#sorry i got really lazy :((- cupid
cupheadocscasino · 4 months
can anyone break dance
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padscomm · 4 months
part 5
tara carpenter x f!reader
warnings: poor writing, & grammatical errors
a/n; check out my story cupid, on Wattpad!
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“care to explain?” sam said, glaring at you and tara. the two of you sat Infront of her, you we're shivering alot. “why don't you trust me? we were just having fun, nothing wrong.” obviously the older carpenter didn't believe the younger carpenter.
“dont trust me? ask y/n, you TRUST her more than i.” it made you look down on the floor, “look's like y/n is embarrassed.” mindy stated, “leave her alone.” anika snacked mindy.
“tara pushed me in the couch, and then she got on top of me and started tickling me, nothin happened. i don't intend to have sex with tara.” Sam frowns, “are you sure?”
“depends if she wants.. but we're not together tho, okay? just friend's.” everyone looked at you, “just friends” just admit that the both of you were fucking on the couch.” chad joked, which made mindy let out a small laugh.
“dont act like you were not fucking ethan in my APARTMENT.” suddenly, chad went quiet. “stop with the jokes. tara and y/n, for fuck sake, i love you both but just don't make out Infront of us okay?” you were so embarrassed at sam’s word, “you make out with quinn bailey, Infront of me.”
“i don't.”
“yes you do.”
“can i go somewhere?..” you asked, “y/n, baby, where are you going?” how are the people convinced that you and tara ain't dating? “are you sure the both of you r not dating?” ethan asked, “shes unofficially my girlfriend, so politely STOP flirting with MY GIRLFRIEND.”
“unofficially girlfriend.” anika mentioned, at this point, tara was already mad all of them. not noticing that y/n already went outside, “hey wait, where’s y/n?” while they were out finding you, you were just at the rooftop.
you heard the door open, and you saw tara catching her breath, “where were you?” you took a glance at tara. “tara, i really love you. but i never had the courage to to tell you about it. Im really sorry if you feel weirded out by me.”
she walks closer to you, she looks at you before smashing her lips onto yours, you kissed her back, she put’s her hands on your neck. deepening the kiss.
“what the actual fuck?” sam gasped.
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a/n: this is the end crazy, I'm lazy to make more parts and I'm busy, really sorry:((
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7cakerolls · 1 year
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ctto for the gif!
i want to know you. human!neteyam x reader (highschool AU)
i wish cupid existed… (chapter one)
this is the first chapter, i hope it’s a nice read :-)
previous chapter…
a new day brought another chance! it had been a couple days in between your last encounter with the boy. so you got up extra early to put a bit more effort into your appearance. you wanted to present yourself as a nice and organized person, compared to the lazy one you always were. as you were getting ready, you got a notification on your phone.
“neteyyam has followed you on instagram. follow back?”
holy crap! he followed you? you were conflicted on whether or not to message him, but you followed him back and left it at that. after all, you’d be seeing him at school. maybe today would be the day you two would talk!
you finished getting ready and left your home, waving goodbye to your parents. you sat at the bus stop, waiting for it to arrive. as it pulls up and you get on, you see some familiar faces. it was your good friend kiri, and the rest of her siblings, including neteyam…
as kiri excitedly waved you down to come sit with her, you had so many thoughts running through your head. ‘what if he brings up the fact that i didn’t message him?’, ‘i didn’t know they rode this bus route…’, ‘should i have texted him?’ and overall, ‘why didn’t kiri tell me!!’.
you sat down and kiri began excitedly chatting with you about what the day could bring, things like lunch foods, classes, and what you all would do in gym. meanwhile, all you could think about was him. should you try talking to him?
“oh, good morning neteyam and kiri! i didn’t expect to see you guys so early, usually no one rides this bus route.” you said.
he just gave an affirming nod and a small wave, so much for trying to spark a conversation…
you just continued talking with kiri, letting it go and taking your mind off it. soon you arrived at the school, you two happily greeting tsireya and hugging each other.
“i see you and kiri arrived together… was he on the bus as well?” tsireya said as she giggled and poked you in the stomach playfully.
“quit teasing, ‘reya!” kiri laughed, “you know (yn) is hopelessly in love with my idiot older brother…” she said as she swooned dramatically. “guys…” you pouted and frowned at them.
they continued walking and laughing without you as you stood still in the hallway sulking. you were standing there, lost in your thoughts as you felt someone bump into your back. “oh, i’m sorry-!” you began until you turned around to see neteyam. how embarrassing…
“oh, my bad. didn’t see you there.” he said and nodded down at you even though you weren’t much shorter than the boy. “hm.” he grunted and looked confusedly at you. “where’s my sister and your friend? did they leave you behind?” he let out a small chuckle while saying this. “oh…” you giggled uncomfortably, “yeah, i had to stop at my locker, so i told them to go ahead without me.” he nodded approvingly and looked pleased. how could he be happy your dumb (but lovely!) friends left you?
“you know how to open these lockers? could i bother you to teach me at lunch…?” he asked shyly. “um, of course! it’s really simple, i’m sure it won’t even take the whole period!” you said with a kind smile.
“cool, thanks. i’ll see you then?” he said as he began walking away cooly, looking just as unattainable as ever.
you watched him walk away and turn the corner as you went to your locker. ‘could this be a blessing from cupid?!’ you thought. after you finished putting your things up and touching up your appearance, you slammed your locker and frantically went to go find your friends so you could tell them about what would happen at lunch so they wouldn’t potentially embarrass you.
“he what!?” said tsireya, looking shocked as you all were chatting in math class, waiting for class to begin. kiri didn’t sit with you two, so she was standing over your desk, looking dissatisfied.
“no way he’s sitting with us…” she said, frowning. “i live with him, and now i have to eat lunch with him too?” the girl complains.
“what can i say? the heart wants what it wants, kiri!” tsireya remarks and winks at you.
“of course you would say something like that…” kiri grumbles, alluding to the fact that tsireya has a small crush on her other brother, lo’ak. “what is it with you two and my family members?? remind me never to show you pictures of my dad.” you just smiled and laughed with them as you thought about how the rest of the day would be.
soon after, kiri returned to her desk and the teacher began lecturing. so boring… you would much rather daydream about what would happen at lunch today. would it go well? you hoped so. after hours of monotonous, boring classes, lunchtime finally rolled around.
maybe this opportunity would be your guiding light.
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chezzabellesworld · 2 months
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Scare me
Honestly they scare me so much , with there mean humour , they are I guess raised by some millennials and some gen x ,,,, so what went so wrong with them , and no not all of you , but my whole life , I have had teen girls laugh and point at me , online and IRL,
And do u know what after awhile u grow tired and pain over it , it has come in spells , so young teens trigger me ,,,one I still feel their age ment@lly , 2 I don’t know how to talk to kids myself ,I really struggle , I’m severely autistic,and bpd ,and the anxiety of it ,is real , so they were kinda born in a time when everything (in my mind )started to gradually get worse , phones ,Wi-Fi , menu apps became available , and being in your house was the new thing.infact u didn’t need to leave your house .
So their fuck u mentality has come from the fact they in the house , and nobody outside of it ,actually matters ,,,,I’m guessing ,,so they saw anything else as a threat to their own exsistence , the resction happened , parenting even became lazier ,let’s just stick the kids on phone or a iPad ,,,, making money with OF SEEMS VERY NIRMAL TO THEM ,,ITS NIT NIRMAL TO SPBE A OVER SEXED JEZABEL ,I mean watch x porn starts talk about the hell thy went thru , in fact ,nobody in a healthy mind does porn ,makes it etc , they may drive a nice car ,have a nice house , but at wat cost ???
Us millennials we truly are the last great generation,but don’t get me wrong we was on this verge of things changing , as soon as technology got bigger and bigger we became smaller and smaller. Let’s think of lockdown and how people became less talkative than jazzy doctors were overcrowded but let’s face it doctors didn’t do much. It all got the flag of the pharmacists and they had to pick up the work that wasn’t being done so this generation alpha they seen me me me it as  attitude and why wouldn’t they? They had all these things in their house available they had parent who are doing things like this to make money and even drug dealing I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it with parents who I know family members friends where is lazy parenting? Put the kid on the iPad put them playing GTA with, having sex with prostitutes online and it doesn’t impact the mentally, a lot of these and I feel sorry for them and not very nice to me but I feel sorry for them. Have this pressure to look like the Kardashians who are now dwindling, we even have Hayley and Selena Gomez one being a Genzie one being a millennial and the bill mess that she got from the Kardashians with that over her eyebrows and a little weight gain not even that much and she is well.
These generation as well seems to look the same. They all seem to have a certain body type where it’s called slim thick and nothing else matters. They have to have no Cupid bow. Understated make up and the comments that they leave as keyboard warriors they just don’t really really scare me. Teens have always been really asked you for me. I feel stuck as a teenage myself but when I was growing up as a team it just felt so different, but I guess it may everyone’s said the experience, but this is truly affecting me to my core
Also girls guys are not impressed by women who take it out on other women and slag them off. They’re not impressed by it so stop trying to act like you’re better than everybody else because it comes ugly , a real man will see that , see you being like that as a character defect you may be beautiful on the outside but you might have an ugly heart and something you wanna think of and I said this from experience of being this myself and now suffering of the consequences .
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Summary: Y/N's feeling icky about her body, but Harry loves her to bits and pieces, through thick and thin, in health and sick — and he always waits for her to come back to him.
TW: Body dysmorphia.
Y/N's healthy.
All she sucks in is having a sane sleeping schedule due to her UNI otherwise she eats natural goodies, cook and bake home because it comforts her more that way and she works out every evening to stay fit.
Sometimes though, she’s lazy and lacks behind which’s proper humane but deep down it effects her and her mental health more than she admits and she isn’t able to start over again – it mostly happens after her periods.
Harry loves her the way she’s.
Even if she’s clumsy, bumbling, procrastinating, overly enthusiastic to mend her life at 3 am, snotty and sloth-y in her periods, confident and positive around people, kind and loving whenever she comes to meet him, whiny and cuddly when she’s sick, jealous and grumpy with his attention not on her —- he loves her in every way possible, to rivers and to sea his love could never stutter for her ever.
He loves how she’s not overly toned, having soft squishy spots which Harry undeniably wants to admire and kiss shamelessly amount of times -- like -- her plummy pretty thighs that Harry likes to nestle his head in-between making her wriggle and squirm under his grasp, her overly cute tummy that Harry dies to pepper sweet adoring kisses and petal his lips round her belly button, everytime they’re cuddled up his bicep’s always looped her around her tummy to feel it rising up and down in calm rhythm, and oh! her tender titties, they’re actually his favourite babies and he loves to fondle them in his big calloused palms brushing his thumb over the sensitive perky nub and basks in the glittery whimpery mewls of hers.
He loves that she’s curvy and gives zero fucks if she’s skinny or not.
He thinks his baby’s perfect.
So perfect he actually feels the bubbling of devotion and affection filling to the brim of his heart’s chambers and leaking out and upon his ribs tickling him.
Y/N's his person and he worships her with his whole heart.
From some days though, she’s feeling devastatingly insecure about all her things Harry’s in love with and she has no-control over it how much she tries.
Harry’s observing that all with optimism (one of his great quality's that like a lion sly about his prey, he keeps an eye on everything but pretends otherwise). He has his intense gaze fixed on her when she’s taking a look of herself in the mirror for rather too long, running her hands down her body and practically shuddering.
He glances from over his laptop and drops everything he's doing watching her go monkies, sweating buckets and over exercising than her usual time.
He brings her closer and infront of him, pressing her to his chest and coiling his forearm around her shoulders whining a, “Baby..!” when they were brushing their teeth and despite of standing beside him and teasing him occasionally like she usually does she stuffs her face into the crest of his back and hides herself there to have minimal contact with her reflection in the mirror.
Her body dysmorphia spiking dangerously high.
“Deprived me of your cuddles. woke me up so early, granny.” She huffs lying through her teeth and how much his embrace was strong enough to keep her in place she still managed to wiggle out taking her previous cosy position, but he could feel her muscles tensing and an awkward silence falling over them.
He didn’t pry much. He wants to give her as much space as she requires to come back to him hale and hearty, as she always does and whatever happens he never forgets to remind her how much he loves her every night.
They were watching rom-coms on Netflix back to back with her curled up into his side with a spongy white wool knitted blanket thrown over them and his cheek was smashed atop her head popping in peanuts every now and then when out of certain she spoke pointing at the actress, “You know she got her ribs removed to get that shrinky waist.” Harry frowned at that. His face itching into disbelief and concern under the bouncing glow of telly.
He affixes his gaze down at her trying to read what’s cooking up in that genius brain of her's which isn’t being very rational and genius right now, they immediately turns soft and caring when she blinks up at him purely.
She squeaks, nose crashing against his collarbones when he scooches her up in his lap grabbing onto her knees to make her straddle his torso and he grumbles cutely when she tries not put all of her weight on him and doesn’t melts into him as his sweet lovie would used to do receiving a smack on her bum on his end.
He’s afraid that an evil version of her chomped onto his dear baby alive.
“Nothing else matters if all ye’ organs are packed safely and healthily inside you,” He tells her brushing loose frays of her hair behind her earlobe and rubs his thumb in gentle strokes over her treacly pulsing point, “Was just telling you ...” She mumbles, dotting touches on his knuckles and playing with his bare cold fingers.
It’s true, she was rambling out facts about the movie and cast out of habit because no-way she’d ever go through any surgeries to change herself to become someone she isn’t.
“Swear!” She yawps out in convincing high pitch when Harry squints down at her with his lips scrunched, one eye twitching in doing so.
“Alrighty. I believe you.” He cradles her cheeks in his palms and brings her mighty close to him to peck her cupid bow, then her bottom lip and the corners of her smiling mouth to suckle generous amount of whines from her and then kisses her lovingly – hands streaming down her spine and then resting atop her dip.
He thought she was ready to come back to him, to share her problem with him and Harry really wanted to bug in, to not let her fight her battle alone and take half of her hardships from her fretting self but guess not.
They were about to have sex when panic seeped in Y/N's eyes and her cheeks blazed up in that of embarrassment as she rushed to switch off the lamps that were the only source of light in their room.
“Moppet.” Harry sighed, knowing exactly what’s happening and she isn’t as foxy in covering it up as she’s thinking herself to be.
“Why wouldn’t y'want me t'see gorgeous self of yours?” His tone punctured and hurt, feeling useless for not knowing how to cheer her up and break her worries down. He smoothens his hands behind her to lock his arm around her waist, fingertips making grape sized indents into the flesh of her hip-bone as she streaks the tip of her nose up and down the crook of his neck, murmuring meekly against his salty skin while he hugs her warmly.
“’M just feelin’ shy.” He giggles at her response puckering his lips against her hairline to pet tiny, tiny kisses there as she fists her hands against his taught chest.
“Not somethin’ I haven’t seen before, love bug.” He blows raspberries against the underside of her jaw and their mouths meet into a messy, giggling, teeth clanking kiss when she sinks into pillows allowing him to cocoon her in his heat.
“I love you, Y/N. No matter what.”
The last dam breaker for them was this little get together at Sarah and Mitch's baby shower.
She matched her outfit with Harry. Cute lavender coloured little sweater blouse that was familiar to the baggy baby yarn cardigan Harry was wearing, it accentuated her curves and her bosom so prettily -- her midriff peeking from where the buttons weren’t closed and their jeans were painted (they did it themselves one Sunday when it was extra boring and inactive).
Y/N felt uncomfortable in her own clothes. A bitterness spreading inside her for herself and all she wanted was to escape away from her own skin.
She knows she’s loved and welcomed and cherished by her friends and family and the love of her life, most importantly. Then why was she feeling so icky about herself? Why everything's draining her and exhausting her?
Harry obviously could see through the gloomy tenebrous energy overshadowing her as he stood in the corner of the room grabbing the sorbet he poured in two glasses for them.
A sour guzzle of tears choking his throat and his limbs weakening letting the painful heartbreak seep into him when he watches her being fidgety and fiddling with the loops of her jeans, tugging her blouse every passing second and he’s sniffling a hiccup deep in his lungs when she shrinks into herself in dejection staring out of the window without any purpose.
Harry feels awful to startle her when he plops down beside her, coodling her closer to himself and tucks her head beneath his chin subtly and cups his palm under her jaw to make her look in eyes his eyes.
“Hi beautiful,” His tone had a saddening waver in it and his irises mossed bleak when Y/N remains unresponsive, zoning in and out of her own head feeling herself prisoned into her own invasive thoughts.
“You w'na go home darling?” He gives her a wet smile clearing his throat and blinking the stubborn moisture in his eyes away when Y/N nodded without any vivid expression.
All the way back home he denounced himself of not making her feel loved enough, to not to pest her soon about what she’s feeling and letting her slide deeper into the dark hole.
He thinks he’s a piece of shit.
Y/N wanted to dig the earth with her own nails and hide into it and never show her face again, she was overly ashamed of herself.
His hand was holding onto hers tightly, never letting it go as he led them through the hallway and his head perked up in confusion when she stopped them abruptly and lunged to wrap herself around him like he’s the last silver of her hope and the reason to live.
“I’m so sorry, so sorry.” There comes the first sob after ages of suffering and bottling it all in, not shocked at all he was expecting it to happen. Gently he picks her up and wraps her legs around him, keeping his support firm under her bum as she cried into his soft white t-shirt.
Carefully he sits them on the edge of the bed and tries to pry her soaky flushed face in his cradle but she refuses to show him, clutching onto his cardigan and whimpering brokenly.
“I just feel so disgusting,” Her sob scratches out of her throat and for a second he thought he heard her wrong, that her feeble crying’s playing some kind of a sick game with his heart.
“Harry do something I don’t want to feel disgusting.” But, when she pleaded helplessly a cold shiver settled in his bone marrow spreading an agonising burn in his stomach.
Gently he stirs her away from his chest to look at her, meeting their foreheads together while his thumb wiped her tears away and smoothed over her wabbly lips in profound tenderness.
“My beloved,” He whispers fondling his nose against hers and her eyes flutters into realm of calms, shaky breath falling over his lips as he brings her trembling fingertips towards them and pecks them feverishly.
“The love of me life, me heart.” He continues, “Shhh. Shh baby ‘s okay to cry but don’t tire y'self.” He hushes her when she whimpers loudly at his coy affirmation.
“I’m here with you, waiting f'you, watching y’goin’ through a stony path so I could be there to hold you whenever you trip –-,” He pets her hair, cupping the back of her neck to plant his lips bitten red from worry to her puffy damp eyelids and Y/N becomes a gooey lax of candle that’s been burning for tiring amount and finally her lover came to blew the agonising flame away putting her to peace as he coos snuggling her in his cordial embrace, “You’ve been so strong to yourself and ‘m so proud of me baby.”
“I’m always here. Never away from you, always right by y'side.” His palms bending around her ribs to smush her as intimately close as possible.
“How d'ya want your huggies babylove?” He simpers down at her darlingly, huffing out in relief seeing her relaxing -- her shoulders sinking from him massaging the knots in them.
“Tight.” She mumbles timidly. The gleam in her glossy eyes returning when Harry hugs her as she wished, squishing her in right places and not suffocating her at all – their breaths in sync chests flushed against eachother.
“I love you cuddly, and care f’you.” He kisses her on lips then goes to hug her right back.
“I love you too, Har. Thank you.” She sniffs in his woodsy scent grazing her touch up and down his back, smooching a soft kiss at his cheek.
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quindolyn · 3 years
Better Kisser || Lily Evans
Word Count: 2228
Note: little bit of James x Reader, but I think it’s mostly focused on Lily, idfk at this point. I questioned my whole ass sexuality today because girls are pretty and we got this. I have come to the conclusion that I would let Lily absolutely rail me and then hold me afterwards.
Warnings: Kissing, alcohol, Lily is hot as shit, sue me, barely edited
Part 2
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One thing was for sure, Sirius Black was an upright prick.
And there he was all cuddled up in his boyfriend’s arms, having lost his shirt to Marlene many rounds ago.
“You’re really daring me to kiss your best mate’s girlfriend?” You asked incredulously, hoping you had misheard him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss Lily. No, on the contrary. You were just afraid that it would make things awkward with both her and James, whom you’d known since the both of you were in diapers.
‘Why (L/N)? You scared?” He taunted, a wicked grin plastered on his face.
“No, course not.” You denied, leaning forward to scoop your glass of water off the floor, you didn’t want to taste like firewhiskey when you kissed Lily. “Are you okay with it Lils?” You turned to her, if she didn’t want to then that was a non starter, James could be persuaded. But Lily’s consent was 100% necessary.
“Sure (Y/N/N), s’not like I’m kissing Sirius,” She jokingly sneered at him, straightening her skirt as she composed herself.
“You okay with it Jamsie?” She crooned at him like he was a child, and sometimes he was, his eyes never leaving her lips, but you could only sympathize because you too weren’t able to pry your eyes off of them. They were plump and red and swollen from alcohol consumption, you wouldn’t really care if she tasted like alcohol. 
“Mhmm,” He hummed, his eyes never quite meeting hers, “You do whatever you want baby, you wanna kiss (Y/N)?” He shrugged, she nodded, “Then go ahead and kiss her, s’not my place to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do.”
“Kiss!” Sirius heckled, taking another swig of firewhiskey before Remus pried it from his hands, kissing his cupid’s bow in attempts to calm him down.
“You ready love?” Lily asked, taking a puff from the blunt Marlene passed her, inhaling sharply before letting the smoke billow out her nose, a lazy smile taking over her face.
You nodded meekly before crawling over Dorcas who sat between you and James, where Lily was perched on his lap.
“Come here doll,” She beckoned with the crook of her finger, you hesitantly settled yourself next to her, your side pressed into James’ arm which was wrapped around Lily’s waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” You asked her, you faces inches from each other, noses prodding each other’s, you had been right, her breath reeked of alcohol and instead of repulsing you it just dragged you in further. Her eyes flitted down to your lips staying there as James had to hers. You wondered if yours were half as pretty as hers were right now?
Her response came as she leaned forward pressing her lips to yours, they were incredibly soft, her lip gloss tasted like strawberries as you licked it from her lips, the tip of your tongue grazing her bottom lip. Feeling her smirk into the kiss at your boldness, leaning in towards her more you cupped the right side of her face in your hand, savoring how the soft skin felt under your hands. Pushing her tongue into your mouth she grabbed your waist with one of her hands, working her way under your shirt to access your bare skin. 
It felt like an electric current surged through your body as your tongues fought for dominance, both of you mounting a fierce campaign, but ultimately you gave into her, letting her tongue explore your mouth at will.
After what felt like a ridiculously short amount of time she pulled away from you, the both of you gasping for air. You were distantly aware of the small whimper you emitted as she broke contact, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to give a damn, you were high off Lily Evans, and you needed more.
“I didn’t think you would actually do it,” Sirius spoke from Remus’s arms which were now rubbing up and down the smaller man’s arms, “I’m impressed.”
“Thank you,” You smirked, quickly regaining your composure.
“You’re an excellent kisser (Y/N),” Lily lilted, brushing a piece of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail, behind your ear.
And just as quickly as you had regained it you lost all sense of what you were doing and quickly fumbled out an awkward thank you to her compliment, you were sure your face was 30 varying shades of scarlet and was quick to hide it from the view of the others in the room. Settling back into your seat on the other side of Dorcas you failed to notice the intense gaze of a certain bespectacled brunette upon you that stayed there for the rest of the night.
The next morning, sitting down at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, the last thing you expected was to be immediately ambushed by James. He flew into the seat beside you, straddling the bench before scooping scrambled eggs and french toast onto your plate for you.
Before you could thank him, he opened his mouth and ruined his perfectly pleasant behavior, “I need you to kiss me!”
“I’m sorry what?” You spat out, somehow managing not to choke on the orange juice you had just taken a gulp of.
“I need you to kiss me.” He repeated plainly.
“No, I heard what you said, my bad. I probably would’ve clarified,” You cleared your throat, setting the glass of juice down onto the table, “What the actual fuck Potter? You have a girlfriend.” You swatted his arm turning in your seat so your body was completely facing the table, James was only able to view your side profile.
“And she has a boyfriend but you still kissed her,” He pointed out, you hated when he was right.
Before you could apologize for stepping over the line he continued, his words soothing your woes, “Last night after we all went to bed,” He started quickly, gesturing with his hands as he always did when he was trying to make his case, whether that was to McGonagall about how it most certainly wasn’t him who was hexing Slytherins in the corridors, or trying to convince Sirius and Remus about his idea for a prank, the boy was always moving his hands about like he was trying to direct air traffic, not that he’d know what that was. “Lily was bragging to me about how good of a kisser you are and how much she enjoyed kissing you.”
You blushed at that, moving your hair so that it would hide your face from him, but the boy wasn’t having it and moved it from curtaining in front of your face so he could once again view your side profile. “And that piqued my interest, because watching you guys kiss was,” He paused for a second, looking for the correct word, “Was euphoric.”
“Big word there Potter, Lupin teach you that one?” You tried in attempts to derail where this conversation was heading but he wasn’t having that.
“That was all fine,” He continued as though you had never spoken in the first place, “But then she started talking about how she was sure you wouldn’t have kissed me like that because she’s such a better kisser than me.” You did not like where this was going, “The problem here is that we’ve never kissed the same person, Lily was my first kiss,”
Though he raced over it quickly you couldn’t stop the small smile that bloomed across your face, there was no denying that James Potter loved Lily Evans. Unless you were Severus and couldn’t pull your head out of your ass that is.
“So we need you to help us settle this little disagreement.” He explained as though it were the most logical answer to his conundrum.
“Does Lily know about your little idea?” You finally turned towards him, one leg bent up on the bench.
He hummed, looking down to his hands where he was tugging at his fingers, “Well, no, not yet, I wanted to see if you would be interested in it before I asked her.”
Risking another glance at the boy you were met with his hopeful gaze which quickly morphed into a cocky grin as you nodded your head, “Fine I’ll kiss you, but only if Lily’s in too.”
“Great!” James exclaimed, pulling you up from your seat at the table and dragging you out of the Great Hall as he excitedly jogged towards the library where he knew Lily to be. 
“Oi, Potter, slow down my legs are shorter than yours!” You complained attempting to keep up with his long strides.
“Sorry Love,” Though he made no move to slow down for you, if anything he picked up speed. 
“Lily!” He announced your entrance when the two of you finally came to the library, earning him a sharp look from Pince. You tried not to look around at everyone in the library not wanting to see the looks they were undoubtedly flashing you, instead burying your head into the back of James’ shoulder, allowing him to guide you through the maze of tables and bookshelves until he finally found the coveted redhead pouring over her potions book.
“What do you want Ja-” She looked up catching sight of you as you tried to hide behind James, suddenly very nervous about what you had previously agreed to. “Oh, hi (Y/N). What’s going on?”
“I was thinking about last night, after we all went to bed,” He moved into the chair next to her, propping his head up in his hand which rested on the table top, “And I love you Flower, I really do but you’re just not the better kisser here, I am. But since you refuse to see that and we’ve never kissed the same person before we can’t really come to a conclusion. Until now that is, because (Y/N) here has agreed to kiss me and then she can tell us who is better.” He motioned to you with a wave of his arm and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks, the way Lily was looking at you, as though she was appraising you, made your legs tremble.
“You sure about this darling?” The question was directed towards you.
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice at this moment.
She sat in her chair a minute longer drinking you in before nodding, turning to her boyfriend who was smiling like an absolute idiot. “Not here though,” She commanded with a flick of her wand that had all of her supplies flying back into her bag, “Our dorm,” She looked at you as she grabbed James’ hand, then yours leading you out of the library.
James was sprawled out on Lily’s bed, the three of you had come to an unspoken agreement that that was where this would take place, it only seemed appropriate. Lying back, James propped himself up on his forearms, his eyes raking over Lily’s figure as she shrugged off her outer robe, leaving her in her tight fitting button down and plaid skirt. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna love,” She murmured in your ear, brushing her lips against your skin, “Jamsie’s just being a dick wad.”
A gentle laugh escaped you at your joke but you shook your head, “No, it's okay, I want to.”
“Alright then bub,” She hummed, “Get on J’s lap.”
You scrambled to comply, easily settling into the grooves of his thighs, “Are you gonna sit up?” You asked him glaring down at where he laid splayed out on the bed.
“No was thinking you’d come down here since I’m gonna be doing most of the work anyway,” He smirked smugly up at you as you leaned down to connect your lips thinking, it's only gonna cost you points Potter, go ahead, you’re just hurting yourself here.
You brushed the hair off his forehead as your lips met each other, he tasted like mint and citrus, it left you wondering what Lily usually tasted like when she didn’t have alcohol on her breath. He wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you closer to him as his hands ran up and down your back, soothing you into his touch. His lips were rougher than Lily’s had been, though you suspected they would be, you weren’t sure if you’d actually seen him ever apply anything to his lips aside from Lily’s.
His tongue gently pressed against the seal of your lips before pushing past it into the velvety expanse of your mouth. James let out a moan, you didn’t realize what had caused it until you felt Lily’s delicate fingers slide up from his scalp to caress your face. 
You stayed there, in their shared embrace letting James’ tongue have its way with your mouth until your lungs couldn’t take it anymore and you were forced to push away, inhaling deep gulps of air.
James barely let you catch your breath before asking his question, running his hands up and down your arms which were the only things keeping you up. 
In all honesty they were both phenomenal kissers and they were lucky to get to kiss the other every day but there was a correct answer to this question, and James wasn’t going to like it.
tagging: @randomoutsiders​
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 || you and Andy go on a trip to Greece for your birthday and discover the love you have for one another.
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 || fluffy fluff
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 || andy barber × black[birthday girl]!reader
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 || 5.2K
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 || jealousy, some rom com cliches, divorced!andy, i used like six different dividers to match with the storyline so very sorry if that’s unusual to you!
𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 || past lives by bornes. mariposa by the peach rascals. apricot princess by rex orange country. out like a light by the honey sticks & ricky montgomery
𝒘. 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 || this is a birthday gift for @areyoustchewpid!!!! happy birthday ingrid!!! everyone go wish the birthday girl the best for her special day! 💗 I hope this fic fulfills your dreams of Greece with lawyer daddy and i hope you cherubs enjoy reading this <33
 + p.s || do not repost, republish or plagiarize my work on any other fanfic platform such as: wattpad, ao3, tumblr, etc or steal my work all together. do so and i will rip your spine from your scumy asshole and shove it down your talentless throat. ♡♡♡  
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an event that you’ve been expecting all day yet while a firm chestnut table sits underneath your crossed legs cools as a sweetpea and seasalt ocean breeze blows into the dining room your expectations have somewhat been granted and changed. where only a three layer chocolate cake sits between you and Andy, both your lovestruck eyes never leaving each other despite the comet rippling starry sky glimmering from the white paneled windows.
everything is all sparkling, soft pink and golden at this moment.
from the rosy dawned blush that grazes against Andy’s cheeks to the blushy tone of your sundress and beating heart. candles sparkling to life as you and him in the very moment, wax melting in rosy dewdrops just like the fear of allowing these caged emotions to fly free. now they seemed to have been unrestrained by the gold bars of worry, aversion, and self committed rejection.
simple cursive writing made of periwinkle icing contrasts against the dark fudge confection this dearest friend of yours created. this friend who might have been something more in a life way beyond this year and century but as your heart beats in a melody casted by the Muses themselves it pirouettes with the cupid bow lights dancing in Andy’s pools of hopeless paradise. it’s all enough for you to lace your fingers with his-which you do- and wish for something else to spread against your lips besides the cake you both will cut in a minute after you blow your candles.
the words below your cupid struck glance read Happy Birthday Y/n in the divine candlelight, a squeeze of his hand only encourages the rapid pace of your heart to jump and for you to swallow your hesitance. a very same feeling floods Andy’s insides but for the past minutes just sitting directly on the table, lighting your candles and enjoying the meteor shower, he hasn’t kept his promise to himself.
a promise he made for himself since the beginning of today when he discovered how his palms sweat when you neared him and how his heart warmed when you spoke his name and how his soul just sang a different song when you took his hand.
he should say something now, he should tell you how much you mean to him in this different roseate light. maybe you’ll say the same words back and maybe with the rush of the rose glasses besides you both one thing may lead to another but what comes out of his mouth makes him bite his tongue. “I hate to break it to you but wax is getting on the cake,”
those words snap you out of your amour aura, eyes fluttering for a second and smiling afterwards when you see Andy fidgeting with the crystal glass in his large hands. cheeks reddening like ripe strawberries glowing in the warmth of spring, it radiates the space between you both and with an almost whisper to your name he has your hands in his soft palms. “what do you wish for y/n?”
the question makes you swallow the raspberry rose laced lump in your throat. the love potion for an innocent drink still glistens in your glass that rests beside your body but it would spill if you would do the simple action your heart has been caressing your mind to just pull his collar down to smash his lips against yours.
to feel the tender roughness of his bearded cheeks in your palms and his lips molded along with yours in a kiss that would put all sculptured lovers to shame. it’s making you sink and float at the same time but the sparking second that Andy leans down you oblige.
“i’m sorry for not realizing it all those years,” it makes your brows scrunch in slight confusion at the confusion, his cool apricot breath wafting and twinning with your airy exhale when his nose grazes against yours. the heat of the candles underneath your close faces, you raise your hand to cup his face.
“realizing what?” its then did the breath escape your lungs and your heart to stop beating.
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seeing her open her eyes the very morning brought a different comfort than to watch her sleep- it was a normal thing to wake up but to experience her lashes fluttering to life to reveal the life in her sun speckled eyes was something for Andy. she rolled over, burying her face in the crispness of white sheets with a lazy grin.
through the honeycomb glass of the white portiéres of the hotel room, the soft sunshine of the province morning streams in and lights the bedchamber. the melodic sound of birdsong and light chatter slowly rouses her awake. Andy is seated in front of the swan feathered colored vanity, combing his hair and keeping the time on track on his watch.
the man had loads planned for you both today, a day planned for you both to be bone tired at the end but still reflecting on the memories and experiences once you laid your head to rest to sleep when it was over. the tapping rhythm of his polished tar black dress shoes fills the room, making you part open your eyelids to see who’s disrupting your peaceful second slumber.
“morning sleeping beauty, happy birthday,” he almost sing-songs, a slight whistle in his voice completely overtaking any fiber of drowsy and sleep riddance that enveloped your mind and body.
“morning Andy and thank you,” you grin with your porcelain smile, stretching your arms while simultaneously lifting your sunkissed legs. arching your back in a firm crane, yearning a deep yawn from you as you savour the sunshine on your ankles and naked shoulders.
“so I have a few things planned today but I thought it would be best to eat breakfast out at the cafe we talked about instead of ordering room service. what do you think?” his eyes focused on you in the mirror and you have no choice but to glance back with your remark weighing on your tongue.
so after a smile that was more than enough to let your childhood friend know that you were along with him for the ride you found yourself ready for your special day. a slightly puffed sleeve and flowy mint green sundress adorns your bodice softly, making you radiant in the morning sun that appears to be a glowing lemon slice across the cloudless skies.
arms securely wrap around Andy’s waist as he guides the scooter the same color of the sparkling sea and reflecting powdered blue vault above. hanging on to him as he brings you both to the tiny yet timeless cafe near the roaring pier of crashing waves and ancient cobblestone streets. the bouquet of large sunflowers that were tenderly hugged tightly between both your bodies are now free in your hold. their sunshine yellow petals sway in the morning breeze and take in the virtuous sunshine that rains in golden streaks on this magical day.
taking your seat near one of the outdoor tables, shaded by the umbrella the same color as the satin banner you both order your first meal as the waiter set your beginning entry of cheese, grapes, croissants and wine on a pine wood board in between you two. street cars come and go, along with passing people looking for special sites of eternal Athens Greece. the ocean bringing a calm sea mist breeze that only adds onto the refreshing and ecstatic tangibility seizing your atoms yet as you both talk about the plans you have for today.
although the words of the waiter coming to refill your tall glasses breaks both an uncontrollable smile and laugh between you both. “couples get a discount,” he spoke and you both had a dime for when you both were mistaken for a couple you’d be swimming in a sea as large as the one that captures your irises and heart.
with his confusion Andy quickly nods along, “yes we’d take that discount thank you,” and the waiter smiles back as he steps away after filling your glasses and informing you about your meal which you both thank back.
“Andy I thought we weren’t gonna take advantage of discounts by pretending we’re a couple anymore,” you broke with a raised brow and Andy only rolled his eyes in any way that wouldn’t ever be taken seriously by anyone despite his job disposition.
“awe come on y/n let's relive old times! do you wanna pay full price when we’ve been doing this for years?” Andy looked at you through a playful demeanor that you only recognize when he’s concocting and getting away with something as seemingly harmless as this.
“i’m not really fond of the backlash when it backfires on us in the end,” you speak as you bite into a butter croissant, the rich pastry practically melting on your tongue. “also you’re making us sound like some sort of Bonnie and Clyde duo. doesn’t look good with that attorney license of yours Barber,” you laugh as you return the same eye roll back as you sit up with your glass in hand.
“remember when I booked us a reservation at that restaurant when we were in college and I freaked out over the bill? I ‘proposed’ to you and once everyone cooed and congratulated us we got our bill cut in half-”
“and I nearly kicked your ass afterwards, yeah Andy my foot is remembering the loss,” you intervene which makes Andy shake with loud laughter enough to make all the other pairs -real couples instead of you sly imposters- stop from their conversations to glance at you two breaking into hysterics whilst eating green grapes and sipping on white wine.
“to be fair we were broke college students! money was tight as hell back then but I didn’t see you complain when I got on my knees and put a ring on your finger. I thought the rhinestone looked very good with your dress that night,” popping a grape in his mouth with a humorous smirk etched on his lips.
“i’m sure you were looking forward to saying that when you gave me a kinder surprise from a candy machine.” rolling your eyes as you bite into another golden croissant, pairing it along with a nibble of creamy cheese that taste heavenly on your tongue.
“alright you can hold that against me I still deserve it,” Andy still remembers the other students in his seminar congratulating him and some who didn’t know about his engagement and divorce to Laurie still believe he’s engaged to you. it was funny and seems like something straight out of the cheesy rom coms he and you used to binge together as bored high schoolers.
that you and him used to scoff and egg on the oblivious main protagonists to just kiss and push away the denial to just be together but amongst all these couples in the morning light at this café it’s you two reliving your movie annoyances. it was hilarious and unfortunately ironic but Andy Barber didn’t see anything or comprehend the knot in your stomach when you took his hand and said something he couldn’t quite hear.
all he was paying attention to in the slow-motion picturesque of your gleaming smile, the sparkle in your deep lashy eyes and how your lips moved so theatrically as you spoke his name.
Andy, Andy, Andy
eyes glossing over in wonder, it was possibly the prettiest thing he’s seen and he’d wish to hear you say his name one more time. heart yearning to just catch your lips movement yet as his mind wedges himself back into reality he finally catches what you’ve been saying.
“Andy our food is here,” you said as the waiter came with your large glass plates of oven baked pizzas. the comforting rich smell of toasted cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and freshly baked dough fill his nostrils. it's enough to cover the lush sweetness of your Dior perfume he loved taking a whiff of when you'd lean over the table to sneakily reach for his grapes and croissants.
“um, yeah thanks for the heads up,” he spoke in almost a broken sense of charisma compared to his boyish behavior minutes ago but it’s just now that’s Andy denying the feeling-
the seed of amorous that had been planted in his heart a long ago that’s beginning to sprout now.
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after roaming the creaky wooden piers with the sunshine twining divinely against your hair and every inch of revealed baby soft skin. a clementine in his hands and an apricot in yours, feeding the peels to the doves that rest besides the ancient stools as Andy give hands you cardinal slice after citrusy cardinal slice.
dangling both your legs over the docks and enjoying the way the rippling waves brushed against your curling toes. sweet orange and apricot filling your mouths like the sun spreading its orange and blush provenance across the aqua waters. lonely fingers fondle with your citrus fruits that you bought with wo shiny coins from a passing vender in a straw sunhat.
savoring the ocean blue and the sunny sky revealing the cotton white clouds that dot like dollops of whipping cream upon it. the sea breeze dancing with strand hairs, the topic of a greenhouse visit sparks and a sense of adventure rushes though bloodstream. within a matter of seconds you both race to hop back on the forget-me-not scooter.
inciting a school children challenge on who’s going to get there first and with the swiftness of putting your sandals back on and running against the mossy and dandelion cracked cobblestone had you seated on the bike. “I win,” you grin and of course Andy just gives you a fauxly hurt demeanor.
“you cheated,” you only hum back at his petty exchange, playing along for his sentiment until he sighs in his defeat. with the engine starting off you and him race to the glass palace that is the greenhouse.
a golden rimmed and sea mist colored empire, it stood out to you when touring the tiny city of colorful roof houses and marketplaces. mossy vines and leafy thorned shrubbery beautifully frame the interior pillars as rich golden sunlight fill in the glassy castle. cement molds create the railing for the lily pad and swan lotuses of the man made ponds. an occasional jasmine frog leaps from pad to pad as the milky pink and yellow koi’s swim about in the shadowy water.
exotic trees and wild plants bunch throughout the establishment, creating shade against the Apollo’s heavy rays as Andy lifts his head to marvel these large and tall works of Artemis. of course, with your polaroid camera you found in the rummage of your closet (that you haven't used since senior year of college) in a tight hold. wandering feet walk through the limestone pavement of the greenhouse, a sunflower in your hair that brightens the deep greens succulents and rich browns tree bark.
the vines of soft pink and purple flowers dangling from the glassy dome roof fall their baby pink petals as a breeze presents itself. some already settling in the brown tawny of Andy's hair, not far behind you smile at your face glossed in wonderstruck marvel. wide honey brown pools trail up the ten foot marble and ivory statue, reflecting in serenity cosmoses from the rainbows that spread from the crystal glass.
a sense of desire takes ahold of you as your slowed hands lift to trace your dark fingertips through the crinkle wrinkle of a marble maidens skirt. such detail and intricate design of the craftsman long ago must’ve took years to perfect, the cloth falling seamlessly upon the maidens body as her body crouches to run your clay hand again at the pond water. lifting your camera to your eyes, snapping your desired pictures that are set to capture all the whimsical aspects and elements that take your breath away.
Andy dares to draw near, it wasn’t like he hasn’t stood close to you at all- he might be making it hard on himself by overthinking ever move and step but you call out his name and his heart paces.
“yes y/n,” making his way to where you sit near a pond, you don’t say anything as you wrap the strap for the camera around your neck. fixing up your dress from any wrinkles from scrunching the hem up when dipping your feet in the sea earlier. checking your hair and make up in your hand mirror that you retrieved from your designer purse. an arched brow raises up at you, which you only respond by rolling your eyes and hand him the camera as you smile at yourself in the reflection of the ponds water.
“can you take a picture of me?” as you reapply another layer of gloss on your lips, the fishes swirling in the water to jump to the service to witness the beautiful nymph who have graced their pond themselves.
cupid bows perk at the fish and blow them kisses, your hands grab at a floating lotus before grasping the tender water blossom. putting it in the raven coils that delicately frame your face, damn it y/n.
it was as if you were torturing him with those mascara bambi eyes and glossy primrose lips, it makes his insides buzz and flutter like the malachite dragonfly that passes here and there.
“you telling me you want a picture or did you already decide for me yourself?” you only smack his chest with the camera once again.
“are you going to take the picture or not Barber? did you loose some of your magic with all that lawyer jumbo clouding your head or did you take those freshman photography lessons seriously?”
Andy rolls his eyes and takes the camera from you with a chuckle, “actually i’m still capable of using a camera y/l/n, god you’re making me feel old. go model for me,” you just laugh and run across to the other side of the pond.
soft skin from your legs revealed from the way your sundress lifts bends against your chest. head resting upon your knees while your arms wrap around them, the sunflower in your gasps and the lotus behind your ear. at this moment as the seconds turn into minutes Andy should be taking pictures, his eyes are looking through the lens as his index finger rests on the button.
with as much as single press he captures the greenhouse nymph but what good would a single picture do to capture every gift and grace you bestowed in the offering of your charm, beauty and heart?
it makes Andy's heart race, your eyes dashing from the godly statues that surround you to the camera. sweet music plays in deep cherry wood cellos and willow carved violins and even with the buzzing dragonfly it seems it found its favorite flower at the tip of your nose.
you certainly are the creation and waking of spring flowers and lovesick tales that took his heart then and its still yours now.
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that single snapshot was all he could think about you two drove down south to the coast. searching back the drunk nights before where you and him ran into a little covelete whilst drinking goblet after goblet in the forest of olive and grape vine trees. it was a long ride but nothing suited the wait better than the man on the radio singing with his strung trichordo.
the hands that grip Andy's shoulder slide down to wrap your arms around him tightly when the minutes pass and the forest of green olives and sangiovese grapes. parking the scooter near the shrubbery of some innocent bush you and him look for the wine stash the both of you left in the abandoned cavern of an ancient olive tree. Andy grinning as he grabbed the expansive bottle and before you know it you both head to the hidden beach.
Andy didn't plan to actually go swimming, just settle the gingham blanket upon the finely grain sand and open the picnic you both prepared. and he also didn't prepare himself for the rosy blush to dawn his face when your almond nails grip the hem of your sundress to lift it up and over your head. revealing your matching bathing suit underneath its quick that you throw him a wink and race to the nearby grassy cliff.
"see you soon Barber!" you yell and as Andy gets up from the blanket to understand what you mean by that its too late. the summer air is filled with your laughter and sky rippling cheer as you jump off the cliff and dive into the cloud blue water. the splash nonexistent from your perfect swoop.
if only he had the polaroid on him to capture the way your smile gleamed brighter than the sun reflecting off the sparkling water the the way your eyes cutely scrunched like sand dollars under the warmth of golden sand.
the silver green of the olive trees emphasize the richness of your skin. the rich skin he couldn't keep his sapphires off as you laugh your choir laugh that would make Apollo cease his chariot to listen to the siren of Olympus once more. dancing in the turquoise waves of the coast, they crash against your soft mounds, curves, and dips of sun glistening hips and waist.
how could he have been so blind?
rage and anguish slosh around in his mind that pour melancholic rain onto his heart, you were there for him through thick and thin. a friend he believed but how could he have buried that yearn and longing for you all those years?
it's almost criminal to the highest degree and he'd know his side of the justice system but how could that distract him from you? his head was far too buried in those lawbooks to realize, too oblivious to his emotions when you'd date and hang around other people that weren't him. looking far into the looking glass hoping that his work would pay off in the future, meeting another woman and putting a ring on her finger.
now here he is, a divorced man but a still very much happy man. lonely at times with his only child in the custody of his ex wife but still very happy with the comfort and support of you. it was you who helped him from the tears at night and it was you who he wasn't scared to open up to. even the past few months he didn't realize it but now as you call his name to get in the water he doesn't hesitate to pull his shirt over his head and take his shoes and socks off.
joining you in the water in a mater of a few heartbeats, it was as if you were a sea spirit calling for him and even if you weren't he's happily obliging when the small waves collide against his skin. both your laughs rippling the ocean in this small ocean paradise, swimming in the richness of the present never would have guessing that throughout all these years you be here.
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the salt water on your skin has dried as you and Andy walk side by side, your shoes rubbing against the gravel of the cobblestone paths as both you peer at the vendors and food stands arranging from rainbow scaled fish, fresh sesame seed breads, farm produced milks and cheeses, and vibrate fruits and vegetables. hands twined together in a firm hold, unfathomable excitement practically radiating off of you while you chat and giggle with Andy.
the topic of the conversation changing every few minutes when you find a stand that grabs your attention. curious eyes and wandering hands look over organic produce and homemade goods the people had to offer. the golden clutch of your purse being opened multiple times and Andy's mouth being stuffed with jam, cheese and fruit samples on the account of you. as you did you shopping he did as well, the ingredients for a sweet treat he had planned for you later on tonight are in a brown paper bag amongst your purchases.
of course he had to carry them all, not in obligation but because he didn’t want you to worry about shopping too much when you’re in the midst of enjoying your vacation. by all means he certainly wasn’t complaining, if anything he liked having you giddy and bursting with energy. practically dragging him from stand to stand and carrying your bags filled with stuff that you’d bring back home and try.
the village square where the marketplace takes place is tinted in an ambrosial hue, the sun now a glowing slice of grapefruit against the peachy pink carnation sky. lavender clouds that seem so close to grasp tower above you both yet they don't prevent the suns glow from capturing the beautiful soft planes of your face.
luscious and softer than the bouquet of sunflower carnations he surprised you with as you looked at the variety of sunhat options. one that you just purchased rests floppily against your temple but still doing its job at keeping you shaded from the suns glare. wrapped in a silky green bow, Andy smiles at how huge it is but it just makes you look divine and adorable in your sundress.
holding his hand tighter before tracing them up his forearm to softly grasp his bicep, it you who's leaning against him and pulling him close to you. the feeling of your body alongside his is warmer then any sunshine that seeps into his skin and lovelier than any of the flowers the market had to offer.
it’s hard to give you one excellent gift to give back all those years of commitment and loyalty and friendship but the way your lips spread in that enchanting smile it’s enough to make Andy know -despite the both of you not saying it- that you feel the same way to.
the bouquet in both your holds lifting up every once in a while for Andy to smell and for you to admire as you walk away from the noisy market. a little behind the village were the spring green of the countryside clashes within the stone brick city is a valley of flower arbors and hedge mazes. it was the last pitstop Andy the bags in both your hands settle down against the safety shadow of a maple trees shade and with a little laugh and an excited squeal he run to the flower arbors.
green rows of soft shrubbery dotted and laced in colorful blossoms stand in multiple rows upon rows look over of petunias and carnations. small apple and lemon trees in potted beds line up within the flowery hedges and no matter where you look it’s only the divination of spring and the gifts it bestows the Earth with. wooden picnic basket that was once used from your beach picnic is now empty but it’s quickly filling with the sweet smelling beauties of the flowers and fruits and you pluck.
Andy not fair behind you captures your wondering body in the still frame pictures of your polaroid camera. the pictures emerging quickly afterwards, he’s quick to fab them off and place them in your small picture album. turning your head over your shoulder your caught with Andy having the perfect opportunity to snap a picture that would be a bedtime story to tell with a child of his and yours.
it’s perfect and breathtaking, no matter the feeling of his heart thumping in its lingering hesitance you were the star that’s still continues to shine despite being out in broad daylight. it pulled at his heart strings because he knew what this feeling was, this feeling that he been avoiding to come to terms with all day but why was he so terrified?
the fear of rejection wouldn’t burst his heart but it would remind him that he was alone. a man like him wasn’t born to walk this Earth, wake to the sun and sleep with moon alone. the very presence of you besides him made him feel all the things besides lonely and bare to the universes cruelness at times. but maybe you felt the same way about him.
he only had one way to find out and he was set on keeping it, whatever sea he had to cross, valley he had to travel to and the plummeting ends to the Earth he will pronounce his love.
snapping another picture of you, you smile in it and with that he smiles to.
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"realize what Andy?" you press on but in the rosy candle light his lips pressed against yours seems to be the only answer he can bring himself to conclude.
it's takes the breath out of your lungs and makes your heart blush and burn deeper and hotter than the tiny flames that decorate the cake. the roughness of his bottom lip that have been occasionally bitten the past minutes of dancing around your feelings. the nerve of you both to push aside your feelings for each other because the fear of breaking each others hearts.
if only your past selves could see you now, shedding your hearts and allowing the key to them to finally open the gates of vulnerability and yearn. the passionate lovesick mess tastes delicious against your mouths and you both could get drunk off it instead of the rose. sweet and inching for more as your lips part to graze against each other, but in order to seal the prophecy of established lovers Andy pulls away.
"that i'm in love with you. that i've always been in love with you. it's been years and i'm sorry for just realizing it now but I need to know if you feel the same way. please tell me now, please," he whispers against your lips.
now its your turn for our heart to skip beats and take in each and everyone of his words. fluttering eyes drowning in his copper blues, you open your mouth to say something but nothing but a soundless nothing comes out. all these years your love for Andy has been buried deep within you and you've tried your best to hide that seed. to plow in new seeds because what use was that seed if it never flourished when he'd feel the same way.
you don't realize until you feel the tear dripping down your cheek, he wipes it with his thumb. pressing a kiss where it once existed and it's now that you realize that it's always come to this. your lives weren't entirely paved in stone but the love that has a faith of its own is something that changes as the pages of a storybook turn.
this virtuous night being the newest chapter and as much as you're scared to follow along your heart has been waiting for this moment for so long. with those teary eyes that bring some to his own you smile and pull his face with yours, pressing your lips with his to mark your answer clear, to make him feel the way you feel.
"i've always felt the same. dear god Barber it took you twenty years and it all worked out didn't it?" you giggle against his mouth, feeling his grin as he kisses you back.
"what did you wish for?" he murmurs and you only smile and wrap your arms around his neck, "this,"
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
Valentine’s Sux
Pairing: Solomon x f!reader Genre: angst, fluff, vague nsfw themes Warnings: I think just choking- Summary: You get into a fight with your boyfriend, Solomon, on Valentine’s Day Word Count: 4.6k A/N: As some of you might have saw, I want to try and be more inclusive to readers who often feel excluded from x reader works. Since this is so long and I’m honestly too lazy to read through all of this, I did word searches and I’m hoping I got rid of all of the things like “she blushed red” and whatnot. If you do still see something like that, please let me know! I want EVERYONE to feel included and happy reading my work! Thank you and enjoy!
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As if February ain't cold enough You had to go and break my heart
Your face is freezing from the tears cooling on your face from the chilly air and you wouldn’t be surprised if your lips are blue. You can feel your heart growing a size smaller, or is that the feeling of it breaking? You’re not too sure but it’s not like it really matters. Either way, your chest hurts and your body feels heavy.
How could this even happen? Things weren’t supposed to go like that. Especially on Valentine’s Day. The day that’s supposed to be full of love and romance. Now, all you feel is sick to your stomach and tired. 
I made six reservations just in case of cancellations But I guess we could eat dinner apart
Six reservations. You wanted to be able to have a nice dinner with him, but lord forbid you’re extra cautious. You picked his favorite restaurants instead of yours, and for what? For him to shout that you’re being dramatic. Now, you’re going to have to call all of those places and tell them you have to cancel. That’s an embarrassment you’d rather not face but know it’s the polite thing to do. It’s not like they’d know about you and your boyfriend’s fight. 
You walk into the House of Lamentation with a sigh, feeling angry and embarrassed that you’re back here. You had already told all of the guys that you wouldn’t be coming home tonight, sitting through all of their teasings because you knew it’d be worth it in the end. 
It was the exact opposite of that. 
Unluckily, literally all of the brothers are here. You just want to put all of this crap away and go to bed. You walk into the kitchen to find Beelzebub eating from a container from last night’s dinner, a happy smile on his face. 
The way you stared when I bought you that big bear I could tell you were kind of disturbed But my kind acts of kindness can we put this all behind us Have you tried the chocolate mints they're superb
You keep your head down as you toss the chocolates onto the counter before shoving the dumb, stuffed bear into the trash. Beel pauses his munching to watch you plunge the innocent bear as deep into the trash as it could go. He sets the container down and slowly starts to move towards you. 
“(Y/n)?” he says softly, pressing his hand gently to the top of your back. “Are you alright?” 
That stupid question. 
And just like that, you're a sobbing mess in Beel’s arms. His eyes are wide as you squeeze him tightly, crying right into his shirt. He’s instantly sad because you are, his heart aching at the thought of you even being upset. 
“Shh, it’s alright, (Y/n). Let it all out. It’s okay,” he soothes, rubbing your back and the back of your head. You do as he says, letting out sob after sob into his strong chest. Your loud bawling, of course, attracts the attention of the other brothers. They all come into the kitchen worried like the mother hens they are.
“What happened?” 
“Is (Y/n) okay?” 
“Do I need to get my knife?”
“Please tell me those are happy tears.” 
“Is (Y/n) hurt?” 
“Everyone stop,” you groan, pulling away from Beel to wipe at your face. Asmo is quick to hand you some tissues, a quiet ‘thank you’ leaving your lips as you take them. You clean up your face while the brothers continue to throw questions at you and Beel.  
“Solomon and I had a fight, okay?” you shout over them, feeling fresh tears well up in your eyes. Everyone goes silent at that, staring as you start to cry again. 
Can't believe we're through but I guess it's really true Valentine's sux without you
Now everyone is beyond confused since this morning you were so excited to go see Solomon and spend the night with him. You told them about all your gifts and plans, a glow in your eyes all day until lunch when you finally got to see Solomon. After that, they left you two alone and went about their day. 
So, how did that end up with you two fighting?
“Yeah, I’ll go get my knife,” Belphie says as he starts to walk out of the kitchen before Lucifer stops him. 
Valentine's sux without you Ahhhhhh, it sucks
You basically skip through the halls with a bright smile, your heart racing as you look for Solomon. You giggle each time you think of his reaction to your gifts. He had told you prior to today that he didn’t want you getting him anything. As if you were going to listen to your handsome boyfriend and not get him anything though. 
You beam brighter than the sun when you finally do spot Solomon, quickly making your way towards him. “(Y/n)! I made you a cake pop!” Luke squeals happily when he sees you. You smile warmly at him and gratefully take the offered heart-shaped cake pop. 
“Awe, thank you, Luke! I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything!” you say as you pull him into a hug. He giggles and shakes his head, accepting and returning the hug without hesitation. 
“Don’t apologize, silly! You already have a Valentine!” he replies as he pulls away, looking over at Solomon. Solomon stares back at him before looking down to your hand holding the cake pop. 
“Well, that is true,” you say softly, giggling along with him. You go to greet your boyfriend when Simeon speaks up next. 
“Here you go, (Y/n). Happy Valentine’s day,” the angel says sweetly. You look to his hands to find a card and a small box. You raise your brow as you gently put the cake pop into your bag before taking it from him. You open the card first, smiling when a baby cupid pops out. You read the little note that he and Luke wrote, cooing softly. 
“Awe, you guys are the sweetest!” you whine, pulling Simeon into a hug. He chuckles and returns it before pulling away after a couple of seconds. 
“You have to open the box too.” 
“Hm? Oh!” you open up the box to see crudely made chocolates. You gasp and quickly eat one with excitement. “This is so good!” you gasp. 
Simeon blushes and looks away from you as he rubs the back of his neck. “Thank you. Luke wanted me to give you more than just a ‘lousy card,’ so he forced me to make the chocolates,” he gushes. You smile warmly at him and eat another one of the chocolates. 
“Well, you did great! They’re delicious! Thank you!” After you say this, you turn to look at Solomon, feeling your face warm up just looking at him. 
“We’ll catch you two later,” Simeon says before leading Luke and himself away from you both. You wave at them before turning to look at Solomon, placing Simeon’s chocolates into your bag. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” you say softly, offering him the bear and chocolates. His brows furrow down at you, remaining silent for a moment as he looks you over.
“Where did you get that stuff?” he asks, not reaching his arms out to take the gifts. Not giving you a kiss. Nothing. 
Your brows furrow now, looking down at the objects in your hands. “Um, I went to the store to get the be-”
“No, not that. The necklace, the candy bracelet, and the rest of that crap.” You pause at this, your hands pulling your gifts for him back towards your chest. You move the bear under your arm to use your hand to touch the necklace. You forgot it was even there. 
“Oh, Lucifer got it for me,” you explain before removing your hand to look at your wrist, “and Levi gave me the candy bracelet.” You watch him frown and cross his arms over his chest. 
“Let me guess, all of the brothers gave you something?” he asks, sneering a bit as he says it.
You pull back from him as if he burned you, surprised at his tone. “Um, yes,” you mumble honestly, nervously looking down at your gifts. 
“And what did the other foul demons get you?” he seethes. Your jaw drops at this, your heart starting to beat fast for another reason. 
“Foul? Why would you say that? Solomon, why are you acting like this?” you reply quickly. He scoffs and rolls his eyes a bit. 
“Tell me what the other brothers got you,” he demands. You roll your eyes right back at him and huff, showing your annoyance. 
“Asmo got me beauty products, Beel made me desserts, Mammon got me flowers, Satan got me a book and a movie, and Belphie got me stuffed animals,” you snap, wanting to cross your arms over your chest as well but deciding not to. 
Just remain calm. 
Solomon doesn’t think remaining calm is a good idea though, which is very unlike him. 
“Products? Desserts? Flowers? Book and movie? Animals? They all got you more than one thing,” he snaps right back, his voice deeper than usual. 
You take a deep breath and force a smile, trying to soothe the situation. “Their gifts don’t matter as much as yours does. Happy Valentine’s Day. By the way, I made reservations at a couple different rest-” you start softly, offering him the gifts again before he cuts you off. 
“I didn’t get you anything and I told you that I didn’t want you to give me anything. Why did you make more than one reservation? You’re being dramatic,” he says with little to no emotion before walking away. 
You gape at his back and look down at the chocolate box and stuffed bear. Your eyes start to water as you quickly run to the restroom, dashing into a stall to hide there. 
You hide out there until the bell rings to signal that lunch is over. You wipe at your face with toilet paper before leaving the stall. You then walk over to the mirror and look at your reflection, grabbing paper towels to wipe at your face once more. 
“Stupid Solomon. Stupid Valentine’s Day,” you grumble to yourself as you try to make yourself presentable, knowing good and well that you’re going to be late to class. 
Now I sit at my desk at my low-class job Everybody's got flowers on theirs
When you do reach the class, your teacher pauses their talking to look at you, as does the rest of the class. The teacher goes to reprimand you before they notice your red, swollen eyes and puffy face. “Sorry I’m late,” you apologize, heading over to your desk. Once you’re sat down, they start up their teaching again. 
You could honestly care less about whatever they are saying, your eyes looking at everyone’s desks. Of course, lunch is the prime time to talk to your Valentine or confess to your crush. Because of this, almost everyone in the class has flowers on their desk along with other goodies. You toss your gifts for your boyfriend under your chair, not wanting to look at it right now. 
And it's hard to concentrate, someone tells me about their date F-ing Christ, Jenny, nobody cares
You tried hard to listen to your teacher but all you could think about is how Solomon rejected you and left you alone in the hallway. Class finishes up ten minutes before it’s officially over, so the teacher allows you to converse with each other. And, of course, Jenny takes this opportunity to brag about her crush confessing to her and giving her a lot of goods. 
You just wished she would shut up already because you cared less about this than you did about what the teacher was talking about. 
The school day felt like it lasted for an eternity and you couldn’t be happier to get away from everyone and go home and cry. 
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The brothers watch as you finish up your story, still crying softly. “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll make you something sweet to eat,” Beel soothes. You shake your head, giving him a sweet smile and a hug. 
“Don’t worry about it big guy. I just want to take a nap,” you reassure. He slowly nods his head as he watches you walk towards the stairs to go to your room. 
“Should we do something?” Satan asks softly in order for you to not hear. Lucifer sighs and shakes his head while crossing his arms over his chest, a heavy frown on his face. 
“No, sadly. It’s not our business. We just have to let them deal with it,” he says quietly in response to Satan. 
My house is a mess, I'm forty days behind in rent And I still smell your shitty perfume
You walk into your room and frown, looking at the mess you left behind this morning. You woke up extra early to dress up nice for Solomon, wanting to wow him. He apparently didn’t notice and if he did, he didn’t care. 
You push everything off your bed and onto the floor before collapsing onto it, not bothering to change out of your uniform. You take a deep breath, trying to keep your mind blank or at least trying not to think of you-know-who. That lasted all about ten seconds before you realize that you’re breathing in something all too familiar. 
Solomon’s cologne. 
It makes you start crying all over again, sitting up to get away from the smell of him on your bed. You regret ever having him over to cuddle. You regret ever asking him to bring his cologne with him one day and putting it all over your bed and clothes. You regret wearing his clothes to bed. 
And I'm full of regret, all that money that I've spent To have a barbershop quartet sing for you
You lay back down and try to get your nose used to the scent so you wouldn’t smell it anymore, tears sliding back towards your hairline as you stare up at the ceiling. You then, of course, start to think about all the other things planned for him. You wasted so much saved up money on him to try and make him happy. You even got a barbershop quartet to sing to him just to see him cringe and laugh in embarrassment. 
One day at a time, by next year I should be fine Valentine's sux without you
Maybe you two will make up and be able to actually do something next year together. Why did he even get so upset? Is he going to break up with you? 
When push comes to shove it's the national day of love Valentine's sux without you
Valentine’s Day always sucks when you’re single and alone but it sucks even more when you actually have a partner but can’t spend it with them. 
Oh, valentine's sux without you Oh, valentine's sux without you Oh, valentine's sux without you Oh, valentine's f-ing sux
You sigh and close your eyes, letting your body relax as you let yourself slowly drift off to sleep with the smell of your boyfriend filling your nose and your mind doing nothing but picture him. 
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You don’t know how long you’re asleep when you suddenly wake up from your phone going off. You groan as you slowly wake up the more your phone goes off, rubbing at your swollen eyes before opening them. You reach into your blazer pocket for your phone, looking at who’s calling you. You scoff and roll your eyes when you see that it’s your boyfriend. 
Your heart clenches inside of your heavy chest when you see the picture of you two kissing. “Jerk,” you grumble as you let the call go. You go to set it down when he’s instantly calling you again. You huff and decline the call, having just enough time to look at how long you’re asleep before he calls you again. You decline once more before looking at your battery percentage. 
Your phone is almost dead. 
Good. Let him keep calling. You put your phone on Do Not Disturb after taking him off your favorites, seeing as how they’re the only ones that can get through the do not disturb. You set your phone down beside you before closing your eyes, starting to drift off again. 
You just start to get back to sleep when there’s a knock on your door. You groan to let the person know they can come in, keeping your body right where it is. “(Y/n)?” you hear Lucifer ask. He pauses when he spots you though, a light blush spreading throughout his body when he sees you. You grunt again in response, letting him know you’re listening. You hear him walk towards you, a sigh leaving you as you try to wake up a little more. 
You’re instantly awake when you feel hands on you. You gasp as your eyes fly open, quickly reaching to grab Lucifer’s hands. “Lucifer!” you shout, turning your head and freezing in your spot when you see who it is instead. 
“You just let him in here when you’re indecent?” Solomon growls, continuing his mission to pull your skirt down back down over your butt now that you let his wrists go. You huff and push him away, sitting up to look at Lucifer who is still at the door. 
“You have a visitor,” he states the obvious before shutting the door to leave you two alone. You sigh and run your hands through your messy hair, pulling your legs towards you when Solomon steps closer to you. 
“Answer me. Did you do that on purpose?” your jaw drops at his accusation, your eyes instantly growing dark with anger. 
“How dare you accuse me of such a thing! Especially right after lunch when I tried to give my boyfriend stuff for Valentine’s Day because I love him!” you screech, getting off of the bed to shove at his chest. 
He quickly takes ahold of your wrists, just like you had done to him before. He squints his eyes at you, glaring daggers into your icy eyes. “Lose the attitude. Why didn’t you answer my calls?” 
You scoff exasperatedly, tugging on your arms to try and get your wrists free. “I can have an attitude if I want one! And I didn’t answer your calls because I was obviously asleep,” you snap, the last part being a partial lie.
He scoffs and tightens his grip on your wrist. “You’re such a liar. I know you get my calls even when your phone is on Do Not Disturb. Plus, your phone didn���t even finish ringing before it went to your voicemail. You denied one of my calls,” he seethes. You honestly have never seen him so angry before. 
And you hate the fact that it’s turning you on. 
“Yeah, I denied your call. So what? You’re the jerk who wanted to treat me like trash today even when-” 
Before you could even blink, he uses his body to force yours backwards to the wall beside your bed. Once you’re trapped there, he puts one of your wrists with the other one before holding them with one hand. That hand then brings them above your head and his free hand goes to your throat. 
“Didn’t I tell you to stop having an attitude?” he growls into your ear, roughly pressing his body to yours. The breath leaves you as you stay still, trying to get your brain to catch up with what’s going on. This doesn’t help with how turned on you were getting earlier but this doesn’t mean you’re any less angry. 
You tug on your arms to try and get them free, glaring into his eyes. “I’m not being a disobedient brat to turn you on or whatever. I’m ser-” Your voice cuts off when he tightens his grip on your throat. 
“Funny. I don’t remember saying you could back talk to me,” he says lowly before licking around the shell of your ear. You shiver despite trying to remain angry or expressionless. He just knows your body too well. 
You stare up at him with half-lidded eyes, trying to decide if you want to let him take you right here against the wall or if you want to keep fighting. You’re honestly having trouble deciding. Earlier today, he seemed completely disinterested in you but now it seems all he can even think about is you. 
“Don’t even think about fighting. I can see it in your eye that you’re debating on if you want to continue being a brat or not,” he whispers, starting to grind against you. You’re both surprised and not surprised at all that he’s already half hard. 
“Normally, I’d ask if you’re going to be my good girl but I clearly don’t have to ask this time. You’ve been nothing but bad. Are you ready for your punishment?” he says in a gravelly tone, pulling away from your ear to look into your eyes. 
You lick your lips, knowing that back talking alone would’ve been enough to get you a punishment. You gasp when he tugs you from the wall and pushes you to the bed. You land on your stomach, already starting to whine since you know what’s coming. 
He’s quick to shut that down by landing a harsh hit to your ass without even removing any of your layers. “Don’t start all of that. You brought this onto yourself.” You tense up and go quiet, your panties getting wetter by the second. 
“Good girl,” he coos, flipping your skirt up before bringing his hand to your core. He uses his thumb to run over your folds through the material before circling over your clit. “I can already tell that you’re soaked,” he teases. You whine and arch your back further to raise your ass higher up. 
He rubs his other hand on your right cheek before laying a smack onto it. You grunt and bite your lip, not wanting to satisfy him. You hear him growl, knowing you’ve already pissed him off again. 
“I’m sorry,” he starts, ripping your panties clean off, causing you to whine more, “I don’t think I heard you,” he finishes his sentence with a harsh slap to the cheek that was already hit. You mewl in response, mentally cursing yourself for even making a sound. 
You really aren’t putting up as much of a fight as you wanted.
He continues to place hit after hit on your ass, switching between the two cheeks. By the time he’s done, your skin is burning. Your entire body is also shaking with anticipation for the next hit or for him to do something new. 
You don’t even realize he’s done when he flips you over, pinning your arms above your head as he stares down at you. “I’m trying to decide what to do with you next? Think you’ve been punished enough?” You bite your lip and stare up at him, everything coming back to you from earlier today. 
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he’s wiping your tears away with wide eyes. “Are you okay? Was I too rough? Why didn’t you use your safe word?” he rushes out, worried for the wrong reasons. 
You shake your head and push his hands away, hiding your wet face from him. “Why did you get angry at me today? I was so upset…” you trail off, not wanting to go into too much detail about how much he hurt you. 
He sighs and pulls your hands away from your face with ease, giving you a sincere look as he brushes your hair out of your face. “Shh, calm down. I’m sorry. I just…” he’s the one to trail off now. He sighs before trying again. 
“I’m really sorry. I was so excited to see you but then I saw Simeon and Luke. I started talking to them and they told me how much effort they put into your gifts. Then, you came up and you were just so happy to see them and you loved their gifts. Then, to make matters worse, you got gifts from all of the brothers. I just...I just thought that my gifts would be nothing compared to theirs,” he whispers, his eyes downcast. “And to put the cherry on top, instead of saying this and apologizing, I just came in here even angrier after the whole Lucifer thing and tried to have angry or make up sex,” he adds on before you can reply. 
You smile softly at him, sniffling and pulling him down to give him a kiss. “You’re such a dork. I told you that I’d love yours the most,” you reassure, running your hands through his light hair. 
He sighs for the nth time and nods his head, leaning into your touch.  “I know, I know. I just got...worried.” 
You hum, shaking your head as you lightly tease. “You mean you got insecure and jealous.” You giggle when he pouts, bringing his pouty lips down for another kiss. He pecks your lips a couple times after your kiss before pulling away. 
“Maybe, or maybe not,” he replies nonchalantly like his feelings aren’t obvious. You giggle some more before giving him another kiss. You’ve missed his lips, even if it’s only been a day. 
“Wait, you got me something?” you ask curiously, instantly trying to guess what he got you. He smiles at this, nodding his head before pecking your lips and standing up. It’s your turn to pout now as you watch him, now wondering where he’s going. You gasp quietly when you see the box and bags on the floor by the door. 
“I brought these to school and had to carry them around all day since I couldn’t give them to you. Then, when I came in, your underwear was out for everyone to see and I kinda just dropped them…” You bite your lip at this, watching him bring everything over to you. 
“Sorry about that, by the way,” you apologize softly, sitting up and fixing your skirt. His eyes go down to said skirt, licking his lips when he catches a view of your bare core. You’re dripping after his punishment. He clears his throat and then focuses on the gifts, sliding them over to you. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love,” he says softly. You’re quick to open them, your heart beating wildly in your chest. He got you the normal Valentine’s Day gifts like chocolate and a card but he also got you other things. You squeal in delight when you pull one of his hoodies out of a bag. 
“I figured the one you stole from me doesn’t smell like me anymore, so I brought you this one. I wore this for a week without you seeing it because I wanted it to be a surprise. To make things even better, I got two so now we can match.” 
You giggle like a schoolgirl and pull him to a hug after opening everything else. “You’re literally the best ever. I love you,” you mumble into his shoulder, feeling him smile into your hair.
“Does this mean I can take you back to my place and touch you without having to worry about noise?” Your cheeks heat at his reply and nod your head, sucking on your lip as you pull away from the hug. 
“Let's go then. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks.”
More with Obey Me!
Tag List: @abhorbit-h​, @mexicanmagick, @animefreak-247, @jungialo​, @fanfictwarrior​, @ohbbobeyme​, @zeldan7​, @niphredil-14, @gamelovers-posts, @virtualmemmecollector, @collarjessie, @officialdevorak, @katelynwithpaint​, and @buzzybeebee​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask :)
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zeninw · 3 years
drabble abt working w jean as a lifeguard bc i'm one and i feel super socially awkward with my staff sometimes.
cw: sfw, not proofread, mentions of social anxiety, friends to lovers kinda, cliches, a hint of suggestiveness
wc: 1.7k
The wings you had ordered were no where near as good as you hoped they would be— and neither was the night out.
You wanted to have fun with your coworkers, even though most of the time you preferred to be along, but the night had dragged out far beyond your means.
The bar had gotten too loud, and your social battery had died an hour ago. You checked out from the group, pretending to be absorbed in your phone at the end of the table.
You couldn't leave, you had gotten a ride from a freind here, but all you wanted was to go home. The check was taking forever, people were screaming at some soccer game on the TV overhead, or in some conversation that didn't include you.
You felt so out of place, a feeling you dreaded and generally tried to avoid. Years of trying to make yourself more palatable to others, anxious about going out in social settings aside from your few best friends.
Out of excuses as to why you were 'so quiet' you ducked out to the bathroom, locking the door behind you and sitting on the counter.
It was a good half hour of you scrolling through instagram or whatever you could do to distract yourself before someone knocked on the door.
You sighed, realizing someone would have to use the bathroom eventually.
"One second," you called, hopping up and tucking your phone in your pocket.
You opened your door to find one of your male coworkers, and had to remind yourself that the singular bathroom was co-ed.
"Hey," Jean said, looking down at you. You expected him to step back so you could leave and he could enter, but he stayed stagnant, standing in your way. "You've been gone for a while, eat some bad food or something?" he asked.
You shook your head no. "I'm just tired. Waiting for my ride to be ready."
"I'm about to head out, if you wanna ride with me," he suggested, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder.
"Oh, I don't want you to have to go out of your way..." you trailed off, not wanting to be a hassle.
"It's no problem, really. I'm pretty sure we both live in Ocean Pines," he said, referring to your apartment complex.
"Okay," you agreed. "Thank you."
"No problem," he nodded, then turned on his heels. "I'm gonna tell Sash we're leaving, i'll meet you by the door."
You nodded, following him out of the narrow hallway that lead to the bathroom back out into the crowded resteraunt.
He nodded at you after talking to Sasha, then you followed him out. The air was a little cool, wet with humidity and a few clouds rolling in as you stepped outside.
He made you feel comfortable on the ride home, and waving goodbye as he took the elevator up one floor above yours.
He became someone you found it easy to gravitate towards, and calmed some of your nerves whenever you went out.
Jean was a gentle giant, and despite his size, he was never intimidating or overwhelming.
He sat with you the next friday night, like he had for the last three, at the bar. You tugged on the strap of your tank top, it was a summer job you were working  together, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
"Are you old enough to be drinking that?" you said, referring to the alcohol in his hand.
"Nope, but when you're pretty and hang out with the managers, you don't get carded." You rolled your eyes. He wasn't wrong, but still. "I heard you had a save today," Jean said, taking a sip of his drink. The beer made his breath smell bready, leaving a bit of fizz on the top of his lip.
"Yeah," you said, reaching a hand out to his face. You wiped the residue off his cupid's bow with your thumb before leaning back. "A kid came off the slide and didn't really know how to swim."
"Your first one?" Jean asked.
"No, third," you answered, stealing a few fries from his basket. "One spinal from someone who decided to go off headfirst, one in the wave pool," you explained.
"You're lacking," Jean shook his head.
"Yeah, well, you've been working at the park a year longer than I have," you answered, taking more. He slid the basket over to you, leaning on the bar.
"Have you ever gone after hours?"
"Like... night swimming?"
"Yeah. I have a key, if you wanna go."
"Are you auditing me or something?"
"No— I'm serious. We won't get in any trouble." You looked around. "Look," he said, placing his hand on your shoulder. "All the other managers are here, drunk off their ass, and there are no cameras at the park."
You looked over to them, they were all sitting around a table red-faced and laughing, even levi and miche.
"Okay," you shrugged. "Why not."
The drive was about 5 minutes, and it was odd seeing the empty water park. No lights, no people, and Jean had to step into the office to turn all the slides on.
He climbed into the stand as you eased into the water, jumping off of it and in. He ran his hand through his hair as he came up, watching you tiptoe through the water.
"You're not gonna go under?" Jean asked, wading in the deep end of the pool.
"It's cold!" you yelled across the water, ducking under a rope barrier.
The two of you met in the middle where he could stand and you couldn't. You held onto his shoulders to keep yourself afloat, and it put you two closer than you would've expected.
His hands wrapped around your waist, and before you could protest, he dunked you underwater, getting your head wet.
"There," he said, picking you back up. You laughed, hitting him on the shoulder.
"Fuck you," you smiled.
"Wouldn't you like that," he teased, making you hit him again. The two of you stayed there for a moment, holding each other, before you pulled away.
"Let's ride something," you suggested. "Malibu pipeline is a two seater."
Jean agreed, following you to the stairs. The park was pretty big, and the black slide was nearly on the other side.
"This is why I hate working here sometimes," Jean sighed.
"What, the walking?"
"The stairs, specifically," he said, jogging up the wooden ones with you.
"I think it's worth it," you shrugged. "I've seen kids ride this over and over and they never seem to get tired from the climb."
"When I was twelve, maybe I could've," he said, reaching the top of the platform. The water was already running, and you put the tube down, sitting in the front. Jean got in behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. "Ready?"
"Yep," you responded, and he pushed the two of you down.
It was a shorter ride than you remembered as a kid. "That was kinda underwhelming," you frowned, hopping out of the tube. "Also this swimsuit is so uncomfortable. I wish they would invest in better uniforms."
"Take it up with Erwin," Jean said,  making his way to the stairs with you. "But I think it looks great on you."
"Thank you," you replied. "You too."
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you walked to the lazy river, grabbing a few tubes and getting in.
"This is nice," you sighed, leaning back as the water carried the two of you around. "It's quiet," you said, holding onto Jeans tube so the two of you could float together.
"It's my favorite place to come after close," he sighed. "Silence, besides the sound of the water," he nodded. You closed your eyes, listening to it.
You had no idea how many laps you had taken around by the time you opened your eyes, but it was at least 3.
"Are you—" you looked over to see that Jean wasn't there. "Jean?" you called looking around. You sat up on the tube from your laying position, looking around.  "Jean?" you called again.
It was silent for a few moments, before he jumped in the water, splashing you. It knocked you off your tube, and you could hear him laughing before you even came up from the water.
"Jesus, you scared me," you said, kicking him under the water. He just kept laughing and you swung at him, hitting his chest. "Ow," you said, shaking your hand out. Jean caught your wrist as you retracted it, pulling you closer to him.
"That hurt?" he smiled, tilting his head to the side.
"No," you lied, trying to pull your arm away from him, but he only tugged you closer. You tried with your left, but he caught that one too, holding both of your wrists in one hand.
"Aw, that's cute." You were at a loss for words, lips parting but nothing coming out.
"Is it?" you managed.
"Yeah," Jean said, using his other hand to pick you up by the back of your thighs.
You let him wrap your legs around his waist, exhaling as he did it. He leaned down towards you, eyes searching your face. He kissed you, just for a second, before pulling away.
"Sorry," he said, pulling back but not letting go of you.
"Don't be," you said, resting your hands on his shoulders.
"I should be," he said. "Liking your coworker is— never a good idea."
"And you know this how"
"I don't know," he sighed, looking away from you. There was a crack of thunder. "Uh, we should get out," he said, putting you down on your feet.
"Yeah," you agreed, pushing yourself up on the wall.
There was silence on your walk back to the front of the park and Jeans car, and by the time you had pulled all your clothes back on, it had started to rain heavily.
"Jean," you said as you got in the car, escaping the rain."
"Yeah?" he responded. 
"For the record, I think it's worth it," you said, eyes flitting over his face before you pulled his to yours. Your lips met gently, and you could feel him smile against you as you pulled away.
"Me too."
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
can we pleeeease talk about how rushed the whole Nico and Will relationship was? They talked for 2 minutes, don't see each other forever and boom they're together. Like ??? When did that happen? Certainly not in the books? (okay I haven't read the books in ages, but it felt so forced and extremely rushed or is it just me? I'm queer myself so I'm all for LGBTQ+ representation, but that's not it)
Alright let’s tackle this! Sorry for answering so late, I always answer asks that will be longer super late ^^ anyway. I’ve sorta received this ask twice but the other one has more focused on Nico with a little bit Solangelo on the side so I’ll just fully tackle the Solangelo side on this one.
I have three simple issues with Solangelo.
Alright. Let’s start off with the first point or problem. Age. Or rather time. As in timeline. Because we all know that Rick Riordan basically spins a wheel whenever it comes to his timeline and I won’t go fully into the maths because I’m terrible at it and I’m not in the mood for embarrassing myself in that metier. Anyway, let’s proceed. My question is: what is their canonical age? The one from Will and the one from Nico?
I’ve caught glimpse in a group convo at the fact that Will was supposed to be 18 actually if you pay close attention to pjo? And I mean Nico is like 15 or something? Which is also sorta wrong? Because Riordan made him younger than Hazel who was 14 in the Herpes of Olympus saga. 14 and 18 is a fuck no from me, son. I guess Riordan forgot that HOO essentially took place in two days or something.
Riordan aging his characters down or rather refusing to let them age (looking at you, Percy and Annabeth!) because it doesn't convenience him isn’t something new. So, should they be mathematically speaking have that much of an age gap, yeah. That is problematic. That’s Frazel level kinda problematic. Even worse. I know that people are more inclined to look past age gaps in same-sex relationships but I always wondered why? There’s still a disproportionate level of maturity + a mighty power imbalance. So yeah. Watch out for that. Also they’re kids. So there’s no need in tying the knot and popping expensive champagne for their wedding just yet.
I mean I don’t have a problem with the time traveling aspect as in Nico still being mentally and physically a kid/teen. A little odd, sure. It’s not like Nico and Will are Edward and Bella and Nico’s goth ass is mentally aging along and stalking Will’s sorry self. It’s still weird because it’s so unbelievable? Nico is barely struggling finding his way into the modern world, chills at Hades and calls it a day? Now that’s something I have an issue with. I need more struggle. I need more vocab mix-ups. Nico’s brain exploding at the modern world. The difference between the 1940s and the late 2000s is massive. That isn’t just oh, weird little haircuts and why are women wearing pants, it would be not being able to comprehend things and questioning every new little object. Will could’ve been an amazing support character for such an arch, buuuut I’m deviating from my actual point. The timeline/age-line in the Riordanverse is for sure more on the concerning part for all new characters + OG side characters.
Second point. Substance. The thing you’ve touched in your ask.
How and when did Nico and Will become a thing? My memory is terrible and I’m too lazy to browse the wiki. The only thing I remember was Will being a nagging bitch in Blood of Olympus after Nico essentially said “I've got to move on and be who I am, I just don't belong here, I hope you understand, we might find a place in this world someday, but at least for now... I gotta go my own way...” to Percy who just went ??? That marked the beginning for this ship. Basically. I think. Well... I said before in my Percabeth ship roast (more like ship analysis, I have to redo that, that was way too mild and unfunny, omfg): most of the romance is in your head because there’s barely anything romantic in Riordan’s books to begin with (which we all should actually be thankful for!). This applies to essentially every goddamn ship in this series but especially Solangelo. Holy fuck. Y’all are pulling out the wildest stuff out of your ass based on... what exactly? I mean props for creativity!
It is abundantly clear to me at least, that Riordan didn't write Nico with the intention of being gay. There was no real indication in the Percy Jackson series (and I refuse to believe that he was this sort of mastermind, that plotted about doing all of this behind Disney’s back to get the gays and latinos in. There’s a market for everything and diversity was a coming trend in the 2010s).
One could say: Hey! Isn’t it great that Nico wasn’t labeled as being gay? It normalizes homosexuality and makes sure that the lgbtq+ community isn’t something abstract but rather folk like me and you. And to that I’d say yes, I mostly agree if the follow-up arch is believable and plausible. Which it isn’t in my opinion. We jump from the Heroes of Olympus saga to The Trials of (Mo)Lester I mean Apollo and we’re having this HUGE jump? From barely knowing each other to being soulmates, sitting next to each other, hanging out, going on in their business, having the picket white fence, two kids, three dogs, living in a gentrified neighborhood and baking cherry pie on Sundays? HOW IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DID ALL OF THIS HAPPEN?! That is incredibly rushed. 
Aren’t...you shippers....Mad? That’s so cheap? I’d say so? Wouldn’t you like to have more pre-existing relationship and plausible development? With Percabeth you at least have a five book long progression, Solangelo is Riordan basically taking a dump on your plate and forcing you to eat it. And no, Riordan teasing the last Apollo doesn’t count.
Additionally, wouldn’t it be way better to still have a character say “Yeah, I’m gay. Pass me that salt, will ya?” without it being gimmicky or a foil or something for woke points? Just showing kids: “Hey, if you think this is a label that suits you, it’s fine! It’s perfect even! No worries!” (Also, the “coming out scene” with Jason and Cupid wasn't it, my loves. That was horrifying and insulting imo).
I mean. Show and tell are powerful tools in narration and telling more than often resolves unnecessary conflict/dialogue. And whereas season one from Percy Jackson had barely anything in that direction with Nico’s identity, season two didn’t make it any better. And season three is a complete cluster fuck.
Yeah. For me, the ship is super rushed.
Final point. The fandom.
I have to inter-subjectively state that Solangelo shippers are fucking crazy. I know Percabeth shippers (including me, helloooo) and especially the Annabeth stans for some odd reason are insane, but Solangelo shippers take the fucking cake and then some. There’s already a disconnect between the age groups in the fandom and it’s clear that more of the older teens and adults center around the Percy Jackson story and some in the Heroes of Olympus sequel, but from what I’ve seen the Trials of Apollo fandom is super young and on a whole different level. Might be the reason why facing some criticisms seems harder, because the minute you open your mouth to say something about Solangelo, you have people attacking you left and right. Chill guys, it’s not that deep? And it’s definitely not a personal attack on you. After all, I don’t know who you are and tbh Idgaf. 
Talking about the lack of substance, fanon will automatically come in and fill the gaps. Which is fine and something we all do, but I really have to wonder about the levels of extremes that some take?
We all center around certain tropes and what not and while the trope and dynamic behind Solangelo isn’t particularly something for me, I really have to ask why people are behind it. Don’t get me wrong. My question is touching on more on M/M fetishization because I think that is mostly the driving force for some people rather than liking the actual ship? I see more people projecting things into Nico and Will and it’s really turning their characters into something they aren’t? Especially with Nico, who gets turned into this 5 ft. UwU punk princess which is hella strange???
All in all, I don’t have anything against the ship apart from it’s overrushed nature and Riordan’s wacky timeline. Do whatever you want with it (apart from fetishizing and sexualizing the ship), no one’s stopping you from liking it. But I do believe there are some things to look out for, especially in the fandom.
Take it easy, guys.
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angelofthequeers · 3 years
I’ll Always Come Back
Rating: G
Summary: No matter what happens, no matter what pulls them apart, Alya and Nino always find their way back to each other.
We're finally able to share our pieces for @thedjwifizine and I had the privilege of being able to participate! Please go check it out and give all the other creators massive love!
1. Welcome home
“Are we sure you’re not one of the planes?” Adrien teases. Nino flushes and forces himself to stop jumping from foot to foot on the rich red carpet, although he finds himself still bouncing on the spot in anticipation.
“Dude, I haven’t seen Alya in like two weeks!” He’s expecting Adrien to tease him again but instead, Adrien just sighs and smiles.
“I know the feeling,” he says. “Two weeks without Marinette is a drag. Not that I don’t like hanging out with you, of course.”
“Thanks, bro,” Nino says dryly. Adrien rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to respond, except that the doors to the airport gate open and the shadows of the first few people off the plane loom against the corridor wall. Their banter is instantly forgotten as both men jitter on the spot and stand on their tiptoes to look out for their girlfriends.
“Did they get off last or something?” Adrien grumbles. “Hey, you think it’d be legal if I sat on your shoulders?”
“Dude, I’d totally sit on yours,” Nino says. “You’re heavy.”
Adrien raises his eyebrows. “Wow. Thanks. And here I thought we had something special.”
Nino maturely ignores his best friend in favour of continuing to search for Alya in the crowd. His heart leaps into his throat at the sight of a familiar reddish-brown bun, just behind a middle-aged white man with greying hair, and then the crowd parts and there she is, like a ray of sunshine.
“Alya!” Nino frantically waves his hands above his head, sparing only a fleeting thought for the people giving him strange looks as they walk past. Alya looks around at the sound of her name, and then she spots him and her face breaks into the most radiant smile that Nino’s ever seen, only making her look even more like a goddess from above.
“Nino!” Alya dodges around a young couple with all the grace of her superhero alter-ego, and Nino eagerly holds his arms open to catch her, but he’s still unprepared for the force that cannons into him and nearly bowls him over into Adrien.
“I missed you so much, babe,” Nino says into Alya’s hair. Alya just laughs and squeezes him tighter.
“Same. I even missed your snoring.”
“Wow. Thanks.” But Nino still holds her tight and relishes in her warm coconut smell, despite her super mean comments just seconds into their reunion.
2. Brainwashed
“Snap out of it!” Rena Rouge yells, despite the futility of trying to break through an akuma’s influence. Carapace just grins at her, but it’s all…wrong. It’s twisted, black-lipped, showing too much teeth, like he’s a shark rather than the turtle hero he’s supposed to be. 
Out of the corner of her eye, there’s a flash of red as Ladybug summons a Lucky Charm, but Rena can’t make out what it is and she’s too focused on her brainwashed boyfriend to look away for even a second.
 “Dammit!” Ladybug curses and grabs Rena’s arm to yank her out of the way of Gamer’s vivid green beam. “I need Carapace to make this plan work!”
“Well, he’s a little occupied!” Rena dodges one of Dark Cupid’s arrows, but then Carapace dives at her and she’s forced to jump away and duck under him to avoid the next one. It strikes him in the back harmlessly just as Rena swipes his legs out from underneath him, sending him crashing to the ground with a loud wheeze. Before he can bound back into the battle, Rena plants her knee on his chest and pins his wrists to the ground on either side of his head.
“Aww, how cute,” Carapace mocks. “Do you want a mid-battle cuddle, babe?”
“How d’you like that, huh?” Dark Cupid cackles. “Sucks to have your heart broken!”
“And to see your best friend in such pain!” Gamer chimes in. He fires at Chat Noir right as Dark Cupid shoots another arrow, which forces Ladybug to abandon her brainstorming to jump to Chat’s aid. Rena just groans and hangs her head, still keeping Carapace pinned to the ground. If only they had his Shellter – if only she could free him, bring him back –
“True love is a scam!” Dark Cupid howls distantly. With a sharp intake of breath, the most desperate of ideas slams into Rena’s brain and then, before she can second-guess herself and end up incapacitated, she leans down and presses her lips to Carapace’s with a silent plea.
For a moment, nothing happens. The battle between superheroes and akumas rages on in the background, but Rena’s vision has tunnelled to the boy beneath her, staring up at her with such hate in his eyes that’s the complete opposite of everything that Nino Lahiffe is and that she loves about him. And then the black fades from Carapace’s lips – he stares up with clouded, confused eyes, and Rena lets out a choked sob –
“Uh, babe?” Carapace says as she rains kisses all over his face. “Not that I’m complaining, but I don’t think this is the time.”
“You’re an idiot,” Rena splutters. “I hate you. Hurry up and get your lazy butt back into action before I run you through with my flute.”
3. Making up
“I’ll call you back, girl,” Alya says into her phone when the sound of the front door opening reaches her ears. There’s the dim sound of Marinette saying her goodbyes, but all Alya can focus on is the stiff-shouldered silhouette of her boyfriend standing in the living room doorway with a scowl on his face. But two can play the stubborn game, so Alya crosses her arms and glowers right back at him.
Neither of them says anything. The atmosphere thickens, until it’s so stifling that it could be popped with a pin like the massive superhero balloons paraded around Paris every year on Heroes’ Day. Alya toys with the idea of just getting it over with and swallowing her pride and caving first, except for the fact that she’s so not at fault here and why should she have to give in?
Except…it’s awful, this hostile air between them. And Nino had walked out but…he’d also come back. He came back. Just like he always does, whether it’s an argument about stealing the blankets or getting disintegrated by a smoke akuma just hours ago while Rena Rouge had been forced to watch helplessly. And if she has to swallow her pride and poke at this wound so that it can start to heal…is it worth throwing away what she’s got with him, everything they’ve been through together, just to be right?
“I’m sorry,” Alya blurts out just as Nino does. They pause, blink, and then laugh in unison, and Nino’s shoulders slump.
“I was way outta line,” he says. “And I shouldn’t’ve run away. I don’t want to lose you over some dumb argument.”
“I said some things I shouldn’t have as well,” Alya says. She holds out her arms. “Get over here, shellhead. You’re not getting rid of me that easily after everything we’ve been through.”
Nino moves so fast that he seems to materialise on the couch next to Alya, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. She hums and buries her nose in the crook of his neck, nuzzling to drink in his sweet smell of cinnamon and vanilla, surrounding herself in the warmth of being cherished and cared for by the most amazing man she’s had the fortune of meeting.
“Not even a whole horde of zombies could keep me from you, babe,” Nino says. Alya laughs softly.
“You’re still an idiot for just sitting there and letting the kissing zombies get you for no reason,” she says. “But I appreciate you staying with me, even if I don’t remember it.”
Nino squeezes her. “Always.”
4. Lost
“Nino!” Alya’s shriek echoes off the dark, glistening walls around her. But there’s no response, so she desperately tries again. “Nino!”
Nothing. She turns a corner and is greeted with an identical dark wall, which seems to have looped behind her and cut off where she’d just come from. Seems to have, because Alya doesn’t even know what’s going on with this constantly shifting maze, unable to even trust her own senses to truthfully inform her of where she is.
“Ladybug! Chat Noir!” Alya pounds on the wall in front of her. “Someone! Anyone!”
“Alya!” echoes faintly in response; so faint that Alya barely makes it out. But it’s there. She takes off running, losing any semblance of spatial awareness as she hurtles down identical dark corridor after dark corridor in this damn akuma maze, because someone (i.e., Jalil) had decided to get akumatised into a Greek minotaur complete with a labyrinth.
“Nino?” she calls.
“Alya!” comes back after a second, much closer than it had been last time. Alya takes a deep breath, closes her eyes for a moment to compose herself, and starts running again. Wherever Nino is in this labyrinth, she’s going to find him, because they haven’t gone through years of both superhero and mundane drama to be separated by a maze.
5. Down the aisle
“Will you settle down?” Adrien hisses. “You’re putting me on edge!”
“You’re always on edge, catboy,” Nino mutters in response, because if Adrien’s gonna act like he doesn’t wake up screaming half the time from the horrors he’s seen as Chat Noir then Nino’s damn well gonna call him out for it. He groans and tugs at his stiff white collar, wishing he could just tear it off already…but no, he can’t do that to Alya. Speaking of Alya, where is she?
“Rude,” Adrien says. “See if I make you my best man.”
“Go on, then,” Nino says. “Give it to Kim. I dare you.”
Adrien pauses, then shudders. “No way. I love Kim – I really do – but Marinette and I want everyone to walk away in one piece.”
“Chloé, then.”
“She’s already leaving super pointed voicemails about breaking gender stereotypes and appointing a best woman instead. I don’t need to encourage that drama.” Adrien pauses. “Why are you even trying to get out of it when I’m here for you?”
Nino rolls his eyes and prepares to fire off a witty retort, except for the fact that the guitarist starts to play the song he’s heard hundreds of times in Alya’s cheesy romance movies and Adrien immediately stands up straight, as does Marinette on the bride’s side. Nino turns and…oh. Oh.
“Oh my god,” he whispers. With the sun behind her to make her glow like an angel from the heavens, Alya glides down the grassy aisle they’ve set up in the Place des Vosges, her pure white dress hugging the curves of her hips and falling in layers of tulle around and behind her. Nino’s never been more grateful to Marinette than he is now for designing Alya’s dress as a wedding gift because…wow. Wow. Words? What?
“Hey,” Alya says softly when she reaches Nino and releases her father’s arm. Nino’s attempt to say anything even remotely intelligent results in a strangled, garbled mess that resembles no human language in existence.
“I can’t marry you,” Nino finally manages to coax himself to say. “You’re way outta my league. Holy –”
Good thing that Alya’s giggle interrupts him, or many children might have learned a very inappropriate lesson that day. He reaches out to thread his fingers through hers, transfixed by the loose curls falling around her face, the light dusting of makeup that frames her eyes and glistens her lips, and he must have managed to say his vows through his hypnosis at some point because the next words he’s able to comprehend are, “You may now kiss the bride,” and he’s never been happier to do as he’s told.
“I love you,” he croaks once he finally manages to pull away from Alya’s divine lips. Alya grins.
“I love you too, dork.”
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
LOVE IS LIKE - Sleeping Beauties and Working Life
< PART 1 | PART 2 Sleeping Beauties and Working Life | PART 3 >
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A/N: It's snowing so I'm stuck inside..writing! Hope you all have a lovely Sunday ❤️
Summary: Back to work, Henry remembers his early days in showbizz. And the banana sock wearing woman appears to have found the sneakily shared phone number.
Word count: 2.179
The song: Chaka Khan - Like Sugar
Disclaimer: mentions of great age difference sex partners, stardom, loss of partner to cancer, dieting, physical/mental insecurity as well as Henry just really loving his work
LOVE IS LIKE - Sleeping Beauties and Working Life
Hey. Thanks for the book! I figured the number written in the book was your number? If not, I’m sorry and don’t mind this message. - 08.45
It’s Aurora btw. - 08.47
The name’s Aurora I mean. - 09.04
nvm - 09.05
Thanks for the book! Good luck with everything! - 09.06
And say hi to Kal from me - 09.06
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‘Are you asleep?’ Fingers traced through Henry’s curls, their strands slightly sticky with hair products and sweat after one busy night between the sheets, the ceiling fan broken. Henry grumbled, indicating he was at least sort of awake, his lips curling in a lazy, close-eyed smile.
‘Again?’ He mumbled quietly with his young sweet voice. The woman laughed and propped herself up on one arm, eyes tracing down the soft morning silhouette of the kid who became a man.
‘No, no. You did well.’ She lowered her fingers to trace his brow, nose, cupid’s bow and lips, fingertips silky soft and gentle over Henry’s skin. Henry’s smile grew. Almost as if proud he had managed to please her.
For a moment the room was quiet. A very early Los Angeles sun was starting its slow rise over the hills somewhere far from this 70’s style abode with its paisley print curtains and yellow shag pile carpet. The interior fitted its owner quite well; her long sleek brown hair cut in bangs that hid those mysterious emeralds that had taunted his dreams ever since he met her on set. She was older. Much older. And perhaps those bangs were there just to hide her first wrinkles. But Henry rested easy beneath her trailing fingers, his eyes slowly fluttering open as she spoke again: ‘So how is Hollywood treating you?’ There was some concern in her voice and Henry looked at her. After getting busy all night they hadn't spoken quite so sincerely yet. He shrugged.
‘Hollywood is Hollywood?’
The woman moved her fingertips to his chin and used her hand to tilt his face more sharply in her direction. Her mouth opened to speak, but she hesitated. The concern had now spread to her eyes as they gleamed in the light of dawn. ‘Be careful yea? And if you ever need help with anything..? I can help..or get you help. Okay?’
‘Ok.’ Henry pushed himself up so he could cup his hand around her cheek, pulling her closer. She let him. ‘Thank you.’ He whispered, kissing her like the way they did in the movies.
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Henry stretched out in his naked morning glory, the early London air chilly on his skin. Pushing the sheets off of him and with Kal refusing to wake from his doggy dream by the foot end of the bed, Henry padded over to the ensuite. Squinting in the burst of bright lights clicking on, he stepped beneath the shower, cold water jumpstarting his day, the very air pushed out of his lungs as the radio alarm cued exactly on time. 4.30.
'Li-like sugar, so sweet Good enough -- to eat,'
Gasping softly Henry pawed his hands over his crusty eyes, waiting for the water to become more warm and soothing with every massaging drop of water. From here on his morning routine was perfected to the minute. Coffee: brazilian. Gym: ACDC. Eggs: 5. Kal: walk. Cab: thankfully on time.
It was near 9 when he walked onto set in his full gear, ready for his first run-through of the day, Leah waving him off with Kal by her side. 'Be careful yea?' She chanted, smiling as he winked at her - she always said that no matter how totally safe the day's set would be.
'I will! Have fun today.'
'You too!' Leah wanted to turn around when she felt something buzz deep inside her bag of tricks, her hand having to angle for a bit before she found Henry's phone - kept there for safe keeping.
Whatsapp - 08.45 - Hey. Thanks for the book! ..
Leah smiled.
And there was the mysterious new book owner.
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Henry let himself fall back on his bed, the frame squeaking. Suddenly Jersey felt too small. His bedroom too boyish. His clothes too normal. His dreams no fiction but real.
Flopping around on his belly he turned his attention back to his flip phone, his eyes roving over the call that had just finished. Hundreds of boys, hundreds of auditions. But he got it. He got it! Smiling only to himself he sighed, near missing the sound of feet walking over the floorboard landing.
Was that Charlie? With an excited little squeal Henry pushed himself off his bed to chase after his brother. It looked like his little brother had just lost a bet!
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'HENRYYY!!! Henry!!!' Squinting his eyes at the flash of a camera, he stepped out of the hotel's revolving doors. By his side his trusty pal Kal looked up. Fans.
'Henry! Can I take your picture? -- Can you sign-' Some pieces of paper were shoved in his face and with the blinding glare of the flash gone he finally managed to throw a smile their way, his free hand scribbling some signatures here and there as he greeted them with a warm good morning.
Some girls squealed and as the excitement finally dissipated, Henry thanked them all and bid them a good day, some few last flashes following his silhouette as he pulled Kal in the direction of the nearest Parisian park.
It truly had become a Mission Impossible to just walk his dog. And Henry couldn't help but laugh as Kal snorted in what may be disapproval.
'I know I know. I won't forget about you.'
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'H-hi. Hi?'
'It's Henry.'
'Oh, of course!'
Henry smiled as Aurora's voice greeted him back through the phone line. It was a little past snacktime, his hands holding onto his tupperware with last night's pasta. He was hungry, but with her messages waiting for him, he had decided food could wait a moment.
'So I see the book has found a good home with you?'
'It has. Hahah. Thank you again. In fact..I kind of finished it last night, dodging around some particularly benign toothmarks I think I got the jest of the story.' She laughed again, making Henry smile back as he looked out over the set, some camera men in raincoats dragging around material.
'Well there's more where that came from.'
He hesitated the moment the words were out of his mouth. OH you donkey! That..that is not something you say to -- she laughed even harder.
'Oh why that sounds both terribly enticing and terribly inappropriate hahahaha.'
'Sorry that kinda - '
'Oh please hush.' Her chuckles subsided and after some loud clatter and a yelp her voice returned to the phone. 'Hey..eh..aherm..can I-eh, DAMMIT, can I call you back?'
'Something wrong?'
'J-just me trying to manage coffee and a laptop - and failing.' It sounded like this was just another Tuesday for her. She really was clumsy huh?
'Oh! Oh yes. Of course. Hope your laptop's alright..eh.. I'm off after..6..ish?' Henry looked to his left and saw Leah return with one exhausted Kal, back from their walk.
'Alright. Goodbye..Aurora.'
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He was soo, soo hungry. Cutting never was his favourite part of dieting, though this time it was extra rough. For half a year he had just let go, not working out much at all. But then the one role that got away was back in arm's reach and for the hell of it; he couldn't let it slip by.
Gritting his teeth he focused back on the barbell on the gym mat, weights the size of two small children on either side. At least if Ellen wanted kids, I can manage them with ease, he thought, gripping his sore hands around the bar before he pushed off to lift it with all the strength he could muster. It wasn't enough. The bar only lifted halfway before his body sighed in defeat, the weight of it all crashing down on him finally as the barbell landed back on the floor with a loud thump.
Ellen hadn't called back in days.
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'Remember me?' He felt stupid for calling, but he just needed it right now.
A warm voice responded like they called all the time.
'Hey! Henry! Of course! How are you?! Are you okay dear?'
Henry settled on the airport bench, waiting for his personal cab to arrive. Stardom was great, but in silent moments like these he felt terribly alone. He felt stupid for it, but her voice was near bringing him to tears.
'Yea ehh..' His voice broke and the small boy in this Superman body returned.
'Hey-hey. No problem darling no problem. Where are you right now? Are you safe?'
Henry nodded and looked through the haze of his tears in hope nobody would see him - thankfully he was alone.
'Talk to me.'
'I'm sorry for--' He wished to hang up, forget about it all. Ellen leaving. The stress. Fatigue. The travel. But he didn't. He just hesitated, waiting for her to speak again.
'I don't know where you are Henry dear. But you must know that you're not alone, okay? And if you happen to be in town; I'm making an absolutely delicious, mean and green lasagna.'
Henry wiped away a rogue tear and smiled. He could kill for a lasagna right now. And one cheat meal couldn't hurt right? Looking up as he saw a man with a clipboard sporting his name appear, he sat a little more upright.
'I--I might just take you up on that.'
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'Okay.' Her lack of glasses and banana print socks made the woman before him near irrecognizable. She did however still have that dorky vibe about her, especially when she removed the awkwardly placed handbag before her; a stain on the right side of her tight dress appeared. She grimaced. 'It's bad isn't it?'
Henry chuckled and stood up from his seat, the chique bar a hushed daze of black furniture and fancy cocktails being carried by hipster bearded men. 'Hi Aurora.'
'Hi.' She let a chuckle escape her red painted lips and let him move out a seat for her. She smelled nice.
'I thought I could fit in one more business meeting and eat on the way. And..yea..that--' She shook her head and waited for Henry to take his seat, his face beaming with mirth.
'Stain or not, I'm glad you're here.'
'As am I.' She picked up the drinks card and immediately turned it to the snacks side. 'Do you mind if I order something on the side?'
'Oh no, no of course. I'd like some too actually.' He leaned in to look with her through the options, the both of them deciding on a cheesy snackboard.
'And here I was thinking all of Hollywood was on a diet.' She smirked, making Henry grin.
'Trust me: been there, done that. But no more. I like eating simply too much.' He winked and signaled a waiter to take their order.
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He had initially spread his arms to keep his balance as he rushed after Kal on this slippery meadow of grass. But as Kal returned on Henry's call, leaving some racing off sheep behind, Henry kept his arms up like that. Like an eagle in flight he sniffed in the countryside air, feeling blessed cold air tingle his lungs. Life was good right now. Really really good.
Halting his feet and near slipping in the process, he lowered his arms to praise Kal for listening and returning to him. Sometimes, his furry son truly could be a handful. Today, he was a good boy.
'Chasing after the ladies again huh?' He rushed his fingers through Kal's thick warm fur. 'Well there's one thing you should know Kal; gotta give them some space every now and then.' Kal looked up. 'And don't forget to listen to what they want, mkay?'
Kal borked softly. Henry laughed, being bombarded with an in-the-face-tongue-kiss.
Drinks buzzed in their veins and between all the laughter and nerding out, Henry noticed something. First he thought it was a play of light. A figmentation of his mind. But he could see it clearly now as she noted his gaze and held up her left hand: no longer there, the left-over indent from what once had been a ring.
'I'm no longer married if that's what you want to ask.' She sighed and lowered her hand again, looking at it with an unreadable expression.
'Oh eh.. no, no. I couldn't be so rude to..-'
'No, you're very much allowed to ask, Henry. Please.' Aurora smiled and took a somewhat shaky breath before finding her comfortable, confident (though slightly clumsy) self again. 'He got cancer, died two years ago. We built the company together..'
'I'm sorry for your loss.'
She smiled. 'Thank you. I do miss him, but this is just life. Can't have the good without the bad. And it's okay now. I like where I am.'
'In some dimlit bar with some weirdo you met on an airplane?'
'Absolutely.' She snickered, then shook her head. 'But no haha. You're no weirdo Henry. In fact; you are perfectly, and surprisingly..normal.' And with that she reached out that ring-less hand and brushed it over his right hand opposite the table. Her hands were so soft on his.
A comfortable silence fell and were it not for the toasty heat of the indoors, Henry would swear he was on that meadow with Kal again, feeling like he was breathing truly for the first time in a long, long while.
He smiled.
Part 3 > 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​ @luclittlepond​ @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18​ @hell1129-blog​ @agniavateira​ @tillthelandslide​ @elinesama​ @maddyreads14​
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reinabeestudio · 3 years
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To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I wrote a humble one-shot featuring Phantom Thief Karamatsu and Detective Shinshia, inspired by the Phantom Thief set from Hesokuri Wars lol.
It is very simple, and I did it just to cater myself LMAO. But maybe some of you find it cute✨. As a small fact, I titled the story “Alone Together”.
Story under the cut!
Finally, February was here! Heart-shaped decorations in every store, roses of different colors were seen over different parts of the city, cute sweets… last but not least, there was the romance. For a long time, this was a sour month for the sextuplets. They were phantom thieves of renown, yet they never got a single chocolate in their whole lives by their fans! It was truly demoralizing, almost as bad as Christmas.
Tradition said that women were the ones that gifted chocolate for the men they had chosen. This year, however, the blue phantom thief had a mission. An important gift to give.
Karamatsu tried so many times in the past to convey his feelings to the new detective: Shinshia Doremi. She acted rough and distant at first. “We are enemies,” she declared coldly. But in the rare moments they could spent together, her behaviour softened and the real Shinshia Doremi was exposed: a warm, yet shy girl. Sadly, everytime he tried to tell her about what he felt, someone or something would interrupt their moment together. Often their separate duties, as detective and phantom thief. 
Oh, Cupid, how cruel was he! Keeping the hearts of this couple in the scale of Lady Justice, its pans so close but never together! Such a tragic fate!
Well, perhaps the vision he had of their love inside his head had evolved into something more dramatic than what it actually was in real life. But it added some excitement to whatever their situation was.
Karamatsu was no fool, either. He knew there were others interested in the girl… Mostly, his boisterous, shitty eldest. He noticed the way that idiot looked at her, and it wasn’t love. At least, not the the type of love he felt inside. The blue thief decided it was time to strike while he still had the chance, and ask her out. Subtly.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♡ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Once more the young detective ended up being one of the few remaining people in the department. Rookies got so much paperwork, it was just ridiculous. She had to keep a dictionary close to her, too. Some of these characters looked like an amalgamation made of nightmares.
To keep boredom away, Shinshia started singing, the words echoing throughout the empty office. A soft duet, the name of which she could not call to mind at the moment. However, she did remember that it was a popular love song. It was one of the first songs she heard when she first arrived to Japan.
The sun goes to sleep once more
In this lonely time, I wonder
Is your heart dreaming of me?
The detective finished with the paper she had in front of her, and grabbed the next one in the pile. “How tedious,” she thought. She kept singing to herself.
Stars twinkle above our heads
And the moon gives us her best glowing smile
But tonight, I’ll be yours...
“... And yours alone.” 
Another voice joined in with her song, singing along. Shinshia went silent and turned around, but she saw nothing besides empty desks. She went back to her paperwork, along with her song.
However, before she could sing another word, Shinshia stopped entirely when suddenly a pair of hands covered her eyes. “Who is it?” a familiar male voice asked in a sing-song tone.
“The sweet release of death, I hope.”
She resumed her work when she regained her sight as the infamous phantom thief, Karamatsu, casually leant against her desk with a subtle smile. “Long day, I presume.”
“You have no idea,” she sighed and tucked her hair behind her ears . “You should leave before someone sees you. Unless you want me to handcuff you.”
Karamatsu laughed quietly. “Heh, being helpless at your mercy sounds like a very tempting offer, darling. ” Shinshia’s face immediately flushed and he laughed again, genuinely. “But I am here to steal you away.”
“Steal me away?” Shinshia asked, not even looking away from the papers. She put some loose locks of hair behind her ear again. She was often pulling hair away from her face lately. “Sorry Karamatsu, but I have a ton of paperwork left to do. I can’t be stolen right now.”
“C’mon, Shia-chan! It won’t be for long. I’m just asking you to take a break.”
“I told you, I’m busy right n-”
The phantom thief put a hand over the paper she was writing on, and the scowling detective finally looked up at him. It was in that moment when she noticed that he was wearing casual clothes, and not his usual garish outfit filled with blue glitter. The only part that did stand out was, perhaps, the black eyepatch on his left eye. He felt triumphant over this, how she looked at him.
“Tonight, be mine alone ♪.”
After a minute of silence and a staring competition that was perhaps getting a bit too intense for the situation, Shinshia got up from her desk grumbling. “Fine. A short break.”
With a triumphant spring in his step, he suddenly scooped her up in his arms effortlessly and left the office. His plan was working so far.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♡ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Now this was strange.
Karamatsu dragged Shinshia out of the office. That was not the strange part, but instead of avoiding crowded places like he always did, they just… kept walking. Out in the open. Walking didn’t bother her, it was just unusual. He was a famous criminal, after all. It was a miracle they left the building so easily. Or maybe the author was just too lazy to think of something smart.
Wait, author? What author? That makes no sense. Just ignore it.
It was snowing outside. Snow wasn’t common where she was from, so she still marvelled at the sight of it everytime. Despite how much she enjoyed watching the snow fall, it was still cold in the streets. So smart was she, that she forgot to grab her jacket before they left, and now she was constantly rubbing her hands together.
Karamatsu laughed. “You’ll end up setting them on fire, Shia-chan.”
Shinshia snorted. The comment was lame, yet she snorted, like the fool she was. Karamatsu took her hand on his own and blew on it, before he decided to put both of their hands inside his coat pocket. She glanced at him, noticing that he was actually doing the same at her. However, as soon as he noticed her eyes on him, Karamatsu quickly looked away and instead focused on the cars that passed by.
After spending their evening with an impromptu stroll, they finally headed back to the building. Karamatsu spent most of the time silent, which was even more unusual that this whole situation. Usually, he loved doing long monologues filled with inscrutable flowery words that probably sounded cool only in his mind. But during that evening, Karamatsu seemed focused in whatever was going through his head at the moment. Then again, Shinshia didn’t talk much herself.
The poor detective couldn’t help it! He was a man that had to be put behind bars for his crimes, she knew this. However, everytime they were together, her mind just stopped working properly. This had been happening since she actually caught him once: Karamatsu, one of the six-colored phantom thieves that stole valuable pieces of art all around the city. He was pretty popular among the youngest members of her department, some of them even called themselves his fans. That was done in secret, of course.
Shinshia knew little about the man next to her. Truth be told, she wanted to unveil that air of mystery around him by herself. Not as a detective, but as… something else. Maybe as a friend. Or maybe as something deeper. Only the author knew.
Hold on, what-- you know what, nevermind that.
First she thought, maybe she was just starstruck. After all, as soon as she arrived to that building, she was assigned to the case of the phantom thieves. Shinshia was in a country that was so different  to her native Spain, and she knew no one, besides this guy. A criminal. But he kept coming back when she was alone, giving her advice and listening to her troubles… And then a bond bloomed between them. So sudden, yet so natural, as if it was destined to happen.
“Shinshia,” Karamatsu called to her softly, pulling her from her thoughts, “I have a little present for you.”
“A present? Why?”
“Just a little something I got for you! It’s fine, I promise.”
Shinshia sighed. “Well, fine.”
His eye glittered as he clasped his hands happily. Gosh, what a big baby. “Good! Close your eyes, and don’t open them until I say you can, understand?” He said that last part in English, for some reason.
Strange request, but Shinshia did what he told her anyway, and closed her eyes. She could hear Karamatsu fumbling with something- not sure with what, but it was small, she supposed. He did say it was a little something, after all. Suddenly, she felt his hands on the sides of her head, playing with the locks of her hair. He put them back, and then she felt those same hair locks being slightly pulled back by something. She feels his warm hand linger on her chin, delicately caressing along her jawline before pulling away.
“Open your eyes.”
Shinshia opened her eyes, feeling really curious about what Karamatsu did. He took out a round pocket mirror and then he showed her: a blue hair bow was holding back her hair.
Karamatsu smiled at her softly. “Your hair is growing long, Shia-chan. It keeps getting in front of your eyes, doesn’t it?” She nodded, impressed. When did he notice her annoyance at her hair? It was such an insignificant detail. “Now I can see your cute face again.”
Shinshia looked down, feeling her face warm up. “T-Thanks.”
After he put the small mirror back in its place, he took an envelope out of the same pocket. He gave it to her. It would have looked like a normal letter, if it wasn’t for the small heart on the back… And the blue glitter. So painful.
“What is this?” Shinshia took the envelope and opened it. Inside there was a single piece of black paper with text in gold letters. “An invitation?”
“Observant as always! It’d make me very happy to see you there.”
“I’m not sure, Karamatsu… this is very sudden.”
“But, Shia-chan! It will be so much fun!” Karamatsu looked at her with puppy eyes. Uh, eye. “Do it for me. Please?” 
How was that working so well, what the hell. Shinshia sighed in defeat. “I will think about it.”
Feeling victorious yet again, Karamatsu took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Good night, Shia-chan. I hope to see you there.” Those were his last words before he turned around and walked away, quickly melting into the crowd. Now Shinshia Doremi was left alone at the doors of her workplace with her heart beating incredibly fast.
The detective looked down at the sparkly envelope. This thing was so shiny that it hurted to look at it for too long. It was so painful! It was so tacky!
“You're so troublesome.” she said to no one. She released a deep sigh.
She was in love with the blue phantom thief called Karamatsu.
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Shinshia decided to attend to the party, after all.
She didn’t go to parties often… mostly because she wasn’t invited to any of them. But, if she was being honest with herself, the promise of meeting him again was too tempting to resist. Also, free food and drinks.
Woah. She really had to have a deep crush on the man of strange monologues, if she was going to ignore her insecurity just for him. What a guy, he was making miracles happen even when he wasn’t present.
So she got ready, donning the prettiest dress she could find inside her closet. She wore the blue bow he gifted her, and after checking herself in the mirror, she grabbed her clutch purse and left to the party.
“Even if Karamatsu isn’t there, it’s better than to be alone during Valentine’s day,” she thought as she locked the door of her house behind her.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♡ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
It was a Valentine’s dance party. It should have been obvious, considering the day it took place. But she wasn’t aware that Valentine’s Day parties existed at all. Of course they do, why wouldn’t they? Maybe the host was single as hell, and this was their attempt in trying to find a partner. Or maybe it was a Jay Gatsby trying to find their Daisy Buchanan. Yikes, hopefully not. 
Also, every celebration needs a party, obviously.
Somewhere, someone in the world will throw a party for Cat Day. Maybe they will put a silly little hat on top of their cat’s head, followed by the confused pet trying to swat it away with its little paws and failing as the owner was in the floor laughing to tears.
That turned to be a very amusing thought, after all. It’d be so funny if someone celebrated Cat Day like that. She didn’t even know if Cat Day existed at all, but now she really hoped that it did.
Back to reality, Shinshia grabbed a glass from the nearest table as she looked around, moving between the many guests that were having fun together. Where in the world was Karamatsu? How could a single man wearing a black eyepatch be so difficult to find among so many colorful outfits? Pretty sure his full name was Karamatsu Sandiego. A famous thief whose signature look features a blue, glittery matching top hat and long cape. Of course, it all checked out, she just solved the case.
The detective was so into her own dumb line of thought that she didn’t notice the carpet, and her shoe caught. There was barely time to react; carpet veered up, her drink tipped forward, and suddenly the floor was very close. Extremely close. However, she hadn’t bit it, and that didn’t quite make sense. Gravity existed, and through gravity, she should have hit the floor.
There was something holding her up. A hand, which connected to an arm, which led all the way to a well-tailored suit. A delicious, familiar fragrance reached her nose.
“Well now,” a voice purred so slowly, and hands turned her to face upwards. Karamatsu’s face slowly turned into a tender smile. “I see you decided to come after all, darling.”
“Ah, well…” Shinshia really couldn’t say much with her waist held so enticingly by those hands, as warm hands brushed up against her skin and tickled. “I... I had to make sure that you didn’t steal anything! There are many people here wearing valuable jewelry, I’m sure you’d manage to steal something.”
“Heh, it seems my plans were ruined by the great Shinshia once more!” Karamatsu continued onwards with that smile just deepening at her sight, and somehow, he seemed to be leaning a bit closer. The room rang with cheery laughter, and the party carried onwards without a single glance towards the thief and the detective.
“You always seem to be,” one hand caressed its fine way up to her shoulder, “Stumbling around me. I’m starting to wonder if you are tripping on purpose now, hmmm?”
He knew well she wasn’t doing it on purpose. But before she could complain about that, he pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her completely. The hand on her waist pulled her just a little closer that she could feel the warmth radiating from him. He laced his fingers with hers. “I enjoy our moments together, darling.”
The orchestra struck up a mesmerizing waltz, and Karamatsu’s eye perked up enough that Shinshia could practically see the lightbulb above his head.
“Let’s dance!” he invited her without a second thought, and Shinshia stumbled as Karamatsu guided her to the dance floor. A violin hummed and a key plucked, and then his hands were on her waist, a smile beaming away. 
Unexpectedly, he was good at the waltz. What the hell, that was not fair. Shinshia found herself tripping quite a lot, and the phantom thief just chuckled everytime she crashed into his body. It didn’t seem to phase him either, he just grinned all the wider and adjusted until she fell back into rhythm. 
Finally, somehow the rhythm came to Shinshia. Maybe it was the guiding steps of Karamatsu. Maybe it was the smile he gave her as she fumbled along. Or, perhaps, it was the hand he still had on her waist, caring as it kindly led her along despite her inexperience. Whatever it was, it had her steps synchronize with Karamatsu’s, and suddenly she started noticing other things: how his rings glistened in the light as Karamatsu led both of them through the swarm of couples, or how his brown eye never looked away from her face. Small details, yet they were such lovely little things that made her heart beat wildly inside the detective’s chest.
“Say, Shinshia.”
“You said you came here to make sure I didn’t steal anything, right?”
Shinshia raised an eyebrow in confusion, but she nodded. Where was he going on with this? Was he actually going to do that? She told it as a joke, she didn’t want to work tonight.
“Heh, well, my beloved Shinshia... ” Karamatsu leaned down slightly and whispered. “I believe I already stole something.”
Shinshia didn’t really notice the song grew faster until a violin screeched in delight and suddenly Karamatsu was really close. When the song was over, he had dipped her just as the last violin ended with an exaggerated flourish. 
Karamatsu leaned forward, his lips brushing hers, and perhaps it hadn’t been such a bad thing, tripping over her own shoe. Not when she could feel him gaze at her in rapt adoration. Not when Karamatsu had her so lovingly wrapped in his hands, and clutching as if she was the most fragile, most precious thing in the world that had happened to him.
No, perhaps it was for the best.
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staysuki · 3 years
OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL - wtf jeongin AHHAHAHAA is this some kind of commission why did he say yes to literally everyone who asked him out 😭 like imagine going on a dance with him and he just says "oops youre time has run out, next in line please" out of nowhere 💀 im not saying i find light mode weird pero parang ganon na nga. all my apps are on dark mode xd on one boring afternoon i tried light mode just because and i think im alrdy 50% blind 👁️💧👄💧👁️
lol hyunjin dcurb mo ean but shes got a point, hyunjin told her to fuck off yet he initiated a chat to show his jealousy :"> well in his defense, hes confused af buT sTILL hyunjin hurt y/n so much by his words. aaaaaaa but aaaa puchaaaa bat aq kinikilig sa "what if you are" e hes the enemy rn 😠 lee know pakisundo po si y/n. blocking is indeed self-care 🥰 i love this y/n the best out of all the y/ns in your stories :>
--------------------- jajajsjajdjajdajsajdasjdsa---------------------
HAHAHAHAHA SELF-HIRED CUPID SEUNGMIN AT UR SERVICE 🙇🙏 HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA 😭 i mean is this even considered "cupid-ing"? hes literally just posing as y/n Y^Y and him complimenting himself as y/n is so funny HAHAHHA the chatting he used is even 1% close to how y/n texts 😭 unless she talks like that only to changbin huhu and how y/ns attitude changed so fast when the topic concerns seungmin breaking her phone 😭 and wow seungmin has a big problem :"< i think this will take a big turn later on,,,,,
I LOVE THE UPDATES TODAY <33333 ahha dick btw i am not professional at tumblr usage so im not sure if ur drafts will get deleted :<< and the app on my phone and ipad also is buggy, i thinks its just the update not sureee
ill be waiting for the experimental fic hehesz iM SORRY FOR SPOILING ,, ANYWAYS THE MV IS beautiful✨ WATCH IT IF YOU HAVE THE TIME 😩 the tattoos are really cuteeeee ,, and same if ever ill get one in the future, itd be smth related to their songs. i like the heart you made and the nice tattoo on your leg 😗 its rly cute and clean wow how were the other 12 mini tattoos you did? did it come out well?
SQUID GAME IS RLY RLY RLY GOOD but yes it will get more gory the longer you watch. i finished it alrdy and give it a 1000/10 ,, tho its bc i like watching stuff like those jfsbfas you think youll be able to finish it?
- bs
indeed, i loved that update too 😤 though i think the final two updates are also chef’s kiss 🤌🤌🤌 and i’m excited to put those out.
playboy jeongin, maknae on top feelsz si mamser 😩. di siya papatalo sa harem ni y/n JSHWJSHSHS. dating speedrun vibes.
also i’m 100% on team dark mode as well but sometimes i miss light mode idk why 😩 plus i’m too lazy to label the diff perspectives so like, i’ll just do it by colour. YHAM kim seungmin def feels like a lightmode boi anyways 🤔🤔🤔
everyone hatin on hyunjin rn but its true, he’s v v confused and clueless about everything and he’s siding with yeji bc #family ahu 👉😔👈. “he’s the enemy rn” PLSSS. kiliq sana dun sa line if only nasend errr 💔. lee know-shii talaguh? what about seungmin and felix, they are also contenders 😩🤌. and also ty :,>>> i like her too, she’s very chill and mellow but not a pushover ifykwim. dun sa kim seungmin fic i’m going for the more suplada y/n route so let’s hope i can write that well :(((((
SELF PROCLAIMED CUPID THAT’S UNWANTED 😭💔 poor y/n. seungmin’s flirting game (as y/n) kinda weak 😩 and yes he can’t help that jokingly egoistic self compliment na super out of place JSHWJSHSHS. and yes, y/n def doesn’t talk like that but changbin isn’t that close to her so he hasn’t noticed yet 🤔🤔🤔 i wonder how that’ll go. seungmin is a menace™️ but also he’s a poor boy 💔💔💔💔. we stan #seungminperalta.
thank uuu <333 dick i loved it as well :(((( im probs gonna try save some of my drafts then try to redownload the app cuz its getting harder to use na 💔💔💔 esp with the pictures and see more text huhu.
imma write it once i get inspo or else it’s gonna be just a full-on 500 word drabble 😭. and its okay! i watched in na cuz i can no longer avoid the spoilies on tumblr. the song is so good :((( and letse akala ko naman sexy floor dance, parang yung sa back door movings lang pala 😭 either way seungmin still looking fine af. my boy finally getting the solo screentime he deserves 🤌🤌🤌🤌.
thank u for the tats compliment i worked hard on them :,)))) the others are a bit messy but i’ll be fixing them over the course of the week and i’ll post pics once it’s cleaner looking. i’m proud of the ones that i used my non-dominant hand to make hehe, multitalented queen shit 😩. i’m semi-ambidextrous but i didn’t think i can tattoo with my left hand, super amazing discovery, will flex.
i’ll be taking a long time in finishing it but i’m writing comments every time there’s a good scene just to keep my attention. i’m trying to overcome my gore problem as well but i rly cant handle looking at the screen when the killing scenes come up 😩.
AND THANK U OMG!! i’m also surprised that so many people are liking it 🥺🥺🥺 this is a picture of my notes (masterlist) back when i just started-ish the fic in june:
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back then i was already like “omg theres so many people, let me list them down so i don’t forget them” and now theres even more!!!! so amazing honestly, it’s a good thing EHALOJ will be continuing for a long time :,))) i can’t wait to show everyone the different arcs hehe.
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
This is late but Cupid AU was an idea I had for Mha that I was too lazy to write lmao where it's your job to help them find the love of their life but you end up having a really hard time so you come down to Earth to get to know them better and finally set them up but you end up falling in love with each other instead
Do with this information whatcha like I was just glad to have fluffy/angst potential
I had a lot of royalty/fantasy aus planned that i never got around to writing and it makes me a little miserable
I couldn't get to this because of the protest I'm sorry T^T
But I love this idea :0
Suddenly watching you have fun on that date they had spent oh so long helping you get didn't seem like fun anymore. They had desperately fallen in love with you and now, watching you go off with that other date, their heart hurt worse than ever before. All those times spent with you choosing outfits, practicing dialogue, flustered embraces, they seemed to be melting right before their very eyes as you walked away with a delighted smile.
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kazuwhora · 3 years
Hi hi! Can i request for a tokyo revengers match up? A romantic one please. I'm fine with both sfw or nsfw.
I'm a girl, 19 y.o. 150cm/45kg. I usually go by she/her and yes, I'm straight. I wear glasses btw. Zodiac is cancer!
I'm an ISTJ. Although I'm the type that stick to the plan, I always be lazy. Super lazy. Not a good leader. I might act polite and a bit talkative but I get tired after being with people for a whole day. Sometimes people say I am rude when giving advice because I talk bluntly. But my friends still confide in me anyway. Kinda loud when laughing. I also make jokes, though some of them aren't that funny. I can say confidently that I'm pretty smart. Now about my bad traits, I tend to get irritated when someone is saying annoying things and they think they're right. I'm also a bit insecure because I'm not good at anything (I can't cook, not really good at cleaning, and clumsy). I don't usually rant unless I really can't handle it again, but I'm talkative when it comes to something I like.
Towards someone I like, I tend to act like a mom because I care so much about them. But I might be a bit clingy and childish too (cause I'm lazy). I will try my best to be their support system. I'd like a partner who can appreciate me and see me as their equal. I'm definitely a sub though.
Love language is quality time (receiving) and act of service (giving).
Habits :
- grumbles a lot and secretly cussing when I get irritated
- and slow internet irritates me so much
- sing 24/7 no matter what I do and where I am (unless when I am angry)
- sleep late, usually at 1 or 2 am, so I also wake up late
- I also sually skip breakfast because of the things I said above
I like music (kpop, jpop, and other random songs), anime, sweet TEA, making coffee (I work as barista btw), fangirling over 2D characters, SLEEP, playing games, and obviously MONEY. Btw I like ran and mitsuya (but please be neutral lol, don't force yourself to match me up with them)
I don't like physical activities like sports or work out, k-drama, animals, lies, being forced, getting my hands dirty.
I guess that's all I can tell you. This is so long and detailed, I'm sorry.
Thanks for being my cupid 💘
hi hi! thank u so much for sending such a detailed request- it really helps me to give you as detailed of a matchup as possible so don't apologize for sending so much! it makes the work on my end much easier and (hopefully) more accurate!!
I know you said that mitsuya and ran are your favourites but that you didn't want that to sway me, so I'm here to tell you that even before I got to that part your description had me screaming mitsuya. then I read that part and was like "oh I see that makes sense" LOL so rest assured this is a completely unbiased matchup with sweetest mitsuya <3 (my second choice for you was draken)
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I wanna start by telling u that the part in your description about you grumbling when you're irritated made me laugh, and that it's something that would make mitsuya chuckle to himself hehehe (whether or not that works to make u even more irritated really depends on how cute of a smile he'll give you in apology for laughing at your disturbance) but he just can't help it. like he has this stupid little half smirk because he knows you're in a bad mood and that he absolutely shouldn't be laughing but like ?? he just thinks its so cute listening to you grumble like a little old man or a cute grumpy cat and he can't get enough.
getting into personality compatibility, the two of you make a sweet couple that value each other's intimacy more than anything. with the two of you functioning on an introverted thinking level, nights in watching movies together, or playing games together, or really doing anything small and intimate together is enough to please the both of you. don't worry about not being able to cook. one of the activities mitsuya loves to do with you is make the house all nice, light some candles, put on some music (probably a studio ghibli classical playlist don't @ him about this) and have a whole dinner planned for you. he wants you to help him though, but he's conscious of not wanting to frustrate you so he'll specifically delegate tasks he know you can successfully accomplish (like measuring ingredients for him, taking away extra dishes and putting them in the sink, handing him different tools and such). he's pretty good at cooking (mommy mitsuya over here) and he just really likes to do things both WITH you and FOR you, y'know?
there might be times where you have your struggles (nobody is perfect) and given that your dominant functions of your respective types are completely the opposite, this can be space for disagreement and frustration. nonetheless, mitsuya has that evolved sense of maturity that allows him to recognize your differences as things that make the two of you special and unique, and if you're willing to see things from his point of view every now and again and make an effort to respect his feelings, the growth and development the two of you will be able to share is something that trumps any opposing traits. in a sense, the depth and meaning of your conversations will outweigh the differences in the way you two differ in terms of cognitive functions.
also mitsuya will go to work late just so he can make you something for breakfast because he knows ur gonna skip eating and if he wont be home till late he doesn't want u to be grumpy what a sweet boy xoxoxoxoxoxo
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