#the camp we all collectively adopted a rock and named it and insisted on having it participate in everything we did...
notquiteaghost · 2 years
in retrospect our childhood habits of making Drink (every sugary drink in the house poured into one cup in equalish amounts. usually this meant pepsi + lemonade + orange squash + blackcurrant squash, sometimes also the weird pink fanta and/or vimto and/or my mum's fancy elderflower cordial) and of taking the little packets of sugar from cafes to then just pour directly into our mouths shldve clued someone in earlier to mine & my sister's adhd
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mockingbirdshymn · 1 year
way too many camp camp headcanons? why not
part seven: nikki
she has adhd but i think we all probably knew that
dyslexia!! she has dyslexia and it pisses neil off to no end when she spells something wrong. she thinks its funny
step-siblings nikki and neil!!! their parents eventually got together and nikki begged neil's dad to get her a bunk bed to share with neil. neil is not happy with this arrangement
lesbian nikki. you cannot look at her and think shes even slightly straight. "juliet should've done karate instead of kissing boys. maybe she wouldn't have died then." you are so right nikki
nikki has a pet bearded dragon, a fish tank, a terrarium of pet frogs, and a pet pigeon. she begged her mother for all of the animals and eventually her mother relented. the pigeon is one she grabbed from the streets on the way back from some store with her mother and snuck into her house, and said pigeon loves nikki to death. the pets' names are...
Bearded Dragon - Bernred. she spelled bearded as bernred and decided that was the name. neil suggested she named it bernard instead, because that's an actual name, but she hissed at him like a rabid cat
Fish - John, Jason, Josh, Jim, Jeremy, and Clark. nikki named clark different because "he's adopted". all of the fish are technically adopted.
Frogs - The Croaker, The Ribbler, and Batman. neil is frustrated at how batman's name isnt a pun. she just says she couldnt think of one
Pigeon - Seagull. this is because her mother called it a seagull at first and she found that funny
she has trained seagull the pigeon to attack at her command. she uses this to her advantage
nikki requires every house she lives in to have a foresty area in the backyard
carl made nikki a treehouse as a gift. nikki had never been so excited about something before. she sleeps in the treehouse sometimes, despite candy and carl's protests.
nikki nearly fails every one of her classes, except for science, somehow. she barely passes close enough to make it to the next grade. sometimes, neil gets so frustrated he does her schoolwork for her when she gets an obvious answer wrong.
nikki is pretty affectionate to her new step-brother, because she always wanted a sibling. she gives neil rocks and sticks and leaves she finds cool. she was under the impression he usually threw them out after she gave them to him, but when trying to find something or other in their room, she found a hidden box full of all the sticks, leaves, and rocks she'd given him before.
nikki wants to be a zoologist when she's older, because she thinks she'd be good at it. (she ends up becoming one, and a pretty well-known one because of her ability to handle even the most feared of animals. like hippos. up close)
nikki idolizes ered, but as they get older, they become better friends with more of an equal dynamic.
ered, nerris and her have a 'girls night out' every so often. when nerris told them they were non-binary and went by she/they, nikki changed it to 'girls night out plus nerris', even though nerris said they were fine with it not changing
nikki hangs out with dolph and nerris as much as she can. they still get into adventures, but never get much done during them. they still have fun doing their adventures, which is what matters most.
nikki and nerris' mothers do not like each other
nikki insisted the camp campbell campers stayed connected in some way, and made the first group chat, titled: "Probably Entitled to Financial Compensation"
every halloween, nikki forces max, neil and her to do matching costumes.
max, david, and gwen are invited to a new year's eve 'party' with nikki, neil, and their parents. the party is just them watching tv, playing board games, setting off fireworks for an hour and a half, eating junk food and staying up till midnight. its become their collective tradition, one they wouldnt miss for the world despite how some claim it's boring or they hate it.
nikki balances neil's anxiety by pushing him to be more confident, and neil balances nikki's wildness by making sure she doesn't do anything too risky
nikki's favorite food is a pb&j sandwich
nikki's favorite color is red "like blood"
nikki is always energetic, and on christmas morning wakes everyone in her family up at 5:30am to unwrap presents
nikki generally wakes up before anyone else in the house
nikki has a nintendo 2ds, on which she plays pokemon X and only pokemon X. her starter is froakie
nikki, who has the top bunk of her and neil's bunk bed, has blankets strung up from the ceiling as fort walls
the only books nikki likes to read are comics
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phlox238 · 3 years
rymin headcanons babey !!!
this is gonna be a complete mess but here's what my brain has been able to cook up about these fruits <3
i have So Many Thoughts on them
ryan is a he/him nonbinary i don't make the rules. but it takes a while for him to figure it out
ryan and min were REALLY affectionate with each other growing up. like, they'd hold hands, hug a lot, share food, u know stuff like that. they only stopped being affectionate w/ each other around age 14 or so bc ryan's parents kept making comments about how weird it was :/
when they were 12, they had a camp out in min's backyard, started talking about crushes n shit and somehow ended up kissing at some point bc they wanted to see what it was like. in the moment they both pulled away like "ew disgusting!!" BUT ofc they liked it secretly. min dreamed about it often for a while
in his later teen years ryan got into a lot of arguments with his parents for various reasons, sometimes he'd run away to min's house for the night and min would comfort him by running his hands through his hair and hugging him
min absolutely has a complete and total gay crisis when he realizes he's in love with ryan. like, looking up "am i gay?" quizzes type crisis, and he had frequent gay panic moments especially when ryan hugs him
ryan didn't really have an "aha!" moment about being in love with his best friend, it was just kind of a gradual thing. suddenly he was just all butterflies and blushing when min does something cute or whatever and it was okay
even though the train helped them reunite and rekindled their relationship, ryan and min still opt to take relationship therapy afterwards, and manage to find a therapist who also got on the train to talk about that with too
i think ryan would absolutely try to make a fake ID when he was underaged in order to buy alcohol but it never works. min just kinda shrugs and goes along with his dumb boyfriend
surprisingly, min ends up getting a lot of piercings over the years. he has an industrial piercing in one ear, triple lobe piercings in both, a helix piercing, a daith piercing, and a nose piercing. ryan only has a double lobe piercing but he fucking LOVES min's piercings. also i think min's parents would be kinda iffy about the piercings but ultimately it's just like. eh, he can do what he wants with his body
ryan loves collecting rocks. he'll find a cool one and go up to min like "look at this rock!! it's so pretty!! it is mine now stuffs in pocket among the other rocks he's found " and min finds it adorable
they adopt a gray kitten and name her kez :) and later on ryan insists on buying a snake so they (mostly min) do a ton of research for a few months and eventually buy a little corn snake who they name cheese (because why not. i have a lizard named bread and i love her)
i saw a thing somewhere and i just. when they're older min and ryan become teachers at a highschool and they're basically who all the lgbtq+ kids go to for comfort (especially the ones who have homophobic parents)
i think min would teach ELA and ryan would teach art class. they'd probably host the gsa club and be so fucking cool. everyone wants them as teachers
this is turning into rymin as teachers headcanons but anyway; the kids in their classes would always insist that they play chicken choice judy music during class. ryan HAPPILY indulges but min is more hesitant because thats embarrassing for him (anxiety moment lmao)
i feel like ryan's parents disowned him after he came out to them. like there wasn't any big "get the fuck out of this house!!" moment, but when he came out, they just kinda said "oh." and slowly cut him out of their lives. usually he pretends he doesn't care, but sometimes he'll get into The Feels and rant to min or cry on his shoulder. min is just. such a good boyfriend. they are so in love :)
i love the idea that min's parents realize him and ryan are in love before they do. like after the train i think his mom would say "so how long have you two been dating? :))" bc she notices they're Much Closer while ryan's over for dinner. and min's just like "SINCE WHEN WERE WE DATING !??!" cue gay panic. ryan's just confused the whole time
after that ^ they say that they're not dating but like min's parents know better. so they wait for ryan and min to realize. when they eventually start dating (like a week later) his parents are like FUCK yeah
nighttime cuddles are their favorite. they spoon a lot too
i don't rlly know what else to add to this but i hope my rymin brainrot is entertaining
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Europe Travel, Hong Kong Law, Russia: Your Wednesday Briefing
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Good morning.
We’re covering Europe’s reopening to travelers (but not Americans), China’s sweeping security law for Hong Kong and why Russian internet stars are keeping their distance from Putin.
Europe reopens, but not for U.S., Russia or Brazil
The European Union will open its borders to visitors from 15 countries as of today. Those countries do not include the U.S., Brazil or Russia, where coronavirus caseloads continue to balloon.
The list of approved nations includes Australia, Canada and New Zealand; travelers from China will also be allowed in, if China reciprocates. E.U. countries are desperate to restart tourism while preventing new outbreaks.
The decision came as more than 47,000 cases were reported in the U.S. on Tuesday. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, said the number of new infections could reach 100,000 a day if the surges in many states were not contained.
What it means: E.U. officials tried to appear apolitical in their choices, but leaving the U.S. off the list was a high-profile rebuke of the Trump administration’s handling of the crisis.
Here are the latest updates and maps of where the virus has spread.
The Times is providing free access to much of our coronavirus coverage, and our Coronavirus Briefing newsletter — like all of our newsletters — is free. Please consider supporting our journalism with a subscription.
What we know about the Hong Kong security law
China adopted a national security law for Hong Kong on Tuesday that gives the central authorities sweeping powers to crack down on dissent in the city.
The legislation, which had not previously been seen by the public and took effect immediately, provides a blueprint for the authorities and courts to suppress the protest movement that has roiled the city for a year, and for China’s national security apparatus to pervade Hong Kong society.
In ambiguous wording, it lays out new crimes that carry maximum penalties of life imprisonment. Here are some key points:
Activities like damaging government buildings and interrupting public transit are described as acts of subversion and terrorism — a measure directly aimed at antigovernment protesters.
The law allows Beijing to seize broad control in security cases, especially during crises. Suspects in cases could be sent to face trial in mainland China, where the opaque judicial system is controlled by the Communist Party.
Focusing heavily on the perceived role of foreigners in Hong Kong’s unrest, the law will impose harsh penalties on anyone who urges foreign countries to criticize or to impose sanctions on the government.
What it means: At least two groups that have called for Hong Kong to become an independent state said they would stop operating in the city. Activists are also worried that the law will be used against people who peacefully call for autonomy rather than independence.
Police insist killing of a Black man in Denmark was not racist
A young Black man was tortured and killed on a remote island in Denmark by two white men with known far-right affiliations, the police say. But the authorities are refusing to call it a hate crime and are denying that race was a factor.
The man, Phillip Mbuji Johansen, a 28-year-old engineering student of Danish and Tanzanian descent, had gone to a party on Monday and was later invited for a beer in the woods, his mother told a local newspaper. His mutilated body was found at a camp site the next morning.
Two suspects, brothers who have not yet been publicly identified, were arrested on Wednesday on manslaughter charges. One of them has a swastika and the words “white power” tattooed on his leg. The other has expressed support for a Danish extreme right party called Stram Kurs, or Hard Line.
Context: Between 2007 and 2016, racially motivated hate crimes in Denmark more than quadrupled, according to one report. Local activists say the country has a pattern of denial in racially motivated crimes, in some cases because of anti-immigrant attitudes.
Related: King Philippe of Belgium has expressed his “deepest regrets” for his country’s brutal past in a letter to the president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the first public acknowledgment from a member of the Belgian royal family of the devastating toll of eight decades of colonization.
Adidas: A top executive resigned on Tuesday after a number of Black employees pushed for her ouster and said the company fostered a racist and discriminatory workplace.
If you have 10 minutes, this is worth it
Russia’s internet stars turn away from Putin
Young Russians — who used to be among President Vladimir Putin’s most avid supporters — have swung hard the other way.
Mr. Putin seems assured of victory today in a referendum that would allow him to amend the Constitution and stay in power until 2036. But he has lost his pop culture cachet, and online celebrities are now reluctant to be associated with the Kremlin. “The public mood has really changed,” one Russian blogger said.
Snapshot: Above, the East Anglia One wind turbine project off Britain’s east coast. The pandemic’s fallout may have rocked the oil and gas industry, but producers of clean energy have charged ahead, complete with measures to protect workers from the virus as they fix turbines.
What we’re listening to: This retro radio station, where it is always the summer of 1997. “The desktop themes and tunes alone will make your day,” says Remy Tumin on the Briefings team.
Now, a break from the news
Cook: Sichuan chile crisp with peanut streusel doesn’t sound like it should work, but it does — especially when paired with a sundae. You can also omit the peanut streusel or replace it with crushed peanuts.
Watch: Cinéma vérité raises fascinating questions about the genre’s capacity to accurately mirror the world. Our reviewer recommends “Crisis” and “Salesman” if you want to become acquainted with a style that tests the boundaries of nonfiction filmmaking.
Do: Bridal boutiques are offering virtual shopping experiences where brides, grooms and members of their wedding parties can try on and buy their attire online. Here are a few options for shopping without having to leave home.
Staying safe at home is easier when you have plenty of things to read, cook, watch and do. At Home has our full collection of ideas.
And now for the Back Story on …
Black with a capital B
The Times announced on Tuesday that it would start using uppercase “Black” to describe people and cultures of African origin, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. Here is what our National editor, Marc Lacey, wrote about the change.
My father was born a Negro. Then he was black. Late in life, much to his discomfort, he became an African-American.
Everyone in this country who traces their ancestors back to Africa has experienced a panoply of racial identifiers over their lives, with some terms imposed and others embraced. In the course of a single day in 2020, I might be called black, African-American or a person of color. I’m also labeled, in a way that makes my brown skin crawl, as diverse, ethnic or a minority.
Amid the nation’s reckoning with racism following the death of George Floyd, another name is being widely adopted: Black with a capital B.
John Eligon, a New York Times national correspondent who writes about race, captures the discussion in an article. As he notes, each name change brings spirited discussion. Isn’t black a color, not a race? If one capitalizes Black, should one also capitalize White? And Brown?
As one who works in words, I would never suggest that word choice does not matter. Words can affect the thinking of both those who write them and those who read them. So I am in favor of pushing the shift key — but I doubt it will be the last time we edit what people like me are called.
[You can sign up for the Race/Related newsletter here.]
That’s it for this briefing. Is working from home working out? See you next time.
— Isabella
Thank you To Theodore Kim and Jahaan Singh for the rest of the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is about the Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion this week. • Here’s today’s Mini Crossword puzzle, and a clue: “Adios, ___!” (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • A trove of internal ISIS documents obtained by the Times journalist Rukmini Callimachi and her colleagues in 2018 has been released to the public as part of a project with George Washington University.
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