#the chickens are named after the ingredients of a chicken sandwich btw
fizzytoo · 7 months
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the prettiest spot on her farm is reserved for the chickens <3
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friendlyfood · 2 years
Patricia's Pabulum
Hello, my name is Patricia I am glad you came across my blog I hope you find it helpful! Whether its what you eat or how you eat hope this serves you as you find out my day-to-day intake is perfect most of ours isn't I tend to choose filling and easy meals to make and I hope you find peace in what your relationship with food is and how like any relationship with time and effort it can improve!
Day 1 yum yum sandwich in tum
It started great until the hunger kicks in! What to eat what to snack on well you can say I may have just settled, btw don't judge someday I have 2 meals some days I have 1, and others I have 3...
First meal or drink, it has been a struggle with staying away from sugar I'm not going to lie to myself or you. For days one two, and three I started my day with my new favorite caffeinated home beverage, a shot of espresso from my Keurig, then add cherry syrup and a splash of chocolate syrup blend with a small electric wand and enjoy it. For me, this is a way of caffeine outwearying the sugar knowing it gives me the boost I need then working or walking the sugar off. Now I know and am sorry for not the complete amounts as I put less than a teaspoon of each cherry and chocolate in the espresso it is estimated to be between 15-17 grams of sugar. After the caffeine wears down I needed nutrition I decided my lunch was going to easy a BLT with some water (Photo from stock photos),
Dinner was the same I wasn't as hungry and made half a BLT
want to make one that looks like this delish! Here's how
1. Use White, Wheat, or Sourdough bread (I find Daves Killer smart 70 cal slices to be best in flavor and taste)
2. Cook Bacon, I put my in the air fryer for 14 minutes at 360 flipping halfway through comes out perfectly crisp but if you prefer you can back or cook it on the stovetop for a quicker method
3. Cut smaller circles of tomatoes and set aside
4. Make mayo sauce by combining mayo, salt pepper oil, then I add the lettuce, add some to the top and bottom of the bread
5. Lastly assemble, bread (toast or untoasted I like untoasted so bacon is the main crisp), and mayo mix on top and bottom of the bread add lettuce, tomatoes, bacon cut in half, and enjoy
* Calorie link below is an estimated based nutrient value depending on how much of each ingredient is used*
BLT Nutrient facts
, lots of protein 12 grams for one sandwich with 4 slices of bacon
breakfast drink 120 calories and 10 grams of sugar
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*note original photo that was in my blog was not available but you now get an idea how crispy I like my bacon :)*
Day 2
Day number lucky two, I partook in the same drink as before the chocolate-cherry espresso if you would like to make please refer to say one! Promise its the best
For day two no breakfast as most of my days I skip and let the caffeine do the work of getting me up, throughout the afternoon I had 2 glasses of water and a granola bar from trader joes called ABC bars are delicious chocolate oat bars with almond butter in the middle
My hungry started to kick off after the granola stopped making me fill full around 4, I had a friend coming over 5 so we decided to make my frozen Chinese food from trader joes which was easy and dinner was less than 15 minutes plus I was happy cause I only needed three ingredients trader joes Kung pow chicken sauce that comes with it and oil to cook the chicken (optional soy sauce), for 5.99 and more healthy for going out plus it kept me full from all the protein!
nutrient value, 16 grams of sugar per serving, 20 grams of fat high in protein about 48 grams per 2 cups
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Day 3
Did someone say Pizza?
Me knowing it was going to be the last day of my caffeine starter I was struggling so I decided to use the same amounts of add-in with my coffee but with an extra shot. Boy did I regret that it made me more anxious than it did refresh and caffeinated after about two hours of ingesting coffee my stomach was talking to me! I decided protein was the best option I got a power crunch bar which is the best! 13-15 Grams of protein was the best decision for me after the protein and fiber started to wear off it was best to drink some water. For me the day was similar to day 2 with me knowing I'd have a friend come over at 4 the hunger started to kick in and at 5 I knew he would be over, there was a mutual decision pizza was the only option! But with a twist, we were going to make it to my house I had frozen pizza crust with no nutrition just mainly calories made with homemade sauce with tomatoes, onion, basil, and seasoning, and we had cheese and pepperoni from frys.
Now as much as I love to give exacts this one also varies in calories, fiber, and protein but what I can give you are the protein bar recommendation and nutritional information
(Please see blue bubble for info and where you can buy power crunch bars )
Now if you want to make homemade pizza here's how and a recommendation of what to get
crust, pizza, sauce, cheese, topping of choosing
Get out the pizza crust (use premade or make your own ) and set the oven to 375
Add Yummy sauce (Recommend organic pizza sauce from Safeway) make your own or buy
Add cheese and toppings
Bake anywhere from 12-14 minutes
Cut and enjoy!
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Pizza provided by wix gif finder
Day 4
Grump Times til dawn
What can I say no caffeine = no happy me
I did this to myself knowing I challenged myself and had a hard time getting my day started without caffeine I started my day with a big glass of water I could feel my grumpiness come on. Throughout the afternoon grumpiness kicked on and I fed it water I wasn't going to let it get the best of me. I distracted myself from eating by doing errands getting gas, getting dog food, and finally going to the car wash finally my stomach had had enough of the games, and by 4 pm she was ready to eat I thought since I played it safe in the morning I should play it safe in the afternoon. Checked in the fridge to see what I had and decided on the bag of elote salad from trader joes with a chicken breast on top.Best choice my stomach didn't fill sick or stuffed
Here is the link to buy it and with the nutritional facts me adding a chicken breast just added protein (43g)and nothing else.
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Day 5
The final stretch
Day 5 was the best and easiest day to prep and make, my favorite meal as well! I decided it was the day to do an instapot meal I prepped gluten-free made noodles made with brown rice flour put them in the fridge then got started on the sauce.The sauce I made and might I say perfected is less than 5 ingredients,
, ground beef, tomatoes blended with basil/ garlic and seasoning if wanted add spinach in for iron and vitamin k, and c
Steps to make the sauce
1. Brown the ground beef and add to instapot
2. Add in ground tomatoes and stir together both tomatoes, seasoning and beef
3. Set instapot to slow cooker and let it do its thing
4. Add sauce to noodles and ENJOY
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spinosaurusdex · 7 years
Had a very weird and cool dream! It started out kinda like a horror game though
So about half of all humans in the world suddenly dissolved. They knew it was coming instants before and there was mass panic. Machines and electronics stopped working at random. Gross flesh piles appeared and would burst into blood wraiths if people got too close. I teamed up with a guy whose girlfriend had dissolved. I think his name was Coro but that doesn't matter because he turned into Grog Strongjaw soon after we set out.
Grog and I found ourselves in an empty department store and we decided to arm ourselves. Before that, we set up camp, and I found someone stalking us and invited them to join our group. I didn't get a name so I'll call them Era.
After fucking around with gardening tools and weapon-shaped decorations, we wound up in an aisle with costumes and toy weapons. Grog picked up a plastic sword and it turned real. Immediately I found a bunch of costume armor and other weapons to try that on. Grog taped a harness to his bare skin instead of wearing it like a normal person. I got a sickass mace.
Apparently other people were discovering they had powers similar to Grog's and were congregating at the store. Some people could make props into the real thing; revive the recently dead; heal the dying; and bring detailed art and sculpture to animation; among other variations on the theme. My group wandered around and looked at what folks were doing. I kept losing my mace and having to get it back from Era.
In testing Grog's powers we discovered he needed some context for what he was bringing to life. He didn't know what a power armor or spinosaurus was, so he couldn't make a functional power armor or an animated toy dinosaur (they were hella ugly btw), but he could and did make a model of a chicken into a real chicken.
Somehow my dad showed up and I decided we had to make him dinner, so Alton Brown told me it was gonna be a competition. My group ran around getting ingredients and we started making a pasta dish. The store was so crowded though that when we got up for a minute I lost the pasta. My Naruto powers activated and I started ninja running and jumping around to find my pasta again. During this time a film crew moved into the store to shoot a romance drama and First Lady Michelle Obama visited with her entourage.
Eventually my mom told me the pasta had probably gone bad. I was resigned to just buying dinner instead when I saw someone with a plastic bag exactly like the one I'd left the pasta in. I ninja ran after them and caught up when they were sitting down to chat. Realizing it was First Lady Michelle Obama and her entourage, I politely explained about the missing pasta and she let me take a look.
In the bag was a toasted roast beef sandwich from Subway. I thanked her and left. The pasta was never found.
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