#the chaos we reign big bill x trashmouth
“ they can all just kiss my ass. ”
Richie snorted at Bill’s declaration. “Can they now?” He mused, brow arching playfully as he shot a glance in the Denbrough’s direction. “I’d rather they didn’t kiss your ass. Even if it is a nice ass, it’s mine. Not theirs.” He commented with a smirk. “Richie Tozier don’t share.” The Tozier male stated, grabbing Bill by his hips. “Even when I’m long gone, they can’t have it.” He joked. “I’ll haunt you forever to ensure your backside is miiiiine.”
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Bill’s lips before walking around and giving Bill’s ass a quick and firm smack. “They can stare all they want but that ass is mine.” He called over his shoulder as he wandered over to the fridge. “Want anything?” He asked as he pulled a container of yogurt from the fridge. Richie pulled the utensil drawer open and pulled as spoon out before leaning on the counter to look at Bill. @scribedhorror
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“ i’ll sleep when i’m dead. “
“Excuse me? You’ll sleep when I bring your ass to bed.” He countered, snorting at Bill’s declaration. Richie smiled as he grabbed Bill and heaved the other man over his shoulder. Bill wasn’t heavy, by all means. The man was quite light compared to most, despite how fit the other had become. Richie just happened to be able to pick him up with relative ease. This wasn’t completely uncommon, if he was honest. Bill had a tendency to stay up at every hour of the night.
It was due to his insomnia of course but moments like these, Richie could see Bill was being the stubborn man that he was known to be. He knew that Bill was working on something (as usual) and that he’d stay up through the night just to get it done if he absolutely needed to do so. So in times like these, Rich would stay up with him and bring him food and of course coffee when the time called for it.
Right now though, it was hitting a few days since Bill had slept last (at least properly) and Richie couldn’t let that slide by. Bill needed sleep and if Richie had to bodily place him in the bed then he would do just that. “No arguments, Denbrough. You need sleep. I haven’t seen you sleep properly in probably four days. And three hours doesn’t count!!” @scribedhorror
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When Richie had started his job at Derry’s, he hadn’t exactly told his friends what kind of work he’d started. He hadn’t mentioned to them that he worked at the only mechanic shop in all of Derry. When most people said Derry’s, people thought of the grocery store. But that was Derry’s Groceries and this was Derry’s Auto Shop. They’d all just assumed that when Richie said he’d gotten a job at Derry’s, he’d meant Derry’s Groceries and not Derry’s Auto Shop. Of course, the 18 year old failed to correct them when they questioned him. He thought it was funnier to let them play the guessing game instead. 
So it was a surprise to Richie when seven months after the start of his job, the leader of their little group of misfits, Bill, showed up at his work to get some work done. While he enjoyed the group’s guessing game, Richie was rather excited to see the Denbrough male at his work. At least now he’d stop being teased about being a “bagboy”. Richie trotted up behind the other and threw his hands up. “BIG BILL!” He laughed, slinging his arm around the other. “What can I do for ya?” He questioned. @scribedhorror
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