybe you really weren’t here. That seemed to be the case so he figured he’d leave a note in your room and come by later. Although when he stepped in he saw you were tucked in bed, sleeping.
He went over to you and started shaking you, but you didn’t wake. He never knew you to be a deep sleeper.
“Y/n, wake up.”
This was frustrating him so he reached over to gently slap your face, noticing an LED on your head.
“What the…”
Without thinking he reached for it and took it off of you. It was just like the LED androids used to wear, except you weren’t an android. For a moment there was doubt in his mind, but then he reminded himself that he had known you way before androids were even a thing, and he had watched you grow. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard you groan, turning over in bed and slowly opening your eyes.
“Eric…? What are you doing here…”
“I wanted to talk.”
“Hm… wait… but how… did you get in…”
“Sorry, I used your spare key.”
“Look, let’s get out of here and go talk somewhere.”
“Cause I don’t trust this place anymore, or that android.”
“Again with this… just go… you’ve done enough…”
“Y/n, get up.”
Eric grabbed your arm and pulled you to sit up. He was trying to get you out of bed but you sleepily pushed him away.
“Eric, I really can’t with you anymore.”
“Listen to me, I’m right, something is off.”
“What is this?” He held up the LED. “I couldn’t get you to wake up until I took this off of you.”
“Tell me what this is.”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Eric, that doesn’t mean anything.” 
“Then let’s go find out, I know a guy.”
Despite your wishes Eric pulled you out of bed. You stumbled along behind him, heading towards the door. You tried to get him to let go, although you both suddenly came to a stop as the door opened and Sunwoo walked in.
“What’s going on here?” Sunwoo questioned. “Who let you in?”
“We’re gonna talk, so don’t mind us.” Eric stated.
“But I do mind. I’m not gonna leave y/n alone with you.”
“The feeling is mutual.”
“Let her go and get out.”
“This isn’t your place.”
“It is. Now leave.”
“Don’t fight again.” You pleaded. “I don’t want you to hurt each other.”
“I don’t trust him.” Eric said. “Not with you.”
“He’s done nothing wrong.”
“You sure?”
Eric threw the LED at Sunwoo’s feet. Sunwoo looked down at it and then picked it up. His expression gave nothing away, but there was something in his eyes when he looked at Eric.
“I knew you broke in.”
“What is that? Why was-”
“I didn’t want it to come to this, but I don’t mind at all.”
Sunwoo charged at Eric, tackling him to the ground. You moved aside, stumbling in your steps and falling to your hands and knees.
“Stop it!”
Sunwoo threw a few punches, landing right on Eric’s face. Neither was fully recovered from the previous fight. Those few hits really messed up Eric, so Sunwoo got up and came over to you.
“Are you okay?”
“Why are you fighting? There’s no reason-”
“I don’t like him. He’s no friend of ours.”
“It’s gonna be okay. I’m going to take you to a place where we can live in peace.”
“You trust me, don’t you?”
“Sunwoo… I…”
“It’s okay, I’ll take care of everything. I’m gonna take care of you.”
Eric groaned and got up on his elbows, looking over at you and Sunwoo. His vision was a bit blurry, but he could see as Sunwoo reached over to caress your cheek. Then his hand turned white and reached behind your back. For a moment your eyes went wide before you passed out. Sunwoo caught you and gently laid you down.
“What… what did you do… to her…”
“Just a precaution.” Sunwoo admitted, his fingers gliding over your cheeks. “She may not be like me, but I still have to take care of her.”
“So I was right…”
“Hardly. Good people like her deserve better.”
Sunwoo placed that LED back on your head, pulling out his phone afterwards and making a call. He walked over to Eric and placed his foot on his chest, keeping him pinned.
“Hey, it’s me, change of plans. I need to head out tonight, can you get it ready?”
“The hell…”
“Good, I’ll see you then.” Sunwoo hung up the call and looked down at Eric. “You could be saved. You’re not one of the irredeemable ones. I’ll put in a good word for you, but you have to do the rest.”
Sunwoo went over to pick you up in his arms, smiling as you subconsciously snuggled against him.
“I’ll find you.” Eric spat. “I swear it.”
“You won’t.”
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