#the cast trying to find a way to get fjord and jester out bc laura and travis aren't there
pocketgalaxies · 1 year
"jester, could we perhaps hold onto your backpack before you go so that we have that...in case we need it?"
"no! i'm going to hold onto this, why would i give it to you??"
"......well...i feel it is fairly obvious, but uh.........ok. as you were."
"i'm not going anywhere, why would i give it to you? this is my bag, i paid for it!"
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callioope · 3 years
Overthinking all the “End of Campaign” Murmuring
Sam and Brian seem to be the main ones perpetuating “we’re almost done/we’re at the end of the campaign.” 
Liam did a little bit too, but the way that Sam and Brian constantly bring it up makes me feel like it’s actually a bit or intentional trolling
Laura didn’t really chime in when they were talking about it, and maybe I’m just in denial or being overly optimistic, but it sorta seemed like she was trying to keep a straight face but then started laughing at the end of that particular section? But I suppose she could have been laughing at something else. 
I am not sure if I am remembering correctly, but I feel like I also got vibes that Ashley was purposely going silent during the “end of the campaign” talk? Maybe I’m misremembering. 
Travis meanwhile was like “Fjord has so much stuff to do” so. idk. 
There really is so much left to do. Plus, when Brian first started bringing this up, he specifically said “rounding third,” which technically would imply we’re more more like 75% of the way through ... I think he said that in the Talks for ep 131, so if episode 131 is “rounding third” aka 75% through then I think the math works out that we’d be looking at a total of 175 episodes. Which is still 40 episodes from now. 
And I think that does feel like plenty of time for what’s remaining?
(Ranked by how important it is to resolve before the campaign ends.)
Finish Cognouza arc (must resolve)
Caleb: Trent confrontation (must resolve), possibly some kind of resolution on this newly introduced time travel stuff (probably more epilogue material?)
Beau: Zeenoth’s trial. Which could or could not be quick, could possibly occur as an episode in the midst of Trent stuff, and also (I don’t like this or think it’s as likely but will mention) could just be mentioned in an Epilogue? (must resolve)
Fjord: find Vandran, confront Sabian, possibly Uk’otoa confrontation? I know he doesn’t actually have the Cloven Crystal anymore but (a) they might get it back, and (b) Uk’otoa might still want revenge even if they don’t have it, so for those reasons, I think if Fjord tries to go on the ocean again to see Sabian or Vandran, he’s gonna get attacked by Uk’otoa’s minions. Which means the only safe way to see Vandran or to confront Sabian (who’s on Darktow) would be to somehow teleport there. Even still those locations might draw the attention and be within range of Uk’otoa’s minions. (would like to resolve)
Jester: I think all that’s left here is a glimpse at how things ended up with her parents. Which honestly could be Epilogue material. (Epilogue resolution)
Caduceus: is it just me or does it really seem like he’s been avoiding figuring out what the heck is going on with the Savalirwood? In my mind, if destroying Cognouza doesn’t magically manage to solve that too, then I kinda want to know what the heck’s going on there. But I’m not sure it’s a high enough of a priority to follow up, if the cast is generally feeling like they want to move on to Campaign 3 and Cad has been dragging his feet on it anyways.
Yasha: I think she’s a bit of an unknown? I feel like there’s bits of her backstory we haven’t seen yet. But I also feel like she’s at an okay place in her arc to end the campaign. (so unfortunately ranking this as ‘already probably resolved’)
Veth: pretty clearly her arc is wrapped up. she needs to go home to her family, at least in her mind. honestly sometimes i feel like that’s why sam is pushing this whole “we’re at the end” idea bc his character is done and otherwise he’d have to make a second character if they continue past cognouza... and possibly trent. (Veth would definitely stick around to help with Trent, right? She could say they dragged him into Cognouza stuff) (already resolved)
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