#the cast (dyvj)
drinkyourvillainjuice · 7 months
This is definitely one of my favorite IFs ever, I can't wait for the full release (when hopefully I'll get to absolutely destroy catalyst and turn him into a nice pasta :3)
One of the threads at the end does have me wondering tho, how WOULD the general public rank the members of the Altruists, just based on these first missions?
Oh? Anon #45? I thought you were banned from the thread because you posted 'Hit and Miss are too low ELO to fight these people' as if they don't have 45/34 ratio and have a higher rate of completing contracts..... I guess we allow any trolls here.....
"Uh oh we're crossing the streams of beating on Catalyst and enjoying pasta! (thank you! that's such high praise! I have no idea how long the full release will take but I'm working very hard)
At the current point in the story, the public haven't got to see properly what everyone can do, so the takes are going to be pretty inaccurate. (especially because Dime's performance so far could have varied a lot and the specialities have different amounts of spectacle)
They'd probably put it as something like this:
Most successful Paradigm (manhandling the Patrol, drawing with Surpass, mutations for being flashy) Architect (clearly competent, visually impressive and effective power, leader bump) Rampage (flashy power) Fracture (intimidating look, what-you-see-is-what-you-get otherwise) Least successful Paradigm (getting bodied by Surpass, struggling with Ranger etc.) Wyrd (unclear what their power actually is, but they tanked a superstrength punch) Ghoul (yet to be seen using their abilities)"
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 7 months
Don't know if it has been asked before, but who would be willing to the aspect of marriage and maybe growing a family(cause we all know children come from trees....i mean isn't it obvious)?
Hello anon #41, this silly ask reminded me of a silly song! I used to listen to it on the bus when I had a hour long commute which I'll start again soon! I'll link it after, HOWEVER, I guess someone has to answer your question rolling eye emojis...
"Oh man, this is a doozy of a question and hard to go into depth in some places for reasons of spoilers. I also haven't thought much about the cast's feelings on marriage and so on, since I've been focusing on like… foundational relationship stuff and how they approach flirting/dating. I'll give some impressions, but they're vague.
Mal - It's Complicated. Wil - indifferent to marriage, not-against-family-in-principle-but-we're-criminals Kay - maybe to both? There are hangups. Teddie - he'd probably never think about marriage independently but if it was brought up I think it'd grow on him. Would doubt his own ability to parent. Alistair - yes to both. irritatingly responsible about both.
CG - It's Complicated.
Bonus round cause I dunno the angst gremlin is making a ruckus up in my head.
Beth - Yes and unbelievably flustered about both. Mama bear. Prii - Spends every waking moment on wedding planning. "Parenting always sounded way too scary. But with you I'm not so afraid." Shauna - Crazy excited about getting married. Cries throughout the ceremony. Nervous beyond belief about being a parent, great at it when she isn't doubting herself and wondering if the kid crying/throwing a tantrum makes her an awful mom. Grant - "Hey wouldn't it be funny if we got married, haha" (has been plotting this proposal for weeks). Probably wouldn't set out to be a parent, but not gonna lie there's a non-zero chance of something happening by accident in a relationship where that's a possibility. A fun, permissive dad but a worryingly irresponsible one."
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
how strong & how fast are the strongest & fastest people the public is aware of in dyvj?
I hesitate to put exact numbers because in a 'comic books' setting this type of stuff is often subject to fuzz (and generally people are a lot more resilient to damage than they necessarily would be).
However, Surpass can comfortably demolish brick walls or pick up cars, while her super speed is more on the lines of crossing a room in a split second (she's described as blurring rather than like, invisibly fast)
There are speedsters and ....strengthsters who are a cut above Surpass in the overall setting, but they're also sir-not-appearing-in-this-IF Probably
what would the cast wear to a costume party?
Mal - is the costume party
Wil - vampire, but with like sick ass makeup. and gets legitimately surprised when people are like "yeah obviously you'd be a vampire"
Teddie - sans sheet ghost
Kay - skeleton and super ham about it to try and make Teddie laugh
Dion - robot
CG - goes as like, King from Tekken
Alistair - something nerdy like an RTS character
Arcade - raver
Enfilade - is super awkward about the whole thing and overthinks resulting in a costume that kind of just looks like regular clothes even though she's being like a really specific character and is subsequently embarrassed and having to explain it constantly and winds up going home early thinking she's really bad at this
Surpass - herself. then laughs and reveals like, a wrestler costume
Vantage - like, a cat. really proud of the effort she put in Portrait - oh this guy is an extra motherfucker and probably like tailored the whole thing himself, and he isn't even necessarily anything specific he just wants people to see his like, rainbow fucking sequin and fake feathers cloak
Phalanx - Her armour. When asked, says "It is my costume, is it not?"
Silly question maybe, but are you a big superhero fan? Like, do you get all the comics, do you watch the media or do you have some basic knowledge and like it but you're not super invested. (Super, haha.)
I actually wrote about this a bit on my patreon! (public post)
I don't really watch superhero movies/shows/read comics these days. I'm not a big TV and film watcher so something really has to grab me to go and see it, and a lot of the more recent Marvel stuff is too heavy on the spectacle and light on the story/character for my tastes.
Love Spiderverse though. Those movies slap.
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