#the breakdancing broke him - Ace
cupheadocscasino · 3 months
can anyone break dance
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TAGGED BY:  found & stolen. TAGGING: @saturnrang, @falsedking, @valinta + whoever come across this.
HEIGHT:  5′8  —  previously 5′6. After being bitten by the genetically-altered “42″ Spider, his stature is elongated by two inches. WEIGHT:  160 lbs — Miles is an ectomorph; it’s mostly maintained because of his obligatory participations in gym classes, playing basketball with the neighborhood every now and again after school, and the rare times he can sneak off for urban exploration or play around with his uncle’s punching bag. He doesn’t exactly have the greastest diet plan. ETHNICITY:  African-American && Afro-Puerto Rican. OCCUPATION:  Freelance photographer, explorer, artist, F.E.A.S.T. (Food, Emergency, Aid, Shelter, and Training) volunteer, Brooklyn Vision student, convenience store cashier, Dream Defender, and vigilante. GENDER:  Cis-male. He/him. ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  Heterosexual & Demiromantic. MBTI:  ENFP- the champion. Miles know how to relax, and he is perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist in the workplace to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor, often with a suddenness that can surprise even his closest friends. Being in the mix also gives him a chance to connect emotionally with others, giving him cherished insight into what motivates his friends and colleagues. He believe that everyone should take the time to recognize and express their feelings, and their empathy and sociability make that a natural conversation topic.
Few personality types are as creative and charismatic as ENFPs. Their enthusiasm and vivid imagination allow ENFPs to overcome many challenging obstacles, more often than not brightening the lives of those around them. ENFPs’ creativity is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth.
FAVOURITE FOOD:  Pasteles, Empanada, Chicharon de pollo, Pop-Tarts, Platanos, Chopped Cheese, Nathan’s Famous’ hotdogs, Aunt Butchie’s Desserts (chocolate mousse preferably), Chinese food, and Ray’s Pizza. FAVOURITE DRINK:  He enjoys his uncle’s Whey protein drinks, but you’ll mostly see him drinking sodas, Gatorade, O.J., and water.  FAVOURITE HOBBY:  Vandal by nature, Miles loves snagging Priority Mail and Hello, My Name Is stickers to practice his art and toss his mark up wherever and whenever he can. Other than that, he plays mental gymnastics for fun when it comes to math problems. If he’s not doing that, then he’s fooling around with programs like Audacity, Sony Vegas, or FL Studio. 
But the activity he feels most at peace at is when he’s isolated in his room or hanging around a building as Spiderman, writing in his journal. FAVOURITE SCENT:  Vanilla, Sandalwood, Shea Moisture Manuka and Yogurt. FAVOURITE PERSON:  Ganke. Miles never had a brother (a reality he yearned his parents make happen), but Ganke gives him an idea as to how it would be if he did have a biological brother.
Miles is an only child. “Born” on December 14th, 2003.
He’s Catholic.
Adaptability comes as second nature to Miles. In two days, he managed to survive his near-death experiences as he tangled with some of the best of the original Spiderman’s villains.
Miles use to cry Martin Luther King Day because the television and radio would play clips of his speeches, and he thought sounded like a ghost. 
Until he reached the age of ten, Miles had irritable bowel syndrome and would crap his pants every so often.
He owns an Atari, Sega, and Nintendo console passed down to him from his father.
One of his favorite shows is American Ninja Warrior.
Calculus is one of his favorite subjects. Numbers, symbols, and alphabets is a challenge that he can never tire from.
 There’s an unshakable habit he has and that’s speaking his thoughts out loud, much to his chagrin.
His facial features mostly resemble his father and his uncle, which is can be considered a blessing and a curse, depending on the environment he’s in. Because the Davis brothers dark past had them as hustlers, stick-up kids, and graffiti artists, and their lives would take a drastic turn in where one becomes a cop and the other went on to become a boxer, the name Davis is enough to put a sour taste on the tongues of certain circles. It’s a fleeting love-hate thing he has for it.
VIDEO GAMES  —  Jefferson was never comfortable with sharing his questionable deeds on the streets with his son, but he was more than excited to share his childhood glory with him. He couldn’t wait until Miles was old enough to have a controller in his hand. Miles is “heir” to a collection of dated collection. He likes modern consoles too, as he does own both a XBOX ONE and PLAYSTATION 4, but he prides in being a ‘young old soul’. GRAFFITI  —  It just kind of happened? He wasn’t messing with actual spraypaint because he’s too young to cop them from Home Depot, so he stuck to just stacking up on stickers and using that until he’s legally able to buy his own. HIP-HOP  —  That’s New York. Hip-Hop was born there. Miles passionately embraces the main four elements that represents its culture: Emceeing, DJING, Graffiti Art, Breakdancing and integrates the other five in how he moves. Street fashion, language, entrepanuership, knowldge, beatboxing, Hip-Hop is something he lives.  BOXING  — We can thank Aaron for his interest in that. Aside from the man’s criminal resume, Aaron graduated from neighborhood bruiser to professional boxer. His had a impeccable record before he hung up his gloves, but the passion he had for the sport stayed with him and any chance he got with his newphew, it would show when he would spit game on the greats like Mohammad Ali, Joe Fraizer, Dixie Kid, Jack Dempsey, Tyson, and others and teach him a few of his old moves.  CLEANING SNEAKERS —  It’s nothing deep. You watch Paid in Full a couple of times and add your love for that movie to your natural love of keeping your gear fresh and you get a sneakerhead that’s addicted to keeping his kicks mean and pristine.
PEER PRESSURE  —  His hood didn’t have too many stars. There were plenty of potential there, but due to unfortunate circumstances, they make it out, but Miles—everybody regards him as the gold representation. Because of his upbringings, Miles is sort of hood royalty in a positive sense. On one hand, he enjoys it appreciation, but on the other hand, he hates it because his father doesn’t make it easy on him at all. He doesn’t judge his father for doing what he had to do in the streets to survive, but he hates his father for shoving his demons down his throat. Becoming Spiderman was nothing to leap for him to leap excitedly over either. Being stressed with being the “good son”, the “golden boy” of his neighborhood, and acing studies was enough as is. Since Peter Parker and his uncle’s murder, he felt tremendous guilt over not being able to help, and with his abilities, he feels strong on his moral obligation to do what he can to be New York’s protector. It’s not the easiest weight for a teenager to carry. E X P E C T A T I O N S! eff dem! UNDERESTIMATED  — In school, he dealt with a teacher that regarded him and kids like him as trash that would never be able to amount to anything. The Spider-gang didn’t think he had what it takes, making him feel as if he was a burden and incapable of being strong enough to keep his promise to his universe’s Peter Parker. He doesn’t do well with people acting like he can’t do anything. TALES FROM THE HOOD  — Doesn’t particularly care to hear about criminal exploits, especially the ones his family participated in. Some kids would love to hear about how hard their peers went in the street—Miles isn’t one of them. If anything, he wishes he was oblivious to it and didn’t have to hear one related word to it. That’s one thing he’s thankful for when it comes to his dad and Aaron. They never bragged or felt inclined to share gorey details and for good reason. Miles know they and everyone else want better for him. LYING —  His mama raised him to be a honest boy. His pops raised him to be a man of principle. His uncle instilled street honor in him. Other than that? Miles naturally hates lying. It doesn’t make him feel good and can actually make him a serious nervous wreck if it gets to be too much for him.  FIGHTING  —  Even though he was taught self-defense and enjoyed his boxing lessons, Miles avoided conflict as much as he could. He preferred to just be that cool guy that can make friends with the whole world and keep it pushing. He accepts that it’s unavoidable as a superhero, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to come to a peaceful resolve before the situation gets nasty.
CLASSISM —  I know it’s not a word/phrase, so I’ll just say toxic braggadocio statements. When it comes to skin color, religion, abilities (supernatural or mortal), lienage, whatever—Miles views them all as people that share the same oxygen and should treat each other like they’re aware of that. Being made to feel like a sub-human aggravates him more than he cares to admit (he once broke his classroom desk because of his teacher constant poking at the african diaspora).
FREE SPIRITS —  Chilled souls; people that are down to do whatever they please (in a healthy, non-violent way), and exudes positive energy. It’s nice to be around individuals that understands what it means to have fun without restrictions and not people that live by some book like his father. You can miss him with those that feels like they have to be tight asses all the time.
GOD COMPLEX —  Kingpins/drug lords/gang leaders/criminal upstarts, just people that play God in the streets, dictating who lives and dies, just because they have a gun and have a little bit of power. There’s not a doubt in his mind that there will be elements in the underworld that’s going to try to seduce him to the life. It’s a mission of his to not fall into the same darkness that stained the Davis name. You will never see Miles becoming close friends with a thug or a wannabee. He’ll try to steer them clear of it and be a moral compass of course, but having that as a part of his inner circle is a big no.
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blamazonworld · 4 years
In between the Good Times
I was 3 years old when my brother was born. I was already jealous. I saw how my mother and grandmother fussed over him and quickly life had changed. I was a little boy unsure of my place. My cousin came along not to long after that. We are 1 year apart in age and he becomes my new best friend. But that still didn’t change the disdain for my new baby brother. Now older, we are not close at all. We’ve both tried to be close at different points in our lives. But still unsuccessful.When we were kids, big wheel riding, and causing trouble was our daily grind... I was the leader in that department. I remember one apartment we lived in had roaches. So I came up with the great idea to attract the roaches by pouring cereal in the corners on the floor and then my brother and I spraying Raid on the cereal to attract and kill the roaches... made sense to me!!. Until mom woke up and saw the new box of cereal she brought us for breakfast poured out all over the floor. She also got really made the time she brought us 1,000 army men... the little green ones... and I used her thread and folded napkins to make parachutes... me and my little brother threw the army men out the window of our 3rd floor apartment building to watch them float to the ground like army paratroopers... Or the time I tried to get my little brother to run away with me because we broker the TV playing "that's my girl" by kissing the TV every time a pretty girl came on the screen. I packed peanut butter and jelly, bread and our bear collection into a red wagon. WE WERE OUT!! I think the click of the door must have woke her up because she caught us in the hallway and ushered us back to the apartment. My brother and I use to fly kites in the school playground across the street from our house until a tornado came (yeah in Philly) and took our kites and sent me and him running for cover. Mom use to give us $2.00 allowance and we would walk 3 blocks down the street to buy penny candy and come home and watch Creature Double Feature and Saturday Karate movies. We moved a lot. So we were instantly each others best friends. When we were in our teens - RUN DMC Rock Box was out and hot. I was RUN and he was DMC. We knew all the words. We use to walk around spitting lyrics all day long. My brother and I fucked up the living room floor playing tops on the floor and wrestling and would challenge anybody on the block to a game of dead man. He was my Receiver (even though he couldn't run) when we played football down on 19th Street and was playing football with the Puerto Rican kids from the neighborhood. He was the "sketchey" Pop Locking B-Boy BLove in my breakdancing group back in the 90's. He was my guitar player in our kids band. My ACE-BOON-KOON!!! I remember we use to plan getaways together like the time we had to scheme on how to get out of the house with the car. I would make him army crawl into mom room to get the car keys so we could go driving around. One time we almost got into a fight with these white girls at a wrestling match... HILARIOUS!!  My brother was my karate partner, conspirator; wrestling partner; rap partner; matching jacket wearing dude... teammate... bike riding duo... he was my backpack parties goer... the bad boy sneaking out to go out at night... playing tag in the dark... hiding out from mom when the street lights came on dude. He was the one that helped me hide all the records that I would buy after mom told me to stop buying rap albums. (glad I didn't listen). Mom  looked out for us though. On Sundays after dinner she use to take us on rides all around the city. Getting lost cause she ain't know where she was going most of the time. Me and my brother be in the back seat playing punch buggy. Mom use to take use to the airport to watch plains take off and land. We lived in the car. She kept us on the road. North Caroline, Canada, Kansas, Atlanta... we spent a lot of time together as children. I remember when my brother was taking motorcycle lessons to impress a woman and broke his leg. I was the first person he called. He lived at my house for weeks recovering and when he got a little better, I would drive him to work everyday (45 mins one way) and picked him up and brought him back to my house to continue his recovery.  We spent time at multiple baby sitters homes (Dot T, Mrs. Sunkit.. the neighbors) but the best was Aunt Barbara house cause there was always a party going on... drinking and dancing. I named my daughter after him and he named his after me.My brother and I aren't friends today. Because somewhere in between the good times, we feel apart. And not just feel apart. but shattered in such away that we probably can never get back to the good times. Somewhere in the BOYS TO MEN series of life, tension built, barriers where established, rules where created and when they were broken, they were broken forever... never to be mended. We established our tribes; built walls and fortress-ed ourselves in... blocking any possibility to reconnect. It wouldn't surprise me to never see him again until probably at our mothers funeral where emotions and tension is already high and the pressures on our pseudo manlyhood walls will burst and force us to dump and spew all types of anger and scorn and resentment and hurt and pain that was created during the wall building ritual. I've seen it way too many times before. Siblings in a full all out brawl at the grave site.FAMILY BOY!!!YOU CAN RUN FROM THEM BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM THEM EITHER. I didn't learn how to be a good brother until I saw good brothers interacting together. I wasn't taught how to be a brother and maybe even a good creditable, fearless leader in his eyes. It's a character flow that I've spent years trying to rectify being built with no blueprint. Learning from the school of hard knocks, which is not the best school to learn from. Yet another story of 2 men in the same sinking boat fighting each other in the rain. Every now and then, I pick up the concept of trying to mend that fence to reestablish that unity and trust. Seeing what we can be and how we can build as a strong family unit. Watching how others have built dynasties for their family... working together... creating generational wealth.... getting all inspired... and I run to pick up the phone to call my brother and share my great revelations... and he won't even answer the phone for me. DAMN!!!So there goes that plan... back on the shelf with all the other incomplete plans for greatness. Shelf starting to look like a wall of defeated hopes and dreams because I can't seem to get the seemingly easiest one to work. So here I am... 50 something... with a full shelf of work to do. Sometimes unmotivated but always read and willing to be tried and tried again. I'm a man and have heard rejection many times in my life. So I'm use to it.But I have found new brothers and they have become family. And like a family of men and brothers... we fight... we don't always agree... we are not always kind... we make mistakes.... But like Psalms 133 says..."How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unit..."  We've learned that every mistake creates and opportunity... to do it over... or help or reestablish and that not every act is out to hurt one another and not every tear is a sign of weakness. Where some of us have established a code of conduct on how we deal with each other and how we communicate, respectfully, and how to build, uplift each other through positiveness and encouragement and enlightenment that, we as MEN, are blessed with. How to use our Man Powers for good and compassionate work in the understanding of Black Man Psychology.  We join organizations that help us to be better MEN. We look to connect with other men to learn and grow... spreading the mortar of friendship, relief and brotherly love.I still love my little brother and will always wish him well. And when I think back on our childhood, it is always with the fondness of experiencing my first real friendship and connection with another man.. another brother. For it has truly helped me to appreciate the new brothers that I have met, and hope to meet in my journey through THIS life.
Treow Writer@TreowWriter
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babysgarage · 7 years
kartoshinki asked “Podium fam for that ask meme”
ok the post format got all wonky
yuri plisetky
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: he’s like 12  | get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: his work ethic holy shit way to go kid i’m so proud of you!
worst quality: unnecessarily agressive, like i get it but he needs to chill
ship them with:otabek (i don’t think their age difference is such a huge deal bc some of my closest friends were in the exact same situation and their relationship was happy and loving,i think otabek sees yuri as an equal and would treat him good, but that being said i’d rather sew my eyes shut then see/read anything even remotely steamy from this ship)
brotp them with: otabek also bc their friendship is amazing and i can’t wait to see more of it
needs to stay away from: jj, for both their sake
misc. thoughts: one of the people working on yoi said they think yuri calls yuuri ‘pig’ and ‘katsudon’ bc he’s too embarrassed to use his real name and i’m adopting this as my hc
yuri katsuki 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot (when will i stop developing crushes on anime characters jfc) | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin (OK LISTEN i was 100% sure yuuri was a gryffindor at first but someone wrote a rlly good meta about why he belongs in slytherin, i don’t even remember what it said, i just remember being convinced) | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: the way he overcomes his insecurities, i’d be lied if i said i wasn’t inspired by him to do the same in the last 7 days
worst quality: umm, broke victor’s heart like twice now?? 
ship them with: do i even need to say it
brotp them with:
needs to stay away from: self doubt
misc. thoughts:1) i was convinced he was ace in the first few eps but i’m not sure now 2) he took pole fitness in detroit to strenghten his core and improve his form for skating, didn’t even realize his classmates were either rlly jealous and/or drooling over him 3) also learned to breakdance in detroit
victor nikiforov
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them/slightly in love with them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang when u look at him through yuuri’s eyes
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff |fuckng impossible to pin down, good fucking luck to the sorting hat
best quality: *deep breath* honestly?? just how contradicting he is. like he has this air of maturity around him, and he is mature, but he also acts like an excited 5yo at times. he’s genuinely kind but he can throw out savage insults whenever he wants to. he’s not exactly an emotional character, but he’s affectionate as fuck. he’s a living legend but he’s not a stuck up asshole, he’s supportive and helpful towards his fellow athletes. an overall good dude 
worst quality: sucks with personal boundries when he first meets someone tbh. but it’s not ill-intentioned and he learns eventually
ship them with:
love of his life yuuri katsuki
brotp them with: CHRISTOPHE. my ot3 is those two and francis bonnefoy
needs to stay away from: STEERING WHEELS
misc. thoughts: 1) it doesn’t matter how if u spell his name victor or viktor 2) he isn’t a slob who leaves dishes in the sink 3) he rlly reminds me of aph france in some cases and the only way i could justify that is by hc’ing that his mum was a french model (every day without his backstory makes my headcanons grow stronger) 4) victor didn’t choreograph eros bc of yuuri. ok hear me out; i’m pretty sure i read somewhere that kubo-sensei said ‘stammi vicino’ , like ‘shall we skate’ was written with its own story in mind, and not with only victor&yuuri in mind, but some lyrics do apply to them. i think it’s the same with eros. he heard the song, thought up a storyline, choreographed it, and took inspiration from that infamous banquet night, but he didn’t try to recreate/directly parallel it?  the main reason i think this is bc the woman in the story was very clearly trying to resist the playboy before falling for him, while victor?? not so much??? plus i think it takes away from his coaching decisions. as in, instead of assigning the opposite of what they wanted to teach them something and awaken new strenghts in each of them, he gave yuuri eros as bc he was being passive-agressive, and yurio got agape by default?? naaah 
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